Somehow the pregnancy test shows it accurately. Positive pregnancy test: what next? How many days after a missed period or conception can a test be taken?

Of course, the process of pregnancy is exciting for every woman. But the first weeks of waiting and the constant question: am I pregnant or not bring a lot of stress.

In each cycle, a woman has only 6 days to become pregnant: 5 days before ovulation and 2 days after it. So how do you find out at what stage you can already determine your pregnancy? What determination methods are available and are effective? I often get asked such questions in the comments on the site, so I’ll tell you in detail.

Even if you are sure that you have determined the date of ovulation in a given cycle and have done everything to fertilize the egg, this does not mean that a couple of days after the expected conception you need to go to the pharmacy for a test and the next day to the gynecologist with complaints of infertility. Pregnancy can be detected after the release of hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) is triggered, and this trigger does not occur before the egg attaches to the wall of the uterus.

How many days after PA can you take a pregnancy test?

There are 2 types of tests that will help determine whether it is worth starting preparations for the arrival of a new family member.

Blood analysis

This method will help to quickly determine the presence of pregnancy.

Positive point: You can donate blood already 7-12 days after the expected conception.

Negative point: testing takes about 24 hours (time to obtain results varies depending on the laboratory).

Usually, qualitative and quantitative hCG is determined: the first will show the presence of this hormone in general, and the second indicator will indicate the exact figure for determining the period.

In general, if you are pregnant, a blood test will show a positive result 3-4 days after immediate implantation or 9-10 days after fertilization and ovulation.

Analysis of urine

This test is easy to use and shows results within 5 minutes. This is definitely a huge plus.

The disadvantage of such tests is that they will not always show you reliable result. Manufacturers claim that the test can be performed 24-48 hours before the delay. But in fact, no more than 25% of pregnant women who took the test 2 days before the start of their expected menstruation received 2 stripes on it. Under the same conditions, 1 day before the delay, 40% of expectant mothers already confirmed their position using such a test. But this number is still quite low. It turns out that the women received unreliable information and could rely on its results.

On average, most women receive a second line on the test approximately 2 weeks (days 13-14) after ovulation. Those. just on the day of the delay.

IMPORTANT! Despite the research, there are cases that the test shows a positive result only 3 weeks after ovulation. We indicate this data for the reason that often the result on the day of the delay is negative and the woman is 100% sure of this, but she must definitely double-check or donate blood for hCG.

Do tests always show the correct result?

Manufacturers indicate on the packaging of a home pregnancy test that the effectiveness is 99%. But this is far from true. All studies that confirm this figure were conducted 3 weeks after ovulation, i.e. 7 days after the delay. But on early stages often the test shows one line, which confuses expectant mother confused.

You can find out the reasons why the most common test may turn out to be false positive.

Here are the reasons for a false negative test:

  • took the test too early;
  • the test has expired;
  • you do not follow the instructions for use;
  • You are not using morning urine.

What factors influence test results?

Implantation period. Although the test result depends on the presence of pregnancy hormone (hCG), long terms implantation can lead to negative results, since the movement of the fertilized egg to the uterine wall takes about 7 days. So if you test too early, be prepared to get a negative result.

HCG level in urine. The number may decrease if you drink too much fluid. In concentrated urine, the level of hCG is higher and the test result is accurate.

Home pregnancy test sensitivity. Read the test instructions and compare the sensitivity of several products of this type: the larger it is, the sooner and with greater accuracy you will know the answer to your question.

Other methods for determining pregnancy

Basal temperature

: it is necessary to measure BT for 3-4 cycles, to have a more or less stable menstrual cycle.

pros: if you measure BT for several days after the delay, it will invariably be higher than normal - this will most likely indicate the presence of pregnancy, but you must take into account the “cons” of this method.


: use in the first weeks of pregnancy this study there is no point, the ultrasound specialist is unlikely to see ovum, which is still very small; In addition, I insist that it is impossible to disturb the embryo at the stage of formation, and this is done only according to the strict indications of the attending physician.

pros: you can be sure that you do not have ectopic pregnancy, and the presence of a second line on the test is not a consequence of hormonal disorders.

How many days after can you take a pregnancy test to get an accurate result? This issue is widely discussed among young women. If you count from the date of sexual intercourse, then in about two weeks. That is, the correct answer to the question how many days after conception can a pregnancy test be taken is 14 days, at least.

Why do you have to wait so long? The fact is that immediately after sexual intercourse, sperm begin their journey to the female egg. And this journey can take 1-2 days. Afterwards fertilization (conception) occurs. But the fertilized egg now needs to get to the uterus. And this may take another 6-7 days. After arriving in the uterus, the egg is implanted into its wall. And only after this the production of the hormone human chorionic gonadotropin begins - the same one that home tests respond to.

Human chorionic gonadotropin is produced only during pregnancy, some serious illnesses and taking medicines, which contain this hormone in synthesized form.

Each rapid test has its own sensitivity. The smaller the amount of hCG it can detect, the higher the sensitivity. To find out correct result- read the information on its packaging about sensitivity (in numbers) and look at the hCG growth chart during pregnancy. When you are 2 weeks pregnant, all modern tests will already show the correct result.

Of course, you can try to take a pregnancy test before the delay after 10 days - it is quite possible that hCG is already being produced and can be detected during express diagnostics. But keep in mind that even in such a favorable case, you need to take into account some nuances. For example, the fact that the second stripe may be barely noticeable, paler than the first. But this should also be regarded as a positive result if the test is done correctly and the instructions are followed. The second “ghost” line, which is not actually there, may appear several hours after diagnosis, and after this long time it is no longer possible to evaluate the result. A false positive result may occur if the test strip is dipped into urine deeper than the lines drawn. In any case, to clarify, you need to take a blood test for hCG (if you need to know the result urgently) or repeat the test a week later. And after a delay, a pregnancy test can be done in a couple of days, without the risk of making a mistake. Or even immediately, on the first day of absence of menstruation. By this time, other signs of pregnancy may appear. Such as mild toxicosis, elevated temperature body, engorgement of the mammary glands. Women who are not pregnant for the first time usually very easily determine their “position” even without tests.

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Expectation have a good day When you become a mother, it can cause a huge range of feelings: from trembling excitement to anxiety. To quickly find out If conception has occurred, it will be useful to understand the question of when you can take a pregnancy test. Thanks to modern technologies in the field of medicine, now you don’t have to wait many months and sit in line to see a gynecologist to get news of an upcoming addition to the family.

Pharmacy options of this kind measure the amount of hormones in the blood, most techniques early detection conceptions are aimed at indicating the amount of human chorionic gonadotropin. Doctors often call it for short hCG, this abbreviation is familiar to many patients. Its level may change 10 days after fertilization. If a woman has an average cycle of 28 days, then she can confirm the birth of a new life using a test 5 days before menstruation. That is, even before it becomes clear whether there is a delay. As a rule, they indicate the presence of pregnancy when it cannot yet be seen during examination with an ultrasound machine.

In general, it is worth considering that from the moment of ovulation to the next menstruation in a cycle of 28 days, 14 days pass. So each woman can independently calculate from what day before the onset of regular bleeding she is able to recognize that the transition to a new state, the expectation of the appearance of an heir, has occurred.

It is easy to increase the accuracy of the check if you perform a number of simple steps:

  • carry out the examination in the morning, before meals and before going to the toilet;
  • check the sample after 5 minutes or after the amount of time specified in the instructions, no earlier and no later;
  • 3 hours before the test you should not take diuretics.

The first tests for the presence of an interesting position can be made on the ninth day after contact with a man has occurred, insufficiently protected or aimed at targeted fertilization. By this time, the fertilized egg has already implanted into the uterus, and the chorion, which forms the placenta, begins to secrete hCG hormone. Its presence in the blood and urine is considered the main sign of an interesting situation.

When conducting an inspection at the earliest stages, you must be especially careful follow the instructions for use products. You shouldn’t keep it in urine, and you shouldn’t take it out too quickly either. During this period, the concentration of hCG in the body is small, it is important use the most sensitive samples. The second stripe on them may be rather weakly expressed. The more time passes from the time of conception, the brighter the second stripe will be. And the easier it will be to detect the fact of motherhood using different brands, including not the most sensitive products.

Until 6 days after the birth of a new life, no method can reveal this fact. At this time the embryo not yet attached to the uterine cavity, is in free movement. Only after introducing it into the endometrium can you find out whether it is there. And this happens on the 21st, 22nd or 23rd day after last menstruation. The fertilized egg does not implant into the uterus until 6 days. But its fusion with sperm is possible not immediately after ovulation, but within a couple of days. This is where the approximate dates come from when you can take a pregnancy test in order to understand whether the birth of a child has occurred. And is it worth it? prepare for the long-awaited arrival of your baby.

After ten days, the most sensitive and expensive brands can already show two treasured stripes. If you are very impatient and they show the second line barely noticeable, you can donate blood for analysis concentrations of human chorionic gonadotropin. This will have to be done by a doctor, but the data will be even more accurate.

However, if you have the opportunity to wait and there is no urgent desire to urgently find out whether the long-awaited miracle has occurred, you can wait until the fourteenth day after ovulation. Experts believe that at this stage all tests can already detect the presence of a fetus without errors.

If the test is carried out in the shortest period after conception, it is especially important to comply with the following conditions:

  • carefully study the instructions on the packaging and follow them unquestioningly;
  • do not take any medications on the eve of the procedure, if this is not possible, reschedule it;
  • When consulting a gynecologist, pay attention to whether there is a disease that can lead to false positive or negative tests.

The exact parameters of pharmaceutical strips should be studied in the instructions that come with them. Usually 10 days after the release of a mature female reproductive cell, the most sensitive analogues already show whether conception. Their accuracy is 99%. Cheaper and less sensitive products can reveal a woman’s interesting position at the earliest stages with only an 80-90% probability.

Manufacturers recommend wait for the first days of delay menstrual flow and only then measure something.

Results may be affected external factors. Among them we can list several main ones:

  • hormonal drugs can change the amount of hCG in the blood, if they were taken before conception, the data may be inaccurate;
  • some fertility drugs lead to false positive tests;
  • a previously terminated pregnancy, if it occurs recently, may distort the sample.

The ability of pharmacy products to determine the presence of an interesting situation before the delay is not the same. Important read the manufacturer's instructions so as not to make a mistake. It is also worth preferring the most sensitive options that measure the slightest concentrations of hCG in the urine. As a rule, they are not cheap, but they can indicate 5 days before the expected menstruation that fertilization has occurred.

The number of days before the delay, during which it is possible to understand when it is possible to take a pregnancy test and detect the presence of an embryo, must be calculated in depending on a woman's average cycle. So, for those whose cycle is the standard 28 days, the most early detection of conception can take place in 5 days. And if the menstrual cycle is 24 days, then only 1 day before the delay.

Factors that can distort the picture have already been listed above. If you have them too, you should play it safe and test them several times over a number of days. Preferably use products from different manufacturers and with different sensitivities. And sometimes you still have to go to the doctor to make sure that it is time to prepare for the birth of the baby.

Sometimes during an interesting situation menstruation does not stop, although they become less pronounced. So if the test comes back negative, this can sometimes be a cause for concern. For example, this happens when using type of dough with weak sensitivity to the concentration of hCG hormone in the extremely early stages.

The degree of sensitivity of the product is indicated on the packaging. The more accurate it is, the more expensive it is, as a rule. The lower the number, the more sensitive the test is. For example, if two products are displayed on the display - 20 and 25 units, then you should choose the first one. He's for early periods is more suitable because it has a higher sensitivity to the concentration of human chorionic gonadotropin in the urine. The most sensitive brands on the market help detect hCG concentrations as low as 10 mIU/ml.

The earlier the stage of pregnancy, the more important it is at what point in the day should the procedure be performed?. Over long periods of time, the hormone content in the urine is high, so the test can be done without looking at the clock. And if you can’t wait to find out about interesting position, then it is better to diagnose in the morning after sleep. It is important to carry out this procedure before visiting the toilet. Because at this time hormone levels are highest for all times of the day.

If follow all the recommendations listed, use a sample of the desired sensitivity, do not violate the instructions for use, then the appearance of new life in the early stages can be recognized unmistakably. And if time is of the essence and there is no acute impatience, then you can wait 14 days from the moment of ovulation to save on the purchase. At this time, most varieties, even inexpensive ones, are no longer mistaken. So you can get a reliable answer to a piquant question without unnecessary costs.

Do you now understand when you can take a pregnancy test? The forum will tell you. Read more about numerous cases.

Women, especially those who can’t wait to become mothers as soon as possible, are sensitive to every test performed. Not all of them know when a pregnancy test will show an accurate result, so they often face disappointment. However, the hormone human chorionic gonadotropin, which is an indicator of conception, begins to be produced only after the human embryo is fixed on the wall of the uterus. Let's figure out when this happens and after what time the test can show 2 stripes.

Pregnancy test:
How long does it take to show accurate results?

Existing methods for identifying successful conception are built approximately the same - they show the presence of female body HCG, you just need to understand that it does not appear instantly, and at the initial stage there is more of it in the blood than in the urine.
When the fusion of male and female reproductive cells occurs, the human embryo begins to intensively form. Practically, after a week it is already implanted into the uterine wall. At the same time, its outer cells already synthesize a hormonal substance, which subsequently attaches to the endometrial layer, turning into placental tissue.
At the same time, the chorionic villi secrete chorionic gonadotropin, which has important properties and functions:

  • Hormone provides nutrition corpus luteum, producing progesterone in the early stages, until the pituitary gland takes over this function;
  • Promotes proper fixation of the embryo in the uterus;
  • Adapts a woman’s body to bearing a child;
  • Provides an increase in the chorion, allowing communication between the mother’s body and the fetus.

Pharmacy tests that can be used to carry out necessary diagnostics, are equipped with a special layer of reagent capable of detecting the presence of the hormone, and as it increases in the mother’s body, which occurs every couple of days, the expression of the treasured line becomes more distinct and brighter.

For diagnosis the following are usually used:

  • Special test devices (inkjet and strip);
  • Laboratory method for blood analysis.

Using ordinary test strips, there is hope for a true result only at the beginning of a new monthly cycle, but when highly sensitive devices are used, it is possible to obtain information about conception even 4 days before the planned menstruation.

Using test strips, pregnancy is confirmed at a sufficiently high concentration of hCG, and this is possible only after 10-14 days after conception.

The jet test can be performed approximately 7 days after sexual intercourse; if done earlier, the data may be unreliable.

However, under certain circumstances, it makes sense to conduct laboratory testing. The procedure is carried out in a medical institution and involves two types of diagnostics:

  1. Detection of human chorionic gonadotropin;
  2. Determination of hormone levels to determine the timing of pregnancy.

This diagnosis involves taking venous blood and can be carried out as early as a week after the expected fertilization.
Within a few days, the laboratory data will be processed, and the woman will be able to find out the results of the procedure.
It is not surprising when a woman is keenly interested, when taking a pregnancy test, from what period the usual device for this shows a positive result. As mentioned earlier, a lot depends on the device itself - digital and electronic tests are able to give the desired answer at the earliest stages, but for this the woman will need to do everything right.

Requirements for reliably determining pregnancy

When it comes to testing pregnancy, especially determining its timing, a woman should take this issue seriously.
In this case, the doctor recommends following certain rules:

  • Test strips and inkjet tests, which are intended for home use, can only be used once;
  • You always need to know exactly how much time has passed since the time of alleged fertilization;
  • There is no point in using testing on the second or third day after sexual intercourse;
  • Any type of test provides the most reliable data when there is already a delay in menstruation - using test strips, it is better to carry out diagnosis when there is a delay of about 5-7 days;
  • Urine collected after a night's sleep is most suitable for using inkjet devices;
  • Before the test, you should not drink a lot or eat foods that have a diuretic effect - the natural concentration of urine will be greatly diluted and this will interfere with establishing a true result;
  • You cannot use collected urine after half an hour or more;
  • Both at home and in the laboratory before diagnostic procedure You should not take potent drugs, the effects of which distort the necessary information.

The answer to the exciting question, at what week the test shows pregnancy, lies on the surface - it can be determined after one week, counting the days from the moment of male ejaculation and presumed conception. However, if you do this a little later, the information will be more accurate.

What criteria influence the reliability of the results?

Although modern methods Diagnostics are quite accurate; pregnancy detection does not always go smoothly. Sometimes errors occur due to the following factors:

  • A banal defect in a purchased test can lead to an incorrect result, both positive and negative, so a woman needs to look at the expiration date of the device;
  • When the established rules for conducting a test are not followed, the information may well be false;
  • Testing often produces errors if a woman has recently had an abortion - leftovers hormonal substances, inherent in the period of pregnancy, remain in her urine and blood for some time;
  • If there is a conception, the diagnostic answer may be negative, since diseases of the genitourinary organs and heart are present in the body - usually a deficiency of human chorionic gonadotropin is observed.

Also, unreliable information may be a consequence of fading fetal development, pregnancy outside the uterus, and also due to an upcoming miscarriage.

At what week does the test show pregnancy?

This question worries all women, because it is known that too early testing may not give a positive result. Even if conception has occurred, the required amount of the necessary hormone is not yet concentrated in the urine.
Based on the fact that implantation of the embryo occurs a week after the fusion of the sex cells of a man and a woman, and the production of human choroidal gondropin doubles approximately every two or three days, until the required concentration when it can be detected in the urine, another week passes.

Almost at the same time, a delay in menstruation should occur. If you wait a few more days, the result will probably be positive.

However, there is always a possibility of error in such a diagnosis, since there is no test that 100% guarantees a true result.
In this regard, they differ:

  1. False positive test result;
  2. False negative result.

A false positive is a confirmation of a pregnancy that, in fact, does not exist. This result is possible with injection treatment of infertility, pregnancy in which the embryo failed to implant in the uterus, as well as oncological diseases women. In addition, unreliable confirmation may be due to the fact that a spontaneous or induced abortion has recently been suffered.
Another situation suggests that pregnancy is present, but the test does not reflect its presence. Here we can talk about the following reasons:

  • Disruption of the urinary system and ovaries;
  • Failure to comply with the rules of the test - taking medications, using large quantity water before the test;
  • Late diagnosis due to irregular menstruation.

In both cases, you can try to get true information by waiting a couple more days. As a last resort, you can always use a laboratory testing method, which detects the desired pregnancy much earlier.
Knowing when a pregnancy test will show an accurate result, the expectant mother should not
hurry up - in nature, everything important and necessary comes in its own time and with inevitable consistency, and you just need to be patient to wait for this wonderful moment.

Self-diagnosis in the early stages of pregnancy using pregnancy tests allows you to quickly find out the result. But it is important to remember that only an examination by a doctor will be more accurate. After all, all the nuances of our body cannot be studied at home, for example, ectopic pregnancy or the manifestation of other diseases.

The principle on which a pregnancy test is based.

The future placenta, from the very first day of its existence, secretes a special chorionic hormone, which blocks the function of the ovaries producing the next egg, thereby preventing a secondary pregnancy. It is on the discovery of such a hormone that the principles are based early diagnosis pregnancy (from the first day of missed menstruation). That is, the test is designed in such a way that it “notices” required level HCG in a woman's body. On what day of pregnancy can the test show pregnancy? It all depends on the physiology of each woman. This can happen on the first day of a missed period, but it happens after 5 days. It is a misconception that a test can determine pregnancy one day after conception. Only as the concentration of the hormone in the urine increases does one really know the result. Despite the quality of the tests, on which their sensitivity depends, the answer “yes” or “no” will only be 14 days after the onset of ovulation, which coincides with the delay in subsequent menstruation. This is why doctors recommend pregnancy testing only after a missed period.

What types of pregnancy tests are there?

One of the most common pregnancy tests these days is the jet test. Its peculiarity lies in the presence of special particles located inside the test, which, when hCG is detected, instantly attach to it, thereby making it visible. It is believed that the jet test can guarantee a 90-100% result, which is known already at the time of completion of the procedure. after just a minute. So, you can find out about your “situation” already in the first days of a missed period. Despite its positive reputation, the test has its own small errors. The result may be false

  • if the jet test is not expired;
  • if there are no diseases associated with the release of hCG into the urine (tumor, ovarian dysfunction...);
  • if you have not taken hormonal medications;
  • if diuretics were not taken on the day of testing.

One of the innovations is interactive pregnancy tests. Their action is unusual. You need to enter your data on the computer, then attach thumb hands on a square on a computer screen. Changing the color of the square will be the answer. Red color indicates pregnancy. I think these tests are just a joke.
Also, at the pharmacy you can buy other types of pregnancy tests:

  • test strip or strip test (in the form of strips - the most common and inexpensive testing method);
  • test tablet. This test operates on the principle of the above, only it has plastic packaging and a special case for collecting urine);
  • jet test (substituted under a stream of urine and does not require a container to collect urine)
  • electronic test. The principle of operation is the same as in the previous ones, only instead of changing color, the inscription “pregnant” or “not pregnant” appears.

When to take a pregnancy test?

The instructions for some tests say that the test works already on the seventh day after conception, which occurs in the middle of the cycle. However, by this time the amount of human chorionic gonadotropin to which the test will respond may not always accumulate. It is better to use the test when menstruation is expected to begin.

After the test is done, regardless of the results, you should consult a doctor. If assumptions about pregnancy are confirmed, the doctor will rule out an ectopic pregnancy, and early registration will be good insurance for the successful development of pregnancy. If the delay continues and the test shows a negative result, the doctor will help you understand the reasons for the menstrual irregularities.

How to use a test (which you can buy at a pharmacy) to determine if you are pregnant at home. Using the test strip:

  • dip the test strip into a portion of morning urine for 20-30 seconds;
  • place it on a horizontal, dry surface and evaluate the result for 5 minutes

If the test shows 1 red line, it means there is no pregnancy; if there are two red lines, it means there is pregnancy.

To get an accurate result, the main thing for a woman is to follow the exact instructions always included in the test you purchased and chose. If the result is obtained, it can only be confirmed by visiting a gynecologist and doing an ultrasound.

Due to the deep penetration of the embryo into the thickness of the uterine wall, ultrasonic diagnosis of pregnancy becomes possible only when the developing embryo reaches beyond the uterine wall in size and begins to stretch it (i.e. from 3.5 weeks of pregnancy). At earlier stages, pregnancy can be confirmed with a blood test for hCG

The effectiveness of pregnancy tests

The accuracy of the tests is very high, it reaches 97%, but in some cases the test can give wrong result. This happens mainly if the test was carried out without following the instructions. If you did not take the test in the morning, the test can be done at any time of the day, but you must not go to the toilet for 4 hours before the test. In some cases, the test may show a false positive result; this happens in the presence of certain diseases. The test may show a false negative result if the concentration of human chorionic gonadotropin in the body is not high enough, so the test should always be repeated several days after the first test. The concentration of hCG during pregnancy increases every day by approximately 2 times

  • You should not try to diagnose pregnancy later than the period indicated on the test, namely after 5 minutes from the start of diagnosis. Only during this time the test shows a reliable result, if much more time has passed since the start of the diagnosis, and even if the second strip indicating pregnancy appeared during this time, this will not be a reliable result.
  • The level of hCG in the blood is higher than in the urine, so a blood test may give a positive result if negative result pregnancy test.
  • The test is most informative when performed in the morning, provided that you have not emptied your bladder at night.
  • With irregular menstrual cycle The pregnancy may be less than expected, so the test may show a false negative result.
  • You cannot use the test on a stale urine sample, in which case the test may show an incorrect result; the test is performed immediately after urination.

The test may give a false result if it is of poor quality, so you should always buy it from pharmacies and check the expiration date. /7guru/

It should be remembered that the test cannot always detect an ectopic pregnancy and in any case you need to see a doctor if your menstruation is delayed. The fact is that during an ectopic pregnancy, less hCG is produced than during a normal pregnancy and the test can show only 1 line, although all the subjective signs of pregnancy can be observed: increased breast sensitivity, nausea, unusual sensations in the lower abdomen, irritability, tearfulness and etc.

Pregnancy test manufacturers


They are considered the most reliable and sensitive pregnancy tests; they can be used from the first day of missed menstruation. Reliability of FRAUTEST test systems 99%

clear blue

Very easy to use and gives results in one minute. Good sensitivity - from 30 IU hCG, accuracy 99.8%.


Best sensitivity from 30 IU hCG, reliable result, accuracy 99.8%.



Determination of pregnancy already in the first days of missed menstruation. Sensitivity - 25 mIU/ml hCG.


Determination of pregnancy already in the first days of missed menstruation. Sensitivity - 25 mIU/ml hCG


Determination of pregnancy already in the first days of missed menstruation. Sensitivity - 25 mIU/ml hCG

"Rest assured"

Sensitivity: 25 mIU/ml hCG


Sensitivity 20 mIU/ml. More than 99% accuracy from the first day of delay.

Pregnancy test strip "BEE-SURE-S"

Sensitivity 20 mIU/ml. The strip is designed for quick and high-quality detection of pregnancy.