What is thread lifting with mesothreads? Threadlifting - important features of the lifting procedure and the opinion of cosmetologists How the rehabilitation period goes

Girls want to look young and attractive at any age, to maintain smooth skin without a single sign of aging, without wrinkles, with a clear facial contour and a beautiful swan neck. Cosmetic procedures will help with this. A good effect is demonstrated by a non-surgical face lift, which is called thread lifting with mesothreads.

Threadlifting with mesothreads: what is it?

Technology is relevant for the fair sex different ages. The technique first appeared in Korea. Local masters took acupuncture as a basis. According to acupuncturists, there are 14 energy flows in every person's body. State of stress, illness different systems body, bad habits, unhealthy diet, poor environmental situation, as well as other negative sources of energy take away these channels. To open the channels and force energy flows to circulate, very thin threads are used - mesothreads or “miracle threads”.

Many women claim that the effect after the procedure is visible immediately. However, experts assure that the reason for this is not only the introduction of mesothreads.

  • This technology allows you to launch the productive production of elastin and collagen in tissue cells, which form the structure of the skin.
  • Collagen fibers envelop the threads, creating a natural frame and promoting rejuvenation with a lifting effect.
  • The procedure allows you to get rid of pigmentation, make the skin elastic and smooth.

Threadlifting is considered one of the most progressive methods of rejuvenation. To implement it, very thin threads made of polydioxanone fibers coated with polyglycolic acid are used. The average thickness of mesothread is approximately 0.1-0.3 mm, depending on the type of element. Mesothreads are inserted under the skin using seamless aesthetic technology. The mechanism allows you to create a strong frame structure of tissues.

Threadlifting with 3D mesothreads: types of mesothreads

Mesothreads are actively used not only for facial rejuvenation, but also for body thread lifting. The following types are currently used:

  1. Mesothreads MONO, TWIN, SCREW. The elements are necessary to quickly form the skin framework while stimulating active collagen production. As already stated, it is formed around the material. This type Mesothreads are used for various areas of the face - forehead, eyelids, chin, cheeks. They are thin and comfortable to use.
  2. Spiral mesothreads. Their peculiarity is that they are directed to certain locations on the face or area of ​​the body. When installed, they are stretched and fixed into reverse shape after. Necessary for lifting the areas of the chin and nasolabial folds, décolleté, and eyebrows.
  3. Mesothreads NOSE. A separate type of mesothreads that is used to change the shape of the nose. This technique is called non-surgical rhinoplasty.
  4. Needle mesothreads 3D. They are used to tighten the skin during gravitational aging. The threads are fixed in the required places, after which skin no longer shift.
  5. Mesothreads COG. This special kind mesothreads are equipped with specialized notches. A good option to create a clear oval face. The elements are installed in a given location and quickly contribute to the lifting effect. The advantages of the presented type of mesothreads are enhanced action.
  6. An excellent alternative to surgical lifting is 4D mesothreads. These are innovative “miracle threads” that have become the new answer to aging. They demonstrate a very powerful rejuvenation effect. Their difference is in the increased thickness, as well as the presence of notches. At one time they are able to tighten a significant amount of tissue and securely hold it in a given position.

Regardless of the type of thread, the thread lifting technology will be similar. The elements are arranged under the epithelial layer. For each case, the direction and depth are selected. A specialist manually creates a facial frame. He models the patient's face, straightening wrinkles, improving the skin from a structural point of view, and tightening sagging areas.

This method of facelift is considered the most comfortable and harmless. The period of long rehabilitation is excluded, the first results will be noticeable within 3 days. Over time, mesothreads break down into components: carbon dioxide and water, then the breakdown products are removed from the body. The collagen framework, which remains in the location of the mesothreads, continues to support the facial skin effectively, giving it elasticity and firmness.

Threadlifting with mesothreads: reviews, indications for use

Aesthetic facelift through the installation of mesothreads is recommended in the following cases:

  1. The presence of wrinkles in the area between the eyebrows.
  2. A face with the effect of drooping eyebrows.
  3. Pronounced wrinkles in the nasolabial area, in the chin area.
  4. Thin networks of wrinkles at the corners of the eyes, around the mouth area.
  5. Hanging folds under the ears.
  6. Various defects, deformation of the skin that occurs in the case of plastic surgery. Mesothreads will become effective solution with asymmetry.
  7. Drooping of the corners of the mouth.
  8. Sagging skin in the face and neck, décolleté, shoulders, abdomen, legs.

According to reviews, thread lifting using 3D mesothreads is considered a productive alternative technique plastic surgery for skin tightening. Many patients note that their face looks 4-5 years younger, and their skin becomes firm and elastic within a short period of time. An improvement in the oval of the face is also noted as a positive effect.

Traditionally, reviews are left by older female representatives over 40 years of age, but there are patients aged 25-35 years. They say that they noticed an excellent effect of the procedure. This is due to the fact that their body is still able to produce natural elastin and collagen. According to patient reviews, the result is noticeable within 2 years, and the use of complex hardware techniques that promote rejuvenation extends this period. Recommended hardware techniques include mesotherapy and lpg massage.

Threadlifting with 3D mesothreads: before and after photos, positive aspects of the procedure

By studying the photographs before and after the procedure, you can notice the positive aspects of this technique. Evaluate them visually, and also analyze the positive aspects to understand why the method is so popular:

  • Absence of aggressive surgical interventions with high efficiency. One procedure can eliminate significant problems. Not only wrinkles are removed, but also age spots, and the oval of the face is evened out. The effect is simply amazing, as you can see by looking at the photographs before and after therapy.
  • Minimal areas of the skin are injured.
  • The procedure has no consequences, minimal recovery period. There are no bruises, injection marks, or swelling.
  • With a competent approach from a specialist, rehabilitation will take only one and a half to two hours.
  • Minimum percentage allergic reactions organism into materials.
  • During the procedure, it is used local anesthesia, completely harmless to the human body.
  • Mesothreads do not provide negative influence to natural facial expressions. They promote accelerated microcirculation of beneficial elements in tissues.
  • No consequences in the form of scars or cicatrices.
  • Mesothreads are very thin threads that will not be visible even through light skin.
  • The procedure is carried out in a short time, within one hour.

An objective question arises: are there any complications after using this technique? Most cosmetologists assure that there will be no consequences or complications. However, much will depend on the skill level of the specialist, as well as on the quality of the input materials. Give preference to cosmetologists who have excellent technical skills.

Cooperate with salons that have good reviews and have an impeccable reputation. Don’t forget to check not only the reliability of the salon, but also the qualifications of the cosmetologist himself. When you come to your appointment, be sure to ask for proof of qualifications.

Prices for thread lifting with mesothreads

The cost of the procedure will depend on the area of ​​the surface being treated, the type of mesothreads used, their quantity, and the need additional services. On average, the price varies from 800 to 5600 rubles per piece.

Over time, the skin tends to deform and change its structure. Threadlifting with mesothreads can effectively tighten the epidermis, correct the shape of the face oval and eliminate even deep wrinkles.

What it is

Threadlifting 3D is the latest method of aesthetic cosmetology. It mainly differs from numerous similar technologies in that the effect is carried out at different levels of the skin. The threads are installed as a frame in the studded layer, the middle and even the deep. Thanks to this, you can not only return the oval face that you had at 20 years old, but correct it.

Advantages of threadlifting:

Despite its convenience and accessibility, this technique still has certain contraindications.

When thread lifting is prohibited:

  1. For blood diseases and coagulation disorders. Diabetes, hepatitis and other diseases are critical contraindications;
  2. This type of lifting is prohibited inflammatory processes on the skin, as well as its fungal diseases;
  3. It is not recommended to resort to such methods during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Types of threads

This procedure is performed using special reinforcing materials from the Lead Fine Lift company. Exist different kinds threads for thread lifting. They are classified according to the place where they will be used and the materials from which they are made.

The following types are used in aesthetic cosmetology:

  1. Linear. By definition, they have an even geometric shape. They are characterized by a very thin cross-section, due to which they are used in the superficial layer of the epidermis. Can be used for both minor correction of skin condition and extensive tightening;
  2. Spiral. They are necessary for the treatment and prevention of severe sagging skin. They have a denser structure than linear ones. Can be used both on the face and body. Helps improve the oval shape, eliminate severe wrinkles and sagging, help remove stretch marks and scars;
  3. Needle-shaped. Used for facial contours that are sagging or damaged by scars (this treatment is called intensive thread lifting). The effect of such threads is longer than that of spiral or linear ones, but at the same time they are more difficult to install.

Photo – Threadlifting with threads

It is worth noting that all threads are absorbable. Over time, they completely dissolve and then the procedure needs to be corrected. Depending on the type of material used and the area of ​​work, correction can be carried out from 1 time in 5 years, to 1 time in 7 years or more.

All threads are made from gold, as it does not cause allergic reactions. Gold of various grades is used. The price of the procedure depends on this indicator and the shape of the threads.

Video: master class on threadlifting

How the session is conducted

You first need to take certain blood tests, from which the doctor can determine the characteristics of the body. After this, the specialist, together with the patient, determines what needs to be corrected. We'll consider three-level threadlifting.

  1. The entire session must be carried out under sterile conditions. Therefore, “home” craftsmen are completely excluded. Makeup is washed off the face and an anesthetic is applied. Local anesthesia is used;
  2. After this, the doctor marks the areas in which the intervention will occur. Spiral or needle threads are first introduced under the skin (depending on the purpose);
  3. It is sewn in using a flexible needle with a small diameter. It minimally damages tissue and allows you to create a dense reinforcing mesh;
  4. Afterwards, the needles penetrate into the medial and spinous layers, where they form additional support for the tissues. This helps create exactly that 3D effect, thanks to which threadlifting gained its fame.

Special skin care is required only during the healing period. At this time, you cannot use cosmetics and it is not advisable to go outside. For three days after the procedure, you should regularly smear your face with antiseptics and moisturizers. During the first week, it is not recommended to use scrubs and tonics containing alcohol. Also, at first you should refrain from visiting a solarium or sunbathing.

Photo - Spot application

Possible complications:

  1. Swelling in treated areas. This is a natural reaction of the skin to penetration. To eliminate swelling, it is recommended to slightly reduce the amount of daily fluid consumed and limit salty and fatty foods in the diet;
  2. Hematomas or redness of the skin. occur when the skin is highly sensitive and the technician is unprofessional. Before the session, always check where the doctor was trained in this cosmetic procedure and ask to see the certificate;
  3. Rarely - rash and fever. This is the body's reaction to golden threads. Occurs only in case of individual intolerance to this precious metal. In some situations, it is necessary to remove all reinforcing fibers.

Lifting with mesothreads is a popular rejuvenation technique. BioSpaClinic LLC invites you to use the services of injection cosmetology and get acquainted with innovations in the field of aesthetic medicine.

Threadlifting is a technique that has been used for more than 20 years all over the world to combat age-related changes; prices depend on the materials used and the nuances of the technology. It helps achieve significant rejuvenation of the face and body. Installation of 3D mesothreads allows you to successfully correct problem areas.

Thread lifting Silhouette Lift Soft is a non-surgical method that involves tightening the skin using lifting threads made from polylactic acid. Facial contour modeling and correction are carried out with high efficiency age-related changes.

The tissue is tightened instantly, and the cones on the surface of the thread ensure that the fabric is fixed in the required position. In terms of effectiveness, only surgery performed by surgeons can compete with this method.

Silhouette Soft threads have a high degree of strength and biocompatibility, which means they do not cause rejection or allergic reactions. Just one visit to a cosmetologist - and you will get a youthful oval face, smooth and toned skin, high cheekbones and beautiful mouth contours.

Cost of thread lifting with mesothreads

The cost of mesothreads in our clinic in Moscow is determined by their type and the characteristics of the aesthetic problem being solved.

Stages of the procedure

Registration (online or by phone)

The client comes

Medical examination

Consultation (on any questions)

The procedure itself

Principles of lifting with 3D mesothreads

Mesothread lifting (thread lifting) is a procedure for subcutaneously injecting the patient with special threads consisting of polydioxanone. The process uses the finest needles with a diameter of 0.1 mm. Polydioxanone used in the procedure for inserting mesothreads is a material widely used in plastic surgery. It promotes the formation of a subcutaneous framework, which after some time resolves on its own. Thanks to the thread lifting procedure (lifting with mesothreads), the synthesis of new collagen is activated in the skin. This allows you to extend the lifting effect for another 18-24 months.

  • “bags” under the eyes and “crow’s feet”;
  • drooping eyebrows;
  • wrinkles in the area of ​​nasolabial folds;
  • sagging face oval;
  • double chin;
  • purse-string and periorbital wrinkles.

The procedure for introducing mesothreads as part of thread lifting is also highly effective. It allows:

  • tighten the skin on the abdomen;
  • improve the contours of the outer and inner thighs;
  • tighten the skin in the knee area;
  • improve appearance inner surface of the hands.

Lifting procedure with mesothreads at BioSpaClinic

BioSpaClinic offers a mesothread lift procedure in Moscow. If you want to rejuvenate your body and face without surgery, contact our specialists.

At the first consultation, the cosmetologist will tell you about the expected result of the procedure in a particular case. You can also find out the full cost of installing mesothreads to correct age-related changes in your face and body.

Next, a lifting day will be scheduled. The procedure does not require special preparation. Before installing mesothreads, the skin is thoroughly cleaned and disinfected with an antiseptic. No anesthesia is required. The doctor installs mesothreads according to a predetermined plan. Lifting one area lasts from 20 minutes to an hour. Punctures on the skin are almost invisible and heal quickly. There is no severe swelling or redness after the procedure. You can return to your normal lifestyle immediately after a non-surgical facelift. But for two weeks it is advisable to refrain from manual massage, active sports, thermal procedures.

Our works

Benefits of the threadlift procedure

Reinforcement can rejuvenate the face by 3-5 years. Threadlifting of the abdominal area - a complete alternative invasive methods corrections, such as liposuction. Modern materials and technologies used make the tightening procedure safe and effective:

  • mesothreads are safe;
  • no side effects;
  • the result of reinforcement with mesothreads is immediately noticeable;
  • the threads are not visible or felt under the skin;
  • the procedure takes about 30 minutes;
  • biodegradable material dissolves on its own after a few months;
  • the effect lasts up to 2 years;
  • swelling and bruising are minimal and disappear soon;
  • There is no rehabilitation period.

The likelihood of an allergy to the mesothreads used in our clinic is minimal. We work with proven and effective materials. After the thread lifting procedure with mesothreads, the patient can immediately return home.

The threads used for reinforcement are biocompatible, pyrogen-free, sterile, and have a homogeneous structure. The peculiarity of 3D mesothreads is their small thickness and more long term biodegradation, which makes it possible to obtain a more dense fibrous framework, providing a strong and long-term lift.

Contraindications to reinforcement with threads:

  • severe somatic pathologies;
  • autoimmune disorders;
  • malignant tumors;
  • neurological and mental disorders;
  • inflammation of the skin at the procedure sites;
  • bleeding disorders;
  • tendency to form scars;
  • pregnancy and lactation.

Few of us plan to quickly grow old and acquire gorgeous wrinkles all over our faces. Therefore, many, looking at their wrinkles in the mirror, go through options on how to actually get rid of them. Fortunately, modern cosmetology allows you to choose from several procedures at once. In this article we will talk about such a procedure as thread lifting, what it is, how the session takes place and what it is done for.

So, thread lifting is a cosmetic procedure for tightening the skin using. Thread lifting threads consist of a special substance that is safe for the human body - polydioxanone. After introducing the threads around them, the skin cells form a framework of collagen fibers. After about 6-8 months, polydioxanone breaks down into water and carbon dioxide, which are eliminated from the body naturally. In place of the mesothreads is a collagen frame, which, if you follow all the doctor’s recommendations, provides lifting for up to two years. After complete dissolution of collagen, the procedure can be repeated.

Thread lifting procedure

The procedure for reinforcement with mesothreads does not require any special preparation. However, before the session, a mandatory consultation with a specialist is required. At the appointment, the doctor will tell you about the procedure, answer all questions, and also examine the skin and determine the presence or absence of contraindications. And if they are not identified, then immediately after the consultation you can begin the session.

Immediately before inserting the threads, the doctor disinfects the surface of the skin. After this, mesothreads are introduced according to a pre-marked pattern. A high-tech steel needle, due to its sharpness and size (0.1 mm), easily passes through skin cells without causing severe discomfort. The thread itself is attached to the tip of the needle and, after removing the instrument, remains in the resulting channel. After about 6–8 months, the threads disintegrate, leaving in place a collagen framework that supported the skin for another two years. proper care behind the skin at the site where the mesothreads are installed.

As a rule, there is either no recovery period after thread lifting, or it is very short (about a day). To obtain best effect For mesothreads, you must adhere to some doctor's instructions. These include, for example, giving up active sports activities, from visiting a solarium, bathhouse, sauna, beaches. In the summer, by the way, you will have to use sunscreen with a high level of protection against UV rays. It is also not recommended to massage areas of the body or face reinforced with 3D threads. Otherwise, the patient can lead a normal lifestyle without strict restrictions.

In modern cosmetology, several types of 3D threads are used:

    Monofilament. Simple smooth mesothreads can be used on almost all areas of the body.

    Springs. Smooth threads in the shape of a spiral. After removing the needle, such threads tend to return to their original shape. Thanks to this property, additional skin lifting is provided.

    With notches. This type of thread has special notches and notches for better skin tightening. Often used in the cheeks and middle third of the face.

    Pigtail. This type of mesothread consists of two simple mesothreads woven together. As a rule, such threads are used to tighten the skin on the body. For example, on the buttocks or on the stomach.

The effect of mesothreads

Threadlifting with mesothreads in modern cosmetology is considered one of the most popular procedures. And this is not surprising, given the many positive aspects thread lifting:

    High efficiency. The effect of mesothreads will be noticeable immediately after their installation. In addition, thread lifting is a one-time procedure, that is, it does not require a course of sessions.

    Sterility. Before the procedure, threads and needles are stored in disposable sterile packages.

    Safety. The materials of threads and needles are safe for the tissues of the human body.

    Duration of saving the result. The effect of thread lifting lasts for two years after the session.

    Painless. Thanks to thin and sharp needles, the patient does not feel any discomfort during the procedure.

    Versatility. Threadlifting can be performed on patients of any gender and almost any age. However, you need to understand that people under 25 years of age are unlikely to need such a procedure, since their skin is in good condition even without cosmetic procedures. On the other hand, to combat age-related wrinkles, it may be necessary to supplement thread lifting with another procedure. You can learn more about such nuances from a specialist during a consultation.

    Rehabilitation. After the procedure, a long rehabilitation period is not required. And in most cases you can do without it altogether.

Threadlifting is especially effective in the following cases:

    saggy skin on the cheeks (“jowls”);

    drooping corners of the mouth;

    wrinkles on the forehead (both horizontal and vertical);

    nasolabial folds;

    creases on the face;

    folds on the chin;

    decreased skin elasticity after childbirth due to hormonal changes.

Contraindications for thread lifting:

    pregnancy, as well as period breastfeeding;

    hypertension of the second or third degree;

    neoplasms classified as malignant;

    previous myocardial infarction;

    connective tissue diseases;

    angina attacks;

    chronic diseases circulatory system.

Where is the mesothread thread lifting procedure performed?

At the Laser Doctor clinic, you can sign up for both a one-time consultation on thread lifting and directly for the mesothread reinforcement procedure. At the appointment, a qualified specialist will examine the patient’s skin, ask about previous attacks, chronic diseases etc. This is done in order to identify possible contraindications. Also during the consultation, the doctor will tell you about the procedure, preparation and recovery period and answers the patient’s questions. If, based on the results of the medical history, no contraindications are identified, then you can immediately sign up for thread lifting. The institution uses only modern original threads from trusted suppliers.

Threadlifting is a modified restorative and aesthetic technique for bio-reinforcement of skin layers on the face and body, intended for volumetric (3D) tissue modeling using extremely thin (0.1 - 0.3 mm) PDO threads made of absorbable polydioxanone suture material.

Concept of method

The main objective of the method is to eliminate visually noticeable defects, restore the structure of the skin and soft tissues, contours of the face and body, and tissue rejuvenation.

The technology was developed by specialists South Korea and has confirmed its undoubted effectiveness since 2011, having spread throughout the world. The method of non-surgical thread lifting with mesothreads combines the therapeutic and cosmetic effects of lifting (lifting) and (rejuvenation due to the activation of natural reparation processes in the area of ​​mesofiber implantation).

The concept of the method will be formulated in this video:

The mechanism of the thread lifting process

The basic mechanism of the procedure is to create a voluminous subcutaneous frame from mesothreads (another name for the 3D mesothread method), which significantly corrects the contours of the neck, face, and areas of the body, tightening the skin, smoothing out folds and wrinkles. As the threads biodegrade (disintegrate) over 130–180 days, the polyglycolic acid covering them stimulates the production of their own collagen and elastin fibers in the tissues, maintaining the original “frame” effect, which does not allow the skin to sag or tissues to shift. Thus, the contours of a youthful face and body contours are restored.

After obtaining the initial result of soft tissue structuring and skin tightening, a gradual increase in the cosmetic effect and skin tightening is observed over the next 4 months. The achieved result of restoration of shapes and contours lasts up to 18 – 24 months, taking into account the condition of the tissues, the degree of metabolic activity of the cells, and the age of the patient. If necessary, the 3D thread lifting procedure is repeated to enhance or maintain the effects obtained.


In the technique of three-dimensional modeling with mesothreads, several types of procedures are distinguished, among which are:

  1. Threadlifting on the face in the following areas:
    • nasolabial folds;
    • lips and labiomental wrinkles;
    • nasozygomatic (midcheek) fold (depression due to deformation bone tissue cheekbones);
    • purse-string wrinkles (small vertical wrinkles around the lips);
    • periorbital (around the eye) wrinkles - “” at the outer corners of the eyes, formed when muscles tense during squinting or smiling;
    • folds of skin in the area of ​​the auricle;
    • cheeks arising due to the displacement of subcutaneous tissues downward under the influence of gravity (so-called gravitational ptosis);
    • eyelids (with drooping eyelids, outer edges of eyebrows,).
  2. Installation of 3D mesothreads on the forehead area, allowing to eliminate wrinkles in this area.
  3. Threadlifting of the neck and submental area. Tightens sagging and lost elasticity soft fabrics chin area and neck folds.
  4. Implantation of mesothreads throughout the body into zones:
    • folds and areas of sagging soft tissue of the mammary gland;
    • the abdomen, where the skin is also tightened and smoothed, which does not happen even with high muscle load;
    • uneven skin and loose tissue on the buttocks, hips, shoulders;
    • skin relief defects after weight loss and liposuction.
  5. Acupuncture mesolifting. The cosmetic effect of thread lifting is enhanced and complemented by a therapeutic and healing effect when mesothreads are introduced into acupuncture points– energetically active areas on the face and body.

Acupuncture threadlifting promotes:

  • stimulation of blood flow and microcirculation in the skin;
  • tightening and toning sagging tissues;
  • decrease skin rashes, pastiness;
  • alignment of fatty tissue, .

This combination of techniques makes it possible to achieve serious results when correcting body weight, since meso fibers implanted in the epigastric zone (solar plexus) affect the processes that inhibit the feeling of hunger, while simultaneously relieving problems with intestinal functioning, eliminating swelling and congestion in the lower extremities.

There are three types of mesothreads:

  1. Linear (smooth or basic), intended for the correction of age-related defects in the area of ​​nasolabial folds, eyelids, and neck. Eliminate expression wrinkles, tighten and rejuvenate the skin.
  2. Spiral (universal, screw or multifilament)- mesothreads in the form of a spiral, which have a wider range of applications and, after stretching, return to their original shape. Used in the area around the eyes, nasolabial folds, chin, décolleté, abdomen and other areas of the body. Eliminate asymmetry and sagging of tissues, blurring of contours, and form the correct skin texture.
  3. Needle-shaped (serrated)- the most durable mesothreads with bidirectional notches, capable of creating a stable bioframework that fixes tissue for a long time and reliably.

Bio-reinforcement with jagged mesothreads is used for sagging areas of the face and body, correction of contour deformations and to prevent age-related changes.

Main results

The main results obtained when installing 3D mesothreads:

  • and folds;
  • formation of a clear, correct oval of the face, outlines of the lips and any parts of the body;
  • alignment of the contour of the chin, cheekbones, jaw line;
  • full skin tightening effect;
  • correction of skin texture, displaced fatty tissue, excess sagging skin;
  • elimination of drooping eyelids, swelling under the eyes, jowls (sagging lower lateral lines of the cheeks);
  • getting rid of sagging and sagging skin on the neck, abdomen, chest, hips, buttocks, shoulders;
  • tightening and increasing skin elasticity.

Photos before and after the procedure

Advantages and disadvantages

The undoubted advantages of thread lifting with mesothreads include:

  • the ability to structure tissue in different areas, including areas that are difficult to correct using other methods, including botulinum toxin injections;
  • quick cosmetic effect that appears 24 hours after the procedure;
  • accumulation and increase in the therapeutic effect over time;
  • bloodlessness and safety: mesothreads move apart and do not damage tissue;
  • efficiency of implementation: the process of implanting microthreads takes approximately 30 to 60 minutes, which is associated with the area, depth of treatment and main tasks;
  • rapid healing and the ability to return to your usual way of activity in a few hours;
  • absence painful sensations and the use of only local superficial anesthesia using a gel;
  • no need for injections, leading to severe hematomas and swelling and the risk of infection;
  • possibility of carrying out on an outpatient basis;
  • compatibility with others cosmetic procedures, including the use of superficial peeling, which enhances collagen synthesis, loose fillers and hardware techniques;
  • independent biodegradation (resorption) of mesothreads, in contrast to gold or platinum: polydioxanone, which forms the basis of mesothreads, is actively used in cardiac surgery and ophthalmology, and has the property of being completely absorbed in tissues;
  • minimal risk due to hypoallergenicity and full compatibility mesothreads with fabrics.

Among the disadvantages of the procedure are:

  • certain risks of complications during and after thread lifting;
  • the rarely observed ineffectiveness of the technique in cases of pronounced defects and age-related changes.

Indications for testing

It is advisable to carry out the procedure at the age of no earlier than 25 years. 3D thread lifting is prescribed to adult men and women (with the exception of pregnant and lactating women, if the procedure is planned to be performed on mammary glands) under the following conditions:

  • vertical and horizontal facial wrinkles, neck and forehead (from small to deep);
  • nasolabial folds, nasolacrimal and brow wrinkles;
  • sagging skin on the chin and in the ear area;
  • violation of the oval of the face and contour of the cheeks;
  • wrinkles around the eyes, around the lip line, bags under the eyes;
  • drooping eyelids, corners of eyebrows;
  • facial asymmetry;
  • sagging and sagging skin on any part of the body;
  • disruption of skin texture, including after sudden weight loss and liposuction procedures.


Like any cosmetic and therapeutic procedure, lifting with mesothreads has contraindications:

  • age under 18 years;
  • autoimmune pathologies;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • inflammatory phenomena in areas of planned implantation;
  • skin damage in areas of planned thread lifting;
  • decreased coagulability and blood diseases;
  • the presence of subcutaneous implants at the procedure site;
  • infectious dermatological pathologies;
  • diabetes mellitus, severe myocardial and vascular insufficiency;
  • recently performed contour plastic surgery;
  • the presence of keloid scars, the tendency to form them;
  • mental disorders.

The procedure is used with caution in acute respiratory infections, during menstruation (risk of hematoma formation). A thorough assessment of possible risks is analyzed by a dermatocosmetologist during an individual consultation.

This video explains the procedure clearly:


Preparation for thread lifting includes:

  1. Initial examination, during which the doctor takes into account the following to correctly select the type of threads and predict the cosmetic result:
    • the patient’s age and his expectations from the procedure, condition, thickness and type of skin, degree of elasticity and sensitivity;
    • aging morphotype (finely wrinkled, deformed, tired, muscular or mixed) number and depth of wrinkles, folds;
    • the degree of gravitational displacement of tissues downwards, facial asymmetry, volume loss in certain areas.
  2. Identification of contraindications, diagnosis, development of tactics and sequence of modeling with contour threads.
  3. Discussion with the patient of the expected results, possible complications and adverse reactions.

In some cases, thread lifting is prohibited from being combined with certain dense fillers and biopolymer gel. Therefore, before the procedure, you should inform the doctor about all cosmetic procedures performed 3–4 days before thread lifting.

How is the procedure performed?

When performing the procedure for introducing 3D mesothreads, the following algorithm (sequence and rules) is observed:

  1. The type of guide needle (cannula) made of flexible medical alloy, thickness, length and number of threads are selected. The number of microthreads and the implantation scheme are determined taking into account the degree of aesthetic defects of the skin and the area of ​​​​the bioreinforcement area
  2. Considering the purpose of the procedure, a combination is often used different types threads for optimal results.
  3. A complete facial make-up removal and treatment of the correction area and adjacent areas (including areas of hair growth) with antiseptics (alcohol, chlorhexidine) is carried out.
  4. Local anesthesia is performed by applying an anesthetic gel.
  5. Using a needle capable of changing direction, mesothreads are accurately inserted into the subcutaneous layer no more than 5 mm for volumetric modeling of contours. When thread lifting is performed correctly, the needle slides easily under the skin without damaging the tissue.
  6. After installing the thread in the desired direction, the specialist separates it from the conductor, leaving it inside, and pulls out the needle. The pulling effect occurs due to the body's reaction to the introduction of a foreign object. The cells immediately begin to produce collagen, surrounding the thread with elastic fibers, which, after the threads are absorbed, become a natural framework for the soft tissue.

The result is noticeable within a day and is progressive.

The tissues are tightened, returning to the anatomically “correct” areas, the contour and volumes become clear. If the procedure is performed on the face, its natural expression and previous features are preserved.

Consequences and possible complications

If the thread lifting procedure with mesothreads is performed professionally, complications, undesirable consequences and side effects minimized.

Rarely occurring consequences, which most often resolve on their own as the filament fibers are reabsorbed, include:

  1. Migration of threads to the surface of the skin and contouring - protrusion of the tips under the skin.
  2. See-through of threads under very thin skin (especially in cold weather).
  3. The formation of an “accordion” when the needle is displaced from a strictly defined direction and its subsequent removal. The skin can tighten like “puffs” on thin stockings, and in the place of the “accordion” seals remain - microfibrosis, even after the mesothreads are absorbed.
  4. Formation of subcutaneous nodules when the thread is bent under the skin. Sometimes they disappear after 3 to 7 months, but may not resolve.
  5. Inflammatory phenomena and suppuration along the thread with insufficient antiseptics;
  6. Rare aseptic inflammation due to allergy to suture material.

Among the adverse local reactions, which usually resolve within 5 to 7 days, are:

  • swelling, a feeling of skin tension and the presence of a foreign object;
  • hemorrhages and bruises, soreness, tingling, compaction;
  • numbness at the sites where the needle was inserted;
  • discomfort during active muscle contractions in the places where the threads pass.

Recovery and care

At the end of the procedure and antiseptic treatment, it is advisable to apply Traumel cream or special cooling masks that soothe the skin (for example, Lead Fine Lift V-lift or Formula 5).

  • restriction of facial and physical activity (including fitness) for 5 – 7 days;
  • refusal of sauna, hot bath, bathhouse, solarium, solar radiation for 3 weeks;
  • excluding massage of treated areas for 60 days;
  • careful skin care in accordance with its type and characteristics on the recommendation of a dermatologist.


The cost of the procedure is determined by the complexity and volume of work, the number of mesothreads and their type. Approximate price:

  • introduction of 1 thread (with a total number of 5 to 10 pieces) from 600 rubles.
  • installation of 1 thread (if reinforcement is carried out with more than 30 threads) – 550 rubles.