Presentation "life of homeless animals". Presentation for the research work "homeless animals" Presentation about homeless animals

Vorobieva Evgenia and Kutyavina Valeria - students of grade 11 b of the MKOU secondary school No. 251, the city of Fokino

The presentation for the defense of the research work in biology "Homeless animals in the urban environment" was made by Evgenia Vorobyova and Valeria Kutyavina - students of grade 11 b of the Moscow State Educational Institution Secondary School No. 251 with an in-depth study of individual subjects ZATO, the city of Fokino, Primorsky Krai. 251 with an in-depth study of individual subjects ZATO city of Fokino, Primorsky Krai. The paper reflects the main reasons for the appearance of homeless animals on the streets of cities, draws people's attention to such a city problem as homeless animals. This problem is covered in the world, all-Russian, regional and city levels of life. The importance of the problem of "Homeless Animals in the Urban Environment" has been proved by our research and confirmed by real life examples. The danger of homeless animals for human life and health is explained. The ways of solving this problem are proposed.



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Project work on the topic: "Homeless animals in the urban environment" Authors: Evgenia Vorobyova and Valeria Kutyavina, students of grade 11B Head: Margarita Anatolyevna Shchekoldina ZATO Fokino 2011-2012. Regional competition of educational and research works of schoolchildren Section of ecology

Relevance of the research work The problem of the existence of homeless animals is one of the urgent problems of the world, Russia, Primorsky Krai and has adverse environmental and social consequences. Therefore, we decided to choose this topic in order to find out whether this problem has an urban scale and what is the situation on this problem in our city?

The purpose of the work: 1. Find out the main reasons for the appearance of homeless animals on the streets of cities; 2. And draw people's attention to such a city problem as homeless animals.

Introduction Dogs and cats are the most common human companions in the urban environment. More than 12 thousand years ago, they became pets. However, the irresponsibility and indifference of people destroy these established links. Uncontrolled reproduction, abandoned unwanted offspring, etc., have led to the emergence of the problem of homelessness of animals. The estimated population of stray dogs in Russia ranges from 14 to 23 million individuals and can reach up to 50 million.

Homeless animals - a population of stray dogs, cats or other domestic animals that live in packs and alone on city streets and in recreational areas.

Reasons for the appearance of homeless animals on the streets of cities 1. The discrepancy between supply and demand, and "extra" animals are on the street. 2 .Rapid natural reproduction 3 .Irresponsibility of owners, 4 . the owners, leaving on vacation, drive the animals out into the street.

5. Failure to comply with the rules for walking dogs. 6. Year-round surplus of available food (uncovered trash cans) 7. Animal owners do not sterilize animals. 8. Lack of proper level of education of the population. 9. Absence of shelters 10. Absence of a system for registering pets.

The problem of stray animals in the world and Russia In the cities of some countries with a warm and hot climate, a sterilization program is being carried out, called CER (Trap-Sterilization-Return), among them - (India, Bangladesh, Romania, Greece, Bulgaria, Turkey). Homeless dogs and cats exist in all Russian cities. In Moscow in 2006, the number of street dogs is from 28 to 50 thousand. Every year up to 30 thousand people in Moscow suffer from bites, severe injuries and mutilations caused by dogs.

The problem of homeless animals in Primorsky Krai As for rabies, Primorsky Krai is one of the disadvantaged areas. Over the past 10 years, 106 cases of rabies infection have been registered in the Primorsky Territory, when attacked by homeless animals. For example, in the winter of 2003, a quarantine was declared in the Ussuriysk region: a girl and about 20 domestic animals were bitten by a wolf infected with the rabies virus. These animals in turn infected their owners. All measures were taken, but the girl could not be saved. From 2000 to 2006 64 cases of rabies were detected in Primorye, from 1972 to 2005. 13 people have died from this virus.

Conclusion on the theoretical part Stray animals pose a threat to the safety of the population of cities: they are carriers of various infectious diseases, incl. rabies; individual packs of dogs regularly attack passers-by, scare children, destroy rare species of wild animals; worsen the videoecology of the city.

Practical part The purpose of the practical part: 1. Find out the situation of homeless animals in the city of Fokino; 2. Find out people's awareness of the impact of homeless animals on the ecology of the city and the person himself.

Questionnaire Do you have pets at home? Conclusion: The largest number of respondents have pets, about a third of the guys do not have pets.

What do you do with animal offspring? Conclusion: Most of the respondents have a humane attitude towards the offspring, they either leave them to themselves (18%) or give them to good hands (81%), and only 1% of the respondents drown the offspring, although they regret it.

Do you think it's humane to take animals first and then throw them away? Conclusion: Most of the respondents, namely 93%, do not think so, and it is unfortunate that 7% believe that it is quite normal to throw the animal on the street if they move and the animal simply has nowhere to go.

Are there problems of homeless animals in the city of Fokino? Conclusion: 86% of senior students of 251 schools believe that there are problems associated with homeless animals in our city and 14% of children do not see such a problem. Considering that it simply does not exist in the city.

Suggestions for solving this problem. Conclusion: A greater number of respondents (47%) believe that the problem of homeless animals in the urban environment can be solved by creating shelters for homeless animals, 23% of respondents believe that it is necessary to place poor animals in good hands, 13% believe that it is necessary to sterilize animals, 16% believe that it is necessary to engage in propaganda and it is unfortunate that 1% of the respondents believe that they need to be shot.

How many homeless animals have you met? Conclusion: according to the results of the survey, it turned out that the majority, namely 96%, met homeless animals on the streets of the city, which means that such a problem exists in our city!!!

What would you do if you met a homeless animal? Conclusion: It is striking that more and more people are becoming indifferent to the problem of homeless pets, and there are quite a few of them - 43%, which is almost half of the respondents. People are getting callous and there are less and less compassionate people, although 40% of the guys would feed their four-legged homeless friends, which leaves us hope that not everything is lost and only 16% answered that they would take it for themselves, and 1% answered that they would at least pay attention and stroke it.

Is a dog always a friend? It is not uncommon to hear on the news that homeless animals attack people. Primorsky Krai is no exception, and our city of Fokino is no exception. On January 18, 2001, an 8-year-old boy was completely attacked. The tragedy occurred in broad daylight and right in the center of the village, when the guys were sledding down a hill. Yesterday's friends of the man bit off the boy's leg and terribly disfigured his face - the child died from these wounds. Police officers found a flock of 10 cannibal dogs without difficulty - the gore of the victim's blood remained on the dog's muzzles. The second news about the attack of dogs on a man came from the city of Artem. There, brutalized animals literally tore a 63-year-old woman to pieces. And although the woman was promptly taken to the hospital, it was not possible to save her.

Have you been attacked by stray animals? Conclusion: 83% of the respondents were not attacked by homeless animals, and this is good, but 17% of the children have already suffered from attacks by homeless animals.

If you were offered to start a shelter, how would you solve the funding problem? Conclusion: 39% of respondents would turn to sponsors, a little less than 27% would organize a hotel, 20% would earn money, 8% would arrange a charity evening, and 6% would not do anything for homeless animals at all, probably these are the guys who were attacked by animals . But thinking about themselves, they forgot about the problem in general, and about the danger posed by homeless animals.

Recommendations for first aid in the event of an attack by homeless animals and the rules of behavior with such animals. doctors recommend doing the following: 1. In no case should the bite site be treated with iodine, alcohol, oil. - 2. With a piece of laundry soap, lather the bite, then bandage it and arrive at the hospital, since the spread of the rabies virus neutralizes the alkali contained in the laundry soap. 3. Remember that - In winter, dogs are more hungry, which means they are much more aggressive than in the warm season, so be careful not to touch the dogs. 4. Be sure to consult a doctor to prescribe a course of vaccination, from seven intramuscular injections, which are made according to a special scheme.

Conclusion on the practical part The problem of homelessness is both an environmental and a social problem. From an ecological point of view, this phenomenon is negative, because. affects the constitutional rights of citizens to health protection, to a favorable living environment. The social nature of the problem is indicated by the study of the causes of homelessness of animals, as well as the neglect of sanitary standards by people in breeding and keeping dogs. Society clearly does not realize the responsibility that lies with it in connection with the current situation - from human health to urban ecology and the environment in general.

How many animals in the world suffer every day; Dies, freezes, trembles, starves. We were taught goodness... apparently they were taught badly... Are we responsible for everyone who has been tamed? The world was created in such a way that not everyone is familiar with the concept of compassion even for equals - people in trouble. What can we say about animals! We often meet homeless animals. They run up to us at stops, at the entrances of houses and, looking into our eyes, are looking for the only person who could need them. How often do we think: where did the dog that ran near the entrance yesterday go? What happens to the animals thrown out into the street? What do the eyes of cats and dogs scream about when they are doomed to die? Does everyone understand how help is needed for creatures abandoned to the mercy of fate, trustingly looking into the eyes of passersby, in search of the OWNER. People! Be attentive to animals, do not leave them, because we are responsible for those we have tamed! Conclusion!

Nomination "Children's project in elementary school"

"You can close your eyes to what you see,
but you can’t close your heart to what you feel .... "

In different countries, there are homeless animals on the streets of every city. This is a vivid indicator of human cruelty and indifference towards the "smaller brothers". After all, most often on the street are the most common pets: dogs and cats.

It's no secret that a dog is called man's best friend. It's not in vain. These animals are so attached to a person that among people it is difficult to find a friend more devoted than they are. There are many cases when, after the death or sudden departure of the owner, the dog waited for him for months in the same place.

1.1. Rationale for the choice of topic

Most people pass daily by many homeless animals, not even noticing their presence and perceiving them as an unpleasant reality. They pass by those who are in trouble and do not even try to do something, to help in some way. Even if a dog hit by a car is bleeding somewhere nearby, or a cat or a small puppy is dying of hunger nearby. If a burned or wet cat is trying to get out of the basement nearby, and somewhere the boys are trying to drown a kitten that is not drowning in a puddle.

A large fluffy beautiful red cat sits in the yard. What made the owners leave him? Wasn't there a piece of sprat to feed the poor fellow? And people pass by and do not notice anything around, remaining indifferent to the suffering of dumb creatures.

1.2. Goals, objectives, hypothesis, research methods

Problem question: Why are there so many homeless dogs and cats on the streets of our city?


  • find out why there are so many homeless animals on the streets of our city;
  • find ways to solve the problem.


  1. Collect information on the topic, determine the causes of the appearance of homeless animals.
  2. Suggest ways out of the current situation.
  3. Conduct a survey and analyze the results among students in our class.
  4. Create a booklet on how we can help the True Friends shelter.
  5. Organize assistance to the shelter and stray animals on the streets of the city.
  6. Create a photo album with homeless animals from the shelter and help find their home and loving, reliable owners.

Hypothesis - I believe that the reasons for the appearance of homeless animals on the streets are an irresponsible attitude towards pets, as well as the indifference of people to this problem.

Research methods:


  1. Search and analysis of information in various sources
  2. Summarizing the results of the study


  1. Interview with the veterinarian of the society for the protection of animals "True Friends" Shaydulova Kristina Rinatovna.
  2. Campaign "Say no to homeless animals"
  3. Student survey
  4. Creation of a photo album and booklets about homeless animals

1.3. Analysis of the received information

Wondering why there are so many homeless animals on the streets, I asked my parents, acquaintances and my classmates. I learned that there are several reasons for the appearance of homeless animals on the streets of the city.

  1. First reason - an animal born on the street.
  2. The second reason - Lost animals.
  3. Third reason - discarded animals.
  4. Fourth reason- improper keeping of animals.

In the explanatory dictionary, I found a definition of who homeless animals are. Homeless (homeless, stray, ownerless) animals are pets that do not have owners, most often stray dogs and stray cats.

I also found out who the volunteers are. Volunteers are people who help the shelter, find ways to buy food, cereals, medicines, new owners, overexposure for animals.

Chapter 2

2.1. Classification of homeless animals




* do not have owners

* never had an owner, independent of the person

* most often separated from the human controlled dog population, but ran wild over several generations

* are a subpopulation of free-ranging cats, may be descendants of domestic or discarded cats.

*poorly socialized to humans

* live on the outskirts of cities or in the countryside

* get food by gathering

* have a low survival rate

discarded or abandoned, lost

* once had an owner and were dependent on the care they received

* can no longer receive assistance from the former owner

* may be fed by strangers or guardians (sometimes irregularly)

* obtain food by gathering and hunting

* have a low chance of survival, due to the inability to exist without a person

* have a low degree of reproduction rate

* can be both socialized and not socialized to a person

owned but not controlled

* free range animal

* a dog that is allowed into the house and released outside at the request

* cat permanently living in the yard

* the animal can be left to itself around the clock, or periodically, at some specific time of the day

* depends on the owner, receives food and care from him

* depends on the owner, partly receives food and care from him

* the animal can be spayed or not spayed

* potentially have a high reproductive capacity and a high degree of offspring survival

owned, controlled (not neglected)

* absolutely dependent on the owner, can only receive food and care from him

* usually located outdoors only in the immediate vicinity of the owner

* may have partial or limited access to the owner's yard (out into a fence or garden)

* properly supervised by the owner when in public places

* reproductive performance is most often controlled by the owner through spaying, chemical treatment, or abstaining from mating

* reproductive performance is most often controlled by the owner through spaying or abstaining from mating

2.2. Reasons for homeless animals

Each of the animals that ended up in the shelter has its own story - someone was saved from being shot by caring people, someone was saved from the "living house", someone was simply abandoned by the old owners, some were hit by cars and ended up in the shelter with fractures, and someone never knew the warmth of human hands at all.

You need to understand that in Russia there are no originally wild packs of dogs; all now stray dogs are once domesticated animals or their offspring. Domesticated and then discarded.

1. If you pay attention, then a particularly large accumulation of homeless animals is observed where the private sector has recently been settled or is being settled: people move out of their homes, and animals are left to fend for themselves. Dogs remain on the street and, due to their genetic and psychological characteristics, do not go far from the place where their home was.

There are those negligent owners who get a dog, but over time they realize that they are not able to take care of it, educate it, bear responsibility - as a result, the dog ends up on the street. From this it becomes obvious that The first reason for the appearance of stray dogs on the street is a person.

2. Another factor - uncontrolled birth of animals. In Russia, the sterilization procedure is still not popular. Many people experience prejudice caused by a lack of awareness of the usefulness of this method. There are many myths about sterilization that have nothing to do with reality. Thus, the owners prefer to annually deplete their animal with the state of the rut, viscous, pregnancy, childbirth and rearing of offspring, after which the question arises: what to do with the offspring? Some owners drown kittens and puppies, others throw them out into the street, replenishing the number of homeless animals. Many people prefer to give kittens and puppies to people who promise to put them in good hands, however, these volunteers just throw animals out into the street, into garbage dumps, into the forest in BAGS! Thus, the second reason for the appearance of animals on the street is, again, the dishonest attitude of a person towards his pets!

3. There is a high percentage of lost animals among homeless animals. In developed countries, in order to prevent the loss of animals, a system has long and effectively been operating. chipping: this is a painless procedure in which a microchip is inserted under the skin of the animal, on which the data about the owner (name, address, etc.) are recorded. All veterinary clinics have scanners that read information from a microchip; thus returning the lost animal to the owner is not difficult. In Russia, however, chipping is still mandatory only for animals exported abroad, which proves the effectiveness of this method.

2.3. “A dog is biting, only from the life of a dog ...”

Stray animals often give us a lot of trouble and a lot of trouble, and sick dogs and cats can even be dangerous. And our yards are not painted with excrement. All this is so.

But is it true that knackering is the only way to solve the problem of homeless stray animals? After all, no animal can be as dangerous as a man brought up on examples of cruelty.

According to the project, regional authorities should be engaged in catching stray animals. Somewhere the animals are quietly euthanized, somewhere they are sterilized, vaccinated and released back.

For more than fourteen years, a service for catching stray animals has been operating in Miass. - Help, my dog ​​was shot, - such calls come to the editor. Mostly residents of the private sector apply. Upon further conversation, it turns out that the owners did not follow their dog, as a rule, the dog walked the streets alone, without a muzzle and without a collar. Residents blame the service for catching stray animals for their troubles, not understanding what's what.

At the end of 2015, there were at least 137 heads of stray animals in the city of Miass. Animals should not be killed, they can only be euthanized, and then only temporarily. They must not be left outside. The euthanized must be taken away in a specialized vehicle. According to these rules, animals should never be killed. But according to the rules, alas, not all work. In my opinion, as it should be: Stray animals should be caught and sent to shelters for vaccination, sterilization (castration), isolation and treatment. Then, whoever manages to be placed in good hands will be bailed out. That is, in someone's house. If no one has laid eyes on the beast, it can be released back into the street, where it was picked up. And for the maintenance of stray animals, special shelters should be created.

Homeless animals in the city are a significant danger to people. This is especially true for dogs. Dogs are pack animals and sooner or later they find company.

Often there are attacks by a pack of stray dogs on people and often children. Such attacks can be provoked by people, but sometimes occur without apparent provocation, especially during the rut in this flock.

In addition, homeless animals often carry infections dangerous to humans, leave traces of their vital activity on the streets and sidewalks, squares and parks, bark and howl at night under windows, in general, cause a lot of trouble. People forget that they themselves are to blame for these troubles and demand to restore order in the city. How to be?

It is possible and necessary to remove stray dogs and cats from city life. There is no alternative. In the West, there are special shelters for homeless animals. These shelters are supported by charitable money. There are a lot of homeless animals on the streets of our Russian cities. In this case, we need the help of the state, both legislative and financial, as well as professional specialists, livestock specialists and veterinarians, and, of course, volunteers.

I want to tell you how you can help homeless animals in our city. And also, what are shelters, what relation do we have to them and what relation can you have to them.

2.4. Shelters for homeless animals in our city

Every day we walk through the streets past them - abandoned and hungry. They are thrown, chased, and sometimes mocked. Nobody helps them - neither the state, nor the city - nobody. Except people with big and kind hearts. But they also need our help.

In our city, finally, the problem of homeless animals has moved off the ground, they are going to allocate money and they will look for a place and we will have a shelter where they will keep animals. But there are big problems with the allocation of money from the administration of the city of Miass - only through the courts. The city cannot allocate accommodation for stray animals, the ones they provide, they are not suitable for keeping, or they are located in a remote area from the city, which will make it difficult for employees and people who want to help to get to the shelter. Homeless animals are the problems of the city, but now only kind and helpful people who open private shelters for homeless animals need them. There are now only three private animal shelters in the city: “True Friends”, “Good Hands”, Warm House”. An animal shelter is a place where homeless, lost or abandoned animals are kept, mainly dogs and cats. Shelters serve four main functions:

  • prompt assistance and care for the animal, veterinary care;
  • long-term care for an animal that does not immediately find an old or new owner;
  • efforts to reunite a lost animal with its former owner;
  • search for a new habitat or a new owner for a homeless animal.

2.5. GCity public organization Society for the Protection of Animals "True Friends"

I want to tell you about the Miass city public organization Society for the Protection of Animals "True Friends" in the city of Miass. Previously, this group was called ANO Good Hands, it was founded in 2012, but a year ago this group was divided into two shelters.

The True Friends Shelter has been in existence for a year now. This is the place where homeless cats and dogs meet their future owners. This is a place where every caring person can save an abandoned animal and give him happiness - a new life in a loving family!

In this shelter, I met the veterinarian Shaydulova Kristina Rinatovna. She told in detail about the shelter and answered my questions: she told about the animals that are in the shelter at the moment, told their story, how they got here, how they are treated, what they feed, the problems of the shelter and how we can help. This shelter is home to about fifty stray animals who are assisted.

For example, when you come to a shelter, you will be of great help just by talking to the animals. Dogs and cats need contact with people, and many of them will enjoy your company and the opportunity to cuddle.

Helping animals, you can try yourself as a volunteer. Volunteers are people who help the shelter, find ways to get food, cereals, medicines, new owners, overexposure for animals. Any person who is ready to spend their time and effort to help homeless animals can become a volunteer. There is always a lot of work and it can be easily found for every taste. If you are not yet ready to take responsibility for keeping an animal at home or for some reason cannot do it, but want to help, you have a direct road to volunteering. Becoming a volunteer is easy - the website of each shelter contains contact numbers where you can call and arrange a meeting. If you do not know how exactly you could help, do not worry, the shelter staff will definitely offer you a job of your choice.

To the question of Kristina Rinatovna: “Can I become a volunteer in their group at the age of eight?” She answered me: - yes. I can distribute flyers with photos of animals that need help or need an owner, raise people's awareness of homeless animals, organize actions to help. And I will try myself as a volunteer in the True Friends group. I have already submitted an application on the site.

Animals often come to the shelter in a sick or injured condition. The first thing they do with a newcomer is to provide him with the necessary medical care. The veterinarian examines the animals, prescribes a course of treatment or performs the necessary operations.

Most animals in shelters live in aviary cages, where they spend most of the day. It is good when animals are kept in cages in small groups - it is very difficult for such social animals as dogs to be constantly alone.

The first thing I heard when I entered the shelter was a deafening bark, with which the inhabitants greet a new person, and walking along the cages, you can see how dozens of eyes will follow the guest and jump onto the grate in a desire to communicate.

The shelter is a real salvation for homeless animals, where dogs and cats receive treatment and find temporary shelter. But no matter how good the shelter is, it does not replace a house and a beloved owner for dogs and cats.

In shelters, animals are under constant stress due to overcrowding, high noise levels, boredom and lack of human contact. Naturally, the shelter staff is extremely interested in seeing as many animals as possible find new owners.

In most cases, each inhabitant of the shelter has its own tragic story. To my question to Kristina Rinatovna: “What story about the animal that ended up in your shelter do you remember the most?” She told a story about one dog that someone shot from a crossbow into a shoulder blade (a crossbow is a military and sporting throwing weapon, which is a bow) and threw it into a trash can, the dog howled from pain from 4 am to 6, she heard and found by a woman and brought to a shelter, Kristina Rinatovna had to do two operations: first, she removed 10 centimeters of an arrow, which was made from a tree trunk, and the tip itself was made of steel. The operations were successful, the dog remained alive and was later taken to a new home. To get to the shelter of such animals is a real success!

To my question: “Are there cases when an animal is taken from a shelter and later returned back?” - Yes, such cases happen often, answered Kristina Rinatovna. Here was such a case with a cat: An adult woman took the cat, a year has passed and she calls and asks if it is possible to return the animal? People are not ready to raise a kitten or a puppy. They are not ready that they will “piss” and “poop” everywhere in the house while they are small, tearing the sofa, wallpaper and shoes. I think if the new owner has already looked after his future pet, at first he should just visit him at the shelter, take him out for a walk and take care of him. During this time, he will be able to better understand the nature and characteristics of the potential pet, and this will help reduce the risks of returning the animal back to the shelter.

Not every animal is lucky enough to live a long and happy life with a beloved owner. Dogs and cats end up lonely for various reasons: some get lost while walking, others have their owners die, leaving their pets alone, some are thrown out into the street by irresponsible owners, increasing the number of stray dogs that gather in packs on the outskirts of the city. Each of us has seen such dogs gathering in packs that pose a danger to others. Many of these animals are doomed to death.

To my question: “Which areas of our city have the most homeless animals?” Kristina Rinatovna answered that most of the animals are located where the private sector is, especially in the village of Dachny, Pervomaisky and in the area of ​​the old part of the city.

Every day, new announcements appear on the page of the True Friends animal welfare society on VKontakte that an animal found on the street is looking for its home or “overexposure”. “Overexposure” of animals, as Kristina Rinatovna answered me: - This is a temporary keeping of the animal at home until it is attached to its new owner. "Overexposure" can be from two days to a month. People on "overexposure" treat the animal, feed and care for it.

On the site in VKontakte "True Friends" photographs are displayed and describe the data on the animal. Ask for help in treatment and food. Volunteers from the organization daily find hungry, unfortunate and useless animals on the streets of our city, take them to “overexposure”, treat, feed and sterilize them. From their love and care cats and dogs change before our eyes!!!

But “overexposure” cannot be compared with the full-fledged life of animals in the family - they need a home and the good hands of a beloved and loving owner! Volunteers help animals as much as they can. They need like-minded people and people who are ready to help the shelter by any means.

Constantly in our city in the shopping mall "Elephant" there is an action to help homeless animals, where representatives of the shelter "True friends" take part. This action has been carried out almost since the founding of the animal care group in our city. It is organized every month, and sometimes twice, and its organizers have never changed the established good tradition.

Over the past years, the action for the distribution of animals has changed its “place of residence” more than once - the animals were attached to the Karusel shopping mall, at the People’s Market, in the car factory park, but still the hall of the Elephant entertainment complex remains a favorite place, where during the day a large number of people pass by. Moreover, in order to attract as many possible hosts as possible, True Friends volunteers dress up in bright T-shirts with the organization's symbols and decorate the venue with colorful balloons. Volunteers try to use all city holidays, we call them fair events (that is, with a large crowd of people), in order to help our wards find their own home and raise money for the needs of the foundation. For the same purpose, they sell hand-made products that we make with our own hands, make bright face painting for children.

Usually, at such events, volunteers from the True Friends group present to the attention of visitors from 5 to 40 cats and dogs of various colors and ages. As a rule, babies are taken here from the age of three months, because until that time they are still very vulnerable to various diseases. This is especially true for street animals, which have practically no immunity. Therefore, if an animal with its offspring is in a mini-shelter at "True Friends" or on overexposure (temporary stay of an animal with a temporary owner), they try not to take the babies from their mother ahead of time. And of course, adult animals participate in the annex, some of which are already castrated and sterilized.

In order to attach a dog or cat to a new home, you need to know its character, habits, attitude towards people and other information that needs to be reported to the new owner who wants to take the animal from the shelter into the house. And today, the acute problem is that there are too few of us. After all, it is the number of volunteers in shelters that determines the quality and success of our activities, which directly affect the decent living of animals in shelters and the acquisition of a new owner by animals. I note that such activities are voluntary, and in order to still understand its essence to the end, it is necessary to start doing it. Therefore, we urge everyone who loves animals, who is not indifferent to their fate, to join the ranks of volunteers.

The homelessness of animals must be fought, but it is with homelessness, and not with animals. I chose this topic because it is a serious problem that needs to be addressed.

2.6. Ways out of the current situation

  1. In order for the administration of our city to help shelters, purposefully allocate funds for the needs of animals,
  2. Catching animals, not shooting, as they do in our city,
  3. Sterilize homeless animals
  4. To draw public attention to the problem of homeless animals,
  5. Help the shelters of our city by any means.

Going outside, grab the stale bread from the table, feed the pigeons, crows and sparrows! Grab the bones after a chic dinner, dogs and cats will love them! After all, in your yard there are those who are hungry and cold!

With my parents, we often travel to shelters, help volunteers, bring food and medicines that are necessary for the treatment of animals. With the accumulated money, I bought two buckets of cereals and I want to buy more: shampoos, combs, bowls, vermicelli, and also find an old mattress, towels, diapers, gauze and bandages from my grandmothers.

Also in shelters there are dogs that have experienced shock or some personal tragedy: such dogs can be shy, non-contact - you can just sit next to them, talk affectionately and, if possible, scratch behind the ear.

All the inhabitants of the shelter appreciate walks very much. Ask the staff of the shelter, and they will be happy to show you dogs that you can take on a leash and go for a walk in the vicinity of the shelter. Both you and the dog will enjoy.

If you do not have the opportunity to visit shelters often, but you want to help, do not be discouraged: there is a large list of activities that always require attention.

You can organize the collection of things and materials for the shelter. Shelters constantly need new leashes, muzzles, harnesses, bedding. Leashes are torn, beds are gnawed, rubber toys and yummy bones are constantly running out. Cats need new houses and hammocks. We always need household gloves, detergents, plastic buckets, large bowls. Simple medicines are never superfluous: veterinary drugs, absorbent diapers, sterile wipes, bandages, syringes, the list is very large, what shelters need.

If you have a car, you can help with the transport of animals or the collection and transportation of things and materials collected for the shelter. Sometimes it is required to accompany the dog to a doctor or to a new owner, and the shelter staff does not have such an opportunity. In this case, you could provide invaluable assistance and help the animal find a home.

It is also necessary to constantly search for new owners for dogs and cats. Perhaps among your friends and acquaintances, at work, there are people who want to get a pet? You can tell them about shelters, bring, show dogs. Shelter PR is always on-the-go - You can help promote dog ads on the web site, bus stop bulletin boards, pet stores, veterinary clinics - wherever possible.

Lack of money is the eternal problem of all charitable organizations and fundraising work is very important. Money can be transferred to the shelter's account using the Internet or payment terminals, or you can personally transfer it to the shelter staff. Even a small amount is significant and important.

2.7. Conducting a classmate survey

I conducted a survey of classmates in the class, the answers allow us to conclude that mostly children have pets at home, mostly cats, cats, dogs.

Most children help homeless animals and would agree to help, which is good news. To the question “If your parents allowed you to take home a dog or a cat from a shelter, would you take it?” they answered yes. Thus, the number of those who care is increasing every day, because the homeless need protection.

And the most important questions in my opinion “Would you like our class to participate regularly in helping our city's shelter for homeless animals? and “How would you help a homeless animal or animal shelters.” The answers were different, but mostly classmates talked about help. Most of them are ready to help unfortunate animals, but it is interesting that the help is limited to feeding. Only a few are ready to take a homeless animal into their home.

I was wondering how many homeless animals live in the area of ​​our school. To do this, my classmates and I counted homeless animals each in our yard. We interviewed local residents about the pets of each yard. And here's what we got.

The first yard consists of 3 houses 1 house - 9-storey (3 entrances), the second 5-storey (6 entrances), 3 house - 9-storey building (3 entrances). There are no dogs, but 13 cats.

The second yard consists of two 5-storey buildings (6 entrances) and 1 kindergarten. No dogs, no cats (18) 14 adult cats and 4 kittens.

The third courtyard consists of 3 houses: 2 - three-story (3 entrances each) and 1 - 5-storey (4 entrances). Dogs - 14, including those with collars, walking without owners. More than 20 cats

Having examined 11 houses (28 entrances) and 1 kindergarten, stray dogs - 14, and cats - 51 (including babies). Looking at these animals, the heart shrinks. But many people, passing by, do not even think about whether they can help?

We have the opportunity to unite and help homeless animals. You just need to want and everything is in our hands!


During my research, my hypothesis was confirmed. Indeed, the reasons for the appearance of homeless animals on the streets are the unrequited attitude towards pets, as well as the indifference of people to homeless animals.

In addition, I realized that the world is not without good people. Despite such a difficult problem, there were people who are trying to help our smaller brothers. They spare no effort, time and money to achieve the goal.

We are responsible for those we have tamed. The goals that I set for myself when starting to implement the project cannot be solved in a year or two. Unfortunately, there are no fewer homeless animals on the streets of our city. My project is aimed at helping members of the True Friends society. During its existence, all the shelters in the world have saved the lives of thousands of dogs and cats in trouble.

We still have a lot of work ahead of us, the significant results of which will be felt later, not immediately. We have great hopes, because today people come to the shelter, call, write to the email address on VKontakte to take a dog or cat into the house, and in this we see a positive and encouraging result of our activities. We warn new owners about the responsibility and tell all there is to know about animals to people who decide to have a pet in the house, especially for the first time.

During its existence, all the shelters in the world have saved the lives of thousands of dogs and cats in trouble. But as long as people forget the simple truth that “we are responsible for those whom we have tamed,” the number of homeless animals on the streets of our cities will not decrease. Think, maybe it is you who can save another life? Go to the sites of shelters, look at photos of animals, read their stories - suddenly it turns out that one of them is yours? Do not remain indifferent to the fate of those who most of all need your kindness and love.

We believe in your kind hearts!


Annex 1

  • Do you have a pet?
  • What difficulties do you face in keeping an animal?
  • Do you feed homeless animals?
  • Has your family thrown away a pet?
  • If your parents let you take home a dog or cat from a shelter, would you take it?
  • Would you like our class to participate regularly in helping our city's animal shelter?
  • How would you help a homeless animal or animal shelters?

Annex 2

For agitation on the streets of the city, we have created booklets:

Project "Homeless animals of our city"

Help homeless animals. Project work
student 5 "B" class

There are a lot of homeless cats and dogs in our city, which, like
and everyone wants a home, food and comfort ...
Now this topic is very relevant. There are many
animal welfare organizations and their supporters,
destroying our smaller brothers. In this work, I want to highlight
possible ways to help dogs and cats.

In this work, we will analyze the problematic
How to help animals living on

1. First of all, the animal needs to be fed and watered ... water and
Food is the source of energy and life for any living being.

2. Now there are a lot of groups on social networks,
dedicated to homeless animals, where you can post
photos of the pet… Perhaps old or
new owners...

In our city there is an Animal Welfare Service, which should
trap, sterilize, vaccinate and chip all animals,
living on the street. This is done in order to stop the emergence of new
puppies and kittens without a home and warmth ... But the organization does not do this ..
Animals in the LSS are malnourished and sick. Volunteers rescue them
taking them to private shelters and doing housekeeping…
These dogs are now in the LSJ .. Sad and hungry ...

3. The shelters of our city are overcrowded and they always need any
help: physical, material, food, blankets,
medicines, dog walking, transportation… and much more
You can bring joy to the life of fluffy balls,
helping the shelter.

List of shelters in Kaliningrad

Shelter "Ark"
tel. 89003519311
Shelter "Teamville"
tel. 89062149707
Shelter "Best Friends"
tel. 89520575335
Shelter "Defenseless paws 39"
Shelter "Give Life"

This year Kaliningrad hosted the first festival dedicated to helping
homeless animals, organized by the head of a private shelter for
There was a charity concert, a bubble show and a fair where you could
buy beautiful things, get a haircut or airbrush…
4. By coming to such events, you are also helping animals)

Cats only sweat on the pads of their paws. In the process of communication between a person and a cat, bioenergetic contact occurs. We learned what cats are interesting for. Cats can make about 100 different sounds. Purring can sometimes indicate pain or discomfort. We learned what a cat can complain about. Dyusha eats Kitiket and fish.

“Pets for children” - He is friends with the owner, guards the house, lives under the porch, and the tail is ringed. Consider pictures. Etc.). In our farmstead Sheep and a lamb, Piggy and a pig And a goat with a kid. Fix in the dictionary the general concept of "pets". Pay attention to the distinctive features of animals. Horse and sheep are also domestic animals.

"Pet" - Choose the names of pets. Wild. bees. Collie. Sheeps. 4. Home. Sheep. A story about a dog. 2. Find the error: What does a person get from animals? Aquarium fish. Turtle. Dogs. Hens. Pets. Dachshund. one.

"Animal breeding" - Among domestic animals there are mammals, birds, insects. People call bees busyworkers, hard workers. Fish farming breeding fish. Goats are not whimsical and very hardy, smart and cunning. Cows - record holders of the Yaroslavl breed give up to 80 liters of milk per day! Warm and soft shawls are knitted from goat down.

"Pets" - Choosing a topic Collecting material Creating a project Protection of the project. What pet is important to you? What animal can be called a pet? How are domestic animals different from wild animals? Project Objectives: After completing the project, students will be able to: Why do humans domesticate animals? Stages of work on the project:

"Project Pets" - Research activities of children and adults, helping to answer a question of interest. Correction and development group Educators: Kotova N.P., Chepurnaya T.L. Discussion of ideas, suggestions of children and adults about the topic. Project PETS. Stages of project implementation. Final event.

In total there are 41 presentations in the topic

Introduction Dogs and cats have been human friends for a long time. People have tamed these once wild animals. Experts believe that the domestication of the cat took place around BC. The ancient Egyptians considered the cat a sacred animal. Killing a cat was considered a crime and punishable by death. In the 11th century, the cat spread throughout Europe and became an ordinary domestic animal, used primarily in the household to exterminate rodents.

Introduction Dogs, like cats, have been with humans since time immemorial. It is impossible to determine exactly when their domestication took place, most likely when the person himself was at an early stage of development. Dogs helped to hunt, warned of danger by barking, and sometimes even saved a person by fighting with wild animals and sacrificing themselves. Dogs have always been distinguished by their devotion to the owner.

Are homeless animals in the city a problem? Yard dogs interact with urban fauna in a complex way, including by displacing such undesirable representatives for us as rats from yards and garbage dumps. Homeless cats force rats out of the basements of houses, and also prey on mice and birds, acting as a limiting factor in relation to them.

Are homeless animals in the city a problem? Cats and dogs usually coexist peacefully with each other, especially in a closed microdistrict, where there are often permanent groups of stray dogs and cats. However, the high number of stray dogs on the streets contributes to the extermination of urban fauna, such as birds, as well as a massive attack on cats.

Reasons for the appearance of homeless animals Uncontrolled breeding of non-breeding animals, as a result of which their "overproduction" occurs - a situation where supply largely exceeds demand. As a result, "extra" (unclaimed) animals end up on the street. Irresponsibility, ignorance and indifference of the owners

Ways to regulate the number of homeless animals Developed countries: (Characterized by a large number of pet owners and a low number of homeless ones) 1. The presence of a developed legal framework that ensures control over the number of domestic animals a) fines and punishments for negligent owners; b) an incentive system for responsible owners to spay and microchip their pets

Ways to regulate the number of stray animals 2. The main form of work with stray animals in civilized countries is the irretrievable capture and placement of animals in shelters. The largest animal protection organizations (World Society for the Protection of Animals (WSPA); HSUS and PETA in the USA) believe that euthanizing an animal is more ethical than leaving it to its fate on the street and dooming it to an early and cruel death.

Ways to control the number of stray animals Southern and southeastern developing countries: (Characterized by low numbers of owned animals and high numbers of strays) during outbreaks of rabies

Ways to regulate the number of homeless animals Russia: (Characterized by a high number of both owner animals and homeless animals) 1. The main way to regulate the number of homeless animals is irretrievable capture with subsequent killing. 2. In some regions there is a SALT program, but it does not bring positive results, since the ranks of the homeless are constantly replenished due to the uncontrolled breeding of pets (the main source)

Ways to regulate the number of homeless animals Belarus: (Characterized by a high number of both owner animals and homeless) 1. The only way to regulate the number of homeless animals is irretrievable capture with subsequent killing. For decades, up to 70,000 homeless cats and dogs have been exterminated in Belarus every year.

Ways to control the number of homeless animals Destruction as a method of population control demonstrates its complete inefficiency, because. the number of animals caught from year to year not only does not decrease, but remains stably high. And the annual costs for the destruction of animals in the republic are approaching a million dollars, not counting the funds spent on the purchase of an anti-rabies vaccine. The existing practice is inherently an endless struggle with the consequences, not affecting the causes.

Situation in Minsk In Minsk, according to official data, at least 7,000 stray cats and dogs are caught and then destroyed every year. In 2004, in the capital of Belarus, a municipal point for the reception and temporary keeping of animals was built, now referred to as the "Fauna of the City" 85% of the animals arriving in the "Fauna" are former owner animals and their offspring (lost and abandoned)

Legislation in the field of treatment of animals The legislation of Belarus in the field of relations between humans and animals is limited to three normative documents: the article "Cruelty with animals" of the Code of the Republic of Belarus on Administrative Offenses; rules for keeping domestic dogs, cats, as well as catching neglected animals (valid for the city of Minsk); regulation on the procedure for catching, shooting neglected animals (valid throughout the republic).

Legislation in the field of treatment of animals The legal framework of Belarus does not provide for criminal liability for cruelty to animals, but is limited to only a small fine. There is no law to protect animals from cruelty! For uncontrolled breeding and throwing animals out into the street, the owners are not held accountable at all.

Legislation in the field of treatment of animals Great Britain has about 40 regulatory documents in the field of human treatment of animals, for the first time the law on the protection of animals from cruelty was adopted there in 1822. The concept of "Five freedoms" is the basis of the modern law

The concept of the five freedoms: 1. Freedom from hunger and thirst by providing the animal with access to water and food that keeps it in good health and activity. 2. Freedom from discomfort by providing an appropriate living environment, including housing and a place to sleep and rest. 3. Freedom from pain, injury or disease through the provision of preventive measures or early diagnosis and treatment.

The concept of five freedoms: 4. Freedom of natural behavior through the provision of sufficient space, appropriate favorable conditions and accommodations, as well as the company of one's own kind. 5. Freedom from fear and stress by providing appropriate conditions and attitudes that exclude moral suffering.

Legislation in the field of treatment of animals In 1987, the European Convention for the Protection of Pets was published. The Convention was signed by Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Liechtenstein, Italy, Luxembourg, Malta, Great Britain, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, Northern Ireland.

Animal welfare legislation The European Convention for the Protection of Animals recognizes that humans have a moral obligation to animals, points out the value of pets to society, and the special bond between humans and these animals. One of the principles of the convention is the prohibition of causing suffering to animals and leaving them to their fate.

How to solve the problem of homeless animals in Belarus? Taking into account that the fundamental causes of the problem of homeless animals are: overproduction of pets, as well as complete lack of control over the activities of kennel clubs; considering: international animal welfare law; world experience in regulating the number of homeless animals;

How to solve the problem of homeless animals in Belarus? natural and climatic conditions, the structure of the urban environment; the historically established culture of keeping animals at home, for Belarus, the optimal approach to solving the problem of homeless animals is a program to regulate the number of civilized methods.

The program to regulate the population by civilized methods in Belarus 1. Control over the activities of kennel clubs (by introducing licenses) 2. A moratorium on the breeding of non-breeding animals (for example, by sterilizing them) reproduction (for example, by isolation)

Civilized population control program in Belarus 4. Penalization system (penalties for unauthorized breeding and discarding of animals should be used to support the animal population control program) 5. The system of incentives for owners to sterilize their pets (differential taxation) 6. Mandatory registration and chipping of pets

Civilized population control program in Belarus 7. Creation of a network of animal shelters (animals alienated from shelters must be sterilized) 8. Registration and sterilization of dogs at all parking lots, city enterprises and construction sites with mandatory tax payment. 9. Development of the legislative framework in the field of human treatment of animals 10. Mass education of the population in the media and educational institutions

Conclusion Thus, the problem of homeless animals carries not only an ecological connotation, but also clearly indicates the existing economic, ethical and ideological problems of the Belarusian society, its insufficient spiritual maturity and morality. And only an integrated approach, taking into account all the above mentioned aspects, will contribute to solving the problem of stray animals and raising the level of humanity's attitude towards our smaller brothers to a higher level.

Literature 1. Homeless animals - world experience in solving the problem / 2. Homeless animals: the essence of the problem / 3. Bulletin "Epidemic and epizootic situation of rabies infection in the Republic of Belarus and other European countries" . Mn., Lukyanov A.S. Bioethics with the basics of biolaw: Textbook. - M .: Scientific world, - 360 p. 5. Pavlova T.N. Bioethics in higher education: Uch. Pos. Moscow: MGAVMiB im. K.I. Scriabina, 1997 - 148 p. 6. Pushkevich M.A. The program for regulating the number of animals by civilized methods / 7.Titova E.T. "Abaronim Zhytse" / Zoolife, 2, 2009, with Titova E.T. The problem of homeless animals: the fight against the investigation continues / Animal World, 1, 2009, p.6-7.