When to pour water for baptism. Baptismal when to draw water - important facts

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Water baptism since the Old Testament times has been a symbol of not only physical, but also moral cleansing. The baptism of Christ in the Jordan River was the first manifestation of the Trinity to the world - the Epiphany. During baptism, a person becomes a son of the Lord, removes the old person from himself and puts on a new one, redeemed by Christ, becomes a part of the one Body of Christ, a member of the Mother Church.

The Baptism of the Lord in 2018 is celebrated on January 19. On the morning of this date, everyone goes to church and collects the consecrated water. Some say that water from the church must be brought first, although in reality, this is nothing more than a stupid omen. It is very unpleasant to see when people want to get water faster than anyone else and push right in the church. There is enough consecrated water in the church for everyone.

You can also collect the blessed water on January 18, this day is called Epiphany Christmas Eve. On this day, there is also a service in the church.

Many people ask the question, in the Baptism of the Lord in 2018, when is it better to get water, on the 18th or 19th? The priests say that it makes no difference whether this water is sanctified in the same way.

Such water is used to consecrate their homes, and the remains are kept in the house for a whole year in a dark place.

If you do not have the opportunity to go to church, then you can get water from the tap. In this case, you need to know when to take tap water at Epiphany in 2018. You need to do this at night in the time interval from 00.10 to 01.30. In principle, many are sure that it is possible later, but this time is still considered the best.

Most often, the liturgy in churches is held on January 19, after which a bathing ritual is performed. However, in certain churches there are night services, the ice-holes are consecrated and on the night of January 18-19, people bathe in these ice-holes.

The church itself notes that bathing is not a canonical setting, but has already become a tradition. Accordingly, for Epiphany 2018, it is not so important when the bathing will be, from 18 to 19 or in the morning of the 19th.
Also, many ask where to swim at the Epiphany of the Lord in 2018. Each city has its own places where such rituals are held. Find out in advance where the bathing will take place, you can also ask about it in the church.

The Savior consecrated water baptism by receiving it in the waters of the Jordan. It is water that reveals the meaning of Baptism in Orthodoxy, being a very ancient religious symbol. The basis of life on earth and destructive power, the basis of death - in Christian theology, water has a dual image. And, of course, water is a symbol of purification, rebirth and renewal.

The very word "baptism" means ablution through immersion, pouring over. The first Christians performed Baptism in open water. In later times, baptism was carried out in fonts and baptisms. Orthodox baptism performed in the font - necessary condition liberation of a person from demonic forces and submission to fallen sinfulness.

In the process of consecration, water returns to its primary purpose: to be the source of Eternal Life, the environment of God's presence, the destroyer of demons. In Baptism, the redeemed soul receives the revelation of the Triune God and unites with Him.

Christmastide continues until the candles, as was noted in the old days, because after the Great Consecration of the water on the eve of the Epiphany, candles entwined with colored threads or ribbons were placed in the vessel with consecrated water. This custom already testifies to the importance and solemnity of the consecration of water. All this day, in fact, they spend in a very strict fast (even children try not to eat until the "first star"), and during Vespers churches do not always accommodate all those praying.

Great Agiasma (Epiphany holy water) has a special grace, it is collected and brought to every home. First, the whole family takes a few sips with reverence, and then - according to custom - you need to take the sacred willow from behind the icon and sprinkle the whole house with holy water in order to protect yourself from troubles and misfortunes. In certain villages, moreover, they poured holy water into wells so that evil spirits they did not penetrate there and did not spoil the water.

At the end of all these and other rituals, holy water most often became to the images. In order for the Epiphany water to be enough for the whole year, it did not have to be a lot: it sanctifies any other with one drop.

Approximately the same power is attributed not only to the water consecrated in the church, but also to plain water from the rivers, in which, according to popular belief, on the night of January 19, Jesus Christ himself bathes. The water, which was taken in the hole on the eve of the Epiphany, is considered healing and helping those who are sick.

On the day of Epiphany, as soon as the first bell sounded, some pious parishioners lit sheaves of straw in front of the houses (so that after being baptized in the river, Jesus Christ could warm himself near this bonfire). Others, having asked for blessing from the priest, were on the river, arranging a "Jordan" - a cruciform wormwood, near which both old and young people came to the service.

When the holy cross was immersed in water, everyone was united by prayer, as well as the desire to drink Epiphany water and wash with it. There have always been daredevils who, despite the Epiphany frosts, bathe in icy water. For many centuries there is no information that someone got sick or drowned.

The celebration of the Baptism of the Lord and the Epiphany, combining in one holiday 2 great events, are coming to an end with Christmastide days and evenings.

January 19 is a great holiday in the life of a Christian. It is dedicated to the events when Jesus Christ was baptized in the Jordan River at the age of 30. This day is called the Baptism of the Lord and the Epiphany. Consecration of water for baptism has already become a tradition, since Epiphany water is a unique water. There are many beliefs that such water is capable of healing and purifying. Even scientists, after numerous studies, have confirmed that baptismal water in its composition and properties is similar to the waters that flow in the Jordan River, where Jesus was once baptized. Take with you yeast dough cherry pies in the oven: a recipe with a photo.

That is why the majority of believers for Baptism go to the temple and to the consecrated open sources in order to collect water from them. Considering that January 18 is also a holiday, Epiphany Christmas Eve, and in the evening of this day services and water lighting are held in churches, the question arises when to collect Epiphany water on January 18 or 29?

Difference between baptismal water January 18 and 19
The first lighting of the Epiphany water takes place on the evening of January 18, closer at midnight. The second illumination takes place on January 19th. At this time, you can come with your container and collect Epiphany water for storage at home. Answering the question when to collect Epiphany water on January 18 or 19, it should be noted that the lighting of the water on the evening of January 18 and January 19 is exactly the same. Consecration of water takes place in one rite, the same prayers are used, therefore there is no difference between the baptismal water on January 18 and 19. Water supplies on different days have the same properties and are suitable for use for purification and healing.

It has been scientifically proven that Epiphany water does not deteriorate. It can be stored for a long time, it retains its unique properties. This also applies to the water that was collected on January 18, and the one that was collected on January 19. Water on January 18 and 19 is Epiphany only after the procedure for lighting the water by a clergyman. The services that take place on the evening of January 18 are also festive, like the services that take place on January 19, the poet can collect Epiphany water on that and the other day.

There is an opinion that the most valuable Epiphany water, which has strong active properties, this is the water that was collected on the night of January 18-19. However, the clergy emphasize the fact that there is no difference between water, and that you can come to collect water both on the night of January 18-19, and the entire following day.

It should be remembered that, first of all, the effect of holy water depends on a person's faith. Since the water on January 18 and 19 is Epiphany, one should understand its meaning in religious world... According to the Bible, water is the personification of all life on Earth. Therefore, one should collect and use Epiphany water only with bright thoughts, saying prayers mentally.
Consecration of water on the day of the Epiphany in its gracious properties is similar to the consecration of water for the sacrament of Baptism. The consecrated water for the day of Epiphany and the water for the sacrament of Baptism even have the same name - Great Agiasma.

Every year the water for Epiphany is blessed twice, and there is no difference between such water.

What not to do with holy water
Despite the fact that Epiphany water is universal in use, there are several strict bans when such water cannot be used:
Epiphany water cannot be used for the purpose of fortune telling and performing any magic rituals.
Cannot be supported by acts of superstition that are associated with holy water. For example, that in order to achieve the highest grace, one should collect baptismal water in three different churches.
You can not use baptismal water for the purpose of cleansing from sins. This is only possible in confession.

When Jesus, who did not need the cleansing of his soul, entered the Jordan River, he himself cleansed all water element, without which human life is impossible. Therefore, it refers to the baptismal water and should respect the feast of the Epiphany. And when to collect Epiphany water on January 18 or 19, it is decided individually, depending on free time.

DOES ALL WATER BECOME HOLY AT BAPTISM, WATER FROM THE TAP BECOMES HOLY IN BAPTISM? Does all water become holy at Epiphany? On the night of January 19, the Orthodox world annually celebrates one of the main holidays - the Baptism of the Lord. On this day, Christians remember the greatest event - the baptism of Jesus Christ on the Jordan River.

There are many prejudices associated with Baptism. On the eve of the holiday, Priest Georgy Vorobyov, who is the rector of the church in honor of the Hieromartyr Andronicus, told AIF-Prikamye journalists about the most common mistakes and delusions regarding the Baptism of the Lord.

Does all water become holy at Epiphany and does tap water become holy at Epiphany?

There is a popular belief that at Epiphany midnight, from January 18 to January 19, all the water becomes holy. And supposedly from the tap, holy water also flows. For this reason, many believe that it is not necessary to go to the temple for holy water, but you can collect it at home. Answer of Priest Georgy Vorobyov: Epiphany water is that water - over which the priest performed a special church rite - the Rite of the Great Consecration of Water. This rite is performed on the eve of the holiday - January 18, on Epiphany Christmas Eve, and on the very feast of the Epiphany, January 19. Archimandrite Spiridon (Khodanich) answered this question earlier to the Pravoslavnaya Zhizn publication. According to him, if you delve into the prayers and the peculiarities of the rite of blessing water for Baptism, it becomes obvious that only the water that was consecrated by the priests in the temple or on the river (reservoir) is holy.

From the answers of the representatives of the Orthodox Church, we can conclude that the consecrated (saint) in the Baptism of the Lord is water, over which the priest performed a special rite of consecration.

From childhood, every person knows the phrase “ living water". According to the stories, such water is capable of performing real miracles, curing many diseases and saving human souls. And many Orthodox people are sure of the authentic existence of just such water, only it needs to be collected at a certain time, and, as a rule, in the open air.

Of course, all Orthodox people know the wonderful properties of Epiphany water. The holiday associated with the Baptism of the Lord, Orthodox calendar celebrated on January 19, has long been a symbol of purification and enlightenment for hundreds of thousands of people around the world. According to legends, it is the water that is under the open sky on the night of January 18-19, has incredible healing and cleansing properties. It is believed that water, in order to obtain all its wonderful properties, simply needs to get in touch with nature itself - with clean air, sky and stars - it is this kind of water that can bring health, well-being, and peace of mind.

It is interesting that even scientists recognized the miraculous properties of the baptismal water, but no reasons were found to scientifically explain such miracles. This once again confirms that a properly performed ritual of collecting such water will positively affect a person's life.

Properties of baptismal water

It is believed that their wonderful healing properties water receives with the help of energy formed by the position of the planets at a certain date and time. Surprisingly, such water absolutely never deteriorates - and even after a long period of time it retains its medicinal properties. Epiphany water as if it “remembers” all the information received and keeps it in itself for many years.

Among the many types " useful water", Which is recommended for use by the most qualified doctors, the most optimal is baptismal water - its qualities have a positive effect on the work of all internal organs human, renew and cleanse the skin. Moreover, precisely because such water does not deteriorate, it is worth giving preference to it.

In addition to collecting water for consumption, there is another important tradition. In cold areas, where reservoirs freeze for the winter and are covered with a layer of ice, from time immemorial there has been a rite of bathing in icy Epiphany water. On the night of January 18-19, daredevils who are ready to plunge into really cold water, gather around the ice holes and plunge into the water. Surprisingly, such bathing not only does not cause colds and other diseases, but on the contrary improves health.

When and where to collect Epiphany water

Most believers on the feast of the Epiphany of the Lord visit the temple and collect healing water there, but on this feast it is not at all necessary. On the night of January 18-19, it is enough to put a container of water in an open space under the night sky, and overnight the water will acquire all those healing properties that are so necessary. At the same time, you can "charge" in this way absolutely any amount of water - there are no restrictions. Already in the morning the water will acquire its wonderful qualities and will never deteriorate - just like the water collected in the temple.

Surely, many are asking the question - when to collect water for Epiphany on January 18 or 19, 2019. Like last year, water must be collected on the night of January 18-19.

During the evening on January 18 and the whole day on January 19, you can collect Epiphany water in any church. Water these days is consecrated in one rite. That is, there is no difference when the Epiphany water is, when to pick up the time of the activity itself in 2019. This will be the evening after the service on Christmas Eve, and the day of Epiphany itself.

Important! On the feast of Epiphany, believers should not forget that they should visit the church, confess and receive communion. Then take water and at home, with prayers and faith, consecrate every corner of your home.

  • Great blessing of water
  • Swimming in the ice hole for Epiphany

Great blessing of water

So, on Epiphany Christmas Eve - Epiphany water, when to collect in 2019. V Orthodox churches in the evening of this day, services are held, after which the consecration of water and nearby springs is held. These can be rivers and lakes, ponds, or just fonts at the temple.

Since ancient times, it has been believed that Epiphany water is able to bring a person spiritual and physical health. Every year, huge queues of believers line up near the temples who come to fetch water to make supplies for whole year... You can drink this water only in small quantities. It is best to take a couple of small sips immediately after waking up on an empty stomach.

Epiphany water is suitable for sanctifying a house, work premises. She is called to give the grace of God to people. But the essence of all Orthodox rituals is not to draw water, but to draw closer to God and believe in him even more. It is imperative to go to church, pray and ask for the Lord to cleanse the body and soul through the water, to give peace and balance.

Swimming in the ice hole for Epiphany

So, when to collect holy water for Epiphany is now clear, it can be done on the evening of January 18 after the service, or during the whole day on January 19 - on the feast of Epiphany. On the night of January 18-19, as well as a few days later, many believers perform another important ritual of this holiday - they bathe in an ice-hole.

The ice-hole is called "Jordan" and the water in specially cut ice-holes is consecrated by the priests on the night of Epiphany. Do not treat swimming as a sporting feat. This is one of the ways to obey. It is recommended to take the priest's blessing to plunge into the hole. It is believed that ablution cleanses from all sins, but this is only if the process itself is approached with all responsibility and seriousness.

Bathing in baptismal water is a person's testimony of his faith in the power of the Lord, which even a thirty-degree frost cannot bend.

Are there any differences in the water consecrated on January 18 or 19

Many believers are wondering when to collect baptismal water in 2019: January 18 or 19, thinking that there are some differences. In fact, the water consecrated on January 18 is no different from that consecrated on January 19. Some believers believe that on January 19, the very holiday of Epiphany, all water on the planet is sanctified automatically. The priests emphasize that such an opinion is a prejudice.

Sanctifying her home blessed water, according to tradition, you need to draw crosses in the air when the sprinkling process takes place. This is a rather old tradition associated with Epiphany Christmas Eve. Crosses were once not painted with chalk, but burned out with a candle: they applied soot from a candle to the corners of houses. In modern dwellings, both soot and chalk are quite radical methods. Therefore, crosses are drawn in the air with holy water. Christmas Eve before Epiphany is the last evening during Christmas time, when it is possible.

Using tap water at Epiphany

No prohibitions are established here. It is clear that tap water is not considered consecrated. However, the water that will be brought from the temple on Christmas Eve or on Epiphany itself cannot be used for washing or washing dishes. It is necessary to treat it with reverence, as to a special relic, and take care of it.

It so happens that holy water gets spoiled. In this case, you need to pour it into the river, in the forest under a tree, or simply close it in a vessel that will not let air through. Many believers still have some of the holy water from last year, what to do with it? If everything is fine with water, then you can use it as usual: drink a few tablespoons in the morning on an empty stomach after prayer. If something happened to the water, then you can pour it into indoor plants.

Important! It is believed that a woman in the period critical days you can touch the vessel with holy water. But these days it cannot be taken internally, unless it is about life and death.

Already on the Christmas Eve of Epiphany - January 18, after the service, the priests will consecrate the water. It can be recruited and carried home to cleanse your home, soul and body. But holy water is not the only tradition of the holiday; one must remember about prayers and about faith. To decorate the holiday, you can please yourself and your loved ones

    There is holy water in any Temple and you can come and collect it any day. But on special days, the priests sanctify the water. On the day of January 18, the rite of Consecration of Water is read over the water and the water is called Epiphany. On January 19 at night, the Blessing of Water is performed again and the water is called Epiphany. It has special power.

    If you are too lazy to go to the Temple at night, then you can dial e at home on the night of January 19. It is better to do this from 00 hours on January 19 to 03-00 - the very peak of water power. Over the next time, the water gradually decreases its strength and by the evening of January 21 it returns to normal, to its usual state. But in the Temple it is still better to get water.

    Holy water can be collected both in the church itself and after consecration and in an ice-hole or reservoir. But, most strong and the first-baptismal water is considered healing, which is consecrated before the Baptism of the Lord in the temple. It is given to seriously ill patients and children to strengthen their strength.

    Consecrated water can always be poured for your needs in the Church, there is always a supply there. But soon the feast of the Baptism of the Lord will come, and then you can collect holy water in the source or in the water, where the priests read the rite of consecration of water. Then this water is stored for a long time, they drink it a little, wash, wipe the body or add it to the filled bath. Only few people know that before drinking such water, it is necessary to read the prayer To accept holy water.

    In Greek, such holy water is called agiasma or shrine. It is better to type it in the Church after the consecration of the priest, they keep the water carefully in a corner near the icons or in a secluded place.

    Holy water... What miracles she did not do.

    They wash themselves with this water. They drink this water and even bathe in it. It rejuvenates the body, protects against the evil one, kills bacteria and microorganisms.

    Holy water can be collected on Christmas Eve by going to church and praying.

    Usually, water is taken from the dishes in which it was consecrated by the ministers of the church. Also from the sources, where the silver cross of the priest was lowered and a prayer was read over it.

    Holy water can be collected in a church, or at a holy spring, but the most powerful holy water is Epiphany water, consecrated on the eve of Epiphany on January 19. I also heard that on the day of baptism, all the water becomes holy, although people go to the temple for holy water on January 19.

    Holy water can be collected at the church at any time. This is water, which the priest consecrated with a cross and read a prayer over it. You can also collect holy water from the springs, but if you go there on a pilgrimage trip from the church. There are holy springs in the place of which temples are located.

    On the eve of Epiphany, on Epiphany Christmas Eve, the consecration of water in churches begins. On the very day of Epiphany, rivers are consecrated, lakes are natural reservoirs, an ice-hole is made in them in the form of a cross. People on this day worship the holy cleansing power of water.

    We have a river not far from the church. They will equip an ice-hole there. On January 19, on the day of Epiphany, the priest conducts a special ceremony. Here in this ice-hole on January 19, you can draw water yourself. Or baptismal water can be collected in the church itself or in the temple. Moreover, it is customary to make supplies of such water on January 19.

    Holy water can be collected in the church during the rite of consecration of water on certain days during the prayer service. This rite is called small consecration. In addition, for Epiphany, holy water can be collected from consecrated springs.

    On Christmas Eve and on the feast of the Epiphany of the Lord, the Great Blessing of Water is performed in all Orthodox churches. Priests often at Epiphany, after the service, consecrate nearby waters, lakes, rivers. Christians believe that baptismal holy water brings spiritual and physical health. Every year on Epiphany Christmas Eve, believers come to churches to stock up on Epiphany water for a whole year. E is taken a little every day on an empty stomach, and her dwelling is consecrated.