Why dream of a quail with eggs. A "rebirth" awaits you. “Dream Interpretation Quail Eggs dreamed of why Quail Eggs dream in a dream”

Dream interpretation of quail eggs can be interpreted in completely different ways, depending on who they dreamed about and in what form. So, for example, when deciphering what such an image is dreaming of, it is necessary to take into account whether the eggs were raw or cooked, and interpreters also recommend paying attention to the freshness of the product in a dream. Remembering all these details, you will be able to understand what to expect from the future.

"New Horizons", or Capacity Building

According to the Wanderer's dream book, to see quail eggs with an embryo in a dream is a symbol of renewal or the appearance of something new in the dreamer's life.

So, for example, a dream in which a girl shines through them and sees small quails may hint at a possible pregnancy.

For a man, a similar plot prophesies an increase in efficiency and potential. And if he watches how small quails hatch from eggs, then there is a possibility that personnel changes will take place at work, which will entail global changes.

Secrets of life and other people's secrets

The Eastern dream book, explaining what quail eggs dream of, speaks of the presence of some secrets and secrets in the life of a sleeping person.

Did you see a basket with small testicles? So you're used to keeping your secrets to yourself. Did someone give them to you, or did you buy them? Someone will share with you their experiences, about which they will ask you to be silent.

But if you watch a chicken or other bird sit on quail eggs, wanting to hatch chicks, then in reality you will come across something that you cannot understand on your own.

Health: both joys and anxieties

For an elderly person, fresh quail eggs in a dream promise excellent health. Moreover, the more “oval balls dreamed up, the better the state of health will be,” says Longo’s dream book. But rotten ones - prophesy an exacerbation of diseases.

It is very good to drink raw yolks in a dream. Such a vision predicts recovery to a sick person, and to a healthy person it promises a noticeable strengthening of physical strength.

"Rebirth" Awaits You

Some interpreters of dreams involving quail eggs are considered as a signal of the "rebirth of the personality" of the dreamer. If you saw them in a dream, then it is likely that an event will soon occur that will change your life.

So, for example, interpreting why they dream of hatching chicken or other bird chicks from them, Nostradamus’s dream book states: changes in worldview and habits await you.

And if a baby of a snake, turtle or other living creatures appeared from under a cracked shell, then this means that the changes will affect more appearance than character.

Quarrels and conflicts can not be avoided

You should not hope for something good if you dreamed of quail eggs broken or with a cracked shell. Most likely, quarrels and unpleasant incidents await you, dream books upset.

It is especially bad to see a dead chick - quarrel with someone close to you. And if the egg embryos did not look the way they should, then this is a sign that you will be in conflict with a person with whom you have never crossed paths before, but you know him from the stories of acquaintances.

An egg in a dream is a powerful sign, a symbol of new beginnings and life from a new leaf, the birth of children.

You can see eggs in a dream only at an important time for you.

Often such a dream says subconsciously that you need to let go of the past and move on to a new level of knowledge.

The interpretation may be different:

See one or two eggs- the arrival of guests.

see white eggs-Wealth or profit awaits you.

unfold- Empty talk, lack of result.

Eat them in a dream- 1) someone is in love with you. To recognize the person who has fallen in love with you, wear a rubber ball all week. 2) Acquaintance with a male representative.

Paint eggs- 1) You will be disappointed with the life you lead. To avoid negative changes in life, you should eat a quail egg. 2) review your intimate life, diversify it.

One egg or several in a dream- Future irreversible consequences of your actions.

Fry- Expect losses.

Many eggs in a dream- 1) Wait for guests and receive gifts. 2) Trouble with children.

Lots of big eggs- Enjoy the fruits of other people's efforts.

Lots of shells- Completion of the next stage of life.

Nest with eggs in a dream- Adventures on the love front, a happy marriage. Sometimes wealth.

Hatching eggs yourself in a dream- Your help to relatives is necessary.

Rotten eggs in a dream- To the loss of money, problems in business, loss of property.

find eggs- To profit, the possession of wealth.

cook- To gossip about you.

There are eggs in a dream- 1) to sadness; 2) unusual anxiety; 3) to engage in empty business. 4) Personal relationship with a person from the immediate environment.

See the yolk- Benefit and success.

There is a yolk in a dream- Failure.

handing out eggs- Your life is in danger, especially for a pregnant woman.

eat scrambled eggs- To failure and damage.

Overeating on eggs- Your health may seriously deteriorate.

Crack eggs in a dream- 1) Be careful in business, so as not to destroy your happiness; 2) to crime or murder.

Break the egg, seeing clearly the white, yolk and shell- Do not find comfort in the search for the meaning of life.

Crack an egg and find it rotten or germinated- Depression awaits you in 3 months.

Crack an egg and discover the bright and fresh contents- In three weeks you will find a new goal and occupation in life.

Easter eggs in a dream- 1) Get a declaration of love; 2) help from children.

Give an egg in a dream- get a real friend.

Black or scary eggs- The results of efforts will turn into evil.

Dirty, stained eggs- The results will deceive your expectations.

fire eggs- Experience the results of your actions.

Golden egg in a dream- When you wake up, make a wish. Should be fulfilled.

red egg- An obstacle.

fresh and clean egg - Favorable news.

Giant egg in a dream- You cannot influence the outcome, the future is already predetermined.

Collect bird eggs- The desire to start over or happy change.

Suck an egg in a dream- Depend on other people for everything.

Eggs fall from the sky or float in the water- Experience remorse.

Basket with eggs- 1) profitable business proposal; 2) awareness of problems in intimate life.

Broken eggs in a dream- 1) A generous reward of fate, love and respect from others. 2) Do not accidentally offend sensitive person. 3) Infertility, problem pregnancy.

Find bird eggs- will receive an inheritance from distant relatives.

double yolk egg- dual situation.

When cooking scrambled eggs in a dream broken egg a chick appears- Do not get carried away by the past, leave it.

In a dream, someone hatches from an egg- Successful childbirth or presence at childbirth.

Cleaning an egg in a dream- Beware of cheating and swindling for money.

Drop and break an egg- You can destroy your happiness by your actions.

mountain of eggs- Welfare.

A snake eats an egg in a dream- Disease and evil.

Fish incubate eggs- You are in the clouds in isolation from real life.

Put eggs under the chicken- Profit.

Getting the eggs out from under the hen- Trouble.

Treat someone with eggs- Expect change for the better.

crush eggs- Quarrel and displeasure in the family.

Get dirty with crushed eggs- Persecution of enemies.

Quail eggs in a dream- The presence of supernatural abilities.

There are quail eggs- Do not complete important matters and do not cure the disease.

buy eggs- Unfortunately.

Meat and egg dishes- Easy profit.

Painted eggs in a dream- Innocent fun.

whole egg- Good news. Kopalinsky's dream book

egg laying- Do you want to have big family or your idea came true.

Soft-boiled egg- Disappointment in dreams and hopes.

Crystal egg in a dream-1) dreams in spring: meeting with a secret enemy; in summer: the fulfillment of a cherished desire; autumn: misunderstanding; in winter: undeserved insult.

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

one, two - waiting for guests; a lot - success; beat or see broken - loss; too much - endless petty worries.

Dreamed of eggs

according to Miller's dream book

Finding a nest with eggs in a dream portends wealth and a happy marriage. For women, this dream promises frequent hobbies. Eating eggs in a dream means that unusual anxieties will settle in your home. Seeing broken fresh eggs is a sign that fate is ready to generously bestow you. lofty mind and high feeling justice will make you the favorite of many people. Rotten eggs - promise loss of property and decline in business. A basket of eggs means that you will participate in profitable business transactions. Finding bird eggs in the forest means a possible inheritance from distant relatives.

Dreamed of a chicken

according to Miller's dream book

To see a chicken in a dream - to pleasant meetings in the home circle, to an increase in the family.

Seeing a chicken in a dream

according to the dream book of animals

Represents reproduction, maternal care, as well as providence. The black chicken is a servant of the devil or one of his manifestations. A clucking chicken symbolizes a powerful or courageous woman. In Christianity, a hen with chickens personifies Christ with his flock.

Why is the chicken dreaming

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

random guest; many chickens - guests, money, if the grain pecks; with chickens - loss; clucking to hear - sadness; black - a quarrel in the family or with a loved one, to bad news or anxiety.

Why do chickens dream

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

cook, butcher - win the lawsuit; there is - benefit from women.

I dreamed of an omelette

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing that you have prepared an omelet is a warning to you of flattery and deceit that can be used against you. Eating an omelette in a dream predicts that you will be deceived by someone who has long enjoyed your trust.

Dreamed of a quail

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing quail in a dream is extremely lucky sign if they are alive; if they are shot, serious trouble awaits you. Shooting a quail in a dream is a sign that you will be cruel to your best friends. Eating quail meat in a dream is an indicator of your extravagance and extravagance.

Expert Answers


the late father-in-law brought a package, and there were broken eggs and a pie (Flera Masyagutova)

The appearance of a deceased relative in a dream always warns of something. Judging by the description of the dream, in reality you may expect a quarrel over the division of property or money..

But if the eggs are rotten - expect failure, if you can, then do not start new business. opened why do quail eggs dream a lot at night, and there boiled quail eggs in a bowl of water, as if someone had hidden something, entered the kitchen in a dream and accidentally found it in the closet and was surprised. And he takes out a faience egg from this slurry with the same pattern as on the plate. Dream Interpretation Grishina advises not to regret money. In your dream, painting the shell in bright saturated colors means that in real life you will experience a period of joys and various accomplishments. Sitting with my mother opposite each other. If in a dream, you were unexpectedly given such a treat, then be prepared to receive a gift in real life. why do quail eggs dream a lot. Dream Interpretation Grishina believes that this plot promises a successful life period. It will be easy for you to get rid of bad habits, start living right.

What is in store for the future?

The meaning of sleep by day of the week:

If you had a dream where you clearly saw chicken eggs, remember the details of this dream, and try to decipher it. Looks like chicken.

Vision of a nest

It is negative if you broke eggs in night vision. Finding an egg that fell out of the nest will remind you of an old debt. It is possible to receive an inheritance from distant relatives. The service includes such excellent sources of dream interpretation as the absolutely amazing American dream book of the famous writer Denise Lynn, recommended by Junona. My dream is similar to the description on the site, but still a little different - how to decipher? If you dreamed that you were stealing testicles, then in real life you can beat your competitors. Some garbage ... dreamed that I was eating boiled male testicles and I see that another member is lying on the floor, also boiled ... Can anyone at least suggest what this could mean?

If a pregnant woman observed such a vision, then the birth may not go according to plan. Snake eggs promise unexpected consequences for your deeds. Why dream gold chain: The search word must contain at least 2 letters. And the chick dived into the mud, swam out on the other edge of the plate, climbed to the edge of the rather steep edge, jumped off and walked. Hello, my name is Tatyana! last week I have strange dreams every night. Whether the night vision will come true depends not only on its content, but also on what day of the week and what time of day the dream occurred. Seeing goose eggs in a dream is a profit.

White eggs tell of good intentions.

Video that will help solve the dream

The popularity of quail eggs among the population is steadily growing these days. In terms of its nutritional properties, this product is superior to chicken eggs. It has been successfully used for medicinal and cosmetic purposes. Why do quail eggs dream? They symbolize the birth of life, new beginnings. However, this is far from full interpretation.

Why do quail eggs dream: general information

They are considered a harbinger of good luck, luck. A person can receive an invitation to a solemn event, where he will be in the spotlight. He will be able to make new acquaintances, expand his social circle.

Why dream of quail eggs besides this? Such symbols indicate that the sleeper is an outstanding person. It is possible that he is endowed with some supernatural powers, the existence of which he does not even know. Also, a dream can be seen by a person with developed intuition, who knows how to foresee the future.

Clean, cook, fry

Why dream of quail eggs that a person peels from the shell? There is work ahead that will require maximum concentration. The sleeper will go crazy with her monotony, but will not be able to do anything about it.

Boiled quail eggs symbolize baseless jealousy. The second half does not trust the sleeper, even if it does not have any reason for this. Scandals take a toll on relationships. If someone else is preparing the delicacy, then this promises dirty gossip. Someone will try to denigrate good name dreamer, will begin to intrigue against him.

Frying quail eggs is a bad sign. Fate will present the sleeping man with a valuable gift, but he will refuse it out of his own stupidity. A person will deprive himself of a brilliant future, because of which he will worry for a long time. A fried ready-made dish can predict an unexpected gift.


Why dream of raw quail eggs? If a person tries them, then this indicates fear. The dreamer fearfully expects certain events, cannot get rid of disturbing thoughts.

There is a raw egg it was nice, was it tasty? There is nothing to worry about, everything will end well. The finale will turn out to be exactly what the sleeper dreams of.


Breaking quail eggs - what does it mean? The dreamer found himself in a difficult situation, and in the near future the situation will only worsen. There may also be squabbles with other people.

Why do quail eggs dream of a woman who is expecting a baby if she breaks them? Night dreams warn that childbirth may not go according to plan. The expectant mother is advised to treat the fetus more carefully. It is possible that she does not comply with all the prescriptions received from the doctor.

Breaking eggs with your own hands is not coping with your obligations. A person will not be able to bring the matter to its logical conclusion, he will leave him halfway. If he continues to act like this in the future, he will not achieve anything in life.

Finding an empty shell is a sign of the habit of living in the past. The dreamer needs to learn to look only forward. His past has long been lost, returning to it will give nothing.

A large number of

There can be a lot of this delicacy in night dreams. Why dream of quail eggs in this case? If they are literally everywhere, then this means that the person will be in the spotlight. For example, this can happen at some event.

The opportunities this will open should not be missed. Let's say the sleeper can find investors for his project, make useful contacts.

buy, find

Why dream of collecting quail eggs? A person should beware of a stupid mistake. If he allows it, it will entail a number of unpleasant moments. Finding eggs on the ground is to achieve your goal. Help the dreamer in this best qualities which he is justifiably proud of.

Buying quail eggs is a sign of readiness for change. The life of the sleeper will change dramatically, and this will make him happy. It is possible that a person says goodbye to his bad habits dragging him into the abyss.


Quail nests are also sometimes dreamed of by men and women. As a rule, such dreams precede unpleasant events. Financial difficulties, loss of a source of income, quarrels and conflicts are things to beware of.

Does a quail incubate eggs? This means that a person is lucky in small things. However, do not expect that fortune will smile on him big. Do little chicks hatch from eggs? The dreamer's financial situation is not as stable as it seems to him. It's time to recalculate your existing assets and start saving money. Sleep, fortunately, does not promise complete ruin. He only warns of a tendency to rash spending, which is high time to start fighting.

Ruining quail nests - what does it mean? Parting with a large amount of money or loss of reputation - this is the possible outcome of the business begun. Man better roll new project before it's too late. In the future, he will be glad of his caution.

The latest dream book of G. Ivanov

There are quail eggs - to suffer because of your own laziness. The sleeper will give up an important matter halfway through, for which he will be punished by providence. This will be a lesson for him.

What does it mean to see a lot of quail eggs? The dream interpretation connects this with psychic abilities. A person is full of energy, can share it with others, heal them. It is possible that sometimes he sees prophetic dreams.

Soft-boiled eggs are a sign of a serious illness. It must be cured to the end, otherwise the sleeper's health will be shaken.

Aesop's interpreter

There are quail eggs - give a lot of time and effort to a useless activity. A person in vain expects that it will bring him dividends.

Drop and break an egg - make a serious mistake. The sleeper risks destroying his own and others' happiness. An empty shell is a warning about health problems. A person needs to listen to his well-being. Collect eggs from nests - change life for the better. Hatching them on your own is helping someone get out of trouble.

Cooking quail eggs, serving them to guests - get to know important person. This person will play a significant role in the dreamer's life.

Miller's interpretation

Why dream of quail eggs in the refrigerator? Soon the sleeper will receive a profitable offer. Find them in the forest - receive an inheritance from a distant relative. A full basket of eggs promises participation in a successful business. Completion of it will bring material and moral satisfaction.

Rotten eggs are a sign of decline in business. The dreamer has reasons to worry about the safety of his property, he may lose it. Broken, split eggs - to unexpected happiness.

Eating them is worrying about an ambiguous situation. The person will not know what to do. He has no one to turn to for advice. Bump into a quail nest - find happiness in family life.

Big dream book

One quail egg promises the arrival of guests. The sleeper will have to take in his house big number of people. The chores involved will tire him out. Many eggs are a sign of success. The favorable period will last for a long time. Seeing them cracked is losing an important thing. Making up for the loss will be difficult. A dream in which a person breaks eggs with his own hands has a similar meaning.

Throwing them at someone - survive the collapse of hopes, disappointment. Chicks hatching from eggs promise brilliant ideas. The sleeper will get rich if he realizes his ideas. If he refuses this, he will regret later.