Types of subordinating connections rule. Coordinating and subordinating connections: types of sentences

Subordinating connection - this is a connection that unites sentences or words, one of which is the main one (subordinate), and the other is dependent (subordinate).

Collocation - is a combination of two or more significant words related to each other in meaning and grammatically. green eyes, writing letters, difficult to convey. In the phrase, the main word (from which the question is asked) and the dependent word (to which the question is asked) are distinguished: Blue ball. Relax outside the city. Ball and rest are the key words.

The following are not subordinating phrases:

1. A combination of an independent word with a service word: near the house, before a thunderstorm, let him sing; 2. Combinations of words as part of phraseological units: to play the fool, to play the fool, headlong; 3. Subject and predicate: night has fallen;

4. Compound word forms: lighter, will walk;

5. Groups of words united by a coordinating connection: fathers and sons.

There are three types of subordinating connections:

Coordination - this type of subordinating connection in which the dependent word becomes in the same forms as the main one: green oak, wide field, freshly cut grass, green lawns.
The main word in agreement is a noun (or a word in its meaning), a dependent adjective, a participle, as well as a numeral and a pronoun similar in form to the adjective: green oak, green oak tree in the distance, third oak tree from the road, this oak. Sometimes the dependent word in agreement can be a noun: hero city, teenage girl, giant cliff.
A dependent word can agree in number, gender and case, or in number and case, or in case only.
When agreeing, a change in the main word causes a corresponding change in the dependent word: green oak - green oak - green oak etc.
Agreement is expressed using the ending of the dependent word.

Control - this type of subordinating connection in which the dependent word (a noun or a word in the meaning of a noun) is placed in the case determined by the main word: be proud of your deeds(the main word controls the instrumental case); strive for perfection(the main word controls dative case); road to the port(the main word controls accusative case).
When controlled, only the form of the main word changes: I'm proud of what I do, you are proud of your deeds, be proud of your deeds etc.

In a combination of words like three palm trees(dream animate noun) word three in them and wine in cases it controls the noun, and in other cases it agrees with it: im. and wine P. three tables- management; date P. three tables, creative P. three tables, sentence P. ( O) three tables- coordination.
Combined type three girlfriends(with an animate noun) control is observed only in it. p., in other cases - agreement: three girlfriends, three friends, three girlfriends,three friends, (O) three girlfriends- coordination.

Adjacency - this type of subordinating connection in which the dependent word is connected with the main word in meaning and intonation: drive fast, speak slowly, desire to speak out,very nice.
Immutable words are adjacent - adverbs (soft-boiled egg), participles (met smiling), infinitive (went out for a walk, desire to go).

Exercise. What type of connection is used in the phrase BUILD MECHANICALLY.

We define the main word and ask a question from it: catch (how?) mechanically; catch is the main word, mechanically is the dependent word. We determine the part of speech of the dependent word: mechanically is an adverb. If the dependent word answers the question how? and is an adverb, then the adjacency connection is used in the phrase.

1. In the text it is easier for you to find the dependent word first.

2. If you need agreement, look for a word that answers the question what? whose?

3. If you need control, look for a noun or pronoun that is not in the nominative case.

4. If you need to find an adjunct, look for an unchangeable word (infinitive, gerund, adverb or possessive pronoun).

5. Determine from which word you can ask a question to the dependent word.

Exercise. Write out from the sentences subordinating phrase with connection CONNECTION.

I was in third grade when I caught a bad cold. I started getting otitis media. I screamed in pain and hit my head with my palms. Mom called ambulance and we went to district hospital.

When adjoining, the dependent word is an infinitive, adverb or gerund. Let's try to find these parts of speech: strongly (how?) - adverb. We find the main word for it, from which the question is asked to the adverb: caught a cold. Thus, we write out the phrase I caught a bad cold.

Existing between two or more syntactically unequal words in a sentence or phrase, in the case where one of them is considered the main one, and, accordingly, the other - dependent. A subordinating relationship in a sentence exists between the main and subordinate clauses. In this article we will talk about phrases and the main methods of subordinating communication.

A phrase is a logical combination of two or more words that are related grammatically and in meaning. It is known that the phrase serves to more clearly describe objects and their characteristics, as well as the actions that they perform.

In phrases, the dependent word is related to the main word in several ways. So, methods of subordinating communication include:

1) approval;

2) management;

3) adjacency.

This classification of methods is based on which part of speech expresses the dependent word in the phrase. Let's look at each of the above methods in more detail.

Methods of subordinate communication: coordination

So, when managing, the dependent word answers a question, for example: to remember history - to remember (what?), to protect a person - to protect (who?), and so on. It is important to remember that a sign of control will always be a pretext.

Methods of subordinate communication: adjacency

Adjunction is the third type of subordinating connection, in which the dependence of a word is expressed lexically, by intonation and word order. Only infinitives, adverbs, comparative degrees of adjectives, gerunds, and possessive pronouns can be adjoined. These are the words that will indicate adjacency. In principle, the word “adjacent” itself speaks for itself: the dependent word adjoins, that is, it explains the main thing.

In such a phrase, the main word can be a verb (clearly understood), a noun (Turkish coffee), an adjective (very understandable), an adverb, a gerund (slightly tilted).

The connection in phrases with the infinitive is also regarded as adjacency. For example, please write it down, I want to see it, and similar ones.

And finally, a small “cheat sheet” that will help you quickly identify the method of subordinating communication:

When agreeing, there are three requirements of the main word for the dependent word - number, gender, case;

When controlling from the main word, there is one requirement - case;

When adjoining, the main word cannot require anything.

A subordinate relationship is a relationship between the parts of a complex sentence or phrase in which one part is the control one, and the second is subordinate to it. Based on this, we will analyze the types of subordinating connections in phrases and sentences. For clarity, each of the above cases will be considered with an example.

Types of subordinating connections in phrases

There are only three of them. These are coordination, control and adjacency.


Gender, number and case of the main word in this type of connection are consistent with the dependent word.

Examples: beautiful flower, another world, ninth day.

As you can see, this type of connection is typical for phrases where the noun is the main word, and the adjective, participle or ordinal number is the dependent word. Also, a possessive pronoun can act as a dependent word, for example, in the phrase “our souls.” The type of subordinating connection here will be agreement.


The main word in management makes the secondary one dependent with the help of case. The combinations of parts of speech here can be quite varied: verb and noun, participle or gerund and noun, noun and noun, numeral and noun.

Examples: sitting on a bench, knowing the truth, entering a room, a clay bowl, ten sailors.

In GIA and Unified State Examination tasks, students are often faced with the task of changing the type of phrase from control to coordination or vice versa. Without understanding the material, a graduate may make a mistake. The task is actually quite simple. To do this, it is enough to know the types of subordinating connections and be able to use them.

The classic version of the task is a connection of two nouns. For example, “corn porridge.” The subordinating word must be changed into an adjective. Then it turns out to be “corn porridge”; accordingly, no other types of subordinating connections, except agreement, are suitable here. This means that everything has been done correctly.

If it is necessary to change the connection from agreement to control, then we change the adjective to a noun and put it in a certain case in relation to the main word. So, from a “strawberry cocktail” you get a “strawberry cocktail”.


IN in this case the main word is connected with the dependent word solely in meaning. Such a connection is made between a verb and an adverb, a verb and a gerund, a verb and a verb, a verb and an adjective or an adverb of comparative degree.

Examples: “smile happily”, “speaks while sobbing”, “I can swim”, “be smarter”, “it has become worse”.

It is quite simple to determine this connection: the dependent word does not and cannot have case and gender. This can be an infinitive, a gerund, comparative degrees of an adjective and an adverb.

We looked at all types of subordinating connections in a phrase. Now let's move on to a complex sentence.

Subordinating connection in a sentence

Types of subordinating connections in a complex sentence can be distinguished when there are several subordinate clauses. They connect to the main clause in different ways. For this reason, it can be noted that the subordinating relationship, the types of which we will analyze, can be expressed in various ways depending on the nature of subordination.

Consistent submission

With this type of connection, subordinate clauses come into subordination to each other sequentially. This sentence pattern resembles a nesting doll.

Example. I asked a friend for a guitar who was helping me put on a show where we played Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson.

The basis of the main sentence here is “I asked.” The subordinate clause that enters into a subordinating relationship with it has the stem “which helped to arrange.” From this sentence comes another subordinate clause, subordinate to it - “we played Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson.”

Parallel subordination

This is a type of complex sentence in which several subordinate clauses are subordinate to one main clause, but at the same time to different words.

Example. In that park where lilacs bloom magnificently in spring, I was walking with a friend whose image seemed cute to you.

The main sentence sounds like this: “I was walking in that park with a friend.” It has a built-in subordinate clause “where lilacs bloom magnificently in spring.” It obeys the phrase “in that park.” From him we ask the question “in what?” Another subordinate clause - “whose image seemed cute to you” - is built from the word “familiar”. We ask him the question “which one?”

Thus, we see that subordinate clauses are connected by a subordinating relationship with one main sentence, but at the same time with different parts of it.

Homogeneous Subordination

Subordinate clauses with homogeneous subordination associated with one main sentence. They refer to the same word and answer the same question.

Example. They guessed that their action would have consequences, that it was better to abandon the idea and let everything be as it was.

The main sentence is “they guessed.” From him we ask the question “about what?” Both subordinate clauses answer this question. In addition, both the first and second subordinate clauses are connected to the main sentence using the predicate “guessed.” From this we conclude that the sentence is with homogeneous subordination.

All the examples given refer to sentences where there is a subordinating connection, the types of which we have discussed. This information will be necessary for everyone who is going to take exams in the Russian language, especially the State Examination and the Unified State Exam, where there are a number of tasks to test such knowledge. It is important to remember that without understanding how phrases and sentences are constructed, it is impossible to fully master literate speech. Any person who wants to learn how to write without errors needs to know this.

If the dependent word answers the question how? and is an adverb, then the adjacency connection is used in the phrase. Subordinating connection, see subordination. Agreement is a subordinating relationship in which the dependent word agrees with the main word in the form of gender, number and case. A connection that serves to express the relationship between the elements of a phrase and a sentence.

Go to the garden - management, go there - adjoining. If there is a preposition between the main word and the dependent word, then you have control. When adjoining, the dependent word is an infinitive, adverb or gerund. In the complex interaction of two organisms, A. M. Peshkovsky proposed a criterion of reversibility to distinguish between coordinating and subordinating connections.

See what a “subordinate relationship” is in other dictionaries:

Examples: writing poetry, faith in victory, satisfied with the answer. This pair of words should not be written out, since the grammatical foundations in which the words are connected by a coordinating connection, that is, have equal rights, are NOT a phrase. The connection between two syntactically unequal words in a phrase and a sentence: one of them acts as the main word, the other as the dependent one. Subordination is a subordinating relationship, a formally expressed dependence of one syntactic element (word, sentence) on another.

PARATAXIS - linguistic. the coordinating connection of two or more clauses within one complex sentence; connection between parts of a sentence. All types of subordinating connections: control, coordination, reflection, adjunction express the dependent position of one word in relation to another. The subordinating relationship is most often expressed using various inflectional suffixes of number, case, and possessive suffixes.

Sometimes the gender, number and case of nouns associated with management are the same, so in such cases it is possible to confuse management with agreement, for example: the director of a college. If the dependent word does not change, then this is a phrase with management: from the director of the college - to the director of the college. Sometimes it is difficult to establish which word in a phrase is the main one and which is the dependent one, for example: slightly sad, I like to eat.

In phrases in the form of a verb + infinitive, the main word is always the verb, and the dependent word is the infinitive. Syntax is a section of grammar that studies the structure and meaning of phrases and sentences. Based on the number of grammatical stems, sentences are divided into simple (one grammatical basis) and complex (more than one grammatical stem).

You mean: Now I saw that the rain had stopped↓, ↓ that the cloud had moved on.↓ By the way, I listened to this option for myself - at first glance, it seems possible. 1. There cannot be a descending phrase in the middle of the SPP - otherwise the intonation of the enumeration, and with it the coordinating connection, will be preserved. They also write about this on the Internet. When the main word changes, the dependent word also changes.

In the categories of pronouns, there are two homonymous (identical in sound and spelling, but different in meaning) categories. Distinguish between the prepositional case form and the adverb. 1) Determine the main word by asking a question from one word to another. We determine the part of speech of the dependent word: mechanically is an adverb. 3. If you need control, look for a noun or pronoun that is not in the nominative case.

I was in third grade when I caught a bad cold. Mom called an ambulance and we went to the regional hospital. Subordination is characterized by irreversible relationships between parts of the connection: one part cannot be put in place of another without damaging the overall content. Examples: a little boy, summer evening; our doctor, on Lake Baikal. Examples: female astronaut, excellent student. 4] (word order, lexicality and intonation).

The independent part in it is called the main part, and the dependent part is called the subordinate part. Suddenly, the insidious prisoner stunned me with the handle of a pistol, as you guessed (uncommon introductory sentence, where the highlighted words are subject and predicate), my own pistol.”

Example 2. SPP: NOW AND I SAW THAT THE RAIN IS ENDED, THE CLOUD IS GOING FURTHER. There are three types of subordinating relationships between the main and dependent words in a phrase: agreement, control and adjacency. In a complex sentence, a subordinating relationship exists between the main and subordinate clauses. Students and the examiner are not collocations, because the connection between words is coordinating, not subordinating (that is, it is impossible to distinguish between the main and dependent words).

Complex sentences (CSS) are syntactic constructions containing two or more simple sentences, connected by a subordinating relationship with each other and connected by appropriate conjunctions. The subordinating relationship in a complex sentence is of several types, depending on the semantic relationships between its structural elements.

In order to identify sentences with a subordinating connection, you need to check them for compliance with the following parameters:

  • two or more simple sentences that represent unequal parts: one is the main one, the second is the subordinate clause;
  • there is a subordinating conjunction or allied word;
  • in writing, its parts are separated by a comma.

In the IPP, from the main part to the subordinate part, you can pose a question. The type of connection depends on it. Examples: “We were unable to receive instructions on time (why?) because we were very tired and went home early,” “When I need help, I will turn to the right sources (when?).”

Connection in a phrase

Useful video: what are complex sentences

Means of subordinate communication

Parts of a sentence are connected using subordinating conjunctions: while, how, if, so, since, as if and many others. Each union expresses certain type relationships that differ in meaning.

Sometimes, to connect the main and dependent parts, other linguistic means are used - allied words, which include:

  • relative: who, what, which, etc.;
  • relative pronominal adverbs: why, how, when, etc.

Conjunctive words and conjunctions that express different semantic relationships are presented in the table:

Communication type Meaningful relations Examples
Explanatory formulates an explanation I told my mom not to worry about me
Temporary Indicate the time of action, specify the time Marina ordered flowers when she heard that it was Masha’s birthday
Causal expresses the reason for an action I never thought about this before because I didn't know it could happen.
Conditional Formulate conditional relationships Dmitry would have placed an order immediately if he knew that the product would become more expensive.
Target Formulate target relationships Oksana sang to earn money
Concessive Formulate concessionary relations Even though it was raining outside, there were a lot of people on the beach.

A conjunction and a connecting word are elements that connect parts of a complex sentence. In the schematic representation, the conjunction belongs to the subordinate clause, it is not a member of the sentence.

Attention! The conjunction word not only connects two structural elements, but also plays a syntactic role in the subordinate clause.

For example: “There are no events that could be changed.” In this example, the word “which” is not a conjunction, but a conjunction word.

Types of subordination

A complex sentence may have more than one dependent part. They communicate with each other different ways. Depending on this, the following types of subordination are distinguished:

  • homogeneous;
  • parallel;
  • sequential;
  • combined.

Each type has its own characteristics and differs from the others in certain characteristics.

Types of subordinating connections

Homogeneous and parallel

A homogeneous connection is formed provided that all dependent parts belong to the main one or belong to the same type. For example: “It seemed to me that I saw daylight, that I heard strange sounds, that I felt cold.”

Three subordinate clauses in this example answer one question and relate to the main one according to one characteristic. They refer to the same word and belong to the same species. In this case, all dependent elements are of the same type and answer the same question.

Parallel subordination occurs in constructions in which one of the conditions of homogeneity is not met.

For example, subordinate clauses can refer to the same word, but answer different questions. For example: “When I finished reading the book, it was difficult to understand (when? what?) what exactly I felt for its characters”, “When a storm was raging outside the window, I read a book (when?, which one?), which talked about story that happened to the children when they were relaxing in the forest with their parents.”

Homogeneous connection

Sequential and combined

Sequential subordination is connections in a sentence in which the dependent parts are interconnected by a “chain”, i.e. that is, each subsequent element depends on the previous one. They are defined as subordinate clauses varying degrees. For example: “Maxim saw a film (which one?), where the actor (which one?) played, whom he loved (when?), when he was a child (which one?), who was in love with pictures about heroes.”

In this example, the second clause depends on the first, the third on the second, and the fourth on the third. Questions in such sentences are asked sequentially from one part to the next. They can be different and express different semantic relationships.

In combined subordination, all types of subordination are used: parallel, sequential, and homogeneous are mixed. This is typical for long structures with a large number of dependent ones. For example: “Yesterday I was so tired that I couldn’t understand whether my head hurt from the weather or from being overwhelmed at work.” In this example, two types of communication are used: sequential and homogeneous submission.

Note! In order to determine the type of connection, use diagrams and symbols for the main members, arrows for questions and brackets to indicate the beginning and end of dependent elements.

SPP with combined subordination

Punctuation marks

In SPP, the position of the subordinate clause can be different:

  • is found after the main clause;
  • “surrounded” by the main one on both sides;
  • located in front of the main one.

Subordinate clauses are always separated by commas.

Useful video: punctuation marks in BSC and types of BSC