Comparison of laptop processors (AMD and Intel). Comparison of Intel and AMD platforms: What is the difference between processors

The quality and speed of the functioning of a personal computer, as well as its performance, largely depend on the processor. This becomes clearly understandable when the PC refuses to cope with the tasks that the user sets for it. There is only one way out - to upgrade your computer and look for a new, more productive and modern processor. So that the purchase does not turn out to be useless, you need to clearly imagine how to choose a processor and what parameters it must have in order to cope with specific tasks. Similar problems arise for those who decide to assemble their own car with their own hands. Let's try to answer all questions as briefly and concisely as possible, as well as study the modern market and determine the best processors in 2018.

The main subject of controversy when choosing a processor is the manufacturer. There are currently two companies competing in the market - AMDandIntel. Arguing over which product is better is like the eternal debate about iOS and Android, or Canon and Nikon. Fans of this or that system are ready to tirelessly prove their point of view, while there is an “arms race” between the companies themselves, so it is impossible to unambiguously answer which processors are better, AMD or Intel. Someone once said that this is like a matter of religion or even a matter of habit.

We will return to the manufacturer's question, try to understand their proposals in more detail, but for now we note that when choosing a processor, you should still pay attention to its architecture, number of cores, clock speed, cache memory size and other parameters.

Processor socket, or socket type

The processor is installed in a special socket on the motherboard, so the type of connector (socket) they must match. Different types of connectors are incompatible with each other - a system assembled in this way will not work. Motherboard manufacturers indicate which processors a particular model is compatible with. Information is available in the instructions for the motherboard or on official websites. If you are building a computer yourself, then do not take an outdated motherboard: in a couple of years, when you want to upgrade your PC, you will have to buy not only a new processor, but also a new motherboard.

There are up to 30 different types of sockets, many of them are already considered obsolete.

Intel processors are now available with the following sockets:

For processorsAMDThe relevant sockets are:

  • FM2/FM2+- inexpensive simple processors that are suitable for assembling conventional office systems and simple gaming PCs;
  • AM3+- one of the most common sockets, on its basis it is possible to assemble systems of any power, up to the most advanced gaming computers;
  • AM4 - a socket for the most productive processors that are used to build professional and gaming PCs;
  • AM1 - a socket for the simplest processors.

Sockets LGA1155, LGA775AM3, LGA2011, AM2/+ are deprecated.

Number of cores and threads

The core of the process is its heart, brain and soul. The first multi-core processor was introduced to the world by Intel, but there is still an opinion that the idea was stolen from AMD. Let's not stir up the past - the main thing is that today single-core processors can no longer be found. It remains to figure out how many cores are really needed.

If we simplify a little, we can come to the following conclusions:

  • 2 cores- an option for a computer that will be used to work with a basic set of office programs, launch a browser and watch videos;
  • 4 cores- an option for both office use and for launching medium-sized toys. It all depends on frequency and architecture;
  • 6, 8 and 10 cores– powerful computers for running 3D programs and the most modern and demanding games. A good option for gamer.

Be aware that there are programs that cannot load balance across cores, and they will run faster on a 2-core processor with a higher clock speed than on a 4-core processor, but at a lower frequency.

Please note that there is processors with virtual extra cores. Special technology (Hyper-Threading for Intel, or SMT for AMD) allows you to clone each physical core, That's why the number of data processing threads does not always equal the number of cores. If you are told about an 8-thread processor, then it may have 4 or 8 real cores.

CPU frequency

Many users naively believe that the higher the clock speed, the better and faster the computer will run. This is not entirely true, more precisely so, but under certain conditions. Let's figure it out.

Clock speed refers to the number of operations a processor performs per second. Hence, the higher the frequency, the faster the "brains" work, and a 3.5 GHz processor would be preferable to a 2.8 GHz processor, for example. It really is, when it comes to processors of the same line where the same kernels are used.

Performance depends not only on the frequency, but also on the processor architecture and cache size, so you should not focus only on the frequency, but within the same line it is a significant factor.

Process technology

The process technology determines the size of the transistors on the processor and the distance between them. The method of photolithography is used to deposit conductors, insulators and other elements on a silicon substrate. The resolution of the equipment used forms a certain process technology and affects the size of the transistors and the distance between them.

The process technology is measured in nm and the smaller it is, the more elements can be placed on the same area. At the moment, the most modern processors have a 14 nm process technology.

This setting has a very indirect effect on performance. Much more significantly, it affects the heating of the processor. Improvement in technology allows each time to release a processor with a lower technical process, they heat up less. If we compare the old generation processor and the new one with the same performance, then the new one will heat up less. Since the performance increases in new models, the old and new “stones” are heated approximately the same. Thus, reducing the process technology allows manufacturers to create ever faster and more productive processors without increasing the degree of their heating.


Cache memory is a built-in ultra-fast memory that helps store and process data between cores, RAM and other buses. Essentially, this link between memory and processor. Thanks to this buffer, you can quickly access frequently used data. In modern processors, the cache has several levels (usually three, less often two). The more memory on them, the faster the "stone" will work, but again, this is true only for processors of the same line.

Memory is unevenly distributed across levels:

  • L1 is first level cache, its volume is minimal (8-128 Kb), but the speed is the highest. The frequency usually reaches the level of the processor frequency;
  • L2- second level cache, larger in volume (from 128 Kb) than the first one, but slower than it;
  • L3 is the most capacious, but the slowest cache. On the other hand, even the third level cache is faster than RAM

If you need to choose a processor for a gaming computer or to run powerful professional programs with high graphics requirements, then it is better to take processor with the maximum possible amount of memory of the third level(the parameter usually ranges from 2 to 20 MB). This established truth recent times destroy tests of new processors, which show that cache memory has practically no effect on performance in games. However, this parameter should not be written off - a good amount of cache memory will speed up data archiving and writing data from flash memory to a hard drive.

Integrated graphics core

Improvement in production technology made it possible to place various microcircuits inside the processor, incl. graphics core. The main advantage of this solution is that there is no need to buy a video card separately. They are built into the processor, as a rule, rather mediocre video cards in terms of capabilities, therefore models with an integrated graphics core suitable for users for whom graphics capabilities are secondary. These are budget processors for the office environment, but they will handle video from the Internet, most non-specific programs, ordinary toys and even entry-level 3D games.

If your goal is to assemble a powerful gaming computer, then it is better to take a processor without an integrated graphics core and then buy a powerful video card. Considering that it costs a lot, and many people have to save some more time for it, a processor with an integrated video card can be useful in this case too.

What is the bitness of the processor, and is it so important?

The bit depth of the processor shows how many bits the computer can process in one clock cycle. This setting affects performance. Currently, the most commonly used processors for 32 and 64 bits, there are also 128-bit processors, but their segment is still very limited.

Is a 64-bit processor always better than a 32-bit one, and what are the differences? If the processor has 2 cores, and random access memory 2-3 GB is used, you will not feel the difference. A 64-bit processor, when using multi-core processors, can significantly increase performance when running 64-bit applications. In fairness, it should be noted that the increase in performance will not always be noticeable.

The main advantageous difference between 64-bit processors- This is the ability to work with RAM of 4 GB or more. If you have even 8 GB of RAM in your computer, a 32-bit processor will see and use only 3.75 GB of them.

Heat dissipation

The more powerful the processor, the more it heats up. It is good that the improvement of the technical process can significantly reduce heating. Today, the value of TDP, W, is used to assess heat dissipation. How less value, the less heat generation. In portable computers, everything is well calculated, installed and works without additional cooling. If you need to assemble a very powerful computer, then you can hardly do without a cooler built into the processor (such models are marked as BOX, without a cooler - OEM).

If the system TDP 60 W or less, even the complete or simplest cooling system can be used. With heat dissipation up to 95 W it is better to take high-quality medium format fans - the complete one will not cope. At TDP 125 W or more you can not do without a tower cooler with several copper tubes.

Unlocked multiplier

If you are going to overclock the processor, then make sure that it is possible to do it in regular ways. It is important that the multiplier change function is also supported by the motherboard.

AMD or Intel - which is better?

There is no objective answer to this question and cannot be. Thousands of pages on the Internet have been created on this topic, disputes sometimes turn into scandals using obscene language - this is how users protect the products of their favorite manufacturer. Often, all these disputes are reminiscent of trying to figure out which is better, pineapple or sausage - there can be no consensus here.

In some segments, AMD is better, in some - Intel, but often even these opinions are subjective, so when choosing, rely purely on your subjective opinion - we will not interfere with you. Well, for those who have not yet decided on their subjective opinion, here are a few facts.

The competition between the two leaders is fierce, but it is believed that Intel is releasing more powerful processors that AMD cannot keep up with, and AMD, in turn, offers better budget solutions. But this opinion is too generalized, since Intel also has good inexpensive processors, while AMD offers good top-end solutions. In terms of durability and reliability, the products of both companies are on an equal footing.

To decide which processor is better, AMD or Intel, you need to clearly define goals for yourself and answer the question of what the computer is going for. Moreover, the number of cores and frequency do not always determine performance - it's all about a completely different architecture. Therefore, use special sites where you can view test results, compare with analogues and see what tasks this or that processor is best at.

We understand that we are touching on a very delicate and controversial topic, but still, let's talk about the general advantages of the processors of the two companies.

Processor BenefitsIntel:

  • high performance and speed. Working with RAM is better optimized than AMD;
  • a large number of games and programs that are optimized specifically for Intel;
  • cache memory of the second and third levels often operates at higher speeds than on AMD processors;
  • lower power consumption.

Processor DisadvantagesIntel:

  • higher price;
  • they are inferior to AMD processors in multitasking, despite the fact that they win when working with one process;
  • strong binding to specific sockets, so when buying a new process, you will most likely have to change the motherboard as well.

Recently there was a real scandal. In processors from Intel, a vulnerability, which allows third-party malware to access the structure of a protected portion of kernel memory and discover where sensitive information is stored. Our passwords, messages, photos and payment card data can be read and used by intruders. Troubleshooting and emergency update operating system slow down computers by 20-30%. While the company was trying to resolve the conflict, it turned out that such there is a vulnerability in processors fromAMD.

Benefits of processorsAMD:

  • affordable price, so many recognize the manufacturer's processors as the best in terms of price / quality ratio;
  • multitasking;
  • multiplatform;
  • modern processors of the company have good overclocking potential, so they are catching up with Intel in terms of performance.

Disadvantages of processorsAMD:

The best processors of 2018

Best Intel Processors 2018

The kings of performance, Intel processors are presented in different price categories. AT in the public sector, these are the Celeron and Pentium lines. By the way, in terms of performance, they are superior to similarly priced AMD processors, but inferior to them in multitasking. For entry-level gaming PCs and multimedia computers, processors are suitable Core i3 , for more powerful - Core i5 , for the most powerful gaming - Core i7 .

Core i7-7700K

Despite the existence of more productive Core i7-6950X, Intel Core i7-7820X, Intel Core i9-7900X and some others, the Core i7-7700K can be considered the most balanced in terms of price and quality. The frequency is 4.2-4.7 GHz, there are 4 cores in stock, there is a built-in video card, but it will not be enough for top games, but it can easily cope with running video in the highest resolution. The price is about $400.

Core i7-6950X Extreme Edition

It costs obscenely expensive (about $1700), is equipped with 10 cores, received 25 MB cache of the third level, has a frequency of 3 GHz, supports Hyper-Threading technology. Power and strength! However, for assembling a gaming computer, the capabilities of the processor will even be too much. This solution is only for those who use very specific and highly demanding programs, and then find suitable solution can be cheaper.

Core i5-7500

If you want to build a gaming PC, and the budget for buying a processor is modest, then the $200 Core i5-7500 is a good solution. Performance, L3 cache (6 MB versus 8 MB) are almost as good as the Core i7-7700K, and with a good video card, the processor can handle any game. There is a built-in graphics core that supports 4K video. 4 cores operate at a frequency of 3.4-3.8 GHz.

Core i3-7100

Two cores, four threads, a frequency of 3.9 GHz and low power consumption, combined with an affordable price ($110-170), makes this processor a popular favorite. Users note that when using a sufficient amount of RAM and graphics memory, this processor can pull even those games where Core i5 and Core i7 are indicated in the requirements.

Pentium G4560

The processor has 2 cores, but 4 threads, a frequency of 3.5 GHz. The cost is about $70, so if you need to build an inexpensive gaming PC, then this is a good option. It cannot be compared with more expensive solutions, but if you have an appropriate video card, it will handle modern games at minimum settings, and older and less demanding games will generally fly.

Pentium Haswell

A good option for an office PC. There are 2 cores, an integrated graphics processor, a frequency of 2.3-3.6 GHz. The cache volume of the third level is 3 MB. Heat dissipation is small. The cost is about $85.

Celeron Skylake

A simple inexpensive processor for computers designed to work with documents, browser and video viewing. Key features: 2 cores, frequency 2.6-2.9 GHz, 2 MB L3 cache, minimal heat dissipation, there is a graphics core. The cost is $45.

Best AMD Processors 2018

Ruler budget processors - Sempron, Athlon, Phenom, A4 and A6. A8 and A10 can be used for multimedia and light games, series FX- for gaming computers of the middle class, and Ryzen These are top processors. You can buy AMD processors on the website: all modern AMD developments are presented to the attention of potential buyers, as well as photographs of models, detailed lists of characteristics, short descriptions and instruction manuals. To make it easier for you, we have selected some of the most interesting models suitable for different tasks.

Ryzen Threadripper 1920X

The honorable first place goes to the processor from the flagship Ryzen series - Threadripper 1920X. A 12-core "beast" with a clock speed of 3.5-4 GHz simply could not remain outside our rating. Incredible 24 streams allow you to make the most of your PC's performance. The processor is equipped with DDR4 memory (4 channels) with error correction function, which guarantees an extremely high data transfer rate. The cost is about $990.

Ryzen 7 1800X

Second place also goes to the representative of Ryzen - 7 1800X. This processor differs from the leader in the absence of virtualization technology, the number of cores (Ryzen 7 has eight of them) and, accordingly, threads (16), as well as RAM channels. There is support for an unlocked multiplier. This model is great for gamers - it "pulls" 3D games and simulation programs even at maximum settings. It costs about $480.

Ryzen 5 1600X

The top three also includes the Ryzen 5 1600X, a strong contender to the competing Core i5 family. Its characteristics are, first of all, 6 cores / 12 threads, Socket AM4 connector and two channels of RAM. Frequency - 3.6 GHz with the possibility of overclocking to 4 GHz. There is support for an unlocked multiplier. It costs about $260.

AMD A10-7860K

In fourth place is a productive 4-core processor designed for home PCs, as well as office use. Model with integrated graphics. Clock frequency - 3.6 GHz. It copes well with running games online (medium settings) with good performance and without overheating of the hardware. The price is about $100.

AMD FX-6300

Not a bad alternative to productive solutions from Intel. The processor works with 6 cores, has an unlocked multiplier, a clock speed of 3.5 GHz with the ability to overclock to 4.1 GHz. Socket - Socket AM3+. The performance is good, suitable for games and demanding applications, there is no integrated graphics core. The cost is about $85.

Athlon X4 880K

The TOP model from the Athlon 880K family closes - a 4-core processor for home PCs. The clock frequency of the model is 4.0-4.2 GHz. Together with the Radeon Athlon 880K graphics card, it delivers excellent performance and demonstrates all the positive qualities of AMD products. The cost is $84.

There is also a more budget solution from this series. The Athlon X4 860K runs on 4 cores at 3.7 GHz, but there is no integrated graphics core. The cost is $45.

You can still write a lot, give arguments for a long time, argue, test and reflect. We wrap up on this, and leave you alone with your thoughts.

Best Processor for Gaming | Benefit Diminishing Effect

Prices for high-end processors are skyrocketing, but the performance gains in games will be less and less. Therefore, it is hardly worth recommending a processor more expensive than the Core i5-7600K. Moreover, with a good cooler, this model can be overclocked to 5 GHz - if higher performance is required.

However, there are a small number of games that take advantage of Core i7 processors with Hyper-Threading Technology. We believe the trend of optimizing games for multiple cores will continue, which is why we've added the Core i7-5820K to the list. In most games, there will be little to no difference between the Core i7 and Core i5, but if you're an enthusiast looking for future-proofing and high performance in multi-threaded applications, this CPU may cost more.

With the advent of the LGA 2011-v3 interface, there was every reason to build an unsurpassed gaming platform based on it. Haswell-E based processors have more cache available and four more cores than the leading LGA 1150/1155 processors. In addition, thanks to the four-channel controller, a large memory bandwidth is provided. With 40 Gen 3 PCIe lanes available on Sandy Bridge-E processors, the platform natively supports two x16 slots and one x8 slot, or one x16 slot and three x8 slots, removing potential bottlenecks in CrossFire or SLI configurations for three and four video cards.

While all of the above sounds impressive, it does not necessarily lead to significant performance improvements in modern games. Our tests show very little difference between the $240 LGA 1150 Core i5-4690K and the $1000 LGA 2011 Core i7-4960X, even with three graphics cards in SLI. It turns out that memory bandwidth and PCIe do not greatly affect the performance of current systems based on the Sandy Bridge architecture.

The real potential of Haswell-E comes into play in CPU-heavy games, such as multiplayer in Battlefield 1. If you're running three or four graphics cards, it's possible that you already have enough performance. An overclocked Core i7-5960X or Core i7-5930K can help the rest of the platform catch up with an extremely powerful video system.

In general, while we do not recommend buying a processor more expensive than the Core i5-7600K in terms of price / performance (the money saved can be spent on a graphics adapter and motherboard), there will always be those who will not spare money in an effort to achieve the highest possible performance .

Best Processor for Gaming | comparison table

What about other processors that are not on our list of recommendations? Are they worth buying or not?

Questions like these are appropriate, as the availability of different models and their prices change daily. How do you know if the processor you have your eye on will be the best buy in that price range?

We decided to help you in this difficult task by presenting a CPU hierarchy table, where processors of the same gaming performance level are on the same line. The top lines show the most productive gaming CPUs, and as you move down the lines, performance decreases.

Suggested hierarchical table of various models processors Intel and AMD were originally based on the average performance of each in our benchmark suite. Later, we added new game data as one of the evaluation criteria, but keep in mind that different games behave differently due to the unique features of their code. For example, some of them are extremely dependent on the power of the graphics subsystem, but others respond positively to more cores, cache memory, or even a specific architecture.

We do not have the opportunity to test every CPU on the market, so in some cases the distribution of places depends on the results of similar models. In essence, this hierarchical table is useful as a general selection guide, but it is not universal remedy comparisons of different processors. For more information, please refer to (eng.) or to the regularly updated section " Best Processor for Gaming: Current Market Analysis ".

You may have noticed that we have split the flagship section into two levels. processors and one of them hosted several quad-core AMD models. Considering that many older platforms can be used with graphics subsystems of several different generations, we wanted to highlight the highest performing models in order to maintain a balance between the system and the video accelerator. For example, at the moment, any owner of a Sandy Bridge generation Core i7 will see a significant increase when switching to Kaby Lake or Broadwell-E. And the premises of the flagship processors AMD's FX series is one step up with a few Core i7s and older Core i5s, which means they've been elevated in status.

Hierarchy of Intel and AMD processors | Table

Intel AMD
Core i7-3770, -3770K, -3820, -3930K, -3960X, -3970X, -4770, -4771, -4790, -4770K, -4790K, -4820K, -4930K, -4960X, -5775C, -5820K, 5930K, -5960X, -6700K, -6700, -7700K, -7700, -6800K, -6850K, -6900K, -6950X
Core i5-7600K, -7600, -7500, -7400, -6600K, -6600, -6500, -5675C, -4690K, 4670K, -4590, -4670, -4570, -4460, -4440, -4430, -3570K, -3570, -3550
Core i7-2600, -2600K, -2700K, -965, -975 Extreme, -980X Extreme, -990X Extreme
Core i5-3470, -3450P, -3450, -3350P, -3330, 2550K, -2500K, -2500, -2450P, -2400, -2380P, -2320, -2310, -2300
FX-9590, 9370, 8370, 8350, 8320, 8300, 8150
Core i7-980, -970, -960
Core i7-870, -875K
Core i3-7350K, -7320, -7300, -7100, -4360, -4350, -4340, -4170, -4160, -4150, -4130, -3250, -3245, -3240, -3225, -3220, -3210 , -2100, -2105, -2120, -2125, -2130
Pentium G4620, G4600, G4560
FX-6350, 4350
Phenom II X6 1100T BE, 1090T BE
Phenom II X4 Black Edition 980, 975
Core i7-860, -920, -930, -940, -950
Core i5-3220T, -750, -760, -2405S, -2400S
Core 2 Extreme QX9775, QX9770, QX9650
Core 2 Quad Q9650
FX-8120, 8320e, 8370e, 6200, 6300, 4170, 4300
Phenom II X6 1075T
Phenom II X4 Black Edition 970, 965, 955
A10-6800K, 6790K, 6700, 5800K, -5700, -7700K, -7800, -7850K, 7870K
A8-3850, -3870K, -5600K, 6600K, -7600, -7650K
Athlon X4 651K, 645, 641, 640, 740, 750K, 860K
Core 2 Extreme QX6850, QX6800
Core 2 Quad Q9550, Q9450, Q9400
Core i5-650, -655K, -660, -661, -670, -680
Core i3-2100T, -2120T
FX-6100, -4100, -4130
Phenom II X6 1055T, 1045T
Phenom II X4 945, 940, 920
Phenom II X3 Black Edition 720, 740
A8-5500, 6500
A6-3650, -3670K, -7400K
Athlon II X4 635, 630
Core 2 Extreme QX6700
Core 2 Quad Q6700, Q9300, Q8400, Q6600, Q8300
Core2 Duo E8600, E8500, E8400, E7600
Core i3 -530, -540, -550
Pentium G3470 G3460 G3450 G3440 G3430 G3420 G3260 G3258 G3250 G3220 G3420 G3430 G2130 G2120 G2020 G2010 G870 G860 G850 G840 G645 G640 G63
Phenom II X4 910, 910e, 810
Athlon II X 4 620, 631
Athlon II X3 460
Core 2 Extreme X6800
Core 2 Quad Q8200
Core2 Duo E8300, E8200, E8190, E7500, E7400, E6850, E6750
Pentium G620
Celeron G1630, G1620, G1610, G555, G550, G540, G530
Phenom II X4 905e, 805
Phenom II X3 710, 705e
Phenom II X2 565BE, 560BE, 555BE, 550BE, 545
Phenom X4 9950
Athlon II X 3 455, 450, 445, 440, 435, 425
Core2 Duo E7200, E6550, E7300, E6540, E6700
Pentium Dual Core E5700, E5800, E6300, E6500, E6600, E6700
Pentium G9650
Phenom X4 9850, 9750, 9650, 9600
Phenom X3 8850, 8750
Athlon II X2 265, 260, 255, 370K
A4-7300, 6400K, 6300, 5400K, 5300, 4400, 4000, 3400, 3300
Athlon 64X2 6400+
Core2 Duo E4700, E4600, E6600, E4500, E6420
Pentium Dual Core E5400, E5300, E5200, G620T
Phenom X4 9500, 9550, 9450e, 9350e
Phenom X3 8650, 8600, 8550, 8450e, 8450, 8400, 8250e
Athlon II X2 240, 245, 250
Athlon X2 7850, 7750
Athlon 64X2 6000+, 5600+
Core2 Duo E4400, E4300, E6400, E6320
Celeron E3300
Phenom X4 9150e, 9100e
Athlon X2 7550, 7450, 5050e, 4850e/b
Athlon 64X2 5400+, 5200+, 5000+, 4800+
Core2 Duo E5500, E6300
Pentium Dual Core E2220, E2200, E2210
Celeron E3200
Athlon X2 6550, 6500, 4450e/b,
Athlon X2 4600+, 4400+, 4200+, BE-2400
Pentium Dual Core E2180
Celeron E1600, G440
Athlon 64 X 2 4000+, 3800+
Athlon X2 4050e, BE-2300
Pentium Dual Core E2160, E2140
Celeron E1500, E1400, E1200

Our table currently consists of 13 levels. The bottom half of the list is mostly irrelevant: these chips will show insufficient performance in modern games, regardless of the installed video card. If your CPU belongs to this half of the list, then the upgrade will really increase the enjoyment of games.

In fact, only the chips in the top five levels can be considered suitable for gaming today. And at the top of the table, it only makes sense to upgrade if you choose CPU at least two levels higher. Otherwise, the improvements will be clearly not enough to justify the cost of a new CPU, motherboard and memory, not to mention the video card and drives, which you also consider replacing.

The heart of a computer is called the processor (processor), which is its main data processing device. The part looks like a chipset and is responsible for computing processes. How to choose a processor for a computer is the most important issue when buying equipment. The overall speed of the system largely depends on the performance of this part. In order not to regret your purchase, choose components based on their characteristics.

Main characteristics of the processor

  1. Manufacturer. There are two main competitors that produce processors for computers - these are AMD and Intel. The second firm is considered a leader in developing cutting-edge technologies. AMD's main advantage over Intel is relatively low prices. Moreover, the products of the first are inferior to the second in productivity slightly (on average, by 10%), but the cost is 1.5-2 times lower.
  2. What is the clock speed of a processor? This parameter determines how many operations the device can perform per second. What the processor frequency affects: a high indicator of this characteristic promises fast data processing by the computer. The parameter is considered one of the most important when choosing a device. How to find out the frequency in Windows: you need to right-click the properties menu on the "My Computer" icon.
  3. Number of Cores. This indicator affects the number of programs that can be run on a PC without losing its performance. Older computer models are equipped with quad-core or dual-core processors. New devices released during the last years have 6- and 8-core parts. However, if the software is optimized for a dual-core PC, more cores will not make it faster. On the part box, you can see an alphanumeric marking, the decoding of which will provide data on the number of cores.
  4. System bus frequency. The characteristic indicates the speed of the flows of incoming or outgoing information. The higher the score, the faster the exchange of information.
  5. cache memory. A large role in the operation of the PC is played by the processor cache, which has the form of a high-speed memory block. The part is located directly on the core and is necessary to improve performance. Thanks to it, data processing is faster than in the case of RAM. There are 3 levels of cache memory - from L1 to L3. The first two have small volumes, but the third ones confidently win, providing for a large capacity - due to the speed of work.
  6. Connector type (socket). This characteristic is not considered paramount, but it has a certain relevance when choosing a device. The socket is the "socket" on the motherboard that the processor is placed in, so it must be compatible with the part chosen. For example, if the socket is labeled AMZ, you need a corresponding connector on the motherboard. The latest models are equipped with modern types of "sockets" and often have improved characteristics (bus frequency and others).
  7. Power consumption and cooling. Powerful modern devices provide Negative influence on computer power consumption. To avoid overheating of parts and their breakdown, special fans (coolers) are used. For use the TDP indicator, indicating the amount of heat required in the outlet. Based on this value, a specific model of the cooling system is selected.

What is the difference between AMD and Intel

A frequently asked question among those wishing to purchase a processor is: "Which is better AMD or Intel?". The main difference is the hyper-strength technology and the increased computational pipeline that Intel models have. Thanks to this, devices perform a number of tasks faster: archive files, encode video, and perform other tasks. Parts from AMD cope with the listed tasks just as well, but they spend more time on it. Everyone determines for himself: which processor is better than Intel or AMD.

To simplify the choice, check out the advantages of products from both manufacturers. Comparison of AMD and Intel processors:

Intel Benefits

Advantages of AMD

High speed PC

The optimum ratio of price and quality

Economical power consumption

System stability

High performance in games


Core i7 and i3 multithreading gives extra performance

Ability to speed up processes by 5-20%

Perfectly tuned work with RAM

Multiplatform (the ability to assemble a PC from parts of different generations of AMD)

Which processor to choose for a computer

The answer to the question posed depends on the tasks that the PC will have to perform. So, when choosing a gaming computer, attention should be paid to the model of the video card, since the graphics adapter is responsible for supporting certain technologies and performance levels in games. However, without a properly matched CPU, the graphics card will not reveal its potential. Less demanding parts are suitable for working with other programs or using a PC in the office.

For games

How to choose a processor for a gaming computer? There are a number of requirements for a "gaming" PC. The device must be able to process at least four data streams. Test results have proven that Intel Hyper-Treading Technology increases frames per second. Experts consider the Intel Core i5 models optimal for a gaming PC. Parts from AMD show less performance. If in the line from Intel 4-core devices cope with their tasks, then their competitors show the same result with 8-core counterparts. What processor to choose for games?

Top gaming devices:

  1. Intel Core-i5 Ivy Bridge (quad-core);
  2. Intel Core i5-4440 Haswell (quad-core);
  3. AMD FX-8350 Vishera (octa-core).

For home or office use

Browsers and other necessary for office work programs need an impressive amount of RAM, but practically do not load the hard drive and processor. Therefore, it is better to choose a computer with a large amount of memory. However, processor performance should not be neglected either. According to the test results, models from the Intel Core i3 or i5 lines will be a good solution.

List of budget devices for the office:

  • Intel Celeron G1820;
  • AMD ATHLON II X2 255;
  • AMD ATHLON II X4 750K;
  • AMD A8-6600K.

To work with demanding programs

This category includes parts whose function is to ensure the fast operation of demanding programs, for example, video, graphic editors, etc. Devices of this type are expensive components and are characterized by maximum performance. This category of processors is often of interest to gamers who want to achieve best quality images while playing.

Overview of the best devices for demanding programs:

  • AMD FX-8350 (8-core). Ideal for games and other programs designed for . Differs in speed and justified price.
  • Intel i7-4770 (4-core). Runs games at the highest settings, works fast, perfectly optimized for Intel graphics cards.

Rating of the best processors for PC in 2019

  1. Intel Core i7-990x. Ideal for the latest generation gaming PC. The device is designed for socket 1366, equipped with 6 cores, has a frequency of 3.46 GHz and 12 megabytes of cache memory. Approximate cost: 38,000 rubles.
  2. Intel Core i7-3970X Extreme Edition. One of the most popular models. Equipped with 6 cores, has 15 MB cache and 3.5 GHz clock speed. Works great with any new demanding games and programs. Approximate cost: 46,000 rubles.
  3. Intel Core i5-4690K. An inexpensive model will show excellent results in terms of performance. If we compare the i5-4690K with other devices, it stands out due to its price / quality ratio. The processor is equipped with a cache memory of the third level, has a clock speed of 3.5 GHz and 4 cores. Approximate cost: 22,000 rubles.
  4. AMD FX-9370. AMD's most powerful processor has a new AM3+ socket and 8 cores, reaching a maximum frequency of up to 4.4 GHz. The model is equipped with 8 MB of cache memory, which allows you to improve the performance of your PC and use any programs, games. Approximate cost: 20-22 000 rubles.
  5. Intel Xeon E3-1230 v3. The quad-core device belongs to the fourth generation of processors from Intel. It is equipped with a socket type 1150, which is considered the best among the existing ones. Clock frequency Xeon E3-1230 v3 - 3.3 GHz, cache memory is 8 MB. Approximate cost: 22,000 rubles.

2015 processor test table

To understand how to choose a processor for a computer, you should read the results of their testing. Devices are being tested based on Windows 7 (64-bit). To do this, certain programs are selected to unlock the potential of multithreading, to determine whether there is support for AMD Turbo CORE (dynamic overclocking) and Intel Turbo Boost Technology technologies, whether it is possible to use new SIMDs. The test results are expressed as a percentage of the performance of the fastest existing device with a 100% result.

Summary table of processor performance:



Intel Core i7-5930K BOX

Intel Core i7-4960X Extreme

Intel Core i7-4960X Extreme BOX

Intel Core i7-5820K BOX

Intel Core i7-4790K

Intel Core i7-4790K BOX

Intel Core i7-4790

Intel Core i7-4790 BOX

Intel Core i7-4820K BOX

Intel Xeon E3-1240 V2

Intel Xeon E3-1230 V2

If you want to buy a processor, you should study its characteristics. For example, in pursuit of frequency, many people forget about the features of the kernel of a particular manufacturer, which negatively affects the performance of the computer. To be satisfied with the purchase, it is necessary to take into account the parameters of the device and its compatibility with other parts. Learn how to choose the right processor for your computer by watching the suggested video.