How is calcium absorbed better?

The presence of a sufficient level of calcium in the body is necessary for every person. Thanks to this indicator, it is possible to maintain bone tissue, hair and legs in a healthy state. It is especially important to take into account the balance of calcium in the body of children. This becomes a task for parents, because the development of the skeleton, the formation of teeth depends on this particular element. Otherwise, problems such as rickets, convulsions and even nervous disorders may arise, which is very unsafe. Calcium is no less important for a pregnant woman, because the fetus also requires a large amount of material to form its own skeletal system. In order not to undermine her health, the expectant mother should consume enough calcium, moreover, with products that accompany absorption.

By consuming a large amount of dairy products and fish, there is no guarantee that the body has received the required amount of calcium. Calcium absorption is a complex process that depends on more than one factor. Which must be taken into account when compiling the menu and so on. This question will help to study the proposed article.

How is calcium absorbed in the cells of the body?

The absorption of calcium by the body occurs with the help of the small and large intestines. The process occurs easily, provided that the epithelial cells are not affected by additional factors. Additional factors are understood as the presence in the body of such components as, for example, aspirin, or it can be oxalic acid. In combination with calcium, these components form kidney stones, which can subsequently even lead to surgical intervention.

The fact is that there are several types of calcium, namely, ionic and molecular. Of course, ionic calcium is best absorbed by the body. But in everyday life, most often a person uses the molecular one. It is found in all dairy products, which is why in some cases milk and cottage cheese do not solve the problem of calcium deficiency in the human body.

One of the folk remedies that helps increase absorption is a mixture of eggshell powder and lemon juice. But such a connection is not enough. The whole process should be accompanied by vitamin D. In particular, this problem concerns children. For an adult, it is enough to drink less coffee and be in the fresh air, and then the level of vitamin D will be normal.

How to use calcium correctly

As mentioned earlier, for the harmonious absorption of calcium, it is necessary to use it with products that contain vitamin D. According to doctors, such a procedure will be enough for the wave. And, of course, do not forget about the systematic physical activity. No less rewarding, there are walks in the fresh air, away from industrial centers. Also, each person should know their calcium norm. For example, for a woman after 50, the norm increases three times, and a deficiency can seriously affect health.

Thus, it is necessary not only to take vitamin complexes, but also to use products of natural origin. It is natural food, moderate exercise, that can work wonders, and this is scientifically confirmed. A high dose of calcium is found in canned fish, such as mackerel, an affordable and tasty option, the fish is tender and sure to please.

Conditions for improving calcium absorption

Sometimes nutrition and vitamins alone are not enough, some need to reconsider their lifestyle as a whole, thus, it is necessary to provide for all aspects.

Diet . Like it or not, but it is the diet that is one of the most important factors. Nutrition plays an important role and not only on the absorption of calcium. First of all, you need to take care of the presence of vitamin D in the body. This is the use of eggs, and fish of the salmon family. Thanks to this vitamin, calcium is well absorbed and has a beneficial effect on bone tissue.
Healthy milk producers even add vitamin D to their products. But sometimes this is not enough, when you stay in the sun, vitamin D is released in the human body. Therefore, walking is simply necessary. And, of course, you can add all kinds of additives to food, but this is done only on the recommendation of a doctor.

Hatch control . It is necessary to control not only products containing calcium, but also products that contribute to its excretion. First of all, such products include salt, coffee, herbs, especially sorrel, and sweet carbonated drinks. The most dangerous for the body is oxalic acid, which forms salts, and subsequently stones. Based on this, it is not necessary to use products containing calcium with the above listed products. This is a dangerous compound for the body.

stomach acid . Low stomach acid also affects calcium levels. The acidity of the stomach decreases with the use of a large number of drugs, and with age. Therefore, you need to take into account these factors, and, if necessary, increase the consumption of products containing calcium. Consult a doctor and take a number of necessary measures.

Before using any medication, you need to find out for yourself a number of side effects. There are drugs that interfere with the absorption of calcium. In such a situation, you need to urgently get the advice of a professional doctor, and it is possible to replace the drug with a similar one, but without such an indicator.

Another key to success is physical activity, which will have a general beneficial effect on the body. At the end of the load, you need to drink a glass of kefir, which is also necessary for the body.

Not a small effect on the body is exerted by stressful situations, so you should not be upset over trifles, keep yourself in control. Perhaps in some situations, it is worth taking sedatives.

Thanks to such simple tips and actions, you can maintain the health of your own body for a long time.