Compression fracture of the spine - consequences. Compression fracture of the vertebra: signs and methods of treatment Compression fracture of the 11 12 thoracic vertebra treatment

12th vertebra – this symbol indicates the desired thoracic vertebra. Its size reaches its maximum together with the first and second lumbar vertebrae. It is in this place that the human body can be divided, as it were, “in half” by a transverse line. That is why the load of the greatest force comes to this place.

Area 12th is subjected to daily: flexion, extension, stretching, compression and other types of loads. But it happens that the body’s support cannot stand it and breaks under the influence of any environmental factors. Such problems include a compression fracture of the 12th thoracic vertebra.

The word “compression” itself, translated from English, means “squeezing, pressing.” That is, a fracture of this type will occur as a result of excessive compression of the vertebrae.

IN emergency situations, when the load is much higher than permissible, the vertebra may not withstand. So, for example, in a car accident, when one car hits another head-on at high speed, the passengers, by inertia, continue to move forward, hitting obstacles with enormous force.

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At the same time, the entire spinal column is incredibly compressed, and in the place where the load is greatest (this is most often the 12th zone), the vertebrae compress each other to such an extent that one of them simply cracks. The same situation is observed when falling from a height, when the victim lands on his feet, and the movement of the body continues towards the ground, squeezing the spinal column.

Main symptoms

To easily differentiate such damage from any other, you need to know the main symptoms and manifestations. These include:

  • Backache. It is acute and can spread to the entire back, as the entire spinal column also suffers.
  • Irradiation. This term refers to the return of pain to the limb. With this pathology, pain will radiate to both the arms and legs.
  • Weakness and numbness of the limbs is due to the fact that the spinal cord may be damaged as a result of injury.
  • Girdle pain in the abdomen. This symptom indicates that it was the sterno-lumbar region that was affected. Especially the 12th thoracic vertebra.
  • Difficulty breathing. Due to such an injury, shallow breathing may occur for several reasons. Firstly, the diaphragm could be damaged during compression. It may also happen that the phrenic nerve, which extends from the brain, will be compressed, as a result of which nerve impulses will not fully reach the organ.

These are perhaps the main symptoms of a compression fracture in this department spinal column.

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Spinal fractures of any nature do not go away without leaving a trace, and can often cost the lives of the victims. This applies even to those cases when he was “cured”.

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Let's discuss each of them in detail:

  • Radiculitis. Verbatim from medical language- This is an inflammation of the nerve roots that extend from the spinal cord. The nerves pass between the vertebrae, forming so-called roots in this place. When subjected to compression, they will become pinched between the vertebrae and become inflamed. This is not a fatal disease, but can cause chronic pain or numbness in the limbs.
  • Osteochondrosis. More precisely, post-traumatic osteochondrosis, like radiculitis. This concept refers to a condition when the intervertebral discs dry out, crack, and fall apart, which is accompanied by aching pain of varying intensity. In this case, a compressed vertebra will lead to crushing of the disc, its destruction and, ultimately, drying out. Of course, like radiculitis, this disease will not lead to death, but will be accompanied by aching pain.
  • . Stenosis means narrowing. In the spinal canal, formed by the vertebrae themselves, is the spinal cord, which performs wide range vital important functions and reflexes. When changing the diameter of the channel. Accordingly, the spinal cord will suffer. The consequence of this may be not only pain, but also numbness of the arms and legs, immobilization in general, or death against the background of organ failure.
  • Intervertebral hernias can also be a consequence of a compression fracture. But in this case, no one knows which way it will come out. If it is towards the back of the body, it is not fatal, but will be accompanied by pain and limited mobility. If a hernia extends to the side of the spine, it can compress nearby vessels and nerves, thereby disrupting the trophism of any organ. But the most dangerous hernias are Schmorl's. They climb towards the spinal canal and can compress the spinal cord. The result may be the same as with spinal stenosis.

The thoracic spine is most susceptible to fractures compared to the cervical and lumbar spine. The reason for this is limited mobility and less elasticity, less shock absorption of the vertebrae.

Fractures in the thoracic region occur during a fall, sudden turns of the body, direct blows to the back; they are a professional injury among divers, loaders, pilots, gymnasts, and often occur with road injuries, as well as with diseases of the spine.

Types of thoracic vertebrae fractures

All vertebral fractures are divided into 2 large groups based on their origin:

  • traumatic;
  • pathological, arising against the background of destructive changes in the vertebrae, even with sharp turns (with tumors, tuberculosis, osteomyelitis and osteoporosis of the vertebrae).

In both groups, the following types of fractures are distinguished, depending on the nature of the damage:

  • compression - the most common, characterized by compression of the vertebrae, a decrease in their height;
  • rotational - a rare and severe form, when a rotation of the vertebra occurs with a fracture of the processes, rupture of ligaments, discs, and dislocation of the ribs;
  • distraction - occur with a sharp stretch of the spine, accompanied by damage to the bodies and processes of the vertebrae, rupture of discs, ligaments, and muscles.

Dorsopathy of the thoracic spine is a fairly common pathology. This concept combines a whole range of diseases: osteochondrosis, spondylosis, and spondyloarthrosis. Let's consider the causes, distinctive features in manifestations, treatment, prognosis.

From a clinical point of view, there are 2 types of fractures: stable and unstable. With stable fractures, there is no significant displacement of the fragments and no complications from the spinal cord develop. Unstable fractures are very dangerous because displaced fragments can damage the spinal cord, cause painful shock, paralysis and even death.

Important: In older people with severe osteoporosis, the vertebrae are very fragile, like sugar. Therefore, you should beware even of bruises, and in cases of any injury, consult a doctor.

Clinical symptoms of thoracic vertebral fractures

Stable fractures are characterized by local pain in the spine at the fracture site, and radicular syndrome, depending on the level. This may be severe intercostal neuralgia, difficulty breathing, tension in the back and abdominal muscles, forced distortion of the torso, abdominal pain, numbness of the skin of the chest and abdomen, and limbs.

With unstable fractures, in addition to pain, a picture of lower paraplegia (paralysis of the legs), urinary retention, and loss of skin sensitivity in the torso and limbs develop. In severe cases, spinal shock may develop, and if the circulation of cerebrospinal fluid is disrupted, clinical death may occur.

Methods for diagnosing spinal fractures

After examining and questioning the patient about the circumstances of the injury, he is sent for an X-ray examination. More informative are computer and magnetic resonance imaging, which determine not only damage to bone structures, but also discs, ligaments, muscles, membranes, and spinal cord.

If the patient is in serious condition, he is given emergency assistance, then in a lying position they do a study on a tomographic scanner. A spinal puncture is also performed, which may reveal blood in the cerebrospinal fluid.

If necessary, they also perform venospondylography (examination of veins), myelography (examination of the spinal canal), spinal endoscopy - examination of the spinal canal thin probe with a camera.

Treatment methods for thoracic vertebral fractures

Providing first aid, regardless of the patient’s condition, consists of mandatory immobilization by lying on a hard surface under the lower back, and administering painkillers. If necessary, provide anti-shock and resuscitation measures.

If the examination does not reveal damage to the spinal cord, herniation of vertebrae and fragments into the spinal canal, prescribe conservative treatment. The patient is placed on a special bed with an inclined plane and fixation to stretch the spine under its own weight. In other cases, forced traction of the limbs with a system of weights and blocks is used, depending on the nature of the fracture.

Traction continues until the vertebrae, all fragments and their fixation are completely reduced; this can last 1.5-2 months. At this time, physiotherapy, massage, vitamin therapy, antispasmodics, and means to improve blood circulation are prescribed. Next, the patient is put on a rigid corset for 3-4 months, until complete fusion. A course of treatment is prescribed in a special spinal rehabilitation center, it is recommended sanatorium treatment(balneotherapy, peloid therapy).

Surgical treatment is carried out in case of complicated fractures - fragments are removed, plastic surgery and fixation of the vertebrae is performed.

Important: Treatment of vertebral fractures is a long process. You need to be patient and go through full course restorative treatment.

The success of treatment largely depends on the patient himself. To avoid the consequences of a fracture of the thoracic vertebrae, changes in the spine after injury require constant maintenance of physical fitness and therapeutic exercises.

Have you encountered a fracture of the 12th thoracic vertebra? Learn about the consequences of injury, and also learn about effective methods of treating the disease.

A thoracic vertebra fracture is a serious injury that disrupts the anatomical integrity of the spinal column. As a result, the patient experiences severe pain, loss of sensitivity, and in severe cases, disruption of the functioning of other organs, for example, the heart or respiratory tract.

About the thoracic vertebra

The spine is the main component of the musculoskeletal system. Many people wonder what the 12th thoracic vertebra is responsible for. The answer is simple, it is this component of the spine that is one of the main supports for the chest.

Diagram of the placement of vertebrae in the thoracic spine

With a compression fracture, the spine is severely compressed. Great pressure causes the vertebra to become wedge-shaped. Top part begins to go beyond the “normal” boundaries, and the corners begin to press into the lower vertebra, the structure of which begins to collapse.


Healthy vertebrae are characterized by strength. It is not so easy to injure them; they are able to withstand heavy loads.

As a rule, young people and representatives of the middle age group are injured through mechanical action.

People of retirement age are at risk. Over the years, the vertebrae become less strong, they are not able to withstand even minimal loads. Faced with a slight fall, a pensioner can “earn” a fracture.

Among the most common factors that provoke the disease are the following:

  • fall from high altitude(for example, an unsuccessful jump into the water, falling from a balcony due to an accident, etc.);
  • traffic accident;
  • injuries of a professional nature (in this case we are talking about athletes who fell unsuccessfully or overloaded the vertebral area);
  • all kinds of blows to the back area.

Another factor that provokes the disease is bone tuberculosis or vertebral tumor. In the first case, the disease is caused by weakening of the vertebrae, after which they are susceptible to injury. In the second case, metastases accompanying malignancy can destroy the structure of the 11th and 12th vertebrae. A fracture can also be caused by a hemangioma of the 12th thoracic vertebra (benign neoplasm).


Many patients wonder what consequences await them with a compression fracture of the 12th vertebra. As practice has shown, the symptoms of the disease bring significant discomfort to the patient’s life.

First of all, the patient feels severe pain, which intensifies with the slightest movement. Even walking around the apartment will be difficult for the patient.

With a compression fracture of the 12th thoracic vertebra, the patient experiences severe pain even with the slightest movement

The second thing that immediately catches your eye is the deformation of the spine (the resulting bend can develop into a hump over time), which becomes the cause of impaired breathing in the patient.

The patient also exhibits neurological symptoms. In the event of a fracture, the vertebral fragments could touch the nerve endings. In this case, the victim will experience weakness in the arms or paralysis.


Experts distinguish different degrees of the disease, which directly depend on how high the vertebrae are located after the fracture and the degree of post-traumatic consequences (damage to the spinal cord and neighboring organs).

Thus, four main stages of fracture can be noted, including the following:

  • Light – the vertebra is reduced in height by one third, but its integrity is not compromised. Internal organs are not affected.
  • Medium – height has been reduced by 50%, integrity has been compromised. The spinal cord and neighboring organs were not affected.
  • Severe – the height has been reduced by more than half, the structural part of the spine is severely damaged. Neighboring organs or the spinal cord area are affected.
  • Critical - severe damage, the structure of the spine is damaged. Both neighboring organs and the spinal cord are affected.

A fracture can provoke diseases of other organs. For example, lung contusion, violation heart rate And so on.

Features in children

Fractures are more common among children. This is directly related to their anatomical features.

The fact is that the skeletons of children are saturated with organic elements that make the spine more flexible and elastic. In addition, the vertebrae contain cartilage tissue, which is less strong and durable in contrast to spongy bone in adults.

Thus, the children's spine is susceptible to injury. The characteristic symptoms are identical to those present in adults. The most striking sign of the disease is severe pain.

First aid

Proper medical care plays a decisive role in the event of a spinal fracture. Since incorrect actions can aggravate the disease or lead to death.

Proper transportation of the patient is the main measure that must be taken during first aid. The patient should be moved only in a lying position on a hard surface.


Before a specialist prescribes treatment, he needs to diagnose the fracture. Initially, the physician must find out the complaints and anamnesis (the history of the onset of the disease from the patient, for example, the patient needs to notify the doctor about an accident that preceded the disease).

To diagnose a compression fracture, you should immediately contact your doctor.

In the future, the specialist will prescribe diagnostic procedures to the patient. Among them are the following:

  • X-ray is necessary to confirm the fracture.
  • Computed tomography - allows you to study the structural features of damage in more detail.
  • MRI is prescribed in cases where doctors suspect damage to nerve structures.
  • Neurological examination - allows you to determine whether the spinal cord or nerve endings have been affected.


Treatment of thoracic compression fractures in children and adults is the same. With an integrated approach to treatment, patients quickly recover from illness; moreover, surgical intervention is necessary as a last resort.

Minimizing activity

If the spine is damaged, experts unanimously prescribe the patient a sharp minimization of movements - a strict pastel regime. Standing and sitting positions should be kept to a minimum; lifting heavy objects is strictly prohibited.


A corset is an orthopedic device, the main function of which is to fix the spine in its “normal” form. Such measures make it possible to minimize the load on the back and create favorable conditions for vertebral fusion.

In order to minimize the load on the spine and fix it in a normal position, doctors recommend using a special corset

When wearing a corset, the patient needs to follow a few simple rules. Among them are the following:

  • the device must be removed during sleep;
  • The corset is not recommended to be worn on a naked body;
  • you need to correctly adjust the level of fixation of the spine.

In general, the corset has no contraindications. But the patient is not recommended to choose the device on his own; the type of corset is prescribed by the attending physician.


Drug treatment is not able to “glue” the vertebra together; it is necessary to relieve pain, which greatly bothers the patient. Among the most common drugs that experts prescribe to patients are the following:


Physiotherapeutic procedures are prescribed to patients if the fracture begins to heal. They allow the patient to quickly recover from illness. Recommended procedures include the following:

  • UHF is necessary to eliminate pain and restore the functioning of the circulatory system.
  • Electrophoresis - prescribed with calcium salt. The procedure helps strengthen bones.


Spinal traction is an effective procedure that not only eliminates pain, but also promotes rapid healing of the damaged vertebra. Medical experts distinguish three main types of traction:

  • Manual - the patient is placed horizontally, and meanwhile the physician is positioned in front of the couch and carefully pulls the patient by the ankles. After the procedure is completed, the patient needs to lie still for about two hours.
  • Hardware dry - the patient is placed on a specialized machine, thanks to which it is possible to accurately calculate the load required to impact the spine.
  • Hardware underwater - the procedure is identical to the previous one, but the patient is placed in water.

Enough effective procedure is hardware traction of the spine

The procedure has some contraindications. Experts do not recommend spinal traction in the following cases:

  • at inflammatory process in the area of ​​the spinal cord;
  • in the case when the vertebra is fragmented;
  • disturbance in the central nervous system;
  • impaired blood clotting;
  • when carrying a child.

Surgical intervention

Surgical treatment is a last resort. Its necessity arises in the following cases:

  • vertebral height decreased by 50% or more;
  • with severe pain caused by pinched nerves;
  • in the event that other organs (for example, the lungs) are affected by the fracture.

At late stages tumor surgery is prohibited. Instead, specialists may offer radiation (electromagnetic radiation that eliminates the tumor) or chemotherapy (fighting infected cells with the help of specialized drugs).

Modern medicine offers patients several alternative types of operations.


The patient is under local anesthesia, while the specialist makes a small incision near the location of the damaged vertebra and inserts a special metal guide.

With its help, the affected area is filled with an X-ray contrast solution, thanks to which the vertebral fragments are raised and placed on old place. Then specialists use a tube to inject a special cementing substance into the damaged area.

Once complete, the tube is removed and the incision is sutured. After two hours, the patient will be able not only to sit, but also to walk.


The patient is given local anesthesia. Meanwhile, the doctor inserts a special metal needle into the damaged area, through which polymethyl methacrylate (a special cementing substance) enters the vertebra.

Unlike the previous technique, with vertebroplasty, vertebral fragments are not collected using a specialized solution. The operation is usually prescribed in cases where the vertebra is not crushed.

A couple of hours after the procedure, the patient experiences relief. He can sit and move around without hindrance.

To familiarize yourself with the operation process, we suggest you watch the video


Next, the surgeon must secure the vertebrae using pins, plates or screws. If the affected vertebra cannot be restored, the doctor installs an implant (an artificial analogue).

Once complete, the incision is sutured. The recovery process is long, taking about two months. The patient is recommended to wear a bandage or a special corset.


Patients often wonder what consequences await them if the 12th vertebra is broken. Experts unanimously say that if treatment is ignored, the patient risks facing serious complications. Among them are the following:

  • Segmental instability - characterized by a violation of the height of the vertebra (decreases by more than 30%), which provokes degradation of the intervertebral discs and bone tissue. This in turn leads to severe pain or paralysis.
  • Kyphotic type deformity - a hump begins to develop in the thoracic region, which leads to severe pain, disruption of the lungs and heart.
  • Neurological complications - vertebral fragments can affect the spinal cord and nerve roots. This pathology provokes numbness not only of the affected area, but also of the limbs.

Thus, a compression fracture is a serious injury that disrupts the structure of the spine. Patients need to begin treatment as soon as possible, otherwise they risk paralysis and other serious consequences.

If you have any questions or useful tips treatment of a fracture from personal practice, you can share your comments with other users.

Compression fracture of the thoracic spine is amenable to long-term treatment and rehabilitation. The damage occurs acutely and disrupts the anatomical integrity of the vertebrae. Mild injuries lead to deformation of one vertebra, while others lead to multiple cracks. Injury to the thoracic region is often life-threatening. The mortality rate for this type of injury is 8.3% of all identified cases. There are no gender differences or peculiarities; damage is diagnosed in men and women equally often.

Damage to the thoracic vertebrae is divided into three types, one of which is compression injury to the vertebrae.



Massage is mandatory. At the same time, it is possible to quickly restore blood supply and metabolism in the place where the damage was diagnosed; it also helps to reduce congestion and prevent complications.

Complications and consequences

Unfortunately, complications from a compression fracture of the spine are common. Since the damage occurs near the spinal cord and nerve roots. If no operation was performed and the degree of damage is minimal, complications manifest themselves in the form of segmental instability and kyphotic deformity.

  • The consequences of a fracture in the form of kyphotic deformity are characterized by a pointed region of the thoracic spine. The phenomenon often occurs in older people who are overweight. This complication occurs as a result of osteoporosis and spinal fracture.
  • The second complication is segmental instability, which is diagnosed if the height of the spine when damaged is more than 30%. With such a complication, the patient is unable to perform his social functions, and often does not know how to live further.
  • Neurological changes can occur both with a compression fracture of the 12th thoracic vertebra and with injury to other parts. Their development is determined by the formed bone fragments, which compress the spinal cord and nerve roots.

To prevent complications, you must immediately visit a doctor and begin full treatment.


Main preventive method fracture of the thoracic vertebra is caution and attentiveness. Also, if the patient has problems with work musculoskeletal system, it is better to eliminate it immediately and get treatment. This will help avoid bone fractures in the future. Be healthy.

Dear readers of the 1MedHelp website, if you still have questions on this topic, we will be happy to answer them. Leave your reviews, comments, share stories of how you experienced a similar trauma and successfully dealt with the consequences! Your life experience may be useful to other readers.

The physiological and anatomical properties of the spine allow it to be flexible and withstand extreme loads. Supportive function and shock absorption are its main physiological features. But, like any part of the human body, the spine can be injured, resulting in a loss of integrity. Compression fracture is the most common and dangerous injury to the spinal column.

This pathology occurs as a result of a severe blow, fall or other injury. There are certain predisposing factors and risk groups among the population. Compression fractures can occur in the lumbar, cervical, thoracic or coccygeal regions.

A fracture of one or a group of vertebral bodies may occur. Meet different types pathology. There are closed and open compressions. In addition, a compression or decompression fracture occurs. With the latter, the vertebrae are stretched due to injury.

Causes and features of compression

Due to the rather complex anatomy of the spine, certain changes in its structure may occur during life. These changes make the vertebral bodies more mobile and susceptible to injury.

Predisposing diseases such as osteochondrosis, osteoporosis, disc displacement, and injury cause neighboring vertebrae to compress the damaged one, giving the spine a wedge-shaped shape. Scoliosis and compression fractures are often combined together. With scoliosis, a person’s posture is disrupted, weakening the muscular corset of the back.

The most common fractures are the lumbar and thoracic spine due to the greatest load on them. When the lumbar spine is affected, a compression fracture of the l1 vertebra often occurs. Due to the fact that the thoracic spine has practically no free space for the spinal cord, a complicated compression fracture of the th11-th12 thoracic vertebra is a rather dangerous injury.

Compression due to a direct fall from a height onto the legs is common. Compression and destruction of the internal tissue of the vertebral body occurs. When excessive tilt or rotation of the spine occurs due to injury, the risk of compression increases. A compression fracture occurs after a fall on the tailbone, a traffic accident or other severe injury.

The second common cause is pathological degenerative-inflammatory processes and the presence of tumors. With osteoporosis, the density of the spinal column decreases and bone mass is lost. Such changes weaken both the spine as a whole and its discs. Fractures occur due to a sharp forward bend or minor injury, especially in old age. A characteristic symptom of the pathology is shortening of height and development of kyphosis over time.

Tumors various localizations when enlarged, they can destroy the vertebral structure, have a detrimental effect on bone tissue and are predisposing factors causing compression fractures in the spine.

Symptoms and stages of traumatization

Symptoms depend on the cause of the fracture and the extent of damage. They are usually divided into three degrees:

  • Grade 1 is characterized by a decrease in vertebral height by less than 30%;
  • at grade 2, the height decreases by about 50%;
  • at grade 3 - more than 50%.

Depending on whether the fracture is closed or open, symptoms of varying severity appear. In a pathological condition due to sudden injury or a fall, severe pain appears in the area of ​​injury. When a fracture affects the bodies of the thoracic spine, difficulty breathing occurs. Injury to the lumbar vertebral body causes pain to radiate to the abdominal area.

After a fracture, symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, headache, and numbness of body parts appear. Movement of the human body is difficult due to tension in the back muscles and severe pain. When pressed, pain appears along the axis of the spinal column. Painful sensations decrease when the patient is lying down.

When a compression fracture occurs after a long-term condition such as osteoporosis, the symptoms are somewhat different. The pain does not appear immediately, but gradually increases and intensifies with each attack. Over time, a feeling of numbness begins to appear in the arms and legs. Weakness and fatigue occur.

In the absence of adequate treatment, a person develops such a pathological change in the body as a hump on the back and a clearly noticeable curvature. In old age and with old fractures, symptoms of the disease may practically not occur and be completely absent.

Severe and complicated compression fractures can damage and compress the spinal cord. This condition threatens the occurrence of paralysis of the upper or lower extremities. The consequences are especially dangerous after injuries to the body of the l1 lumbar and th11-th12 thoracic vertebrae.


Based on the patient's symptoms and complaints alone, it is difficult to determine that a compression fracture has occurred, especially when it is closed or old. There must be a history of either trauma or pathological disease. A neurological examination of the patient, palpation of the back, and consultation with specialists are necessary.

An important aspect for diagnostics is hardware examination. X-rays are taken in different projections. To more accurately determine the degree of compression, CT scan, which makes it possible to identify structural changes. In rare cases, magnetic resonance imaging is prescribed: only in cases of possible spinal cord injury and neurological changes.

Densitometry, or measurement of bone density, is performed on older women after 40 years of age and men after 60 years of age. Allows you to detect osteoprosis and its degree of development.

For neurological changes, myelography may be indicated. With its help, you can determine the functional state of the spinal cord and identify its damage.


If therapy is not started on time, the patient’s life and health are under serious threat, since there is a risk of damage to the spinal cord and an old fracture may develop.

Treatment of a compression fracture involves two stages. First aid is necessary if compression occurs suddenly. Do not attempt to lift or move a person. You need to immediately call an ambulance or find a doctor. If it is not possible to leave a person in place or his life and health are at risk, then you can carry the victim on a hard and level surface, and very carefully. This can happen in the event of an accident or emergency.

When the patient’s life is at risk, the necessary resuscitation and urgent measures are carried out in a hospital setting. Next begins the intensive phase of treatment, which should be long and complex. The main task of doctors is to restore normal function of the spine, restore functionality and avoid complications in the future. Compression fractures can be treated conservatively and surgically. The duration and approach to therapy and rehabilitation are chosen by the attending physician, whose task is to prevent the patient from becoming disabled.

It is necessary to organize bed rest during the examination and accurate diagnosis. Analgesics are prescribed to relieve pain. Their dosage and course of treatment are based on the extent of the damage. The average recovery time for uncomplicated and non-advanced fractures is about three months.

After the end of bed rest, physical activity, sudden turns of the body and overwork are strictly prohibited. It is necessary to sleep, lie down and read on fairly flat, hard surfaces. long time. It is recommended to wear an orthopedic corset to fix the spine and limit motor activity. This type of therapy speeds up the healing process. It is required to strictly follow all doctor’s prescriptions and recommendations to prevent neurological complications.

The first and second degrees of the disease and the absence of an old fracture make it possible to successfully achieve treatment using conservative methods.

After the threat to the patient’s life has passed and the condition begins to normalize, physiotherapy and physical education. Physiotherapy has a positive effect. Massage for a compression fracture is recommended to be done after the main course of therapy, to restore functional function and strengthen the muscular corset of the back.

Physiotherapy and gymnastics are selected individually for each case of compression. There are various additional methods for treating fractures, including applications, methods traditional medicine, use of blockade for pain relief. All of them are selected depending on the patient’s condition. The main goals and objectives of therapy are to strengthen the muscular system of the human body, restore flexibility and mobility of the vertebrae.

In the third degree and open fractures surgical methods of treatment are used. It remains for the attending physician to determine what type of surgical intervention will be performed. There are several treatment options:

  • minor invasive interventions;
  • performing a surgical operation.

Minor invasive treatments are divided into vertebroplasty and kyphoplasty. Vertebroplasty can relieve the patient from pain and strengthen the damaged spinal disc. The procedure is carried out using a needle through which a special cement solution is injected.

Kyphoplasty allows you to correct the shape and position of the affected vertebra. The procedure consists of inflating previously inserted empty chambers through several needles to fix the vertebral body.

A surgical operation is performed to remove broken bones and fragments, relieve pressure on the spinal cord and use special fixators.

After recovery and manipulations, a long period of rehabilitation is required. Physiotherapy and therapeutic exercises are the main components of a successful recovery.

Compression-comminuted fracture of the Th12 vertebral body, 2nd degree

Orthopedist: I say for the hundredth time, do not apply ointments and do not inject chemicals into your sore BACK and JOINTS.

Hello. In August of this year I was injured. Diagnosis: Compression-comminuted fracture of the body of the Th12 vertebra of the 2nd degree with the introduction of a fragment into the lumen of the spinal canal. Spinal cord compression. According to the quota, my operation is scheduled for the 1st quarter of 2016. I wanted to know: is it possible to have surgery after 6 months? after an injury? Already 2 months. I’m lying down, can I get back on my feet before surgery? Thank you in advance.

Good afternoon, Oyuna! We will probably upset you, but getting up on your feet in your situation is undesirable. If the vertebral fracture were not accompanied by neurological symptoms, namely compression of the spinal cord, the doctors would have allowed you to get up earlier. Be patient, because getting up early will not end well. In a vertical position, the load on the entire spine increases, and the fragment that entered the spinal canal during an injury can damage the spinal cord.

The consequences of such a defeat are difficult to imagine, but complete loss of free movement is likely. Don’t rush – spinal fractures take a long time to heal. If possible, have the operation done not under a quota, but in a private clinic, then the recovery process will be accelerated. But even after the operation, strict bed rest will have to be observed for at least 2 months. You will probably be wearing a corset after the operation, but this will be decided by the operating doctors.

Patience, endurance and health to you!

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Compression fracture of the spine

What is a vertebral compression fracture?

A vertebral compression fracture is a type of vertebral fracture. It differs from other varieties in that it is accompanied by compression of the bodies of the spinal segments and nerve endings. This happens as follows: at the site of the fracture, a vertebra or several vertebrae are excessively compressed, as a result of which its height and anatomical integrity decrease. Damaged vertebrae may remain in place (in the spinal column) - this is a stable fracture. Or they shift - this is an unstable fracture, which more often requires surgery.

Depending on how “flattened” the vertebra is, fractures of the first to third degrees of severity are distinguished. In the first case, part of the spine is deformed by a third, in the second - by half, and in the most severe case - by more than half. The success of treatment depends on the severity of the disease. People with weakened bone tissue and those who engage in extreme sports are more susceptible to such injuries.

One of the symptoms of this type of fracture (like any other) is a strong, piercing, sharp pain when trying to change position. This is due to the strong impact on the part nervous system. The pain shock is so strong that the victim may fall into unconsciousness.

So, general symptoms spinal fractures:

acute pain syndrome;

weakness or numbness of the limbs due to damage to nerve endings up to tetraplegia - complete paralysis of the arms and legs;

asphyxia due to a fracture of the thoracic or cervical spine up to apnea - complete cessation of breathing;

involuntary urination due to a lumbar fracture.

The hallmark symptom of a compression fracture is its cause. It is provoked not by flexion/extension of the spine as a flexion-extension fracture and not by rotation of the spinal column as a rotational one, but by a strong mechanical impact.

Compression fractures vary in the presence of complications, the degree of change in the shape of the vertebra (complexity) and location. In some cases this pathological condition leads to disability.

A vertebral compression fracture is a very serious injury to the spinal column. It can affect anyone regardless of age if care is not taken while playing sports or due to an accident.

Types of spinal fracture

fracture cervical region spine

thoracic spine fracture

lumbar spine fracture

fracture of the sacrum and fracture of the coccyx

Cervical spine fracture

decrease in bone mass associated with age-related changes;

RTA – road traffic accident;

head injuries from falling from a height, heavy objects on the head or diving.

Excessive mechanical impact on the vertebral body leads to a change in its shape to a wedge-shaped one. In a longitudinal section, the body of the damaged vertebra looks like a triangle - a wedge, therefore such a fracture is also called a simple wedge-shaped fracture. Deformation of the cervical and thoracic vertebrae is usually accompanied by difficulty breathing and swallowing.

Symptoms of a cervical spine fracture:

acute pain in the neck, radiating to the back of the head, shoulder girdle, arms or between the shoulder blades;

the neck muscles reflexively tense.

The neck is fixed using special orthopedic collars. The most dangerous and difficult to treat are injuries to the first two vertebrae of the cervical spine. In case of a comminuted fracture, hardware traction and the use of a Glisson loop are sometimes required. The traction procedure lasts approximately a month. Each stage of traction is radiologically controlled. After its completion, the patient’s neck is rigidly fixed using a plaster corset or a special Shants collar.

Most often, a neck fracture is accompanied by complications. Preventing them or at least reducing their severity is the primary task of specialists. Why cervical vertebrae Are they damaged that easily? Forward bending of the head is limited chest, and during extension there are no limiters. This is why such injuries occur during sports.

According to the classification of injuries to the cervical spine, in addition to compression injuries, there may also be:

fracture of the articular process;

“digger” fracture – comminuted fracture of the spinous processes;

comminuted fracture of the anterior arch of the atlas;

extension avulsion fracture;

fracture of the posterior arch of the atlas;

isolated arch fracture;

traumatic spondylolisthesis (vertebral displacement) - “executioner” fracture;

fracture of the odontoid process and other injuries.

Vertical compression fractures include the Jeffersonian burst fracture of the atlas and the comminuted fracture. Interestingly, the mechanisms of some types of fractures are still not well understood.

During the rehabilitation period, a rigid corset can be replaced with a more gentle neck brace. This could be, for example, a removable soft head holder. The recovery period is quite long and requires a lot of strength and patience from the patient.

Fracture of the thoracic spine

The cause of a fracture, as in other cases, is the force exerted on the vertebra exceeding its strength limits. Sometimes the blow is not so strong, but bone too fragile and cannot even withstand the load during a cough. This condition is typical for older people.

Symptoms of a thoracic spine fracture:

chest pain;

muscle weakness in the back;

numbness or paresis - incomplete paralysis of the legs;

disorders of urination and defecation.

Urgent immobilization of the spine is required. Once the level of the fracture has been established, its severity is determined by testing the movements, sensation and reflexes of the lower extremities. If the compression of the nerve roots is shallow, then mobility is likely to be limited temporarily. With strong pressure, paralysis may remain.

Diagnosis of this type of fracture usually requires an x-ray in a swimmer's position with one arm raised above the head. In this position, the x-ray image clearly shows the place of articulation of the thoracic and cervical spine. But a computed tomography study is more informative.

On an x-ray, some tissues seem to obscure others, the so-called overlay of shadows occurs. But computed tomography also has the disadvantage of ionizing radiation, which in large doses is harmful to health. Magnetic resonance imaging shows the spinal cord, intervertebral discs and paravertebral tissues in detail.

Strength and Duration neurological manifestations depends on the degree of compression of the nerve elements. Decreased innervation internal organs leads to a malfunction of the body as a whole. For example, intestinal obstruction may occur.

Immobilization is provided with the help of such orthopedic means as corset belts, rigid posture correctors with a back and fabric reclinators for shoulder extension. During the protective period, physical activity, including heavy lifting, is prohibited.

Prolonged and strict bed rest leads to complications from the circulatory, respiratory and excretory systems. Compression garments help prevent this and breathing exercises. With proper treatment, a thoracic spinal fracture can be completely cured.

Lumbar spine fracture

This type of fracture is more common in older people. Their fragile bone tissue is easily destroyed. There are 5 vertebrae in the lumbar region. The load on them is very heavy. Bone tissue can “wear out” due to calcium deficiency. Poor nutrition and metabolic disorders contribute to the occurrence of fractures. Destruction of bone tissue can also be a consequence of pathologies such as tuberculosis and syphilis.

Symptoms of a lumbar spine fracture:

pain in the lower back or buttocks;

forced body position;

development of terminal conditions;

disorders of defecation and urination.

Pain syndrome with a lumbar fracture weakens in the supine position. Diagnosis requires testing of perineal sensitivity and anal reflex. A spinal injury is damage to the “spinal chord” that impairs the functioning of the spinal cord. If a complete anatomical rupture occurs, then paralysis of the legs is inevitable. Stress fractures of the lumbar vertebrae also occur, for example, in professional athletes.

If there is no significant displacement of the vertebrae, then it is enough for the patient to unload the spine using a thoracolumbosacral orthosis or a lumbosacral corset. These retainers cannot be removed for long periods of time for several months. In order to promptly detect the occurrence of vertebral instability, X-ray examinations are periodically performed.

In order to avoid or minimize the residual symptoms of a lumbar spinal fracture, it is enough to follow the recommendations of doctors and actively engage in disease prevention.

Fracture of the sacrum and fracture of the coccyx

The sacrum and coccyx are so closely related that the prerequisites, signs and treatment for their fracture are almost identical. The coccyx is the “tail” of the spine from fused rudimentary vertebrae. This is an important fulcrum. Fractures of the coccyx are a relatively rare pathology precisely due to its inactivity. Slightly more often, fractures occur at the junction of the sacrum and coccyx. They may be accompanied by displacement of the vertebrae - fracture dislocation.

Causes of fractures of the sacrum or coccyx:

prolonged bumpy ride;

falling on the buttocks from a great height;

age-related bone fragility;

The main symptom of a fracture of the sacrum or coccyx is acute pain in the lower back or buttocks, radiating to the legs, aggravated by defecation, sexual intercourse, changing body position and walking. Stress fractures of the sacrum occur in runners. To diagnose it, two tests are performed: maintaining balance and jumping on one leg.

Pre-hospital stage, i.e. transportation of the patient must be carried out competently. Sometimes, on the way to the hospital, due to inept transfer to a stretcher or turning the body, complications arise that could have been avoided. Three people should carry it onto a hard “shield” surface. Bed rest will help the bones heal quietly, and a special rubber circle or roller will reduce bedsores and pain.

Treatment of fractures of the sacrum and coccyx - limitation physical activity and unloading of the spine. The patient is not allowed to sit for a long time. The process of bone fusion is controlled radiologically. If they are attached incorrectly, an operation is performed. Improper fusion of the lower segments of the spine causes persistent dysfunction of the pelvic organs.

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Consequences of a spinal fracture

The consequences of a spinal fracture can be:

segmental instability of the spine;

neurological diseases, the type of which depends on which nerve endings were compressed;

injuries to nerve structures;

radiculitis – pathology of the spinal cord nerve roots;

chronic pain syndrome;

inability to breathe, requiring constant artificial ventilation;

spondylosis with the formation of osteophytes - spine-like bone growths along the edge of the vertebrae;

the formation of pointed kyphosis (hump) - anteroposterior curvature of the spine;

scoliosis – lateral curvature of the spinal column;

spinal protrusion - protrusion of intervertebral discs without rupture of fibrous rings;

leakage of spinal fluid;

thrombosis and congestive pneumonia due to prolonged immobility;

The severity of the consequences is determined by the severity of the disease and the level of treatment. Unprofessional intervention can irreversibly worsen the situation.

First aid for a spinal fracture

Rules for providing first medical care are important, first of all, because, without knowing them, you can forever deprive the victim of the ability to move independently. Incredible great importance here is the position of the body during transport of the patient! Only the correctness and thoughtfulness of the actions of the “rescuers” leaves a chance for recovery.

Transport the injured person only on a hard surface. If possible, analgesics are administered orally or intramuscularly. The injured area of ​​the body must be secured before transportation. Without special means This is quite difficult to do, so it is better to immobilize the entire spinal column. Any sufficiently large hard surface, from a wide board to a tabletop, is well suited for this. It is best to tie the victim to it.

It is advisable to fix his neck to limit head movements. This measure will help prevent additional damage to the vertebrae. The three of them shift the patient in one smooth synchronized movement.

It is forbidden!

put him on his feet;

try to straighten the vertebrae yourself;

pulling on legs or arms;

give medications orally if swallowing is impaired or the patient is unconscious.

Knowledge of a first aid course can be useful to anyone in life. Ideally, everyone should master the basic necessary knowledge and a set of emergency medical measures.


To begin with, the doctor limits himself to an external examination and palpates the spine. The damaged area is found in that part of the spine, when touched, the patient experiences especially severe pain. If there are fragments, their fragments can also be identified by touch.

To confirm a preliminary diagnosis, an x-ray is usually prescribed and referred to a neurologist to check the functions of the spinal cord and the functioning of nerve endings. X-rays are quite good at identifying pathologies of bone tissue and tumors that could cause a fracture. Desirable radiography in direct, lateral and oblique (intermediate) projections. But, for example, the upper cervical vertebrae can only be “photographed” through an open mouth while lying on your back. A functional radiograph is very informative. It is done in the position of maximum flexion and extension of the spinal column.

When interpreting x-ray The orthopedist carefully evaluates the shape, size and position of the vertebrae. Designed for diagnostic accuracy special techniques, facilitating the assessment of X-ray results. The vertebral bodies are connected with a contour. This allows you to more clearly see deviations and deformations of the lines of the spinal column.

During the process of bone fusion, control radiographic examinations are regularly carried out. This is a necessary measure. It allows you to prevent improper fusion of bones, for example, the formation of a hump, in a timely manner. Myelography - a type x-ray examination- allows you to assess the condition of the spinal cord.

So, diagnostic procedures for a spinal fracture:

CT - computed tomography;

MRI - magnetic resonance imaging;

SPECT - single photon emission CT;

radionuclide bone scan;

bone densitometry – assessment of bone tissue density;

testing for hyperparathyroidism, one of the endocrine disorders;

CBC - complete blood count;

serum protein electrophoresis;

ESR – erythrocyte sedimentation rate;

determination of the level of PSA - prostate-specific antigen - and the level of antinuclear antibodies;

vaginal and rectal (digital examination of the rectum) examinations to detect bone fragments;

ECG – electrocardiography to study the functioning of the heart in fractures of the thoracic spinal column.

CT or MRI even allow a more detailed study of the features of the injuries. Densitometry in doubtful cases excludes osteoporosis. The stronger the bones, the less likely it is to fracture.

After diagnosing a fracture and accurately determining its location, the attending physician determines the type of pathology:

flexion - only the anterior part of the vertebral body is “flattened”;

axial – the height of both the anterior and posterior parts of the vertebra decreases;

rotational – the anatomical integrity of the transverse processes of the vertebrae is disrupted.

You need to know this to develop a treatment method. The list of diagnostic procedures listed is quite impressive, but usually an x-ray is sufficient. Additional measures are prescribed to exclude other diseases.

Treatment of a spinal fracture

The success of the therapeutic course depends on many factors: the severity of the pathology, the extent of damage to internal organs, the professionalism of doctors and even the willpower of the patient. In severe cases, surgery is required.

Conservative treatment is usually sufficient in uncomplicated cases, when the fracture site is stable and the height of the vertebrae changes slightly. Hospitalization usually lasts from one to several months.

The therapeutic course includes:

a course of anesthetics, as well as electrical stimulation, cryotherapy - cold treatment - or massage to relieve pain;

antibiotic therapy for infection;

general strengthening, immunostimulating agents;

bed rest using orthopedic mattresses;

rectification enemas for fractures of the coccyx;

hardware traction, use of Gleason loop;

physical therapy at the final stage of treatment;

physiotherapy - magnet, phonophoresis, muscle electrical stimulation - approximately a month and a half after injury.

Treatment begins with ensuring rest. For some time the patient should remain as still as possible. This is the only way to give the spine a chance to recover. Bed rest for older people should be observed longer than for younger people. At their age, bone tissue grows much more slowly.

Sometimes, despite non-surgical treatment, the symptoms of the disease persist. This indicates an incorrect diagnosis, an error in determining the type of fracture. Then the patient undergoes additional examination.

Surgery is necessary for a fracture of the second or third degree of severity, instability (displacement) and intractable acute pain syndrome. At comminuted fracture A laminectomy is performed to decompress (“release”) the spinal cord and nerve roots. It occurs as follows: the vertebral arches are opened and fragments are removed from the spinal canal. This way it is possible to achieve stabilization of the vertebrae and intervertebral discs.

If the sacrum is fractured, spinal fusion may be required - an operation performed to completely immobilize part of the spine using special metal structures. Plastic surgery is necessary when a vertebra is so damaged that it needs to be replaced with a graft made of synthetic polymers.

At surgical intervention To prevent bone displacement, the following metal structures can be implanted to the patient being operated on:

In each specific case, treatment tactics are determined individually. Even with successful treatment, the body needs a rehabilitation course for six months. In addition to a set of physical therapy exercises, the attending physician recommends swimming lessons with an instructor. Sometimes a course of neurological therapy and acupuncture is also recommended.

Exercise therapy for compression fractures of the spine

Therapeutic gymnastics is absolutely necessary. To allow bones to heal, a part of the body is temporarily immobilized. Over a month or more, the adjacent muscles practically atrophy. The recovery period for the patient is as difficult as the treatment process itself. Physical exercise are selected strictly individually. Golden Rule Exercise therapy – compliance with the sequence of physical activity.

When performing exercises of a rehabilitation physical therapy complex, it is important how strong the patient’s self-discipline is. Exercise can be quite painful at first. It is recommended to master a set of special exercises under the supervision of an instructor. Nearing completion recovery period and, if possible, you can study at home.

Functions of exercise therapy for spinal compression fractures:

strengthening the back muscles that support the spinal column;

improving spinal flexibility;

improved coordination of movements.

The key to the success of exercise therapy is strict compliance with all the doctor’s and instructor’s instructions, as well as a gradual, rather than rapid, return to previous activity. People after a spinal fracture should continue to exercise regularly for preventive purposes.

For bedridden patients, breathing exercises are of great importance. Thanks to exercise therapy, the victim fully recovers physical performance in a fairly short time.

Corset for compression fracture of the spine

The corset additionally secures the spinal column. It reduces the stress on the vertebrae, which prevents instability. Its positive effect does not appear immediately. Usually the plaster corset is removed after about 4 months. The application of a corset is mandatory for a compression fracture of the cervical spine.

Orthopedic corsets differ not only in the shape and method of fastening, but also in the degree of fixation. They may have different number stiffening ribs.

Thus, there are 3 types of corsets applied for fractures:

The corset belt is otherwise called a lumbosacral corset or lumbar bandage. It can be warming or not, with or without fasteners. The range of their applications is quite wide. So, some women use such corsets for weight loss.

As the motor range expands, the bandages become looser. In this regard, it is much more practical to purchase corsets with several degrees of fixation, easily adjustable.

Massage for a spinal fracture

Massage can be prescribed by your doctor to relieve pain and reduce muscle spasms. During the recovery period, this procedure is important for strengthening the muscular “corset” of the spine.

The massage session technique depends on the type of fracture and the duration of the rehabilitation course. Full recovery the spine is possible thanks to the use of several of its varieties: classical, reflex and acupressure.

A compression fracture of the spine is a very serious injury. Any damage to the “axis” or “rod” of our body limits mobility for a long time or forever. But there are also types of fractures that are much more difficult to treat, so you shouldn’t despair and give up. There are cases where people with such a diagnosis were quickly and completely cured, even despite the gloomy forecasts of doctors.

Fractures can be divided into two large groups. The cause of fractures of the first group is the impact of various forces on the bone: a fall, a blow, etc. The cause of fractures of the second group is the weakening of the bone itself and its fragility. In the second type, the risk of fracture increases.

An arm fracture is an injury to one or more bones of a limb. This concept combines fractures humerus or forearm, fractures localized in the area elbow joint. This may also include related injuries to the hand and fingers. Proper fusion of bones and normalization of hand functions are extremely important for a person.

The appearance of swelling after a leg injury is a completely natural phenomenon. Sometimes swelling occurs immediately, sometimes after time, but there are no fractures without swelling. Its formation occurs due to the fact that normal blood flow in the injured area is sharply disrupted.

A femoral neck fracture is a break in the integrity of the femur. The injury is localized in its thinnest part, which is called the neck and connects the body of the bone and its head. Many people perceive this diagnosis as a death sentence. This attitude towards injury is due to the severity of recovery and the need for surgery.

The human body is very fragile, so none of us are really immune to bone fractures that occur as a result of serious injuries. Unfortunately, most of these injuries require not only drug therapy, but also surgical intervention, as well as a certain rehabilitation period after fusion.

Folk remedy for treating fractures. You need to take five lemons, five eggs, fifty grams of cognac, two tablespoons of honey. Cognac can be replaced with Cahors. Mix raw eggs with honey and dry their shells. Grind these shells and mix with fresh lemon juice. After a couple of days, the shell should dissolve into.

The question is how soon can she return to sports without harm to her health and when can she sit down?

She sustained a spinal injury on August 4, 2017, when she fell backwards from a height of about 1 meter onto a mat in a children's labyrinth.

As we managed to establish from her words, she fell either on her back or on her butt.

After the fall, the child began to feel short of breath and had chest pain for the first 2 days.

At the moment, we have made a Chenault corset, doing exercise therapy according to Dreving-Gorinevskaya 3 times a day, performing El-stimulation of the extensor muscles 1 time a day, using a vibrating massager on the area of ​​the spinous processes of the thoracic vertebrae 3 times daily, taking Osteogenon 1 t. 2 times a day, drinks raw 2-3 quail eggs per day + half a teaspoon of crushed shells quail eggs, 2 times a day we smear the damaged part with Traumeel S ointment and 1 time a day with Zhivokost.

The information on the site is intended for informational purposes only and does not encourage self-treatment, consultation with a doctor is required!