What nicknames to choose for French bulldogs for boys and girls. What nicknames to choose for French bulldogs boys and girls Long nicknames and for documents

A breed that has gained popularity all over the world thanks to its funny appearance, and most importantly, a truly kind, but strong character. The origin of this breed is obvious even from its name - France.

There, bulldogs were kept by aristocrats, thanks to which the purity of the breed was well preserved. Socialized and good-natured dogs accompanied their owners everywhere. In neighboring England this breed was also known quite well. That is why names in the European style are most relevant for these pets, but not in the Eastern style.

Advice! The animal's name may have something in common with its coat color or character. The names of European writers are also perfect for bulldogs. What you definitely shouldn’t do is call your dog a simple name that has Russian origin.

As with all dogs raised by breeders, the following rules apply to French Bulldogs: according to the passport, all puppies from the litter are named by one letter of the alphabet assigned to this litter. But it often happens that babies have a long and loud, but difficult to pronounce name, for example, Richard Clayton Sunny. In this case, the pet can be called Rich or Richie. Some owners, when choosing a nickname, do not look at the dog’s passport, but call the dog what they like.

Nicknames for French Bulldog - boy

The most important thing to consider when choosing a name is not to give your dog offensive or offensive nicknames. It is worth remembering that you will have to call your bulldog often on walks, so let the name be as euphonious as possible. When choosing one for a French bulldog, feel free to focus on France and names that came from there.

Suitable nicknames for a four-legged friend of this breed would be the following: Archie, Buddy, Barney, Button, Baileys, Biffy (Biff), Bond, Vermont, Danny, Dave, Jem, Jenson, Danny, Jacques, Jean, Gerard, Indy, Clyde, Conrad, Chris, Leo, Martin, Mitch, Monty , Neville, Nash, Oliver, Parks, Patrick, Porter, Robbie, Scout, Twister, Wally, Fabien, Chet, Hugo, Etienne.

Important! The dog's name should not be long or quiet in sound: a short and sonorous nickname using the letters “b”, “d”, “f”, “r” is the best option.

Choosing a name for French bulldogs - girls

The French bulldog, despite its slightly funny and at the same time serious appearance, is famous for its gentle attitude towards its owner and his family. These animals can be recommended for those who have children, but do not want to have one that is too small or huge dog. A bulldog will play with children, protect its owners in case of danger, while remaining a sissy who needs warmth and a large number of human communication. Most often, girls of this breed are more modest than their counterparts; they choose graceful and euphonious names.

The most suitable nicknames are: Aurora, Iris, Irish, Bertha, Burma, Betsy, Bonnie, Gloris, Grace, Grassy, ​​Dakota, Jena, Julie, Doris, Jacqueline (Jacqui), Josette, Quincy, Connie, Lulu, Marcy, Millie, Michelle, Molly, Runa , Tracy, Tessie, Wendy (Wendy), Fanny, Floris, Hannah, Emily.

French bulldog names with meaning

If you want to stand out and name your four-legged friend by coat color or personality, then you can call light-colored puppies Cupid, Arctic, Latte, spotted ones - Tiger Cub or Ryzhik, and bulldogs with dark fur - Dark, Darcy, Knight.

Bulldogs will respond with pleasure to the following European-sounding nicknames: Jumpo (Jump), Noel, Oscar, Point, Sky, Timbo, Trevor, Tieri, Fly, Flowey, Flash, Hopper, Cherry.

Suitable names for girls: Agatha, Buffy, Bertha, Businka, Baby, Bellis, Jerry, Jeanie, Lara, Mimi, Pixie, Pink, Pappy, Rosie, Tigger, Ferrari, Cheryl.

For those who think that this breed of dog is sweet as a muffin, You can advise calling the baby Pudding, Cheesecake, Candy, Bead, Dolly or Toffee.

Lucky is a universal name for puppies of both sexes, which will bring happiness to both the baby and its owner.

Brawler, Vulcan, Hector and Caesar are suitable nicknames for the warlike, active and courageous French bulldogs.

If romance is not alien to you, then you can show your imagination when choosing a name for your pet: the names Vesta and Daphne are reminiscent of the forest nymph and nature in general, Belonna - of the moon and its ruler. Names such as Glory, Diamond and Shiny are suitable for light cream dogs, which are the most expensive. Angie, Angel, Bambi - this is what you should call a beautiful and modest girl.

Advice! Under no circumstances should you name a puppy after a deceased pet, because dogs will feel your sadness very well when you call them, and this is not an ethical act towards the pet.

Aristocratic nicknames for dogs of this breed

Without exception, all breeders will say that the nicknames of French bulldogs should be strictly oriented towards France or England, since the dogs were originally favorites of the nobility. The nicknames inspired by the spirit of Paris and Provence are: Henri, Athos, Bonaparte (Bonnie), Walter, Vincent, Voltaire (Volt), Gaston, Henry, Danton, Dominic, Dumas, Ivo, Christophe, Loire, Louis, Marcel, Noel, Prince, Provence, Presley, Renault, Ritz, Ford, Franz (France), Chester.

It is preferable to call female dogs by the following nicknames: Antoinette (Annie), Bridget, Greta, Josephine (Josie), Julie, Loire, Margot, Nellie, Paris, Chloe, Chantal, Shelley, Frankie.

When choosing a name for a French bulldog, you should take a closer look at several options, and then pronounce each of them to the puppy: there is a high probability that the pet will choose its own name. Dogs react to the intonation of address to them - choose a nickname that is pleasant for you to say. Do not use ironic or offensive nicknames that will make the owner and people on the street laugh, as the dog will feel discomfort and react with hostility.

If you are choosing a name for a bulldog with children, then consult with them what they want to name the dog, and then make a decision together. Accustoming to a nickname occurs through training (frequent repetition) with the distribution of treats.

The decisive role in the life of any creature is played by its name; it must be suitable for the pet’s appearance, character, and also correspond to the breed. Therefore, it is important to take a responsible approach to choosing a nickname for French bulldogs.

The funny faces of French bulldogs inspire sympathy among a lot of people. This small breed is gaining fame due to its cute body structure. The appearance of representatives of this “sort of dogs” is non-standard: a dense, fluffed body, huge erect ears, a narrow and short muzzle, large, bulging eyes.

When babies are born, the nursery staff takes care of paperwork for each baby. You need to enter his nickname and some information. It is customary to name puppies of the same litter by names starting with the same letter of the alphabet. The counting is carried out according to the order of birth.

That is, the nicknames of the cubs from the first offspring begin with the first letter of the alphabet (“A”), the puppies of the next have nicknames beginning with “B” and so on.

In the case when a newly born baby is registered in a nursery, the name of the area where it was born is included in its name. If the nickname contains auxiliary parts of speech “from”, “from”, “with”, then the prefix comes after the main name. For example, Isolde the Great from the Ulyanovsk Nest.

In the absence of prepositions, the name of the shelter is placed before the name, for example, Gray Castle Juan. The nickname for a puppy is limited by the number of characters and should not exceed 40 (including spaces), including 15 characters - prefixes.

It is advisable to call your pet a pious, colorful name. Vaska, Moska, Zhuzhka are names associated with mongrels. The article talks about a noble breed and its representative requires an appropriate name.

The nickname should be short, preferably containing no more than two vowels. If you want to call your pet a long nickname, it is better to use a colorful name with acceptable abbreviations that is easy and pleasant to pronounce.

You should not call your future friend by a Russian name. This will neutralize possible unpleasant situations occurring with real citizens.

WITH foreign names simpler – embarrassments associated with coincidence human name and the nickname of the animal in a foreign country are kept to a minimum. It is best to use beautiful French names.

Try not to call your pet absurd so as not to make anyone laugh. For example, such nicknames as Mukhtar, Elephant, Crocodile for a small bulldog hurt the ears and cause ridicule.

Don't overdo it when looking for the most original nickname. Owners often give their dogs unusual nicknames. Sometimes it’s even difficult to guess that this could be a pet’s name.

When choosing a foreign label, you need to be well versed in the personalities of this name. For example, many Asian words are pronounced brightly, but at the same time they are translated very funny or even awkwardly.

The meaning of foreign words

There are many words that, without transcription in their native language, sound very elegant and concise, but when choosing a pseudonym for french bulldog It is important to know the meaning of this term.

To do this, it is possible to look at the definition and parameters of the name in the encyclopedia. In it you can choose nicknames for your French bulldog and see some interesting thoughts.

The cub can receive a nickname in honor of a popular figure in France or a place on the globe. Dogs called by Montesquieu, Louvre, Cambridge, Champollion will arouse undisguised interest among passers-by.

A nickname for a four-legged friend can also be given using a laconic-sounding French concept, the translation of which will indicate the special skills of the family pet and its appearance.

Bonding with a puppy

After studying all the tips, you can proceed to the basic part - choosing a nickname for the baby. A bit of creativity and fantasy will help a lot here.

It is customary to choose a nickname for a boy’s French bulldog in a good mood with a dictionary at hand. Such young robbers can be called: Alain, Alphonse, Amaury, Basil, Guy, Gustave, Jeremy, Donat, Jacques, Jean, Claude, Laurens, Maximilian, Michel, Noel, Orel, Patrice, Rule, Sisar, Felix, Frank, Forest, Charlemagne, Emile, Yudo.

The French Bulldog is a cute, clumsy baby. With his appearance, in the house for one loving heart getting bigger. A distinctive feature of this dog is its perky, playful disposition, devotion to the owner and good nature, which allows you to instantly find mutual language with children and other pets.

The new owner will have a fascinating task - choosing a nickname for this funny and charming cutie.

When choosing a nickname, you need to listen to the breeders.

Picking up suitable name for a funny dog, consider everything: the origin and pedigree of the dog, the baby’s disposition, even its color. You can take into account the hobbies and profession of the owner or children (if the dog is intended for children).

When choosing a name for your pet, listen to the advice of experienced breeders:

  1. The nickname for a French bulldog should not be long, but sonorous and ringing.
  2. Do not choose a nickname from names of Russian origin. Such nicknames will not suit an imposing Frenchman.
  3. Leave the names “mongrel” - Sharik, Barbos, Bimka - for yard dogs, and not for a representative of the royal elite.
  4. Don't let your imagination run wild and don't choose absurd names! For a plump baby, the name Thunderstorm or Panther is unlikely to be appropriate.
  5. If you are a fan of mysterious-sounding Japanese or Chinese names, find out what the nickname means! It is unlikely that you will like it when you find out that the beautiful nickname translated means “Leaky Pan” or “Clay Bowl”.

A noble name for a purebred dog

The French bulldog is a representative of the upper strata of bourgeois France. The country of brilliant balls, fearless musketeers and behind-the-scenes intrigues is the homeland of a funny kid.

This is interesting. At the beginning of the 20th century, French bulldogs became an integral part of the life of the aristocratic elite of France, artists, performers and poets. And the very first official exhibition of these dogs took place in 1903, where 50 representatives of the breed were presented.

Nicknames with connections to France are good.

The ideal solution for choosing a name for a little bulldog is a nickname that has some connection with France. For example:

For purebred boys:

  • Leon;
  • Athos;
  • Dumas;
  • Etienne;
  • Paris;
  • Simon;
  • Gaston;
  • Danton;
  • Fabien;
  • Oliver;
  • Gerard;
  • Pascal;
  • Provence;
  • Vermont;
  • Voltaire;
  • Marseilles;
  • Francois;
  • Bonaparte;
  • Napoleon.
See the list of nicknames for girls.

For noble girls:

  • Helen;
  • Mary;
  • Sophie;
  • Adele;
  • Margo;
  • Bonnie;
  • Eliza;
  • Petra;
  • Josette;
  • Emily;
  • Nicole;
  • Gloris;
  • Lucien;
  • Aurora;
  • Jacqueline;
  • Franny;
  • Younessa;
  • Michelle;
  • Silvia;
  • Josephine;
  • Antoinette.

Choosing a nickname to match your pet

Charming, robust French bulldogs are distinguished by their sincere kindness and absolute lack of aggression. And they won’t bark unnecessarily. But they love to be lazy, lie on the couch one more time and visit the kitchen twenty times in search of something tasty.

Some owners call their French bulldogs funny and funny nicknames.

Some owners say that as soon as they saw the inimitable bulldog face, a suitable nickname came to mind, funny, but so appropriate:

  • for funny boys: Chip, Baloo, Dave, Zeus, Hulk, Snob, Shrek, Alf, Zhora, Flint, Frodo, Pusik, Bruno, Barney, Froggy, Grizzly, Puffy, Burito, Tyson, Boatswain, General, Einstein, Monster;
  • for inimitable girls: Kusya, Pusya, Dosya, Busya, Bullet, Knopa, Paw, Pizza, Barbie, Faina, Bomb, Carmen, Toffee, Kroshka, Chanel, Bun, Bun, Cherry, Bridgette, Cheesecake, Pompadour, Sardelia, Cleopatra, Juliet, Tomato.

When choosing a nickname for a French bulldog, you can take into account not only its funny appearance and habits, but also the color of the pet. What color is your baby?

Dark(brindle, with black markings, with red). Interesting names:

  • For handsome boys: Tiger Cub, Ryzhik, Artemon, Theo, Cupid, Basil, Toby, Arno, Tris, Thierry, Timbo, Treville, Fox, Jampo, Alan, Jean;
  • for charming girls: Teresa, Myra, Brita, Geri, Tigra, Darcy, Tara, Rosie, Colet, Gina, Julie, Bruna, Berta, Gabi, Glory, Greta, Jena, Tori.

Svetlenky(fawn, white, cream). Suitable nicknames:

  • for funny boys: Loki, Alvin, Avril, Simon, Alain, Damian, Ivo, Lucas, Sebastian, Lille, Loire, Noel, Orestes, Severin, Stefan, Paul, Juno;
  • for pretty girls: Agatha, Bella, Buffy, Elsa, Sheila, Suzy, Chloe, Sandy, Pany, Linda, Claire, Dakota, Bella, Betsy, Wendy, Anet, Wilma, Dolly, Amelie, Madeleine.

You can name a French bulldog puppy based on its color.

This is interesting. The rarest and most expensive French bulldog puppies are those with a light cream color. But from the position of breeders, this color indicates a deficiency (weakness of the gene responsible for the fawn color).

And the puppies are popular blue color generally refer to marriage (such French bulldogs are not allowed for exhibitions and breeding work).

What about the owner?

An attentive, caring and kind owner who gives love to the baby bulldog. You can choose a nickname for the dog, putting the interests of the owner (his hobbies, hobbies, profession) in first place. How do you like these names:

For people related to finance and respecting money. It is believed that if you call pet“money” name, then the dog will begin to attract financial well-being. What nicknames are best for bulldogs?

  • nicknames for “rich” boys: Banker, Bucks, Louisdor, Oscar, Caesar, Forbes, Aligarh, Pound, Ruble, Rockefeller, Emperor, Klondike, Churchill, Senator, Rollex;
  • names for “golden” girls: Gold, Euro, Peni, Exchange, Ferrari, Goldie, Dinara, Drachma, Dollar, Zlata, Krona, Evra, Piastra, Franc, Mark.

You can name a French bulldog based on the owner's hobby or profession.

For cooks and people who love to eat delicious food. The world of culinary delights will help you choose a unique nickname for your baby. True, most of their similar nicknames sound funny, but for a plump French bulldog this fits perfectly:

  • nicknames for “appetizing” boys: Refrigerator, Sosisych, Snickers, Pretzel, Pate, Cheburek, Borschik, Citrus, Kissel, Profiterole, Ayran, Baton, Entrecote, Belyash, Biscuit, Julien, Pelmen, Donut;
  • names for chubby girls: Meatball, Marmalade, Nougat, Baklava, Meatball, Bun, Basturma, Botvinya, Galetka, Marshmallow, Pyshka, Tartletka, Halva, Churchkhela, Shanga.

For those who are passionate about music. Fans of modern and classical music can use the names of their pets musical instruments, individual compositions or use the names of famous musicians, rock and pop idols. For example:

  • names for musical boys: Justin, Niger, Jazz, Bekar, Diez, Philip, Pink, Avril, Taylor, Enrico, Arash, Bis, Irakli, Aramis, Chizh;
  • Nicknames for sophisticated girls: Note, Sonata, Aria, Madonna, Rihanna, Gamma, Cantata, Suite, Bianca, Selena, Jennifer, Shakira, Nyusha, Cher, Selina, Nancy, Jasmine.

Advice. Don't overdo it when choosing a nickname for your charming pet. Some originals give the funny little ones evil names: Ripper, Lucifer, Horror, Phantom, Dracula. Do not scare neighbors and children's playground residents. Cute French bulldogs are too friendly to have such nicknames.

Names with meaning

You can choose a nickname for your French bulldog with meaning.

For lovers of unusual names, you can suggest choosing a nickname for your pet from a list of nicknames that have a mystical background. For example:

For unusual boys:

  • Varun (god of truth and justice);
  • Dagon (god of agriculture and rich pastures);
  • CZK (in Greek mythology Time Lord);
  • Dzhangar (ancient warrior, glorious and mighty hero);
  • Laurel (sacred tree that bestows eternal youth);
  • Boreas (lord of the winds, unstoppable and fearless);
  • Hector (glorious warrior and winner, protector of all the weak);
  • Kepheus (a beautiful young man transformed into a bright constellation);
  • Veles ( Slavic deity, patronizing animals);
  • Loki (mystical creature, patron god of lost travelers);
  • Boyan (prophetic songwriter, ancient teller of beautiful sweet tales);
  • Geser (in Tibetan legends, a military warrior who accomplished many feats);
  • Agni (god of family happiness and fertility, healthy offspring, success and immortality);
  • Icarus (the well-known adventurer, the man who tried to reach the Sun);
  • Ilu (the supreme deity, according to the mythology of the ancient Ugaritic people, the creator of all living things).
Nicknames with meaning can also be chosen for girls, French bulldogs.

For mysterious girls:

  • Lara (goddess of silence);
  • Clio (patron of history);
  • Iris (goddess bright colors and rainbows);
  • Ino (deity who patronizes sailors);
  • Anahit (goddess of fertility and healthy offspring);
  • Hebe (goddess of youth and the first spring dawn);
  • Daphne (capricious and unpredictable, windy nymph);
  • Camilla (independent maiden, leader of the Amazons);
  • Hestia (patron of quiet, cozy family evenings);
  • Basta (young princess, mistress of joy and fun);
  • Vesta (the deity who protects the home and family relationships);
  • Dione (according to Greek legends, this beauty was the mother of Aphrodite);
  • Astraea (daughter of Zeus, a lively and perky goddess who loves laughter and fun);
  • Bellona (mysterious goddess, patroness of the Moon and night twilight);
  • Lada (in Slavic mythology beautiful girl, goddess of spring and youth).

Choose a nickname for pet not that difficult. It is much more difficult to train a French bulldog to be persistent and smart dog. This breed (especially at a toddler age) is distinguished by its stubbornness and willfulness. Well, the right name will only help in this difficult, but such an important matter.

The French Bulldog breed, just like the English one, has its own army of fans. This is a small and brave descendant of Molosser fighting dogs. Today we will tell you what nicknames there are for French bulldogs and help owners make a choice.

Many bulldog breeders are confident that a correctly chosen name determines the fate and character of the animal for life. There are also those who believe that this is a simple combination of sounds that does not carry any special meaning. In any case, when you bring a puppy into your home, you need to observe its character and habits.

When choosing a nickname, it is worth remembering the homeland of bulldogs, where they acquired an aristocratic gloss, so you can name the baby one of the names with French roots. A popular option is also to search for a nickname based on coat color.

When a dog is purchased from a kennel, it is often already named in a fancy way to emphasize its noble origins. Then the new owner can shorten the difficult name, consisting of three or four syllables, and sometimes change it.

Sometimes the owner says the names he likes out loud and watches which animal reacts positively to which one. As a varaint, he writes out nicknames on pieces of paper, lays them out on the floor, and allows the dog to choose the nickname himself.

It is better not to choose banal names such as Barbos or Sharik. Also, you should not give your pet one of the nicknames of Russian origin. It should also consist of a maximum of two syllables, be sonorous and pleasant, and not long and not memorable. The names of pets, first of all, should be liked by themselves, the owner and members of his family.

Options for girls

If a sweet and sociable girl has settled in your house, you should think about which name to choose for her - beautiful and extraordinary, with humorous overtones, or serious, with a certain meaning.

Common nicknames can be borrowed from favorite books, ancient Greek myths, reference books with interpretations, encyclopedias or explanatory dictionaries, geographical reference books or genealogy database.

Beautiful and original

Representatives of this decorative breed deserve non-trivial, sophisticated names, for example Athena, Baby, Wendy, Grace, Daisy, Isa, Carmen, Laura, Molly, Nessie, Rosinka, Sali, Floris, Shuga. Your noble lady will surely like one of the unusual nicknames: Barbie, Beauty, Busya, Dekla, Darcy, Cora, Quincy, Lucia, Luli, Lily, Magi, Mystic, Eileen or Enis.

Names can be not only beautiful, but also cool, for example Bagheera, Bella, Wendy, Gamma, Donna, Zhulya, Kisa, Sprat, Penelope, Stripe, Puma, Shumka and others.

With meaning

If the owner of a French bulldog is a fan oriental culture and philosophy, he can use the names Japanese origin, each of which means something. The Japanese have always attached great importance to the forces of nature, hence the unusual names: Akiko - autumn child, Asa - morning or dawn, Izumi - fountain or stream, Kiku - chrysanthemum, Nami - wave, Natsumi - beautiful summer, Haruko - spring child, Etsuko - child of joy and others.

Sounds interesting too Japanese names Akane - bright red color, Aiko - beloved, Kasumi - fog, Kaori - pleasant smell, Masuru - victory, Shinju - pearl, Hotaru - firefly, Umeko - plum blossom. And this is not the whole list.

Video “Names for girls’ dogs”

In this video you will find an overview of dog names for girls.

What to choose for a boy

When a happy owner has a boy of this breed, a nickname for him can be chosen according to the same principle. Next, we will look at popular beautiful and cool names of bulldogs, as well as those with Japanese roots and a certain interpretation.

Popular and cool

There are also many beautiful and interesting names for boys, and each owner, together with his pet, can choose a nickname to suit his taste. Your dog will appreciate one of such nicknames as Archie, Adam, Bruce, Bruno, Vito, Watson, Gary, Hector, Gene, Jem, Derek, Zeus, Kevin, Kiwi, Chris, Lucas, Louis, Luke, Lance, Monty , Mars, Miki. Popular and such dog names, like Patrick, Pablo, Pester, Robi, Roni, Phoenix, Hugo, Hugh, Shusan and others.

If the owner has an excellent sense of humor, nicknames such as Lucky, Conan, Cactus, Scooter, Rolex, Fruit, Nix, Pancho, Casper, Ninja, Twister, Scotch, Oxford, Cupcake will help demonstrate it. All of them are most often associated with cartoon and movie characters, names of drinks, fruits or dishes, and favorite brands.

With meaning

If you want to choose one of the serious nicknames of Japanese origin, we recommend paying attention to the names Akira, which means bright, Shin - real, Daichi - wise, Haruki - shining, Naoki - honest. In addition to those that reflect any spiritual component, there are names associated with natural phenomena: Natsumi - beautiful summer, Hoshi - star, Ayame - iris, Oki - open sea, Nari - thunder.

You can also reflect in one of the names how the dog was born: Jiro is the second son, Shiro is the fourth son, Rokuro is the sixth son, Hachiro is the eighth son, etc.

You should always consult with all family members, take into account the opinion of the four-legged pet and its owner, follow the advice of professionals, and remember that the dog with the chosen nickname will live for more than one year.

The French Bulldog is a cute four-legged friend that is distinguished by its unusual appearance and clumsiness. He will charm any person and will also get along well in the family. It is noteworthy that the dog loves to play and has a perky disposition, so it will give a lot of positive emotions. When a puppy appears in a family, the question immediately arises of what to name the little French bulldog.

A name doesn’t always come to mind right away, because you often have to think for a long time about what to call your new friend. You can consider the most popular options to simplify the task. It is also recommended to consult with friends, because they can offer interesting ideas. Nicknames for French bulldogs for girls and boys should not be too simple, because the dog is not like ordinary dogs and needs a special name.

Don't make mistakes

Some people don’t think for a long time about what to name their pet. They choose the name that has been on everyone’s lips for a long time. This is the most main mistake, because, in essence, the pet is deprived of its individuality. If the puppy is long-awaited and beloved in the family, then it is recommended that he choose a special nickname. It’s better to think about what to call him for more than one day than to make a serious mistake and then look for new options.

It is necessary to take into account various factors, including the origin, pedigree of the pet, character and even color. All this will help you understand what to call your new four-legged friend. If you don't have any ideas on the first day, then it's better to wait. It is recommended to spend more time with your pet and study its habits. It is quite possible that it is at the moment of the game that a great idea will appear that even the people around you will appreciate.

  1. The nickname should not be too long, but it is desirable that it be ringing and sonorous. It is difficult for a dog to remember long nicknames, since the pet hears the first sounds. It will also be inconvenient for the owner to call a pet that has a long and complex name. You should immediately abandon such options or at least come up with a shortened version.
  2. Russian names will not suit a Frenchman, because he comes from another country. In addition, confusion may arise on the street if you shout, for example, Grisha.
  3. There is a separate category of outbred nicknames that are often given to mongrels. These include Sharik, Barbos, Tuzik, Bim, etc. They are definitely not suitable for an elegant Frenchman, so it’s worth some more thought.
  4. Some people love unusual names, the meaning of which they do not understand at all. If you liked any Chinese or Japanese word, then you must translate it.
  5. No need to consider absurd nicknames. It is unlikely that your pet will like it if they call him Pan or Ladle. In addition, such a joke may not be understood by other people who meet the bulldog. A dog is a living creature that deserves to receive nice nickname. It’s worth trying and coming up with a really great option for your four-legged friend.

It is worth noting that the bulldog is a true representative of the upper echelons of France. He was loved by the entire elite and even kings, so the dog really has a noble origin. Funny pets were popular with poets, artists and performers. Moreover, the peak of their popularity occurred at the beginning of the 20th century, and in 1903 they first appeared at the exhibition.

Nicknames for French Bulldog boys

Bulldog boys are active, but at the same time intelligent dogs. From the first day in the house, they will make the whole family smile and even those who are not very fond of animals will like them. The Frenchman will charm you with his spontaneity, sweet eyes and small wrinkles on his skin. Big ears look funny and are considered distinctive feature breeds Although the puppy may seem funny in childhood, it will still grow up to be a beautiful and stately dog, so it is recommended to immediately choose an elegant name.

Successful nicknames for male French bulldog puppies:

  • Leonardo.
  • Athos.
  • Simon.
  • Voltaire.
  • Francois.
  • Napoleon.
  • Etienne.
  • Dumas.
  • Bonaparte.
  • Marseilles.
  • Oliver.
  • Pskal.
  • Paris.
  • Fabien.
  • Martin.
  • Patrick.
  • Luther.
  • Clyde.
  • Vermont.
  • Monty.
  • Porter.
  • Robbie.

The pet's name should not be too long, so you should immediately select short options or come up with a shortened version. In addition, it is important to take into account that the nickname should not be too quiet, that is, it must contain sounds such as “B”, “F”, “R”, “D”. Of course, you can always deviate from the rules and choose exactly the option that resonates with you. You should first of all focus on appearance pet and his character, because this will tell you what to name your little friend.

Bulldogs can be mischievous, and you can choose funny names for them. For example: Elvis, Fruit, Confucius, Hippie, Scooter, Vegas, Chaplin, Ninja, Twister, Rocky. Of course, you shouldn’t go to the point of absurdity and name your pet something that definitely doesn’t suit him. At the same time, a funny name will make others smile, so you can choose a non-standard option.

Some people want to give a nickname with a meaning, and in this case it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the translation of some nicknames:

  • Takara is a treasure.
  • Hoshi is a star.
  • Haruko is a spring child.
  • Ren - lotus.
  • Akira is bright.
  • Natsu is born in summer.
  • Shinju is a pearl.
  • Honcho is a leader.
  • Sin is real.
  • Hotaru is a firefly.
  • Michiko is a child of beauty.
  • Akito is autumn.
  • Etsuko is a child of joy.
  • Naoki is correct.
  • Kyoko is a happy child.

In any case, only the owner can decide what the dog’s name will be, because the nickname must be liked, first of all, by the owner.

Choosing a name for French bulldog girls

If a little French girl appears in the house, then people will immediately appreciate her mischievous, but at the same time easy-going disposition. She should also choose a noble name that would suit her pretty appearance.

The best names for a girl French bulldog puppy:

  • Eliza.
  • Jacqueline.
  • Michelle.
  • Elsa.
  • Lucien.
  • Nicole.
  • Antanetta.
  • Frannie.
  • Younessa.
  • Assol.
  • Margot.
  • Adele.
  • Petra.
  • Sophie.
  • Bonnie.
  • Emily.
  • Josette.
  • Floris.
  • Molly.
  • Rune.
  • Betsy.
  • Irish.
  • Aurora.

It is worth consulting with relatives, friends and acquaintances about which option is best suited. Of course, the little princess should have a beautiful and gentle name, like a real Frenchwoman. The young lady will grow up proud and intelligent, so she needs to be named accordingly.

Bulldogs are real sissies who love convenience, warmth and comfort. They will gladly accept affection and also play with their owner. At the same time, the brave dog is even ready to protect in case of danger. The dog is suitable even for children, because it will never offend them. If you love your pet and raise it correctly, then in the future it will bring only positive emotions.