Feng Shui system for every day. Solar Chinese calendar

The calendar you are looking at now is universal - i.e. it does not take into account the specific energies of a person received at birth (i.e. date of birth).

Your individual calendar may differ significantly from general recommendations- a good day on the universal calendar may be completely unacceptable for you personally and vice versa (individual calendar).

To compile a personal calendar, the Ba Zi map is first constructed and analyzed.
It is important!!! Why? Calendars are often made without analyzing the map, which significantly reduces their effectiveness, because... identifying useful elements for a person (i.e. those energies that give the “green light” and support in business) allows you to correctly find all successful days and completely avoid negativity, and without analyzing the Ba Zi card this will not work.

Tuesday, February 19

Month of the Tiger
Pig Day
Heavenly trunk Ding (Yin Fire) Earthly branch Hai (Pig)
Acceptance indicator
It’s good to accept what you want to receive and complete what you started earlier. It is favorable to close the deal and get results. It’s good to ask for something or return something (for example, debts).
Unfavorable day for people born in the year of the Snake
Full moon. 15th lunar day

Wednesday, February 20

Month of the Tiger
Day of the Rat
Heavenly trunk Wu (Earth Yang) Earthly branch Zi (Rat)
Opening indicator
Good for starting a new job, studying, buying property, housewarming, opening an office. It’s good to sign agreements, travel, get married, open a business.
Unfavorable day for people born in the year of the Horse
Waning Moon 16th lunar day

Thursday, February 21

Month of the Tiger
Ox Day
Heavenly trunk Ji (Earth Yin) Earthly branch Chou (Ox)
Closing indicator
The day is suitable for completing previously started tasks and daily routines. Businesses – personal and commercial – started on this day will not be successful.
Unfavorable day for people born in the year of the Goat
Waning Moon 17th lunar day

Friday, February 22

Month of the Tiger
Tiger Day
Heavenly trunk Geng (Metal Yang) Earthly branch Yin (Tiger)
Establishment indicator
A good day to found something, renew desires, plans, negotiations, networking, start learning, travel. It’s good to visit friends, partners, discuss joint activities.
Unfavorable day for people born in the year of the Monkey
Waning Moon 18th lunar day

Saturday, February 23

Month of the Tiger
Rabbit Day
Heavenly trunk Xin (Metal Yin) Earthly branch Mao (Rabbit)
Indicator Remedy
The day is suitable for getting rid of the old, unnecessary, outdated. It’s good to end a relationship, break contracts, clean up, start a diet, cleansing procedures. Bad for getting a job or starting to travel.
Unfavorable day for people born in the year of the Rooster
Waning Moon 19th lunar day

Sunday, February 24

Month of the Tiger
Dragon Day
Heavenly trunk Ren (Yang Water) Earthly branch Chen (Dragon)
Filling indicator
The day is suitable for everything you want to get more of! Good for signing agreements, for official openings, collecting debts, receiving money. Bad for those things that you don’t want to deal with anymore (the start of lawsuits, the start of a new job, a wedding...)
Unfavorable day for people born in the year of the Dog
Waning Moon 20th lunar day

Monday, February 25

Month of the Tiger
Snake Day
Heavenly trunk Gui (Yin Water) Earthly branch Si (Snake)
Equilibrium indicator
The day strengthens a weak position, but weakens a strong one. If you feel insecure, choose this day of interviews and negotiations. Good for compromises. Not suitable for competition - there will be a draw. Bad for litigation. Good for starting school or starting a business.
Unfavorable day for people born in the year of the Pig
Waning Moon 21st lunar day

Tuesday, February 26

Month of the Tiger
Horse Day
Heavenly trunk Jia (Yang Tree) Earthly branch Wu (Horse)
Stability indicator
A positive day is good for starting long-term affairs, projects (getting married, starting construction, starting a business... - everything you want to work with for a long time). Not suitable for visiting a doctor or taking out a loan. Not very good for moving (depending on where you are moving).
Unfavorable day for people born in the year of the Rat
Waning Moon 22nd lunar day

Wednesday, February 27

Month of the Tiger
Goat Day
Heavenly trunk Yi (Yin Tree) Earthly branch Wei (Goat)
Hold indicator
Can be used to start new business, sign contracts (it is advisable to select good hour). Not suitable for moving, weddings.
Unfavorable day for people born in the year of the Ox
Waning Moon 23rd lunar day

Thursday, February 28

Month of the Tiger
Monkey Day
Heavenly trunk Bin (Yang Fire) Earthly branch Shen (Monkey)
Destruction indicator
Bad for starting any important business, signing contracts, purchasing property. No business started on this day will be successful. The day is suitable for completing previously started tasks and daily routines. You can consult a doctor for chronic diseases.
Unfavorable day for people born in the year of the Tiger
Waning Moon 24th lunar day

Do you want to improve your day? better side? Feng Shui will provide you with such an opportunity every day. Feng Shui has recommendations for you on favorable days who can help you solve problems in a timely manner. Feng Shui for every day gives you recommendations, they are easy to follow.

For example, we have financial difficulties: are all your taps fixed? If not, then fix them, because... Welfare “flows away” along with the water according to the Feng Shui system. You can also put a piece of moss under the carpet - it will attract money. In the wealth sector, maintain cleanliness and order.

In the hallway, Feng Shui suggests hanging a chandelier for every day; lamps with good lighting, as a rule, attract good energy. Do you like cacti? Then get rid of them. Such plants carry negative energy.

IN personal life- a crisis? Feng Shui will tell you how to get rid of this crisis every day. To begin with, place a vase with peonies in the bedroom - they attract romantic love, you can also use pink roses. Are the walls of your apartment decorated with family photographs? Great, but they need to have good lighting. Two mattresses on one large bed separate sleeping people, and problems with intimacy arise. Do not cool your marital passion, bed linen, blue or light blue.

Problems with career growth? Don’t be upset, according to the Feng Shui system, start an aquarium with 8 gold fish and 1 black fish - the fish symbolize success. The black fish will protect you from negative energy, goldfish will take care of the prosperity of the house. Don’t forget about cleanliness on your desktop, this is also very important. At the end of the working day, throw away all unnecessary papers, they can block energy. Concerned about health problems? Feng Shui reminds us of the symbols of health and longevity every day. They must have their place in the house. It can also be figurines, paintings depicting a deer, peach, pine tree. As for your bed, no ceiling beams because... they have bad influence, thereby worsening health.

Favorable days according to feng shui

Auspicious Feng Shui days - what kind of idea do they have? Have you heard about Flying Stars? They are the ones who have great value on unfavorable or favorable days according to Feng Shui. It happens that there is a date ahead of you that is important, and you would really like to know whether a favorable day awaits you. For selection good day According to Feng Shui, you need to compare the Gua number (personality). Or a Personal Star with a flying Star on this day. This comparison occurs in the relationship of 5 elements. Also, favorable days according to Feng Shui are determined using the lunar calendar, taking into account the elements of the elements.

IN ancient China used two calendars at the same time. Moon calendar- used to keep track of time, it takes into account the movement of the Moon, lunar day and phases. Solar chinese calendar used in agriculture, as well as in horoscopes and for choosing dates of important events.

How does the Chinese solar calendar work?

Chinese calendar, unlike the traditional European one, perceives each period of time as a unit of Qi energy. Since ancient times, it has been used for agricultural work, dividing the year into 24 seasons according to the position of the Sun relative to the Earth.

Every New Year according to the Chinese calendar begins with the growth of Yang energy - in Western time this is between the winter solstice on December 21 and the spring equinox on March 21. This usually happens on February 4-5 European time. And each month begins when our planet passes 1/12 of the solar orbit. That is, 12 months of the year are formed by dividing the circle around the Sun into 12 sectors.

Thus, the Chinese solar calendar is not linear, like the Western one, but cyclical and much more accurate. It is based on the Five Elements system. Each new year according to the Chinese calendar belongs to certain elements and follows the previous one in the same order as elements replace each other in the birth cycle. That is, in this sequence - Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, Water.

The years are combined into large cycles, which are repeated every 60 years, and each large cycle consists of two small ones - the decimal cycle of the “heavenly trunks” and the duodecimal cycle of the “earthly branches”.

"Heavenly Trunks" in the decimal cycle - this is one of the five elements, each of which can be " Yin" or " Jan" and is indicated by the corresponding sign.

Element Jan Yin

"Earthly Branches" consist of 12 signs - these are also elements of the Five Elements system, but the names of animals are also added to their names. They form a famous chinese horoscope, which is used not only to represent years, but also months, days, and the 12 double hours in each day.

Element Sign Animal
Water Yang Rat
Yin Earth Bull
Yang tree Tiger
Yin tree Rabbit
Earth Yang The Dragon
Fire Yin Snake
Fire Yang Horse
Yin Earth Goat
Metal Yang Monkey
Metal Yin Rooster
Earth Yang Dog
Yin Water Pig

That is, each period of time in the Chinese calendar corresponds to two elements. One of them represents the Heavenly Stem, and the other the Earthly Branch. When talking about the Chinese calendar by year, where animals are mentioned: Green Wooden Rabbit, or Red Fire Horse, then the animal is one element and it means the Earthly Branch, and its color is another element and it means the Heavenly trunk of the year.

Using the Chinese calendar in forecasts

Chinese calendar Not only is it used to keep time, it underlies the astrology of Bazi Four Pillars of Destiny, and is also used in Feng Shui. Knowing it, you can predict how Qi energy will manifest itself at each moment in time and what impact it will have on people.

In order to analyze what awaits everyone specific person, the elements that are encountered in the coming year are considered and compared with Bazi’s personal fate map. If the interaction of the elements of the current year and a person is harmonious, then this means that the time has come for him. Well, if not, then you need to prepare for troubles, not take unnecessary risks and pay more attention to Feng Shui.

Chinese calendar accurately reflects all energy changes for both an individual year and months, days, hours. It is widely used when choosing favorable dates for important actions, for example, choosing a wedding date. Using a calendar, you can identify the most vulnerable areas of your life, find out what time is best to act to achieve success, and take appropriate measures in advance.

May you be surrounded by great Feng Shui! Have a good time on the site

There are periods and moments in every person’s life when the energy of the surrounding space has a positive impact on his luck, and, accordingly, there are periods when he is catastrophically unlucky.

You can get into the flow of favorable times and “go with the flow,” easily solving your problems and at the same time receiving unexpected bonuses. Or you can fight “windmills” all the way and never achieve what you strive for.

This is how Chinese metaphysics explains it.

Everything in the world is energy.

Each person has certain energetic vibrations.

Each moment in time can also be characterized as energy of a certain quality. Therefore, each moment, depending on its energetic coloring, either supports or prevents a person from moving in the flow of time.

And our task is to take advantage of favorable moments to avoid failures and delays in business and to make Time our assistant.

In countries that measure time according to the solar-lunar calendar, every home has a calendar Ton-shu (Tunshu). This publication is published annually in China, Singapore, Malaysia and its presence in the home is considered mandatory and taken for granted. Not a single resident of these countries will start an important personal or commercial business on an unfavorable day.

The calendar is compiled on the basis of special formulas and gives a forecast for different cases, common to all. A personal auspicious dates selected by specialists using data from the Ba Tzu map.

It should be said that choosing dates is a rather labor-intensive and painstaking process, because often there are only a few days in a year that are ideal for one or another important event.

For example, some couples wait a year or two to tie the knot.

However, it should be noted that these countries have a very low divorce rate. Probably one of the reasons influencing these indicators is the choice suitable date for Wedding. Plus more mandatory analysis Ba-Tzu cards of the bride and groom for compatibility.

You can try to independently choose the desired date for a particular event, using the information posted on the site. It is likely that this will be enough to get support in important matters and endeavors.

However, in some cases it makes sense to contact a date selection specialist or gain more in-depth knowledge on this topic. This is especially important if you realize that you are not living the best life. best period your life according to the ba-tzu map and you will have such important events as moving, wedding, opening a business, surgery, litigation.


There are periods of time during each day that can minimize the positive characteristics of the day or, conversely, add good luck in business.

The destructive hour is a time that should be categorically avoided when planning important matters and events.

The forecast indicates the time of occurrence lunar days, corresponding to the time zone of Minsk.

The online lunar calendar for your city can be found at the following links:




Earth Rabbit Day

Day indicator: 2, “delete”

Constellation of the day: 26, "Tight Bow"

Lunar day 7/8, 11.15

Moon in Aries/Taurus, 04.27

Moon without course 02.48-04.27

Today's constellation is considered very favorable for solving personal and commercial issues, for celebrations, as well as major acquisitions.

However, on a day ruled by a good luck indicator called “removal,” it is best to engage in preparation, troubleshooting, and obstacles before starting new affairs and events. This is the day of laying the foundation and eliminating what prevents you from moving forward. Also on this day it is recommended to take care of your health and cleaning.

For other, more or less significant matters, implying development and prosperity in the future, a day with the “removal” luck indicator is not suitable.

And, above all, the ban on big things concerns the Roosters. They are in conflict with the energies of today.

Lunar horoscope.

It is believed that on the 8th lunar day all sorts of chemical and alchemical reactions, transformations of subtle energies occur, physical energy transforms into astral energy. In general, this day is considered a day of transformation, transformation, when it is easy to abandon the old and unnecessary and start something new and useful. This is the perfect day to give up bad habits.

On this lunar day, experienced herbalists make herbal teas And medications. On this day, herbs have special powers. You can start cleansing the body with herbs, start taking anti-aging preparations.

HAIRCUT on the 8th lunar day: haircuts are favorable, coloring is unfavorable. Haircuts are good for relationships and health.

Metal Dragon Day

Day indicator: 3, “fullness”

Constellation of the day: 27, “Wings”

Storage star

Lunar day 8/9, 11.36

Moon in Taurus

Despite the fact that today's indicator is classified as positive, and implies growth and multiplication of everything that is done on this day, not all things today are favorable.

On the day ruled by the lunar station “Wings”, it is not recommended to get married, build a house, or enter into new position, start new job, go far from home, bury, remember ancestors.

Lunar horoscope.

Every lunar day is a kind of filter that is a conductor in subtle world. There are days when the line between the physical world and the otherworldly world is very small. Some days serve for contact with the Light Forces other world, others - with the Dark Ones. The 9th lunar day, unfortunately, is considered a day of temptation and testing of us by the Dark Ones.

On the 9th lunar day, people are more susceptible than usual to all sorts of temptations and temptations, fears, other people's negative influence, often face deception and manipulation from dishonest people.

On such days, you should avoid interacting with strangers and unpleasant people, do not drink alcohol, do not sort things out. It is best to keep activity and communications to a minimum.

If you had to face any negativity, light candles in the evening, take a shower, read spiritual literature.

HAIRCUT on the 9th lunar day

GOOD PURCHASES under the sign of Taurus: clothes, shoes, cosmetics, Jewelry, exquisite home items, furniture, pets, agricultural products. In general, a favorable time for most purchases.

Metal Snake Day

Day indicator: 4, “equilibrium”

Constellation of the day: 28, "Cart"

Destroyer of the Year

Lunar day 9/10, 12.00

Moon in Taurus/Gemini, 12.31

Moon without course 01.26-12.31

If it were not for the collision of day and year, today would be ideal for most global affairs and events.

The combination of the luck indicator and the lunar station provides powerful support in any business that involves a mutually beneficial partnership.

But on a day that is in conflict with the year, it is better to limit ourselves to everyday affairs and avoid any important matters and decisions on which our future depends.

To make the most of your day, you can make appointments with partners and companions of any kind. Review your plans and find compromises. Analyze the current situation, sort, organize.

The Moon in Gemini makes it easy to communicate and make new acquaintances. People make contact easily and can tell much more than at other times. You can learn other people's secrets and mysteries. But during this period a lot of necessary and unnecessary information. Our task is not to rush to conclusions, to leave time to think and analyze the information received.

Before lunch, we remember the influence of the 9th satanic lunar day. (For more information about the features of the lunar day, look for information in the “Date Selection” catalogue).

HAIRCUT on the 9th lunar day: Haircuts and coloring are unfavorable. Bad for health and hair condition.

HAIRCUT on the 10th lunar day

GOOD PURCHASES under the sign of Taurus: clothing, shoes, cosmetics, jewelry, exquisite home items, furniture, pets, agricultural products. In general, a favorable time for most purchases.

Water Horse Day

Day indicator: 5, “stability”

Constellation of the day: 1, “Cornucopia”

Star of Prosperity

Lunar day 10/11, 12.32

Moon in Gemini

Just the perfect day for big things, important events and global changes! Any undertaking will be the beginning of future prosperity and success.

Such favorable characteristics of the day do not occur often. Therefore, sitting idle today will be a big mistake.

The lunar station prophesies an increase in wealth and an increase in the value of property, and is considered one of the best for marriage.

The good luck indicator also provides support for everything that is being built “to last.”

The Yearly Star of Prosperity indicates the favorable moment for the official registration of a new enterprise, the opening of a business and any other matters that imply financial profit.

The only horoscope sign that is not recommended to plan something important today is Rats. Horse days do not bring good luck to this horoscope sign.

The 11th lunar day will reinforce our aspirations and support our endeavors. It is suitable for expanding areas of activity and consolidating established positions.

But it is important on this day not to engage in activities in which you are incompetent and inexperienced. Take on only what you know and know very well.

Well, for those who celebrate today's holiday, there is also good news. The day is wonderful for romantic dates, for friendly parties, and for visiting mass entertainment venues. Under the Moon in Gemini, it’s easy to communicate, get acquainted, and please people of the opposite sex!

HAIRCUT on the 10th lunar day: haircuts are unfavorable, dyeing with natural dyes is allowed. Haircuts worsen your health.

HAIRCUT on the 11th lunar day

GOOD SHOPPING under the sign of Gemini: printed matter, radio, audio, telephone, sportswear and shoes, sports equipment, children's things.

Water Goat Day

Day indicator: 6, "hold"

Constellation of the day: 2, "Neck"

Storage star

Single day

Lunar day 11/12, 13.14

Moon in Gemini/Cancer, 17.02

Moon without course 15.48-17.02

It is better to devote this day to ordinary everyday affairs, matters of medium importance.

The “hold” luck indicator by itself does not provide significant support in business and is more inclined towards other characteristics of the day. If the day is good in all respects, he strengthens them, if other components of the forecast carry prohibitions, he is on their side.

A single day also warns against “showdowns” of any kind, be it personal or business relationships, or boss-subordinate relationships, which prevents the search for compromises and adds a share of aggression and distrust to the relationship.

And first of all, these warnings should be heard by the Bulls, since the day of the Goat is his personal destroyer day.

But swearing, greed, selfishness, dirty and evil thoughts can lay a negative program for the future. Don't relax, don't complain, don't complain about fate, don't get angry.

HAIRCUT on the 11th lunar day: Haircuts and coloring are favorable. A haircut scheduled for this day imparts insight and increases the level of intuition.

HAIRCUT on the 12th lunar day

GOOD SHOPPING under the sign of Gemini: printed materials, radio, audio, telephone, sportswear and shoes, sports equipment, children's things.

Wooden Monkey Day

Day indicator: 7, “destruction”

Constellation of the day: 3, "Foundation"

First sha of the year

Lunar day 12/13, 14.09

Moon in Cancer

This day is best spent at home, devoting it to good rest, household chores, and self-education.

On a day with the “destruction” luck indicator, it is not recommended to engage in any important activities. And the lunar landing carries many prohibitions. In particular, under its influence it is not recommended to marry, bury, travel by water, or engage in construction and repair.

The most vulnerable sign today is Tigers. They should know about today's prohibitions first of all.

Tips from the lunar horoscope.

The Moon in Cancer makes us a little irritable and touchy, but there are many advantages to take advantage of this position of the Moon in the sky.

First, listen to your intuition. At this time it is extremely aggravated and gives us the right clues.

Secondly, everything connected with family, relatives and friends, and your home takes on a special meaning on this day. A family dinner, buying a nice thing for the house and just a few hours spent in your favorite chair will bring much more satisfaction and benefit than active communication outside the home.

And with the onset of 13 lunar day pay attention to what happens to you. This lunar day usually brings us back to unresolved problems from the past and people we “owe” to. On this lunar day, you need to try to “close” all questions from the past.

HAIRCUT on the 12th lunar day: Haircuts and coloring are unfavorable. They pose a threat to health and life: accidents and injuries are likely.

HAIRCUT on the 13th lunar day

GOOD PURCHASES under the sign of Cancer: real estate, any household items, finishing materials, antiques, used items, food, drinks.


Wooden Rooster Day

Day indicator: 8, “danger”

Constellation of the day: 4, "House"

Second sha of the year

Lunar day 13/14, 15.18

Moon in Cancer/Leo, 18.20

Moon without course 17.17-18.20

Conflicting characteristics of the day.

A favorable lunar station is against the “danger” luck indicator, which does not bring good luck in business.

The need to resolve issues with people of the opposite sex will add to the difficulties. The second sha of the month warns that people of the opposite sex, wittingly or unwittingly, can cause delays, conflicts, and failures.

It is better to limit yourself today to everyday affairs, take care of household issues, and relax.

And a reminder from the lunar horoscope.

The symbol of the 13th lunar day is a snake biting its tail. On such a day, old problems may return and unresolved issues may emerge. As a rule, situations that play out and people encountered along the way arise to solve karmic problems. Today's situations show previously committed mistakes and provide an opportunity to correct them. To clear the way for new opportunities and further development, try to analyze what is happening and finally deal with it.

HAIRCUT on the 13th lunar day: Haircuts and coloring are favorable. They attract happy accidents and enhance attractiveness.

HAIRCUT on the 14th lunar day: Haircuts and coloring are favorable. Very good for careerists, improves financial success, improves hair condition.

GOOD PURCHASES under the sign of Cancer: real estate, any household items, finishing materials, antiques, used items, food, drinks.

GOOD SHOPPING under the sign of Leo: jewelry, cosmetics and perfumes, accessories, exclusive luxury items that are rarely used, gifts. Don't make spontaneous purchases!