Shows specific gravity. Specific gravity: concept, definition and application. How does specific gravity differ from density? Relative density of products

Calculations were carried out using the following formulas:

Share at the beginning or end of the analyzed period UVn,k:

UVn,k = AVn,k / IBn,k * 100%,

АВн,к - the absolute value of non-current or current assets at the beginning or end of the analyzed period;

IBn,k - balance sheet total at the beginning or end of the analyzed period;

Changes in absolute value or specific gravity Δab,sp:

Δab,ud = Cab,ud con. - Cab, beat start. ,

Cab, ud con. - absolute or specific value at the end of the period;

Cab, ud start. - absolute or specific value at the beginning of the period;

Tr. growth rate:

Tr. = Cab. con. / Cab, beginning *100%.

When solving the following mathematical calculations were carried out:

When calculating specific gravity:

/927*100%=45,42% 433/945*100%=45,82%

/927*100%=54,58% 512/945*100%=54,18%

/506*100%=42,49% 221/512*100%=43,16%

/506*100%=20,95% 109/512*100%=21,29%

/506*100%=16,01% 90/512*100%=17,58%

/506*100%=20,55% 92/512*100%=17,97%

/927*100%=27,94% 264/945*100%=27,94%

/927*100%=20,28% 202/945*100%=21,38%

/506*100%=27,4% 248/945*100%=26,24%

/506*100%=24,38% 231/945*100%=24,44%

Changes in absolute value: in specific gravity:

421=12 45,82-45,42=0,4

506=6 54,18-54,58=-0,4

215=6 43,16-42,49=0,67

106=3 21,29-20,95=0,34

81=9 17,58-16,01=1,57

104=-12 17,97-20,55=-2,58

259=5 27,94-27,94=0

188=14 21,38-20,28=1,1

254=-6 26,24-27,4=-1,16

226=5 24,44-24,38=0,06

Growth rate calculation:












The balance sheet currency of the enterprise during the analyzed period increased slightly by 18 thousand rubles, which is a positive moment for the management of the enterprise. Therefore, the growth rate was 101.94%.

This happened for a number of reasons that need to be analyzed.

Slightly less than half of the balance sheet asset structure is occupied by non-current assets of 421 thousand rubles. at the beginning and 433 thousand rubles. at the end of the analyzed period, and occupy shares in the balance sheet structure of 45.42% and 45.82%, respectively. In a vertical analysis, their occupied shares increased by 0.4%. The company's management pursues a moderate investment policy in non-current assets.

The structure of the enterprise's property is characterized by the maximum share of current assets; their share in vertical analysis is 54.58% at the beginning of the period and the share is 54.18% at the end of the period. The structure of current assets during the analyzed period changed slightly downward by 0.4% in a vertical analysis.

The increase in current assets in the vertical analysis occurred due to an increase in the following components:

reserves by 0.67%;

short-term financial investments by 0.34%;

accounts receivable by 1.57%;

The decrease in the value of current assets in the vertical analysis was due to cash by 2.58%.

A vertical analysis of the enterprise's liability structure showed the following.

The share occupied by the enterprise's own capital during the analyzed period during the vertical analysis remained unchanged, i.e. 27.94%.

There were minor changes in the structure of borrowed capital during the analyzed period. The management of the enterprise increased long-term liabilities by 14 thousand rubles, which, in a vertical analysis, resulted in an increase in the occupied share by 1.1%. And at the same time, it is reducing its short-term loans and borrowings; the share they occupy in the vertical analysis decreased by 1.16%, while the share of accounts payable in the structure of borrowed capital in the vertical analysis remained practically unchanged.

1. The balance sheet currency increased slightly during the analyzed period. This is a positive trend in the company's activities.

2. The growth rate indicator took a low value of 101.94%.

The current assets of the enterprise are larger than non-current assets. This positively characterizes the activity of the enterprise;

The management of the enterprise pursues a moderate investment policy in non-current assets;

The company's management increases long-term liabilities. And at the same time it reduces its short-term loans and borrowings;

The company's accounts payable slightly exceeds accounts receivable;

The balance sheet characterizes the stable financial position of the enterprise;

8. The obtained growth rate values ​​generally characterize minor changes (growth/decline) in the balance values. There are no sharp jumps observed.

2.3 TASK No. 2

During the reporting period, the organization sold products at wholesale prices including VAT in the amount of 10 million rubles, the cost of all products sold in the reporting period remained 5 million rubles. VAT rate is 10%.

Specific gravity is a physical quantity that shows the occupied part of something in the base mass. This indicator is used in many scientific fields. Let's consider how to find the specific gravity in different directions of using this concept.

How to find specific gravity in physics?

A science such as physics represents specific gravity as the weight of a substance in any unit of volume. The indicator is measured in Newtons per square meter (N/m3). The formula for calculating specific gravity in physics is as follows:

  • Specific gravity = P/V

where P is the weight of the substance being measured, and V is its volume.
In cases where it is necessary to calculate the specific gravity, but the total weight and volume are not available, the following formula is used:

  • Specific gravity = p*g

where g is the constant value of the acceleration of free fall, which is equal to 9.8 m/s2, p is the density of the substance.
Usually the last formula in physics is used when calculating the specific gravity of metals, and the indicator is also measured in N/m3.

How to find specific gravity in medicine?

In medicine there is such a thing as specific gravity. It is often used in diagnostics and comparison of tests. The basis is the specific gravity of distilled water, the temperature of which is 4 C. The specific gravity of such water is equal to 1.000. By comparing the mass of a certain volume with a reference value of water, it is determined how many impurities and what concentration are contained in the volume under study. This technique is most often used in urine tests.

The method of calculating the specific gravity of blood is also widely used, using a solution of copper sulfate as a standard.

How to find the share in the economy?

For a science such as economics, specific gravity is a global indicator, knowing which you can plan the development of a business, enterprise, investment, etc. The specific gravity is calculated as a percentage and shows the content of a certain part as a whole. It is actively used both in financial calculations and in economic activities. The formula for calculating the indicator is quite simple and looks like this:

  • Specific gravity = (part/total whole)*100%

When calculating the economic share, you need to take into account two calculation rules:

  1. Using this formula, all indicators are calculated, independently looking for the weight of personnel or the share of costs in the profit structure;
  2. the total amount of the phenomenon is always considered as 100%, no more and no less.

The structure of an enterprise's income shows the share of each type of income as a percentage in their total amount.

From t.r. = Dj / Addit *100% (1.5)

where, C t.r. – share of each income group in total income, %

Dj – quantitative value of the income group, rub

Dovsh – the amount of total income, rub.

Using formula (1.5), we find the share of income from core activities, the share of income from non-core activities, and the share of income from non-operating operations:

From t.r. = D o.d. / D total *100%

From t.r. = D n.d. / D total *100%

From t.r. = D v.o. / D total *100%

The calculation results are given in Table 2.

Table 2 - Calculation of the enterprise income structure

Present the structure in diagram form.

1.3 Calculation of the implementation of the enterprise’s income plan.

Fulfillment of the enterprise's total income plan is calculated using the formula:

Yissue Pl. = D fact / D pl. *100% (1.6)

where, Yissue Pl. – percentage of income plan fulfillment

D fact – Income actually completed for the current period, rub

D pl. – planned income for the current period, rub

You should analyze the percentage of fulfillment of the income plan.

Section 2. Efficiency of labor resources.

The efficiency of labor resources produced per unit of time or the ratio of the amount produced to the cost of living labor.

Labor productivity for the enterprise as a whole can be calculated using the formula:

PT = D o.d. /R (2.3)

where, Fri – labor productivity, thousand rubles/person

D o.d. – income from core activities, thousand rubles/person

P – average number of employees, people

The percentage of completion of the labor productivity plan is determined by the formula:

Labor resources are the totality of workers of different groups employed at the enterprise and included in its payroll.

The performance of an enterprise and its competitiveness largely depend on the efficiency of use and quality of labor resources.

2.1 Calculation of the average number of employees.

The average annual number of employees is calculated using the formula:

P = (PI + PII + PIII + PIV)/4 (2.1)

where, P – average annual number of employees, people

PI, PII,PIII,PIV – number of employees at the beginning of each quarter

Fulfillment of the employee number plan:

Yр = Рfact. / Rpl. *100% (2.2)

where, Yр – percentage of fulfillment of the employee number plan

Rfact. - Average number of employees for the current year

Rpl. – Average number of employees according to the plan for the current year

2.2. Labor productivity calculation

Labor productivity characterizes the efficiency of using labor resources in an enterprise.

The level of labor productivity is expressed by the number of products

Y exhaust pl. = PT actual / PT pl.*100% (2.4)

where, Y – percentage of fulfillment of the labor productivity plan

PT fact – actual implementation of the labor productivity plan, thousand rubles/person.

PT pl – labor productivity plan, thousand rubles/person

The implementation of the labor productivity plan should be analyzed.

An increase in income from the core activities of an enterprise can be achieved due to the influence of 2 factors: growth in labor productivity, growth in the number of employees.

The share of income growth, in percentage, obtained due to the growth of labor productivity compared to the plan is determined by the formula:

Q = (1- %P/%Do.d.)*100 (2.5)

where, Q is the percentage increase in income obtained due to growth in labor productivity

%P – Percentage of increase in the number of employees compared to the plan

%Do.d. – percentage increase in income from core activities compared to the plan

%P=(Рfact./Рpla.-1)*100% (2.6)

where, Rfact. – actual number of employees.

Rpl. – planned number of employees.

%Do.d. =(D.d. fact./*100% (2.7)

where, Do.d fact – actual income from product sales.

D o.d. pl. – planned income from product sales

If an enterprise has an increase in the number of employees, then the entire increase in income is obtained due to an increase in the number of workers and labor productivity.

In the activities of any enterprise, specialists have to deal with a certain system of indicators. One of them is specific gravity. In economics, this is an indicator that reflects the weight of a particular financial phenomenon.

General definition

They serve as micromodels of various phenomena in the financial activities of both the state in general and the business entity in particular. They are subject to various fluctuations and changes in connection with the reflection of the dynamics and contradictions of all ongoing processes; they can both approach and move away from their main purpose - assessing and measuring the essence of a specific economic phenomenon. That is why the analyst must always remember the goals and objectives of the research conducted using indicators for assessing various aspects of enterprise activity.

Among the many economic indicators compiled into a certain system, it is necessary to highlight the following:

  • natural and cost, which depend on the selected meters;
  • qualitative and quantitative;
  • volumetric and specific.

It is the latter type of indicators that will be given special attention in this article.

Share in the economy

It is a relative and derived indicator from its volumetric counterparts. As a share, it is customary to consider output per employee, the amount of inventory in days, the level of costs per one ruble of sales, etc. Relative indicators such as structure, dynamics, plan implementation and intensity of development are also widely used.

The share in the economy is the relative share of individual elements in the sum of all its components.

The magnitude of coordination, considered as a comparison of individual structural parts of a single whole, is considered important. An example is the comparison of debt and equity capital in the passive part of the balance sheet of a business entity.

Thus, the share in the economy is an indicator that has some meaning with its significance for analysis and control. However, like any relative indicator, it is characterized by certain limitations. Therefore, the share in the economy, the calculation formula for which is contained in any thematic textbook, should be considered in conjunction with other economic parameters. It is this approach that will allow us to objectively and comprehensively conduct research into the economic activities of business entities in a certain area.

Calculation method

The answer to the question of how to find the share in the economy depends on what specific area needs to be considered. In any case, this is the ratio of a particular indicator to a general one. For example, the share of value added tax revenues in total tax revenues is calculated as the ratio of VAT payments by business entities to the total amount of revenues from all taxes. The share of tax revenues in the revenue part of the federal budget of the Russian Federation is calculated in a similar way, only tax revenues are taken directly as a private indicator, and the total amount of budget revenues for a specific period (for example, a year) is taken as a general indicator.


How is the share in the economy measured? Of course, as a percentage. The unit of measurement follows from the very formulation of this concept. This is why it is calculated in shares or percentages.

The value of the “share” indicator in the overall assessment of the state’s economy

As mentioned above, the share in the economy characterizes its structure in various areas of activity. For example, the sectoral structure shows the degree of openness of the economy of any state. The higher the share of such basic industries as metallurgy and energy, the lower the state’s involvement in the division of labor at the international level, which characterizes the less openness of its economy as a whole.

Also, the degree of openness of the economy of any state is characterized by the share of exports in GDP (and this is also a relative indicator represented by the share). It is generally accepted that for countries with open economies the share of exports exceeds 30% of GDP, and for closed economies - up to 10%.

However, the considered share of exports in GDP is not the only indicator of the openness or closedness of the economy. Other indicators are also known. An example is the export or which are calculated by finding the ratio of the value of exports (imports) to GDP.

To summarize the above, it should be noted that the share of various indicators in the economic system is a kind of indicator of its successful functioning; based on the structure of its individual areas of activity, conclusions can be drawn about the openness or closedness of the economy. At the same time, an analysis of the structure of any economic sphere will make it possible to timely determine the factors that influence certain indicators.

Specific gravity calculation is actively used in various fields. This indicator is used in economics, statistics, analysis of financial activities, sociology and other fields. We will tell you how to determine the specific gravity of a substance in this article. Sometimes this calculation is used in writing analytical sections of dissertations and term papers.

Specific gravity is a method of statistical analysis, one of the types of relative quantities. Less commonly, the indicator is called the share of the phenomenon, that is, the percentage of the element in the total volume of the population. Its calculations are usually carried out directly as a percentage using one or another formula, depending on what the specific gravity is being determined.

How to calculate the specific gravity of any substances or elements

Each thing or means has a certain set of characteristics. The main property of any substance is specific gravity, that is, the ratio of the mass of a particular object and the volume it occupies. We obtain this indicator based on the mechanical definition of substance (matter). Through it we move to the area of ​​qualitative definitions. The material is no longer perceived as an amorphous substance that tends to its center of gravity.

For example, all bodies of the solar system differ in their specific gravity, as they differ in their weight and volume. If we look at our planet and its shells (atmosphere, lithosphere and hydrosphere), it turns out that they differ in their characteristics, including specific gravity. Likewise, chemical elements have their own weight, but in their case it is atomic.

Share in the economy - formula

Many people mistakenly take the specific gravity of density, but these are two fundamentally different concepts. The first is not one of the physical and chemical characteristics and differs from the density indicator, for example, like weight from mass. The formula for calculating specific gravity looks like this: = mg / V. If density is the ratio of the mass of an object to its volume, then the desired indicator can be calculated using the formula = g.

Specific gravity is calculated in two ways:

  • using volume and mass;
  • experimentally, comparing pressure values. Here it is necessary to use the hydrostatic equation: P = Po + h. However, this method of calculating specific gravity is acceptable if all measured quantities are known. Based on the data obtained using the experimental method, we conclude that each substance that is in the vessels will have a different height and flow rate.

To calculate the specific gravity indicator, use another formula that we learned in school physics lessons. The Archimedes force, as we remember, is buoyant energy. For example, there is a load with a certain mass (we denote the load by the letter “m”), and it floats on the water. At the moment, the load is influenced by two forces - gravity and Archimedes. According to the formula, the Archimedes force looks like this: Fapx = gV. Since g is equal to the specific gravity of the liquid, we get another equation: Fapx = yV. It follows: y = Fapx / V.

Simply put, specific gravity is equal to weight divided by volume. Moreover, the formula can be presented in various interpretations. However, the content and calculation method will be the same. So, the specific gravity is equal to: divide a part of the whole by the whole and multiply by 100%. There are two important rules to remember when making calculations:

  • The sum of all particles must always be equal to 100%. Otherwise, additional rounding should be done, and calculations should be carried out using hundredths.
  • There is no fundamental difference in what exactly you are counting: population, income of the organization, manufactured products, balance sheet, debt, active capital, revenue - the calculation methodology will be the same: distributing the part by the total and multiplying by 100% = specific weight.

Examples of economic calculations of specific gravity

Let's give a clear example. The director of a wood processing plant wants to calculate the share of sales of a specific type of product - boards. He must know the sales value of a given product and the total volume. For example, a product is a board, beam, slab. Revenue from each type of product is 155 thousand, 30 thousand and 5 thousand rubles. The specific vaginal value is 81.6%, 15.8%, 26%. Consequently, the total revenue is 190 thousand, and the total share is 100%. To calculate the specific gravity of the board, divide 155 thousand by 190 thousand and multiply by 100. We get 816%.

Workers (personnel)

Calculating the proportion of workers is one of the most popular types of calculations when studying a group of workers. The study of qualitative and quantitative indicators of personnel is often used for statistical reporting of companies. Let's try to understand what options exist for calculating the proportion of personnel. The calculation of this indicator has the form of a relative value of the structure. Therefore, it is necessary to use the same formula: divide part of the whole (group of employees) by the whole (total number of employees) and multiply by 100%.

VAT deductions

To determine the share of tax deductions attributable to a certain amount of sales turnover, it is necessary to divide this number by the total amount of turnover and multiply the result by the amount of tax deductions attributable to the total amount of sales turnover. Specific gravity is calculated with an accuracy of at least four decimal places. And the amount of turnover is the number of the tax base and VAT calculated from this tax base, and the amount of decrease (increase) in the tax base.

On balance

The determination of balance sheet liquidity is based on a comparison of assets with liabilities for liabilities. Moreover, the first ones are distributed into groups according to their liquidity and placed in descending order of liquidity. And the latter are grouped in accordance with their maturity dates and arranged in ascending order of maturity. According to the degree of liquidity (the speed of transformation into cash equivalent), the organization’s assets are divided into:

  • The most liquid assets (A1) are the entire set of cash items of the organization and short-term investments (securities). This group is calculated as follows: A1 = Money on the company’s balance sheet + Short-term investments.
  • Operating assets (A2) - debt to debit, payments of which are expected within a year after the reporting date. Formula: A2 = Short-term accounts receivable.
  • Slowly moving assets (A3) are components of the second asset of the balance sheet, including inventories, accounts receivable (with payments that will not be received earlier than in a year), VAT and other defensive assets. To get indicator A3 you need to sum up all the listed assets.
  • Hard-to-sell assets (A4) are outside the current assets of the company’s balance sheet.


To determine the specific indicator of any assets of an enterprise, you need to obtain the sum of all its assets. To do this, use the formula: A = B + C + D + E + F + G. Moreover, A is all the assets of the organization, its real estate, C is the total number of deposits, D is all machines and equipment; E - number of securities; F - cash available in the assets of the company; G-patents, company trademarks. Having the amount, you can find the share of a certain type of asset of the organization.

fixed assets

The share of various groups of fixed assets in the total value represents the structure of fixed assets. The share of fixed assets at the beginning of the year is calculated by dividing the value of fixed assets (on the balance sheet of the enterprise at the beginning of the year) by the amount of the balance sheet at the same point in time. First, you need to determine what the company's fixed assets are. This:

  • real estate (workshops, industrial architectural and construction facilities, warehouses, laboratories, engineering and construction facilities, including tunnels, roads, overpasses, etc.);
  • transmission devices (equipment for transporting gaseous, liquid substances and electricity, for example, gas networks, heating networks)
  • machines and equipment (generators, steam engines, transformers, turbines, measuring instruments, various machines, laboratory equipment, computers and much more);
  • vehicles (cars, motorcycles, passenger cars for transporting goods, trolleys)
  • tools (except special tools and equipment)
  • production means, inventory (racks, machines, work tables)
  • household equipment (furniture, appliances);
  • other fixed assets (museum and library materials).


When calculating the specific weight of expenses, parts of individual material or other (for example, raw materials) expenses are used. The calculation formula looks like this: expenses are divided by cost and multiplied by 100%. For example, the cost of production consists of the price of raw materials (150,000 rubles), employee salaries (100,000 rubles), energy costs (20,000 rubles) and rent (50,000 rubles). So, the cost is 320,000 rubles. And the share of expenses for salaries is 31% (100 / 320x100%), for raw materials - 47% (150 / 32x100%), for rent - 16% (50 / 320x100%), the balance - 6% falls on electrical costs.

How to automate calculations in Excel?

Specific gravity is determined by the ratio of the weight of matter (P) to the volume it occupies (V). For example, there are 85 students studying at the university, of which 11 passed the exam with “5”. How to calculate their share in an Excel table? You should set the percentage format in the cell with the result, then there will be no need to multiply by 100 - this, like conversion to percentages, happens automatically. We set in one cell (let's say R4C2) the values ​​85 in another (R4C3) - 11. In the resulting cell you should write the formula = R4C3 / R4C2.

To answer the question asked, there is no way to do without a clear knowledge of the definitions themselves - let’s start with that.

What is density

To a first approximation, the definition of density seems simple and understandable: density is a scalar physical quantity (a characteristic of a substance), defined as the ratio of a body’s own mass to the total volume occupied by this body. However, a trained eye will immediately notice a “slippery” place, namely: what specific state of the body are we talking about, how homogeneous is it? Indeed, gas or liquid (with some restrictions) are bodies in the everyday understanding that are essentially isotropic (that is, with characteristics that are the same within the physical volume of interest and do not depend on the chosen direction in this volume), but what about solid bodies?

In the extreme case, this can be demonstrated on a solid bulk material, where in one common volume there are both particles of the material itself and the voids between them (those who studied physics well at school will simultaneously object that approximately the same picture can be obtained with gases/liquids, if you start “break down” them to the molecular/atomic level). Therefore, the above definition implies an average (in other words, averaged) characteristic of a body for a selected characteristic size, and for granular bodies the concepts of “true density” (averaged characteristic, calculated only from the actual volume of the particles themselves) and “bulk density” (calculated characteristic for bulk solids) are separately introduced. material, taking into account all its voids - but without additional compaction).

Before moving on to the second definition of interest, it would not be amiss to recall that the term “ specific gravity“, specified as the ratio of the density of the object of interest to the density of the standard substance (for gases and liquids, such standards are typically water and air). To operate with specific gravity, it is important that both the object and the standard are at the same temperature/pressure (the reason is that in different measurement systems these “standard values” can be taken as a conditional “reference point” in different ways).

What is specific gravity

Specific gravity is understood as a vector physical quantity, defined as the ratio of the weight of a body (the weight of its substance) to the volume occupied by the body. In other words, the specific gravity is numerically equal to the product between the acceleration of gravity and the density of the substance (just in case, let us recall that the weight of a body is the force of the body on the support/suspension or its other fastening in the gravitational field).

Occasionally, a private definition unrelated to the above is also used, where specific gravity is understood as a dimensionless number indicating how many times the substance of interest is heavier than water (at its maximum density, at 4 °C) with an equal volume.

In addition to the usual everyday confusion in the form of identifying mass and weight, in relation to the case under consideration, it is necessary to mention the erroneous identification arising from the use of a similar dimension in the technical system of units of the MKGSS, where specific gravity is given as [kilogram-force / cubic meter] (kgf/m³).

Differences between specific gravity/density

From the above it is clear that the exclusively imaginary similarity of density and specific gravity is generated by at least two factors: the general similarity in the construction of their definitions and the typical erroneous everyday identification of weight and mass. Density and specific gravity are radically different concepts.

Here are the most important differences you should know (besides the definitions):

  1. Specific gravity (as, indeed, any force in general) is a vector physical quantity, and density is a scalar physical quantity and characteristic of matter.
  2. Density as a characteristic of a substance, ceteris paribus, is unchanged depending on the location of the measurement - and the specific gravity strongly depends even on a change in the location of the measurement location within the Earth (for example, due to variations in the acceleration of gravity between the equatorial and subpolar zones), especially if there is significant external accelerations.
  3. The units of measurement (in the SI/CGS systems used) are completely different in both cases: for density - [kilogram/cubic meter] or [gram/cubic centimeter], and for specific gravity - [newton/cubic meter] or [dyne/cubic centimeter ].

Any substance has characteristics. And the main characteristic of any substance is weight, or more precisely, specific gravity, the ratio of the weight of a particular body and the volume occupied by this body. This indicator follows from the mechanical definition of matter. It is through it that we make the transition to the sphere of qualitative definitions. Matter for us is no longer an amorphous mass tending to its center of gravity. Well, for example, the Solar System - all its bodies are different in specific gravity (more on how to calculate specific gravity - a little lower), since they have their own weight and their own volume. If we take our Earth and its shells (lithosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere) separately, it turns out that they also have their own specific gravity, different and individual.

In the same way, individual chemical elements have their own weight, only this time it is atomic. This is also an expression of specific gravity. By the way, there are only a few elements that can be presented in pure form, and the rest are compounds, usually stable and called simple substances. There are more than five hundred of them in the lithosphere of our planet, each with its own specific gravity. How to calculate specific gravity? And in general, is it possible to do this?

Certainly. Right now we’ll look at how to calculate specific gravity. It’s better to do this with specific examples to make it clearer.

1. For example, you are the head of a woodworking shop and want to know how to calculate the share of sales of specific goods or working materials in this case. The following must be known: the sales value of a specific product and the total volume. Let's say we have: type of product - board, revenue - 15,500 (rub), specific weight - 81.6%; type of product - timber, revenue - 30,000 (rub), specific weight 15.8%; type of product - slab, revenue - 190,000 (rubles), share of 2.6%. Total: revenue - 190,000, and share (total), respectively, 100%. How to calculate the specific gravity of a board? Divide 155,000 by 190,000 and multiply by one hundred. We get 81.6%. This is precisely the specific gravity of the board.

For some reason, specific gravity is often confused with density, although the concepts are completely different. Specific gravity does not relate to physical and chemical characteristics and differs from density as, say, mass from weight.

2.1.) Density is the ratio of mass to volume, and specific gravity is the ratio of weight to volume; this can be represented by the formula: γ = mg/V. And if density is the ratio of the mass of a given body to the volume of this body, then the formula for finding the specific weight, accordingly, will be written in the following form: γ = ρg.

2.2.) If desired, you can find the specific gravity through volume and mass, or experimentally, by comparing pressure values. Here the hydrostatic equation comes into play: P = Po+γh. But this method is applicable only in the case when all measured quantities are known without exception. In this case, the formula for finding the specific weight will take the following form: γ = P-Po/h. This equation is usually used to describe communicating vessels and their actions. Based on experimental data, the conclusion will be fair: each substance located in communicating vessels will have its own height and its own speed of spreading along the walls of the vessel in which this substance is located.

2.3.) In order to calculate (calculate) the specific gravity, you can apply another formula (Archimedes' force). Remember your school physics lessons? Perhaps only a few will answer affirmatively. Therefore, let us refresh our memory: the Archimedes force is a buoyant force. Suppose we are given a load that has a certain mass (let’s denote this load as “m”), floating on the water. At this moment, two forces act on the load, the first is the force of gravity, and the second is Archimedes (buoyant force, and the direction will be opposite to the vector mg). In the formula, the Archimedes force looks like this: Fapx=ρgV. Knowing that ρg is equal to the specific weight of the liquid, we obtain the following equation: Fapx = yV, and from here we derive: y = Fapx/V.

Difficult? Then let's simplify: in order to calculate the specific gravity, divide the weight by the volume.

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13 signs that you have the best husband Husbands are truly great people. What a pity that good spouses don't grow on trees. If your significant other does these 13 things, then you can s.

1.2 Calculation of the enterprise income structure

1.3 Calculation of the implementation of the enterprise’s income plan.

Fulfillment of the enterprise's total income plan is calculated using the formula:

Yissue Pl. = D fact / D pl. *100% (1.6)

where, Yissue Pl. – percentage of income plan fulfillment

D fact – Income actually completed for the current period, rub

D pl. – planned income for the current period, rub

You should analyze the percentage of fulfillment of the income plan.

Section 2. Efficiency of labor resources.

The efficiency of labor resources produced per unit of time or the ratio of the amount produced to the cost of living labor.

Labor productivity for the enterprise as a whole can be calculated using the formula:

where, Fri – labor productivity, thousand rubles/person

D o.d. – income from core activities, thousand rubles/person

P – average number of employees, people

The percentage of completion of the labor productivity plan is determined by the formula:

Labor resources are the totality of workers of different groups employed at the enterprise and included in its payroll.

The performance of an enterprise and its competitiveness largely depend on the efficiency of use and quality of labor resources.

2.1 Calculation of the average number of employees.

The average annual number of employees is calculated using the formula:

P = (PI + PII + PIII + PIV)/4 (2.1)

where, P – average annual number of employees, people

P.I. PII,PIII,PIV – number of employees at the beginning of each quarter

Fulfillment of the employee number plan:

Yр = Рfact. / Rpl. *100% (2.2)

where, Yр – percentage of fulfillment of the employee number plan

Rfact. — Average number of employees for the current year

Rpl. – Average number of employees according to the plan for the current year

2.2. Labor productivity calculation

Labor productivity characterizes the efficiency of using labor resources in an enterprise.

The level of labor productivity is expressed by the number of products

Y exhaust pl. = PT actual / PT pl.*100% (2.4)

where, Y – percentage of fulfillment of the labor productivity plan

PT fact – actual implementation of the labor productivity plan, thousand rubles/person.

PT pl – labor productivity plan, thousand rubles/person

The implementation of the labor productivity plan should be analyzed.

An increase in income from the core activities of an enterprise can be achieved due to the influence of 2 factors: growth in labor productivity, growth in the number of employees.

The share of income growth, in percentage, obtained due to the growth of labor productivity compared to the plan is determined by the formula:

Q = (1- %P/%Do.d.)*100 (2.5)

where, Q is the percentage increase in income obtained due to growth in labor productivity

%P – Percentage of increase in the number of employees compared to the plan

%Do.d. – percentage increase in income from core activities compared to the plan

where, Rfact. – actual number of employees.

Rpl. – planned number of employees.

%Do.d. =(D.d. fact./*100% (2.7)

where, Do.d fact – actual income from product sales.

D o.d. pl. – planned income from product sales

If an enterprise has an increase in the number of employees, then the entire increase in income is obtained due to an increase in the number of workers and labor productivity.

How to calculate specific gravity as a percentage?

To assess the importance of a particular indicator, you need calculate specific gravity as a percentage. For example, in a budget you need to calculate the relative weight of each item in order to deal with the most important budget items first.

To calculate the specific weight of indicators, you need to divide the sum of each indicator by the total sum of all indicators and multiply by 100, that is: (indicator/sum)x100. We get the weight of each indicator as a percentage.

For example: (255/844)x100=30.21%, that is, the weight of this indicator is 30.21%.

The sum of all specific gravity should ultimately equal 100, so you can check correct calculation of specific gravity as a percentage.

the moderator chose this answer as the best

Let's consider the calculation of the share in percentage terms using the example of calculating the share of the average number of employees; for ease of writing, we will define this term by the abbreviation “SChR”.

The procedure for calculating the SCR is provided for by the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, clause 1, article 11.

To calculate the NPV for each individual division, head office and organization in full, you need to calculate the NPV for each month, then - the NPV for the reporting period.

The amount of NPV for each calendar day of the month, divided by the number of days of the month, will equal the NPV for the month.

The amount of NCR for each month of the reporting period, divided by the number of months of the reporting period, equals the NCR for the reporting period.

In accordance with clause 8-1.4 of the Rosstat instructions, the SSR is indicated only in full units. For young, newly formed separate units, the value of the NFR for the reporting period may be less than a whole number. Therefore, in order not to conflict with the tax authorities, for tax purposes it is proposed to apply mathematical rules when calculating the NFR - data, less than 0.5 should not be taken into account, more than 0.5 should be rounded to one.

The value of the NCR of a separate division/parent organization, divided by the value of the NCR for the organization as a whole for the reporting period, will be equal to the indicator of the specific weight of the NCR of each individual division and parent organization.

There is some common part. She takes it 100%. It consists of separate components. Their specific gravity can be calculated using the following template (formula):

Thus, the numerator will contain a part of the whole, and the denominator will contain the whole itself, and the fraction itself will be multiplied by one hundred percent.

When finding specific gravity, you must remember two important rules, otherwise the solution will be incorrect:

Examples of calculations in a simple and complex structure can be viewed at the link.

First, let's understand what the specific gravity of a component of a substance is. This is its ratio to the total mass of the substance, multiplied by 100%. It's simple. You know how much the whole substance (mixture, etc.) weighs, you know the weight of a specific ingredient, divide the weight of the ingredient by the total weight, multiply by 100% and get the answer. Specific gravity can also be estimated through specific gravity.

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Specific gravity and its calculation is one of the most frequently used indicators. Its calculation is used in statistics, organizational economics, financial business analysis, economic analysis, sociology and many other disciplines. In addition, the specific gravity indicator is used when writing analytical chapters of coursework and dissertations.

Initially, specific gravity is one of the methods of statistical analysis, or rather, even one of the varieties of relative values.

The relative size of the structure is the specific gravity. Sometimes the specific gravity is called the share of the phenomenon, i.e. This is the proportion of an element in the total volume of the population. The calculation of the share of an element or specific gravity (as you like) is most often carried out as a percentage.

Formula for calculating specific gravity

The formula itself can be presented in different interpretations, but its meaning is the same and the principle of calculation is the same.

— The structure of the phenomenon should always be equal to 100%, no more, no less, if adding the fractions of 100 does not work out, then do additional rounding, and the calculations themselves are best done with hundredths.

- The structure of what you are calculating is not so important - the structure of assets, the share of income or expenses, the share of personnel by age, gender, length of service, education, the share of products, the structure of the population, the share of costs in the cost - the meaning of the calculation will be the same, divide the part by the total, multiply by 100 and get the specific gravity. Don’t be afraid of different words in the text of the problem, the calculation principle is always the same.

Example of specific gravity calculation

We check the sum of the shares ∑d = 15.56+32.22+45.56+6.67 = 100.01%, with this calculation there is a deviation from 100%, which means it is necessary to remove 0.01%. If we remove it from the 50 and older group, the adjusted share of this group will be 6.66%.

We enter the obtained data into the final calculation table

All direct problems for determining specific gravity have this calculation principle.

Complex structure - There are situations when the source data presents a complex structure and several groupings are made within the phenomenon. The object is divided into groups, and each group, in turn, is not yet a subgroup.

In such a situation, there are two ways to calculate:

– either we calculate all groups and subgroups according to a simple scheme, divide each number by the final data;

- either we count groups from the general given, and subgroups from the value of the given group.

We use a simple structure calculation. We divide each group and subgroup by the total population. Using this method of calculation, we find out the share of each group and subgroup in the total population. When checking, you will only need to add up the groups - in this example, the urban and rural population in the total number, otherwise if you add up all the data, the sum of the shares will be 200%, and a double count will appear.

We enter the calculation data into the table

Let's calculate the share of each group in the total population and the share of each subgroup in the group. The share of urban and rural population in the total population will remain the same as in the calculation above 65.33% and 34.67%.

But the calculation of the shares of men and women will change. Now we will need to calculate the proportion of men and women in relation to the size of the urban population or rural population.

That's all. Nothing complicated or difficult.

Good luck to everyone in their calculations!

If something in the article is not clear, ask questions in the comments.

And if suddenly someone finds it difficult to solve problems, contact the group and we will help!

Among the many parameters characterizing the properties of materials, there is also specific gravity. Sometimes the term density is used, but this is not entirely correct. But one way or another, these two terms have their own definitions and are used in mathematics, physics and many other sciences, including materials science.

Determination of specific gravity

The physical quantity, which is the ratio of the weight of a material to the volume it occupies, is called the HC of the material.

Materials science of the 21st century has gone far ahead and technologies that were considered science fiction a hundred years ago have already been mastered. This science can offer modern industry alloys that differ from each other in qualitative parameters, but also in physical and technical properties.

To determine how a certain alloy can be used for production, it is advisable to determine the HC. All objects made with the same volume, but different types of metals were used for their production, will have different masses, it is in a clear connection with volume. That is, the ratio of volume to mass is a certain constant number characteristic of this alloy.

To calculate the density of a material, a special formula is used, which has a direct connection with the HC of the material.

By the way, the HC of cast iron, the main material for creating steel alloys, can be determined by the weight of 1 cm 3, reflected in grams. The more HC the metal, the heavier the finished product will be.

Specific gravity formula

The formula for calculating HC looks like the ratio of weight to volume. To calculate hydrocarbons, it is permissible to use the calculation algorithm, which is set out in a school physics course.
To do this, it is necessary to use Archimedes' law, or more precisely, the definition of the force that is buoyant. That is, a load with a certain mass and at the same time it floats on the water. In other words, it is influenced by two forces - gravity and Archimedes.

The formula for calculating the Archimedean force is as follows

where g is the hydrocarbon liquid. After the substitution, the formula takes the following form: F=y×V, from here we obtain the formula for the shock load y=F/V.

Difference between weight and mass

What is the difference between weight and mass. In fact, in everyday life, it does not play any role. In fact, in the kitchen, we don't make a difference between the weight of a chicken and its mass, but there are serious differences between these terms.

This difference is clearly visible when solving problems related to the movement of bodies in interstellar space and neither those having relations with our planet, and under these conditions these terms differ significantly from each other.
We can say the following, the term weight has meaning only in the zone of gravity, i.e. if a certain object is located next to a planet, star, etc. Weight can be called the force with which a body presses on the obstacle between it and the source of attraction. This force is measured in newtons. As an example, we can imagine the following picture: next to a paid education there is a stove with a certain object located on its surface. The force with which an object presses on the surface of the slab will be the weight.

Body mass is directly related to inertia. If we consider this concept in detail, we can say that mass determines the size of the gravitational field created by the body. In fact, this is one of the key characteristics of the universe. The key difference between weight and mass is this - mass does not depend on the distance between the object and the source of gravitational force.

To measure mass, many quantities are used - kilogram, pound, etc. There is an international SI system, which uses the usual kilograms, grams, etc. But besides it, many countries, for example, the British Isles, have their own system of weights and measures, where weight is measured in pounds.

Difference Between Specific Gravity and Density

UV - what is it?

Specific gravity is the ratio of the weight of matter to its volume. In the SI international system of measurements it is measured as newton per cubic meter. To solve certain problems in physics, hydrocarbons are determined as follows - how much heavier the substance being examined is than water at a temperature of 4 degrees, provided that the substance and water have equal volumes.

For the most part, this definition is used in geological and biological studies. Sometimes, the HC calculated using this method is called relative density.

What are the differences

As already noted, these two terms are often confused, but since weight directly depends on the distance between the object and the gravitational source, and mass does not depend on this, therefore the terms shock wave and density differ from each other.
But it is necessary to take into account that under certain conditions mass and weight may coincide. It is almost impossible to measure HC at home. But even at the school laboratory level, such an operation is quite easy to perform. The main thing is that the laboratory is equipped with scales with deep bowls.

The item must be weighed under normal conditions. The resulting value can be designated as X1, after which the bowl with the load is placed in water. In this case, in accordance with Archimedes' law, the load will lose part of its weight. In this case, the balance beam will warp. To achieve balance, a weight must be added to the other bowl. Its value can be designated as X2. As a result of these manipulations, a shock wave will be obtained, which will be expressed as the ratio of X1 and X2. In addition to substances in the solid state, specific values ​​can also be measured for liquids and gases. In this case, measurements can be performed under different conditions, for example, at elevated ambient temperatures or low temperatures. To obtain the required data, instruments such as a pycnometer or hydrometer are used.

Units of specific gravity

Several systems of weights and measures are used in the world, in particular, in the SI system, hydrocarbons are measured in the ratio of N (Newton) to a cubic meter. In other systems, for example, the GHS for specific gravity uses the following unit of measurement: d(din) per cubic centimeter.

Metals with the highest and lowest specific gravity

In addition to the concept of specific gravity used in mathematics and physics, there are also quite interesting facts, for example, about the specific gravities of metals from the periodic table. If we talk about non-ferrous metals, then the heaviest ones include gold and platinum.

These materials exceed in specific gravity such metals as silver, lead and many others. “Light” materials include magnesium with a weight lower than that of vanadium. We must not forget about radioactive materials, for example, the weight of uranium is 19.05 grams per cubic cm. That is, 1 cubic meter weighs 19 tons.

Specific gravity of other materials

It is difficult to imagine our world without many materials used in production and everyday life. For example, without iron and its compounds (steel alloys). The HC of these materials fluctuates in the range of one to two units and these are not the best results. Aluminum, for example, has low density and low specific gravity. These indicators allowed it to be used in the aviation and space industries.

Copper and its alloys have a specific gravity comparable to lead. But its compounds - brass and bronze are lighter than other materials, due to the fact that they use substances with a lower specific gravity.

How to calculate the specific gravity of metals

How to determine hydrocarbons - this question often arises among specialists employed in heavy industry. This procedure is necessary in order to determine exactly those materials that will differ from each other in improved characteristics.

One of the key features of metal alloys is which metal is the base metal of the alloy. That is, iron, magnesium or brass, having the same volume, will have different masses.

The density of the material, which is calculated based on a given formula, is directly related to the issue under consideration. As already noted, HC is the ratio of the weight of a body to its volume; we must remember that this value can be defined as the force of gravity and the volume of a certain substance.

For metals, HC and density are determined in the same proportion. It is permissible to use another formula that allows you to calculate the HC. It looks like this: HC (density) is equal to the ratio of weight and mass, taking into account g, a constant value. We can say that the HC of a metal can be called the weight per unit volume. In order to determine the HC, it is necessary to divide the mass of dry material by its volume. In fact, this formula can be used to obtain the weight of a metal.

By the way, the concept of specific gravity is widely used in the creation of metal calculators used to calculate the parameters of rolled metal of various types and purposes.

The HC of metals is measured in qualified laboratories. In practical terms, this term is rarely used. Much more often, the concepts of light and heavy metals are used; metals with a low specific gravity are considered light, and metals with a high specific gravity are classified as heavy.

Specific gravity and its calculation is one of the most frequently used indicators. Its calculation is used in statistics, organizational economics, financial business analysis, economic analysis, sociology and many other disciplines. In addition, the specific gravity indicator is used when writing analytical chapters of coursework and dissertations.

Initially, specific gravity is one of the methods of statistical analysis, or rather, even one of the varieties of relative values.

The relative size of the structure is the specific gravity. Sometimes the specific gravity is called the share of the phenomenon, i.e. This is the proportion of an element in the total volume of the population. The calculation of the share of an element or specific gravity (as you like) is most often carried out as a percentage.

//Formula for calculating specific gravity

The formula itself can be presented in different interpretations, but its meaning is the same and the principle of calculation is the same.

Two important rules:

The structure of the phenomenon should always be equal to 100%, no more, no less; if adding the fractions of 100 does not work out, then do additional rounding, and the calculations themselves are best done with hundredths.

The structure of what you are calculating is not so important - the structure of assets, the share of income or expenses, the share of personnel by age, gender, length of service, education, the share of products, the population structure, the share of costs in the cost - the meaning of the calculation will be the same, we divide We multiply the part by the total by 100 and get the specific gravity. Don’t be afraid of different words in the text of the problem, the calculation principle is always the same.

Example of specific gravity calculation

We check the sum of the shares ∑d = 15.56+32.22+45.56+6.67 = 100.01%, with this calculation there is a deviation from 100%, which means it is necessary to remove 0.01%. If we remove it from the 50 and older group, the adjusted share of this group will be 6.66%.

We enter the obtained data into the final calculation table

All direct problems for determining specific gravity have this calculation principle.

Complex structure - there are situations when the source data presents a complex structure, several groupings are made within the phenomenon. The object is divided into groups, and each group, in turn, is not yet a subgroup.

In such a situation, there are two ways to calculate:

– either we calculate all groups and subgroups according to a simple scheme, divide each number by the final data;

Either we count groups from the general data, and subgroups from the value of the given group.

We use a simple structure calculation. We divide each group and subgroup by the total population. Using this method of calculation, we find out the share of each group and subgroup in the total population. When checking, you will only need to add up the groups - in this example, the urban and rural population in the total number, otherwise if you add up all the data, the sum of the shares will be 200%, and a double count will appear.

We enter the calculation data into the table

Let's calculate the share of each group in the total population and the share of each subgroup in the group. The share of urban and rural population in the total population will remain the same as in the calculation above 65.33% and 34.67%.

But the calculation of the shares of men and women will change. Now we will need to calculate the proportion of men and women in relation to the size of the urban population or rural population.

That's all. Nothing complicated or difficult.

Good luck to everyone in their calculations!

If something in the article is not clear, ask questions in the comments.

And if suddenly someone finds it difficult to solve problems, contact the group and we will help!

Maybe we can learn some more? Look here!

How to determine average specific gravity

Every science that can be called exact primarily collects data for research through observation, sampling, experimentation, and surveys. A huge flow of information is painstakingly processed to obtain average data. They are calculated and then used in physics, mathematics, statistics and other sciences.


  • Get ready for the calculations. Gather as much information as possible to arrive at the final number. The more accurate and complete the information is, the more accurate the final figure will be. For example, it is necessary to determine the average share of workers' wages in the cost of production at factories of a certain category (let's say canning) in our country. You will not be able to know for sure the exact number of such factories, there are a lot of them, but nevertheless it is necessary to collect data. Therefore, make the maximum possible list of them and for each find out the total amount of wages of workers and the total cost of production.
  • Take information for a certain period of time: per month, per quarter, per year. Please note that they will only be able to give you the material when the period has already been closed in accounting. They will not be able to give you current information due to its constant change. Therefore, choose only past dates, but still not very old, so that the information is not outdated.
  • Such large-scale work is unnecessary if you need an average unit weight across three specific plants. In this case, you simply narrow the scope of your research by taking the figures of only these enterprises.
  • If specific numbers are not available, calculate them yourself based on the amounts that the company can give you. Remember that when processing data, one sum always logically follows from some others and vice versa. So, they can give you the salaries of workers by workshop - and you only add them up. Or, on the contrary, they will report the total amount of the salary, but at the same time they will add a staffing table, where the employee’s specialty is visible, and a payroll sheet. Then, by sampling, look only for workers.
  • Sum up all the numbers you got. The output will be two digits. In our example, this is the total salary of all workers at all factories and the total cost of canned goods.
  • A huge amount of preparatory work has been done, so now all that remains is to perform one simple arithmetic operation: divide the first amount by the second and multiply by one hundred. This looks more clear in numbers, so let’s look at our case again. If the sum of salaries was 120, and the cost of production was 400 (the numbers are arbitrary), then the average share of workers’ salaries in the cost of canned goods in the country will be 30%. 120/400*100=30.
  • If you carry out this simple action for each enterprise separately, you will be able to compare how much the percentage of the share at each plant will differ from the average in one direction or another

Harmonic mean value

Problem 2.5

There is data on the proportion of defective products (Table 2.5). Losses from defects (the cost of defective products) are the same for all types of products.

Table 2.5

Share of defective products

Determine the average specific gravity of defective products.

1. The average specific gravity of defective products is calculated using the formula (initial ratio of the average)

where is the cost of defective products of the i-th type;

cost of manufactured products of the i-th type.

2. The cost of manufactured products of the i-th type can be determined from the proportion of defective products

3. Average share of defective products

Problem 2.6

There is data for three enterprises on the total costs of the entire output and costs per ruble of products produced (Table 2.6).

Table 2.6

Production costs

Determine the average costs per ruble of marketable products for three enterprises.

1. Average costs per ruble of manufactured products are determined by the formula

where is the number of enterprises;

cost of manufactured products at the i-th enterprise.

2. The cost of manufactured products at the i-th enterprise can be determined from the costs per ruble of marketable products

3. Average costs per ruble of commercial products

Problem 2.7

There is data on average interest rates and income of commercial banks (Table 2.7).

Table 2.7

Bank number

Average bank interest rate

Bank income

Determine the average interest rate for three commercial banks.

1. Initial ratio of average interest rate

where is the number of banks;

the amount of loans issued by the bank.

2. From the formula for the interest rate in the i-th commercial bank, you can determine the amount of loans issued by the bank

3. The average interest rate is determined using the weighted harmonic average formula

Problem 2.8

There is data on the enterprise's export products (Table 2.8).

Table 2.8

Interest rates and bank earnings

Determine the average share of export products.

1. Initial ratio of the average share of export products

where is the cost of manufactured products of the i-th type.

2. From the formula for the share of export products of the i-th type, you can determine the cost of manufactured products

3. The average share of export products is determined using the weighted harmonic average formula

Average specific gravity - Great Encyclopedia of Oil and Gas, article, page 1

Average specific gravity

Page 1

The average specific gravity in formula (51) is determined without correction for temperature.

The average specific gravity of the earth (determined by Koenig, Krigar-Men - zel and Richartz according to the method of Jolli) is 5,505, and hence the total weight; of the earth approximately 5960 - 18/ha 5960 trillion tons.

The average specific gravity of the system ym can be determined through the volume or weight concentration of the components.

The average specific gravity of normal human urine can be taken to be 1017 with a volume of 1500 ml and 60 g of solid substances.

Find the average specific gravity d of the ore.

The ratio of the average specific gravity of the particles that make up a granular body to its bulk weight is called the loosening coefficient.

Regulation of the average specific gravity of the foam is achieved by changing the degree of aeration.

The value of the average specific gravity of the vapor-liquid emulsion usm is determined from formula (45) below.

By multiplying by the average specific gravity of turpentine (0 86), the weight of turpentine is obtained and expressed as a percentage of the oleoresin sample.

T is the average specific gravity of the coolant and the specific gravity of the surrounding air in kg m.b. The plus sign is taken when the coolant moves from top to bottom, the minus sign when moving from bottom to top. The quantity &rgs in the case of gas movement is called gravity resistance.

To determine the average specific gravity, the tanker periodically measures the specific gravity and temperature of the products he dispenses during his duty. When changing tankers on duty, the level of petroleum products in the tank is measured with a steel measuring tape or a metro rod.

The procedure for calculating the average share of the amount of freight charges for each quarter in the annual costs of freight charges is similar to the procedure for calculating the share of each quarter in annual turnover.

Separated oil (average specific gravity 0.892) contains on average 0.7% water and 0.2% mechanical impurities.

To avoid confusion, I will create a formula from your assignment, i.e.

We need to find the specific gravity

There are two meanings:

1 - some indicator

2 - general part

We need to find it as a percentage.

So the formula will be like this:

Specific gravity = some indicator / total part * 100%

There is some common part. She takes it 100%. It consists of separate components. Their specific gravity can be calculated using the following template (formula):

Thus, the numerator will contain a part of the whole, and the denominator will contain the whole itself, and the fraction itself will be multiplied by one hundred percent.

When finding specific gravity, you must remember two important rules, otherwise the solution will be incorrect:

Examples of calculations in a simple and complex structure can be viewed at the link.

Let's consider the calculation of the share in percentage terms using the example of calculating the share of the average number of employees; for ease of writing, we will define this term by the abbreviation SCHR.

The procedure for calculating the SCR is provided for by the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, clause 1, article 11.

To calculate the NPV for each individual division, head office and organization in full, you need to calculate the NPV for each month, then the NPV for the reporting period.

The amount of NPV for each calendar day of the month, divided by the number of days of the month, will equal the NPV for the month.

The amount of NPV for each month of the reporting period, divided by the number of months of the reporting period, equals the NPV for the reporting period.

In accordance with clause 8-1.4 of the Rosstat instructions, the SSR is indicated only in full units. For young, newly formed separate units, the value of the NFR for the reporting period may be less than a whole number. Therefore, in order not to conflict with the tax authorities, for tax purposes it is proposed to apply mathematical rules to calculate data, less than 0.5 should not be taken into account, and more than 0.5 should be rounded to one.

The value of the NFR of a separate division/parent organization, divided by the value of the NFR for the organization as a whole for the reporting period, will be equal to the indicator of the specific weight of the NFR of each individual division and parent organization.

First, let's understand what the specific gravity of a component of a substance is. This is its ratio to the total mass of the substance, multiplied by 100%. It's simple. You know how much the whole substance (mixture, etc.) weighs, you know the weight of a specific ingredient, divide the weight of the ingredient by the total weight, multiply by 100% and get the answer. Specific gravity can also be estimated through specific gravity.

To assess the importance of this or that indicator, you need to calculate the specific gravity as a percentage. For example, in a budget you need to calculate the relative weight of each item in order to deal with the most important budget items first.

To calculate the specific weight of indicators, you need to divide the sum of each indicator by the total sum of all indicators and multiply by 100, that is: (indicator/sum)x100. We get the weight of each indicator as a percentage.

For example: (255/844)x100=30.21%, that is, the weight of this indicator is 30.21%.

The sum of all specific gravity should ultimately equal 100, so you can check the correctness of the calculation of the specific gravity as a percentage.

Specific gravity is calculated as a percentage. You find the share of the particular from the general, which, in turn, is taken as 100%.

Let's explain with an example. We have a package/bag of fruit that weighs 10 kg. The bag contains bananas, oranges and tangerines. The weight of bananas is 3 kg, the weight of oranges is 5 kg, and the weight of tangerines is 2 kg.

To determine the specific gravity, for example, of oranges, you need to take the weight of the oranges, divide it by the total weight of the fruit and multiply by 100%.

So, 5 kg/10 kg and multiply by 100%. We get 50% - this is the specific gravity of oranges.

The specific gravity is calculated as a percentage!! Let’s say it’s a part of the whole. So we divide the part by the whole number and multiply by 100%.

Then 10002000*100%=50. And so each specific gravity needs to be calculated.

To calculate the specific weight of an indicator as a percentage of the total part, you need to directly divide the value of this indicator by the value of the total part and multiply the resulting number by one hundred percent. This will give you the specific gravity as a percentage.

Specific gravity as a physical indicator is calculated by the formula:

Where P is the weight,

and V is the volume.

Percentage specific gravity is calculated by simply taking the Whole Specific Gravity to the Part of the Specific Gravity. To get a percentage, you need to multiply the final result by 100:

Average specific gravity - Great Encyclopedia of Oil and Gas, article, page 3

Average specific gravity

Page 3

A balloon filled with a very light gas has an average specific gravity (the weight of the entire device together with the gas filling it, the shell and the attached weights, related to the entire volume of this device), significantly less than the specific gravity of the air in the lower layers of the troposphere. Such a ball will be displaced upward by heavier air (float) until it reaches the layers of the air atmosphere, in which its specific gravity will be equal to the specific gravity of rarefied air. The balloon will not be able to rise above these layers of the atmosphere unless it is freed from the reserve ballast on it.

Since, as the cascade reaches a stationary mode, the average specific gravity of the liquid in the column changes (due to changes in the concentration of the extracted element and an increase in the retention of the dispersed phase), the height of the water seal, which ensures a given position of the phase separation level, can be different at start-up and during operation of the cascade at optimal mode.

If the liquid is heterogeneous, formula (3) determines only the average specific gravity of the liquid.

If the heated liquid boils in the pipes, then the average specific gravity of the mixture of vapor and liquid drops sharply, as a result of which the flow rate increases. The specific gravity of the mixture at any place in the tubular coil depends on the pressure and heat content of the mixture at that point. The pressure at any location on a tubular coil is expressed as the sum of the pressure at the outlet of the pipeline and the pressure loss from the end of the pipeline to that point. However, the point at which evaporation occurs is unknown, so it is necessary to start by calculating for known conditions at the outlet of the furnace and work backwards to calculate the pressure losses in individual parts of the tubular coil.

This method is inaccurate due to the error that occurs when determining the average specific gravity of oil usr. However, for a comparative assessment of the resulting bottomhole pressures corresponding to different operating modes of the well, this inaccuracy is not significant.

In this case, the geostatic pressure y will be equal to the product of the average specific gravity of the rocks that make up the geological section YT and located above the formation by the depth of the formation.

In addition to estimating the amount of minerals, an estimate of the average specific gravity of the minerals is required to calculate specific gravity units.

It is necessary to drain liquefied gas (propane) with an average specific gravity of 0.52 kgf/l into an underground container with a ground temperature of - 5 - C.

For example, if we take a relative error of 2%, an average specific gravity of 3 g/cm3 and a particle size of 0 02 mm, then with a content of the component being determined of 20%, the smallest weight of the sample for analysis will be 2 4 mg; on the contrary, knowing the sample size, you can calculate the required degree of dispersion of the material.

Suppose that interplanetary space is filled with small grains of dust with an average specific gravity p and approximately spherical in shape with radius K. Show that for a grain of sand of any size the ratio of the force of gravitational attraction and radiative repulsion by the Sun does not depend on the distance to it.

For a quarterly breakdown of the annual freight cost plan, it is necessary to determine the average share of the freight amount of each quarter in the annual freight costs based on statistical data for the last five years.

Along with this, for an increase of at least 25% in the average share of products of the highest quality category achieved by enterprises in the relevant sub-sector of the ministry, the amount of points increases to 20% when meeting the target.

For each section, the average temperature of the exhaust gases and the average specific gravity corresponding to this temperature are determined.

In the case of inhomogeneous bodies, it is obviously possible to compare the average specific gravity of the body with the specific gravity of the liquid.

In this equation, TTV is the actual specific gravity of the particle, Y is the average specific gravity of the sediment, depending on the value of the free volume.

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Average specific gravity - Great Encyclopedia of Oil and Gas, article, page 2

Average specific gravity

Page 2

Not only the average specific gravity of dinas is significant. If the mass is fine-grained, the quartzite is cement and its grains are severely cracked during firing, and the additive contains iron oxides, then such silica with an increased specific gravity tolerates heating of the vault well. If the quartzite is crystalline, the mass is coarse-grained, the additive is purely calcareous, then with a high average specific gravity, the dinas contains large, slightly cracked quartz grains. When the arch heats up quickly, it grows significantly, is prone to peeling, becomes very loose and wears out intensively during operation.

In this particular case, the average specific gravity of the ore would be the harmonic simple average.

In this way, it is possible to optimize the average specific gravity, which allows for savings in raw materials (cellulose) and a reduction in the specific consumption of steam required for drying paper.

This method uses the change in the average specific gravity of the suspension during sedimentation of the suspended powder. In Fig. 16 shows a Wigner device.

This method is based on the change in the average specific gravity of the suspension when suspended powder is released from it as a result of sedimentation. Vpg-nera, A suspension is placed in a wide tube A, and a pure solvent is placed in a narrow tube B, after which both elbows are connected by opening the tap.

In calculation practice, it is often necessary to determine the average specific gravity () of a mixture from the known specific gravities (fi) of the components that make up this mixture.

Since the scales of differential pressure meters-flow meters are calibrated at a constant average specific gravity, when the temperature and pressure of the measured medium fluctuates, its specific gravity changes and the readings of differential pressure meters-flow meters differ from the actual values. This circumstance necessitates introducing corrections into the readings of differential pressure meters-flow meters for changes in temperature and pressure, and in some cases, for humidity.

Since the scales of differential pressure meters-flow meters are calibrated at a constant average specific gravity, when the temperature and pressure of the measured medium fluctuates, its specific gravity changes and the readings of differential pressure meters-flow meters differ from the actual values. This circumstance necessitates introducing corrections into the readings of differential pressure meters-flow meters for changes in temperature and pressure, and in some cases, for humidity.

If the galvanometer is designed in such a way that the average specific gravity of its moving part is equal to the specific gravity of the applied liquid, the center of pressure of the liquid coincides with the center of gravity of the moving part, and the liquid completely fills the body, then such a galvanometer turns out to be completely insensitive to translational accelerations. To ensure insensitivity to angular accelerations, the moment of inertia of the moving part must be equal to the moment of inertia of the liquid in the volume of the moving part, and the housing design must ensure full involvement of the liquid in the angular movement of the housing. In devices with angular working movement of the moving part, the last requirement cannot be met, since in order to fully involve the liquid in the angular movement, the body must have a partition passing through the axis of rotation.

The average critical temperature and pressure are determined from the average specific gravity of the gas using the curves shown in Fig. Hydrocarbon gases can be converted into liquid and solid states.

In Fig. 47 - 52 show the dynamics of changes in the average specific gravity of suspensions during the settling process.

Structural changes in sales volume lead to changes in the average share of gross margin, both upward and downward.

The volumetric quantity of petroleum products supplied is converted into weight quantities based on the average specific gravity of the products supplied.

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