How to close all windows in 1s 8.3. Hotkeys

At the beginning of work, when we gain experience, we develop certain habits, and the habit of using Hotkeys will bring us convenience in operation and speed. That's why it's so important to use keyboard shortcuts when you're just starting to learn. The use of hotkeys significantly speeds up the work and increases the number of possible actions using the keyboard. We will talk about using hot keys in the configurator.


When writing, you can save time by using the following keyboard shortcuts:
Ctrl + Space - call contextual hint or auto-completion.
Ctrl+Q - calling a template will significantly speed up writing code.
Alt-Shift-F - format the code section so that it becomes readable.
Ctrl-F1 - search in the syntax assistant, move the cursor to the platform function or keyword and click.

Code research.

When examining large sections of code, it is hard to do without the following keyboard shortcuts.
Alt+F2– set, remove the bookmark from the current line.
F2- go to the next tab.
Shift+F2- go to the previous tab.
F-12- put the cursor on the procedure or function and proceed to the definition of the procedure or functions.
Ctrl - (minus)- Moves back to the module jumped to via F12.
Ctrl-T- find in the tree. If you are in a module, then the object whose module it is will be highlighted in the configuration tree.
ctrl+f— find a metadata object or its attribute in the metadata tree.
Fast moving along the branches of structures If… ElseIf… Else…. and between
the beginning and end of the cycle.
Ctrl-[- go back.
Ctrl-]- move forward.
Ctlr-G- move to a specific line of code.

Debugging code.

Debugging code is very important action, without which writing code and researching someone else's is indispensable.
F5- start debugging.
F9- put, remove a breakpoint.
F10- step through, i.e. do not go into procedures and functions, but execute the following line of code.
F11- step into, i.e. executes the following line of code, entering procedures and functions.
Shift-F9- calculate the expression.
Ctrl+Shift+F9- disable breakpoint.

Service message window.

Errors, search results, etc. are displayed in the service message window. The following hotkeys are useful for working with the message window:
Ctrl-Alt-Z— clear the message window.
Ctrl-Shift-Z— clear and close the message window.

Keyboard layout for 1C programmers

When working in 1C configurator for set & |< >‘! and other characters, you need to switch the layout from Russian to English.
But our colleague Pavel Chistov came up with a special layout that will save you from unnecessary switching.
Download keyboard layout for 1C programmers

Here I have collected the most used keyboard shortcuts, in fact there are many more. To view the Hotkeys in the configurator, you need to go to the Help Menu - Help Contents - Keyboard Shortcuts (Configurator).
The file contains more than 150 key combinations for working in 1C, if you don’t want to look in the help.

Form the habit of using hotkeys, remember better when you use, not when you learn.

I often use the keyboard shortcut in Enterprise mode Alt + Shift + R - Resize Window. It is very useful when the user has changed the form a lot and some details “disappeared” from it. He calls you, you do Alt + Shift + R, he looks in surprise how you did it

just for results

strict adherence to deadlines


project implementation

technical support as a gift

How we are working

1. We discuss the problem by phone. If you have remote access - show on your computer screen.

2. We evaluate the work in rubles if the project is large, if not - the approximate number of hours.

3. We get the job done.

4. You accept work in your program, if there are shortcomings, we correct them.

5. We issue an invoice, you pay.

Cost of work

1. All works are divided into 3 categories: consultation, updating a typical configuration, developing or programming a new report, processing, buttons, etc.

3. For work over 10 hours, a technical task is prepared in advance with a description and cost of the work. Work begins after the approval of the TOR with you.

Technical support

1. If you find any errors in previously accepted works, within 3 months, we correct them for free.

2. For regular customers Any shortcomings in our work are corrected free of charge within a year.

SMS from your 1C

Do you want customers to learn about promotions and discounts in time? Clients not returning? Set up SMS sending directly from 1C!

Our company will be able to quickly set up sending SMS to your customers directly from 1C. Examples of events that can be automated:

  • Gratitude for the purchase and accrual of bonuses immediately after the next purchase.
  • Accrual of bonuses to the card as a gift for a birthday/another important or holiday day.
  • Warehouse notification.
  • Gift voucher expiration.
  • Notification of receipt of prepayment and reservation of goods.
  • Address with directions to the store/office, phone numbers.
  • Etc.

Setting in 1C can be done by our specialists or our employees. You can get acquainted with the tariffs on the SMS-tariffs page.

  • SMS delivery guarantee, money is withdrawn only for delivered SMS.
  • Separate billing for each SMS.
  • Replenishment of the balance in various ways.
  • View the history of all sent SMS at any time.
  • The sender's name instead of the numeric number on the recipient's phone.

When writing, viewing, editing code, navigating through 1C menu items, certain combinations of keystrokes, the so-called "Hot Keys", can significantly speed up these processes. I must say right away that the list will be incomplete. Only those that I use in my work. Therefore, it would be useful after reading this article to refer to the 1C help to expand this list. The list will be divided into relevant sections according to functional purpose. Basically, combinations that are applicable when working in the 1C configurator mode will be considered.

When specifying keyboard shortcuts, Latin characters will be used, although, of course, you do not need to switch the keyboard to English when using it. So let's get started.


    F12- if you place the cursor at the place of the procedure or function call, then using this key you can go directly to the procedure or function;

    Ctrl+]- allows you to go from the beginning of the logical construction to its end. Logical constructions are: If ... EndIf, For ... Loop ... EndCycle, Function ... EndFunction, Procedure ... EndProcedure. That is, if the cursor is positioned on the “If” operator, then after applying this combination, it is positioned on the “EndIf” operator. Very handy in situations where you have to analyze large blocks of code;

    Ctrl+[- allows you to move from the end of the logical structure to its beginning;

    ctrl+t- when editing the code, this key combination allows you to move to the configuration metadata tree and position yourself on the object whose code you are currently editing;

    Alt+F2- Sets a label on a line of code (later you can navigate to this label). Displayed as a blue circle on the left side of the line. The label name is not set. Labels can be traversed sequentially within the current code window;

    F2- Jump to the next label in the "forward" direction in the current code window;

    Shift+F2- Jump to the next label in the "backward" direction in the current code window;

    ctrl+f- text search;

    F3- find the next piece of text;

    Shift+F3- find the previous piece of text;

    Ctrl+Home— move the cursor to the beginning of the text;

    Ctrl+End— move the cursor to the end of the text;

    Home— move the cursor to the beginning of the current line;

    End— move the cursor to the end of the current line;

    Ctrl + right arrow— move the cursor one word to the right;

    Ctrl + left arrow— move the cursor one word to the left;

    Working with windows

    Alt+Enter— open the properties window. The information in the window is displayed for the element that was selected before the keys were pressed. For example, it can be a configuration object, a spreadsheet document cell, etc.;

    Alt+Shift+Enter— open the additional properties window. Used to view additional properties of configuration objects;

    Shift + Ctrl + T- opens a window with text templates;

    Shift+Ctrl+Z— closes the service message window;

    Text editing

    Ctrl + / (on the numeric keypad)- comment out the selected block of text;

    Shift + Ctrl + / (on the numeric keypad)- uncomment the selected block of text;

    ctrl+c— copy the selected text to the clipboard;

    Ctrl+V— paste from the buffer;

    ctrl+c— cut the selected text to the clipboard;

    Text selection

    Ctrl+A- select all;

    Shift+Ctrl+Home- select text starting from the current cursor position and up to the beginning of the text;

    Shift+Ctrl+End- select text from the current cursor position to the end of the text;

    Shift + Home- select text from the current cursor position to the beginning of the line;

    Shift + End- select text from the current cursor position to the end of the line;

    Shift + Ctrl + right arrow- highlight the word to the right of the cursor. By holding Shift and Ctrl and successively pressing the arrow, you can select several words at once;

    Shift + Ctrl + Left Arrow— highlight the word to the left of the cursor;

    Shift + down arrow- select a line with the cursor shifted one line down. Useful when selecting multiple lines;

    Shift + up arrow- select a line with the cursor shifted one line up;


    F7- update the configuration;

    F5- refreshes the configuration, opens a new window in enterprise mode, and enables debug mode of the open window;

    Ctrl+F5- opens a new window in enterprise mode and enables debug mode of the open window without updating the configuration;

    F9— sets a breakpoint on the current line of code in the configurator;

    Alt+F9— opens a window with a list of all configuration breakpoints. From this window, you can move to any of them;

    The following are the keyboard shortcuts that are used during debugging after a breakpoint has been hit

    Sift+F9- opens a window in which you can see the value of a variable or the result of calculating a function. A variable or function can be preselected;

    F11- step by step debugging. Each click executes one line of code;

    Shift+F11- the current procedure or function is executed to the end, it exits and the debug cursor is placed on the line following the one from which this procedure (function) was called;

    Shift+F10- the code is executed to the current cursor position;

    Discussion is closed.

Hot keys are probably the best solution to simplify the operation of applications through the keyboard after touch typing. The principle of operation of hot keys is such that a separate action is attached to one key or their combination, which is performed immediately, as soon as this key or combination is pressed. In modern operating systems there are standard sets of such keys, and various applications additionally contain their own combinations. Depending on the settings provided by the authors of the program, such keys and combinations can be assigned by developers or set by users themselves in the application settings.

The 1C:Enterprise 8 platform also did not become an exception to this rule and contains many hot keys, mostly common for the 1C:Accounting, 1C:Payroll and HR, 1C:Trade Management, 1C:Retail configurations. "and others. Moreover, even if you write your own configuration for this platform, these keys will work in it too. To create screenshots, I will use the 1C: Retail configuration, since I am currently writing about working with it and it is, as they say, at hand.

In order to fully appreciate the rationality of such technical solution, let's see how the methods of working with the use of hot keys, as well as without their participation, look from the outside.

Suppose the user is unaware of the existence of hot keys or, more often, does not pay due attention to them, considering them to be something unnecessary or abstruse. In this case, even the most simple operation requires at least two or three mouse clicks on the application interface elements - switching to other form lines, menu items, button presses, and so on. However, these elements are not always in close proximity to each other. That is, during such work, you still need to move the mouse intensively, periodically releasing it in order to enter some information from the keyboard, and then take the mouse back in your hand and continue working.

If we talk about one or two operations, then there is no particular problem in this. But the fact is that 1C users very often have to carry out hundreds of such operations per day. Especially in "1C: Bookkeeping" and trading configurations. A simple example is the manual entry of new item lists, which happens quite often. And now estimate how much time during the day it takes to take-leave the mouse and drive the cursor around the screen. What if within a month?

A user who is confident in working with hotkeys can perform many times large amounts of work without much effort. For example, if you work with the mouse, then to create a new document you need to take the mouse, point it at the button for creating a document and click it. Then you need to drop the mouse, fill out the document from the keyboard, take the mouse back in your hand and save or swipe the document.

And an advanced user at the same time will simply press the Insert key that creates a new document, immediately fill it out, since he does not need to rush between the mouse and keyboard, and then press the Ctrl + S or Ctrl + Enter combination - and that's it. On an industrial scale, the time savings are simply enormous!

For achievement best results It's also nice to have touch typing skills. Within the framework of this article, we will not consider it, but on my own I want to add that I quickly mastered touch typing in Russian and English thanks to keyboard simulator VerseQ, an overview of which can be read at this . I mention this simulator here not at all from advertising motives, but I really consider it to be much more effective than other, even more well-known simulators.

But let's not deviate from the topic. So, we already know that the Insert key is used to create a new element. Moreover, the word "element" is used here in the broadest sense. This may be a new item position in the list, new connected equipment like cash register or a barcode scanner, or a regular document - an invoice, an act of acceptance and transfer, and so on.

Sometimes it happens that you need to create not a separate object, but a group of such objects. An example is an item list, in which a separate category is created for each product, which allows you to logically structure the data.

Such a group is something like a daddy, where you can add other groups and directly the products themselves. To create such a group, you can use the Ctrl + F9 combination.

This combination will only work if you are in a section that supports grouping. For example, if you have a window for the receipt of goods, then this combination will not give anything in it - there are no groups provided here. But the Insert button, as usual, will create a new element. In our case, the receipt of goods.

In order to open an element already entered in the database for editing or viewing, you need to press the F2 button. This will be equivalent to pressing the green pencil button in the program interface.

Depending on the type of the opened element, the number of lines in its form varies and there can be quite a lot of them. To switch between them without using the mouse, you can use the Tab button and the Shift + Tab combination. The first will take you to the next line, and the second will take you to the previous one.

The Del button performs several functions. First of all, this is the standard deletion of text in edit mode. In addition, it can be used to mark system objects for deletion and delete items that are allowed to be deleted directly, without prior marking.

For example, if we talk about the 1C: Retail configuration, these can be barcodes assigned to some name or a separate set of characteristics of some product. But the product or characteristic itself cannot be simply deleted - you must first mark them for deletion, and then delete them using a special function.

Each document, with the exception of a mark for deletion, can have three main states: unsaved, saved, and posted.

Everything is clear with the unsaved. This is a document that you just created and did not save, or a previously saved document to which you made some edits, but also did not save. The fact that the edits were not saved is indicated by the asterisk symbols in the tab title and in the document title.

Let's see what is common and what is the difference between a simply saved and posted document. First of all, changes are saved both during normal saving and when posting. It also assigns a number to the document. But with a simple save, there is a simple record of the entered information, nothing more. The posted document generates all the necessary postings and begins to participate in accounting.

An example is the situation with the posting of goods. You create a document, enter the necessary goods and their incoming quantity there and save them without carrying out. The document will be assigned a number and will appear in the list of incoming documents. Moreover, it will contain information about incoming goods, including their names, quantity, accounting units, cost and total amount, but the posting itself has not yet been carried out.

If at this moment you try to write off such a product, only those units of it that were registered earlier will be written off. If such a product has not been delivered to the warehouse before, then you will not be able to write it off at all. It just doesn't exist. The document was created but not posted, so the register did not record the receipt of goods at the warehouse. Such a saved document can be opened at any time and swiped.

In order to hold the document and close it, use the Ctrl + Enter combination. True, sometimes it is necessary to post a document without closing it. For example, to immediately create another on its basis. To do this, use the "Submit" button in the application interface. If there is a hot button for it, then I don't know anything about it.

The key combinations Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V are well known in many applications. These are standard combinations that allow you to copy pieces of text to the clipboard and paste them to other places.

But in the configurations of the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform, there is also a very convenient function that allows you to create a new element by copying the old one. This is done using hot key F9.

This tool creates a copy of the previous one, in which you can later make the necessary edits. This is very convenient when the new document is not much different from the old one. For example, if you are making an invoice for a counterparty with whom you have already worked before, you do not have to fill in all the details from scratch. It is enough to select one of the old documents and press F9. After that, you will have to replace the tabular part or some other little things. As a result, if the tabular part is not very large, it will take you a few seconds to do everything about everything.

In this way, you can clone not only documents, but also any records in general. Suppose you have a stock item that has a long list of characteristics that differ by one or two values. Of course, you can select the entire list, copy it, and then paste it into each new position and change it. But it's much easier to do this with the push of a single button, isn't it?

The F5 button is used to refresh the page. This helps, for example, when the state open document changed due to the movement of documents in neighboring windows or on another computer. Let's say the payment status of an open order changed when you submitted all the necessary documents, but since the order itself was open for you, the information on the screen was not updated. In such cases, F5 helps.

The Ctrl+F and Ctrl+Q combinations are used to activate and deactivate the search mode, and the F1 key traditionally launches the help system.

So, now you know all the main hot buttons used in working with 1C:Enterprise platform configurations. Another thing is how you use this knowledge. From many years of experience as a system administrator, I know that users are often too lazy to learn these combinations. Their excuses are monotonous: "It's too complicated", "I won't remember", "I'll be looking for these buttons for a long time" and so on in the same vein.

In fact, there is nothing complicated about this. Yes, the first day or two you will remember combinations. But here you can focus on the hints that appear when you move the mouse cursor over the button of the function, for which a combination of hot keys is provided.

As for the position of the necessary buttons on the keyboard, then, firstly, since you are already working at a computer, you simply have to know where everything is, and secondly, you will learn frequently used buttons very quickly and will use them automatically, which is not will serve you in good stead.

It talked about working with a key combination in the configurator, which speeds up and facilitates the work of a 1C programmer.
While working, I noticed how many users do not know or do not want to learn how to use keyboard shortcuts in 1C:Enterprise, and using keyboard shortcuts in 1C:Enterprise speeds up work at times.

These keyboard shortcuts are relevant for but many of them will work in older versions of the platform.
Let's start as in help 1C.

Global Actions

F1- opens the "Help" corresponding to the mode in which you are currently working.
Shift+F1- opens "Help Contents"
Shift+Alt+F1- opens the "Help Index"
Alt+F1- opens the "Search Help"

Alt+Left– go to the previous help chapter or web page
Alt+Right– Move to the next Help chapter or web page

New mechanisms that appeared in 1C:Enterprise 8.2: Link, History and Favorites greatly facilitate the user's work and make the interface more friendly.
Ctrl+F11- get the link
Shift+F11- follow the link
ctrl+d- Add to favorites"
Ctrl+Shift+B- open "Favorites"
Ctrl+Shift+H- open "History"
Ctrl+Shift+Z– open / close "Service Messages"
Combinations Ctrl+F2- opens the built-in "Calculator"

General actions

Every 1C:Enterprise user should know the following keyboard shortcuts.

Del– delete, mark for deletion, unmark for deletion.
Ins- add

ctrl+s- saves the active document
ctrl+p– prints the active document
Ctrl+Shift+P– prints to the current printer

Ctrl+C (Ctrl+Ins)- copy to clipboard
Ctrl+X (Shift+Del)- cut to clipboard
Ctrl+V (Shift+Ins)- paste from clipboard

Ctrl+A- select all

Much more convenient than clicking the mouse every time
Ctrl+Z (Alt+BackSpace)- undo last action
Ctrl + Y (Shift + Alt + BackSpace)- redo undone action

ctrl+f- find
F3- find next
ctrl+h- replace

These keyboard shortcuts are useful when working with directories.
Ctrl+Num+– expand a group (tree node) of a lookup or spreadsheet document
Ctrl+Num-– collapse a group or tree node

Ctrl+PgDn (Ctrl+Alt+F) - go to next page
Ctrl+PgUp (Ctrl+Alt+B) - Go to previous page

This mechanism helps in the analysis of information, working with reports.
Shift+Num*- copy to clipboard as a number
Shift+Num+- add to clipboard
Shift + Num-- subtract from clipboard

Keyboard shortcuts in application windows

A couple more hot keys in 1C:Enterprise mode, which are needed more often than others.
Alt+1- go to the section panel
Alt+2- go to the navigation bar
Alt+3- go to action bar
Alt+4– switch to the navigation panel in the “Bookmarked” window opening mode
Alt+9- go to the history panel
Esc– transition to the form window after switching to the panel by Alt
Ctrl+Shift+– hide/show sections, navigation and actions panels
Tab (Shift+Tab)- transition between panels and the form window (at the same time, you cannot exit the form by Tab)

The form

Enter- performs the default button actions, as well as moving to the next form element
Ctrl+Enter- Performs the button's default action
Tab- move to the next form element
Shift + Tab- return to the previous form element
Esc– close the active auxiliary window

F6– move to the next desktop form
Shift+F6- switch to the previous form of the desktop

Working with spreadsheet document

F2– toggle editing/input mode in a cell
Home- go to the beginning of the line
End- go to the end of the line
Ctrl+Home- go to the beginning of the text
Ctrl+End- go to the end of the text
F4- select a value in a cell
Shift+F4- clearing the value in the cell
Ctrl+Shift+F4– opening for detailed viewing the object selected in the input field.

Window management

Alt+F4– close an active free window, modal dialog or application
Ctrl+F4- close the active normal window
Shift + Esc- close the active window
Ctrl+Tab (Ctrl+F6)– activate the next normal window
Ctrl + Shift + Tab (Ctrl + Shift + F6)– activate the previous normal window
Alt+Space– combinations to call the system menu of the application or modal dialog
F10- activate the main menu
Shift+F10- call the context menu
Alt+Space- call the system menu
Esc- return activity to a normal window
Alt+Shift+R- restore window position

That's probably all, I indicated the most hot keys encountered in the 1C: Enterprise mode. Who wants to view a more detailed overview, let him look in 1C help.

We go to
Help content (Shift + F1) - 1C:Enterprise - Keyboard shortcuts (1C:Enterprise).

To make it easier to fill in these keyboard shortcuts, it is better to print them out and keep them in front of you at the first stage, and when the Keyboard Shortcuts (1C:Enterprise) crash into the memory of the paper, you can throw it away.

Thank you for your attention.

Please leave comments on this article, your opinion is important to me.

P.S. parody of Bulldog Kharlamov