How to tame a parrot and teach it various tricks? How to make a parrot out of paper: master classes with diagrams

Of all the birds living in captivity, parrots are perhaps the most positive. For some reason, I feel unbearably sorry for any other bird looking at the world through the bars and want to be released into the wild. And the parrot rejoices in his cage, plays with a bell, swings on a swing and amuses his owners, imitating their speech.

This is a very curious and playful creature. He loves everything bright, colorful and shiny. He can seriously take care of a porcelain teapot and be friends with a cat. To make the life of your budgies and not so budgies even more filled with joyful events, periodically make them new toys with your own hands.

Beautiful swing

You will need:

  • multi-colored beads;
  • metal bell;
  • ready swing.

How to make a beautiful swing

  • Choose multi-colored beads. You can use buttons. Remove the swing and disconnect the wire at the top.
  • String the beads on the wire, remembering to leave a small gap between them so that the parrot will find it interesting to move them.

  • Fasten the ends of the wire and hang a bell at the junction.

  • Hang a beautiful swing in your budgie cage.

Willow gnaws

You can make very useful toys from willow twigs for parrots with your own hands by collecting raw materials somewhere outside the city on the banks of reservoirs. Before you begin, soak the willow branches in boiling water. By doing this, you will not only give the tree greater flexibility, but also protect your parrots from infections and unnecessary microbes.

  • Weave balls from the branches and hang them with wire from the roof of the cage. The result was original toys and necessary chews. Birds not only sharpen their beaks on wood, but also replenish their supply of useful vitamins.

  • You can go further and make an original swing from willow sticks, attaching them to a ball with metal chains, and hanging a bell to complete the feeling.


For budgies, there is nothing more interesting than climbing and descending all sorts of stairs. And for their owners, there is nothing easier than making such toys with their own hands from thin rope and wooden sticks.

  • Cut several identical sticks. Branches of pear, bird cherry, poplar and oak cannot be used when making toys for parrots.
  • Cut notches along the edges to prevent the rope loop from slipping. Sand the sticks.
  • Tie a ladder and hang it in the cage.

In the same way, you can make a swing or weave other toys from rope.

Training apparatus

For this bird fun you will need a small plastic bottle or paper towel tube and wooden chopsticks.

  • Seal the bottom of the tube.
  • Drill or punch side holes of such a diameter that the sticks fit tightly into them without falling out or twisting.
  • Fill the container with washed and calcined river sand.

Cage design


A budgie cage should be bright, shiny and modern. Old CDs meet all these requirements. They can be hung, if the volume of the home allows, or mounted on the walls. In the second case, they will also save you from unnecessary cleaning by trapping debris inside.


What could be brighter and louder than toys for the littlest people?! Children grow quickly, and their rattles can be given to the parrot. They are safe and interesting in every way for intelligent birds.


An ordinary badminton ball can be an excellent toy for your feathered pet. It is convenient because the parrot can easily carry it with its beak and cling to it with its paws. The ball can be hung or simply thrown to the bottom of the cage. He will not go unnoticed.

Best toy

However, the most favorite gift for any parrot will be a dummy of a bright bird. You can sew it with your own hands from multi-colored bright scraps. Believe me, the bird will not notice any flaws or shortcomings, it will simply stop feeling lonely.

Any owner pet You will certainly want to interact with the new family member, teach tricks or simply hand feed. In general - to tame a pet. Our feathered friends are no exception, they are also trainable and can interact with humans in a very interesting way.

Today we will look at how to tame a budgerigar.

Like most pets, birds are not immediately willing to come to your hands. In order for the bird to begin to trust you, you must be patient and go through a not very long, but quite interesting and labor-intensive path. In the best case, you can get a response from the bird within a few weeks.

It is best to start from the very moment when the bird moves from its former pet store, or breeder's cage, to your home. And remember one simple truth - the younger the bird, the faster and more willingly it will make contact with its new owner. The most ideal age for raising a budgie is 5-7 months.

But don't be alarmed if you have an adult bird. If desired, adult wavy dogs can also be trained, but this will take a little more time and effort, due to the already formed character of the animal, and an already certain attitude towards people, which you will have to change.

It may take you up to several months of painstaking work with education, but the result will certainly please you. The main thing in this matter is patience.

My pack

It is rare that an animal in nature is asocial. Everyone tries to stick to their flock for one reason or another, and budgies are no exception to this rule. And if a bird that grew up in a group gets into your house, then in most cases this will complicate your taming work.

Why in most cases? Like people, animals have their own personal character and animals also make decisions based on some of their own motivations. There are exceptions when a bird from a flock is tamed even faster than a young individual that grew up alone. Some craftsmen, showing remarkable dexterity, skillfully accustom several birds to their hands at once. In each case, the situation may be unique in its own way and may not fit into the statistical framework.

In any case, an adult wavy will meet you only if you surround him with warmth, care and attention. And even if you get a pet who has experienced cruel treatment in a previous home, through all the difficulties and difficulties of approaching such a parrot, you can still find levers that will make the bird doubt that human hands can only bring pain.

Carefully, without sudden movements or screams, with a bit of patience and enthusiasm, and over time yours will let you into his flock and will trust you completely and completely.


Breeders who treat their business responsibly and put their whole soul into it, have parrots that know and are accustomed to human hands from a very young age. Tactile contact is carried out not only for inspection and the banal habit of not being afraid of hands, this is also done in order to exclude the possibility of a bite from the new owner, for which the bird may not be ready.

Such feathered babies, once in your home, can literally open up to you completely from the first days and establish maximum contact with their owner. If you don’t know how to distinguish a tame parrot from a wild one, and don’t really trust the seller, then watch how the parrot is handed to you.

If to catch it you need to catch the bird all over the cage, then the conclusion is obvious. A tame bird will not experience stress when trying to pick it up in the palm of your hand and transplant it somewhere. You will not see any screams or attempts to break out or bite a person.

If you plan to continue raising your feathered friend after the purchase, then this is the bird you should buy.

Are you my brother or not?

As with meeting new people, getting to know a new bird doesn't happen right away. To understand which way to approach your pet, you need to watch the parrot for several days.

A cautious and leisurely bird, meticulously and systematically studying its new house will not rush into your arms, but the nimble and inquisitive feathered pet, both literally and figuratively, will find “huge” interest in you. Therefore, an active and playful bird will be more likely to make contact.

After the bird seems to have settled into its new home for several days, do not rush to spoil your new friend with walks outside the cage. It is likely that the pet will not yet realize that of the places offered to him - a cage or a room - should be his home, and it is quite likely that he will be reluctant to go back to the cage.

And the rather sluggish attempts of the entire family to drive the parrot into a corner in order to catch the fugitive will not have any positive effect on your desire to tame the parrot, and one can say exactly the opposite.

After such stress, you can not only go back a few steps on the path to taming a parrot, but quite possibly even go back to the beginning, with the bonus of your pet’s distrust of you.

Do you believe me?

How to make a parrot tame quickly? How to tame an animal in month period? This is not very easy to do, but with patience it is quite possible. , like most animals, get used to hands if you teach them that contact with human hands will be associated with something pleasant. The first and most in a simple way taming will be an outstretched open palm with food and all sorts of treats for the wavy.

Before you take such a step, prepare for the fact that a small animal may slip through the crack of the open door and fly for a walk around the room. Close the doors from the room and do not open windows and vents so as not to lose your pet.

It is very important, if the bird is not used to the house, to close the windows with curtains in this case, or when you decide to let the parrot fly for the first time.

The bird does not understand the presence of glass on the windows, and may simply fly towards the light. At full speed, the bird can suffer serious injury, which could potentially result in the death of the pet.

Today we will tell you how to tame a budgie. This should be done only after the bird has gone through a period of getting used to the new environment and was able to settle into the cage. All actions must be performed carefully and calmly, step by step. Fast and forceful movements can frighten your pet. You will learn the sequence of taming budgerigars in this article.

In order for the taming of a wavy pet into your hands to be successful, you first need to give the parrot time to get used to the changes in its life. Therefore, do not immediately rush to establish communication with the bird, and especially do not try to catch it right in the cage - you can make friends later.

Be patient, because taming a bird is a long and painstaking task. You must understand that moving is already a lot of stress for a budgerigar. Sticking your hand into a frightened pet's cage can have a negative impact on its psyche. “Waviness” can get very scared, and because of this, it may never become tame.

For you to be able to make friends with your wavy pet, he must stop being afraid of you and start getting used to your hands. But to achieve this, several factors must be taken into account:

If you stick certain rules, then soon budgerigar will not only sit on your hand, but also dance with you to the music. The same rules apply if you want to tame a couple of birds or an adult pet, but there are some nuances. But more on that later.

There are several ways to accustom a bird to being handled. To ensure that your pet’s training goes smoothly and quickly, we have chosen an effective and maximum easy way make a parrot tame.

Hand training

The first stage of taming a wavy pet is that you first need to accustom it to yourself. At first, the parrot gets used to it and after a while begins to consider it its refuge. He is afraid of any movements and sudden sounds near his home. This is why you should leave the bird alone for at least a few hours, do not turn on loud music or TV, and watch it from the side.

If the parrot fell silent and began to explore the space in the cage and in the room, it means that he calmed down a little. Now you can start communicating with the bird. Your task is to clean the cage, add food, change the water so that the pet does not become hysterical when you approach, but reacts calmly to all actions.

Try to attract the parrot's attention by starting to talk to him from afar in a gentle and calm tone. If the bird is interested in you, begin to slowly approach it, continuing to talk. When approaching the cage, perform all the necessary manipulations as quickly as possible, but without sudden movements.

If your wavy pet is still afraid of you, then limit yourself to feeding him for now. Food is a powerful incentive for a parrot to show friendliness. Notice what type of foods he likes best—what he eats first.

It’s best to start taming yourself by offering a tasty treat, which you should push between the bars of the cage. After a while, the parrot will become interested in the treat, despite your presence. After this, you can continue learning, but now it’s up to you.

Carefully insert your hand with the treat directly into the cage. If the parrot does not react in any way, then you need to make it hungry - remove the food in the evening. In the morning the bird will want to eat and will take the treat you offer.

Gradually the bird will get used to your hands and will calmly sit on them to feast on them. But this does not mean that the pet has become completely tame. Now your goal is to teach your parrot to sit on your hand without any treats in it. Only after this will it be possible to move on to the next level of taming. Remember to praise your parrot for correct actions in a calm and gentle tone.

Dance training

Now you must ensure that the bird flies out of the cage on its own and calmly sits on you with the desire to communicate. But first she must get comfortable in the room. Therefore, do not try to catch your pet and force him to sit on your arm - remember, he is not yet completely tame. Open the cage door, move a short distance and call the parrot, showing him the tasty treat.

At first, the bird will most likely fly up to you, take a treat and quickly fly away to enjoy it on neutral territory. Don’t even think about scolding her, be patient. Otherwise, you will scare the wavy pet, and its still fragile trust in you will disappear.

As soon as the parrot understands that there is nothing to be afraid of, it will begin without flying away from you. And then he will just sit, happily communicating with you.

Now you don’t have to worry about how to teach your budgie to perform various movements. For example, dancing to music, because he is already accustomed to your hands. The main thing is that you devote about fifteen minutes to training every day, and then the results will not be long in coming.

Choose rhythmic, calm music and play it while the bird is sitting on your hand. Sometimes budgies can start dancing on their own, without the help of their owner. In this case, just remember what kind of music your pet started dancing to, so that you can choose something similar later.

If music has no effect on the bird, you will have to teach it to dance. Place your pet on your hand and start moving it to the beat of the melody. To make learning go faster, you can also move your head to the beat. After a while, the pet will begin to repeat after you. Be sure to praise the bird. If you repeat the exercises daily, the parrot will soon begin to dance on its own.

Learning difficulties

As you can see, taming the “wavy” is not so difficult, the main thing is to follow the sequence of actions, have patience, calmness and perseverance. But what if you need to train a couple of parrots or a fully grown pet?

First, let's figure out how to tame a couple of birds. In principle, the actions are the same: wait until the parrots’ adaptation period ends, then accustom them to hands in a cage, then communicate in the wild, no attempts to catch and force them to perform the actions you need. IN in this case

It is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of pets. Some can only work together, while others have to be placed in different cages and trained separately. If you have one parrot and you decide to buy a pair for it, then do not forget about quarantine - forty days of the new pet living alone to identify possible diseases

It is more difficult to tame an adult pet than a young one due to its often wild nature. Use the same rules described above. But be patient and put in a lot of effort - it may take you twice as long to tame.

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    Task 1 of 5

    1 .

    What to do with a parrot when you just brought it home so that it gets used to the new place?



    Once you bring your budgerigar home, you first need to give him time to adapt to his new place.

  1. Task 2 of 5

    2 .

    What should you not do when you are trying to make friends with a budgie?



    To make friends with a new pet, you must not frighten it or pick it up until it comes to you.

  2. Task 3 of 5

    3 .

    What should you not do when teaching your parrot to dance?

Parrots are wonderful creatures. They are very easy to train and constantly bring joy to their owners with their ability to talk and other unusual tricks. Moreover, teaching your pet these tricks is much easier than you think.

By nature, parrots are very smart and intelligent birds. If you take a good look at what gives your parrot the most pleasure in the cage, then you can understand which tricks will come easiest to him.

When we buy a parrot, we want it to be an obedient, gentle and intelligent pet. However, many of us completely forget that this is not a cat or a dog, but a real wild bird. Therefore, to tame a bird, you need to make some effort.

After you have bought the bird, let it get comfortable, do not touch it for at least one day, let it come to its senses and recover from stress. When purchasing, be sure to ask what your bird ate. Immediately when you bring the bird home, give it fresh food, this will help cheer it up.

Now let's talk about how to tame a parrot:

  1. First, you need to spend some time near your bird's cage. This way, your little pet will be able to see that you are not that scary.
  2. Now you can slowly put your hand into the cage and hold it there for a while. After some time, the parrot will be able to get used to this.
  3. When your bird gets hungry, give it some tasty food, for example, millet ears. If you want everything to work out, make sure that the treat is familiar to your friend. Repeat all this every day, then after a few days the bird will get used to your hands and will not be afraid of them.
  4. Start playing with your pet, try to tickle its belly.
  5. Now it's time to teach the “baby” to sit on your finger. To do this, you need to try to move your finger under the parrot's chest (above the legs). It may not work on the first try, but over time it will sit on your finger.

Of course, this process is ideal, but it has one drawback - it takes a long time!

There is another way to tame your little friend - simply put your open palms into the cage and keep them there. Of course, the parrot will begin to beat its wings strongly, but it will not be able to do this for a long time and, in the end, it will sit on its hands. After a few seconds, he may start to fly again, but you can’t really fly in a cage, so he will sit on his hands again. This way the parrot can quickly become tame.

Pay attention to your conversation, imagine that the parrot is your child, talk to him gently and calmly. Don't make any sudden movements, especially above his head. You will know that your pet trusts you when he sits calmly on your shoulder and in your arms. Naturally, do not forget to give your “child” a nickname, but remember that it should be easy. This way the pet will get used to it faster and begin to respond. If you bought a small parrot - a young one, then you have every chance to teach it to repeat sounds. Any parrot has the ability to talk, so it can easily learn. However, you must be patient. And one more thing - during training it would be good to use good positive reinforcement. This means that after each lesson in which your pet performs well, you must reward him with some kind of treat.

Many owners worry that parrots scream loudly in the morning. It should be understood that this is absolutely normal in the morning and evening time. To avoid this, cover the cage with a blanket in the evening, but so that the front part is open. If the bird starts screaming during the day, then give it a little more attention, give it more space and some tasty morsel of food, or let it fly free. Always remember that in the wild, in natural conditions, parrots are always busy, but at home in a closed space, he is lonely and sad. Provide him with new toys and delicious food.

There is no need to cut off a parrot's wings to prevent them from flying. This should be done only in special cases: if you have burning stoves at home, if a bird bites small children, near open bodies of water, etc.

There are times when owners are interested in whether it is possible to punish a parrot? Professionals do not advise doing this. You can’t deprive the bird of attention. This will not help parrots, and besides, they have an excellent memory. Parrots need attention and affection. Only hermit eagles live alone in nature, but parrots never do. Therefore, if you have the opportunity to ensure that your bird is psychologically healthy, get him a soul mate. If not, then give your pet more attention yourself.

Now that your parrot is tame, you can teach him some little tricks.

How to teach a bird to go through pipes?

It's actually not too much difficult task and if you practice enough, you can achieve some success. Of course, the tube must be of a size that your pet can fit through. First, he must familiarize himself with it and get used to it. Initially try this with a short tube. At first, you can direct the bird in the desired direction, and when leaving, hold some kind of stick or treat. When the parrot completes the task, praise him and give him a treat. At first, you can reward him only for touching the tube, and then only after completing the task. This will help your little friend learn to pass through the tube.

How to teach a parrot to turn around on its perch?

Just like with the first trick, you need the bird to reach with its beak towards the training stick, and you will slightly increase the angle. Praise the animal constantly.

How to teach a bird to balance on a ball?

If you have a regular budgie, then a tennis ball will work just fine. Take the bird in your arms and carefully place it on the ball. If your pet doesn't like the ball, then hang a treat over your parrot's head so that he has to climb onto the ball and get the food. In just a few days the bird will be able to perform this trick perfectly.

How to teach a parrot to dance to music?

To do this, turn on the music, place your pet on your arm and slowly rock it to the music. You can also start bobbing your head to the beat of the music so that the parrot has a clear example. When the bird turns its head with you, you will know that you have achieved positive result, and it was not in vain that they tried. Remember the well-deserved treat.

Take note that training should be done every day for ten to fifteen minutes, but no more. Repeat the commands calmly and evenly, and do not shout under any circumstances. Moreover, all commands should be accompanied by gestures, so the parrot will quickly and easily understand everything you want from him.