What does it mean if you yawn on Sunday. What does it mean if I yawn: a sign by day of the week and time of day. Why and why a person yawns - signs and beliefs

More than one generation has been familiar with traditional sneezers and stumbling. And if girls and women born in the 70-90s copied this fortune-telling from their girlfriends into special albums and colorful notebooks for poems, songs and aphorisms, then today's girls are much simpler !! A smart machine will immediately give the value of each of your sneeze in response!
But few modern girls are aware that in addition to the famous sneezer, there is also a gaper! After all, as you know, every action happens to us for a reason! Every movement we make has a special, symbolic meaning. And if suddenly a yawn attacked you for no reason: this is no accident! Perhaps nature itself is trying to tell you something important! Don't ignore her and try to figure it all out!
Just before you start guessing, be careful! Keep in mind that the “necessary” yawn must still be learned to recognize. Standard "yawns" before going to bed - do not count! This is your body's natural reaction to fatigue and nightfall. Yawning at lessons and lectures is also quite understandable - not everyone can listen to boring "teachers" with a straight face. Another thing is if you are cheerful, cheerful, full of energy, and suddenly you are attacked by an unreasonable attack of yawning. This is where you need to be on the alert and look for meanings in our yawn. It is likely that higher powers want to warn you against danger, or say that your love is mutual, and everything in life will change for the better! ..
On the site site, you can find a gaper for any situation, for all occasions. This is a yawn by day, a yawn by the hour and a yawn by the time of day. You can search for them online. To do this, you need to enter the time and day of the week in the specified fields.
How true is the yawn? Let's put it this way: millions of your compatriots (many of whom have already become grandmothers!) Can't be wrong. Ask your mothers, aunts and older sisters: what meanings of a yawn came true for them many years ago, and you will be simply stunned!
Good results to you!
Don't be bored!

Gawker online. Values:

Yawner by day

Monday- failure in business, troubles associated with others.
Tuesday- small losses. Do not worry! Luck will be on your side again. You just have to be patient.
Wednesday- a fun pastime with a nice young man. Get ready!
Thursday- Jealousy kills.
Friday- come visit.
Saturday- nice guy just crazy about you. I wonder who it could be...
Sunday- good luck in financial affairs, unexpected profit.

Yawner by time of day

Morning- some nice guy yesterday all day thinking about you, and you know him well!
Day– communicate more with friends, they will help you soon!
Evening- your love is mutual, but the object of your adoration is embarrassed to confess his love. Take the initiative!
Night- the next day, go with friends to visit: there is something interesting waiting for you!

What meaning is usually assigned to accept yawning? According to the ideas of many peoples, including Slavic ones, yawning does not mean drowsiness at all, it is a signal of danger. It is very difficult for a person to resist the urge to yawn, and if you yawn, you have thus opened the way for unclean spirits that can enter the body and harm your soul. Hence the often encountered recommendation to baptize your mouth or simply cover it with your hand.

Other peoples believed that during a yawn the soul can leave the body, so you should not open your mouth wide or protect it with your hand or the sign of the cross.

On the other hand, among some other peoples, the sign of yawning is associated with positive meanings. The Chinese, for example, believe that when someone yawns, he thus calls for help from higher powers.

Esotericists believe that yawning has a different meaning. This action begins when there is not enough oxygen in the blood, and the body seeks to replenish its energy supply. But where does the lack of energy come from? Why do people often yawn? Mystics suggest that the evil eye or damage is manifested in this way, so if you yawn often, then this may raise the fear that you have been jinxed. Although, of course, it can always be a simple lack of sleep!

There is also a point of view according to which a person yawns when the negativity leaves his body, so yawning is often found during healing sessions, including among the healers themselves.

In the East, it is widely believed that in real life yawning may indicate that you are currently communicating with an unpleasant person, perhaps an energy vampire, and your body, feeling a breakdown, is trying in this way to make up for the lack of energy. Thus, the sign of yawning may be related, among other things, to the fact that there is someone in your environment who “pulls” strength from you.

Another interesting fact is that yawning is "contagious", while not all people are affected by someone else's yawning. What is it connected with? There is such an explanation here: we are “infected” with the yawning of other people only when this person is close to us, when he is somewhat similar to us, and there is sympathy or a good relationship between us.

The meaning of signs to yawn accurate to the hour

Collections of folk omens offer their own meanings of this omens with an accuracy of up to an hour on different days of the week. According to such collections, the spectrum of this sign is very wide: from negative (for example, receiving very bad news) to wonderful. If desired, you can check the meaning of the action on such collections. It is interesting that many signs are associated with love relationships: yawning can indicate someone's interest or, conversely, a loss of interest.

Bad news

Yawning early on Monday morning, from 7 to 8 am, predicts the arrival of bad news. Tuesday from 10 to 11 am and Friday morning from 7 to 8 is also not the best time, the folk oracle says that this sign is not good.

If you started yawning on Monday from 4 to 5 pm or Tuesday from 7 to 8 am, then this warns you: you have given your heart to a person who is not worthy of you. A sign of yawning at midnight on Monday has a similar meaning. The time from 17 to 18 on Wednesday is not the best value: your body tells you. that you are being changed.

Meeting a new love

Very often, popular superstition associates the sign of yawning with the advent of a new love. This can be predicted by yawning at the following times:

  • Monday 7am to 8am, 11am to 12am
  • From 18 to 19, from 20 to 21 on Monday
  • Tuesday 8am to 10am and 11am to 12pm
  • Wednesday 9 to 10
  • From 20 to 21 on Wednesday
  • Friday 8 to 9
  • Saturday 6 am to 7 am
  • Sunday 7 am to 8 am


A yawn from 12 to 13 on Monday, as well as from 21 to 22 hours, can speak of a future conflict. Tuesday from 12 to 13 is also not a good time, the sign of yawning speaks of possible quarrels and disagreements.

The following time periods are also not very successful: on Wednesday from 13 to 14 hours, on Thursday from 12 to 13, on Friday from 16 to 17. hours.

We wish you successful unraveling of the true cause of yawning! Do not forget that a lot depends on your attitude to a particular phenomenon. If you sincerely believe that your yawning is a good sign, then it will be so!

Yawning is one of the most effective ways to know your future. From our article, you will learn what sudden yawning at a certain time and day of the week means and what events this phenomenon portends.

It is believed that yawning is a sign of fatigue, so when a person yawns, such a phenomenon seems normal and natural to him. But if you feel cheerful and do not feel weak, then an unexpected yawn warns you of upcoming events. To verify this, it is necessary to take into account such nuances as the time and day of the week when a person yawned .. With its help, you will find out what a sudden yawn portends.


00:00-01:00 — Do not be afraid to tell your feelings to your loved one - they are mutual.

01:00-02:00 — you annoy the people around you, try to behave modestly.

02:00-03:00 — you have a secret admirer who is afraid to confess his feelings.

03:00-04:00 — friends need your help.

04:00-05:00 — your physical health is in danger.

05:00-06:00 — no need to complex because of the shortcomings, as others find you attractive.

06:00-07:00 — an unexpected business trip or a long journey is expected.

07:00-08:00 — you will be able to implement plans. Just don't share your intentions with other people.

08:00-09:00 — beware of new acquaintances: someone wants to deceive you.

09:00-10:00 — a yawn portends a romantic date or the beginning of a new relationship.

10:00-11:00 — one of the friends of the opposite sex has love feelings for you.

08:00-09:00 — the risks will not be justified.

09:00-10:00 — you will become a victim of false accusations.

10:00-11:00 — no need to tell other people's secrets to others, otherwise public condemnation cannot be avoided.

11:00-12:00 — a big win or monetary reward is expected.

12:00-13:00 — It's time to stop dreaming and start acting.

13:00-14:00 — a loved one confesses his feelings to you.

14:00-15:00 — in the near future, beware of vehicles and, if possible, do not drive.

16:00-17:00 — An unexpected surprise awaits you from loved ones.

17:00-18:00 — try not to gossip at work, otherwise you will find yourself in an awkward situation.

18:00-19:00 — a declaration of love from a person who is much older than you.

19:00-20:00 — distant relatives often remember you and are waiting for your call.

20:00-21:00 — conflict at work will cause a reprimand from superiors.

21:00-22:00 — someone close to you is very offended by you.

22:00-23:00 — no need to think about the bad, otherwise your fears will be realized.

23:00-00:00 — a secret admirer is thinking of you at the moment.


00:00-01:00 — thoughts of career growth will distract you at home, which will cause a quarrel with household members.

01:00-02:00 — a friendly person will actually turn out to be an ill-wisher.

02:00-03:00 - You will have a new friend.

03:00-04:00 — forgive offenders, and then you can remove a heavy burden from your heart.

04:00-05:00 — older relatives will give you useful advice.

05:00-06:00 — in a close environment there will be a person who will be nice to you.

06:00-07:00 — a yawn warns you of danger.

07:00-08:00 — soon the usual activities will bore you. Perhaps you should think about changing jobs.

08:00-09:00 — if you want to move up the career ladder, you need to attract the attention of your boss.

09:00-10:00 — do not make acquaintances with the opposite sex in the near future, otherwise you will find yourself in a love triangle.

10:00-11:00 — a fleeting romance is expected, which will leave pleasant memories of itself.

11:00-12:00 — Fear of success prevents you from reaching your goals.

12:00-13:00 — one of your colleagues is spreading rumors about you.

13:00-14:00 — there will be a conflict with a friend or loved one.

14:00-15:00 — you will find yourself in the shadow of a more successful colleague.

15:00-16:00 — get ready for new challenges.

16:00-17:00 — expects to meet a successful person who will help you achieve career growth.

17:00-18:00 — financial difficulties will arise in the near future.

18:00-19:00 — There will be dramatic changes in your personal life.

19:00-20:00 — trust your hunches, your inner voice is telling you the truth.

20:00-21:00 — someone close to you will turn to you for financial assistance.

21:00-22:00 — you will have a reason to be proud of yourself. But you don’t need to show off your achievements to other people, otherwise someone else’s envy will scare away good luck.

22:00-23:00 — you will experience feelings for a person who already has a soulmate.

23:00-00:00 — try to get rid of negative thoughts before going to bed, and then a new day will give you only positive emotions.


00:00-01:00 — deep down you are afraid that you will not be able to realize your intentions. Try to believe in yourself.

01:00-02:00 — a loved one is counting on your support.

02:00-03:00 — you may be the culprit (culprit) of the scandal.

03:00-04:00 — the one you constantly think about will not come back into your life.

04:00-05:00 — because of troubles at work, your reputation will be in jeopardy.

05:00-06:00 - Love at first sight awaits you.

06:00-07:00 — good news will cheer you up.

07:00-08:00 — you will meet a person who will become your mentor.

08:00-09:00 — friends speak unflattering things about you.

09:00-10:00 — do not trust new acquaintances: they want to take advantage of you.

10:00-11:00 — the person you are counting on will not be able to help you.

11:00-12:00 — a happy event will happen in your life.

12:00-13:00 — you will need the advice of a wise man.

13:00-14:00 — signs of the universe will warn you of danger.

14:00-15:00 — friends will want to spend time with you.

15:00-16:00 — An addition to the family is expected.

16:00-17:00 — you will receive an unexpected surprise from a fan.

17:00-18:00 — soon a friend will contact you for help. Do not refuse, otherwise it will affect your relationship.

18:00-19:00 — your wish will come true.

19:00-20:00 — the mistakes of the past will again remind of themselves.

20:00-21:00 — put in more effort to increase your income.

21:00-22:00 — a dark-haired woman plots against you.

22:00-23:00 — expectations will be in vain.

23:00-00:00 — lately you have been worrying a lot, but soon your emotional state will stabilize.


00:00-01:00 — loved ones are hiding something from you.

01:00-02:00 — believe in yourself, and then your life will change for the better.

02:00-03:00 — expected unexpected expenses.

03:00-04:00 — friends want to tell you something important.

04:00-05:00 — it is difficult for a loved one to come to terms with your shortcoming.

05:00-06:00 — disease.

06:00-07:00 — you will become the culprit of the quarrel.

07:00-08:00 — Today will pass without incident.

08:00-09:00 — beware of theft in public places.

09:00-10:00 — the person you love misses you.

10:00-11:00 — the person you constantly fight with actually wants to befriend you.

11:00-12:00 — shopping will become, and purchased purchases will bring good luck.

12:00-13:00 — You will cheer up another person.

13:00-14:00 — meeting with an energy vampire will cause physical ailment.

14:00-15:00 — ex-partner wants to meet with you.

15:00-16:00 — love relationships will be in jeopardy, but you will be able to avoid parting.

16:00-17:00 — obsessive thoughts will cause a bad mood.

17:00-18:00 — you are waiting for a call from a person whom you have not seen for many years.

18:00-19:00 — on weekends you need to forget about business and have a good rest.

19:00-20:00 — an unfamiliar person will inspire confidence in you.

20:00-21:00 — don't be afraid to open up, your friends are ready to listen to you.

21:00-22:00 — in the near future you will make many acquaintances.

22:00-23:00 — you and your partner will be on the verge of breaking up. There is no need to try to maintain a relationship, since a joint future is hardly possible with the former chosen one.

23:00-00:00 — you will receive an invitation to a social event.


00:00-01:00 — in a quarrel with a friend, you will have to give in.

01:00-02:00 — new love relationships are planned in your life.

02:00-03:00 — soon the black bar will end. But how soon this happens is up to you.

03:00-04:00 — your suspicions about lies will be justified.

04:00-05:00 — soon you will be tormented by memories of past relationships. But you will be very disappointed if you remind your former partner about yourself.

05:00-06:00 — do not panic, and then the problems will be solved by themselves.

06:00-07:00 — you will receive an invitation to a date that you should not refuse.

07:00-08:00 — now you are immersed in an atmosphere of romance, but you must not forget about work, otherwise you will soon have difficulties.

08:00-09:00 — the desire to be the best will help you succeed.

09:00-10:00 — so that life does not become boring and monotonous, you need to find a new hobby.

10:00-11:00 — The upcoming work week will be hard, which means that on the weekend you need to relax and gain strength.

11:00-12:00 — a persistent admirer will pursue you.

12:00-13:00 — loved ones will be proud of you.

13:00-14:00 — an envious person will appear in the work team.

14:00-15:00 — you are in danger of losing a lot of money.

15:00-16:00 — the boss will be too demanding of you.

16:00-17:00 — close friends secretly envy you.

17:00-18:00 — you will have an opponent (rival).

18:00-19:00 — distant relatives need your help.

19:00-20:00 — happiness awaits you.

20:00-21:00 — your cherished dream will come true in a few years.

21:00-22:00 — an elderly person will support you in difficult times.

22:00-23:00 — unexpected news may upset you.

23:00-00:00 — soon you will have to face your fears face to face.

Yawning is a normal physiological process of an involuntary nature, which allows you to replenish the amount of oxygen in the body. This unpretentious action gives strength and energy. People who are sympathetic to each other are sure to respond to yawns.

In this thread:

This fact gave rise to signs about yawning, which say that by yawning, you can find out who likes you. A person who does not feel hostile feelings towards you, rejection, will definitely yawn in response.

Yawning is an open path to evil spirits

The most traditional superstition regards yawning as a very dangerous process. Opening his mouth, a person lets in an unclean force, which is just waiting to take possession of a person. In order not to become a victim of the forces of darkness, people must not forget about the sign of the cross. If you cross your mouth when it is open, it will help to prevent the penetration of negativity inside.

Another superstition about yawning warns that during this process, the soul can fly out of the body. This was believed not only in Russia, but also in the south of Europe. From these beliefs, a sign was born to yawn, covering your mouth with your hand.

Yawning is a sign of evil eye

Yawning is completely involuntary, so its appearance indicates the processes taking place in the human body and soul. The appearance of negativity in the form of an evil eye or even damage is always outwardly noticeable. Among the obvious signs of the evil eye, experts call yawning or hiccups, which often worries a person. This is quite natural against the background of apathy, fatigue, irritability, lack of strength to implement their plans.

Magicians who remove the evil eye begin to yawn, because the negative spreads to them too.

Value by day and hour

Yawning folk omens are interpreted depending on the time with an accuracy of up to an hour. Knowing in what time period a person yawned, you can see what this will lead to. Guessing a yawner is given below.


  • 6 - 7. Meeting a new love.
  • 7 - 8. Bad news.
  • 8 - 9. There is a fan.
  • 9 - 10. Kissing.
  • 10 - 11. Meet a good person.
  • 11 - 12. Listen to the environment, get important information.
  • 12 - 13. A whirlpool of events.
  • 13 - 14. A wish can come true.
  • 14 - 15. Sympathy of others.
  • 15 - 16. Someone dreamed about you.
  • 16 - 17. You are in love with an unworthy person.
  • 17 - 18. You made your loved one happy.
  • 18 - 19. Love will be mutual.
  • 19 - 20. You need to demand respect for yourself.
  • 20 - 21. Ahead of happiness.
  • 21 - 22. Seek help from friends.
  • 22 - 23. Passionate love.
  • 23 - 24. Parting is not excluded.


  • 6 - 7. Flowers will be presented.
  • 7 - 8. You can not trust a new lover.
  • 8 - 9. One friend is in love with you.
  • 9 - 10. They confess their love to you.
  • 10 - 11. A difficult conversation lies ahead.
  • 11 - 12. New acquaintances.
  • 12 - 13. Do not offend loved ones.
  • 13 - 14. Among the fans there is a bright brunette.
  • 14 - 15. Need to deal with problems in the business area.
  • 15 - 16. Conflict.
  • 16 - 17. There is an opportunity to build relationships with a former fan.
  • 17 - 18. Beloved yearns.
  • 18 - 19. You like the opposite sex.
  • 19 - 20. It is necessary to show restraint in the assessment.
  • 20 - 21. The Beloved has authority.
  • 21 - 22. The desire will come true.
  • 22 - 23. A person yawns at this hour if there is a meeting with an old friend.
  • 23 - 24. Uninvited guests.


  • 6 - 7. Two are in love with you.
  • 7 - 8. You need to respect your interests.
  • 8 - 9. Awesome stuff.
  • 9 - 10. You are dreaming of someone.
  • 10 - 11. Reliable friends are nearby.
  • 11 - 12. The girl yawns before going to the cinema with her beloved.
  • 12 - 13. Beloved shows indecision.
  • 13 - 14. Around the gossip.
  • 14 - 15. Communication with relatives.
  • 15 – 16. Meeting new people.
  • 16 - 17. News from relatives.
  • 17 - 18. You are being cheated on.
  • 18 - 19. Ahead of a passionate relationship.
  • 19 - 20. You need to fantasize less.
  • 20 - 21. You will have fun.
  • 21 - 22. They confess their love to you.
  • 22 - 23. Someone dreams of meeting you.
  • 23 - 24. Beware of envious people.


  • 6 - 7. Passionate relationship.
  • 7 - 8. Receiving news.
  • 8 - 9. Things are desolated, they need to be put in order.
  • 9 - 10. A difficult choice between a girlfriend and a lover.
  • 10 - 11. Meeting with the "former".
  • 11 - 12. An invitation to a party.
  • 12 - 13. You are being deceived.
  • 13 - 14. Desires will come true.
  • 14 - 15. News by phone.
  • 15 - 16. Beloved does not know how to keep secrets.
  • 16 - 17. Kissing.
  • 17 - 18. You need to confess your love first.
  • 18 - 19. Near you is a person with low desires.
  • 19 - 20. Someone wants to see you.
  • 20 – 21. Fun with friends.
  • 21 - 22. You can’t tell anyone about new love.
  • 22 - 23. People like you.
  • 23 - 24. Yawning attacked - the beloved has lost interest in you.


  • 6 - 7. It will be fun.
  • 7 - 8. Sad news.
  • 8 - 9. Mutual love.
  • 9 - 10. Treason.
  • 10 - 11. Restrain jealousy.
  • 11 - 12. A large number of fans.
  • 12 - 13. Increased anxiety.
  • 13 - 14. Meeting with the person of your dreams.
  • 14 - 15. Invitation to the cinema.
  • 15 – 16. Hanging out with friends can help heal a broken heart.
  • 16 - 17. Watch your tongue.
  • 17 - 18. You need to part with your loved one.
  • 18 - 19. Love rendezvous.
  • 19 - 20. You need to be bolder and be the first to confess.
  • 20 - 21. You have become the object of dreams.
  • 21 - 22. Ahead of cloudless happiness.
  • 22 - 23. A person at this time yawns when they have to kiss.
  • 23 - 24. The secret admirer will reveal himself.


  • 6 - 7. Mutual love.
  • 7 - 8. Indecision.
  • 8 - 9. Gift.
  • 9 - 10. Rivals and envious women.
  • 10 - 11. You have aroused genuine interest.
  • 11 - 12. Treason.
  • 12 - 13. Acquaintance with the betrothed.
  • 13 - 14. "Former" wants to renew the relationship.
  • 14 - 15. Mutual passion.
  • 15 – 16. Meeting with an old friend.
  • 16 - 17. Fun among friends.
  • 17 - 18. Beloved is faithful.
  • 18 - 19. Conflict.
  • 19 - 20. Good luck.
  • 20 – 21. News.
  • 21 - 22. Temporary separation.
  • 22 - 23. Treacherous attack.
  • 23 - 24. You need to pay attention to work, deeds.


  • 6 - 7. A fan talks too much about you.
  • 7 - 8. Good news.
  • 8 - 9. Your admirer is blond.
  • 9 - 10. The girl yawns at this hour when the acquaintance of her lover acts against her.
  • 10 - 11. A timid person is in love with you.
  • 11 - 12. Dreams about love.
  • 12 - 13. Disappointed in a loved one.
  • 13 - 14. Love letter.
  • 14 - 15. Arrival of guests.
  • 15 - 16. Get rid of superficial perception of people.
  • 16 - 17. Surprise.
  • 17 - 18. Everyone likes you.
  • 18 - 19. Fascinating trip.
  • 19 - 20. Date.
  • 20 - 21. Surrounding hypocrites.
  • 21 - 22. A woman yawns at this time when she has 2 admirers.
  • 22 - 23. Dreams about love.
  • 23 - 24. Take a closer look at your friends. There may be traitors among them.


Yawning is interpreted differently in different countries. In China, they believe that a person, yawning, asks for the blessings of higher powers. American Indians were afraid that yawning would end in death, so they snapped their fingers to scare away death.