C-reactive protein: the rate of the indicator and the reasons for the increase

C-reactive protein is the dominant plasma protein that is actively involved in the body's immune response to various injuries and disorders. This protein is considered an indicator of the presence of inflammatory processes, which allows it to be used in medical diagnostics, if necessary, prescribing antibiotics, etc.

In cases where the basic concentration of C-reactive protein in the blood is exceeded for a long time, the likelihood of atherosclerosis, diseases of the cardiovascular system and all kinds of complications is high. In the article we will consider in more detail the questions about what it is.

What is SRB

C-reactive protein (CRP) is a glycoprotein that is synthesized in the liver. In a certain concentration, it is present in the body of any person, regardless of age and gender. When there is a malfunction of the epithelial, nervous or muscle tissue, the immune system triggers an increased production of interleukins, which act as elements that effectively resist the incipient inflammatory process.

A few hours after the onset of the inflammatory process, the amount of C-reactive protein increases significantly due to increased synthesis, and after 24 hours its concentration in the blood can increase 100 times.

The highest level of CRP is usually recorded in various infectious lesions of the bacterial type. In the case of viral infections, the amount of CRP in the blood rarely exceeds 20 mg / l.

This protein attaches directly to the shell of harmful microorganisms, acting as a kind of indicator and making them more visible to the body's defenses. CRP is also an activator of many immune reactions necessary for the speedy disposal of the pathogenic causative agent of the inflammatory process. C-reactive protein owes its name to the ability to form a special precipitate, in which the C-polysaccharide of pneumococcus takes part.

Causes of an increase in C-reactive protein

An increase in C-reactive protein occurs already in the first hours after the onset of the inflammatory process, and its severity directly depends on the value obtained as a result of a diagnostic study (the higher the CRP value in mg / l, the more serious the malfunction of the body). The most common causes of increased performance are the following factors:

  • sepsis or infection;
  • various gynecological pathologies;
  • burns and injuries;
  • impaired tissue integrity and postoperative complications;
  • a number of chronic inflammatory processes localized in different organs;
  • myocardial infarction and acute cardiac pathologies.

In addition, elevated C-reactive protein is often a sign of rheumatoid arthritis, acute pancreatitis, active rheumatic process, pancreatic necrosis and various diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Malignant tumors and metastases, tuberculosis, chronic nephritis, acute lymphoblastic leukemia and SLE (systemic lupus erythematosus) can provoke a strong increase in the concentration of CRP in the patient's body.

It is worth noting that the values ​​of this indicator can vary significantly depending on a particular disease:

  1. Various viral-type infections and rheumatic diseases that occur in a sluggish form and do not have severe symptoms can increase the concentration of CRP up to 30 mg / l.
  2. Acute myocardial infarction, surgical interventions, as well as infections and chronic inflammatory processes in the acute stage caused by bacteria, can increase the level of CRP in the blood up to 100 mg / l.
  3. Sepsis, extensive burns and generalized severe infections can provoke very high levels of CRP - up to 300 mg / l and above.

The reasons for the high content of C-reactive protein in the blood can be diseases such as diabetes mellitus, obesity, arterial hypertension, smoking, a critical decrease in cholesterol levels (known as atherogenic dyslipidemia).

Intense physical activity, pregnancy, hormonal therapy, and oral contraceptives often act as factors responsible for the increase in C-reactive protein.

Conversely, taking various beta-blockers, corticosteroid drugs, and anti-inflammatory drugs can reduce CRP laboratory values.

Symptoms of elevated C-reactive protein

If the determination of C-reactive protein no longer raises questions, then it is very problematic to identify the symptoms of such a process on your own. An increase in serum CRP is only a marker indicating the presence of an acute inflammatory process in one phase or another. Therefore, it is possible to determine the excess of this protein only by the results of the analyzes. In addition to the typical symptoms inherent in a viral disease, one can distinguish:

  • heavy sweating;
  • shortness of breath and cough;
  • elevated body temperature with chills.

Today, in order to establish the exact amount of C-reactive protein, it is necessary to contact the diagnostic department of the hospital.

Why analyzes are needed

An analysis for C-reactive protein is carried out in order to assess the possible risk of developing cardiovascular pathologies, to predict the complications of arterial hypertension, myocardial infarction and strokes, as well as to prevent complications and evaluate the effectiveness of the chosen therapeutic method.

Since this protein is produced exclusively in the liver, CRP tests are usually performed in conjunction with a liver test.

An analysis for C-reactive protein is indicated in the following cases:

  • the presence of chronic rheumatic, autoimmune and neoplastic diseases;
  • thrombophlebitis or acute myocardial infarction;
  • the period before and after the operation;
  • the need to identify various inflammatory processes;
  • swollen lymph nodes.

All elderly patients are usually referred for such tests, since they are at increased risk. The results of the analyzes show doctors the clinical picture, according to which certain medications are prescribed.

In newborns, the amount of C-reactive protein in the blood can reach 15 mg / l, but in adults in a normal state, this figure should be significantly lower:

  1. The concentration of reactive protein in the range of 1 to 3 mg / l indicates a low risk of inflammatory diseases and problems with the cardiovascular system.
  2. In the event that the results of the study show more than 10 mg / l, it is worth conducting a series of additional tests, since there is a high probability of the presence of inflammatory processes in an acute form.
  3. In smokers and in athletes after intense physical exertion, the CRP index can vary in the range from 20 to 60 mg/L.

You need to know that at the moment there are no international standards for the concentration of CRP in the human body, so its rate is still a very controversial issue.

What you need to know before taking tests

It is necessary to donate blood for CRP from a vein on an empty stomach. If this is not possible, then you should not eat at least a few hours before the analysis. Tea, coffee and alcoholic beverages affect the reliability of the indicators.

Get checked out regularly and take care of your health. If you are in a certain risk group, then attention to your own well-being should be doubled. Remember that the disease is better to prevent than to cure.