The capabilities of the human brain from a scientific point of view. How to unlock the capabilities of your brain? Why is this very important to us

In every specialized encyclopedia you can read about the functions, structure, structure and other features of the brain. At the same time, many scientists argue that at the moment this human organ has not even been half studied. Science and medicine have made a huge number of discoveries in recent years, but this does not allow us to say that we know everything about the capabilities of the human brain.

Due to the processes occurring in it, we are able to acquire various qualities, interests, skills, abilities, and character. Men and women, small children and pensioners - all people have unlimited opportunities for the development of brain activity (if the internal resources of the body allow). It's never too late or too early to learn.

How to develop brain abilities?

It has long been proven that a person himself is capable of developing the capabilities of his brain. This can be done with the help of books, special computer programs, and interesting exercises. All of the above helps in accumulating useful information, improving memory, and concentration. At the same time, to develop thinking, we need to periodically solve complex problems, solve riddles, and train our brain activity.

There are many theories that the human consciousness is capable of many things. Moreover, this “much” often goes beyond the boundaries of physics. Some people are confident that they can train their brain in such a way as to be able to hold their breath for several hours, independently heal from serious illnesses, slow down their heartbeat, have telekinesis and other supernatural abilities. Now all this seems impossible, because it goes against science.

Eastern sages have been studying the possibilities of developing the hidden abilities of the human brain for many centuries. They noted that even small progress in this matter would require:

  • Patience.
  • Persistence.
  • Good teacher.
  • A lot of time.

Probably, many people, at least once in their lives, have noticed a small surge in brain activity, which could manifest itself in fantastic intuition at critical moments.

Psychologist K. Jung said that our consciousness is the tip of the iceberg, and the larger part, the unconscious, is the part of the iceberg that is hidden under water. At the same time, the depth of the iceberg is unknown, so the possibilities of human mental activity are considered to be unlimited. It is this depth that is the hidden abilities of the human brain, the study of which is incredibly difficult.

A huge amount of work in the field of studying the human brain was carried out by V.M. Bekhterev (at one time) and V.S. Savelyev (if we talk about our contemporaries). In their research, these scientists, like many other foreign colleagues, came to the conclusion that it is extremely important to develop the abilities of one’s consciousness and thinking throughout one’s life. At the same time, it is very difficult to say what a person will be like who can use all the capabilities of his brain.

The size of the brain does not in any way affect the intelligence and quality of mental activity of a particular person.

It is important to understand that developing abilities is not only about reading books, solving problems and performing other thought processes. First of all, you need to find a way to lay a high-quality foundation on which you can build new knowledge and opportunities to develop your intellect. Scientists make the following recommendations on this topic:

  • Getting rid of physical inactivity. Physical inactivity is a dysfunction of various systems of the human body as a result of low physical activity. It is because of a sedentary lifestyle that hypoxia of brain structures occurs (lack of oxygen). In this state, our brain is not able to develop. With a serious lack of oxygen, brain structures begin to degrade.
  • Providing the body with sufficient amounts of phosphates and carbohydrates. In the absence of a deficiency of phosphates and carbohydrates, the human brain is fully ready to learn new things and develop abilities.
  • Systematic exercise, communication with other people.
  • Normalization of the diet, providing the body with a sufficient amount of all necessary vitamins and microelements.
  • Avoiding stressful situations, normalizing sleep.
  • Complete physical and mental rest when the need arises (the optimal solution is to master relaxation techniques).

Considering the characteristics of the human brain, a variety of factors can influence its abilities and capabilities: poor nutrition, unfavorable environmental conditions, stressful conditions, chronic diseases and much more. Therefore, it is important to create a favorable environment for yourself in which you will be comfortable not only morally, but also physically.

Many scientists are convinced that the human brain hides its real capabilities, demonstrating them only in those moments when it is really necessary.


The capabilities of the human brain are inextricably linked with various aspects of its activity, one of the most important of which is thinking. The thought process is a non-stop search for the most suitable solution to the problems that have been set before a person. When we need to make even the simplest and most insignificant decision, our brain processes several options at once, analyzing the potential, characteristics and usefulness of each of them. In other words, all people literally every second build a tree of possibilities in their heads with a huge number of branches. The correct use of these branches is the most important thing in the thought process.

But what does our mind do when we need to choose the best option with a missing search algorithm? In this case, heuristics come to the rescue. Heuristics is a scientific field that studies the specifics of creative activity. With its help, the human intellect uses various methods and techniques that help solve all sorts of practical, constructive, cognitive problems through creative thinking, philosophical and psychological techniques.

For left-handers, the right hemisphere works more, and for right-handers, the left hemisphere works more. In this case, one of the hemispheres can seriously dominate the other. For example, not only the left hand is more developed, but also the left ear and left eye.

Almost all brain structures are involved in the thought process: the telencephalon, midbrain, medulla oblongata, cerebellum and other systems. It is unknown when scientists will be able to reveal all the secrets of the human brain. The fact remains: this clearly cannot be expected from humanity in the coming centuries. The human brain and its capabilities are clearly depicted in the diagrams and illustrations of psychologist Jung, who spent his life studying cognitive abilities and the thought process. If you are interested, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the works of this scientist.

Knowledge representation

Representation of knowledge is one of the components of our thinking. A person views the world around him through the prism of perception, thereby forming in his head his own schemes of observed objects and processes. Therefore, during the thought process, people use pre-constructed models rather than real objective data.

A typical example is the joke about a glass, when an optimist is sure that it is half full, and a pessimist is sure that it is half empty. At the same time, there may be many more ideas of knowledge regarding a glass of water. For example, a programmer may say that the glass is 2 times larger than required. As a result, we have the same initial information, but different models used by different people. A glass filled with water acts here as a problem, the solution of which is to explain the object. And there can be many explanations (solutions) here.

That is why thinking must be combined with learning, accumulation of information and further generalization of all data. At the same time, you should not expect phenomenal results - you can improve your thinking, but it is unlikely that you will be able to unlock your hidden potential.

The development of the thought process occurs throughout life in all mammals. This is especially pronounced in monkeys, dolphins and other animals that are capable of pronounced mental activity. Of course, you cannot teach them to read, but giving them the opportunity to develop new thoughts and solutions is quite possible.

A person’s ability to learn new languages ​​is practically unlimited. In theory, you can learn 20-30 new languages ​​by speaking them at a native level. At the moment, there are only a few such polyglots in the world.

Types of thinking

The abilities of the human brain and the perception of the surrounding world only partly depend on the age factor. In childhood, the level of development of the thought process is extremely simple: “I saw - I did an action.” As people grow older, they develop a visual-figurative form of thinking: “saw - analyzed similar situations / worked through options for action / assessed risks - took an action.”

Next, objects gradually change into categories and representations, and connections between them are formed. As a result, a person develops a verbal-logical abstract type of thinking, when in order to start the thought process there is no need to perform certain actions - they are all performed in the head.

In the 20th century, the famous scientist in the field of psychology W. Keller conducted an experiment on monkeys. He locked several monkeys in a cage, gave them a stick, and threw a banana nearby. Many monkeys quickly figured out that they needed to take a stick and push the banana with it. In this case, the animals used a visually effective thought process: the monkeys carried out the experiment using a stick, quickly discovering the correct solution to the problem.

The human brain is an extremely energy-consuming organ. It has long been proven that in the process of work it burns approximately 1/5 of all calories available in the human body.

After this, V. Keller complicated the task: the next banana was moved further away from the cage, and the animals were given two sticks of different lengths. For the monkeys, solving the second problem became impossible. They couldn't understand why they couldn't use the first stick to move the banana towards the cage without trying to grab the second stick. Only a small percentage of the many monkeys that took part in the experiment sat down and thought, eventually finding a solution to the problem. Instead of beating the cage with a stick, going wild, and feeling emotional, as was the case with most monkeys, the smartest animals thought and imagined the action in their imagination.

The same thing happens with people. Our brain forms a universal type of thinking: if the first algorithm developed by the intellect is not suitable for solving a problem, the consciousness begins to search for a new idea and connections until it finds the optimal option.

Emotions are the most important component of universal thinking. With the help of psycho-emotional activity of the brain, we can model the goal and modify it. Therefore, you need to try not to suppress your emotions, but you shouldn’t express them too violently. Everything must be in balance: mental activity, expression of emotions, and consumer qualities. If something is suppressed, then disturbances in the functioning of individual systems of the human body will certainly occur, which will affect the functioning of the brain and other internal organs.

If you move your eyes quickly, the human brain will not be able to adequately process the information received. The same can be said about auditory perception.

The invisible capabilities of the human brain

Many of the capabilities of the human brain are hidden and unnoticeable. At the same time, the brain performs a huge number of functions, and we don’t even notice it. Let us highlight the most important and noteworthy of them:

  • "Autopilot". The brain completely regulates the activity of the body as a whole, individual systems, organs and cells. It monitors the functioning of all functions that are required to maintain normal life: respiratory process, cardiovascular system, sleep, digestion, etc. A newborn baby immediately has all the “autopilot” functions, despite the low level of brain development. A person does not need to think about the processes of digestion, breathing, sleep and many others - everything happens automatically.
  • “Everything works by itself.” Regardless of the potential of the human brain, it will in any case control the functioning of the respiratory system, gastrointestinal tract, maintain heart rate and the functions of other systems - for all this we do not need to involve the thought process. In order for everything to happen naturally in the human body, neural networks controlled by the hypothalamus are connected. The autonomic nervous system is responsible for all this, which every millisecond, through nerve connections, contacts every part of the human body.
  • Sleep rhythms. Something similar to an internal clock works in our brain (this process has not been fully studied by modern science), which receives information from the eyes about the level of ambient light, about the body’s fatigue and tiredness, as well as many other data. The human internal clock allows our body to ensure optimal functioning during the day and its full recovery at night during sleep. It is the internal clock that is responsible for regulating sleep rhythms - they transmit information to different systems of the body that it is time for a person to sleep. As a result, there is a significant decrease in the activity of the brain and internal organs.
  • Increased body temperature. Not everyone knows that an increase in body temperature is a protective reaction of our body and nothing more. If the body's cells detect the spread of a virus or infection, then information about this is immediately transmitted to the hypothalamus, which is responsible for increasing body temperature. This complicates the spread of pathogenic microorganisms and stimulates the production and activity of white blood cells.

The human brain develops most actively between the ages of two and ten years. Subsequently, the activity of building neural connections slows down significantly.

The biggest mystery for scientists is not the vastness of space or the formation of the Earth, but the human brain. Its capabilities exceed those of any modern computer. Thinking, forecasting and planning, emotions and feelings, and finally, consciousness - all these processes inherent in humans, one way or another, take place within a small space of the cranium. The work of the human brain and its study are much more closely related than any other objects and methods of research. In this case they are almost identical. The human brain is studied using the human brain. The ability to understand the processes occurring in the head actually depends on the ability of the “thinking machine” to know itself.


Today, quite a lot is known about the structure of the brain. It consists of two hemispheres resembling halves of a walnut, covered with a thin gray shell. This is the cerebral cortex. Each of the halves is conventionally divided into several shares. The most ancient parts of the brain in evolutionary terms, the limbic system and brainstem, are located under the corpus callosum, which connects the two hemispheres.

The human brain is made up of several types of cells. Most of them are glial cells. They perform the function of connecting other elements into a single whole, and also take part in amplifying and synchronizing electrical activity. About a tenth of brain cells are neurons of various shapes. They transmit and receive electrical impulses using processes: long axons, which transmit information from the neuron body further, and short dendrites, which receive signals from other cells. Contacting axons and dendrites form synapses, places where information is transmitted. The long process releases a neurotransmitter, a chemical substance that affects the functioning of the cell, into the synapse cavity; it enters the dendrite and leads to inhibition or excitation of the neuron. The signal is transmitted throughout all connected cells. As a result, the work of a large number of neurons is very quickly excited or inhibited.

Some development features

The human brain, like any other organ of the body, goes through certain stages of its formation. A child is born, so to speak, not in full combat readiness: the process of brain development does not end there. Its most active departments during this period are located in the ancient structures responsible for reflexes and instincts. The cortex functions less well because it consists of a large number of immature neurons. With age, the human brain loses some of these cells, but acquires many strong and orderly connections between the remaining ones. “Extra” neurons that have not found a place in the resulting structures die. How much the human brain works appears to depend on the quality of connections rather than the number of cells.

Common Myth

Understanding the features of brain development helps to determine the discrepancy between the reality of some common ideas about the work of this organ. There is an opinion that the human brain works 90-95 percent less than it can, that is, about a tenth of it is used, and the rest mysteriously sleeps. If you re-read the above, it becomes clear that neurons that are not used cannot exist for long - they die. Most likely, such an error is the result of ideas that existed some time ago that only those neurons that transmit an impulse work. However, per unit of time, only a few cells are in such a state, associated with the actions necessary for a person now: movement, speech, thinking. After a few minutes or hours, they are replaced by others who were previously “silent”.

Thus, over a certain period of time, the entire brain participates in the work of the body, first with some of its parts, then with others. The simultaneous activation of all neurons, which implies 100% brain function so desired by many, can lead to a kind of short circuit: a person will hallucinate, experience pain and all possible sensations, and shudder throughout the body.


It turns out that we cannot say that some part of the brain does not work. However, the abilities of the human brain are indeed not fully used. The point, however, is not in “sleeping” neurons, but in the quantity and quality of connections between cells. Any repeated action, sensation or thought is fixed at the neuronal level. The more repetitions, the stronger the connection. Accordingly, using the brain more fully involves building new connections. This is what training is built on. The child’s brain does not yet have stable connections; they are formed and strengthened in the process of the child’s acquaintance with the world. With age, it becomes more and more difficult to make changes to the existing structure, so children learn more easily. However, if you want, you can develop the abilities of the human brain at any age.

Unbelievable but true

The ability to form new connections and relearn produces amazing results. There are cases when she overcame all the limits of the possible. The human brain is a nonlinear structure. With all certainty, it is impossible to identify zones that perform one specific function and no more. Moreover, if necessary, parts of the brain can take over the “responsibilities” of the injured areas.

This is what happened to Howard Rocket, who was doomed to a wheelchair as a result of a stroke. He did not want to give up and, using a series of exercises, tried to develop his paralyzed arm and leg. As a result of everyday hard work, after 12 years he was able not only to walk normally, but also to dance. His brain very slowly and gradually rewired itself so that the unaffected parts of it could perform the functions necessary for normal movement.

Paranormal abilities

The plasticity of the brain is not the only feature that amazes scientists. Neuroscientists do not ignore such phenomena as telepathy or clairvoyance. Experiments are carried out in laboratories to prove or disprove the possibility of such abilities. Research by American and English scientists provides interesting results suggesting that their existence is not a myth. However, neuroscientists have not yet made a final decision: for official science there are still certain boundaries of what is possible, and the human brain, as it is believed, cannot cross them.

Work on yourself

In childhood, as neurons that have not found a “place” die off, the ability to remember everything at once disappears. The so-called eidetic memory occurs quite often in children, but in adults it is an extremely rare phenomenon. However, the human brain is an organ and, like any other part of the body, it can be trained. This means that you can improve your memory, improve your intelligence, and develop creative thinking. It is only important to remember that the development of the human brain is not a matter of one day. Training should be regular, regardless of your goals.


New connections are formed at the moment when a person does something differently than usual. The simplest example: there are several ways to get to work, but out of habit we always choose the same one. The task is to choose a new path every day. This elementary action will bear fruit: the brain will be forced not only to determine the path, but also to register new visual signals coming from previously unknown streets and houses.

Such training also includes using the left hand where the right hand is accustomed (and vice versa, for left-handed people). Writing, typing, holding a mouse is so inconvenient, but, as experiments show, after a month of such training, creative thinking and imagination will significantly increase.


We have been told about the benefits of books since childhood. And these are not empty words: reading increases brain activity, as opposed to watching TV. Books help develop imagination. Crosswords, puzzles, logic games, and chess match them. They stimulate thinking and force us to use those brain capabilities that are usually not in demand.

Physical exercise

How much the human brain works, at full capacity or not, also depends on the load on the whole body. It has been proven that physical training by enriching the blood with oxygen has a positive effect on brain activity. In addition, the pleasure that the body receives during regular exercise improves overall health and mood.

There are many ways to increase brain activity. Among them there are both specially designed and extremely simple ones, which we, without knowing it, resort to every day. The main thing is consistency and regularity. If you do each exercise once, there will be no significant effect. The feeling of discomfort that occurs at first is not a reason to quit, but a signal that this exercise makes the brain work.

Students human brain Scientists over the past few years have discovered a number of unexpected aspects that determine the influence of the brain on the overall health of our body. However Some aspects of our behavior affect our brain. In addition, according to the modern point of view, which emerged relatively recently, the human brain does not stop developing until adolescence.

It was previously believed that the brain, starting at a fairly early age (adolescence), undergoes an inexorable aging process that reaches its peak in old age. However, it is now known that the human brain has the ability to change, recover and even heal, and this ability is truly limitless! It turns out that it is not so much age that affects our brain, but how we use our brain throughout life.

Indeed, certain activity that requires increased brain function can again “reboot” the so-called basal nucleus (a complex of subcortical neurons of the white matter), which, in turn, triggers the so-called mechanism of brain neuroplasticity. In other words, neuroplasticity is the ability to control the state of the brain, maintaining its performance.

While brain functionality does naturally deteriorate somewhat as the body ages (but not as dramatically as previously thought), certain strategic approaches and techniques can create new neural pathways and even improve the functioning of old pathways throughout a person's life. . What's even more amazing is that these efforts to reboot the brain have long-term positive effects on your overall health. How does this happen? Our thoughts can influence our genes!

We tend to think that our so-called genetic heritage, that is, the peculiar genetic baggage of our body, is unchangeable matter. In our opinion, our parents passed on to us all the genetic material that they themselves once inherited - the genes for baldness, height, weight, diseases, and so on - and now we make do with only what we received. But actually, our genes are open to influence throughout our lives, Moreover, they are influenced not only by our actions, but also by our thoughts, feelings, and faith.

You may have heard that genetic material can be influenced through changes in diet, lifestyle, physical activity and so on. So now the possibility of the same epigenetic effect caused by thoughts, feelings, and faith is being seriously studied.

As numerous studies have already shown, the chemicals that influence our mental activity are able to interact with our genetic material, causing a powerful effect. Many processes in our body can be influenced in the same way as by changing diet, lifestyle, and habitat. Our thoughts can literally turn off and turn on the activity of certain genes.

What do the studies say?

Ph.D. and researcher Dawson Church spoke about the interaction that a patient's thoughts and beliefs have on the expression of disease- and healing-related genes.

"Our body reads our brain, says Church. – Science has established that we can only have a certain fixed set of genes on our chromosomes. However, which of these genes influence our subjective perception and the course of various processes is of great importance".

As a result of one study conducted at Ohio University, the effect of mental stress on the healing process was clearly demonstrated. Scientists conducted it among married couples: each participant in the experiment was left with a small lesion on the skin, leading to the appearance of a small blister. Then different pairs were asked to either chat on a neutral topic or argue about a specific topic for half an hour.

Then, over several weeks, the scientists determined the levels of three specific proteins in the body that affect the rate of wound healing. It turned out that those debaters who used the most caustic and harsh remarks in their disputes had both the level of these proteins and the healing rate were 40 percent lower than those who communicated on a neutral topic.

Church explains it this way: Our body sends a signal in the form of a protein that activates certain genes associated with wound healing. The proteins activate genes that, using stem cells, create new skin cells to heal wounds.

However, when the body's energy is depleted by producing stress chemicals such as cortisol, adrenaline and norepinephrine, the signal to your wound-healing genes is significantly weakened. The recovery process takes much longer. At the same time, if the human body is not adjusted to fight some external threat, its energy resources remain untouched and ready to carry out healing missions.

Why is this very important to us?

There is no doubt that the body of almost every person from birth is equipped with the genetic material necessary for optimal functioning under conditions of daily physical activity. However, our ability to maintain so-called mental balance has a huge impact on our body's ability to use its resources. And even if you're full of aggressive thoughts, some activity (such as meditation) can help rewire your neural pathways to support less reactive actions.

Chronic stress can prematurely age our brains

“We are constantly exposed to stress in our environment,- says Howard Fillit, PhD, professor of geriatrics at Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York, and director of a foundation dedicated to finding new drugs for Alzheimer's disease. – However, the greatest harm is caused by the mental stress we feel internally in response to external stress.”

Such a distinction between stress indicates the presence of a constant response of the whole organism in response to constant external stress. This response affects our brain, leading to impairment of memory and other aspects of mental functioning. Thus, stress is a risk factor influencing the development of Alzheimer's disease, and also accelerates memory decline as a person ages. At the same time, you may even begin to feel much older, so to speak, mentally, than you actually are.

Research from the University of California, San Francisco, has shown that the body's constant response to stress (and constant spikes in cortisol) can lead to a shrinkage of the hippocampus, a crucial part of the brain's limbic system, which is responsible for both regulating the effects of stress and and for long-term memory. This is also one of the manifestations of neuroplasticity - but already negative.

Like other forms of relaxation, meditation and complete renunciation of all thoughts can not only quickly bring order to thoughts (and, accordingly, the biochemical level of stress along with gene expression), but even change the structure of the brain itself!

“Stimulating areas of the brain that control positive emotions can strengthen neural connections in the same way that exercise strengthens muscles.”, says Hanson, one of the main principles of neuroplasticity. However, the opposite is also true : “If you regularly think about those things that torment you and drive you crazy, you increase the sensitivity of the amygdala, which is primarily responsible for negative experiences.”

Hanson explained that by doing this, we make our brains more sensitive, which leads us to be easily upset by small things in the future.

At the same time, meditation practices stimulate the anterior cingulate cortex, the outermost layer of the brain that is responsible for attention (this is how meditation improves mindfulness). Similarly, meditation affects the so-called insula - the central part of the brain responsible for interoreception (the process of perception by the central nervous system of excitations in the internal organs).

« The work of the brain in unison with the body through interoception protects our body from damage during physical exercise, says Hanson, and also helps you feel a pleasant and simple feeling that everything is in order in your body.” Another advantage of a healthy “island” is that you thus improve your instincts, intuition and empathy - the ability to empathize.

Every year of our life in old age can add to our intelligence

For a long time it was believed that closer to middle age, the human brain, once young and flexible, begins to gradually lose ground. However, recent research has demonstrated that in middle age the brain is able to begin to exhibit its peak activity. Research shows that even despite bad habits, these years are the most favorable for the most active brain function. It is then that we make the most informed decisions, looking back on the accumulated experience.

Scientists who have studied the human brain have always convinced us that the main cause of brain aging is neuronal loss - the death of brain cells. However, brain scans using new technologies have demonstrated that most of the brain maintains the same number of active neurons throughout life. And even if some aspects of aging actually lead to deterioration of memory, reactions, and so on, there is a constant replenishment of the “reserves” of neurons. But at what cost?

Scientists call this process “brain bilateralization,” in which both the right and left hemispheres of the brain are used simultaneously. In the 1990s in Canada, at the University of Toronto, thanks to the development of brain scanning technologies, it was possible to visualize and compare how the brains of young and middle-aged people work when solving the following task on attentiveness and memory: it was necessary to quickly remember the names of people in various photographs, and then try to remember whose names are what.

The scientists expected middle-aged study participants to perform worse on the task, but the results of the experiments were the same for both age groups. But something else was surprising: positron emission tomography demonstrated that neural connections in young people were activated in a certain part of the brain, and in older people, in addition to activity in the same area, part of the prefrontal cortex also showed itself.

Canadian scientists, based on the results of this and many other experiments, came to the following conclusion: the biological neural network of the brain of middle-aged people could show weakness in a certain area, but another part of the brain immediately connected, compensating for the “deficiency.” Thus, the aging process causes people in middle age and beyond to literally use their brains to a greater extent. In addition, there is an increase in the biological neural network in other areas of the brain.

Our brain is designed in such a way that it knows how to cope with circumstances (counteract them), showing flexibility. And the better you monitor his health, the better he copes.

Researchers offer a whole range of measures to help maintain brain health for as long as possible:
  • healthy eating,
  • physical activity,
  • relaxation,
  • solving complex problems,
  • constant study of something and so on.

Moreover, this works at any age.

The capabilities of the human brain have not yet been fully studied, although, according to biblical teaching, man is created in the image and likeness of God. In everyday life, people practically do not use the abilities that are genetically endowed in everyone.

How the brain works

Nature itself has tried to reliably protect the main human organ, without which life is impossible:

  • the brain substance is hidden in a strong skull, the bones of which can withstand a fairly strong blow from a fist;
  • the hairline reliably protects from cold and heat;
  • saturation of blood vessels provides nutrition to the brain;
  • the liquid layer protects the organ from vibrations during movement.

The human brain provides the ability to speak, hear, see, think, touch, and move. The human organ, unlike an animal, is capable of operating with logical, ethical, moral categories. Controls all muscles of the body consciously and unconsciously. The left side of the brain controls the movements of the right side of the body, and the right side controls the opposite side. The more developed left side of the brain gives a person a technical form of thinking. The right hemisphere corresponds to a humanitarian orientation. If you achieve simultaneous work of both hemispheres, the ability to remember information will increase many times.

The cerebral cortex occupies an area of ​​2000-2500 square meters. cm, if you count in a state straightened out from the convolutions. Each section of it is responsible for certain functions.

The volume of the brain is only 2% of the human body, but without its control the body will not be able to work and live.

How to train your memory

An ordinary person uses only 5-10% of the brain's capabilities as prescribed by nature. Like any other organ of the human body, the brain is equipped with a protective mechanism that allows it to use its capabilities exactly to the extent that is required at the moment. People who stop training their mental abilities after finishing school or college gradually degrade.

Poor memory is the first sign of brain fatigue.

Scientific experiments have proven that the brain functions better under constant mental stress:

  • solving mathematical problems of increasing complexity;
  • solving crossword puzzles;
  • learning foreign languages;
  • remembering a certain amount of information;
  • Reading books;
  • Computer games develop reaction speed and resourcefulness.

Regular exertion of mental abilities, even for half an hour a day, can prolong a person’s reasonable life until old age.

Training ensures comprehensive development of the brain:

  • the mass of the organ increases;
  • better capillary blood supply;
  • the risk of brain damage due to age-related diseases is reduced.

The simplest exercises for training the brain are given at school:

  • memorizing large chunks of prose text, preferably in a foreign language;
  • repeated rewriting of homework or class assignments, ensuring that the text is formatted without errors or blots;
  • oral counting out loud.

Such simple memory training forms the basis of a person’s intellectual education.

How to stimulate brain activity

The speed reading technique has a great effect on the brain:

  • regular classes for 3-4 months in compliance with a certain emotional state;
  • understanding the essence of the text read;
  • expansion of the field of vision;
  • autogenic memory training has a beneficial effect on the condition of the brain.

You can train your brain the same way you train your muscles, achieving good results at almost any age:

  • reading books of any genre develops logical thinking and the study of life situations from different points of view;
  • when playing sports, the hormone endorphin is produced, which helps stimulate brain activity;
  • an hour's respite in the middle of the day, reserved for sleep, helps the brain relax for better assimilation of information;
  • artificial stimulation of brain activity with drugs, alcohol, nicotine leads to the death of brain cells;
  • The hormone estrogen, released in large quantities by the body during sex, helps cope with nervous overload and stress. This is especially true for women.

It is necessary to learn something new every day in order to eliminate the stagnation of brain activity, but in most cases, people practically do not use the capabilities of the brain, since it is much easier to live like everyone else.

How to develop superpowers

M. S. Norbekov built his health system on the principle that the brain can be “convinced” of the physical health of one or more organs. Then the body itself initiates a restorative “reconfiguration” of the entire body, like a computer program.

However, many people are simply too lazy to do regular, albeit simple, exercises every day.
The best time for perceiving and remembering information is considered to be childhood from 2 to 11 years. It is this period that should be used to lay the foundations of fundamental knowledge in the child’s brain.

The newest teaching method, suggestionology, involves memorizing a large amount of information in a short time. The student, being in a relaxed state, perceives the educational program to the sounds of music. There is no need to strain yourself trying to remember the material; the body itself puts what it hears into the corners of its memory. In this way, you can increase the amount of information by about 50% compared to conventional training programs.

Professional trainings are becoming increasingly widespread, helping to teach young professionals the mystery of mastery in the shortest possible time.

Increased attention is paid to the paranormal abilities of the brain. Clairvoyants, psychics, hypnotists, predictors of all stripes have filled the media pages with advertisements. You can develop intuition or other extrasensory abilities by combining hard work with imagination. However, it should be taken into account that not everyone will like such knowledge and opportunities.

Superpowers often manifest themselves during times of danger, stress, or under the influence of an accident: electric shock, fall from height, brain injury. Thus, the brain replaces the lost qualities with others. People who have lost their sight develop hearing and touch. People who have not come to terms with their position of eternal darkness are looking for unusual ways to navigate in space, which cannot be explained by today's science.

The placebo method or belief in miracles cannot be explained by modern scientists. Common cases of instant healing from dangerous diseases, including cancer, remain without an intelligible answer.

Man of the future

Scientists suggest that a person of the future with superpowers is currently being formed:

  • the deteriorating environmental situation leads to mutation of genes, due to which previously unused channels open in the brain;
  • the new person, feeling unity with the cosmic information base, will stop lying and value material wealth, new priorities will be revived;
  • Through an effort of will, the future generation will learn to influence the body, helping to cleanse it and improve its health.

People need to learn to use the capabilities of their brains to bring love to their neighbors, compassion, wisdom, and mutual understanding into the world. When developing your talents, you must strive to expand the scope of your perception of the surrounding reality in order to correspond to the high title of Man.
The human brain, like a computer, can be given any program, the purpose of which should be creation, and not war with its own kind. If a person sincerely wants to change the world around him and himself for the better, he will definitely succeed.

There are simply no limits to human capabilities. But how we use them and whether we use them at all depends on the functioning of our brain. Most of us, as scientists have proven, use only 2-3% of our brains. In addition, as recent medical research shows, based on numerous ten-year experiments and in which more than 7,000 volunteers took part, our brain begins to age after 45 years. So, you need to try to make the most of it until then.

Moreover, during the experiments, an interesting trend emerged: men lose their intellectual potential faster than women. According to scientists, it is necessary to constantly and maximally use your mental potential. An inquisitive person who has a lot of hobbies has a significant increase in the capabilities of the brain, and in addition, completely unknown previously abilities are revealed.

In addition, our brain has many enemies. For example, regular consumption of alcohol provokes the death of pituitary cells, which is simply fatal for brain function. Constant stress and lack of sleep also lead to exhaustion of our brain. Previously, it was believed that our brain works as a single whole and loses its abilities as a result of disturbances in its structure. But recent medical research has shown that some parts of the brain take over all the functions of the damaged areas. Scientists and doctors were especially surprised by the fact that each hemisphere is a kind of “separate personality” with its own memories, emotions and knowledge. Therefore, sometimes people experience cases of “split” consciousness, and sometimes there is a feeling that two completely different people live inside us.


The so-called intuition is another mystery, still incomprehensible, of the human brain, and, moreover, has nothing to do with the laws of logic. Our logical thinking is based, first of all, on analyzing facts, collecting information, and establishing cause-and-effect relationships. Intuition often offers us a ready-made answer, one that comes out of nowhere. There is a popular belief that the first thought is the most correct. People endowed with intuition quickly navigate difficult situations, make prompt, error-free decisions, and this has already been proven by scientists.

The right hemisphere is responsible for intuitive thinking. Therefore, modern education and the education system are aimed at developing our left hemisphere, which is responsible for rational thinking and logic. This is where many of the secrets of our infinite Universe lie. Scientists are trying in every possible way to unlock the untapped capabilities of the human brain with the help of the right hemisphere. Recently, a method of spiritual knowledge that exceeds logic has been increasingly presented.

The influence of thoughts on events

The influence of our thoughts on certain events still remains a mysterious phenomenon. Scientists believe that emotional mood directly affects, for example, surgery, the consequences of surgery, and the success of further treatment. Sometimes the lack of synchronicity of our words and desires does not allow us to bring our thoughts to life, which should be developed in ourselves.

We bring to your attention 121 tips that will help you think faster, comprehend information better, and in the future use the full potential of your brain.

1. Engage in solving puzzles and solving problems.

2. Ambidexterity should be developed - the ability to control the left and right hands well. Try performing certain actions with your non-dominant hand. Learn to write equally skillfully with both hands. While eating, alternate hands when using a fork and spoon.

3. Deal with uncertainty and ambiguity. Learn to fully enjoy optical illusions and paradoxes.

4. Master mind maps.

5. Try to block one or more sensations, for example, take a shower with your eyes closed.

6. Develop comparative taste sensations. Learn to feel fully, savor beer, wine, chocolate, cheese, etc.

7. Look for areas of intersection between certain events and things that, at first glance, are completely unrelated.

8. Learn to touch type and use a keyboard with different key layouts.

9. Think of other uses for common objects, such as wire or a nail.

10. Do not stick to one idea about a specific event or thing, change it to the opposite.

11. Improve and study the techniques used in creativity.

12. The obvious should not become a dogma for you; look for other answers to questions.

13. In every possible way, break your idea of ​​the established order of things.

14. Don’t be discouraged, but rather frolic.

15. Turn photographs and paintings upside down.

16. Improve and develop critical thinking, reject established misconceptions.

17. Solve logical problems, thereby improving your logic.

18. Become familiar with scientific methods of thinking.

19. Take up drawing or, you don’t have to be an artist for this.

20. Put positivity in your thoughts first and foremost.

21. Try yourself in painting, sculpture, and music.

22. Develop manual dexterity and learn tricks.

23. Give preference to foods that are exclusively beneficial for your brain.

24. Learn to undereat rather than overeat. It is better to leave the table with a slight feeling of hunger.

25. Exercise should always be in your daily schedule.

26. Sit exclusively with a straight back.

27. The more water you drink, the better for you and your brain function.

28. Breathe deeply.

29. Laugh more often, laughter prolongs life.

30. Certain hobbies and passions will help diversify your life.

31. A good full-fledged person - above all.

32. Treat yourself to short naps.

33. Listening to good music will have a positive effect on your well-being.

34. Declare war on slowness and laziness.

35. Do not overuse technology.

36. Learn modern materials regarding the functioning of the brain.

37. Change your wardrobe. If possible, go barefoot.

38. Try to find a compromise with yourself.

39. Don’t complicate everything in life, keep it simple.

40. Chess and board games have a beneficial effect on brain function.

41. Games for the “mind” - crosswords, puzzles and other games - should be constantly in your leisure time.

42. Spontaneity won't hurt you.

43. Play video games.

44. A sense of humor has never hurt anyone; develop it, for example, by writing jokes.

45. Make a list of 100 for yourself - the main focus of which is: decision making, detection of hidden problems, techniques for generating ideas.

46. ​​Apply the Idea Quota method to yourself.

47. Make a bank of ideas that come to your mind, and then consider them one by one.

48. Develop your ideas. At regular intervals, return to the ideas you put aside for later.

49. Concentrate on “optical observation.” For example, fixate objects of a certain color throughout the day.

50. Train yourself to keep a diary.

51. Studying foreign languages ​​will be useful.

52. Don’t visit the same restaurant - it’s boring and uninteresting. Give preference to national ones.

53. Studying computer programming will be very useful for you in modern reality.

55. Change the interior of your apartment more often. If possible, move somewhere; a change of environment is always useful.

56. Try writing poetry or stories, start your own blog.

57. It is quite interesting to study the language of symbols.

58. Pay attention to musical instruments, learn to play any of them.

59. Visit museums more often.

60. Study the functioning of the brain, its capabilities and abilities.

61. Learn speed reading techniques.

62. Stick to your learning style.

63. Try to learn to identify any day of the week by date.

64. Evaluate any periods of time based on your feelings.

65. Perform a “rough estimate,” for example, of such an episode, which in reality is greater – neural connections in the brain or the number of leaves in the Amazon forests.

66. Be familiar with mathematics. Learn to count properly.

67. Build Memory Palaces in your thoughts.

68. To improve your memory, master the system of figurative thinking.

69. Sex must be present in your life.

70. Try to remember people’s names on the first try. Practice meditation.

71. Practice meditation. Train equally both complete absence of thoughts and concentration.

72. When watching movies, there should be different genres. Preferably

73. It is advisable to spend as little time near the TV as possible.

74. You should learn the ability to concentrate from childhood.

75. Close contact with nature will help you be harmonious with both yourself and nature.

76. Solving mathematical problems will be useful.

77. Don’t rush; haste is appropriate when catching fleas.

78. When performing certain activities, change your usual speed of performance.

79. Take any task or task seriously and do it right away, on the first try.

80. Develop and improve curiosity.

81. Become an actor for a while and try on someone else’s consciousness. Take on the role of a stranger, think about what you would do?

82. Cultivate a contemplative attitude towards the world around you.

83. There should be time for solitude and relaxation in your daily routine.

84. Be prepared to be a lifelong learner.

85. Don't sit at home, travel, it will help you get to know other people's lifestyles better.

86. Get to know the biographies of geniuses.

87. Surround yourself exclusively with reliable friends.

88. Look for competition.

89. Surround yourself with people with a different worldview.

90. Take part in brainstorming sessions.

91. Get to the root of all problems.

92. Change methods of planning the future: collective/individual, short-term/long-term.

93. Write down quotes from famous and popular people.

94. Change the way you communicate: use a voice recording instead of a letter, prefer paper to a computer.

95. Read the classics more often.

96. Develop the art of reading.

97. Make annotations of the books you read.

98. Perfect your self-awareness.

99. Speak out all problems out loud

100. Comment on your feelings in detail.

101.Use the Braille method.

102. Stimulate your senses and thoughts, for example, by purchasing one of the works of art.

103. Buy different perfume scents.

104. Don't be afraid to mix sensations. What does a rose smell like? How much does blue weigh?

105. Don’t be silent - argue if necessary. Defend your arguments, but also listen to your opponent.

106. Use the time boxing method.

107. Take time to improve your brain.

108. Fantasize.

109. Create a place that exists solely in your imagination.

110. Don't be afraid to challenge yourself.

111. Develop the art of visualization, 5 minutes a day will be enough for this.

112.Record and classify dreams.

113.Learn to lucid dream.

114. Keep a notebook where you will record interesting words. Try to create your own - your own.

115. Connect concrete and abstract concepts, look for metaphors.

116. Don't let stress control you.

117. Read selected sites at random. Write down the words that strike you from the journal. Master the method of randomly entering information.

118. Don’t follow the same “beaten” path. Constantly change the streets you walk, run or return home to.

119. Don’t mark time “in one place.” Install different operating systems on your PC.

120. Expand your vocabulary.

121. Strive for better and more, do not stop at the results achieved.

As you can see, there are too many tips and it’s up to you to decide which ones to take note of and which ones to ignore. But, all of them are definitely aimed exclusively at revealing the capabilities of your brain.