Abstracts for a scientific article writing rules. How to write abstracts for a conference - advice to students from Chelgu teachers. How to write abstracts for a conference: rules and sample

Theses are briefly formulated main provisions, the main thoughts of a scientific work, article, report, term paper or dissertation, etc.

Detailed rules are specified in. This file is prepared in accordance with the rules and can be used as a template.

A file with the text of the abstract in *.doc or .docx format, designed strictly in accordance with the above requirements, is sent to the email address [email protected] after to participate in the conference. We ask you to name the report file with the surname of the first author in Russian spelling, for example Ivanov.doc.

The deadline for submitting abstracts is November 18, 2013. Abstracts received after the deadline, as well as those prepared in violation of these requirements, including those with sloppy drawings and incorrectly formatted formulas, will not be accepted for publication.

The Organizing Committee of the Conference reserves the right to make changes (mainly of a design nature) to the texts of articles when preparing the collection for publication, without notifying the authors.

Requirements for abstract submission

For publication, you must provide a computer version of the abstract (typed in Microsoft Word).

The material is placed on an A4 page (210 x 297 mm), all margins are 20 mm. All text is typed in Times New Roman Cyr font size 12 pt. Paragraph indent 12.5 mm. Spacing – 1.15 pt. Additional spacing between paragraphs is 0 pt. There should be no blank lines between paragraphs. Transfers are not allowed. Align text borders to width. The total text volume should not exceed 7000 characters with spaces, including imprint and bibliography.

All abbreviations (including abbreviations) in the text must be deciphered. The terms, units of measurement and symbols used in articles must be generally accepted. We kindly ask you to check the text for spelling and syntax errors, and the files for viruses.

It is allowed to highlight words or phrases in the text bold or italic in style. Underline not allowed.

Please distinguish between dashes and hyphens!

Before section name you must leave an empty line. There is no period after the section title.

Drawings must be neatly written in any format imported by Microsoft Word and must not exceed the size of the text field. If the drawing consists of several objects, they should all be combined into one object. All drawings must be numbered and signed as indicated in the example. Captions for figures are recommended to be written in Times New Roman, 12 pt, italics. After captioning the picture, you must leave a blank line. Drawings must be done in black and white or in shades of gray. Color drawings and photographs are not allowed.

Formulas must be dialed using built-in Equation Editor. Using other formula editors such as MathType, not welcome. Formulas are located in the center of the line, formula numbering is continuous throughout the text, formula numbers are located on the right.

Mathematical symbols for variables both in the text and on illustrations must be typed: Latin – italics, Russian and Greek - straight; operator words (min, max, sin, cos, etc.) are direct.

If the text contains tables, they must also be numbered and signed. The tables are signed in the upper right corner, as indicated in the example. As with figures, table headings and contents should be typed in 12 pt font. You must leave a blank line after the table. link to source after mentioning it in the text, put in square brackets the number under which it appears in the list of references, for example,. It is possible to indicate the author’s surname and year of publication, for example (Ivanov, 2012).

Bibliography drawn up in accordance with GOST 7.1-84 “Bibliographic description of a document. General requirements and rules of registration." An example of the design is given below. The list of references is preceded by the word "Literature" without a dot.

Preparation of abstracts

1 line – article title– in the center of the line in capital letters in bold bold font Arial Cyr, 14 pt.

Line 2 is empty.

Line 5 – abbreviated name of organization and city(separated by commas) – centered in italics Times New Roman Cyr, 12 pt. If the authors represent different organizations, then the organizations and cities separated by semicolons in the order in which the authors appeared.

Line 7 is empty.

Line 8 – short abstract of abstract.

Line 9 – empty

Lines 10 – 17 – the same as lines 1-8, but only in English.

Some people believe that theses are just a list of the main points of the work, but this is not so. The abstract of a scientific article is actually another form of it, an independent article that should give a sufficient idea of ​​the research conducted. They are understood as logically related provisions of the article, the proof of which is given in the publication itself.

The purpose of writing an abstract is to summarize the material presented in a scientific article. Having become acquainted with the theses, the reader will conclude that it is advisable to get acquainted with the article itself. If you poorly present your article in the form of abstracts, this may discourage readers from getting acquainted with interesting materials, while even an article that is weak in content can arouse significant interest thanks to well-written abstracts.

Abstract structure

Theses have a certain structure, following which you can clearly state the essence of the problem. There are three main parts of the abstract: preamble, main part and conclusion. The preamble is preceded by information about the author of the abstract and its title, which is formatted in accordance with the requirements of a particular publication.

Preamble. This part involves an introduction to the research problem, a description of its relevance and the purpose of the study. For a common phenomenon, the traditional formulation is used, while addressing a new or rare term must begin with its brief description.


Gambling addiction is one of the important problems of school-age children.

Cyberbullying is online bullying that has reached alarming proportions in the world.

When formulating relevance and other elements, do not rewrite entire paragraphs of text that may be present in your article. In your abstract, you should draw attention to the problem, rather than trying to describe in detail its enormity or consequences.

Main part. Here it is necessary to present several main provisions of the work, which are united by the research problem. This part of the abstract should be given special attention, since it affects the essence of the study and must be presented in sufficient volume. In the case of a quantitative study, it is necessary to briefly describe the methods used, sampling parameters and main results.

First, formulate the theoretical principles on the basis of which you conducted your research. The following statements will help you with this:


…(term) represents

The main purpose (term)… is…

...(term) is characterized by signs...

Then describe the specific results of the study, for example, using the construction: “during the study it was revealed that...”.

When describing the research methods, one can note by what criteria the subjects were selected, how many stages the research consisted of, and in what form it was carried out. All this must be put into 1-2 sentences, which will not contain unnecessary details (venue and conditions, composition of groups, etc.) and insignificant words.

Sample :

The study was conducted using the method (name of the method): 30 selected students with a high level of gambling addiction were asked questions from the author’s questionnaire.

Conclusion. The last statements should represent a certain conclusion from everything given before. In the final part, you need to summarize the results of the study. This may be a generalization of the findings that you described in the previous part. Traditional constructions that lead the reader to the end of the work will help you: “research results show...”, “thus...”, etc.

Mistakes when writing abstracts

  1. A common mistake when writing abstracts is the lack of a specific structure. This approach leads to the fact that the author simply presents some part of his research in a condensed form, without indicating its key parameters, or pulls out individual provisions of the work without connecting them with each other in any way.
  2. The second mistake is excessive preamble. The authors of some theses pay too much attention to the formulation of the relevance of the topic or problem without addressing the actual research. At the same time, the scientific world is primarily interested in the results of the study.
  3. The third mistake is related to overly complex phrases. Some authors believe that an excess of special terminology will demonstrate their education and competence in this topic. But do not forget that the thesis should attract the attention of the audience to the problem you have raised. The simpler you formulate your theses, the more likely it is that your topic will be discussed. At the same time, simplicity lies not only in the understandability of sentences, but also in their brevity. Two short sentences are always easier to understand than a long construction with adverbial phrases.
  4. Another mistake arises due to the low content of the abstract. It would seem that when formulating them, the problem should arise of how to fit everything into a small volume (1-2 pages). However, the opposite also occurs, when a person does not know how to highlight the main thing. Instead of laconic phrases logically connected to each other, he presents a whole tape of text lacking the necessary precision and brevity.

Improving thesis

Not every author spends time improving their thesis, but in vain. It is through the process of correction that your work can become deeper, more accurate, and more interesting to a potential audience. People with high self-esteem often think that they have already tried hard enough and that their work is beyond praise. To get an objective assessment, invite competent people to read your abstract and the article for which it was written. You will probably receive several valuable comments that will help you see your own work from the outside, remove unnecessary things from it and make existing provisions more meaningful.

Hello, Pavel Yamb is in touch again!

It’s been a long time since we discussed theory, don’t you think? Well, today I am correcting myself and bringing to your attention a very useful article on how to write a thesis statement. I will not get into the scientific jungle, but will tell you about this exclusively in practical application. I came across them at university, at scientific conferences, and, of course, while working on websites.

What it is

First of all, I want to warn you: if you think that theses are a brief point-by-point retelling of some more global text, then you are right. However, those who think that this is an independent article, only in miniature, are also right.

The word "thesis" is used in several meanings. Most often we hear about it in relation to scientific activities.

In the scientific world, abstracts of reports presented at a conference are often published in a newsletter and their value for representatives of science is quite high: such a publication is counted towards a higher scientific title.

However, this is not the only area that uses theses. If we talk about abstracts as an Internet product, they are designed to briefly describe the main topic of a site, blog or its section. In addition, in the content business, very often customers do not offer a plan, but short statements that the copywriter must reveal. So you see, this short word can hide a lot of interesting things.

Primary requirements

Thesis, like any other professionally written text, has uniform requirements. Despite the fact that some points make them similar to the essay, one should not forget: first of all, this is not a literary work, but a scientific work with all that it implies.

Ideally, we should acquire the ability to write abstracts correctly at school. However, not everyone at this age is able to understand that this is not necessary for the teacher and mom and dad, but first of all for ourselves. Therefore, let us remember:

When you need not to write, but to reveal

Now let's get back to copywriting. For example, we received an order in which the customer had already formulated what the article should be about. The abstracts will be something like this:

  • What is this product?
  • Who produces it?
  • What are its features and qualities?
  • How is it different from others?
  • What are its advantages?
  • What (or who) is it best suited for?

Since we take a general scheme, we limit ourselves to questions. If the order is made by a manufacturing company, then they provide some answers in general terms to a copywriter, whose task is to skillfully describe and reveal the features of the product, brand or service.

If suddenly you receive an order, but do not know the product very well, then you can ask these questions as clarification. It is a rare customer who will refuse to respond to someone who is performing his own task. Well, or if the work with the customer did not work out, then you can find answers to the questions yourself.

Support for text construction

And finally, we will discuss what abstracts are, which are exclusively supporting material - for a report, section, website.

The main task of such theses is to formulate short, succinct statements that can subsequently be developed further.

To make it clear, I will select supporting theses directly for this article.

  • Theses are different.
  • They are widely used in the scientific field.
  • Such abstracts are a short analysis of scientific work with examples.
  • They can be based on ready-made material or vice versa: the material is compiled according to the abstract.
  • There are questions suitable for the thesis plan of a selling article.
  • The supporting thesis is the main idea that can be developed further.

With such a cheat sheet, I can present this article at any copywriting conference: now I won’t forget what I want to say.

What theses did you have to deal with? And check out this little guy in the car.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. There are terms that came into our language from ancient Greek logic and rhetoric. There are a lot of them and they are quite actively used, but their meaning is not always immediately clear.

For example, the word “thesis”. We meet him back in school, when it comes to writing an essay on literature. But this is far from its only use. At the university, for example, students draw up thesis plans for other people’s or their own future works.

So what is a thesis, how and why they are formed and formulated. Why a successful thesis is already half the success in writing an essay and, of course, a lot of examples of their writing for various topics of school essays. I hope it will be interesting.

Definition of thesis - what is it?

The word "thesis" comes from the Greek. thesis and means " statement" It is used in linguistics, philosophy, medicine, music, literature. In common scientific terminology, the definition is as follows: a thesis is a summary of the main ideas of the study.

In a narrow sense, a thesis is a shortened version of a scientific article that conveys in a condensed form the essence of a more voluminous work.

This genre is in demand at scientific conferences, when it is necessary to formulate the main provisions of one’s work as compactly as possible for the public, to highlight the results and prospects of the research.

In philosophy a thesis is understood as a briefly formulated statement.

After a scientific hypothesis is put forward, in confirmation, which, in turn, can (and should) have examples. When finding a thesis in a philosophical treatise, remember that this concept describes the statement that gave impetus to the entire essay.

In music The thesis is the stressed initial part of a full measure. It is contrasted with arzis - a part of a measure without stress.

Thesis plan - how to write scientific theses

The ability to write a thesis is necessary for every student. Sometimes this is taught in high school, but most often freshmen are forced to learn the structure of the genre on their own. To avoid confusion, stick to the thesis plan.

A thesis plan is a brief listing of the main significant components of an article or report.

For scientific text example of a thesis plan looks like that:

  1. The topic of the article (already written and planned to be written).
  2. Last name, first name, patronymic of the author or group of authors. (In the first years of university, it is better to work with a supervisor and indicate his last name before yours).
  3. Goal of the work.
  4. The tasks that you set for yourself.
  5. Relevance of the chosen topic.
  6. Research methods.
  7. The main provisions of the work (which you put forward).
  8. Results. (If the abstract is written on research that is in an active or completed stage).
  9. Prospects.

A thoughtful approach to the material will help you understand what a thesis plan is.

Understand what you are writing, what tools you are using, how important and new it is, and most importantly, why the research is being conducted.

Then the picture will become clearer to you and will look convincing in the eyes of the reader. By the way, you don’t have to wait until you enter university. Practice drawing up a thesis plan when preparing your next report.

Theses when writing an essay on literature (using an example)

The final essay on literature requires the presence of a thesis. The word “thesis” in the singular has a completely different meaning.

When thinking about a particular problem, the thesis is perceived as the initial statement on which the entire system of argumentation rests. Simply put, this is the stove from which you dance, developing the main idea.

For example, let’s take the topic “ Art and craft" Let us formulate the thesis of this work as follows:

There are thousands of artisans, but only a few creators.

Our statement is not indisputable. Perhaps someone would like to know on what basis we made this conclusion. To substantiate the thesis, we will support this statement arguments. For our example, these could be the following arguments:

  1. A craft can be learned, but a creator must be born.
  2. People usually learn a craft to earn money; they practice art for the soul.
  3. A craft that you devote yourself to with talent and soul becomes art. Art that has lost its aspiration to heaven is called craft.

Each argument must be accompanied by literary examples. They can be gleaned from A. S. Pushkin’s “little tragedy” “Mozart and Salieri”, N. V. Gogol’s story “Portrait”, N. A. Ostrovsky’s play “The Forest”, M. A. Bulgakov’s novel “The Master and Margarita” , play by A.P. Chekhov “The Seagull”.

For example, in " The Master and Margarita“The main character is contrasted with “official” writers from the House of Writers. Their embodiment can be called a hero who introduces himself as Aloysius Magarych. The snarky and envious Aloysius will never understand the Master. He cannot create anything valuable because he is empty from within.

The only genre he mastered was an anonymous letter of denunciation. Such writers are called artisans. They are able to write the required number of characters to order, but such “works” will not make any reader’s heart beat faster.

Meanwhile, the Master’s novel is so perfect that he manages to open the boundaries of time and space, letting characters from the distant past into the world of Soviet Moscow. Only true art has this ability.

An example of a thesis on kindness and cruelty

Formulate a thesis on the topic "" you can do this:

A person is born kind, cruelty appears in response to the imperfections of the world.

We offer the following arguments:

  1. appears in people when internal hardening occurs.
  2. People become cruel because they have been treated cruelly.
  3. a natural gift that is not given to everyone.

As illustrations examples will do from the story by A. S. Pushkin “The Captain's Daughter”, the story by N. V. Gogol “Taras Bulba”, the novel by F. M. Dostoevsky “Crime and Punishment”, the epic novel by M. A. Sholokhov “Quiet Don”.

Rodion Raskolnikov was a kind child. Mother remembers how he cried while saying the words of prayer. As he grew older, sensitive to how unfair life was, he began to think a lot about the laws of social order. Raskolnikov became fascinated by fashionable ideas of individual domination over the crowd.

Having reached the point of absurdity in his thoughts about the omnipotence of an individual, he committed a grave crime. It is impossible to explain and justify his cruelty, and punishment in the form of terrible pangs of conscience followed instantly.

Around the same time, a St. Petersburg student helps Katerina Ivanovna, the widow of the deceased Marmeladov, and sympathizes with her children. This is how natural kindness and cruelty acquired as a result of deep misconceptions coexist in one person.

An example of a thesis on the topic “Fathers and Sons”

In the direction “Fathers and Sons” we write, for example, like this:

If children do not understand their fathers, they not only repeat their mistakes, but also add their own to them.

Arguments may be like this:

  1. Denying the experience of their elders, young people start everything from scratch, when they could start from at least one.
  2. Parents do not always allow their children to follow their own path, which causes misunderstandings between them to grow.
  3. You cannot live your life for a child: he must find answers to his questions himself.

The last argument sounds like a counterargument, but it can also be useful for revealing the topic.

Illustrate the thesis The novels of I. S. Turgenev, I. A. Goncharov, F. M. Dostoevsky, M. A. Sholokhov, the plays of A. P. Chekhov, the stories of I. A. Bunin will help.

In Goncharov’s novel “An Ordinary Story,” a young provincial Sashenka Aduev comes to the capital to visit his uncle, hoping to receive a kindred welcome. Practitioner Pyotr Aduev decides to re-educate the young romantic.

Watching his “unfeeling” uncle with horror, Alexander year after year becomes more and more like him (but not in spirit, but in lifestyle). At the end of the novel, the nephew and uncle seem to change places. What Alexander indignantly denied becomes the norm for him.

Abstracts in the direction “Dream and Reality”

Appropriate start with a thesis:

Dreams come true if you put real effort and real work into their fulfillment.

Having voiced this idea in the introduction, let's move on to arguments:

  1. A dream that is not supported by action is fruitless.
  2. Empty dreams lead to disappointment.
  3. A dream is inspiration, everything else is work.

Pick up examples from literature characters from N.V. Gogol’s poem “Dead Souls”, A.P. Chekhov’s story “Ionych”, and the fairy tale story by E. -T. Hoffmann's "The Nutcracker".

The most striking illustration seems to be Goncharov’s Oblomov, whose idea of ​​the ideal structure of Malinovka eventually led him to the garden of the widow Pshenitsyna.

Carrying his thoughts into the sweet world of dreams concerning almost the reconstruction of Russia, in reality the hero achieved nothing. He lost his love, upset his economic affairs, buried the talents given to him and, in the end, chose the most ordinary philistine life.

Figuratively speaking, Oblomov simply lay down from sofa to sofa. Oblomov's friend Stolz understood the dream only as a specific goal. In his active life, filled with work, Stolz left no room for idleness. Thus, the two heroes of the novel demonstrate different understandings of dreams.

Brief summary

As you can see, a thesis is the main statement of a scientific or school essay. Its truth is proven by convincing arguments and reliable facts.

In order not to forget what a thesis statement is in an essay, formulate the main idea so that it sounds what is your own opinion, a personal discovery that you are willing to defend.

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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To summarize what it says. There are times when he first briefly outlines the essence of the work, and then writes a voluminous text. Typically, these theses relate to the production that is proposed to be discussed, present the results of a study or a new methodology.

Determine the purpose of the work and the relevance of the proposed topic. Briefly formulate it and write it down.

Formulate the problem that this work is devoted to.

Briefly describe existing points of view on this problem. Tell us how your point of view differs from what others offer. If the abstract is for a work devoted to a new research methodology, tell us about existing methods and what is new about the one you propose. Determine its advantages and disadvantages.

Suggest the most optimal research methodology. If the abstract is written for a work devoted to research results, outline the basic principles of this methodology and the scientific hypothesis. Tell us about the methods used, principles and sampling parameters. Introduce future readers or listeners to the intermediate results, if any, and the main ones. Draw a conclusion.


Theses must be logically connected to each other. Moreover, their proof may be in the text of the main work.

Abstracts should reveal the content of a larger work, but not repeat it. There is no need to rewrite the entire report, nor should you tear out random phrases from it.

Before writing a thesis, you need to deeply understand the essence of the problem that is presented in the work.

Theses differ from other scientific texts in their small volume.

Helpful advice

Theses are of two types. Some are compiled for the work of another author, others for their own work.

The thesis should be brief, but it must express a capacious and deep thought.

Claims must be substantiated. The justification is given either orally, or it is in the work.

The abstract should not contain any emotional assessments. They should be written in a dry, scientific style, but at the same time understandable. Any reader or listener should be able to understand the problem.


  • how to write a thesis

Often in the lives of not only professional scientists, but students and even schoolchildren, situations arise when they need to write the abstract of a scientific paper, report or speech. And while professionals cope with this task quite easily due to their extensive experience, students often have difficulties. This is explained by the fact that scientific theses are inherently different from traditional written works and their compilation is subject to different rules.


According to the accepted interpretation in science, a thesis is a specific provable statement or position. The theses of an article, report or other scientific work are a set of individual provisions that are in a logical relationship with each other. Therefore, the main thesis is to reveal and summarize the content of any larger work (scientific article, coursework or work, dissertation, etc.). As a rule, theses are for presentations at conferences or symposiums, as well as for scientific publications.

If you need to write abstracts on any already completed work of another, proceed as follows. Read the entire work carefully and highlight the main ideas in it. Mark the most important thoughts with a pencil. Break the entire text into separate, logically complete pieces.

In each of the resulting parts of the text, find the main idea and write it down separately. As a result, you should get a summary containing all the main provisions of the analyzed work. Now read the summary you received again and think about how the ideas contained in it can be expressed as briefly as possible.

Do not forget that abstracts are always much smaller in scope than any scientific work. In accordance with existing rules, they should not exceed 2 printed sheets in A4 format, typed in 12 point size. Convert your outline into shorter statements, but try not to lose the main points. Reduce the volume through a variety of textual “water”, examples, lyrical digressions, etc. Your theses must be presented clearly, clearly and unambiguously. The ambiguity of the wording used is completely unacceptable.

Having composed the main part of the theses, take care of a clear statement of the goals of the work and the conclusions obtained. Having finished compiling your abstract, carefully re-read your work again and check how logically interconnected all its parts are, and whether there are any contradictions or unrelated fragments among them. If necessary, you can swap individual positions. The main thing is that the work has a clear structure and logic of presentation. The abstract should end with a list of findings and research results.

Video on the topic


  • how to write a thesis statement correctly

Undergraduate and graduate students often have to deal with such a form of scientific activity as writing abstracts. Abstracts are widely used at various conferences, public speeches, defenses, as well as for publications in scientific collections, when a full presentation of the material is impossible due to space limitations. In addition, the preparation of abstracts is often required as a preliminary step when writing a major scientific or educational work: coursework, graduation project, dissertation.


Regardless of whether you are writing on an existing work or just one that is still being prepared, the principles for composing them are approximately