How to take revenge on the offender without breaking the law. How to take revenge on the person who offended and betrayed you: ways

Many beautiful, but invariably cruel words have been said about revenge. And, probably, there is no person in the world who could boast that he has never felt a thirst for revenge. Everyone has their own reasons for this. And, despite the fact that the soul is on fire, and the heart is eager to bring the offender pain, equivalent to the one that he caused us, you still want to remain a person, and if you really take revenge, then it’s beautiful.

What is revenge?

This is one of those questions that you can ask every person living on Earth, and never hear the same answers. Dictionaries state that revenge is just retribution for the inconvenience and suffering caused. In some cultures, this is considered a noble deed. But a large number of people sincerely believe that only fools, devoid of moral principles, take revenge. Who is right and how to choose your side in this matter? Perhaps the first step is to decide on your understanding of the word. In ancient times, revenge led to terrible and bloody consequences, as all family members and friends of the warring parties entered into a conflict. Each act, seemingly done out of good intentions in restoring justice, led to a new reason for revenge. It turned out a vicious circle from which it is impossible to get out. Think of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. Is it reasonable to leave the blood feud after many generations? But is it fair to forget a long-standing grudge? How many people, so many opinions, but in our time, when progress seems to be on the alert, it is worth listening to the voice of reason and ethics in order to know how to gracefully take revenge on the offender.

Reasons for revenge

It so happened that, despite the fact that almost all sectors of society are subject to a thirst for revenge, it is still not customary to talk about it. Too deep in the soul, the offender cultivates his anger, and the offended - his indignation. Sometimes revenge is based on envy, and this suggests that such "retaliation" will definitely be a low act. But what if betrayal, betrayal, deep resentment happened? How to take revenge in this case? It is unwise to be ashamed of your desire for retribution. But before looking for ways to take revenge on the offender, listen to yourself: will it really make you feel better? Will your resentment really decrease? If the answer is an unequivocal "yes", then such a step, apparently, is really necessary. But be prepared for the fact that any of your actions will entail a response from the enemy.

Each of us has been faced with a choice between simple and correct, so it makes no sense to give clear instructions on behavior in the case when anger blinds our eyes. But there are some general recommendations that will help optimize the situation and mitigate the consequences.

So, the first and most important recommendation is to moderate your ardor and understand that it is difficult to assess the level of damage caused to you and respond with something similar. Don't just try to do a proportionate nastiness. Think about how to take revenge on the offender effectively, but fairly. Only in this case you will not lose face.

The second tip goes hand in hand with the first: be aware of the possible consequences! Your actions may go beyond the law, and the most annoying outcome of your revenge may be criminal punishment.

Do not involve strangers in your business. Then you yourself can repent of the fact that you offended or humiliated an absolutely innocent person.

Well, the last recommendation can be expressed in one catchphrase: "Revenge is a dish that is served cold." Wait a bit and let the feelings subside. Assess the situation from the outside, and you will find effective ways to take revenge on the offender.

Get down to business

If even after a while the heart cannot calm down, and you are drawn to repay the offender according to deserts, then start planning your actions.

Yes, revenge is not spontaneous, unless, of course, you want it to be remembered. Take a closer look at the object of your retribution, discover its weak points, decide where you want to strike. Let your hypothetical victim relax and forget about you. If the enemy is not waiting for a blow, then he loses his vigilance. The easiest way to figure out how to take revenge on the offender is by example.

If the beloved has changed

In most cases, revenge is done out of a great feeling. It is very painful to realize that a dear and beloved person suddenly turned out to be a traitor and literally dumped everything bright and good in your relationship in the mud.

Have you been changed? Have you been insulted? Humiliated? How to take revenge on the offender? Most often, the next stage is a scandal and a breakup. But there are more original ways to punish the offender. They cheated on you - answer with the same coin, but for this, become better, more confident, more interesting. Have an affair with your significant other's boss. It's more of a feminine version of revenge. With a successful development of events, the offended lady can achieve the reduction of her offender in the service and general reprimand. Unfortunately, this method of revenge cannot be called beautiful, although in women's novels it always causes violent emotions.

How beautiful to take revenge on the offender?

Let's remain human, even directing revenge for our own benefit. If there was a betrayal in a couple, is it worth fighting for this person? Everyone decides for himself, but it seems that the main nuance of the answer to this question is the depth of feelings. If they are, then the lover will give in to the beloved, allowing them to vent fear, pain and resentment.

A person in some aspects is the most unfortunate among the representatives of the living world, as he is prone to introspection and criticism. In other words, by hurting another, we harm ourselves, our integrity, and our soul. If we destroy a person's faith in ourselves, then we lose him, and others see this and understand that we cannot be trusted. So is there a worse revenge? Therefore, it is better to leave thoughts of retribution to a loved one. Let him go and let him judge his actions for himself.

In the case of a stranger

It is a completely different matter when an outsider, a passer-by, a neighbor, a work colleague or just a street boor who flaunts his bad manners in front of friends acts as an offender.

For them, maybe the act is not so important. They will forget it in a minute, and your mood is hopelessly spoiled. Who among us has not been in such a situation when a fleeting word thrown after us humiliates more than a thoughtful speech, and a sunny day suddenly seemed dull and worthless? Let's think, if we consider a person to be an outsider, then what weight do his words or actions have? Is it worth paying attention to them?

Are you thinking about how to get revenge on a bully at work? Yes, the situation when a colleague cannot behave correctly is very unpleasant. But retaliatory actions can harm you, so you should not be like your offender. Refrain from complaining to superiors and gossip among other colleagues. Instead, look at the actions of the employee, his behavior. Remember that careful observation is more likely to tell you how to take revenge on a bully at work. Does he laugh a lot and regularly spend most of the day in a smoking room? Maybe he has no friends, and so he tries to gain a foothold in society. After work, he invites the whole department to a bar? Isn't it a hidden problem with alcohol? Observing a colleague will force you to listen carefully to his presentations, ask incriminating questions and, accordingly, delve deeper into the topic. Searching for weaknesses in the enemy at work can quite logically lead to the fact that the authorities will pay attention to your composure and offer you to take a higher position with an appropriate salary and a comfortable office. So your revenge will come true, we note, very beautiful, during the implementation of which you remain a man!

Revenge in the virtual world

If in reality we can see the offender and at least guess what pushes him to such actions, then in the virtual world this is more difficult. For such people who provoke scandals all day long on various forums and pages of social networks, there is even a name - "trolls". They caustically notice the slightest mistakes, flaws in appearance or upbringing, instantly become personal and are happy to try, stretching the conflict over many pages with the involvement of new heroes.

First of all, you need to realize that this is a daily activity for them, almost work, and they may not experience any special negative feelings towards you. Are we offended by waiters when they treat us indifferently? Or do we want to take revenge on the security guard if he did not let us into the club? This is their job, and if trolls cause negativity, then they do it well. If, nevertheless, we are thinking about how to take revenge on the offender of VKontakte, then we should treat this with irony, with humor. If our opponent cannot cause us negativity, then he loses his strength and begins to weaken, like an energy vampire. Hit him with bright emotions and consider that your revenge has come true.

Let's dive into the wilds of magic

At the end of our article, let's talk about the most unexplored area of ​​\u200b\u200bvengeance - about magic. In the question of how to take revenge on the offender, magic offers a huge list of possibilities. Various sorceresses, witches, sorceresses who place their advertisements in newspapers promise complete moral satisfaction, infliction of damage and retribution in justice.

No one can say with certainty that this is a fraud, and the conspiracy will not work, so why should you take responsibility for a possible sin? There is another relatively harmless, but terrible way of revenge - a doll. Everyone remembers voodoo magic? So, sew a doll of your offender, try to make it as similar as possible, dress it up in clothes and send it to him. No slander and prayers are required, you do not even need to turn to magicians who tell you how to take revenge on the offender. A conspiracy has no place here, but a person who receives an exact copy of himself in the package will be very scared and seriously think about his behavior. However, this method of revenge is still designed for people with strong nerves. So think about your actions and do them with a pure heart.

The modern world is full of dangers that lie in wait for us at every turn. Even a stranger you don't know or who has always seemed friendly to you can become an enemy. In my magical practice, people often came to me who wanted to protect potential enemies from themselves, to take revenge on the offender with the help of white magic and sometimes black magic.

Enemies are considered not only those who do something in the material world with their own hands, but also those who can simply wish you ruin and collapse

Our enemies and how to deal with them

Enemies are considered not only those who do something in the material world with their own hands, but also those who can simply wish you ruin and collapse. A person who does not accept you, does not share your thoughts, is jealous of success or, corny, salary - cannot be your friend. Such people with their negative thoughts send you waves of negative energy, which can affect your life: career, family, home, relatives.

To take revenge on a person who harms you consciously is not a sin, it is self-defense.

When clients came to me who were offended by colleagues, friends or acquaintances. Often asked how to take revenge on the enemy with the help of magic, white or black, but they did not want to kill a person or destroy the enemy, they only wanted to know how to punish the offender. There is a way to punish the enemy without killing him, and not one. Can black magic punish the enemy? Yes, but her methods are harder than those of white magic. With the help of conspiracies of Black magic with rituals that are carried out according to the photo, you can quite effectively take revenge on your girlfriend.

What are the ways to deal with the ill-wisher

There are also types of people who do not want to harm anyone, but want to protect themselves, and therefore are not afraid to use magic. In this case, there are also conspiracies, spells and rituals. There are a huge number of conspiracies on how to get rid of and protect yourself from external negative influences. These rites include protection from corruption, the evil eye, and can help against black magic directed at you.

Black magic is aimed at destroying a person, with its help, you can lime the bosses, do meanness, avenge an insult.

Also, the rituals of Black aggressive magic will tell you how to avenge betrayal. Learn how to get revenge on a guy for cheating. More often, such rituals are turned to if they want to know how to take revenge on an ex-boyfriend. White magic from enemies can humiliate him, redirect all his negative thoughts from you to him, punish him, or simply make a person lose his unkind interest in you. You can perform protection rites at home, or with an experienced magician. It is recommended to perform rituals with a magician, your emotional background will serve as fuel for the rite, and its effect will be stronger and longer.

Think about how important this is to you.

Before you go to the magician in order to take revenge on the enemy, you must decide for yourself whether you really want magic to interfere in your life and the life of a particular person.

After all, if a man dares to offend or insult you, witchcraft is too radical an approach.

An offended person is a victim, but it is better to choose a way to protect than to attack. But it is better to put the protection on your own, especially if you are initially in an unfriendly environment where you can be intentionally insulted, and then let people think for themselves whether to wish you harm or not.

An offended person is a victim, but choosing a way is better for defense than for attack

Rites and conspiracies for protection from enemies

Rites and conspiracies for protection are not intended for a specific offender, they are intended to protect you from all the negativity that may come from other people, whether they are your colleagues, relatives or friends.

Your protection will wrap their own thoughts and punishment will be what they wished for you.

There are also rites for protection from certain people who can harm you.

A conspiracy for a homemade amulet

This plot is one of the few that you can do yourself at home.

What is needed for the ritual

For a conspiracy you will need:

  • white sheet of paper;
  • pin.

These accessories are needed if the amulet is needed to protect a person, and not a house or objects.

To protect the house, just a small white leaf on which the plot will be read.

How to conduct a ritual

  1. At midnight, in an empty room, take a sheet of paper and read the plot on it:

    “The amulet will protect, save from evil. Everything that the witches conjured, everything that the enemies sent, will not get close to me, will return to them doubly. Amen".

  2. After you read the plot, fold the paper four times with the ends inward, and pin the resulting envelope to the inside of the belt.

A homemade amulet will protect you from negative influences and an evil eye. Also, to protect your home from damage or possible evil, perform the same ceremony, but put the envelope under the rug on the threshold. If you want to protect your finances, put the envelope in your wallet and carry it there all the time. Such a conspiracy will become armor against enemies and protect you.

Conspiracy on a handkerchief

Another conspiracy from the category of those that can be carried out at home.

What is needed for the ritual

For a conspiracy you will need:

  • a new handkerchief that you have never used;
  • the text of the slander.

For the ritual, you will need a new scarf that you have never used

How to conduct a ritual

One of the prerequisites for performing the rite is that you will have to read the scarf plot every time you go to where damage can stick to you.

  1. Before leaving, bring a handkerchief to your lips and whisper a plot:
  2. “The angels and seraphim of heaven, All the Lord’s honest servants, will protect me from unexpected evil, protect me from the evil eye. Evil damage will not reach me, everything that is in this scarf will go away.

  3. Then, counterclockwise, pass the handkerchief three times over your face and put it in your pocket, boldly go where you were going.
  4. The scarf can be used again, but you need to speak again if you had to wash it.
  5. Wash the scarf and repeat the ceremony again.
  6. Do not forget to wash it, because if you wipe your face with a handkerchief that you have already used for this purpose, the conspiracy may not work.
  7. It will badly affect you that this handkerchief has already absorbed damage, and you will rub it into your face.

Revenge directed at enemies at work

You can carry out the rite on your own if you are sure that you will do and say everything correctly and are not afraid of the consequences.

What is needed for the ritual

You will need:

  1. Photo of your colleague. You can secretly take a photo of him, or take a group photo of the band and crop it so that no one else is visible except him.
  2. Black thread and needle.
  3. Candle or lighter. A candle - if you will carry out the ritual at home or at work, a lighter - if on the street.

How to conduct a ritual for revenge

The ritual is carried out both at work and at home or on the street, at the crossroads. On the street will be most effective.

On the street

You will have to stand in the middle of the crossroads at midnight and read the plot, slowly turning in all four directions.

In room
  1. Light a candle if you are indoors.
  2. Take a photo of an employee, pierce a hole and thread the photo with black thread.
  3. Then whisper a conspiracy into the photo, collecting your thoughts and emotions into a single imaginary ball of energy that needs to be “strung” on the same thread. Conspiracy:

    “I, the Servant of God (my own name), direct my strong will, my strong word so that my enemy, the Servant of God (name of a colleague) can no longer do his dark deeds towards me. And what was done by him so that he did not achieve his goal. I do not wind a black thread, but weave a magical web and weave the dark work of my enemy into it forever. He will get lost in it and forget about me forever. Amen".

  4. Then tie the thread into three strong knots, and while you are tying, pronounce the words:

    “I, the Servant of God (proper name) want it that way, it will be so.”

  5. Then burn the photo with the thread over the candle if you are indoors, or with a lighter if you are outdoors.

For the ritual you will need a photo of a colleague

A magical ritual for the offender so that he forgets about you

A powerful ritual that you can perform either with the help of a magician or alone, at home. The ritual aims to put an energy wall between you and your enemy and punish your enemy for the damage already done to you. The enemy and you will forget about each other for some time in terms of energy, and it will be easier for you, because your enemy will stop exhausting you, as he will be busy with his problems, and you will stop being nervous about this. Remember, during the ritual, you should not experience any negative emotions. The day before you are going to perform the ritual, sit down and get out of your head all the negativity that you feel for this person. This is very important, because if the ritual is carried out with a negative effect, then the negative effect will affect you.

The ritual is performed on the twenty-second and thirtieth day of the lunar cycle, after the sun has set.

What is needed for the ritual

To perform this ritual, you will need to prepare:

  1. Three large church candles (at least forty centimeters). Do not buy candles during church holidays or funerals.
  2. New box of matches. Lighting candles with a lighter in this ritual is highly discouraged.
  3. A black tablecloth or black fabric measuring at least twenty by twenty.
  4. A photo of your enemy and a photo of you. Photos of people should be in full growth, it is important that there are no strangers in the photo so that they do not fall under the influence of the conspiracy. If there are no such photographs, then take two sheets and draw in detail you, and on the other sheet your enemy. Facial expressions in the drawings should be friendly.
  5. Two small mirrors without a frame.

How to conduct a ritual

  1. Place a black tablecloth on the table.
  2. Mark two photos or drawings on the tablecloth.
  3. Your photo on the left, photo of the enemy on the right, seven centimeters apart.
  4. In photographs or drawings, place mirrors with the reflective side up.
  5. Light the first candle and place it between the photographs. You can use candlesticks.
  6. From the fire of the first candle, set fire to the second, put it on the mirror lying on your left side, and say: “I call you (your name).” You light the third candle from the first, put it on the mirror to your right, saying: “I call you (name of the enemy).”
  7. Next, read the plot, looking at the candle on the left:

    “Pure, bright flame, save me from slander and malice, hatred and envy, tension and fear, imposed goodness and any directed evil from (name of the enemy). I (on my behalf) humbly release and forgive (the name of the enemy), and cleanse my body, thoughts and soul from slander and malice, hatred and envy, tension and fear, imposed goodness and any directed evil in relation to (name of the enemy) " .

  8. Read the plot as many times as needed so that you feel like you are forgiving him. Then, looking at the right candle, say the following:

    “I (on my behalf) humbly let go and forgive (the name of the enemy), and cleanse my body, thoughts and soul from slander and malice, hatred and envy, tension and fear, imposed goodness and any directed evil in relation to (name of the enemy) ."

Then put out the candles in the sequence right candle, left, middle, without blowing out (cover it with something or put it out with your fingers). Clean up your photos or drawings and go to bed with peace of mind.

Many will say that there is nothing easier than betraying a person who trusted you, but the true geniuses of intrigue and fiction approach this process scientifically, driving their insidious actions into the rigidly prescribed framework of a pre-thought-out algorithm. That is why for those who have not experienced such a phenomenon, it may be useful, and moreover, this guide is strongly recommended for study, which considers four generalized ways of deception and takes into account many years of experience of betrayal, set-ups and cheats.

So, in order to commit real, true meanness, a friend who trusts you must be available. It must be chosen carefully, and if you are just a novice scoundrel, it is better to choose a naive person who believes in justice and mutual assistance. A sort of simpleton, an unexpected stab in the back. It should be noted that we only consider options in which your reputation remains unchanged or even improves. Any other option will satisfy only people who are narrow-minded and accustomed to being content with little.

1. Small foul tactics.
Start with something simpler, on which, even if you get caught, everything can be presented as a funny joke. For example, when you order tea with a friend on the train, rub sugar. A friend will definitely first slander the conductor, but after 2-3 such scams, a friend may suspect something, at least by the number of pieces of paper in your cup ... But the evening is just beginning, isn't it? Therefore, in no case do not let him guess anything, and in order to effectively inflate passions, be sure to change the so-called pain points. In practice, it looks like this - first we will rub the sugar, then we will sprinkle some water from the spray gun on the freshly brought linen, then we will hide the change brought for tea ... If you do everything right, there will be less one conductor in the world, and your friend will get seriously and for a long time ...
By the way, it’s better not to follow him to the police station ... Instead, we put on a mask of holy innocence and, clasping our hands, constantly repeat to those around us “No, I don’t believe it, it’s not true, he is incapable of it.” If you are a girl, be sure to say "Oh, what a scoundrel, but it seemed quite normal."

2. Destruction of relationships.
Usually this method is preferred by girls, but guys also sometimes resort to this type of setup. The bottom line is to deprive a person of a potential spouse ... The main thing to remember here is that meanness should be devoid of a motive and you should not strive to take the place of a friend. Remember that for those who elevated meanness to the rank of art, motives for setting up are not needed. It is the motives that often bring the scoundrel to clean water, so you should remain impartial and engage in the destruction of relationships simply out of love for meanness.
In fact, there are too many ways and tricks in this field, and they deserve at least a separate book, certainly also full of unexpected, bold decisions worthy of the closest study. However, the pearl of the collection is still a stormy romance with the future mother-in-law of a friend, during which a negative attitude against the future son-in-law is slowly provided by conveying some information from a certain angle. We give an example of such information in a narrative form - “Fedya (Gosh, Petya, Vasya) once invited me to a brothel for company, but I, of course, refused. Even in the event of a final failure, there can be no doubt that it’s not enough for a friend - it certainly won’t seem. And it is necessary to part with the mother-in-law immediately after her fury reaches the desired temperature. Be sure to tell your friend "what a bitch she turned out to be," and that they say, "you will soon see for yourself."

3. Practice good advice.
A very effective tactic, moreover, in most cases, allowing the master of the setup to get away dry from the water. It consists in giving bad advice, having previously wrapped it in a veil of virtuous, compassionate regret ... Skillfully selected and carefully calibrated advice will bring a friend to suicide within two or three years. These are phrases spoken in time like “You were lucky with your work, but, of course, there is no future for it” (it is said after a successful meeting, a good deal, a trip, etc.), “You urgently need to go to study, because what you - it’s hard to call education "(This is said at the graduation, just after they drank for the diploma)," You think about your girlfriend, I recently saw her late in the evening in a store with some kind of piggy "(obligatory phrase on a bachelor party before wedding)...

4. Turning duty.

It is carried out by banal borrowing a large amount of money without return. The subtlety lies in the fact that the size of the amount would be sensitive to the lender, but not large enough to refuse the borrower. The size of the loan can be artificially inflated by adding heartbreaking details. Examples of such details can be very different:
- I urgently need money for a bribe, they don’t take me to the army because of flat feet ...
- My beloved grandmother's hamster fell ill, but there is no money for treatment and a trip to Vladivostok ... Poor, poor little animal ... No, I'm not talking about my grandmother.
- The car is at the penalty area, and I have to go to Copenhagen for the symposium ... Dolgan money for a taxi until Monday ...
You can be absolutely sure that the victim will long and painfully remember the day when he gave out the requested amount so frivolously. Remember that in order for him not to forget about your debt and in any case no punitive actions followed - one and a half to two years you need to call more or less regularly and promise to return everything as soon as possible.

This is only a brief overview of the methods of setting, but remember - the world always gives you ways and opportunities to improvise in this area, which should not be neglected. And only by knowing all the principles of deception, making them friends with an impromptu approach when using, only then will you reach real heights and achievements in the difficult art of betrayal. But remember, no one should ever get the opportunity and reason to accuse you of dishonesty. So you can lose friendship, and a friend, as Don Corleone used to say, is only a little less than a family ...

Try to understand what exactly happened between you and your abuser. Look at the situation objectively, without emotions, and indicate exactly what harm you have caused and what you are going to do about it. What do you want? Make a plan of action to turn the situation to your advantage. Don't do anything in a hurry. Before you do anything, think carefully about your actions.

If you just sit and torment yourself with thoughts that you have been set up, you will bring yourself to nervous exhaustion. Take some steps. Remember: “Revenge is an ancient and noble tradition that helps relieve stress and restore peace of mind!” Take action and, above all, talk to a good friend, tell him what happened. This will help you look at the situation from a different perspective. The proposed course of action will help you feel less helpless and overwhelmed by the situation.

Whatever you decide to do, always act openly and within limits. Don't stoop to the level of your abuser. Any conflict can be resolved in a civilized manner, within the law. If you act unreasonably and try to cause trouble for this person, you risk bringing trouble on yourself! You don't want to end up in jail, in small claims court, or anywhere you're not likely to enjoy yourself. Therefore, behave impeccably solely for the purpose of self-defense.

You may want to openly blame your abuser for what you have done. Before turning to superiors, consider how seriously you have been framed. If the conflict is caused by the quality of the products or service of a company, write a letter to its official representative. If a colleague or someone above you in the corporate ladder behaves disrespectfully towards you, bring the rest of your colleagues up to date. Communication is the key to solving many problems. Clearly express all your claims to the one who framed you. If you keep silent and allow the offender to go unpunished, then depression and low self-esteem await you. Do you need it?

If this person is responsible for scheduling your work schedule or otherwise controlling you, be on the lookout for any abuses of power on their part by their management. Try to make it as difficult as possible for this person to keep harassing you.

It is very good if you try to understand why this person behaved this way. But remember that there are not always reasonable reasons why someone treats you disrespectfully or harms you. Maybe this person just doesn't like you for some reason. Perhaps this person is angry at the whole world, or he just has a bad temper, or he is mentally unbalanced. If someone does something to harm you, you should not think that you deserve it or are responsible for it. And do not try endlessly to find excuses for this person.

Remember that everyone gets what they deserve. The person who acted ugly with you probably did the same with others. Sooner or later he will have to answer for his disrespect for people.

Tips and Warnings: In the future, try not to complicate your life and, as far as possible, avoid people with a difficult character. Sometimes this is difficult to do. But it depends only on you who will become your friend and who will remain just a colleague.