You cannot build in a leap year. What not to do on a leap year: signs and superstitions

This year 2016 will be a leap year, and someone may have already become afraid of this fact. After all, around any leap year and, in particular, around February 29, there have long been many not-so-rosy omens and signs. But no matter how true they may be, you can make sure that everything bad will bypass you and your home.

Leap Year Warnings

The people have preserved many signs about the leap year. By observing them, people hoped to protect themselves from harm during this difficult time.

You cannot have a wedding in a leap year. It was believed that it was very undesirable to get married or have children in such a year. In general, any undertaking, as grandfathers and grandmothers said, threatens disaster at such a time.

You can't move to a new house. Old walls with strong energy They will better protect you from evil spirits and from misfortune and illness. Me housing, you are deprived of this protective shield.

You can't pick mushrooms. It was believed that the mycelium was spoiled by witches, who held especially many Sabbaths during leap years and loved to dance at night in forest clearings.

By the way, On February 29, witches and devils will definitely flock to the Sabbath. Therefore, dress warmly, a snowstorm will begin in the evening.

Also, under no circumstances Elderly people are not allowed to buy “funeral” items for the future. Otherwise, you won’t have to wait long for the sad hour.

Pregnant women do not cut their hair during leap years.. Otherwise, the child’s future intelligence can be shaved off, and he will be born weak and mentally retarded. It is better not to carry the child at all at such a time, but if this happens, it must be taken care of properly.

What to watch out for in 2016

There are a lot of horror stories and frightening predictions associated with leap year. It is believed that this time, due to the extra day, tends to reward us all with extra people, unsuitable partners, suspicious acquaintances and unreliable friends. Things started after February 19 are usually either not completed, or are not completed the way we would like. And historical reports do not inspire optimism: during leap times, wars, conflicts and natural disasters occur more often.

2016 will not be an exception in terms of risks. The Monkey, who rules this time period, carries a lot of unpredictable things and can play a cruel joke on many.

To prevent this from happening, you need to do simple recommendations, a kind of rituals carefully collected by people over many centuries. It is possible to neutralize negativity. This is confirmed by absolutely all reliable sources.

For example, to resolve problems with moving, renovations started in a leap year, selling property, and so on, you need to take a new towel to the church. By sincerely giving it to a good cause, to the needs of the house of God, you will save your house from all troubles.

In order for the people with whom you have become friends during this time to be reliable, it is enough to establish direct contact and say to yourself: "Luckily, for good hand, with a pure heart." Then the person will not betray you and will not leave you in difficult times, and if there was something bad in his thoughts from the beginning, Fate will quickly deceive you, and no one will have time to harm you. The same can be said to yourself during the wedding ceremony, and words are enough to protect the baby during pregnancy "for luck".

And finally, the last piece of advice regarding difficult and protracted matters in a leap year. Just start them before February 29, before this date affects the energy sector. And then you will have a positive energy message from the Monkey, which will accompany your first step towards your goal. We wish you only good luck, and don't forget to press the buttons and

14.01.2016 01:10

There are many superstitions and signs associated with photographs. Knowing what or who should not be photographed...

What not to do on Leap Year 2016

The new year 2016 will be a leap year, which means that we will live 1 day more in it - in February, instead of the usual 28 days, there will be 29. The additional 366 day in a leap year on February 29 is due to the fact that the Earth completes its revolution around the Sun in 365 days 5 hours 48 minutes and 46 seconds. To compensate for this difference of almost 6 hours, one day is added to the calendar every 4 years.

What not to do on Leap Year 2016

Everyone approaches leap years differently. Some people consider this period to be the most ordinary year, which does not carry any danger, others are afraid of it and associate many superstitions with this period. In this article we will try to understand all the prohibitions and warnings during Leap Year 2016.

Upcoming leap years: 2016, 2020, 2024, 2028, 2032, 2036, 2040.

An additional day in a leap year, February 29, is called Kasyanov's day. This day is popularly considered one of the most difficult and dangerous. A bad attitude towards a leap year was associated in popular beliefs with a certain Kasyan, about whom there were many legends and beliefs. According to one legend, Kasyan was an Angel who knew all the affairs and plans of God. However, it later turned out that he was a traitor who told all the plans to the demons. For this he was punished - he was beaten on the forehead for 3 years, and for 4 years he was released to Earth, where he already committed evil deeds. According to another legend, Kasyan was a saint, but he broke the law and drank alcohol for 3 years, and stopped for 4 years.

2016, according to the eastern calendar, is the year of the Fire Monkey, which means it will be full of surprises, since this animal is spontaneous and unpredictable, so you need to expect various surprises and not always pleasant ones.

But that’s not all, this year is a leap year, which also entails a lot of troubles, that is, the lethal force of negative events is formed, apparently, which is why many are interested in the question of what cannot be done in the leap year 2016 in order to avoid the consequences of this duet. The main thing you shouldn’t do is blindly believe that everything will be bad, because it’s not for nothing that they say, whoever notices is the one who responds, that is, if you wait for the bad, it will definitely come.

Bans 2016

It is believed that weddings cannot be played in the leap year 2016. It’s up to everyone to believe in it or not, but as for 2016, it is undesirable to get married on dates that have a nine (2+0+1+6=9) - these are 9, 19 and 29, especially February 29 - Kasyanov’s day - the marriage will be short and unsuccessful.

You should not go mushroom hunting - you can get poisoned - even if the mushrooms are edible.

If a girl has her first menstruation this year, then her mother should not tell anyone about it - otherwise it will be painful.

Pregnant women should not tell anyone what they want to name their child.

You should not start construction - the building will be shaky and short-lived.

It is not recommended to plan a pregnancy this year, since children born in 2016 will be ogling, even without meaning to. To prevent this from happening, on the baby’s birthday it is necessary to wash it with water and wipe it with the hem of the mother’s clothes. And do this every year until you reach your seventh birthday.

It is believed that in a leap year it is impossible to call blood relatives as godparents, especially those with a difficult fate - divorced, orphans or those who have lost children - godparents can pass on their fate to their godson.

You cannot celebrate 9, 19, 29, 39, 49, 59, 69, 79 years, etc. in 2016. For people born on February 29, it is better to postpone their name day to another day. Because the whole year will be sad. It’s better to leave that day, turn off your phone and not open the door to anyone.

If possible, then in 2016 you should not use a type of transport that you have not yet driven or flown - troubles may arise along the way.

It is not recommended to get divorced during a leap year, but if it is impossible to postpone this event, then be sure to go to church and light a candle near the icon before going to this event Mother of God, otherwise the next marriage will be short-lived and unhappy.

You should not plan important events on February 29, 2016 - you will fail to achieve them.

It is customary to collect herbs on Ivan Kupala, on this day they have great magical power, but in 2016 you need to collect them, following certain rules: early in the morning go to church, where you place candles near three icons, leave it silently and without giving alms to anyone and without turning around until you reach the first intersection. When collecting medicinal plants, you must first spit on your hands three times.

Elderly people “love” to prepare things for themselves for death, so in 2016 there is no need to do this, because it can come very soon.

Before you start canning, you need to sterilize the jars in water to which a little holy water has been added. If this is not done, preservation may not work out - the jars will explode, turn sour, etc.

It is believed that any quarrel that occurs during a leap year will affect a person’s aura, which can lead to illness. To protect yourself, you need to try to keep your emotions in check, or after a quarrel, drink three sips of standing water.

Spells and amulets for leap year 2016

Leap year 2016: superstitions and myths

Do you know, dear sorceresses, that the coming 2016 will be one day longer than the last? This year is considered a leap year. Is it good or bad? Let's figure it out together!

Word of mouth is an amazing phenomenon. With its help, any, even not very significant detail can acquire secrets, legends and even horror stories. It was the same with leap years. Although initially the idea was very useful and harmless.

Leap year: history

What does leap year mean? Back in 45 BC, the famous Roman emperor Gaius Julius Caesar introduced a calendar named after the great himself. They called it “Julian”. So, astronomically, one year, according to him, turned out to be equal to 365 days + ¼ day. It turns out that every year I accumulated an “extra” 6 hours. Over the course of 4 years, it only lasted for one day.

They were placed at the very end of February, deciding to make every 4 years one day longer. That's all!

Leap year: superstitions

However, rumor stubbornly attributed all sorts of harm and bad things to the unusual year. People generally do not tolerate anything that is not like the ordinary.

Leap year in Rus' is considered the year of Kasyan - a saint with, to put it mildly, a “tarnished” reputation. According to one version, this man betrayed the Lord and contacted the devil. True, he later repented.

According to another, he was in such a hurry to go to heaven in his elegant clothes that he refused on the way to a hard worker who found himself in a difficult situation. For this, he was given a day in the calendar that happens only once every 4 years - February 29. Which of this is true and which is not - who will figure it out now? After all, so many years have passed...

But, one way or another, the leap year has gathered a great many prejudices around it. Let's try to analyze each of them.

Is it possible to get married on a leap year?

If you suddenly, due to your inexperience and ignorance, decide to formalize your relationship within a year with 366 days, then you will hear a lot of horror stories about this. Rest assured!

Here are the most common ones:

    Young people will certainly get divorced (although let's be objective - no one is immune from divorce!)

    The couple’s life will be difficult and unhappy (it will be! If lovers do not learn to appreciate each other and fulfill their family responsibilities! And the date of marriage does not play a fatal role here)

    One of the newlyweds will die early (you might think that life expectancy directly depends on the year of marriage!)

    Those who get married will cheat on each other (and this is already the result of upbringing and the degree of personal decency!)

In a word, if you take apart each such speculation “piece by piece”, it turns out that everything is very far-fetched and has no logical basis. Everything attributed to couples getting married on a leap year can easily happen in any family.

If you want to choose the ideal date for your wedding, then simply contact a professional astrologer who will calculate the most favorable day specifically for the two of you.

Is it possible to get divorced during a leap year?

It is believed that people who made such a “ fatal mistake", then they will no longer be able to meet their happiness. However, divorce is not a very pleasant event anyway. And you need to try with all your might to preserve the relationship that you have legalized and, especially, in which children appeared.

Regarding the lack of happiness in the future, this is a dubious horror story. Your ability to attract the attention of people of the opposite sex is certainly the result of your personal qualities, and not an extra day of the year!

What should you not do during a leap year?

    It is believed that during a leap year you absolutely cannot change your job, otherwise you may be left without it altogether. However, if you are offered to move from an unloved position to a better one, and even get an increase in salary, you are unlikely to remember this frightening sign! Well, if you do lose your job, it’s unlikely to be because of the extra days accumulated over 4 years. Most likely, it's just not your thing. We, sorceresses, will definitely not be upset about this. We already know that everything is for the better!

    During a leap year, taboos are imposed on all changes in general. And this applies not only to work, but also to place of residence, car, partner and even hairstyle. Dear girls, how can you not change your hairstyle? whole year, if you really wanted it?! This is perhaps more destructive for a woman than some empty superstitions. And about the partner - this is too much. Well, why not drag a disgusted man along with you in a non-leap year?!

    You can't start anything new during a leap year. Perhaps, if we assume that this year is the beginning of a four-year cycle, this sign becomes more or less justified. But even in this case, you should not impose strict taboos on yourself. Let's say life itself brings you to changes in a leap year - opening your own business, starting school, creating new relationships, etc. Well, let these events happen, but try to make it go away the best way. Then you will spend all the next 4 years of the cycle on the crest of luck.

    The worst belief about leap years is that it is during such periods that the most large-scale disasters and cataclysms happen. However, stubborn statistics do not confirm this superstition. It is enough just to note the fact that the terrible year 1941 was not a leap year. And in general, in the world every year, and not once every 4 years, something out of the ordinary happens.

    It is also believed that caroling should not be done during a leap year, otherwise there will be no happiness. Of course, this sign is very ancient. And for us, modern people, it is hardly relevant.

Having a baby on a leap year

Perhaps the most absurd statement about a leap year: you cannot give birth during these 366 days. It is believed that the fate of such a person will not be the happiest. But, excuse me, what if the Soul has already arrived? Where should I put her?! Carrying around for an extra year?

Children are a blessing and they come in best moment our lives! Even if it happens in a leap year.

Moreover, every self-respecting sorceress knows that in many respects her happy life we create it ourselves. And no leap year is a hindrance to us in this matter! We will teach our children the same, right?!

Moreover, there is also the exact opposite point of view: people who were born in this unusual year are themselves extraordinary individuals. In ancient times they were even credited with magical qualities. How do you like this turn?!

Children born in a leap year

To further dispel your doubts and fears - and pregnant women already have a lot of them, and without empty superstitions, let me give you a few names of people born on a leap year:

    Russian actress Irina Kupchenko is in demand and successful in her profession, the wife of one of the most attractive men in Soviet cinema, Vasily Lanovoy (played Gray in Scarlet Sails).

    Garik Kharlamov, who is "Bulldog" - a talented humorist, the darling of fate and a favorite of the public

    Gioachino Rossini, Italian composer, author of many popular operas - “The Barber of Seville”, “Othello”, etc.

So, as you see, a leap year is not a reason to sound the alarm and hide in corners until better times. This is a great chance to once again make sure that we ourselves, with our thoughts and actions, our beliefs, create our own reality.

And may the only disappointment that leap year 2016 brings you is that spring will come to us a day later!

In the last month of this year, no anomalies in the behavior of the Moon are expected. This is especially true for the period of waning of the lunar disk. Despite this, surprises of fate are still possible.

To effectively plan your affairs for every day right up to the New Year, it is best to use the lunar calendar for December. It will help you find out more accurately what the mood of the Moon will be on a given day before New Year's.

What can and even needs to be done on the waning moon

By lunar calendar The moon will be waning from December 15 to 28. It follows from this that the Universe gives us an excellent chance to leave behind in 2016 all the adversities that it gave rise to.

Think first of all about what bad things happened in your life, what excesses your soul acquired during the 12 months of the restless Red Monkey. Leap Year has been difficult, but don't write it off because it continues. Now positive thoughts play a more significant role than usual. From December 15 to 28, astrologers advise:

  • deal with basic matters;
  • get rid of debts;
  • remove people from your life who only bring negativity;
  • make plans for the New Year;
  • do a general cleaning of your home;
  • build relationships with those you care about.

On this waning Moon, it is better not to abuse alcohol, and also bad habits kind of laziness. Now you can't sit idle. Even if you are lucky and can relax and indulge in inactivity, find a way to spend every day usefully, otherwise troubles may overtake you before January 1st.

Unfavorable affairs on the waning moon

During this time, it is necessary to get rid of everything that bothers us. Here is a list of the most unfavorable events for the second half of December according to astrologers:

  • travel, business trips, vacations;
  • maintaining conflict situations;
  • impulsive actions.

It's simple - a change of environment before the New Year will not be for the better. Try to stay at home with loved ones and plan things together for New Year's Eve and the end of the month. The holiday will begin not on the evening of December 31st, but on the 30th, because December 31st falls on Saturday. This is another plus for the benefits of the coming 2017.

On the waning Moon, you can easily figure out what to do with yourself during the waxing Moon, but this time you should not plan things beyond December 31st. Try to beware of making rash decisions, because they can become extremely negative for you, destroying your energy and worsening your already shaky mood.

It is very good that the Moon will be waning until December 28, because on the 29th we will have a New Moon, some renewal of energy and subsequent growth. This is an incredibly pleasant fact, indicating that by New Year's Eve we will be able to acquire good mood, plans and motivation. Allow yourself to celebrate the year Fire Rooster with a chic mood and things done on the waning Moon.

Do you believe in omens? Some listen to ancient recommendations in order to avoid troubles and troubles or, on the contrary, because they want to catch luck by the tail; while the rest only grin skeptically at the mention of some kind of superstition. Shrouded in mystery and mysticism, they beckon us. A non-standard event is accompanied by a bunch of signs - a leap year is no exception. Named by Julius Caesar, consonant with the Latin bis sextus and the Greek "vissextus". The Earth travels around the Sun in 365 days and 6 hours. The accumulated time results in another day of February once every 4 years.

February 29 is the day of remembrance of St. Kasyan, who sinned before God and was honored to celebrate his name day only once every 4 years. Many legends are associated with his name, even to the point that he was a guard at the gates of hell; in general, in the minds of the people, this character is negative. It is clear why a leap year is considered bad. Superstitions concern the main areas of our lives and significant events, but there are beliefs about little things.

What not to do on a leap year: signs

The main signs of a leap year:

  • You can’t get married or get divorced;
  • you cannot move or build anything;
  • one must refrain from change;
  • do not change jobs;
  • you should not plan a pregnancy;
  • you cannot plan events for February 29;
  • you can’t carol;
  • you can’t pick mushrooms;
  • Pregnant women should not cut their hair;
  • remember the dangers that await you on the road;
  • you can't guess...

There are signs that sound completely absurd, for example:

  • do not sell animals and livestock from home (to poverty and loss);
  • You can’t celebrate the eruption of your baby’s first tooth (the teeth will grow weak);
  • old people should not prepare things for their last journey (otherwise the end may come soon).

Let's look at the most popular signs among people.

The expectant mother should refrain from cutting her hair, otherwise the child may be born with poor health, poor intelligence and other disorders. If you listen to popular opinion, pregnant women should not cut their hair even in normal years. Hair carries a certain energy reserve of strength; by shortening it, a pregnant woman reduces the mental capabilities and health of the child.

There are many superstitions associated with pregnancy; it is more advisable to think about practical things that affect the health and development of the future baby than to assume that growing hair will help better healthy image life and good education.

Why can't you get married on a leap year?

Such a marriage will not bring happiness; there will be no love, understanding and trust in the family. There is also an opposite sign - you cannot get a divorce, because the next marriage or relationship will be unhappy, and divorced people may get sick.

Many do not dare to refute the omen and postpone the wedding. However, as statistics show, marriages concluded this year do not break up more often than others. In addition, the church does not give recommendations regarding weddings and weddings during a leap year. She looks at omens extremely negatively.

What cannot be built in a leap year and why?

The construction of houses, bathhouses and other buildings, and repairs are prohibited. The construction will be frail, and the construction of a bathhouse promises health problems. The repair will not bring joy and will be short-lived. Of course, having tuned in to poor quality, without putting in much effort, it is easier to write off inept construction as a bad year.

Why can't you pick mushrooms in a leap year?

You can even get poisoned edible mushrooms. Something bad might happen. Mushrooms absorb everything negative energy this year.

The belief comes from the fact that the mycelium is renewed every 4 years, and at some time they may be bad, but there is no guarantee that it degenerated in a leap year.

Why can't you buy real estate and move during a leap year?

It will not bring benefits or joy to the owner, and may lead to unforeseen consequences. The prohibitions also apply to simply changing your place of residence, which can result in failure and further rapid relocation. Again, the purchase of real estate or relocation, which was initially programmed to fail, will cost the future owner a pretty penny.

Why can't you carol during a leap year?

Now carols are not relevant. Previously, they were afraid of losing happiness at carols, and, having dressed up, exchange their true face for a disguised one. Of course, unbridled fun with a drunken booth in a “bad” year can end very badly.

This year, all the negative energy can be concentrated on the fortuneteller, and fortune predictions can turn into a series of failures. Also, fortune telling readings can be incorrect and confusing.

There is a saying: “If you guess, you will lose your happiness.” It doesn't matter what year. Therefore, you should not tempt fate, because if they mistakenly tell you something bad, the stress of waiting will negatively affect your health and so on. The Church opposes fortune telling.

We have described the most common signs. The desire to protect yourself and your loved ones from bad things is natural, but sometimes an unreal fear of trouble overshadows reason. Thoughts are material, and if there is no way to avoid the forbidden. A positive attitude neutralizes all the negativity surrounding beliefs.