Titles for the section interesting channels. How to come up with a cool channel name on youtube

In this article I will talk about how to name a channel on YouTube. The name of the channel is a very important factor that can significantly affect the future popularity of the channel. Therefore, you need to approach his choice as responsibly as possible.

So, when choosing a channel name, you need to start from two main parameters:

1. You need to name your YouTube channel as simple as possible

2. The channel name must reflect its theme

Let's look at each point in more detail.

1. The simplest possible channel name.

The channel should be named in such a way that the name would be easy to remember, and even better, it would be to come up with a name that would simply eat into the brain, like the chorus of some random song from the radio. This is more difficult to do, but if you come up with a really memorable name, this will significantly increase the effectiveness of promoting your channel.

Here are some examples of such names of popular YouTube channels:

Tip: If you mostly make blogs about your life, and your personality is at the forefront of your videos, then you can name the channel with your First and Last Name. But if you have a very common first or last name, for example Alexander Ivanov, then you can replace it with a pseudonym. Nowadays, names that sound similar to Italian dishes are quite popular for these purposes: Ernesto, Pablo, etc. Also, some YouTubers began to use verbs like: shut up, stop, etc. in their pseudonyms.

2. The name should reflect the theme of the channel as succinctly as possible.

The name should be such that the user immediately understands what your channel is about. But as I already said, if the topic of your channel is you yourself, then your first and last name is best suited for the name. But if you’re filming game reviews or let’s plays, you’ll have to work a little harder. For example, you can use your first or last name in conjunction with the theme of your channel. For example, if you play games, the name could be “IlyaPlay” or for example “DimaLetspalys”, "DimaObzor", etc. and so on.

And if you are filming some kind of show, for example, a review of viral videos, skits, God forbid, or something like that, then you can add the word Show or in English Show to your Nick or Name.

Example: NicitaShow or NikitaShow, you can also combine NikitaShow or NikitaShow.

I would also not recommend using a lot of unclear symbols and numbers in the channel name. Firstly, this may negatively affect the ranking level of your channel on YouTube, and secondly, it will be more difficult for your future viewers to get used to the name of your channel and find it in the search as they may have difficulty entering it in the search window.

How to name a channel on YouTube so that it is higher than other channels in searches? To do this, you need to use keywords in the channel name. For example, if you shoot pranks, then for better ranking in search engines and in searches on YouTube, you need to name the channel so that our keyword prank is ergonomically inserted into the name.

Here are some examples:




If you're doing sketches:


Bunch of Sketches


And the same scheme can be used for almost any channel name.

A brand starts with a name. Be it a website, a company or a channel. For example, the words Yandex or Google are not translated. These are names that are easy to remember and write! The same strategy can be applied to your channel.

How to name a channel on YouTube so that its name is simple and easy to remember? In this article we will look at several proven methods that will help solve the problem.

The channel is created for specific purposes:

  • Entertain
  • Teach
  • Attract new clients.

We will build on this.

Personal brand

If you want to promote yourself as an expert, then it makes sense to name the channel after yourself. For example: “Sergey Smirnov.”

There is only one minus. If your last name is as popular as mine, then there will be a hundred channels on YouTube with a similar name. On the other hand, you shouldn't be afraid of it. Most channels have a small number of subscribers and you can become #1 in the niche.

If the surname is not common, and there are no major bloggers on YouTube with this channel name, then create your personal brand immediately!

You can also use this option. The first word is niche, and the second is surname. For example: “Doctor Smirnov”, “Lawyer Ivanov”, etc. Such names increase trust among subscribers.

For your information, American bloggers and experts always call channels by their first and last name.

Entertainment channels

Entertainment channels include:

  • Music
  • Reviews

This is where you need to show creativity and imagination to come up with an interesting name. The entry can include pseudonyms from childhood, nicknames, words from slang, etc.

If you can’t come up with anything worthwhile, then check out the name from your Western colleagues. Go to the website and see the TOP 500 channels on different topics. Or find your niche in the menu and look there.

Ideas for the name can be taken not only from other YouTube channels, but also from Instagram and Twitch. This information can also be viewed on socialblade.com.

Be careful! If you don’t know English, then use a translator so that there is no confusion with the meaning of words.

Business channels

If the channel is focused on a business or company, then, of course, it should be named like the organization itself. This will increase trust in the brand. I think everything is clear with this.

What name should the channel have?

Let's look at what the name of a YouTube channel should be so that it stands out among competitors and colleagues. Follow these simple guidelines when coming up with a name.

No. 1. Avoid complex names

The name should be simple and easy to remember. Don't use complex or long words. People quickly forget such channels. The simpler the better. If possible, use one-word names.

No. 2. Easy to write

When people know the name of the channel or the name of the brand or have heard something about it, then they write the name in the search bar and find the desired channel. In order not to make it difficult for them to write, consider the complexity of the words. Moreover, if the name is English language. As an example, look at the screenshot below. This name is difficult to remember and pronounce.

No. 3. Use keywords

In order for the channel to be found not only by name, but also by the keywords you need, do not forget to include them in the name. This is done in the channel settings. In the “name” field, write the main name of the channel, and in the “last name” field – the keyword. Place a dash or colon before the keyword, it will look more beautiful. For example, as shown in the screenshot below.

When a visitor lands on such a channel, he will immediately understand what we are talking about and will be more likely to subscribe to it. This is a proven method that works 100%. It will be especially useful for those people who do not have a budget for promotion.

No. 4. Focus on your audience

Name the channel for a topic or niche. If the channel is dedicated to games, then it can be called: “GAMES – PS4”. When users search for channels dedicated to games on YouTube, they will enter the word “Games” into the search. The same can be done with other topics, for example: humor, films, reviews, cars, etc.

No. 5. Avoid special characters and numbers in the name

This tip also applies to simplicity. Numbers are difficult to remember. Use them only when really necessary. But stars, emoticons and other symbols should definitely not be used. This all makes it difficult to remember and search.

No. 6. Use a keyword selection service

Don't come up with keywords out of your head. Check everything through a special service from Yandex. The numbers will show the real popularity of certain words. https://wordstat.yandex.ru

Go to the site, enter words and see the statistics of requests per month. The bigger, the better. The right column will contain tips on similar topics. This approach will allow you to attract free traffic from YouTube to your channel. In this example, you can see that the words “Children's songs” are searched 1,736,677 times per month. Great name for a children's channel!

How to check how many channels have the same name?

Let's check the competition and see how many channels already exist with this name. I repeat, if there are many channels and few subscribers, then you should not retreat. If you are serious, then just become number one in your niche!

  1. Go to YouTube
  2. Enter the title
  3. Click the “Filter” button
  4. Select “Channels”

scroll through the feed and see how many channels there are and how many subscribers they have. Draw conclusions and make a decision, or continue your search.


There is no clear answer to the question: how to come up with a name for a channel. But there is simple recommendations that will help you make your choice.

The name should be simple, sonorous and understandable, it should be easy to pronounce out loud.

Don't rush to name the channel right away. Perhaps after a while you will want to change your name to a new one, but YouTube allows you to change your nickname 2-3 times. Then there will be restrictions.

First, write down all the name options on paper and see how they look visually. Read them out loud, show them to your friends, let them express their opinion.

And finally. When you come up with a name, think not about yourself, but about people. After all, the channel is created primarily to acquire fans and admirers. Don't make their life more difficult with your complicated nickname!

If you have more ideas for a title, please share them in the comments! How more ways, the faster the name selection process will be.

Question from Anton Knyazev:

Hello, Nikolay! Tell me, you or your friends, how to name a channel on YouTube? Help me come up with a name for the YouTube channel so that it is memorable and catchy among other channels? Thank you!!!

Reply from namer Shanin Konstantin:

Coming up with a good and beautiful name for a YouTube channel is one of the components of success on. In order to give your channel the most appropriate name, you need to follow the following recommendations.

How to name your YouTube channel

The title should be as simple and readable as possible, so that viewers don’t have to rack their brains to decipher it. Examples of such names: “Crazy Joker”, “Pixel World”, “Cozy Basement”, “Diary of a Khach” (there is such a channel and it is very popular).

The names listed are easy to read and quickly remembered.

An example of a bad name: “king for magic”, although the name of such a channel has its place, it is very difficult to read and, especially, remember.

You can come up with a name for your YouTube channel based on its topic. This allows you to attract more viewers and potential subscribers. Examples of such channels: “CompGames”, “Game Upgrade”, “Game Channel”. From the names of these channels you can understand that they post videos on computer games.

Originality is an important feature in the channel name. The original name can “catch the eye” large quantity spectators.

Don't be afraid to experiment with the channel name. In cases where the name turns out to be not beautiful and original enough, it can always be changed. The only caveat is that it is not recommended to abuse this.

You can give a name that closely resembles the most popular key phrases. Such phrases can be found by simply sending a request through any search engine(google, yandex). Channels with this name will be visited more often based on search engine results. However, there is one small problem: a key phrase that is popular today can become completely unpopular in just a week.

If there are other Internet projects (website, public/group in social network etc.), it is worth giving exactly the same name to the channel on YouTube. Viewers who have visited Internet resources with the same name can easily notice such a Youtube channel.

On initial stages It is not recommended to give the channel a name with your first and last name. Such a channel does not attract new viewers at all and does not have features that will make the viewer remember it, and promoting this channel will be incredibly long and difficult. This name is recommended only for personal blogs.

The article tells you what are the best names to choose for your YouTube channel.


All the opportunities that the world famous channel provides " YouTube", each user can enjoy only when he registers on this resource.

And here you need to stop a little and think about what is the best nickname to come up with for your channel “ YouTube"? What name can you take for yourself so that it is original, beautiful, cool and even cool? We will talk about this in our review.

Why is a good nickname on YouTube so important?

Interesting and popular channel name on “ YouTube"really is very important nuance during its registration and further promotion. The more successful and attractive the channel, the more options there are to make it famous on the Internet.

But you shouldn’t, of course, forget that no matter how cool the name for the channel is invented, its success still very much depends on the video that you upload to it. You don’t need to devote all of yourself to thinking up just one name, it’s enough just to know some small rules, which we will outline in the list:

  • The name should be simple and concise
  • The channel name should not be difficult to read
  • Nick on the channel " YouTube» must be memorable
  • The name of the channel first of all briefly characterizes the topic of the content on this channel
  • The channel name is written with Latin letters, as well as Cyrillic for the appropriate audience.
  • The channel name must be original, not similar to all other similar nicknames

How to come up with the best and most popular YouTube channel names for boys and girls?

Before you start registering on " YouTube"(or when changing the name after registration), you can advise users to create a list of names for their channel in a text document or somewhere else.

How to name your channel on YouTube ideas, options and examples of names. How to name a YouTube channel in an original way for boys and girls - the best and most popular channel names

You can include anything in the list, from the stupidest ideas to the most ingenious options that would serve as examples for the name of the channel. This way it will be easier to unleash your imagination, so to speak. All unsuccessful names can be erased and then selected from the remaining ones. In the end, you will find what you need.

You should initially already know what video topic will be predominantly on your channel. Your title should fit the given topic, even if all the videos are different. Combine all topics under one title. Users who find themselves on your channel should clearly know what they will find from you (whether it is or is not worth subscribing to your channel).

It should also be noted that the channels on “ YouTube”, which, among other things, also reveal the identity of their owner, quickly gain popularity. This is explained by the fact that people are interested in watching a live user and his work, rather than regularly watching videos uploaded by someone unknown.

For example, you can often find channels named after its author. In this case, the author’s name becomes more authoritative, popular and branded. The author himself wins all the accompanying privileges. Popular authors can place advertisements from famous brands, thereby making money from it.

How to name your channel on YouTube ideas, options and examples of names. How to name a YouTube channel in an original way for boys and girls - the best and most popular channel names

In general, if you classify channels into “ YouTube", then we get the following three varieties:

  • Personal channels
  • Project channels (both personal and not)
  • Various garbage

For your personal channel, where you will upload videos on a particular topic, you can choose the following options:

  • Name corresponding to first and last name (for example, “ Anatoly Shariy»)
  • Any alias (for example, " Antosha Chekhonte»)
  • Just a nickname (for example, “ Mount Show»)

When you take your name as the name for your channel on “ YouTube“, the video that you upload to it will always be associated with you by the viewer. You can reply to comments from other users, you can leave your comments on other channels, your name will be displayed everywhere. The main thing is that people can contact you, and by your name.

In the above example with " Mount Show”(English - “Mountain Show”), the authors even came up with their own slogan, and every time you watch their videos, the phrase always sounds at the beginning: “Why Mount Show? Yes, because we can see better from the mountains.” A good and original slogan for your channel can also be beneficial. Everything is limited only by your wit.

If you want to run a channel on the topic computer games, then you can choose a name that matches your nickname in any game. The main thing is that this nickname is already promoted and popular. The same applies to other topics (cinema, music, painting, etc.), within which names are born: “ Cinema world», « Rock music», « Surrealism in painting" and others.

How to name your channel on YouTube ideas, options and examples of names. How to name a YouTube channel in an original way for boys and girls - the best and most popular channel names

Find a good name for your YouTube channel by comparing with other channels

Above we discussed how to select interesting name for your channel on " YouTube" on one's own. The method in which you use your own head is, of course, good. But if we resort to tricks and get acquainted with the options for the best nicknames on “ YouTube", then our imagination can run wild even more.

By the way, view the list of all the coolest, funniest, coolest and most popular channel names on “ YouTube"you can and .

How to name your channel on YouTube ideas, options and examples of names. How to name a YouTube channel in an original way for boys and girls - the best and most popular channel names

If we get acquainted with the top hundred most popular nicknames on “ YouTube", then we note that there is nothing special or unique in these names. Well, what’s so stunning, for example, in the title “ Luntik"? It’s just that all such names have long been promoted and have practically become commonplace.

We can also advise you not to compare your channel with other “sophisticated” channels that have hundreds of thousands or more subscribers. Firstly, they have been promoted for years, and secondly, it will be enough for you to simply study the videos on these channels and borrow all the best ideas.

Video: A tricky way to name a YouTube channel. Correct name for YouTube channel

It often happens that a person regrets decisions made. It’s good if this very decision can be changed as a result. For example, change the name of the created channel on YouTube. The developers of this service made sure that their users could do this at any time, and this is good news, because instead of humility, you are given a second chance to think carefully and comprehend the choice.

In general, the reason for the name change is clear; it was discussed above, but, of course, this is not the only reason. Many people decide to change the name due to some newfangled trends or a change in the format of their videos. And some just like that - that’s not the point. The main thing is that the name can be changed. But how to do this is another question.

Method 1: Via computer

Perhaps the most common way to change the channel name is the one that involves a computer. And this is logical, because for the most part this is what people are used to using to watch videos on the YouTube video hosting site. However, this method is ambiguous, now we will tell you why.

The bottom line is that to change the name you need to get into Personal Area Google, but there are several ways to do this. Of course, they are not very different from each other, but since there are still differences, it is worth talking about them.

It should be noted right away that no matter how you look at it, in any case, the first thing you need to do is log in to YouTube. To do this, log into the site itself and click the button "To come in" in the upper right corner. Then enter your details account Google (email and password) and click "To come in".

This was the first way to log into your Google+ profile, but as mentioned above, there are two of them. Let's move on to the second one immediately.

This will open a new browser tab containing your Google profile page. That is, that’s all - this was the second way to enter this profile.

Now a reasonable question may arise: “Why was it necessary to list two methods if they both lead to the same thing, but unlike the second, the first is quite long?”, and this question has a place to be. But the answer is quite simple. The fact is that YouTube video hosting is constantly evolving, and today the method of logging into your profile is the same, but tomorrow it may change, and in order for the reader to be able to understand everything, it is wiser to provide a choice of two almost identical options.

But that’s not all, at this stage, you just logged into your Google profile, but did not change the name of your channel. In order to do this, you need to enter the new name of your channel in the appropriate field and click the button "OK".

After this, a window will appear in which you will be asked if you really want to change the name, if so, then click "Change name". You are also informed that these actions can be performed infrequently, take note of this.

After these manipulations, within a few minutes, your channel name will change.

Method 2: Using a smartphone or tablet

So, how to change the channel name using a computer has already been discussed, but these manipulations can also be done from other devices, such as a smartphone or tablet. This is quite convenient, because in this way you can manipulate your account regardless of where you are. In addition, this is done quite simply, certainly easier than from a computer.

After these manipulations, your channel name will change within a few minutes, although the changes will be displayed to you immediately.


Summarizing all of the above, we can conclude that it is best to change the name of your YouTube channel through a smartphone or tablet - it is much faster than through a browser on a computer, and also more reliable. But in any case, if you don’t have such devices at hand, you can use the instructions for your computer.