Competitions for get-togethers in company. Video: quiz for a fun company. Not for insect lovers

  1. Jenga
    For the game you will need smooth and equal-sized wooden blocks; it is better to buy a ready-made Jenga set. A tower is erected from small blocks. Moreover, each next level is laid in a different direction. Then the participants in the game need to carefully pull out any block and place it on the upper level of the turret. This must be done carefully so that the structure does not fall apart.

    And the player whose awkwardness led to the destruction of the tower is considered the loser.

  2. Hat
    This game requires 10 pieces of paper, which each player must have. Participants write any words on all their pieces of paper. Then the pieces of paper with the words are put into a hat. Each participant, pulling a piece of paper out of a hat, must explain, show, or even draw the word he came across. And the rest must guess it.

    The one who turns out to be the most savvy at the end of the game receives some kind of prize. There are some wow words!

  3. Associations
    Everyone sits in a circle. A leader is selected who speaks any word into the ear of his neighbor. The person who receives this word must quickly communicate it to the player sitting next to him, but in the form of an association. For example, a home is a hearth. And he, in turn, passes on his version to the next participant.

    The game is considered successful if the leader’s word has nothing to do with the last association. You can play without even leaving the table.

  4. Get to know me
    This game will require several volunteers, who are seated in one row. The presenter is blindfolded and brought to the volunteers so that he can recognize each of them by touch. Any part of the body can be used for recognition.

  5. Crocodile
    The presenter makes a word for the participant, which he must show with gestures, facial expressions, but without pointing with a finger or drawing. The rest of the participants must guess this word. It’s very funny to watch someone squirm, trying to show some object or phenomenon.

  6. Cucumber
    Excellent game for a large company, because here we need as much as possible more people. One is chosen as the leader, and the rest stand in a tight circle and put their hands behind their backs. Each of those standing in the circle, unnoticed by the leader, must pass a cucumber (or any other suitable vegetable) behind their back to their neighbor. At the same time, you need to discreetly take a bite from the vegetable.

    The leader's goal is to catch the player with the cucumber. The caught participant himself becomes the leader.

  7. Danetki
    This is a kind of detective story. The presenter introduces the game participants to the puzzle that they have to unravel. To do this, players can ask a variety of questions. But the presenter can only answer them “yes,” “no,” or “it doesn’t matter.”

  8. There is contact!
    Someone comes up with a word, but only tells the other players its first letter. For example, the party is the first V. Each of the participants comes up with their own word starting with V and tries to explain it to others. It is forbidden to say the word. As soon as one of the players guesses what is being said, he needs to shout out: “There is contact!”

    Then both players - the one who guessed the word and the one who guessed it - report their versions of this word. If they are the same, the game continues. To do this, the presenter sounds out the next letter from his word “party”. Now players will have to come up with words using the first two letters - B and E.

  9. Dirty dancing
    The company is divided into pairs. A sheet of paper is laid out on the floor, one for each pair of dancers. The music turns on and you need to dance on the sheet so as not to touch the floor with your foot. If one of the pair goes beyond the paper, then any participant from this pair must remove some thing. The one with the most clothes left at the end of the dance wins. The game is quite spicy.

  10. Fanta
    The leader takes one item from each participant and puts them in a bag. Next, a player is selected who will assign forfeits. He is blindfolded, asked to take any object out of the bag and give a task to its owner.

  11. Fairy tales with a modern twist
    Why not make sure that instead of boring and uninteresting professional conversations, guests make each other laugh? It's very simple. Participants are given sheets of paper and given tasks: to present the content of well-known fairy tales in professional language.

    Just imagine a fairy tale written in the style of a police report or medical history. The author of the funniest fairy tale wins.

Have a nice time in a fun company of friends by organizing an unusual championship. Games are important not only for kids, but also for adults, because they can unite us even more. In addition, this is a great way to help new friends join the team, rather than stand alone against the wall all evening. We have selected 10 popular games that will allow you to have a good time. In our article you will find a variety of entertainment that trains the mind and develops the flexibility of the body.

When it comes to games for a large company, many people first of all remember “Mafia,” which conquered the whole world and gained many fans. To play intelligent detective you will need a deck of special cards, which you can purchase online or draw yourself. You can also create your own map templates and order their printing in any edition. Well, if the above options do not suit you, take the most ordinary cards and agree with your friends what roles you will give them. For example: spades - Mafia, ace of spades - Mafia Boss, jack of hearts - Doctor, king of hearts - Commissioner and so on. To prevent players from spying on each other, it is advisable to wear masks or headbands as soon as the city falls asleep.

The essence of the game
There are three sides in the game: Mafia, Civilians and Maniac. The goal of the mafioso is to kill players at night and execute them during the day, posing as good heroes. The goal of the Citizens is to find and execute the Mafia. A maniac is a willful person who kills everyone indiscriminately.
The classic version has active and passive characters. The leader is a passive character who does not influence the course of the game, but coordinates the actions of all its participants.
Evil characters: Mafia (consists of the Boss and his henchmen), Maniac.
Good characters: Commissioner, Doctor, Peaceful Citizens.
Peaceful Citizens are passive players: they sleep at night, but they can vote during the day, sending those they dislike to death.
The mafia wakes up at night.
The Mafia Boss chooses the victim to be hit. If the Boss dies, another mafioso takes over his post.
The maniac strikes any player at night.
The commissioner can check any player at night. If the Mafia or Maniac came to this player, the Commissioner's check scares away the criminals, saving the player's life.
The Doctor also makes his move at night and can cure anyone (one player), canceling the killing move of the Mafia or Maniac.

Progress of the game

The game is divided into intervals - day and night. On the first day, the Host distributes cards to the players, after which the first night begins. On the first night (at the Leader’s command), the players wake up in turn, letting him know who has what role. The Mafia gets to know each other and finds out who got the role of Boss. All players wake up during the day. The presenter briefly describes the events of the past night. For example: “The Mafia struck, but the Commissioner’s visit scared off the bandits. The maniac brutally mocked his next victim all night, but the Doctor managed to save the poor fellow.” These clues allow players to figure out their opponent. This is followed by a vote, during which each player can propose a candidate for execution. By carefully studying the arguments and suspects, it is possible to identify the mafiosi, since they are usually unanimous in the day's voting. However, clever players know how to show off, accusing each other during the day (but only if a teammate is clearly not in danger of execution). After the execution, the card of the murdered person is revealed and everyone sees his role. Then night falls on the city and the active players make their move again. The game ends with the victory of the Peaceful if all Mafs and Maniacs are killed. The mafia wins when it remains in the majority. With a successful combination of circumstances, Maniac can win, being left alone with a passive player.

In addition to the classic plot, there are many various options games. We advise you to choose the most creative friend with an excellent sense of humor for the role of Host. In your competitions, you can use references to various books and films. For example, a story about vampires and werewolves has become popular, where Count Dracula plays the role of the Boss, Dr. Frankenstein cures illnesses, and the Commissioner turns into Helsing or Buffy. The more friends you have, the more characters you can introduce into the game, making it even more fun!

The exciting game “Twister” will give you a reason to laugh at the awkward poses of your friends, and at the same time exercise, because during the game you will have to bend over, reach with your arms and legs to reach multi-colored circles and try to maintain your balance.

Progress of the game

The presenter spins a special arrow, giving each player a certain pose (for example, left hand on the green circle, right leg to yellow, etc.). The winner is the player who manages to stay on the field, following all the leader’s orders. If a player touches the surface of the field in the wrong place, he is automatically eliminated from the game.

One of the most popular youth entertainment abroad is the game “Question or Desire.” To determine the queue of players, you can use pointers (for example, a bottle) or transfer the turn clockwise.

Progress of the game

Player A offers Player B one of two options: a question or a wish. If player B chooses a question, then player A can ask him anything. If player B chooses a wish, then player A can order anything. Married couples are better off not playing, because the questions may turn out to be too personal and tricky. This fun is best suited for single guys and girls.

A detective quiz that develops ingenuity and imagination is a type of popular game"Danettes."

Progress of the game

The presenter describes a situation (most often it is a robbery or murder), and you, using logic and imagination, try to understand what happened. The key to the solution always lies in the problem itself.

Examples of riddles

1) The body of a man was found in the middle of the desert, with a backpack lying next to him. The man was absolutely healthy, neither hunger nor dehydration caused death. What did he die from?
The answer: the key to the solution is the backpack in which the parachute was located, and the poor guy died because the parachute did not open.

2) The body of a security guard is found in the middle of the supermarket. The man was not attacked; he did not die from illness. There was only a sign next to him. What happened?
The answer: you've probably noticed signs in stores that say "Wet floor." It is obvious that the guard slipped on the wet floor and hit himself when he fell.

3) Near the sports ground, a man was found who died under mysterious circumstances. There are no visible wounds on his body. Detectives spotted a ball nearby. What happened?
The answer: a heavy basketball, flying out of the court, hit the poor guy in the head.

This game has many names and you are probably familiar with it. She gained particular popularity after the release of the film “Inglourious Basterds.”

Progress of the game

Each participant writes a name on a sticker (a literary character, a movie character, or real person). The sheets are distributed to the players (the player should not see the words on his sheet) and are attached to the forehead. By asking questions to other participants, the player must guess his character. Questions can only be answered “yes” or “no”.

Example of a riddle
Player 1: Am I human?
Player 2: No.
Player 1: Am I the hero of the movie?
Player 2: Yes.
Player 1: Do I spit fire?
Player 2: Yes.
Player 1: Am I the dragon Drogon?
Player 2: Yes.

The round is won by the player who gives the correct answer by asking the least number of questions.

"Black Box" is a variation of the game "What? Where? When?”, where instead of the classic black box a black box is used. The peculiarity of the game is that all questions and answers are somewhat frivolous: they are related to sex, drinking, etc. You would not hear such questions in the television version.

Progress of the game

The presenter asks a question related to the item lying in the black box. After a minute, players must answer the question. By the way, it is not at all necessary to use a black box; it can be conditional.

Example question for "ChSh"
The actors of the popular musical "Cats" attach microphones under their tights. Artists often dance and (to protect against sweat) wear THIS on the microphones. Attention question: what is in the black box?
Answer: condoms.

This quiz will allow you to test your erudition and compete in your thinking speed.

Progress of the game

One of the players (who misses this round) makes a well-known wish for the host popular expression, proverb or saying. The presenter reports the number of words in a given sentence. Players must guess the phrase by asking the host as many questions as there are words in the phrase. Questions and answers can be absolutely anything. However, each answer can consist of only one sentence and must contain 1 word of the hidden phrase.

Example of a riddle
Presenter: The phrase contains 3 words. The player can ask 3 questions.
Player: What time is it now?
Host: Look at the wall where the clock hangs.
Player: Is there life on Mars?
Host: Scientists disagree on this issue.
Player: Who's to blame?
Host: The root of the problem is hidden from our eyes.
Answer: Kozma Prutkov’s aphorism “Look at the root” is hidden.

Surely you are all very familiar with the game “Crocodile”, during which one participant silently shows the hidden word to a group of guessing players. In the fake "Crocodile" the rules are somewhat different.

Exciting quests in the style of “Find a way out of the room” have become one of the most fashionable entertainments. In almost any city there are questrooms where (for a moderate and not very reasonable fee) they will put on a whole show for you.

Progress of the game

The team is locked in an unfamiliar room, from which it must escape within a certain period of time. Players search for riddles and clues to various secret boxes with new keys. Having solved all the problems, the team finds the main key that unlocks the door to freedom. If you have a spacious room and inexhaustible imagination, you can come up with a quest scenario yourself. Gather your friends, leave hints for them and see how they cope with the task.

"Literball" - adult game in the style of “who will outdrink whom.” Historians claim that its various analogues have existed from time immemorial in all corners of the planet. Those wishing to measure their ability to outdrink their opponents appeared as soon as mankind invented alcoholic drinks. They say that the ancient Greeks and Peter I especially liked such games. In the CIS countries, the so-called. “Drunken checkers”, in which instead of white and black checkers they use glasses with vodka and cognac or glasses with light and dark beer. As soon as you “eat” your opponent’s checker, you need to drink the contents of this glass and remove it from the board. More advanced players prefer Drunken Chess. For the game, silhouettes of chess pieces are drawn on the glasses with a marker.

However, “Drunken Checkers” and “Drunken Chess” can only be played by 2 people, so we will consider an option for a more crowded group. We are talking about a student game called “Beer Ping Pong” (or “Beer Pong”).

Progress of the game

You will need plastic cups, a table, a ping pong ball and beer. Lots of beer. Participants are divided into 2 teams. The judge pours the beer into glasses and places them equally on both sides of the table, lining up the glasses in a triangle shape. The competitors take turns throwing the ball into the opponent’s glass. If the ball lands in a glass, the player who hits drinks beer from this glass, removes the empty glass from the table and gets the right to throw again. The team with the most accuracy, having emptied all the opponent's glasses, wins.

Warning: students' favorite pastime may lead to alcohol poisoning. We advise you to take smaller glasses, so that later you won’t be excruciatingly painful for your aimlessly killed liver.

Conversation of the deaf and dumb
The players, divided into pairs, pretend to be deaf and dumb. The leader explains to one of them in private what he will ask his partner about. And he will answer questions with gestures. What will come out of the dialogue? Merry nonsense and complete confusion.

The thorny path to your beloved
Several are invited to the game married couples. Men are placed three to five meters from their wives, and several uncorked bottles of wine are placed on the floor. Blindfolded husbands must overcome a difficult path and find their sweet wives.

Very touching competition
Everyone who wants to participate in the game; the number of participants is not limited. The girls are seated in a row on a sofa or chairs. Men with eyes closed you need to approach the participants in the game and, touching their knees, say their names.

Funny baby
The doll is passed on to each other by the players with the words: “I kissed the doll there.” The next participant must kiss the doll in a different place. When the kissing spots on the toy run out, players fulfill the wishes of their neighbor.

What's in your name?
Each player chooses a two-syllable name. The presenter, slapping his palm on the table, sets the rhythm of the game. At the same time, he says the names twice - his own and the other player's. The player repeats his name twice and the person to whom he transfers the right to drive. Participants are given funny nicknames for mistakes. The most attentive player wins.

And I'll put it there
What object will fit freely into a three-liter jar? The players have to come up with this in a short time. The presenter sets the letter for which to come up with the names of objects that fit in a three-liter jar.

A pair of soloists begin dancing in the middle of a circle formed by all the party guests. After 20 seconds, the soloist breaks up with his partner, offering her another partner instead. The change of partners in the solo pair occurs every 20 seconds.

Each squirrel has an oak tree
Five guys stand in the center of the dance floor and play the role of oak trees. Six “squirrel” girls dance in a circle around the guys. When the music stops, the squirrels jump onto the oak trees. The participant who lacks a partner leaves the game, taking with her one “oak”.

A funny dance-game that will make party guests laugh and bring them a little closer. Singing a simple song, everyone present, holding the hands of their neighbors, dances, forming an impromptu round dance. Next, everyone will have to dance, holding their neighbor not by the hands, but by the ear, nose and other parts of the body.

Real boxers in the ring
Two men compete, ladies and spectators “cheer.” Props: boxing gloves and candy wrappers. The host of the competition calls two men into the ring, real fighters who, for the sake of their ladies, are ready to do great deeds.

I know your secret
To play the role of presenter, you need to choose a player who is not familiar with this raffle competition. Party guests supposedly know about him interesting story. He, with the help of answers “no” or “yes” to the questions asked of him, strives to understand what is interesting about him known to the public.

Draw a saying
Four people play. Necessary props: paper, cards with sayings, markers. Everyone, having received everything they need, must draw their own saying. After which everyone tries to guess the sayings “encrypted” in the images drawn by the players.

And the sense of smell is like that of a dog
The game uses various objects to which strings are tied. The player is blindfolded. The presenter takes one of the objects out of the bag and, like a pendulum, moves the object in front of the player’s nose. He must determine what he is sniffing.

Fun volleyball
To play you will need chairs and a lot of balloons. The chairs should be placed in a row, like a volleyball net. The guests create two equal teams that try to throw more balls at the opponents' side.

Game to take off your shoes
Guests of the party, sitting at the table, choose a driver, preferably without complexes and tipsy. He goes under the table, where he begins to take off and put on the shoes of all the guests one by one. Whichever of them can’t stand it and laughs leaves the game.

Colored sticks
Those who want to have fun and move around stand in a circle. The game leader gives the command “Touch the red!” and starts counting to three. In this case, players must quickly touch any red item of clothing of the game participants.

Guessing game
In a hall or spacious room, chairs are arranged in a circle. Guys and girls sit on chairs in a circle. The driver, wearing a tight blindfold, walks in the center of the circle to the music. If suddenly the music stops, he sits on the lap of the nearest player and guesses who he sat with.

Galliano's envy
Pair competition. IN right hand the partner takes a skein of ribbon. Her partner, grabbing the end of the tape with his lips and not helping with his hands, tries to wrap the tape around his friend. The fastest couple who manages to create a fashionable look worthy of Galliano wins.

Grasp reflex
The game allows you to determine the attentiveness and reaction of people to a certain word, in other words, the “grasping reflex.” While listening to a poem read by the presenter, when the word “three” is read, the players must grab the prize lying on the chair.

Acting sketches
This game is an improvised theater competition. The players are given cards with tasks. After reading the task, the “actors” must complete the task without preparation. The best actor with the most brilliant acting talent wins.

Get some candy
Everyone who wants to test their dexterity and luck competes in the competition. Necessary props: deep plate with flour and candy. Contestants must try to pull out a candy buried in flour with their teeth without getting their face dirty.

funny racing
The competition can be won by a pair of players who manage not only to perfectly portray a pair of heroes from the fairy tale “The Golden Key”, but also to quickly reach the designated finish line. Whoever comes first receives a prize - a bag of Golden Key toffees.

It's hard to be a god
Participants in the competition are invited to populate the new planet with little men or other creatures. A planet made of a bright balloon, the population is drawn on its sides with a felt-tip pen. You need to inflate the balloon and draw on its tanks carefully so that your fragile planet does not explode from a careless touch.

And I love money!
The jars are closed with plastic lids with a slot large enough to allow coins of the same denomination to pass freely. Each participant is given such a jar with the same number of coins. The task of the “bankers” is to shake them out of there as quickly as possible.

Best reader
Only men compete in the competition. They sit on a chair, roll up one trouser leg and read the offered newspaper loudly. The winner is not the owner of the most pleasant voice or excellent diction, but the hairiest leg.

For the game to be interesting, it is necessary that the majority of participants do not know the essence of this game. To play you will need a long rope and a spacious room. In this room, a rope is pulled in the form of a labyrinth, and the more complex the labyrinth, the more more interesting game. The player is invited into the room and the rules are explained. Now he must remember the location of the rope, and then go through this maze blindfolded. All other spectators are allowed to give hints. The secret of the game is that when the player is blindfolded, all this rope is removed. The player tries to step over and crawl under a rope that is not there.

Get the candy
Flour is poured into a bowl in a heap. The candy is inserted into it so that the tip sticks out, by which it can be pulled out. If your nose and cheeks are not stained with flour, you can take the candy as a prize. Anyone who wants to test their dexterity can take part in this competition.

the Forbidden fruit
The competition is held according to the principle “the pear is hanging - you can’t eat it.” First, find a long rope. Stretch the obtained rope across the entire room. You will have to persuade two guests to do the hard work of holding it at shoulder level. Tie thin threads to the rope. The number of threads must correspond to the number of players. Attach apples to the ends of the threads. Before the competition begins, tug on each apple and make sure it is securely tied. Everything is ready, and now you can invite lovers of “forbidden fruits”. Any forbidden thing is attractive because you can’t just get it. Task: eat an apple without touching it with your hands. In this case, the apples are tied on strings, and the hands are clasped behind the back.
Another version of this competition can be called a “wet deal”, and it is more suitable for the male half. Before the start of the competition, apples are placed in a bowl of water, and you need to take them out and bite them without using your hands. As you understand, girls are not made for “wet things”, because “the mascara on their eyes is not dry.”

Rubber ball
Partners (man and woman) stand opposite each other, holding a small rubber ball between their stomachs. Task - rotational movements roll the ball to the chin of the one who shorter. The pair that never dropped the ball and completed the task the fastest wins.

Bottle and ball
Each participant has a bottle tied to his belt in front, some from vodka, some from champagne, milk, cognac. A ping-pong ball is placed on the line in front of each person. The winner of the competition is the one who is the first to drive the fake ball into the goal.

Place the egg or ball on the floor
Couples stand with their backs to each other, leaning forward slightly. An egg is sandwiched between the backs (a little lower). The task is to carefully lower it to the floor. The couple whose egg remains intact wins. The egg can be replaced with a rubber ball. In this case, the competition is won by the pair whose ball, after touching the floor, does not roll to the side.

The most sensual
Only women participate in the competition. The participants stand facing the audience. Behind each is a chair. The presenter quietly places on each chair small item. On command, all participants sit down and try to determine what kind of object is under them. Looking at and using hands is prohibited. The first one to determine wins.

Pissing boys
The presenter announces the title: “Pissing Boys.” This is already alarming. Three or four willing (men) are selected, preferably at random. Inventory: 3-4 glasses, preferably more, 3-4 bottles of beer. The players hold the beer between their legs, obliquely, with the neck up. Hands are pulled back. Task: pour beer into the glass standing on the floor in front of the player faster than your opponents. The presenter congratulates the winner and offers to drink the glass he filled.

Water carriers
Two parallel straight lines are drawn with chalk at a distance of 10 meters from one another (or on the ground). Several guys get down on all fours at one of the features, and plastic bowls half filled with water are placed on their backs. They must quickly cross the other line on all fours, turn back and return to the start. Those who arrive faster and do not spill water win. You should compete in the warm season.

Competition “Lenta”
To play you will need several balls of tape (depending on how many players there will be). Women hold one such ball in one hand, and men, without touching their hands, take one end of the ribbon with their lips and wrap it around their lady. The winner will be the couple whose unique outfit turns out more beautiful, or who does it faster.

Each participant in the competition is given a banknote. At the presenter’s signal, the participants throw the bills up and begin to blow on them so that they fly forward and do not fall to the floor. But if the bill does fall, don’t despair, because you can get down on your knees and continue to blow on it so that it, in turn, moves forward.
The participant whose bill moves as far as possible wins.

Baba Yaga

The players are divided into two teams and lined up. Players standing first in their ranks are given a mop and bucket. You need to take the mop in your right hand, put your foot in the bucket and hold it with your left hand. In this state, the player must run the intended distance and then pass his equipment to the next one.
The team whose players complete the task faster will win.

Feminine sophistication

Two girls are invited to participate in the competition. They are given bananas and a bowl of ice cream. The task of each girl is to eat ice cream with a banana. However, there is no need to rush, because the main thing in the competition is artistry. When determining the winner, the host addresses the guests, who vote to choose best girl.

Funny balls

To participate in the competition, you must invite several people. Each player is given a balloon and string. The thread is tied to the belt, and the ball should be attached to the end of the thread and go down randomly.
In addition, a push pin is attached to the forehead of each player with the needle pointing up. This can be done using a patch. Each player must literally burst the opponent's balloon with his forehead. Whose balloon bursts is out of the game. Whoever survives wins.

3-D representation

This competition will bring a lot of fun and joyful emotions to both the spectators and the participants themselves. Teams of 4-5 people are formed from the participants. Each team chooses its own forfeit, which will indicate to them a certain situation that they must show in 3-D. For example, relaxing by the sea: someone shows seagulls with their hands and sounds them with cries of “my my my”, someone imitates a gentle sea breeze, someone sounds the splash of sea waves, and someone shows the bright glow from the sun. Situations in forfeits can be completely different, for example, a flight into space, a morning in the forest, and so on. Whose team shows the best 3-D performance will receive its prize.


A small indoor tree is placed in the center of the hall, preferably with spreading branches. There are leaves hanging all over the tree, back side which wishes are written. Each participant in turn is blindfolded and asked to remove one of the leaves.
After this, the player must fulfill the wish that was written on the sheet.

Find the orange

The presenter announces the competition and its conditions: in front of each participant there are 3 boxes (which are not see-through and completely closed), in each box there is a hole for a hand, in one of the boxes an orange (apple) is hidden and in one of the boxes there are, for example, spiders or worms (but in fact there are no spiders). At the command “start”, each participant must stick his hand into all three boxes and find the orange faster than the rest. Some of the guests, and most likely all of them, will not immediately decide to stick their hand in, knowing that there are “unpleasant” creatures sitting in one of the boxes. But, nevertheless, whoever finds the orange first wins. And in the end, the guests themselves will guess, and the host will confirm that there were no worms or spiders. And the participant who can overcome his fears and find an orange faster than others will receive a prize.

That's another couple

Guests are divided into pairs. Each couple assumes a back-to-back position, sitting on the floor with their arms wrapped around each other. Without changing position and without releasing their hands, on the command “start” the couples must get to their balloon (balloon), which is located at a certain distance from the start, and burst it. The couple that can handle this the fastest fun task, will be the winner.

What's on my head?

Each participant is blindfolded in turn and 5 different objects are placed on their head, for example, a book, a spoon, a comb, a coin, keys, a ball, candy, a jar, and so on, and the participants must guess what is on their head. Which of the guests can recognize all 5 “of their” items will receive a prize.