Ride down an ice slide. Why do you dream about an ice slide?

A slide or a mountain in the symbol system means various kinds of difficulties. In order to answer the question: “Why do you dream about riding down a hill in a dream?”, you need to take it apart. Complete and detailed interpretation such a dream can be read in this article.

Slide type

You can solve the dream in different ways, depending on the specific slide you had to slide down in your dream:

When interpreting such a dream, you need to take into account the symbol of snow. Snow is a symbol of joy, happiness and newness. Seeing a snow-covered landscape promises changes for the better, as well as a long-awaited state of peace and tranquility. If the slide is covered dirty snow, then this means gossip and gossip of people close to you. Getting dirty in such snow means trouble and health problems.

Sliding down an ice slide means adventure. If at the same time you froze in a dream or hit yourself painfully, in reality be careful and circumspect. Minor losses are possible: a wallet, keys or some papers.

If in a dream, when looking at a hill, your eyes are blinded and hurt, then important acquisitions lie ahead. Don’t forget to think everything through and consult with knowledgeable people.

If you sled down a hill, you will soon learn unpleasant facts about people close to you. You should not believe rumors; perhaps this is just someone’s attempt to harm you or the person in question.

Riding a bag on ice or snow means changes in your personal life.

Pictures of childhood often appear in dreams. For example, wooden slides that were installed on children's playgrounds. A dream with a similar plot means your longing for something unfulfilled and long gone. Pay attention to the present and try to live for today. Your close relatives and children need your attention.

The tree is a symbol of fertility, life and family. Getting a bruise or a splinter while sliding down a wooden slide means unexpected enrichment. Sliding and falling means pleasant troubles and making new friends.

In such dreams there is a symbol of water. IN general interpretation This is a favorable dream only if you do not hit the water and choke on it. In this case, expect uninvited guests or problems at work.

Attractions in a dream -. This is a signal about possible danger and even health hazards. Be extremely careful and cautious when traveling and when working with dangerous tools. Sliding down a high slide of an attraction is a disappointment.

The emotions you get from this activity are also important. If the dream is positive and you rejoiced and laughed a lot, then great relief and resolution of contradictions lie ahead. If you cried, had a fight with someone, or got upset in a dream, then this is a sign of sharp turns in fate. Knowing what foretells going down a hill in a dream, you can protect yourself from troubles of any kind and dispel your worries.

Most often in a dream we see a hill that we can climb or descend from. What is this? A mound in a field or an icy slope? What efforts do we make to climb up, and what feelings do we experience as we joyfully slide down? All these details can be important when analyzing your sleep.

Miller's Dream Book

Gustav Miller considers any elevation of the landscape a sign of obstacles and difficulties that arise in life. A dream can notify both future events and be a reaction to difficulties and obstacles that have already occurred:

  • unexpectedly seeing a slide - expect the same sudden problems and difficulties;
  • climbing a hill means overcoming these problems. At the same time, you need to be wary of envious people and intriguers who may be associated with the “looming” problems;
  • to descend - to the likelihood of seeing unpleasant difficulties in every innovation in life. Agree, new is not always inconvenient.

Thus, the main thing when interpreting according to Miller’s dream book is the direction of movement.

Dream Interpretation of Vagi

The same point of view is shared by the Bulgarian clairvoyant Vanga(she largely agrees with Miller):

  • climbing a mountain (moving uphill) - success in business and luck;
  • going down means failure, shame, intrigue and undeserved accusations. In this case, you should be wary of rumors coming from colleagues;
  • to see someone rolling down a mountain on a sled or cart - you will soon hit the road yourself, and your journey will be eventful and exciting;
  • tree on a slope - have a chance to overcome even the most difficult obstacles.

Freud's Dream Book

The famous psychoanalyst adheres to slightly different principles, considering the main thing not only the direction of movement, but also the efforts made. According to Freud, a slide is a real situation in life. If you dream that you are standing on its top, then you will soon find yourself in a position, the way out of which will require your ingenuity and intelligence. At the same time, it is worth making an effort to overcome problems, be wise and remember your true goal. Rolling down a hill means feeling dissatisfied with your real partner. Do not rush to change it: perhaps the dissatisfaction is caused by your fleeting whims and ambitions, and the relationship can be saved. Anyway, life difficulties, which are foreshadowed by a dream about climbing a mountain, it is better to overcome it together.

If a person happened to ride down a hill in a dream, a similar image is associated with his vitality and energy. Since skiing on a snow and ice slide involves frequent and sharp ascents and descents, you should expect changes in reality. Sometimes similar dream may indicate that in real life the dreamer is missing bright emotions, he is captured by routine and monotony, so subconsciously he strives to change the situation. For correct interpretation dream, it is necessary to take into account all the details: what the slide was like, what emotions the sleeper experienced, in the company of whom he rode.

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General interpretation

I dream of a snowy hill, which I had a chance to slide down in winter. a large number joyful surprises. The ice slide promises events in the near future that will entail large-scale changes. Perhaps the dreamer will soon take part in a risky, but inspiring and interesting business.

If ice slide was very cool, the dream speaks of a person’s readiness to bear responsibility. Rolling down such a mountain in a dream in winter is a sign that the sleeper is able to endure all the difficulties on his own, relying only on his own strength.

Sledding down an ice slide- to dissatisfaction with the situation in life. A person is tired of the daily routine, he needs rest and a change of environment. Also, such a dream suggests that it is time for the dreamer to see old friends: meeting them will make it clear how much he values ​​them.

If unmarried girl she dreams that she is sledding through the snow, soon she will have to defend her lover in front of someone.

Characteristics of the slide

When interpreting a dream, it is necessary to take into account what the descent from the hill was like:

Trigger quality Meaning of sleep
It's suspiciously easy to go down the hillTo serious obstacles to achieving goals in real life
Roll down a gentle, small mountainTowards the emergence of new perspectives. If during the descent the dreamer manages to look at the beautiful surrounding landscapes, a new love, and good luck will accompany him in business
Roll down a scary steep mountainThe dreamer's worries are completely groundless
Bouncing on potholesTo conflicts and quarrels with close friends. If a person is in love, such a dream may indicate cooling of feelings and alienation
Fall while descendingThe dream warns of the dreamer's precarious position. He cannot even predict what awaits him tomorrow, so he needs to learn to clearly plan his life
Driving along a snowy track and not seeing the finishA person has unfinished business that is recommended to be completed

Interpreters agree that if in a dream you were injured while riding down a hill, this is a warning that you need to be careful when drinking alcoholic beverages. Otherwise, the matter may result in serious health problems or even an accident.

Dreamer's emotions

The interpretation largely depends on what emotions a person experienced in a dream when he rolled down an ice or snow slide:

  • Delight, wild childish joy. A favorable dream, foreshadowing success in all endeavors and positive changes. Perhaps the sleeper will soon engage in an exciting activity that will capture his thoughts and subsequently may even become the work of his whole life. The dream can also promise a bright love adventure.
  • Fun. Laughing while sliding down a hill means meeting an interesting, optimistic person who can fill the dreamer’s life with bright colors.
  • Fear. A sign that the dreamer doubts and worries too much, but his worries are groundless. He must learn to relate more easily to the minor changes that occur daily in his life. If the dreamer fearlessly rolled down an ice slide, in reality he is a brave and self-sufficient person.

If a sleeping person dreams that he is riding down a hill with his friends, experiencing positive emotions, then in reality he will have a pleasant time in the company of loved ones.

Opinion of famous dream books

Various popular dream books interpret such a dream differently:

Dream Interpretation Interpretation
MillerThe mountain is a symbol of obstacles. Rolling off it is a sign that the dreamer is creating difficulties for himself. The dream also warns of the machinations of ill-wishers who are trying to harm the sleeper. An ice slide symbolizes fun and entertainment. But if it is covered with sand, you will have to do household chores
WangiGoing down a hill is a warning that there are many envious people among the dreamer's colleagues. They will intrigue against him, slander him, set him up and try to ruin his career. You should be extremely careful and not trust others, otherwise you may lose your position
HasseRolling down a hill means parting with your loved one. The dreamer himself will be to blame for this breakup, since his partner will get tired of tolerating a frivolous attitude towards himself. A dream in which the sleeper rolled down a hill with his other half also warns of separation: feelings will become obsolete, but the couple will separate peacefully, without mutual offense
EsotericThe dream speaks of the desire of the sleeper to return to the past and characterizes him as a person prone to nostalgia
FreudThe dreamer will suddenly become dissatisfied with his partner, feeling that he deserves better. But this opinion is illusory: in this situation it is necessary to wait and not part with your loved one, otherwise you will later have to greatly regret your decision
TsvetkovaTo numerous failures that will soon begin to haunt the dreamer
LongoRolling down a mountain is a mean and unfair thing to do to someone you know. This person does not deserve such an attitude towards himself: he considers the dreamer his friend, appreciates and respects him

A slide in a dream is quite a curious image. It can be interpreted by analogy with an ordinary mountain or a children's attraction. It all depends on the type of slide, its purpose and the actions of the dreamer. Dream books will tell you why she is dreaming.

Interpretation according to Miller's dream book

Did you dream that you were trying to slide down an ice slide? Beware: in real life you risk running into the wrath of your superiors and getting a reprimand. The same image symbolizes a minor loss.

Did you happen to see other characters having fun on the slide while you stood on the sidelines? You will witness a strange incident or hear very unflattering rumors.

Opinion of lovers' dream book

Why do you dream if you are lucky enough to ride a slide? The dream book encourages you to take life easier and not forget about its little joys. Allow yourself to relax, forget about responsibility and unfinished work, at least for a while. Sometimes it helps to look at the world through the eyes of a carefree child.

Answer from the dream book of D. and N. Zima

Did you dream about kids having fun on a slide? In reality, you will get bogged down in trivial problems and small but never-ending troubles. Why do you dream about a hill that causes discomfort or is it bothering you for some reason? The dream book suspects that these are just worries that some minor task will harm the main plans.

Interpretation of the dream book from A to Z

Did you happen to see a slide of natural origin? The achievement of this goal will be associated with some minor obstacles. But if you dreamed that you managed to slide down a small hill or fall on it, then beware: you are in serious danger.

Why do you dream about the hill you stood on? In a dream, it symbolizes a certain pedestal, position or social status. Climbing a hill literally means getting a destination, achieving a goal, or engaging in a habitual activity. Going down can mean unkind changes or the completion of a certain enterprise.

Why do you dream of an ice, snow, or snow slide?

Did you happen to see a large ice slide? There was a period of cooling in the relationship. Did you dream that you happily rode on an ice or snow slide? Carelessness can lead to losses different meaning. In your dream, did you have to ride your children on a snow slide? All your life you will have to look after and protect someone. Why dream that a snow or ice slide has begun to melt? Get ready to fight for your own beliefs. Making a snow slide yourself in a dream means that future success depends solely on your perseverance.

I dreamed of a children's slide in a water park

In a dream, a children's slide symbolizes a certain segment life path, where you risk making mistakes due to personal imprudence. A period of fun and celebration is coming, try not to do anything stupid in the heat of celebration.

Why do you dream about slides in a water park? In a dream, they symbolize an adventure that you have long dreamed of. The element of water indicates the fulfillment of desires. Did you dream about a real roller coaster? Get involved in a dizzying romance that will remind you of the plot of an exciting film.

What does a slide of sand and earth mean in a dream?

Why do you dream of a sand slide? Your income will increase significantly, but you risk losing money just as easily as you received it. A small pile of sand in a children's sandbox symbolizes excessive worry about unimportant problems.

Did you dream of a high hill of earth? Soon you will meet a noble and self-sufficient person who will significantly influence your future life. Seeing an earth embankment can indicate surmountable obstacles. In a dream, did you have to climb an earthen hill? An inevitable victory awaits you. To come down from it literally means to know defeat or come close to completion.

In a dream, walk, climb, go down a hill, ride a hill

Why do you dream about how you carefreely rode a slide? This is a symbol of frivolous antics and reckless actions. In a dream, did you fall and get up while riding? In this way, attempts to change something or learn something are reflected.

In addition, climbing a hill on the road marks personal success and the achievement of a current goal. Did you dream that you were going down a hill? A certain stage of life has come to an end. It is also a sign of minor losses, setbacks or a period of reflection.

Why dream if there was only one hill on the way? It symbolizes life. What you have already passed is the past, what lies ahead is the future. Pay attention to the surrounding landscape, possible companions and other details.

A slide in a dream - a few examples

To interpret the dream, more specific details will be needed. Worth considering appearance and features of the slide, its purpose and other nuances.

  • high – hard work that requires investment
  • there are many slides on the road - regular but surmountable obstacles
  • around - opportunities, prospects
  • skiing downhill - the end of the matter
  • on a sled - fast progress
  • by car - achieving a goal, life comfort
  • on the butt - surprise, need for protection
  • run down the slide with joy - get rid of danger
  • running away from someone - the machinations of enemies, someone else’s interference
  • slide down - loss
  • fall - danger, futility of attempts
  • climbing for a long time - a lot of work and a long time
  • not seeing the peak - endless work, search
  • get tired when getting up - excessive responsibility, unbearable burden
  • if something interferes with the rise, do not be distracted
  • climb with effort - reluctance or inability to do something
  • crawl - difficult circumstances, forced actions

Did you dream that you yourself made a slide out of sand and other suitable materials? In reality, there is a possibility of changing your place of residence and making a good profit.

If a person sees in a dream how small children are happily sliding down an ice slide in a crowd, this means that the internal energy of the sleeper is high, and helps him achieve good results in achieving the goals set for themselves.

What if you dream of an ice slide?

If a person begins to often have dreams in which he, like small child, takes a sled and begins to ride it down an ice slide; this dream is a warning sign for the sleeper. He reports that the childish energy accumulated in him needs to be released. That is, you shouldn’t be constantly serious and busy only with work; it’s time to give yourself a good rest. Walking along a slippery road in a dream, which consists entirely of ice slides, means difficulties in life, which will require attentiveness and caution to overcome.

If a sleeper has fun on a roller coaster in a dream, it means that his life is full of unpleasant events. For this reason, a person is constantly nervous, he is worried about his fate. Such a dream is a warning that in the future this condition may affect your health.

Seeing a child cheerfully building an ice slide in a dream means that a cooling-off period will begin in your relationship with your loved one. If a person sleeping in a dream is surrounded by many low ice slides, this indicates that in reality he considers people from his home and work team to be cold and soulless. Skating down a hill is a sign of joy. Being on top of it with friends means improving relationships. Building a slide yourself in a dream means that in your life a person has decided to distance himself from others.

What does it portend?

Seeing in a dream a luxurious children's winter town with many beautiful ice slides means that the sleeper will soon have a wonderful time in the company of his childhood friends. If a person in such a town climbs one of the hills and does not dare to move down, this suggests that in real life he should not be afraid of temporary difficulties. If an ice slide has several slopes, and the sleeper stops at the top, wondering which one to go down, it means that in the near future he will be faced with the problem of making a choice in a difficult life situation.

To understand why you dream of an ice slide, you need to pay attention to all the details of such a dream. If in a dream the bright sun is shining and many children are playing happily, this is a softening sign that weakens the meaning of any negative prediction.

If in a dream a person, for some purpose, stubbornly climbs a low stone hill covered with a layer of ice and constantly slides down it, this signals that in real life he will have to face human cruelty and heartlessness.