How much does it cost to change a birth certificate. How to change a child's birth certificate. In connection with the change of name and surname or other information

The birth certificate is an important document for every minor. It is received by parents immediately after the birth of the baby. It indicates the date of birth of the child, as well as other significant information. It is used as an alternative to a passport until the age of 14. In this case, it often becomes necessary to make various changes to the document or obtain a duplicate due to loss. Therefore, parents often think about how to change the birth certificate of their child. The procedure is considered operational and simple, therefore it does not differ in any specific features.

When is the certificate issued?

A birth certificate must be issued by the parents of a newborn infant immediately after his birth. For this, the following features are taken into account:

  • it is required to apply for a document at the registry office, located at the place of residence of the applicant, represented by one of the parents;
  • most often the procedure is performed by the father while the mother and baby are in the hospital;
  • it is necessary to apply for a document within one month after the birth of the baby;
  • a certificate is issued on the basis of a written application drawn up by one of the parents;
  • documentation is formed within one day, so you do not have to come to the institution several times;
  • before visiting the organization, you need to decide what name will be given to the child.

Situations are considered quite common when parents, after receiving a birth certificate, change their minds about the name of the child. In this case, you must first obtain permission issued by guardianship officers. After that, you can change the birth certificate of the child.

Usually, permission is issued in one day, unless the parents came up with some specific weird name. After that, you need to contact the registry office to replace the document, for which a corresponding application is drawn up. It is considered by the employees of the organization within a month, after which you can come for a new document with the changes made.

If you want to change the name of a child who is already over 10 years old, then the consent of the minor himself is required for this process.

Reasons for replacement

Before changing the birth certificate, the registry office staff will definitely ask why this procedure is performed. Parents must have good reasons for this, which are listed in Federal Law No. 143.

You can change your birth certificate for the following reasons:

  • the document becomes unusable under various circumstances, for example, it is damaged by pets, and most often it is small children who paint the document, so it is impossible to read what is written on paper;
  • parents, when studying the evidence, discover that it contains inaccurate or even erroneous data;
  • it is required to change the name, surname or patronymic of the child, for example, when adopting;
  • it is necessary to make certain changes in the column intended for entering data about the father of the child;
  • there may be other circumstances in which a new certificate is required.

The procedure for obtaining a new document is considered quite simple. You can change the birth certificate of a child at the registry office, and regardless of the reason for the implementation of this process, the same actions are performed.

How is a damaged document replaced?

Most often, parents think about how to change a birth certificate to replace a damaged one. The information on such a certificate may be illegible, so it cannot be used for any purpose. On the basis of Federal Law No. 143, it is required to obtain a duplicate for further use of the certificate.

How to change a birth certificate to replace a damaged one? To do this, parents perform sequential actions:

  • a document damaged in any way must be transferred to the registry office, and it is advisable to choose the department where the certificate was originally received;
  • copies of parents' passports are attached to it;
  • an application is filled in form No. 18, and the form is issued directly by the employees of the institution, so you can fill it out on the spot.

Based on the documents received, the document is replaced, so a new certificate is issued immediately on the day of application. If the application is transferred to another registry office, then the process of creating a duplicate may be delayed, since the employees of the institution need to verify the data and send a request to the desired office. The finished documentation will be sent by mail to the region where the parents are located.

It is required to know not only how to change a damaged birth certificate, but also what fee is paid for this process. For receiving a new document, 200 rubles are transferred.

How to make changes?

Often parents decide to change the name or surname of the baby. Adjustments can only be made by obtaining a new birth certificate. You can change your child's last name or other personal information by doing the following:

  • initially you need to contact the registry office with a correctly completed application in form No. 15;
  • the document indicates what changes are required to be made to the certificate;
  • the process is performed by the parent or the owner of the documents, but in the second case, the child must have written consent from the parents to change his name or other data;
  • the application is accompanied by the existing certificate, the certificate of marriage of the parents or the certificate of dissolution of their marriage.

Often, children simply want to change their last name, as they are not satisfied with its sound or other parameters. In this case, this reason is indicated in the application.

The received application with other documents is considered within one month. If a positive decision is made, then you can come for a new certificate. The old document is withdrawn as it becomes invalid.

Can I change my child's birth certificate? To do this, he must have permission to process from the parents. For changing the data in the document, a fee equal to 1 thousand rubles is paid. These funds are intended for the execution and issuance of a new official document. An additional fee is paid for the formation of a new certificate, equal to 200 rubles. Therefore, you will have to pay 1200 rubles for a new document.

Making changes to the column "Father"

How to change the birth certificate if you need to make adjustments to the column intended to indicate information about the father of the child? The need for such a change may arise quite often. Under such conditions, a dash is usually put in the column or another man is indicated. The procedure for changing the birth certificate of a child has the following nuances:

  • to make adjustments for such a reason, a corresponding court decision is required;
  • before visiting the registry office, you should go to court to deprive a certain man of parental rights to a child;
  • the court can submit a document when a man voluntarily renounces his rights or when paternity is disputed.

If the mother has a court decision, she can easily change the child's document according to the general rules.

How to correct errors?

The very first document of every person is a birth certificate. On the basis of it, registration is carried out at the clinic or in the queue for kindergarten. For registration of various benefits or documents, this certificate is required. Therefore, if false information is found, it is imperative to change the birth certificate. The error may be due to the negligence of the registry office employees or a simple typo.

Replacement should be carried out immediately after the discovery of inaccuracies. It is not allowed to correct any data or use masking tools on your own. Therefore, under such conditions, it is necessary to quickly replace the documentation.

The mistake can be made by the employees of the registry office or by the parents themselves filling out the application. The name or surname of the child is most often distorted. Date of birth or information about parents may be incorrect. Often there are grammatical errors.

Where does the document change?

Many parents think about where to change the child's birth certificate. The procedure can be performed in any branch of the registry office.

If the family already lives in another city, then you can contact any registry office. Employees of the institution will send a request to another department, after which a new certificate will be sent by mail. Under these conditions, replacement may take several days. Therefore, the question of where to change the birth certificate is decided directly by the parents.

Who can handle the process?

Is it possible to change the birth certificate not only for parents? The process can be performed by different persons:

  • immediate children who received a passport;
  • the parents of the child, if he is not yet 14 years old;
  • adults who wish to replace their own testimony;
  • representatives of the guardianship authorities, if there is a need for the procedure, but the parents do not have the opportunity to deal with it on their own;
  • official representatives of children who are adoptive parents or guardians, who are usually represented by relatives of babies who have lost their parents.

Is it possible to change the birth certificate of other relatives? Relatives of the baby who have documents that confirm their relationship with the child will not be able to apply for a replacement document. This is due to the fact that it is the law that determines all persons who can be involved in this process.

If a person who is not a disabled person has undergone eye surgery and cannot draw up an application on his own, then with the help of a notary, he can draw up a power of attorney for another person or a representative of the guardianship authorities. It is the authorized person under such conditions who will be involved in the process of replacing the document.

What documents are required?

Understanding how to change a birth certificate is quite simple. To do this, you need to visit the registry office, and you can even come to an organization located in another city. But at the same time, the citizen must have the necessary documents with him:

  • applicant's passport;
  • a correctly drawn up application, and the form is issued directly by the employees of the registry office, so you can enter the necessary information in this institution, using the help of employees if necessary;
  • the old document that needs to be replaced;
  • receipt confirming the payment of the fee.

Even if there is a corrupted certificate, it still needs to be transferred to the registry office employees, which will significantly speed up the process of creating a new document.

Can they refuse?

The procedure for replacing a birth certificate is considered simple and quick, but often citizens have to face a refusal to issue a new document. It can be due to various reasons, which include:

  • the necessary documents were not transferred to the employees of the registry office;
  • a person who does not have the necessary authority is engaged in the process;
  • not transferred by the applicant to the institution of the old document.

If the reason for the refusal is unreasonable, then sequential actions are performed:

  • Initially, you need to ask the employees of the registry office about the reason for the refusal;
  • if the employees of the institution cannot give a clear answer, then a written statement is formed, which indicates a request to obtain information about the reason for the refusal;
  • if there is no answer within a month or an unreasonable reason is given in the document, then a lawsuit is filed in court;
  • on the basis of a court decision, the certificate is replaced.

Most often, problems arise in disputes regarding paternity. Directly in the office of the court you can find out exactly where to file a claim. With the decision received, you must contact the registry office again to draw up the document.

How quickly is new evidence made?

If the applicant personally applies to the registry office, having with him all the necessary documents and a receipt for paying the fee, then he is issued a new certificate literally within 30 minutes. The delay can only be related to the presence of a queue.

If an application is sent with other documents by mail, then the expectation of a new certificate may be delayed for 1 month. This is due to the fact that it is also sent by mail.

It is allowed to apply for a new certificate at the MFC. This institution is an intermediary between the applicant and the registry office. The application is submitted in just 10 minutes, and you will have to come for a certificate in a few days. The specialist of the institution himself will set the date of the visit.

If you want to make a replacement as quickly as possible, then it is advisable for these purposes to contact the registry office directly. If a citizen is located in another city, then you can send an application by mail or come to the branch of this region. Under these conditions, it will be possible to receive a new document in a few days.


A birth certificate is an important document for every person. It is issued immediately after the birth of the child. It contains important information for any citizen, so it is not allowed to have errors or inaccurate information in it.

This document may need to be replaced for various reasons. The procedure can only be performed by parents or direct owners of the documentation. To do this, it is advisable to contact the registry office, where it was originally issued to the child. For obtaining a new certificate, you have to pay a state fee, the amount of which depends on the reason for applying to the registry office.

The birth certificate refers to the documentation that is used throughout life. It is issued by the registry office on the basis of medical documentation of the birth of a baby. The certificate contains complete information about the citizen himself and his parents. Sometimes there are situations that require replacement of the document. How is a birth certificate replaced?

When can a birth certificate be changed?

The procedure and reasons for replacing a birth certificate are described in Federal Law No. 143. The need to change it arises when the following events occur:

Which citizens can change their birth certificate? A certain circle of persons established in the Civil Code can apply for it. This circle includes:

  • adult owners;
  • children who have received a passport;
  • parents of children under 14;
  • guardianship authorities in the absence of parents;
  • guardians of an incompetent person;
  • legal representatives of the child.

Thus, it is possible to change the first document of a Russian citizen throughout his life. However, a good reason must be presented to replace it. The replacement period depends on the place of application. It can range from one day to two months.

When rendered unusable

To replace it, you must contact the registry office where the primary document was issued. If it is not possible to visit this state institution, you can contact the MFC or the registry office at the location. However, when applying to another institution, you will have to wait longer, since requests will be made to the registry office, in which the first version of the certificate was issued.

Damage is not subject to a penalty. However, when replacing a certificate, it is necessary to pay a state duty in the amount of 350 rubles. To obtain a new certificate to replace the damaged one, you must present the following documentation:

  • a certificate that has fallen into disrepair;
  • owner's passport if he is 14 years old;
  • passports of parents or documents of representatives, if the holder of the certificate is under 14 years old or he is incapacitated;
  • application on form 18;
  • receipt for payment of state duty.

The application form is issued directly at the registry office or at the MFC. It sets out a request for issuing a second certificate, enters the data of the applicant, his parents, information about the first document. The last line indicates that the appeal is due to the destruction of the document. Sample application:

If a citizen applies to the registry office, in which the first version of the certificate was issued, a new document is issued on the day of the application. When issuing a second certificate, the damaged document remains in the registry office. If it is necessary to replace the document for a citizen under 18 years of age, it is necessary that his parents or guardians be present during the application.

Due to name change

If the birth certificate changes due to a change of name or surname, you must first obtain consent from the registry office. Reasons for correcting personal data:

  • change of surname to the surname of new parents in case of adoption;
  • entering other personal data in connection with the new marriage of the mother;
  • desire to change an ugly name;
  • change of surname to double (father and mother);
  • change of foreign data to Russian.

To obtain confirmation of other personal data, you must contact the registry office with an application for a name change. It is filled out on a special form. In addition to personal data, you should write the reason for the replacement. Sample application:

The application is considered in the registry office for 30 days. After receiving a positive response, a certificate of change of personal data is issued. To obtain it, you must pay a state duty in the amount of 1600 rubles. Simultaneously with a different name, a new birth certificate is issued. To make changes to personal data, you will need the following documentation:

  • a document serving as the basis for changing the name (court decision on adoption, papers on the marital status of the parents);
  • written consent of a child over 14 years of age;
  • old birth certificate;
  • consent of the parents of the minor child.

After changing the name of a citizen, his first birth certificate becomes invalid. To obtain re-documentation, in addition to the name change fee, you must pay 350 for the issuance of a new birth certificate.

Due to the need to change

Sometimes, after receiving the first document of the child, parents discover that the registry office staff made a mistake when filling out the certificate (wrongly entered the date of birth, made a grammatical error). It is necessary to replace the document, since it is the basis for issuing a passport in the future. When changes are made due to a filling error by an employee of a state institution, the state duty is not paid.

If the change occurs for another reason, for example, due to a change in the father's data (the father renounced paternity, and the mother's second spouse adopted), due to a mistake by the parents when filling out the application, the state duty will be 650 rubles. for making changes and 350 rubles. for issuing a new certificate. To replace it, you must write an application on form 17.

It is necessary to present an old document, passports of the child's parents or a personal certificate of an adult citizen to the registry office. If the document is changed in connection with the adoption of the child by the mother's spouse, it is necessary to present the court decision on adoption to the registry office. The application form for amendments contains a column in which the reason for the replacement of the certificate is entered. Sample:

If necessary, put a dash in the column "father"

It is impossible to remove the parent's data from the document without good reason. A dash in the column "father" can be affixed in the following situations:

  • the father has filed a voluntary renunciation of paternity;
  • there is a court decision on deprivation of parental rights;
  • The father challenged his paternity in court.

Putting a dash is possible only if there is an appropriate court order and its entry into force. The procedure for applying to the registry office is similar to that which occurs when making changes. The application is considered for a month. If the applicant fails to produce a court decision, he will be denied extradition.

Restriction of parental rights is not the basis for making corrections. If, after 6 months after the restriction, the parent is not reinstated, he will be deprived of paternity.

Other grounds

In addition to the above grounds for changing the first document of a citizen, the following can be distinguished:

  • a court decision establishing the fact of paternity;
  • the decision of the PPO to change the full name of the minor;
  • change of the surname of one of the parents or both;
  • desire to change the date of birth;
  • father's name changed;
  • the desire of a citizen or his parents to enter data on the nationality of the child;
  • the decision of the authority to establish the identity of the deceased citizen in the event of the loss of all his documents.

If the adjustment involves changing personal data, the issuance of a second certificate occurs in the same way as if you want to change the name. In the case when it is required to correct the entered information, the procedure is similar to making changes to the birth certificate.

The registry office may refuse to issue a new document if the state duty has not been paid or the citizen has not provided the necessary documentation. If the applicant does not agree with the reasons for the refusal, voiced by the employees of the state institution, he has the right to apply to the court. After receiving the court decision, you must re-apply to the registry office.

The old birth certificate is handed over to the registry office, regardless of the reasons for the change. If only a small piece remains of it, it must also be returned to a state institution. If a citizen has lost all documents, including a passport, before applying to the registry office, it is necessary to write a statement to law enforcement agencies.

After identification, the citizen will be issued an appropriate certificate. On its basis, it is possible to apply to the registry office to restore a birth certificate. If the bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are unable to independently verify the identity of the applicant, the identification will take place through the court.

If you have spoiled or lost a child's birth certificate, you should not put it off the shelf and urgently need to start getting a duplicate. Otherwise, it will be impossible to travel with a child on vacation, receive child benefits and vouchers to kindergarten, and even provide medical care, issue a passport at the age of 14 and all other documents.

Unfortunately, no one is protected from accidents, so there are not so few reasons for obtaining a duplicate.

Procedure and required documents

Change document

In addition to restoring a lost birth certificate of a child, an exchange is often required, i.e. replacing an existing document. This need may be due to:

  • dilapidation or unintentional damage to the document (for example, symbols or seals have been erased due to frequent or insufficiently accurate use, or the children decided to “make happy” their mother and drew her portrait on the certificate form);
  • detection of a spelling error or inaccuracy in the text of the certificate (the human factor can play its evil role here too);
  • an important nuance is the fact that the birth certificate cannot be laminated (even for the purpose of better preservation). Such a document will not be accepted by civil servants, and a copy will not be certified by a notary. It will be considered unusable and will also need to be replaced.

Other circumstances entailing the re-issuance of a certificate are:

  • the desire of the owner to change the name, patronymic, take the surname of one of the parents, or simply change their personal data due to their dissonance;
  • gender change;
  • the need to enter new information after adoption (adoption) or establishing paternity.

Where to begin

The first action of a citizen is to apply for the reissuance of a birth certificate. For each of the above reasons, the legislation has approved its own form of treatment, which should be followed.

The required package of documents in each case will also be different, a mandatory general condition for all will be the presentation of a passport and a previously issued copy of the certificate, as well as payment of a state duty in the amount of 350 rubles.

Unreadable or decrepit document

So where to change the birth certificate? It should be submitted to the registry office at the place of residence (or better - at the place of its initial issuance). The application is accompanied by the passports of the parents or an adult who applied for the service. A duplicate is issued on the same day in person. Otherwise, the receipt is delayed by the time required for delivery by mail to the address of the owner.

If a mistake is made?

A very unpleasant situation in the psychological and legal sense. But it's completely doable.

We present a birth certificate to the registry office that issued the document with errors. If during the audit the fault of the employees responsible for filling out the strict reporting forms is established, then the corrections will be made without paying the state duty. This situation is provided for by the letter of the Ministry of Finance dated April 19, 2012.

Change of name, surname, patronymic

If there is a desire to change the name (or take another surname, patronymic), first of all, a record is made of the change of name (surname, patronymic) with the issuance of an appropriate certificate. The issue price is 1600 rubles. Attached to the application:

  • a valid birth certificate;
  • applicant's passport;
  • certificate of registration of the parents' marriage (if the citizen wants to use the surname of the other parent);
  • certificate of divorce between parents (if a citizen wants to use the name of another stepfather or stepmother);
  • consent of both parents to change personal data - for minors.

The decision by the registry office takes one month, after which a new certificate is issued, the old document is considered invalid and is subject to withdrawal.

Gender change

After the change of gender, all identity documents are subject to destruction and replacement. To obtain a new birth certificate, a person who has changed gender must submit the following documents:

  • psychiatric authorization for gender reassignment surgery;
  • a medical report on a gender reassignment surgery (there is no approved form for this certificate);
  • the court's decision.

The consideration of the application and the issuance of a birth certificate to citizens who have changed their sex is carried out by the central registry office.

Without exception, all documents need careful handling and safe storage, because there is no extra money and time, and human nerves are priceless.

Who is eligible to apply? The list of persons who have the right to re-apply for a birth certificate is given in Part 2 of Article 9 of the Federal Law No. 143. In particular, they are:

  • adults who were issued the first copy of the metric;
  • relatives of the deceased person, if required, for example, to confirm inheritance rights;
  • parents or legal representatives of the child, as well as guardianship authorities;
  • the guardian of a citizen who, in accordance with the established procedure, has been recognized as incompetent.

Documents Almost all documents issued by civil registration authorities require confirmation and justification, including when issuing metrics within the framework of Order of the Ministry of Justice of Russia dated August 19, 2016 N 194, which approved the list of documents.

How and why to change a birth certificate

With the restored certificate, you need to apply to the Ministry of Internal Affairs with an application for a passport. Any citizen of Russia has the right to obtain a passport.
An adult can go to the passport office. Specialists of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are authorized to conduct interdepartmental correspondence and send requests to the competent authorities. In this way, the fact of citizenship can be established. In addition to a certificate of citizenship, you will need documents confirming your identity and having photographs:

  • once lost but found old passport;
  • international passport;
  • driving or pension certificate;
  • military ID;
  • accreditation card or service pass;
  • personal book of a volunteer, peacemaker or donor;
  • documents from educational organizations (including student ID);
  • hunting license, etc.

Changing the date of birth on the birth certificate

Cases in which it is necessary to change the birth certificate:

  • damage to the old document;
  • change of name, surname or patronymic of a person;
  • the need to correct the available information (if errors were made);
  • loss of a document
  • change of the column "father".

If any of the above applies to your situation, you can safely think about how to replace the certificate. It's not as difficult as it seems. Where to go Replacing a birth certificate is not an uncommon process.
Now it is relatively common. Where to go if you decide to change this document? The answer is extremely simple - to the regional registry office. It is not necessary to contact the place where you were given the document.


Now, as an alternative solution, a visit to the MFC is suitable. There, too, they allow us to carry out the task set before us.

Is it possible to officially change the date of birth?

Some are delaying the replacement due to fear that the process will drag on for months and be costly and unpleasant. All these disadvantages can be avoided if you follow some rules.


When and why you need to change your birth certificate You need legal grounds to change your birth certificate. It can be changed if:

  • the primary evidence is corrupted;
  • the form became dilapidated and fell into disrepair;
  • personal data or information on the seal is illegible;
  • the document was laminated (the law does not allow this);
  • the name, surname or patronymic has changed;
  • there was a need to correct the available information (if errors were made);
  • certificate lost;
  • changes in the column "father" are required.

One of the listed reasons is sufficient for replacement.

How to change a birth certificate

  • judgment;
  • the decision of the authorized bodies (guardianship and guardianship) to change the personal data of the child;
  • the will of the mother to change the surname of the child to the surname of the father who is not in a registered marriage with her;
  • change of the father's name or the surname of any of the parents;
  • a decision of a court or an executive authority to establish the identity of the deceased (in the case of ascertaining his death as an unidentified person);
  • a document confirming the death of the rehabilitated person (in case of illegal repression);
  • the decision of the registry office to correct erroneous or inaccurate information entered in the birth certificate.

When replacing a birth certificate for any of these reasons, it is necessary to apply to the registry office with an application drawn up in the form No. 17 - to make a correction (change) in the civil status record.

Replacing a birth certificate: how to change

For a child To obtain a duplicate certificate for a child, you will need:

  • statement;
  • identity card of the parent or both;
  • broken metric.

If we are talking about changing the child's personal data under Article 69 of the Federal Law No. 143, you must also provide:

  • court decision on adoption or establishment of paternity;
  • the decision of the guardianship authorities to change the name or surname.

For an adult To obtain a duplicate of the metric, an adult citizen must present to the registry office:

  • statement;
  • the passport.

If a certificate of an incompetent person is required, a decision on the establishment of guardianship will also be required. Sample application The application, which is submitted when changing the metric, has an established form approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 31, 1998 N 1274.

How to change a birth certificate?

When he realized how deplorable his situation was, he tried to create a conflict situation, for which he was issued a drive (for violating public order). A couple of weeks later, he applied to the court with a statement in which he petitioned for a fingerprint examination at the expense of the state and a deferment of the state duty until a pension benefit was issued.

The court appointed an expert. It turned out that the applicant had an expired criminal record, and the database of the Ministry of Internal Affairs contained his fingerprint data. The man's identity was established, he received a passport, but never received a pension, as he lost his passport again. A birth certificate can be changed if the document is unsuitable, errors are found, or the name is changed. To do this, they turn to the same registry office where they issued the primary document. The application can be submitted in several ways, while the duration of the procedure will be different.

How can I change my date of birth in my passport?

Correction of age in the document is carried out in accordance with Federal Law No. 143. It provides for the mandatory provision of information that will confirm errors in the passport.


You can provide a certificate issued in the maternity hospital, stored in the archive. An application for a change of data is considered within a month.

After that, a conclusion is drawn up, in which the decision of the issue is made. If the answer is positive, a certificate is issued to the person. It will be required to apply to the Federal Migration Service. The refusal issued by the registry office may be appealed. A citizen has the right to appeal to the judicial authorities. If, after considering the claim, he is recognized as the winner of the case, then the state registration services are required to issue a new document. There are other grounds that allow the introduction of new information about a person in a document.

Change date of birth.

They made the introduction of new information in the official registration acts confirming the civil status. The order has now been changed. Therefore, since 2007, the procedure has changed slightly.

Information in the passport may be entered not in this body, but in the Federal Migration Service. The innovations introduced are due to several reasons. All procedures must be carried out with mandatory confirmation of the person's citizenship. This can be done only in the bodies dealing with migration issues. Therefore, the application can be submitted exclusively to the Federal Migration Service. Passport desks operate on the basis of the FMS. They deal with all issues regarding the reflection of new information in identity documents. It is allowed to apply both at the place of residence of the person and temporary registration.
The same form can be used to enter information about the father. How to change the name, surname or patronymic in the certificate If your goal is to change the name without the reason for correcting errors, then you need to submit an application in form No. 15. It should state the reasons for the decision. The grounds must be weighty and consistent with the law. Most often the reasons are:

  • changing the surname to a double one (so that the child's surname combines the premarital surnames of both parents);
  • changing the surname to the surname of the stepfather (for example, the mother remarried);
  • change of name or surname (or both) from foreign to Russian;
  • dissonance.

Where to submit the application and other documents If the applications are drawn up according to forms 15, 17 and 18, then they must be submitted to the registry office where the primary certificate was issued. If all documents are in order, they will be accepted.

Can I change my date of birth when receiving a birth certificate?

Meanwhile, by virtue of Article 333.26 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the duty will be:

  • 650 rubles when making corrections;
  • 1600 rubles when changing the surname and name;
  • 350 rubles for the re-issuance of the metric.

Terms By virtue of clause 4 of article 9 of Federal Law No. 143, when a person applies for a certificate at the place of initial issuance of it, the specified document is issued on the day of application. However, if the request was submitted in another city, it will take 30 to 60 days to send the request to the archive and issue a duplicate. When can they refuse? A birth certificate is a document on the basis of which it is possible to perform many legally significant actions - from obtaining a passport to entering into an inheritance, therefore, in order to avoid violating the legal rights of citizens, the law provides for some restrictions on the issuance of a metric.