Pokemon go versions. The latest Pokemon GO update for Android and iOS is already available for download

Pokemon Go is a real hit of 2016 in the world mobile games and applications. The successful combination of technology and the hit Pokemon setting led to the incredible success of the project. With the advent of this game, the value of Nintendo shares increased several times. In the summer of 2016, almost every owner of a new smartphone on the Android or iOS operating system had the client for this game installed. In this article you will learn technical details about Pokemon Go: how to update the game on all platforms.

Launch methods

The Pokemon Go game can be played on smartphones and tablets running operating system"Android" and iOS. These are officially released. There is also a way to run the game on personal computers. The Windows Background platform was left without the attention of developers.

However, the release was not only divided into platforms. Separate servers were created for each region. This game never reached Russia, but users found a way to play by connecting to foreign servers.

Once you have downloaded the game from the app store, you need to make sure that the version of Pokemon Go you received is up to date. How to update on each platform - read on.

Requirements for using the application

Initially, you should familiarize yourself with the requirements that the developers have compiled. Since the game works using latest technologies, it has a number of limitations on technical equipment. First, you must have the Android 5, iOS 8 or later operating system installed. A smartphone or tablet must be equipped with a gyroscope and a good main camera to use augmented reality technology (it can be disabled in the game settings). Otherwise, there are no restrictions on hardware. Over time you will have to download and install new version Pokemon Go. How to update interesting game to the current version?

If you installed the application from official stores Play Market and AppStore, you can update the game in just a few minutes. If you are the owner of an Android smartphone and use the Pokemon Go application in Russia (or any other country where there is no official server), then the update method is slightly different.

How to update Pokemon Go on iOS?

First, let's look at the update instructions for the Apple platform. The given steps are suitable for both smartphones and tablets.

Go to the app store App Store. First, you need to enable automatic updates of all installed applications. To do this, go to the program settings. You must be logged in with your Apple ID account for the service to find all your installed utilities.

In the settings, check the box that says automatically update all applications. It is recommended to configure this so that applications and games are downloaded only when connected to the point Wi-Fi access. This will avoid wasting mobile Internet traffic.

After the operations have been completed, all installed utilities will begin downloading updates. If you only need the updated Pokemon version Go, then cancel all other downloads. Now let's look at the process of updating the game client within the Android operating system. There are two ways on this platform.

How to update Pokemon Go on Android?

The first method is very similar to that described for the Apple platform. You must go to store settings Play applications Market and enable automatic updates of installed applications. Also, do not forget to check the “Only via Wi-Fi” box, otherwise the download will be carried out via the Internet of your mobile operator.

The second method is relevant for those who play Pokemon Go from a country where the official server is not running. To do this, you must turn off the Internet on your mobile device. After that, delete the Pokemon Go application from your smartphone or tablet.

Now you need the game client latest version in APK format. You can find it freely available on the Internet. Upload the file to the root directory and install via the file manager on the device. After that, connect the Internet to your smartphone and enter the game. Now you know how to update Pokemon Go on Android in two ways.

What's new in the updated version?

The last update came out at the end of summer. In it, players received fixes for numerous bugs. The developers also improved the interface and added new features, listening to user advice. When playing without the augmented reality mode, the graphics and map design, as well as the Pokemon hunt screen, have been improved.

In addition, protection against hacking and dishonest methods of leveling up your account in Pokemon Go has been improved. How to update and how to understand the application will help you find out and reference Information, which was added with the new version. Overall the game has become friendlier to beginners. The project is still being finalized by the creators, although the excitement around Pokemon has died down a little.

Pokemon GO is a game in which you can catch Pokemon in real life using a smartphone. Explore the streets of your city in search of Pokemon and PokeStop - locations where you can get additional items. A found Pokemon can be caught with a simple swipe gesture and throwing a Pokeball at it.
After reaching level 5, which can be achieved by catching Pokemon and collecting items, PokeGyms open to the player. In them you can train your Pokemon and arrange battles between the animals. The Pokémon that beats everyone in the PokeGym will take over that Gym and paint it with their team's colors. By the way, in Pokemon GO you can play for one of three teams: blue, red and yellow. Each Pokemon can be upgraded by causing evolution.

You can no longer wait for Pokemon Go to be released in Russia; the release date has not been announced, but you can download Pokemon and play now. Russian language is not yet supported.

Common mistakes and Pokemon GO problems:

  • Drains the battery quickly: you need to activate the “Battery Saver” item in the game settings. Also turn off AR mode when catching Pokemon. You should also reduce the screen brightness or set it to automatic adjustment.
  • When caught, the camera is turned on, but the Pokemon itself does not appear. Most likely, your smartphone does not have a gyroscope. You need to turn off AR mode while fishing.
  • Failed to detect location: go to Settings → Developer Tools. Here you need to find the “Use fictitious locations” option. It needs to be disabled.
  • We caught a Pokemon, but the game froze: you need to wait 10 seconds. After that, click on all the points on the screen. We restart Pokemon Go - the Pokemon should remain in the backpack.
  • How to play Pokemon GO in Crimea: you can use the Psiphon application, or any other program for VPN or IP spoofing. You can also get an MTS SIM card for the Krasnodar region. She has a mainland IP.
  • How to play with 512 MB RAM: You need root access and the Gltools program, in which you need to reduce the texture quality to 0.25x.
  • “Our Servers Are Humbled By Your Incredible Response”: The game servers are either overloaded or are undergoing work. Wait a few hours and try logging in again.
Version log:
  • Update 0.29.2 added support for preview versions of Android 7.0. Also now works on Intel processors x86 (ASUS ZenFone and others).
  • Update 0.29.3 brought “minor changes to the text.”
  • Update 0.31: the radar was removed, a more convenient menu for exchanging Pokemon for candies was added, the animations and combat characteristics of many Pokemon were changed, many bugs were fixed.
  • Update 0.33: warning about playing while driving, bugs with pokeballs have been fixed, grass has been added to the radar, achievements have been fixed, the ability to change nickname after registration has been added, visual effects for the leaders of the three teams.
  • Update 0.37: Pokémon partner, improved Pokédex design, animation bugs fixed, network switching bugs fixed, Pokemon GO Plus support, root and jailbreak protection.
Attention! Using a modified version for older devices may lead to account blocking.

WITH Google Play or below from our website apk file.

If you don't understand where to download pokemon go on your phone, then clicking on the big black button will take you to Google Play, where you will download the game pokemon go.

As soon as you launch Pokemon Go on Android, Professor Willow will appear in front of you, who will briefly tell you what you have to do. Go out, look for Pokemon and improve the level of your hero right now.
Unfortunately, the Pokemon Go game has not yet been officially released in Russia, but our article describes methods on how you can download and install Pokemon Go on Android in Russia.

Do not know how to install pokemon go in Russia? So, if you are the owner of an Android phone, then you just need download pokemon go apk file. Before downloading, make sure your phone matches .

  • Full list changes in Pokemon Go 0.39.0
  • It is possible to catch Pokemon using the Pokemon Go Plus bracelet, this opportunity appeared thanks to lures.
  • A function is available with which you can find out where you caught the Pokemon. You can do this by opening the Pokemon; everything will be written in the description for it.
  • We removed minor bugs in the game and edited the text where necessary.

Game version 0.37.1

Changes in Pokemon Go version 0.37.1:

  • Pokemon details have been improved, and the list of working screens has been expanded
  • now the correct link to the game update
  • Added notifications for trainers that say: Trainers should not move above a certain speed. They must also confirm that they are not driving.
  • Fixed the accuracy of the curved throw
  • Fixed a bug due to which Nice, Great and Excellent rolls did not give experience.
  • Fixed achievements that had the wrong icons.
  • New: ability to change nickname in the game (only 1 time!)
  • On iOS, the battery saving mode and automatic shutdown of the device have been fixed.
  • Now you can see the images of the Candela, Balache, Spark teams
  • Are being tested different types radars, keep your eyes peeled.
  • Fixed minor text errors and shortcomings
  • The Appraise function has been added; after contacting your team leader, you will be provided with all the data to select a Pokemon to protect or attack Jim.
  • New features are being introduced into the game. Which you will learn about very soon.
  • Cool protection against bots has been introduced. They started banning players who used cheating programs.
  • Improved communication between the Pokemon Go Plus bracelet and the game.
  • The game added an FAQ on how to use the bracelet.
  • Buddy Pokemon - new feature in which you are allowed to carry a Pokemon with you on walks and receive candies for its evolution.
  • We optimized the map, now it’s easy to interact with small Pokemon.
  • We fixed a bug that resulted in the animation not being shown when a Pokemon hatched from an egg.
  • The stability of the game has been improved, now there will be fewer errors with the Internet connection.
  • Weak Pokemon will appear less frequently. Improved balance.

Game version 0.31.0


  • A warning has appeared for drivers: “do not play while driving”
  • Improved gym animation
  • The font in the profile and Pokemon menus has become more pleasant
  • Memory full issue has been fixed
  • A button has appeared in the Pokemon menu that allows you to send unwanted Pokemon to the professor.
  • The problem with the description in the Pokédex has been fixed. For some, the text was displayed crookedly.
  • Achievements have been changed. Now the medals look different.
  • In battles between Pokemon, the damage balance has been changed. Damage is now dealt more correctly.
  • Added the ability to change the character's appearance at any time. Previously, this was only available at the beginning of the game.
  • Minor changes have also been made to the game itself.

It quickly gained popularity, including in Russia. After a fairly short period of time, owners of smartphones based on iOS and Android can already download the first available update. The question of the upcoming launch of a new version interested many users immediately after the launch of the game, and now the event took place.

What does the update affect?

The creators of pokemon go are specialists from the Ninatic Labs studio. They made the following changes to the new version:

  • Eliminating the system that determined which pocket monsters were nearby. If earlier in the game Pokemon Go it displayed three traces on the screen, which indicated that the Pokemon was too far away, then this function began to malfunction. In the new version of the game, the creators decided to eliminate it altogether.
  • The new version of Pokemon Go for Android, as well as iOS, allows the player to independently change his avatar immediately after the start. Now users from Russia and other countries can change their hero’s hair color, racial differences, clothes, etc.
  • Conveniently located button that allows you to add a caught Pokemon to your favorites list or exchange it for sweets.
  • Changes in some fighting characteristics of pocket monsters in Pokemon Go.
  • Improved animation during battles in specialized halls.
  • Issues that occurred when displaying the area map have been resolved.
  • Minor changes to the text.
  • Changing the icon that spoke about the pokemon go player's achievements.
  • Elimination of errors that could occur on Android and iOS when Pokemon appeared.

The Pokemon Go update made it possible to immerse yourself in the most popular game, which came even closer to reality, became smoother and clearer.

How to update the game

At the moment, users of Russia and other countries where the world famous game pokemon go was officially introduced can download the updated version to their Android and iOS. To do this, you should visit mobile content stores such as GooglePlay and AppStore. If Pokemon Go has not been installed up to this point, the latest version will be downloaded. For those who are already playing it, just update your app. This method applies only to those countries where this mobile application is officially distributed.

Read also An update for Pokemon Go v0.37.1 has been released

Despite the fact that the game never launched in Russia, and the Russian language was not added to its interface, fans of Japanese pocket monsters are finding ways to download it to their Android and iOS. Owners of apple products do not need to download again new game, V in this case All you need to do is change the settings on your smartphone for a foreign user and update the existing version. Those users who use Android can download a special file and follow the instructions to install this game.
Many services offer to update the pokemon go game in Russia by downloading the ARC file. Such offers should be treated very carefully, since third-party applications containing malicious software may be installed under the guise of the pokemon go game, which is downloaded to Android. Therefore, services should be checked especially carefully and pay attention to reviews and the number of downloaded files.

is a role-playing adventure game for Android that allows you to catch Pokemon in the real world using your phone's camera. To do this, you need to explore not only city streets, but also special Pokestop locations where you can usually get useful things.

Pokemon GO screenshots →

It should be noted that on the territory of the Russian Federation such places, according to players, are very often located near branches of Sberbank of Russia. As soon as the Pokemon is close to mobile phone, it will begin to vibrate. To catch a detected character, you need to use a pokeball, launched using the classic swipe gesture. Download Pokemon game GO free for Android you can on this page.

Pokemon GO game features

  • Wide range of search options for Pokemon and individual items. At the same time, certain heroes appear not far from certain natural areas. For example, aquatic representatives live near lakes and oceans, while forest representatives live in parks and forest belts. In addition, you should not ignore museums, art exhibitions, monuments and historical sites, as PokéStops are often located here.
  • Participation in the processes of capture, birth and development of characters. With each new level, more and more powerful heroes become available to the player.
  • Train your Pokemon in gyms, subject to reaching level 5. The winning animal will be able to lead the gym and paint it in the color of its own team.

The most important advantage of Pokemon GO is that the game forces users to sit at home less and go out more. fresh air. If you walk around the city at night, your chances of meeting a curious ghost character increase significantly. To download Pokemon GO on Android for free, follow the direct link below on our website.

It is also interesting that Pokemon will be found in the most unexpected places. Some of them will begin to smile welcomingly in response, while others will indicate their presence in a different way. Today they talk about more than 150 types of pocket monsters, but their numbers are constantly increasing. The average user spends at least 45 minutes per day playing Pokemon GO, especially since the search should begin near their home.