To your outgoing letter. Basic rules for writing business letters

Undoubtedly, the answer will be disdainful: you can inform that you are studying the received request, send catalogs, price lists, offer to change the conditions specified in the request, refuse the supply of goods or other requests.

So, if you are interested in supplying this product, then an offer is sent in response to the request

An offer is a written proposal for the supply of goods made by the seller to the buyer. It expresses the desire or readiness to enter into a purchase and sale agreement on the terms set out in sentence 33. For example:

. Dear Sirs!

. We gratefully acknowledge receipt. your request and send a sample(name of product), interested. You. We can offer. This product is available to you under the following conditions:

plastic(name) in a package of discs in pieces;

delivery: freight paid to the border;

disc packaging: free;

payment: irrevocable letter of credit

. We will be grateful for. Your order. For our part, we promise service at any time

. C. Appendix: sample in one copy

. Dear Sirs!

. We confirm receipt. Your request from(date of) to supply(Product Name). There is no need to send samples because. You are well aware of the quality of our products

. If you order in a timely manner, we will be able to deliver. To you(number) of products quarterly

. Pan(last name) from our company introduced me. You with prices and delivery schedule. Your feedback was positive, so we can start shipping the goods after receiving the order


. Dear Sirs!

. In response to. Your request from(date of) We inform you that we have carefully read the. Your samples(Product Name) . We want to assure you. You, that we can produce products of the appropriate (needed. You, desired) quality

. To satisfy. Your annual needs, we can offer. These are the terms of the agreement:

price per unit UAH;

total cost the entire batch of UAH;

cash payment:

Delivery time: days after receiving the order. All specifications are listed in our catalogue. Please. You will receive a response within five days of receiving this letter. With yvaga...

. Dear Sirs!

. Thanks for the request from(date of) to supply(Product Name). We inform you that this request has been accepted for consideration. ABOUT final decision we'll let you know. additionally for you

If. You cannot provide a proposal for the supply of this or that product needed by the customer, be sure to send reasoned refusal:

. Dear!

. Thank you. you for your request from(date of) and expressed interest in our products

. It’s a pity, but given the needs of the modern market, we do not produce such goods

. We asked Mr.(surname), with whom we cooperate fruitfully, convey relevant proposals

. We add an illustrated catalog containing detailed description the goods we produce. Please let us know if you are interested. You are one of them, then we will be able to transfer the draft agreement, noting c. Delivery lines, cost, terms of payment etc.

. Dear Sirs!

. Thanks for the letter from(date of). Unfortunately, we have to report. You know that all manufactured products are exported by the company (name). We directed there. Your request was asked to be provided. We have an offer that we hope will interest you. You

. With respect and wishes of success..

. Dear!

. We gratefully acknowledge receipt. Your request from ... (date of) . It's a shame, but we can't satisfy you. Your request due to the fact that all our products have already been sold. The current situation does not give us the opportunity to increase our production capacity

. Hope for understanding

. We remain with respect

. Dear Sirs!

. Thanks for. Your request from(date of) . Unfortunately, we cannot satisfy this on our own. your request

. The fact is that for many years our interests have been represented by(company name) . Given our contractual obligations to this company, we cannot independently sell our products in the territory. your country

. Please send your request to:. Sincerely..

Sometimes in response to a request you can propose to change its conditions: quantity of goods, model, delivery time, etc.

. Dear Sirs!

. On the. Your request from(date), unfortunately, we have to inform you that we do not produce what you need. Products for you

. But we can offer. You will receive a catalog of our current assortment. We would be very happy if. You have entered some of our products into. Your implementation program

. If this offer interests you. We ask you to send us an answer

. Dear /

. Answering. Your supply request(name of product), we inform you that we cannot supply the products in the correct order. volume for you

. By. We can only make partial deliveries of your order within days. In addition, we have temporarily stopped shipping because we must fulfill pre-orders first

. Please let me know immediately if you are satisfied. Our offer for you

A number of correspondence received by the organization require the sending of answers on certain issues. In this article we will look in detail at how to correctly compose a letter in response to a request.

From the article you will learn:

In what cases is a response letter required?

The incoming correspondence of each organization consists of various documents, certain types which require sending response messages. At the same time, it is necessary to have a good understanding of the types of incoming documentation and the letters that require a response. We invite you to familiarize yourself in detail with the types of incoming letters to which you need to send a reply message.

Letter of request

Already from the title of this document it becomes obvious that it contains some kind of request addressed to the addressee. Typically, the purpose of this document is to obtain specific information, goods or services that the author of the letter needs. This category of incoming documentation is processed on letterhead and contains phrases such as: “We ask you to notify about...”, “We ask you to inform...”, “We ask you to take action...”, etc.

In some cases, a business paper may not contain a direct request, but only a wish. For example, “We hope to consider your appeal...”. In this case, the document must also contain the appeal itself or a description of the situation requiring the adoption of certain measures.

There are also situations when one letter of request contains several requests. In this case, the design rules require that each of them be described in a separate paragraph. In this case, each subsequent paragraph containing a request should begin with the words “We also ask you to take measures...”, “At the same time, we ask you to pay attention to...”, “At the same time, we ask you to consider...”, etc.

An inquiry

Perhaps the letter of request is the only document to which a response must be sent. Although letters of request and letters of request are very similar in style and content, a request has one distinctive feature, which cannot be ignored. It's about justifying the document.

Letters of inquiry refer to official letters sent to the addressee in order to obtain certain information, documents and business papers. Such a document in correspondence is distinguished by the presence of a justification, which is indicated by the author of the request. The justification may include a reference to any government document, regulation or law, according to which the author has the right to familiarize himself with the requested information or business papers. Also justified by reference to organizational and legal documents that give the right to familiarize yourself with certain information. And precisely because there is a legal justification, it is imperative to issue an official response to the request. Below we will look in more detail at a sample response to a letter of appeal.

Letters of invitation

Although invitations to various events do not require the addressee to send a response letter, in many cases such a need is dictated by business etiquette. In this case, the response message in in this case It is advisable to apply as early as possible. If this is not possible, then you can warn about the possible presence or absence at the event by calling the inviting party.

Structure and format of the response letter

As mentioned above, a response letter to a request is mandatory, so it is necessary to begin drafting it as quickly as possible after receiving the request. If for some reason the processing of the document is delayed, then it makes sense to warn the author that the request has been received, but its processing takes time. Not only will this be a polite and ethical thing to do, but it will also give you time to formulate your message.

It is important to understand that a letter in response to a request (a sample is presented below) can have either a positive or negative decision regarding this request. Let's look at them in more detail.

A positive response

Letter a response containing a positive decision regarding a specific request or request is formatted in the same style as the request itself. Essentially, it should be written using the same wording and in the same style. The document should mention that the request was considered, on the basis of which a positive decision was made (the decision to grant the request). In this case, if necessary, you can specify the time frame within which the request will be satisfied.

If the response to an official request (a sample is presented below) requires sending certain business papers, they can be attached to the letter. In this case, you should indicate in the main document a list of attached documents, their number and name. If necessary, indicate the number of copies.

Response letter (sample)

(aka response letter) - standard norm business ethics. As a rule, requests are made either by potential partners of the company with a request to provide any information about the activities of the enterprise, goods, services, prices and discounts, or by existing counterparties, for example, to obtain information about delivery times, payment, forwarding or correction of documents, etc. .d.

FILES Open these files online 2 files

The response to the request is of an official nature and is part of the company’s business workflow.

General rules for writing an answer

First of all, you should remember that the answer should be written by the exact employee of the enterprise to whose name the initial letter was written. Exceptions are possible only in cases where this employee is absent for some reason (sick leave, business trip, dismissal) - then the answer can be written by the one who replaces the absentee this moment time.

The language and presentation of the message should mirror the request letter. In other words, it is advisable to use in the text the same form of address that the sender of the request used, the same vocabulary, terminology, linguistic expressions and sequence of presentation, of course, provided that the author of the initiative message has proven himself to be a competent and correct person.

It is necessary to indicate a link to the number and date of the incoming message, but you must not repeat the mistakes made by the author of the request and it is undesirable to indicate them in the response letter (only if this does not relate to the specific activities of the company).

The answer to the request can be either positive or negative.

  • A positive answer should be as detailed as possible,
  • and the negative one is justified and extremely correct.

In addition, if a request is refused, it would be good practice to provide the author with information about under what circumstances the answer may be positive.

In any case, the response letter should be written in the most polite manner possible. It is advisable to avoid empty replies and even in the absence of the necessary information you need to write a response reserved, polite and respectful in relation to the author of the request. Rudeness, as well as deliberately false information, are completely unacceptable.

How to write a response to a request

The form of submission and execution of the response to the letter of request can play a decisive role in the relationship between organizations. That is why its compilation should be treated very carefully, adhering to certain rules.

First of all, before composing a response letter, you should inform the sender in any convenient way that you have received the request. Next, if you have all the necessary information, you can begin to answer. The sooner a response message is written, the better, but if the requested information is not available at the moment, it is better to wait with the letter.

The structure of the answer is quite standard from the point of view of office work.

  1. At the top of the message (right or left) you need to write the name of the sending company (indicating the address and telephone number), as well as the specific employee on whose behalf the response is being written.
  2. Next, enter information about the recipient in the same way.
  3. After this, the answer itself is written. It must fully correspond to the essence of the request and, if the requester in his letter asked several questions at once, divided into separate points, the answer must be written in exactly the same format. If any additional information is attached to the response, this must be reflected in the body of the letter, noting it separately.
  4. Likewise, if circumstances so require, the response can include references to some laws, regulations and legal acts.

How to write a response letter

You can write the answer

  • as in handwritten form (mostly this is done when the request itself arrives in a similar format),
  • and in print ( this method saves a lot of time).

It can be drawn up on a simple A4 sheet or on the organization’s letterhead - the second option allows you not to manually enter the company details, and it looks much more respectable. The answer must be contain a signature an employee who represents the organization indicating his position. There is no need to put a stamp, because... since 2016 the requirement of the law to apply legal entities stamps and seals have lost their validity.

A response is being compiled in a single copy, before sending it, it must be numbered (in accordance with the company’s internal document flow), and also dated.

Information about the letter must be entered into the journal of outgoing documentation - if the response to the request is lost or disagreements arise with the counterparty, this will allow you to quickly understand the situation.

How to send a letter

The answer can be sent different ways. Email or Fax allow you to significantly save time. But if the letter contains particularly valuable information or original documents and the sender is interested in guaranteed receipt of the message, you should use the services of the Russian Post by sending a reply by registered mail with notification of delivery.

Should I wait for a response to the response letter?

Almost all business letters require a response, but there is an exception to this rule.

The response letter does not require any response, since it initially does not contain any requests, requests or proposals. In fact, it contains only the information that the other party required.

At the same time, it is the response letter that can become the starting point for concluding a profitable contract or transaction, as well as a simple and in an accessible way resolving any problems and difficulties in relationships between partners.

The response letter is drawn up in free form and has much in common with the certificate. The page provides the opportunity to download a free sample of the paper discussed.

A written request requires a motivated, detailed response from the addressee. Response letter - that one required document, which is worth writing in such cases. The message is written in free form and has much in common with a certificate. The information sheet contains a limited narrative framework and should only answer the question posed in the requirement. A response letter is easy to write even for an inexperienced person, with a computer and printer at hand. The page of this resource provides the opportunity to download and apply a sample of the paper discussed for free and apply it in your life.

Let's consider the main features included in the concept of a response letter. The point of the response is business communication counterparties. An excellent way to resolve problems out of court allows you to save significant money and time of participants in legal relations. The legitimacy of communication lies in a paper medium of information, compiled in accordance with all the rules of office work and having a genuine management visa. Email correspondence is an unreliable option for evidence in court.

Mandatory points that make up a response letter

  • Address and name of the institution to whom the response letter is sent;
  • Author's own information, contact numbers;
  • Number, date and title of the story;
  • A brief summary of the request to which the response letter is being drawn up;
  • Clear and specific answers to the questions asked. There is no need to write too much;
  • A respectful tone is encouraged, but rigor is also important;
  • Fixation of the executor of the paper, signature and transcript of the head, seal of the institution.
It is best to send a response letter personally to the addressee. In return, you need to get a receipt stamp on the second copy. If it is not possible to deliver the response letter personally, you need to use postal services by sending a document with a notification and a description of the attachment. The available sample and a set of other forms and examples on the site will help you create the necessary appeal on your own. Most templates have the simplest format and can be easily edited in Microsoft Word. Enjoy using it.

Letter of request Already from the name of this document it becomes obvious that it contains some kind of request sent to the addressee. Typically, the purpose of this document is to obtain specific information, goods or services that the author of the letter needs. This category of incoming documentation is drawn up on letterhead and contains phrases such as: “We ask you to notify us about...”, “We ask you to inform...”, “We ask you to take action...”, etc. In some cases, a business paper may not contain a direct request, but only a wish. For example, “We hope to consider your appeal...”. In this case, the document must also contain the appeal itself or a description of the situation requiring the adoption of certain measures. There are also situations when one letter of request contains several requests. In this case, the design rules require that each of them be described in a separate paragraph.

Business letters

Your request was asked to be provided. We have an offer that we hope will interest you. You. With respect and best wishes... Dear! . We gratefully acknowledge receipt. Your request from...
(date of). It's a shame, but we can't satisfy you. Your request due to the fact that all our products have already been sold. The current situation does not give us the opportunity to increase our production capacity today. Hope for understanding. We remain with respect. Dear Sirs! .
Thanks for. Your request is from (date). Unfortunately, we cannot satisfy this on our own. Your request. The fact is that for many years our interests have been represented by (company name). Given our contractual obligations to this company, we cannot independently sell our products in the territory.
Your country. Please send your request to:. Sincerely..

Bad request

You receive this product under the following conditions: plastic (name) in a package of disks, piece by piece; delivery: freight paid to the border; disc packaging: free; payment: irrevocable letter of credit. We will be grateful for. Your order. For our part, we promise service at any time. C. Appendix: sample in one copy. Dear Sirs! .

We confirm receipt. Your request dated (date) for the supply of (product name). There is no need to send samples because. You are well aware of the quality of our products. If you order in a timely manner, we will be able to deliver. You (number) of products quarterly.

Pan (last name) from our company introduced me. You with prices and delivery schedule. Your feedback was positive, so we can start shipping the goods after receiving the order. With respect and best wishes... Dear Sirs! .

In response to.

Response to letter of request. response letter

Sometimes in response to a request you can propose to change its conditions: quantity of goods, model, delivery time, etc. . Dear Sirs! . On the. Your request from (date), unfortunately, we have to inform you that we do not produce what you need. Products for you. But we can offer. You will receive a catalog of our current assortment.

We would be very happy if. You have entered some of our products into. Your implementation program. If this offer interests you. We ask you to send us an answer. WITH. . Dear / . Answering.


Your request for supplies of (product name), we inform you that we cannot supply the products in the required. Volume for you. By. We can only make partial deliveries of your order within days. In addition, we have temporarily stopped shipping because we must fulfill pre-orders first.

Please let me know immediately if you are satisfied. Our offer to you. WITH.

Punctuation in a business letter after the phrase “we inform the following”

A letter of response with a positive decision is structured according to the following scheme:

  • repetition of the content of the request using stable language formulas, for example: In response to your request for the supply of spare parts for... we inform...; In response to your request for... we send...;
  • presentation of information upon request.

The refusal letter is structured as follows:

  • repetition of the content of the request (in a form similar to a letter with a positive decision);
  • a reasoned statement of the reason (or reasons) why the request cannot be granted or why the proposal cannot be accepted;
  • statement of refusal or rejection of an offer.

In a refusal letter, it is especially important to use language that helps the sender of the letter remain polite and concerned about preserving the self-esteem of the recipient of such a letter.

How to write a response letter

In this case, each subsequent paragraph containing a request should begin with the words “We also ask you to take measures...”, “At the same time, we ask you to pay attention...”, “At the same time, we ask you to consider...”, etc. Letter of request Perhaps the letter of request is the only document to which a response must be sent. Despite the fact that letters of request and letters of request are very similar in style and content, the request has one distinctive feature that cannot be ignored. It's about justifying the document. Request letters refer to official letters sent to the addressee in order to obtain certain information, documents and business papers. Such a document in correspondence is distinguished by the presence of a justification, which is indicated by the author of the request.

In response to your letter, we inform you


You cannot provide an offer for the supply of this or that product needed by the customer, be sure to send a reasoned refusal: . Dear! . Thank you. You for your inquiry from (date) and your interest in our products. It's a pity, but given the needs of the modern market, we do not produce such goods.

We asked Mr. (last name), with whom we cooperate fruitfully, to convey the relevant proposals. We are adding an illustrated catalog that contains detailed descriptions of the products we produce. Please let us know if you are interested. You are one of them, then we will be able to transfer the draft agreement, noting c.
Delivery lines, cost, terms of payment etc. . S. Dear sirs! . Thank you for your letter dated (date). Unfortunately, we have to report. You know that all manufactured products are exported by the company (name).
We directed there.

Response to a request for information

A number of situations, such as situations of refusal, delay in a positive decision, disagreement, require the use of words expressing regret at the beginning of the key phrase, for example: We regret to inform you that it is impossible to satisfy your request... ; Unfortunately, we cannot agree to your terms... ; Unfortunately, problems with... do not allow us to take advantage of your offer in the near future... etc. When responding to a commercial request, the seller, if he can immediately satisfy the buyer’s request and deliver the goods, sends a proposal (offer).

In response to your request, we inform you the following

Previous CONTENTS Next 718 Letter - response to a request A letter of request will undoubtedly disdain the answer: you can inform that you are studying the received request, send catalogs, price lists, offer to change the conditions specified in the request, refuse the supply of goods or other requests. So, if you are interested in the supply of this product, then an offer is sent in response to the request. An offer is a written proposal for the supply of goods made by the seller to the buyer. It expresses the desire or readiness to enter into a purchase and sale agreement on the terms set out in sentence 33.

For example: . Dear Sirs! . We gratefully acknowledge receipt. Your request and send a sample (name of product) that interests you. You. We can offer.
Banks often remind clients about outstanding debt or new lending conditions. You can send information about vacancies and job applications to the person you would like to see on your team. Company employees must receive certain communications in writing. This is information about disciplinary sanctions and a warning about layoffs. Partners are usually written new proposals, complaints and apologies. 4 A business letter must contain certain details, so it is better to immediately develop forms. The completed form can be sent to e-mail as an attachment or print and send by regular mail or registered mail. The name of your business should be at the top, or even better, your logo.

  • A positive answer should be as detailed as possible,
  • and the negative one is justified and extremely correct.

In addition, if a request is refused, it would be good practice to provide the author with information about under what circumstances the answer may be positive. In any case, the response letter should be written in the most polite manner possible. It is advisable to avoid empty replies, and even in the absence of the necessary information, you must write a response with restraint, politely and respectfully towards the author of the request.

Rudeness, as well as deliberately false information, are completely unacceptable. How to write a response to a request The form for submitting and executing a response to a request letter can play a decisive role in relations between organizations. That is why its compilation should be treated very carefully, adhering to certain rules.

In response to your request, we provide the following sample

Response letter (sample) Details of the response letter Help This category of letters contains the same details as any other official letters. The main details include:

  1. name of company;
  2. reference information about the organization;
  3. organization code;
  4. main state registration number(OGRN) of a legal entity;
  5. taxpayer identification number/reason code for registration;
  6. date of;
  7. registration number;
  8. link to the registration number and date of the incoming document;
  9. destination;
  10. title to the text (when writing a letter on A4 format);
  11. signature.

It is important to understand that any response letter must contain the document number in which the request was sent and its date. In this case, the response letter is signed by the employee to whose name the request was sent.