The meaning of the numbers of the surname, name and patronymic. Meaning of a proper name

When entering the state civil service of the Russian Federation, each person, in accordance with the requirements of Art. 26 of the Federal Law of July 27, 2004 N 79-FZ “On the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation” (hereinafter referred to as Law No. 79-FZ) submits to the personnel service of the state body a personally completed and signed document, the form of which is approved by Order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 26, 2005 N 667-r. It is explained below in what order it should be filled out.

The form must be completed in printed form a citizen entering the public service. It is not allowed to put dashes or “yes” or “no” answers in the questionnaire; detailed answers must be given to all questions. All information specified in the form is certified by the signature of the person who filled out the form. A photograph of the citizen is attached to the application form.

An employee of the civil service and personnel department checks the questionnaire data against documents proving the citizen’s identity, his work activity, education, and attitude to military service. If there are no comments, he certifies the data in the form with his signature and the seal of the government agency. Subsequently, the questionnaire is attached to the personal file of the civil servant (clause “b”, paragraph 16 of the Regulations on the personal data of a state civil servant of the Russian Federation and the management of his personal file, approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 30, 2005 N 609).

To check the application form, the civil service and personnel department requires the following documents:

1. Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.

2. Foreign passport.

3. Certificate of change of name (if the last name, first name, patronymic have changed).

4. Military registration document.

5. Work record book.

6. Insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance.

7. Certificate of registration with the tax authority of an individual at the place of residence on the territory of the Russian Federation.

8. Education documents.

Let's consider the procedure for checking the questionnaire.

Clause 1. Last name, first name, patronymic

They are written down in full (without abbreviations and replacing the first and patronymic with initials) on the basis of an identity document of a citizen of the Russian Federation.

The main document identifying a citizen of the Russian Federation on the territory of Russia is a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation

Correct entry for point 1: "Prikhodko Marina Viktorovna"

Incorrect entry: "Prikhodko M.V."

Paragraph 2. If you changed your last name, first name or patronymic, then indicate them, as well as when, where and for what reason they changed

If the last name, first name and patronymic have not changed, write: "I did not change my last name, first name and patronymic". If the surname has been changed, you must indicate the previous surname, the current surname and the reason for its change. For example: “The surname of Konev was changed to Zherebtsova on 09/08/1984 by the registry office of Ensk in connection with the registration of marriage. The name and patronymic were not changed.”.

If the surname changes several times, all surnames are indicated. For example: "Dmitriev's surname was changed to Pavlova on 01/10/2000 by the Ensk registry office department in connection with the registration of marriage. Pavlova's surname was changed to Dmitrieva on 10/05/2003 by the Ensk registry office department in connection with a divorce. Dmitriev's surname was changed to Ivanova on 12/03/2009 by the city registry office department . Enska in connection with the registration of marriage. I did not change my name and patronymic".

The same should be done when changing the name (patronymic). First, the previous name (patronymic) is indicated, then the present name and the reason for which these changes were made. For example: “The patronymic Slavikovich was changed on 08/25/2000 by the registry office of Ensk to the patronymic Vyacheslavovich due to an incorrect recording of the father’s name” or “The name Iskra was changed on 03/15/1998 by the registry office of Ensk to the name Lyudmila due to cacophony”. A document confirming the fact of a change of surname, name, patronymic may be a certificate of registration (divorce) of marriage or a change of name.

Clause 3. Date, month, year and place of birth (village, hamlet, city, district, region, region, republic, country)

The date of birth is indicated on the basis of a passport or birth certificate digitally (day and month are indicated as a two-digit number, year - as a four-digit number) or alphanumerically.

The place of birth is indicated in full, without abbreviation, indicating the name of the republic, territory, region, city, locality (city, town, village, village) in accordance with the names in force at the time of birth, based on passport data.

Correct entry: "The village of Savrasovo, Lukoyanovsky district, Nizhny Novgorod region".

Incorrect entry: "The village of Savrasovo, Nizhny Novgorod region".

Point 4. Citizenship (if changed, indicate when and for what reason, if you have citizenship of another state, indicate)

This column indicates: "A citizen of Russian Federation". Persons of dual citizenship, stateless people or foreign citizens are not accepted into the state civil service of the Russian Federation (Federal Law of July 27, 2004 N 79-FZ “On the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation” (clause 1, article 21).

In case of change of citizenship, the following entry is made: “In 2000, the citizenship of the Republic of Belarus was changed to citizenship of the Russian Federation in connection with moving to live in Russia.”

Point 5. Education (when and what educational institutions graduated from, diploma numbers)

Education is filled out in accordance with the employee’s documents on professional education (certificate, diploma, certificate).

If the employee has incomplete education, it is necessary to indicate how many courses he has completed or what course he is currently studying. For example: “In 2000, he completed two courses at Ensky State Technical University”, “In the current year 2009, he is studying in the 3rd year at Ensky State Technical University”.

The name of the educational institution repeats the entry in the education document. If an employee has two or more educations, then everything is indicated in chronological order, for example: "1) 1980, Moscow Aviation Institute, diploma series ZhK N 345678; 2) 2000, Russian Academy of Public Administration and Management, diploma series BA N 123456".

Currently, educational institutions graduate bachelors, specialists and masters.

For the “Bachelor” and “Master” qualifications, the direction or specialty is indicated in the “Direction or Specialty” column, and for the “Specialist” qualification, the specialty is indicated. For example: "Specialty - "Aviation Electrical Equipment", diploma qualification - "Engineer".

Clause 6. Postgraduate professional education: postgraduate studies, postgraduate studies, doctoral studies (name of educational or scientific institution, year of graduation)

Correct entry: “Completed her postgraduate studies in 2009 at Ensky State University.”

Academic degree - Doctor of Science, Candidate of Science, academic titles - academician, associate professor, professor, senior researcher. If the employee has an academic degree or academic title, then this item is filled in on the basis of a diploma of a candidate of sciences or doctor of sciences. If there is no title, it is written: “I don’t have an academic degree or academic title.”

Point 7. What foreign languages ​​and languages ​​of the peoples of the Russian Federation do you speak and to what extent (you read and translate with a dictionary, you read and can explain yourself, you speak fluently)

Correct entry: “I speak German: I read and can explain myself. I am fluent in the Tatar language” or “I don’t speak foreign languages. I don’t speak the languages ​​of the peoples of the Russian Federation.”

Incorrect entry: "German, translated with a dictionary."

Proficiency in foreign languages ​​and languages ​​of the peoples of the Russian Federation is recorded in accordance with Section. 4 of the All-Russian Classifier of Population Information OK 018-95, approved by Decree of the State Standard of Russia dated July 31, 1995 N 412 (hereinafter referred to as OKIN), without abbreviations, for example "English", "Tatar", but not "English," "tat.".

Section 5 of the OKIN provides for three degrees of knowledge of foreign languages: reads and translates with a dictionary; reads and can explain himself; is fluent.

Clause 8. Class rank of the federal civil service, diplomatic rank, military or special rank, class rank of law enforcement service, class rank of civil service of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, qualification rank of civil service (by whom and when assigned)

The class rank of the federal civil service, diplomatic rank, class rank of the civil service of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, and the qualification category of the civil service are indicated according to the entry in the work book.

The types of class ranks of the state civil service are indicated in Art. 11 of Law No. 79-FZ:

Acting State Councilor of the Russian Federation, 1st, 2nd or 3rd class;

State Counselor of the Russian Federation 1st, 2nd or 3rd class;

Advisor to the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation, 1st, 2nd or 3rd class;

Referent of the state civil service of the Russian Federation 1st, 2nd or 3rd class;

Secretary of the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation, 1st, 2nd or 3rd class.

Civil servants holding positions in the civil service of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation are assigned class ranks in accordance with the law of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

Correct entry: "Referent of the state civil service of the Russian Federation, 1st class, assigned by Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated September 1, 2005 N 218" or “I do not have a class rank in the federal civil service, a diplomatic rank, a military rank, a class rank in the law enforcement service, a class rank in the civil service of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, or a qualification rank in the civil service.”.

Incorrect entry: "Referent of the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation, 1st class".

Point 9. Have you been convicted (when and for what)

If you have no criminal record, you must write: "Hasn't been convicted".

Confirmation of the absence of a criminal record is a certificate issued to a citizen in accordance with the Instructions on the procedure for providing citizens with certificates of the presence (absence) of a criminal record, approved by Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated November 1, 2001 N 965.

Clause 10. Access to state secrets issued for the period of work, service, study, its form, number and date (if available)

In case of lack of permission, indicate: “I don’t have access to state secrets”. If permission was previously issued, then it is written: “Had access to state secrets, issued during the period of work at the Research Institute of Instrument Engineering, form N 2-0307 from 09/01/1982”.

Clause 11. Work performed from the beginning of employment (including studies in higher and secondary specialized educational institutions, military service, part-time work, entrepreneurial activity, etc.).

This item must be completed in chronological order. It includes not only work activity, but also time spent studying in higher and secondary educational institutions (including schools), as well as military service. Information about military service should be recorded indicating the position and number of the military unit.

The names of the position and organization are indicated as they were called at one time, in full, without abbreviations, according to the entries in the work book. In case of renaming or transformation of the organization, this fact must be reflected in the questionnaire.

If there are breaks in work, the reason for the breaks is indicated with the presentation of relevant documents (for example, a certificate from the employment service).

Right: "Student of Secondary Educational School No. 112", "Student of the Moscow Aviation Institute", "Process engineer at the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Gidravlika".

Wrong: "MAI student", "Technological engineer of FSUE "Gidravlika", "FSUE "Gidravlika", "technological engineer".

Clause 12. State awards, other awards and insignia

If there are no awards, the following is written down: “I have no state awards, other awards or insignia”. If a citizen has state awards, then the name of each of them is indicated in full, without abbreviations, in accordance with the names established by the laws of the Russian Federation, decrees of the President of the Russian Federation; if there is a degree of state award, the degree is indicated.

Correct entry: "Medal of the Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" II degree, honorary title "Honored Worker of the Oil and Gas Industry of the Russian Federation". Incorrect entry: "Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" II degree, Honored Worker of the Oil and Gas Industry of the Russian Federation."

Clause 13. Your close relatives (father, mother, brothers, sisters and children), as well as husband (wife), including former

If relatives changed their last name, first name, patronymic, it is also necessary to indicate their previous last name, first name, patronymic.

When filling out clause 13, it is necessary to indicate not only living relatives, but also deceased ones. In this case, the degree of relationship, last name, first name, patronymic, year, day and month of birth, date of death and place of burial are indicated.

For example:

When changing your last name, first name, or patronymic, you must write down both current and previous data.

For example:

If there is a former spouse, information about them is also reflected in the questionnaire. If there is no information about the spouses, the following entry is made: “I have no information about my ex-husband (wife). I do not maintain contact with him (her).

For example:

Clause 14. Your close relatives (father, mother, brothers, sisters and children), as well as husband (wife), including former ones, permanently residing abroad and (or) preparing documents to leave for permanent residence in another state

This paragraph echoes paragraph 13, which already reflects the home address (registration address, actual residence) of all relatives. However, the legislator included in a separate paragraph information about the stay of relatives abroad.

If there are no relatives permanently residing abroad, the correct entry is considered to be: “I have no close relatives permanently living abroad.” It is incorrect to put a dash in the column, write "No" or "I do not have".

Clause 15. Stay abroad (when, where, for what purpose)

This item reflects information about trips abroad, for example, on a tourist package, to summer language courses, as part of a student exchange or a business trip.

Clause 16. Attitude to military duty and military rank

This item is completed based on:

A military ID card or a temporary certificate issued in place of a military ID card for citizens in the reserves;

Certificates of a citizen subject to conscription for military service for conscripts.

Clause 17. Home address (registration address, actual residence), telephone number (or other type of communication)

In this paragraph, write the address of the place of residence in accordance with the registration data on the passport, indicating the zip code and the address of actual residence. If the addresses match, then an entry is made: "I actually live at the same address". The "Telephone number" column indicates the employee's home and cell phone numbers. As another type of communication, you can provide an email address.

Correct entry: "Registration address: 450000, Republic of Bashkortostan, Ufa, Lenin St., 162, apt. 18. I actually live at the same address," "Home phone 272-22-22, work 248-55-55, cell phone 8-917-34-00001".

Clause 18. Passport or a document replacing it

The details of the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation are indicated. If a passport is missing, the personnel officer needs to find out the reason.

Correct entry: "Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, series 8402, number 555200, issued by the department of the Federal Migration Service of Russia in the Oktyabrsky district of Ensk on December 12, 2007 (division code 020-006)."

Clause 19. Availability of a foreign passport (series, number, by whom and when issued)

The details of the foreign passport are indicated in accordance with the foreign passport: "Foreign passport 62 N 2545513 Ministry of Internal Affairs 400 12/27/2005".

Clause 20. Number of insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance (if available)

The number of the insurance certificate of state pension insurance (which, upon admission, a citizen must submit to the civil service and personnel department) is indicated in accordance with the insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance.

In the event that the state pension insurance certificate is lost, the employee must receive a duplicate.

Clause 21. Taxpayer Identification Number (if available)

The taxpayer identification number contains 12 characters and is filled out in accordance with the certificate of registration with the tax authority of an individual at the place of residence in the territory of the Russian Federation.

The certificate is used in all cases provided for by law and is presented together with a document identifying the individual and his place of residence on the territory of the Russian Federation.

The certificate is subject to replacement if an individual moves to a new place of residence in the territory under the jurisdiction of another state tax inspectorate, changes in the information contained in it, as well as in case of damage or loss.

Clause 22. Additional information (participation in elected representative bodies, other information that you would like to provide about yourself)

All information provided in this paragraph must be supported by documentation, for example, relevant certificates. In the absence of additional information, an entry is made: "I have no additional information".

Clause 23. I am aware that deliberately false information provided about myself in the application form and my failure to meet the qualification requirements may result in refusal to participate in the competition and be admitted to the position. I agree (I agree) to carry out verification activities against me

In accordance with paragraphs. 16 clause 1 art. 44 of Law N 79-FZ, the department of civil service and personnel checks the accuracy of personal data and other information submitted by a citizen when entering the civil service. Revealing that the information provided is unreliable (for example, having a criminal record or a fake education diploma) may serve as grounds for terminating the service contract under clause 11, part 1, art. 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (for submitting false documents or knowingly false information when concluding an employment contract).

Meaning of a proper name

A proper name carries information about personal characteristics: character traits, innate abilities, energy, temperament. Knowing the numerical value of a particular person’s own name, it is possible to determine with a high degree of probability what desires drive him, what is possible for him and what is not; which of its manifestations should be encouraged and which should be avoided. In this way, a first impression can be formed, but not an “intuitive” one, but a completely reasonable one.

Data not entered

Surname Meaning

The number of the surname is “our everything!” Jokes aside. This number contains a huge amount of data relating to almost every character trait of a person, primarily the “family” one, his “hereditary” abilities, as well as opportunities that directly depend on what his family is like. (Material well-being in this case is by no means the most significant factor.)

Data not entered

Middle Name Meaning

The patronymic number is an indicator of “basic potential.” It should be considered as a result of the transformation of qualities instilled in the process of education under the influence of a person’s personal characteristics. Therefore, just as the number of the patronymic does not necessarily have to coincide with the number of the father’s name, so the “inherited” character traits do not have to be an exact copy of the father’s.

A proper name carries information about personal characteristics: character traits, innate abilities, energy, temperament. Knowing the numerical value of a particular person’s own name, it is possible to determine with a high degree of probability what desires drive him, what is possible for him and what is not; which of its manifestations should be encouraged and which should be avoided. In this way, a first impression can be formed, but not an “intuitive” one, but a completely reasonable one.

Last name number

Last name number- “this is our everything!” Jokes aside. This number contains a huge amount of data relating to almost every character trait of a person, primarily the “family” one, his “hereditary” abilities, as well as opportunities that directly depend on what his family is like (material well-being in this case is by no means not the most significant factor).

Middle name number

Middle name number is an indicator of “basic potential”. It should be considered as a result of the transformation of qualities instilled in the process of education under the influence of a person’s personal characteristics. Therefore, just as the number of the patronymic does not necessarily have to coincide with the number of the father’s name, so the “inherited” character traits do not have to be an exact copy of the father’s.

Incredible facts

What's in a name? When it comes to numerology, a name can tell a lot.

The numerical code of our name is one of the main determining factors influencing our abilities and destiny.

Each of us has a name with its own unique energy, which can be recognized by translating the letters into numbers.

In numerology, there are several important numbers, such as the date of birth, which determine a person’s life path.

Name number in numerology

At the same time, our name can tell about three main aspects:

1. Destiny number determined by the total number of your first name, last name and patronymic

The destiny number does not describe what kind of person you are, but rather the potential that lies within you. These qualities were given to you by your parents when they chose your name.

To find out your destiny number, you need to write down your last name, first name and patronymic as they are written on the birth certificate. If a woman changes her last name after marriage, the new number will reflect the change in her destiny, and her maiden name indicates her destiny before she married.

2. Soul number– determined by the number of vowels in your name

The soul number represents your deepest desires and aspirations. It reveals your likes and dislikes and your secrets. The soul number moves you every day, it is what you value most in life. Embodying what your soul asks for will help you find peace and satisfaction in life.

3. Appearance number– determined by the sum of the consonants in your name.

Your appearance number shows the image you present to the world, who you want to appear to people when they meet you, and what impression you make.

Each letter in the last name, first name and patronymic corresponds to a certain number. The name code can be determined by converting the letters into numbers and adding them to a single digit number.

How to calculate fate number by name?

Write your full last name, first name and patronymic and the numbers corresponding to each letter.

Add all the numbers until you get a single digit number.

For example, Ivanova Olga Mikhailovna

Destiny number


Destiny number - 4

Soul number (vowels)


1+1+7+1+7+1+1+1+2+7+1=30, 3+0=3

Soul number - 3

Shape number (consonants)


3+6+3+4+3+4+5+5+4+3+6=46, 4+6=10, 1+0=1

Appearance number - 1

Name numerology: meaning of numbers

Number 1 - Leader

This is the number of action and independence. The Unit is aggressive and ambitious, and does not allow any obstacles to stand in its way. She is strong, unwavering, able to lead and is goal oriented. When a number 1 person has aspirations and ideas, he will work hard to achieve his dreams and nothing will make him deviate from his chosen path.

Such people do not like to be told what to do, and whoever tries to do it will face unpleasant consequences. A unit is an individual, and people of a unit will not keep their mouths shut. However, they remain loyal to their friends until the end of their lives. This is one of the most stubborn and jealous numbers, but also brave and ready to stand up for the weak when necessary.

If your destiny number is 1, you have the potential to become an excellent leader. You can be a person of action who is a problem solver. You also have the ability to create, initiate and innovate.

You are hardworking, determined and self-confident, and if you use your potential, great financial success and rapid advancement will await you. Strive for your goal, as an inactive unit will not be happy. Watch your temper and aggressiveness. You don't have to hurt others to get what you need. Be a leader, not a tyrant.

If your soul number is 1, you are one of the people who live for competition. Deep down, you always want to win.

If your appearance number is 1, then you are someone who likes to give the impression of being in control, even when you are not. You want to become a big boss and you make many people believe it. Making your dreams come true depends on you and the other numbers in your name.

Number 2 – Romantic

The number 2 represents the peacemaker. This is a gentle, kind, patient person. He knows how to forgive, tries to be understanding and has an uncanny understanding of the world.

While the twosome may seem like they blend in with the crowd at first glance, they call the shots behind the scenes. Due to their quiet and calm nature, such people often do not receive recognition for their achievements, although this does not bother them. Two people always value ideals above fame, recognition and business. They are excellent mediators, sensitive to the needs of other people, who easily win the hearts of others with their charm.

Twos can be overly sensitive and prone to drama, especially when loved ones ignore them or become jealous. In such cases, it is important to be soft and gentle with them until they feel better. Such people are often shy and like to dream more than to do.

If your destiny number is 2, then you have the ability to work and collaborate with others. You have the potential to develop intuition and spiritual growth. You can become popular because of your charm, friendliness, and ability to inspire others.

You can be very devoted in love, but you demand the same from your partner. You need to be careful because sometimes you find it difficult to separate dreams from reality.

If your soul number is 2, then you are desperate for peace and love in your life, and try to avoid stressful situations and conflicts.

If your appearance number is 2, then you appear to others as a good-natured and carefree person. You often fantasize about being surrounded by family and loved ones, and everyone around you being happy.

Numerology of last name, first name and patronymic

Number 3 – Artist

Number 3 people are witty, charming and creative. They attract others with their charisma, great sense of humor and striking appearance. Although nature has blessed threes with optimism, they can find it difficult to cope with reality and difficulties in life.

If they can overcome their superficiality and learn to identify what is truly important in life, they can enjoy a calm and happy life.

A three can be very jealous and proud, but at the same time suffer from complexes. Without discipline, she loses motivation, focus and direction. Such people depend on others to solve problems and may crumble under pressure. Threes always follow what brings them joy, even if it is temporary and artificial. They are not difficult to please. If they learn to appreciate life as it is, they will achieve the highest happiness.

If your destiny number is 3, you have the ability to spread happiness and positivity wherever you go. You can succeed in the entertainment industry because you know how to lift other people's spirits.

You have the potential to become a good writer, actor, musician, artist, singer, teacher or speaker. You are friendly, sociable, able to carry on a conversation, and a pleasure to be around. Avoid superficiality, laziness and gossip.

If your soul number is 3, then you enjoy creative self-expression. Showcasing your talents in writing and speaking will help you gain confidence and a sense of satisfaction in life.

If your appearance number is 3, then you dream of creating. You enjoy art, music, writing and drawing. In addition to the desire to express yourself through creativity, you crave popularity and recognition.

Number4 – Builder

Hardworking, reliable breadwinner for the family. A Four is willing to work hard to get things done and doesn't ask many questions. These are modest people who always protect their property. They can be stubborn in their views, and once they have decided on something, it is almost impossible to convince them.

Fours are not very open to anything that is different from what they are used to. These are workaholics who are experts in any matter.

They are organized and professional in their field, but it can be difficult for them to cope when things get out of control. Fours require loyalty, respect and discipline from others, and are sometimes too demanding. However, they will do whatever it takes to provide for their loved ones.

If your destiny number is 4, then it will bring you order, organization and mastery. A Four gives you a hard work ethic and high expectations of yourself and others. Try not to give in to negativity, be too bossy, or put pressure on others. It is also better not to take on more responsibilities than you can handle, otherwise this will lead to pessimism and resentment.

If your soul number is 4, then you strive for financial and professional stability. You feel proud when others appreciate your hard work and professionalism.

If your appearance number is 4, you like to present yourself as a reliable and accomplished person. You dream of an orderly and predictable life.

Number 5 – Adventurer

A sociable, energetic person who does not like predictable, routine life.

Five is a person with a free spirit who finds it difficult to stay somewhere for a long time. They are much more interested in studying many things until they get bored and find something more exciting. These people find it difficult to settle down until they try a variety of activities and decide what they like. However, Fives can be called loyal in relationships and will not cheat.

They are versatile, adaptable, progressive and very tolerant people. They cannot devote themselves to any religious group or ideology, since they rebel against conventions and any categories. Fives are individuals who are able to make decisions on their own and go against social norms.

They can be irresponsible and selfish and often seek immediate pleasure without thinking about the future.

If your destiny number is 5, you have many talents. You easily adapt to circumstances, know how to communicate and work with people. You are smart, tactful, and know how to get what you want from others.

Thanks to these qualities, you can easily succeed in any field where you need to work with diverse people. You need to learn to concentrate on one thing and see it through to completion.

If your soul number is 5, then you crave freedom of action and movement. Being able to make your own decisions and implement ideas in your own way brings you true happiness.

If your appearance number is 5, it speaks of your desire for freedom and adventure. You want to travel and meet people from all over the world.

Numerology - name number

Number 6 – Educator

The number 6 is the mother of all numbers. This is a loving, kind, gentle, caring person, ready to sacrifice himself. Six gets along well with other numbers and is most committed to spreading peace and love.

They are empathetic people with a strong sense of justice who will do whatever it takes to protect others. Such a person will never intentionally offend anyone and is very reliable in all respects.

However, such a person may be too trusting, and others may take advantage of this, since he does not know how to hide his feelings. Despite their caring nature, Sixes tend to interfere in other people's affairs, which many may not like. If your loved ones do not reciprocate your feelings, you may be sarcastic. You have a tendency to be jealous and insecure, but you are still loved.

The numerical code of our name is one of the main determining factors influencing our abilities and destiny.

Each of us has a name with its own unique energy, which can be recognized by translating the letters into numbers.

In numerology, there are several important numbers, such as the date of birth, which determine a person’s life path.

Name number in numerology

At the same time, our name can tell about three main aspects:

1. The number of fate is determined by the total number of your name, surname and patronymic

The destiny number does not describe what kind of person you are, but rather the potential that lies within you. These qualities were given to you by your parents when they chose your name.

To find out your destiny number, you need to write down your last name, first name and patronymic as they are written on the birth certificate. If a woman changes her last name after marriage, the new number will reflect the change in her destiny, and her maiden name indicates her destiny before she married.

2. Soul number - determined by the number of vowels in your name

The soul number represents your deepest desires and aspirations. It reveals your likes and dislikes and your secrets. The soul number moves you every day, it is what you value most in life. Embodying what your soul asks for will help you find peace and satisfaction in life.

3. Appearance number - determined by the sum of the consonants of your name.

Your appearance number shows the image you present to the world, who you want to appear to people when they meet you, and what impression you make.

Each letter in the last name, first name and patronymic corresponds to a certain number. The name code can be determined by converting the letters into numbers and adding them to a single digit number.

How to calculate fate number by name?

Write your full last name, first name and patronymic and the numbers corresponding to each letter.

Add all the numbers until you get a single digit number.

For example, Olga Mikhailovna Ivanova

Destiny number


Destiny number - 4

Soul number (vowels)


1+1+7+1+7+1+1+1+2+7+1=30, 3+0=3

Soul number - 3

Shape number (consonants)


3+6+3+4+3+4+5+5+4+3+6=46, 4+6=10, 1+0=1

Number 1 - Leader

This is the number of action and independence. The Unit is aggressive and ambitious, and does not allow any obstacles to stand in its way. She is strong, unwavering, able to lead and is goal oriented. When a number 1 person has aspirations and ideas, he will work hard to achieve his dreams and nothing will make him deviate from his chosen path.

Such people do not like to be told what to do, and whoever tries to do it will face unpleasant consequences. A unit is an individual, and people of a unit will not keep their mouths shut. However, they remain loyal to their friends until the end of their lives. This is one of the most stubborn and jealous numbers, but also brave and ready to stand up for the weak when necessary.

If your destiny number is 1, you have the potential to become an excellent leader. You can be a person of action who is a problem solver. You also have the ability to create, initiate and innovate.

You are hardworking, determined and self-confident, and if you use your potential, great financial success and rapid advancement will await you. Strive for your goal, as an inactive unit will not be happy. Watch your temper and aggressiveness. You don't have to hurt others to get what you need. Be a leader, not a tyrant.

If your soul number is 1, you are one of the people who live for competition. Deep down, you always want to win.

If your appearance number is 1, then you are someone who likes to give the impression of being in control, even if you are not. You want to become a big boss and you make many people believe it. Making your dreams come true depends on you and the other numbers in your name.

Number 2 – Romantic

The number 2 represents the peacemaker. This is a gentle, kind, patient person. He knows how to forgive, tries to be understanding and has an uncanny understanding of the world.

While the twosome may seem like they blend in with the crowd at first glance, they call the shots behind the scenes. Due to their quiet and calm nature, such people often do not receive recognition for their achievements, although this does not bother them. Two people always value ideals above fame, recognition and business. They are excellent mediators, sensitive to the needs of other people, who easily win the hearts of others with their charm.

Twos can be overly sensitive and prone to drama, especially when loved ones ignore them or become jealous. In such cases, it is important to be soft and gentle with them until they feel better. Such people are often shy and like to dream more than to do.

If your destiny number is 2, then you have the ability to work and cooperate with others. You have the potential to develop intuition and spiritual growth. You can become popular because of your charm, friendliness, and ability to inspire others.

You can be very devoted in love, but you demand the same from your partner. You need to be careful because sometimes you find it difficult to separate dreams from reality.

If your soul number is 2, then you desperately need peace and love in your life, and try to avoid stressful situations and conflicts.

If your appearance number is 2, then you appear to others as a good-natured and carefree person. You often fantasize about being surrounded by family and loved ones, and everyone around you being happy.

Number 3 – Artist

Number 3 people are witty, charming and creative. They attract others with their charisma, great sense of humor and striking appearance. Although nature has blessed threes with optimism, they can find it difficult to cope with reality and difficulties in life.

If they can overcome their superficiality and learn to identify what is truly important in life, they can enjoy a calm and happy life.

A three can be very jealous and proud, but at the same time suffer from complexes. Without discipline, she loses motivation, focus and direction. Such people depend on others to solve problems and may crumble under pressure. Threes always follow what brings them joy, even if it is temporary and artificial. They are not difficult to please. If they learn to appreciate life as it is, they will achieve the highest happiness.

If your destiny number is 3, you have the ability to spread happiness and positivity wherever you go. You can succeed in the entertainment industry because you know how to lift other people's spirits.

You have the potential to become a good writer, actor, musician, artist, singer, teacher or speaker. You are friendly, sociable, able to carry on a conversation, and a pleasure to be around. Avoid superficiality, laziness and gossip.

If your soul number is 3, then you enjoy creative self-expression. Showcasing your talents in writing and speaking will help you gain confidence and a sense of satisfaction in life.

If your appearance number is 3, then you dream of creating. You enjoy art, music, writing and drawing. In addition to the desire to express yourself through creativity, you crave popularity and recognition.

Number 4 – Builder

Hardworking, reliable breadwinner for the family. A Four is willing to work hard to get things done and doesn't ask many questions. These are modest people who always protect their property. They can be stubborn in their views, and once they have decided on something, it is almost impossible to convince them.

Fours are not very open to anything that is different from what they are used to. These are workaholics who are experts in any matter.

They are organized and professional in their field, but it can be difficult for them to cope when things get out of control. Fours require loyalty, respect and discipline from others, and are sometimes too demanding. However, they will do whatever it takes to provide for their loved ones.

If your destiny number is 4, it will bring you order, organization and mastery. A Four gives you a hard work ethic and high expectations of yourself and others. Try not to give in to negativity, be too bossy, or put pressure on others. It is also better not to take on more responsibilities than you can handle, otherwise this will lead to pessimism and resentment.

If your soul number is 4, then you strive for financial and professional stability. You feel proud when others appreciate your hard work and professionalism.

If your appearance number is 4, you like to present yourself as a reliable and accomplished person. You dream of an orderly and predictable life.

Number 5 – Adventurer

A sociable, energetic person who does not like predictable, routine life.

Five is a person with a free spirit who finds it difficult to stay somewhere for a long time. They are much more interested in studying many things until they get bored and find something more exciting. These people find it difficult to settle down until they try a variety of activities and decide what they like. However, Fives can be called loyal in relationships and will not cheat.

They are versatile, adaptable, progressive and very tolerant people. They cannot devote themselves to any religious group or ideology, since they rebel against conventions and any categories. Fives are individuals who are able to make decisions on their own and go against social norms.

They can be irresponsible and selfish and often seek immediate pleasure without thinking about the future.

If your destiny number is 5, you have many talents. You easily adapt to circumstances, know how to communicate and work with people. You are smart, tactful, and know how to get what you want from others.

Thanks to these qualities, you can easily succeed in any field where you need to work with diverse people. You need to learn to concentrate on one thing and see it through to completion.

If your soul number is 5, then you crave freedom of action and movement. Being able to make your own decisions and implement ideas in your own way brings you true happiness.

If your appearance number is 5, this indicates your desire for freedom and adventure. You want to travel and meet people from all over the world.
Numerology - name number

Number 6 – Educator

The number 6 is the mother of all numbers. This is a loving, kind, gentle, caring person, ready to sacrifice himself. Six gets along well with other numbers and is most committed to spreading peace and love.

They are empathetic people with a strong sense of justice who will do whatever it takes to protect others. Such a person will never intentionally offend anyone and is very reliable in all respects.

However, such a person may be too trusting, and others may take advantage of this, since he does not know how to hide his feelings. Despite their caring nature, Sixes tend to interfere in other people's affairs, which many may not like. If your loved ones do not reciprocate your feelings, you may be sarcastic. You have a tendency to be jealous and insecure, but you are still loved.

If your destiny number is 6, you are a responsible, loving and balanced person. You have an innate need to help others, especially those in difficulty. You are a born parent who knows how to take care of your family and loved ones.

You will succeed in a career that requires helping others because you are generous and kind. Be more lenient with yourself and do not violate other people's space. Also try not to be stubborn with your ideas.

If your soul number is 6, then it is very important for you to feel needed and in demand for everything you do. You are proud that others consider you a good example.

If your face number is 6, you dream of an ideal home with an ideal partner, children and a happy family life.

Number 7 – Thinker

Seven is looking for the truth and knows very well that everything may not be as it really is. These are introverts, shy people who prefer solitude and avoid social situations.

Such people can be called intellectuals and thinkers who always strive to understand the meaning of life and our existence. This allows them to rise above pettiness, prejudice and grandstanding.

Sevens have a strong, penetrating gaze that clearly reveals the essence of people, without paying attention to their external facade.

At times they may seem selfish and cold-blooded, and concerned only with their own problems. In pursuit of knowledge, they may withdraw from society.

If your destiny number is 7, nature has endowed you with deep thinking and a talent for critical thinking. You have excellent powers of observation and the ability to work independently. Moreover, you prefer solitude. You have a great need to find the truth, spiritual enlightenment, or become an expert in your field. You handle things logically and rationally, but sometimes you lack emotions.

If your soul number is 7, you love to reflect and meditate. You strive for spiritual enlightenment and admire the world around you. You are quite happy with time spent alone, but communicating with strangers makes you uncomfortable.

If your face number is 7, you dream of a life where you can completely devote yourself to the search for knowledge and not be distracted by everyday affairs.

Number 8 – Chief

Eights have a great combination of business acumen and spirituality. These are practical, smart people who are able to accumulate great wealth. They are successful in making money, but they strive to earn a lot not for the sake of money, but for the opportunities it gives.

Eights can take risks, and often this risk is worth it. They do not despair if they fail, but try even harder to succeed. These are ambitious, purposeful, disciplined people who are well versed in other people. They become excellent leaders.

Eights approach life with an “I can” attitude. They can be very generous, honest and forgiving, but can be quite straightforward. They have their own shortcomings, such as irritability, they often tend to feel dissatisfied and are easily disappointed. If there is a bias in one direction, the eight can become greedy, angry and aggressive.

If your destiny number is 8, you have the ability to achieve great financial success and wealth. You are capable of succeeding in business and management.

Through practical thinking you can gain wealth. In addition, you can become rich spiritually, but for this you need to overcome your stubbornness and impatience. Don't let your status and power turn into high self-esteem and intolerance towards others.

If your soul number is 8, you strive for power and influence. You will be happy with your life when you gain high status and financial freedom.

If your face number is 8, you dream of success in business and often imagine yourself as a powerful person who is able to cope with great responsibility and pressure.

Number 9 – Universal Overseer

The Nine is somewhat similar to the Six, being just as caring and empathetic. The difference between them is the extent of love for others. While a six cares about their friends, family, and society, a nine cares about the world.

They are very empathetic and receptive to connections between people around the world. Such people know how to accept the differences of others and perfectly understand what connects us all. They are able to change the thinking of others, bring changes, but will never impose their ideals on others.

They know how to empathize with those who need help, but will never allow themselves to show vulnerability. They want to look strong, collected, ready for any adversity. Nine is a devoted friend and loved one, always surrounded by an aura of mystery, but does not reveal his deep secrets to everyone.

Losing their balance, they can become completely different: arrogant, selfish and apathetic towards others. If hurt, they can become cruel, vindictive and unable to forgive.

If your destiny number is 9, you are blessed with the gift of unconditional love and compassion. You are well aware of the needs of other people and feel fulfilled only when you satisfy these needs.

You are able to inspire others, have a good imagination and artistry. It is important for you to maintain balance in life, otherwise your negative qualities may appear. Take care to help others so you don't become selfish and insensitive.

If your soul number is 9, your deepest desire is to work for the good of the world. You are happiest when you help others and society. Knowing that you have made a difference in someone's life is a real source of pride.

If your face number is 9, you want to help others, especially those in need. You want people to see you as a humane person, someone they can rely on for support.