How much is a teaspoon. A measure of weight in a tablespoon. Food weight in a tablespoon

Different people have their own vision of the amount of products for cooking all sorts of dishes. Some rely on their eye and sense of proportion and measure "by eye", others - in grams, using kitchen scales, which are always at hand, others - in spoons. However, those who do not have a scale, but need relative accuracy in weighing foods, medicines and herbs, are wondering: “How many grams are in a teaspoon?”. This article will outline how much and what product is contained in a teaspoon.

Measuring in grams the amount of product in a teaspoon

When asking “how many grams are in a teaspoon”, they always mean that the product is filled with a “slide”. It is also necessary to take into account that this measurement may have an error of several grams. It depends on how big the “slide” is, on the moisture content of the dry product, on the volume of the spoon, etc. This information will be very useful to young housewives who are faced with the fact that the recipes give the amount of food either in glasses, or in teaspoons and tablespoons, or in grams. Below are correspondences that will help answer the question: "1 teaspoon - how many grams?".

Measuring liquid products in teaspoons

A teaspoon holds:

  • water - 5 g;
  • condensed milk - 12 g;
  • vegetable oil - 5 g;
  • butter - 5 g;
  • cream - 5 g;
  • sour cream of medium consistency - 10 g;
  • tomato puree - 5 g;
  • liquor - 7 g;
  • table vinegar - 5 g;
  • jams - 16 g.

How many grams in a teaspoon of bulk products

Below are the correspondences for dry bulk products. A teaspoon holds:

How many grams in a teaspoon. Medicine

Many in their lives have experienced that when a doctor writes a prescription, the dosage medicines often measured in spoons. In medicine, it is standardly considered that a teaspoon contains 5 ml of liquid. The solvent of the drug is mainly water. Thanks to this, it becomes easier to answer the question: “How many grams are in a teaspoon?”. In this situation, 5 ml is equal to 5 grams. However, these data give reason to doubt their accuracy, which is so important in taking medications. In the course of a special experiment, it was proved that this correspondence is not entirely correct. First, different standard teaspoons have different volumes. So, the difference is significant - from 2.5 to 7.3 ml. Secondly, all people gain an unequal amount of liquid in a spoon. So, in the experimental group, the indicators of the typed fluctuated from 3.9 to 4.9 ml.


When it comes to cooking, there is no need for absolute accuracy in measuring food. therefore this way quite suitable for this. However, it is better to use a syringe for dosing drugs.

Do you know what the required amount of ingredients for cooking delicious meals, indicated in all recipes. But the presence of a kitchen scale, a measuring spoon or a measuring glass for accurately measuring the proportions of products is not always at hand from the hostess.

What to do in this case, how to measure the right portion of the product? No problem! If you use ordinary cutlery and know how many milliliters are in a tablespoon or teaspoon.

We will sequentially consider the volume of a tablespoon and a teaspoon, how many ml are in one tablespoon of water, vinegar, oil and syrup.

The most common cutlery is a spoon! With its help, we eat everything - borscht, soup, porridge, jams and jams. Moreover, the history of the appearance of the spoon originates before the appearance of forks and knives. This is the most ancient device.

Previously, spoons were made of clay, wood, then bronze and metal. Currently they are made of stainless steel.

Tablespoons come in three main types: large (tablespoons), dessert and teaspoons. Additionally, people came up with more types of spoons: bar, for olives, caviar, personalized, souvenir and others.

Today you will learn how you can measure a lot of food with an ordinary spoon. Of course, in different countries the volume of a tablespoon can vary, for example, in:

  1. USA it is equal to 14.95 ml.
  2. Great Britain - 13.8 ml.
  3. In Russia, its capacity is approximately 14 to 20 ml.

It is necessary to clarify, because the volume and weight of products can be different. For example, one tablespoon contains 16 milliliters sunflower oil, and its weight will be equal to 18 grams.

Now look at the table, which shows the mass in 1 tbsp. l.:

Product name Number of grams
Gelatin 15
Cocoa 23
Natural coffee 26
Potato starch 30
Buckwheat 25
Wheat groats 30
Lemon acid 22
Poppy 18
Honey 35
Condensed milk 32
Powdered milk 20
Wheat flour 30
Oat flakes 13
ground nut 20
Black pepper 12
Rice 25
Granulated sugar 25
Salt 30
tomato paste 33
Egg powder 17

Of course, it is easiest to measure liquids, although they are different and conditionally distinguish between the following types:

  1. true (water, wine, vinegar);
  2. dense (milk, cream, syrups, honey in liquid form);
  3. thick mixtures (sour cream, tomato paste, condensed milk).

There are also different types of spoons. Each of us in the kitchen has several sets that differ visually and in volume.

In order to find out the capacity of a spoon, there are several ways. The simplest of them is to compare it with a plastic container for medicines that comes with syrups. First, measure the liquid with a measuring plastic container, and then with the one you have, and compare the indicators. Thus, you will find out the most accurate number of ml of the product in a tablespoon, which is in your kitchen, the measurement error will be minimal.

Water: how many ml in a tablespoon

All culinary sites for cooking give the exact number of milliliters of water. Moreover, you need to strictly adhere to the recipe when preparing baby food, pastries (cakes, muffins).

Be sure to know how much water is in a tablespoon. So, one tablespoon of the standard sample contains 15 ml of water. Moreover, the weight of water is equal to its volume (it is known from the school physics course) - 18 ml of water has a mass of 18 grams.

Vinegar: how much in a tablespoon ml

Table vinegar in recipes is indicated in milliliters, it is not difficult to measure it. Because it is a true liquid, in which the mass is equal to the volume.

A tablespoon contains approximately 15 ml of vinegar. It is an excellent dressing and preservative. Compliance with the exact proportions allows the hostess to successfully preserve food, cook pastries, salads, sauces, roast meat, vegetables, fish.

Oil: how many ml in 1 tablespoon

You need to consider the type of oil if you want to know how many ml of it are in a tablespoon. One large appliance can contain different types this product according to the following table:

Compliance with the proportions of the recipe will allow the chef to successfully prepare salads, pizza, deep-frying and many desserts. Keep in mind you can't fry linseed oil and fill them with hot dishes (any thermal effect destroys linseed oil). It is consumed raw.

Syrup: how many ml in a tablespoon

If a person adheres to a diet, a special diet, calculates BJU or energy value product, or carefully follow the instructions for the recipe, sugar syrup must be measured accurately.

Moreover, it is more convenient to do this with one spoon, and not with a glass. Using a special table, you can find out that 18 ml of syrup in a tablespoon weighs 22 grams.

Tea and table spoons: volumes

At home in the kitchen, it is always necessary to know the volume of a teaspoon and a tablespoon when cooking. In special culinary tables, the quantity is indicated for bulk products with and without a slide.

Measures are indicated for milk, tomato paste and other ingredients most commonly used. So it is believed that in 1 tsp. - 5 ml, and in 1 tbsp. l. - 15.

Knowing how many ml contains the simplest and most affordable kitchen utensils, plus, even having a culinary table, you will masterfully prepare the most complex delicious dish in any case.

In culinary practice, however, there are some nuances that affect the accuracy of measurements. Suddenly, the device has a different shape and depth. Therefore, it is better to measure small volumes to minimize the error.

Larger quantities are best weighed with a kitchen scale. And in the manufacture of home medicines, tinctures and cosmetics use containers with divisions - accurate measuring instruments. After all, any deviation from the recipe can be important.

How much liquid in a tablespoon in ml

Watch the video on the channel "Magazine How to do it yourself." And visually find out how many ml of liquid fit in a teaspoon, dessert and a tablespoon - this is water, vinegar, sunflower oil.

This will help to correctly dose the cough syrup for the child and to correctly prepare a culinary recipe in which you need to know how many ml of vinegar are in a teaspoon.

We measured the weight of the "kitchen rock salt » GOST R 51574-2000 grade one. It is produced from the salt deposits of the ancient sea "created over millions of years by nature itself."

In other words, we took ordinary cheap coarse salt, which by default is implied in various culinary and other recipes.

Cheap salt often cakes, forming strong lumps that greatly affect weight. Experimentally, we found out that when dosing salt with a glass or spoon, you should definitely crush lumps with a diameter of more than 5 mm, otherwise the real weight will be more than indicated on the site.

How much does a spoon or glass of salt weigh?

Tea room with a slide

Tea spoon salt " with a slide» weighs 12 gram.

To get that much salt in a teaspoon, you need to scoop up greedily, and then shake off the excess that threatens to fall.

Usually, after scooping, salt has the shape of a very steep and crumbling rock, which greatly changes its height and, therefore, its mass from scooping to scooping. It is this “changing” rockiness that should be shaken off or cut off, leaving a gentle and neat hill, as in the photo.

Tablespoon salt with a mound» weighs 21-22 grams.

To collect so much salt in a tablespoon, you need to scoop up and then shake off the excess to such an extent that this spoon can be comfortably carried from room to room without spilling a crumb.

According to statistics, about every fifth inhabitant of the planet faces pathological hair loss these days.
Photo courtesy of baldy200
Baldness is a process in which a person loses part or all of the hair on his head. There are several types of baldness - androgenic, diffuse, focal and cicatricial. A review article in the Journal of the Cleveland Medical Clinic examines diffuse alopecia. Here we present the main materials of this article, the full text (English) can be found at the link (1)

Normal hair growth cycle

The hair on the head grows in cycles, the hair root goes through 10 to 30 such cycles during its life. There are three cycles:
Anagen - the phase of active growth, lasts from 2 to 8 years;
Catagen - the phase of involution, lasts from 4 to 6 weeks;
Telogen - the resting phase, lasts from 2 to 3 months;
These growth cycles are individual for each root, so the hair is in different phases of growth and rest. Diffuse shedding hair is the result of disturbances in one of the growth cycles. If this disturbance is short-lived, then hair growth usually recovers, such as after radiation or chemotherapy. If the cause is not eliminated, then hair loss becomes chronic.

Why does hair fall out?

The causes of baldness can be very diverse, among them:
  • genetic predisposition;
  • stress;
  • surgical intervention;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • infectious diseases.
More on some of these reasons:

physiological stress

This group of causes includes such as chronic systemic diseases, heat, surgery. Hair loss after childbirth is often observed 2 to 4 months after childbirth.

In each case, the causes of baldness in men and women may be associated with additional adverse factors, including alcohol and drug abuse, smoking, temperature changes, and improperly selected hair care products.

If hair falls out, what should I do?

To get started, you need to go medical examination and establish why the hair on the head falls out from the root. Having determined the causes of baldness, trichologists will select the most effective treatment option, which include:
  • drug therapy;
  • use of laser therapy;
  • the use of hormonal drugs;
  • hair transplant.
1. Diffuse hair loss: causes and treatment. Harrison, S. & Bergfeld, W. Diffuse hair loss: its triggers and management. Cleve Clin J Med76 , 361–7 (2009).

What is "masked hypertension"?

Foto courtesy of ER24
In 1992, British doctors first described the condition "masked hypertension", in which the patient's blood pressure level is normal, 140/90 mm Hg. Art. or lower when seen in a clinical setting, hospital, or clinic, but often elevated when measured at home. Physicians do not yet have a consensus on the origin of this condition.
Masked hypertension (MH) is the reverse phenomenon of white-coat hypertension, in which the patient's blood pressure rises during a visit to the doctor, but when the pressure is measured at home, it returns to normal.

Causes and risk factors of the disease

According to doctors from Laiko Hospital (Athens, Greece), who published a review article on this disease (1), every 7-8 inhabitants of the Earth may be among the patients with “masked hypertension”, even if he or she has stable blood pressure when visiting doctor. Risk factors for masked hypertension are still little studied, but most often such patients:
  • men;
  • patients with
    kidney diseases;
    elevated blood pressure;
    high clinical blood pressure;
    high risk of cardiovascular disease;
  • people who lead an unhealthy lifestyle (smokers, drink alcohol, are overweight).

Diagnosis of masked hypertension

The doctor is obliged to diagnose masked hypertension in patients. Naturally, he cannot examine all persons whose pressure is normal. Therefore, self-measurement of blood pressure at home can be of practical importance. To confirm the diagnosis, an ambulatory 24-hour blood pressure measurement is necessary. Special portable pressure monitors are used for this. These monitors are similar, but instead of a cardiogram, they regularly measure and record pressure and display it in the form of a daily graph.
The criterion for identifying MH by a doctor should be a comparison of data from clinical and outpatient measurements of blood pressure. Ambulatory measurements of blood pressure are especially important - on the basis of them, the diagnosis of masked hypertension is usually made. Read more about pressure levels in the diagnosis of masked hypertension and white coat hypertension below in the section on hypertension and dementia.

What is dangerous disguised hypertension?

MH has the same effects as "normal" essential hypertension, increasing the risk of myocardial infarction, stroke, hypertensive cardiomyopathy, and renal failure.

Masked hypertension and the risk of dementia

This study from Japan enrolled 578 participants. Their blood pressure was measured in the clinic and then at home using an outpatient 24-hour monitor, and the state of cognitive functions was measured using the MMSE scale. This scale is used to assess cognitive functions and . Among the study participants, the following diagnoses were established:
- 15.8% masked hypertension (clinical pressure 130/80);
- 21.7% white coat hypertension (>140/90 in clinic and< 130/80 дома);
- 46.3% essential hypertension (>140/90 in the clinic and > 130/80 at home);
The lowest indicators of cognitive function were in persons with masked hypertension, in second place were persons with essential hypertension. The risk of cognitive decline was 2.4 times higher in those with masked hypertension compared to those with hypertension whose blood pressure was within the normal range. The authors of the study argue that individuals with cognitive decline should be tested for masked hypertension (24-hour blood pressure monitor). Full text (English) on Medscape at the link (2).

1. Masked Hypertension, Definition, Significance, Outcomes: A Critical Review. Papadopoulos, D. & Makris, T. Masked Hypertension Definition, Impact, Outcomes: A Critical Review. The Journal of Clinical Hypertension9 , (2007).
2. Disguised th hypertension with knitted with on cognitive impairment tions. Masked Hypertension Linked to Cognitive Decline .

Eggs and the risk of diabetes

Photo courtesy of Ian Britton The number of people with type 2 diabetes is on the rise, and so is the interest in preventing and treating the disease. One of the important risk factors for developing (or not developing:) diabetes is diet. Which diet predisposes to diabetes, which diet protects against it? Egg consumption deserves attention due to high content they have cholesterol. But does it increase the risk of diabetes? This question was asked by researchers from Finland, who also looked at risk factors coronary disease hearts.

This prospective study included 2332 men aged 42 to 60 years. Their diet at baseline was assessed based on a 4 day diet diary. Diagnosis of type 2 diabetes was assessed based on a questionnaire, followed by fasting blood and after a 2-hour exercise test at 4, 11, and 20 years from baseline, as well as examination of hospital discharge records and the diabetes reimbursement database.

Results comparing egg consumption and diabetes risk
Study participants were followed up for an average of 19 years, during which time 432 men were diagnosed with diabetes. After adjusting for other possible risk factors, individuals with the highest egg intake were compared with those with the lowest. This comparison showed that the risk of diabetes in the group with the highest egg intake was on average 38% (18 to 53%) lower compared to the group with the lowest intake. That's your cholesterol!

Analysis of other biochemical parameters of blood in these two groups also showed more low level fasting glucose and C-reactive protein(CRP, C-reactive protein, used in medicine as a marker of the level of inflammation in the body) in the group with a high consumption of eggs.
Photo courtesy of Samantha Evans

What is sciatica?

Radiculitis - damage to the roots spinal cord due to injury or inflammation. As a rule, it comes on suddenly, it is acute, but it can turn into chronic form and escalate periodically. Depending on the localization of the affected nerve roots, there are forms of radiculitis: lumbosacral sciatica, which occurs most often, thoracic, cervico-brachial and upper cervical. (12)

Causes of sciatica

It is known for certain what causes an attack of sciatica. These are infections, stress, metabolic disorders, weight lifting, awkward movements. Most often, the causes of radiculitis lie in the manifestations of osteochondrosis of the spine (95% of all cases), and spinal injuries, including intervertebral hernia, account for the remaining 5% of cases. (2, 3)

Other causes of back pain

Sciatica is far from the only cause of lower back pain. It can be caused by diseases of the spine, diseases, diseases, urethra, in and ureters, kidney disease, myalgia, tumors in various bodies and also be a psychosomatic reaction. This again emphasizes the importance timely diagnosis back pain. (2)

Signs of sciatica

Symptoms of sciatica vary depending on which nerve or nerves are affected. Signs of radiculitis of the lumbosacral region are well known - the disease begins with an attack acute pain. The muscles of the lower back are constrained, movements are painful and limited. Within a few days, the pain subsides, the spine regains mobility. (2)

Thoracic sciatica

characterized by bouts of severe pain, "girdle" chest. With cervicobrachial sciatica sharp pain occurs in the neck, shoulders and arms, restricting their movement.

cervical sciatica

Signs of cervical sciatica are strong pain in the neck and occiput, with coughing and any movement of the head, the pain intensifies. Pain in cervical sciatica can radiate to the head,. In some cases, you may feel dizzy, your hearing may worsen. (2)

Treatment of sciatica

Treatment of sciatica is aimed at eliminating its causes, and treatment approaches are in many ways similar to knee and hip joints. Medicines for sciatica are divided into painkillers, muscle relaxants, anti-inflammatory drugs (eg, orthophen, ibuprofen, diclofenac) and anesthetics. With severe attacks of pain, injections of painkillers help. Drug therapy helps to cope with pain and take it under control. After that, you can move on to other therapy options, which include physiotherapy, massage, physiotherapy exercises and manual therapy. (1, 2, 3)

If it becomes necessary to accurately measure the amount of ingredients added during the preparation of a dish or drink, as well as taking potions during treatment, the question arises - a how many grams of a product in 1 tablespoon or 1 teaspoon fit?

A tablespoon is a cutlery with a volume of 18 ml. With the help of a tablespoon, cereals, soups, jams and other liquid dishes are eaten. In addition, this cutlery is often used as a unit of measure to determine the required amount of an ingredient for preparing a particular dish. Often in culinary recipes, the ingredients are indicated in spoons. Also, the unit of measure "tablespoon" in addition to cooking is used in medicine.

Number of grams or milliliters, which the spoon can hold depends on what kind of substance needs to be measured, that is, on its density and the fullness of the spoon - with or without a top. Often in recipes, if not specified exactly, it means top-filled spoon. But for more accurate compliance with the recipe, you should still know how many grams in a tablespoon of one or another ingredient is placed.

Cookbooks and many Internet related resources offer special tables that allow you to determine how many grams of flour, sugar, salt, vinegar, oil, or any other ingredient can hold a spoon. Thanks to such tables, any housewife will be able to quickly and easily transfer grams to tablespoons (teaspoons) and vice versa. Such tables usually mean a tablespoon with a scoop width of 4 cm and a length of 7 cm.

The following are the most popular products that are indicated in culinary recipes in tablespoons. So, an ordinary tablespoon holds 18 g of water, 17 g vegetable oil, 20 g of milk. In a tablespoon with a slide, 25 g of sugar, 30 g of salt, 15 g of flour, cocoa or coffee are placed. Also, rice is often measured in tablespoons (20 g, if with a slide, 15 - without a slide), ground nuts (with a slide of 15 g, without a slide - 10 g), dry grass (with a slide of 10 g, without a slide - 5 g) .

Dosing in teaspoons or tablespoons and liquid medicinal substances. medical practice takes into account that one teaspoon contains 5 ml of liquid, and one tablespoon contains 15 ml of liquid. If water acts as a medicinal solvent, but milliliters can be easily converted into grams: in 1 teaspoon you get 5 ml of liquid or 5 g, in one tablespoon - 15 g. However, the accuracy of such measurements of the volume and weight of medicinal substances may be questionable.

Was held special study, during which the volumes of "standard" teaspoons and tablespoons were studied. Participants in the study collected medication in a standard 5 ml teaspoon, after which their volume was measured. In addition to the fact that the spoons used in the experiment differed in their capacity (the volume of teaspoons ranged from 2.5 to 7.3 ml, the volume of tablespoons - from 6.7 to 13.4 ml), the volumes collected by one and the same the same 5 ml with a spoon, but by different participants - from 3.9 to 4.9 ml.

Below you can learn more about the dosages of popular products in grams that fit in a spoon. These characteristics will help you more accurately calculate the dosage of ingredients that are found in culinary recipes.

Now you know exactly how many grams in a tablespoon you can grab with or without a slide, depending on what ingredients you use to prepare any dish or drink.

Comparative table of measures and weights of products in alphabetical order: