Symptoms of rotavirus in infants. Symptoms and treatment of rotavirus infection in infants Fighting dehydration

Rotavirus in infants is dangerous due to its severe course, rapid increase in dehydration, high risks of death and complications.

In most cases, rotavirus in infants is treated in a hospital, hemodynamics, stool character, and general condition are regularly monitored. There is no specific therapy; treatment is aimed at preventing life-threatening complications.

Can a baby become infected with rotavirus?

Normally, maternal immunity provides protection to the newborn for up to six months., just before the period of introducing the first complementary foods. Children from six months of age are susceptible to infection; infection occurs from a sick person who carries the virus.

Rotavirus often occurs in families with several young children: the baby’s body becomes infected immediately after contact with a family member.

There are cases of asymptomatic infection, especially. Later, antibodies to rotavirus are detected in the woman’s milk, as well as in the child’s blood.

How does infection occur?

Rotavirus through contact, household and nutritional routes (through water and food). Viruses quickly penetrate the body, are localized in the small intestine, and begin their pathogenic activity. For infection, it is enough for 2-3 viral particles to enter the child’s mucous membranes.

Diseases in newborns and infants up to one year last from several hours to 1-3 days. Afterwards the first signs develop.

Symptoms of the disease

Rotavirus infection in infants begins from the moment of maximum concentration of the virus in the body, is accompanied by the death of healthy intestinal cells and replacement of the intestinal environment by viruses.

The first sign of rotavirus intestinal infection in an infant- more than 6-10 times a day. Then there is copious regurgitation of fresh milk immediately after feeding. After a few hours the temperature rises. Symptoms are rapid and vary depending on the severity of the disease.

During primary infection, the disease in children is severe., therefore, in most cases the clinical picture is clear and pronounced.

Doctors There are three main forms of rotavirus:

  1. Lightweight. Parents note a decrease in appetite and regurgitation. The child becomes lethargic, sleeps a lot or cries. The temperature rarely exceeds 37-38°C. As the infection progresses, the stool becomes thinner, bowel movements are frequent, and the structure of the stool is liquid or mushy.
  2. Medium-heavy. Regurgitation becomes constant, diarrhea occurs, bowel movements 8-10 times a day, the general condition is complicated by an increase in temperature. The baby presses his legs towards his stomach; when palpating the peritoneum, significant muscle tension is observed - evidence of pain and discomfort in the abdomen, near the navel.
  3. Heavy. The severity of the condition is determined not only by the severity of the clinical picture, but also by dehydration. Recession of the fontanel, constant thirst, refusal of breast or formula, pallor of the skin, and cyanosis of the nasolabial triangle are noted. The child is lethargic, muscle tone is sharply reduced, he is awake no more than 3-4 hours a day, the rest of the time he sleeps restlessly. There is dryness of the skin and mucous membranes of the mouth. Urination is rare or absent.

More common in young children moderate and severe forms of infection.

Important! Even attentive parents cannot always prevent the transition from one stage to a critical state. For this reason, illness for more than two days requires hospitalization.

Features of the flow

The distinctive features of rotavirus in a child are: increased colic, diarrhea, increased frequency of stools, lethargy and the addition of respiratory symptoms.

All manifestations in combination complicate the primary diagnosis, therefore diagnostic measures are required:

  1. Nausea and vomiting. Regurgitation, unlike vomiting, occurs only after eating and has a fresh smell. Vomit in infants has a yellowish tint, an unpleasant odor, and the vomiting itself does not depend on food intake.
  2. Loose stool. On the first day of the disease, the consistency of the stool is mushy, after which it changes to a watery structure with an unpleasant sour odor. Fecal masses often include admixtures of blood and a mucous component.
  3. Abdominal pain and bloating. The baby actively moves his legs, bends his knees to his stomach, the abdominal muscles are tense - all this indicates pain and discomfort. The child cries constantly. If you listen closely, you can hear rumbling.
  4. Dehydration. Frequent vomiting and diarrhea lead to a lack of moisture in the body - dehydration. Unlike older children, dehydration in infants is rapid and develops within 1-2 days. In critical condition, the risk of death of the child increases. At risk are children with chronic or congenital diseases, premature babies, and with varying degrees of central nervous system damage.
  5. Intoxication. Intoxication manifestations are marked by increased temperature, pallor of the skin, blue discoloration of the nasolabial triangle, lethargy, and weight loss.
  6. Secondary infection. Rotavirus in infants is often complicated by a bacterial infection. The main pathogen is Escherichia coli and staphylococci. Inflammation aggravates the disease, leading to even more serious complications, including generalized infection and sepsis.

Clinical manifestations vary depending on severity, however, the child’s condition only worsens. The general course of the disease lasts up to 5-8 days.

What is the danger

Rotavirus infection is complicated by dehydration, secondary infection, and respiratory manifestations. Indications for calling an ambulance:

  • generalized seizures;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • lack of reactions to surrounding events, parents;
  • high .

Maintaining a fever with diarrhea and vomiting in infants is an indication for hospitalization. When the first signs of an intestinal infection occur, you must call your local doctor so that he can assess the severity of the clinical situation.


and treatment of rotavirus intestinal infection in children under 1 year of age– the field of activity of pediatricians, infectious disease specialists, gastroenterologists. To diagnose rotavirus in infants, laboratory tests of blood, urine, and feces are indicated.

The enzyme immunoassay method is of great importance, allowing to identify the type of pathogen. For a bacterial infection, an antibiotic sensitivity test is prescribed. If necessary, an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity is performed.

Treatment methods

There is no specific therapy for rotavirus in infants- the immune system itself must overcome pathogens and normalize the child’s condition. The main goal of therapy is to relieve symptoms and prevent complications.

Restoring water balance

In case of electrolyte disturbances, rehydration is indicated- a set of measures to restore the water-salt balance. During illness, the body removes a lot of water, which leads to dysfunction of the brain and cardiovascular system.

You can make your own rehydration solution(3 tablespoons of sugar, 1 tablespoon of salt, 1 teaspoon of soda are dissolved in 1 liter of water, and given to drink often in small portions). Among the pharmaceutical products, there are “Regidron”, “Trisol”, “Hydrovit”.

Temperature normalization

When the temperature rises to 38-38.5°C, drug treatment is indicated. for infants - “Ibuprofen”, “Cefekon”, “Nurofen”, “Paracetamol”.

Medicines are dispensed from pharmacy chains in special children's forms: flavored syrups, rectal suppositories. Suspensions are more quickly absorbed into the systemic circulation, which ensures a rapid onset of therapeutic effect.

Restoration of intestinal microflora

Restoring the intestinal microflora in children under one year of age is advisable after the end of the disease when the symptoms of infection have stopped. The drugs of choice are “Linex”, “Acipol”, “Bifidumbacterin”. Children over six months old can be given cottage cheese, kefir or “Snowball”.

Reducing abdominal pain

Colic and abdominal pain can be eliminated dill water, drugs such as “Espumizan”, “Bobotik”, “Riabal”. These remedies reduce bloating and improve well-being.

Helps relax the smooth muscles of the intestines antispasmodics in age-specific dosages (“No-shpa”, “Drotaverine”).

Strengthening the immune system

Immune stimulation is required for weakened children, they are prescribed drugs based on interferon (“Cycloferon”, “Viferon”). In the future, timely and adequate treatment of colds, walks in the air, and hardening are indicated.

Attention! The addition of a bacterial infection requires the prescription of antibiotics (cephalosporins, macrolides). In some cases, intestinal antiseptics are prescribed (Enterofuril, Ersefuril, Loperamide - with caution, Nifuroxazide).

Diet features

When rotavirus occurs in a newborn, the synthesis of various enzymes is inhibited, in particular lactase, which is responsible for the absorption of milk sugar. With adequate treatment, lactase synthesis quickly normalizes, and the child’s appetite increases.

A nursing mother should exclude from the diet sugar, gas-forming and allergenic products, other restrictions are typical for normal lactation.

If the baby is fed an adapted formula, it is recommended to switch to lactose-free mixtures until the condition stabilizes. If the child has completely switched to complementary feeding and children's meals, dairy and fermented milk products are temporarily excluded.

The diet includes mandatory drinking plenty of fluids(pure water, unsweetened fruit drinks, compotes of white raisins, apples).

What not to do

Rotavirus intestinal infection in an infant cannot be treated with antibiotics. When you have a fever, you should not cool your body with cold compresses, a cool bath (there is a risk of convulsions), or rub it with vinegar. Traditional methods of treatment are unacceptable. Any clinical condition in infants under one year of age requires qualified assistance.

Prevention measures

Prevention includes careful hygiene of the child’s body, maintaining the cleanliness of adults’ hands when changing clothes, washing, and hygiene procedures. If the eldest child in the family falls ill, he should be completely isolated and all contact should be excluded.

When preparing food for complementary feeding yourself, it is important process vegetables and fruits, monitor the quality of drinking water.


- the only adequate method for preventing rotavirus. Vaccination does not prevent infection, but it does significantly ease the course of the infection. The first vaccination is given at six months, and repeated six months later.

Komarovsky's opinion

Dr. Komarovsky recommends observe the rules of personal hygiene, regularly ventilate the room, do wet cleaning, and monitor your own health. If you are infected with rotavirus, you should objectively assess the situation; if complications arise, you should immediately call an ambulance.


Rotavirus infection poses a serious danger to the life of an infant, so no self-medication is acceptable. The persistence of symptoms for more than 2-3 days is an indication for hospitalization. Throughout the course of the infectious process, drinking plenty of fluids, hygiene, and taking measures to prevent complications are recommended.

The information on our website is provided by qualified doctors and is for informational purposes only. Don't self-medicate! Be sure to consult a specialist!

Gastroenterologist, professor, doctor of medical sciences. Prescribes diagnostics and carries out treatment. Expert of the group for the study of inflammatory diseases. Author of more than 300 scientific papers.

Good afternoon, dear readers. Today Alena Bortsova is with you. It’s literally been a week since I recovered from rotavirus. During her illness, I was very worried that my daughter would get sick. And I immediately remembered how the little girl was sick two years ago. Rotavirus in infants is a very terrible disease, unpleasant in its unpredictability and uncontrollability.

How does the disease progress?

Lisa was the first to get sick then. The two-month-old baby began to spit up profusely and began to have diarrhea. Not the kind of loose stool that can happen when breastfeeding up to 12 times a day. And the constant pumping of green water. The course of the disease in a newborn is rapid.

Just a couple of hours after the diarrhea, the temperature rose to 38 degrees. The regurgitation became less, but Lisa slept poorly. She constantly cried, blushed, and sweated. Terrible. We were waiting for the doctor.

That same day, in the evening, my son showed signs of illness. He has a classic picture of rotavirus. I had dinner, watched cartoons, and sat down to play with Legos. He gets up abruptly, says “Maaam...” And he vomits like a fountain. It shook so much that the floor was washed several times.

After taking the medications, the vomiting did not stop, and diarrhea began. It became clear that this was a rotavirus.

What to do to heal faster?

Everyone knows that vomiting and diarrhea are dangerous because they dehydrate a person. At the same time, you can even see how a person loses weight: the skin turns gray, blue circles appear under the eyes. Therefore, the main treatment in the first hours of rotavirus is to drink a little often. But how to treat a two-month-old baby, how to get a baby to drink?

Lisa and I worked out a plan. I diluted smecta in a glass, a dose for an adult. I filled a syringe with 1 ml and poured it into my daughter’s mouth. After five minutes I gave her breasts for 1 minute. And so on every 10 minutes. I carried my daughter in my arms all the time, she slept on my shoulder while I was sitting.

It's terribly difficult and exhausting. But I had a clear task - to quickly cure. Even if not exactly 5 minutes have passed, the liquid must be dosed and given a little at a time to eliminate the symptoms of the disease. I specially constantly changed my breasts so that only foremilk, not fatty milk, came in. The vomiting stopped immediately as soon as she stopped producing a lot of milk. Diarrhea became less frequent at night.

She didn’t lower the girl’s temperature, she simply wiped her hands and feet with water. The temperature did not rise above 38. I gave my son paracetamol when the temperature dropped to 39.

The night, of course, is like a fog. From daughter to son. He did not vomit again, only severe diarrhea. Therefore, it turned out to be easier with him. Every two hours he took medications: nifuraxazide, smecta, nosh-pa. How does dehydration manifest? The child has gray skin, trembling hands, dry lips, dry mouth. To eliminate this, my son drank Regidron every time he went to the toilet. The next morning, Andryusha’s diarrhea stopped and he calmly swallowed his saliva.

I remember I fell into a short sleep, and Lisa ate more than usual and her fever subsided. And I woke up from the fact that I wanted to go to the toilet.

Here I want to make a digression specifically for nursing mothers. Dear girls! Remember, with rotavirus you lose precious fluid! You need to drink not only after every trip to the toilet or vomiting. You need to drink after every feeding!

How long does the difficult period last? Lisa felt much better within 24 hours, but she was literally hanging on her chest. Apparently, nature intended it so that the child is treated with breast milk. The diarrhea stopped and she ate, ate, ate. And I felt terribly bad, I ran to the toilet, drank rehydron. The night became easier, we went to bed, Lisa took the breast and I fell into sleep like into a hole. I woke up with my tongue literally stuck to the roof of my mouth. My heart was pounding like crazy. I started drinking faster.

In general, taking adsorbent and rehydron is enough for a quick recovery in older children and adults. But a breastfed baby needs breast milk. What would I do if I didn't breastfeed Lisa? I would go to the hospital. I definitely would not be able to maintain the water balance of such a baby.

Will prevention help?

What to do to avoid getting sick? Wash your hands and constantly remind your children about this. Andryusha came home from school to wash his hands. After using the toilet, wash your hands. Before eating, wash your hands.

If someone in the family is already sick, it makes sense to give the baby an immunostimulant. This year we used Viferon candles. Lizka didn’t like the procedure of inserting a candle into her butt, but the main thing is that the girl didn’t get sick!

And I noticed another feature. If there is a wave of epidemics, rotavirus, it’s good if I get sick first. As my sister asked, “What's good about this? It’s better not to get sick at all.” If you have a choice, it is better for the nursing mother to get sick first, and then for the child.

With breast milk, the baby receives a kind of “vaccination” - the weakened virus enters the baby’s body, but cannot “run around in full force.” As a result, the child either does not get sick at all or suffers a mild form of the disease. So, if you have a cold, you should never stop breastfeeding; such prevention can cancel treatment!

Lizka is already two years old, and I can’t even imagine how I... .

Good day everyone, good health everyone! We are waiting for you on the blog pages with new interesting stories and practical advice.

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Every year, experts identify billions of cases of rotavirus infection in infants. At home, it is difficult to distinguish it from ordinary poisoning, so it is better to immediately consult a doctor when the first signs of the disease appear.

Symptoms and treatment are inextricably linked. Therefore, the more accurately you describe the child’s condition to the doctor, the more correct the therapy will be. We will tell you in this article what to do if you suspect rotavirus in your baby.

The digestive system of a person, and especially a child, is one of the most sensitive. Every day, the gastrointestinal tract has to process large volumes of food and liquid. Sometimes the quality of consumed products leaves much to be desired - they are contaminated with viruses, contain heavy metals and microorganisms, and are toxic.

Rotavirus infection is easily transmitted. This is due to the fact that transmission of infection has a nutritional mechanism. Viruses that manage to enter the environment settle in the most unpredictable places (mobile phones, door handles, clothes, shoes, toys). For the infection to begin to spread, it is enough for 1-2 replicas of the virus to enter the oral cavity.

Can you get infected?

The infection most often occurs in children under one year of age.. Infection of newborns and older children occurs from a carrier, for example, from a mother or brother (sister). If parents were in contact with a person suffering from an intestinal infection, then they could become carriers of the virus, and, having infected the child, they themselves could not get sick.

Virus shedding usually lasts up to 8 days.. But sometimes it can take up to 3 weeks. Viruses can be excreted in feces and during asymptomatic disease. Rotavirus is not excreted through the respiratory tract.

There are also cases of asymptomatic disease in children who are breast-fed or mixed-fed, whose mothers (in their milk) have antibodies to the pathogen. In children who have recovered from the disease, antibodies are then detected in the blood.

First signs

The disease manifests itself when the virus invades enterocytes. When a certain concentration of rotavirus in the body is reached, cells begin to die and the infection affects the intestinal environment.

Some viruses are eliminated by the body, but the predominant component continues to poison the body and multiply.

Once in the digestive system, the virus causes damage to the epithelium of the small intestinal mucosa. Desquamation of infected cells leads to their replacement. This leads to functional disorders of the gastrointestinal tract and intestinal hypermotility with the development of diarrhea is observed.

From the moment an infant is infected with rotavirus until symptoms appear, it can take from 15 hours to five days. The disease begins acutely and progresses rapidly. Therefore, it is important to notice them in time and promptly help the child by prescribing a competent course of treatment.

Symptoms in an infant

Rotavirus is much more severe in infants than in older people. The manifestation of symptoms depends on the severity of the disease. Let's look at three typical forms.

Light form

In this situation, the baby's appetite noticeably decreases, the child looks lethargic, cries and is capricious. In most cases, the temperature level rises, but does not exceed 37.5 degrees.

After a few hours, the baby may begin to vomit, regardless of whether he has eaten. In addition, a mild form of infection is characterized by stool disorders and diarrhea.

Medium form

In this case, the temperature rises. The baby regurgitates milk or baby purees, and the frequency of loose stools reaches 7 times per day. With proper treatment, signs of diarrhea should disappear after 2-3 days.

Severe form

It has an acute onset. The child immediately begins to vomit, which is systematic, and diarrhea occurs up to 15 times a day. This condition can be called critical; it threatens life, as it directly leads to dehydration of the body.

Due to a lack of fluid in the body, the child experiences dryness of the epidermal layers of the skin and mucous membranes. If treatment is started on time, the duration of the disease will be no more than 10 days.

Moderate and severe forms of rotavirus infections occur more often in newborns and infants. In some cases, the disease is confused with dysentery and salmonellosis. Therefore, it is important to correctly differentiate the diagnosis from acute intestinal infections, in the clinical picture of which the gastroenteritis syndrome is decisive (for example, gastroenteritis itself, cholera, foodborne toxic infections).

Important! With the development of rotavirus infection, no blood was observed in the child’s stool; the color of the stool is normal, has a watery consistency and is abundant in nature. If mucus appears in the stool, this indicates the growth of a bacterial infection.

This disease can also develop gradually. At the very beginning, the baby’s appetite decreases, lethargy and drowsiness appear.

Parents cannot always immediately pay attention to these primary signs and often perceive them as the child’s whims, which occur due to changes in mood.

At first, the temperature may rise to 37.1-37.2 degrees, but not everyone takes this as a pathology, since for many children this temperature is normal.

Often, when rotavirus develops in infants, it may:

  • runny nose appears,
  • enlarged lymph nodes in the neck,
  • sink a fontanel.

When the stomach growls, the child may cry - this indicates that he is in pain and uncomfortable. Abdominal pain is weak and constant, rarely cramping.

What to do: diagnosis and treatment

To accurately determine the diagnosis, it is necessary to conduct blood, urine and stool tests in a special laboratory. Pharmacies also sell special rapid tests that help determine rotavirus at home.

So, you should immediately consult a doctor if your child:

  • is capricious and cries constantly. Draws in the legs - this indicates pain in the abdomen;
  • looks lethargic, refuses to take the breast (a bottle with formula), or eat usual or favorite foods;
  • complains of nausea or vomits more than twice in an hour;
  • diarrhea;
  • has a body temperature of 37.2.

If at least two or three signs are present, it is important to suspect the presence of infection in time and start fighting the virus to prevent it from multiplying in the body.

How to treat

Treatment of rotavirus must be comprehensive.. Loss of water and salts in the stool can lead to mild dehydration. You can determine that dehydration in an infant has reached a critical point by the following signs:

  • dry tongue
  • constant crying for no reason,
  • no urination for more than 3 hours,
  • no sweat is produced
  • convulsions begin, the child loses consciousness.

Replenishing fluid balance. Since the most dangerous thing with this infection is dehydration, the main and primary task will be to replenish the balance of fluid lost in the first days of the disease.

  • Regidron,
  • Hydrovit,
  • Humana.

To prepare the solution, you need to dissolve one sachet in 1 liter of boiled water. It is necessary to give it to the child throughout the day. He should drink about 500 ml per day.

It is also important to give the baby clean water and breastfeed. Mother's milk is half water, so it will well replenish lost fluid in the body. Treatment with rehydration drugs is the only method recognized by the World Health Organization (hereinafter referred to as WHO).

We normalize the balance of intestinal microflora. With rotavirus infections, intestinal disorders occur, in which the microflora is washed out, and an imbalance of beneficial bacteria in this environment occurs. To correct the balance of intestinal microflora, doctors prescribe medications that contain the necessary lactobacilli and probiotics.

Adjusting the temperature. The temperature should be reduced only when it reaches 38 degrees and above. In such situations, antipyretic suppositories help well:

  • "Nurofen". Used from 3 months;
  • "Cefekon". Possible from birth.

The child must be undressed and the diaper removed. It is recommended to wipe with warm water, then cover the baby with a diaper. You should not wrap your child up, as this may increase the temperature. It is forbidden to rub down with vodka or vinegar, as this can cause intoxication of the body.

How to treat at home

If parents manage to recognize the symptoms in time, they can prevent the baby from being hospitalized. The main thing is to start giving your child as much fluid as possible.. For a child aged 0 to six months, offer clean, boiled water at room temperature (maybe lukewarm). If your baby has already tried compotes, then cook them from dried fruits, black currants, but without adding sugar.

Don't let the temperature rise. If the thermometer shows 37.5 or higher, then:

  • do wiping (wet a towel in warm water),
  • undress the baby
  • temporarily stop wearing diapers (wear them only at night).

It is easier to prevent a temperature jump than to deal with a high temperature later. Call your local doctor and make an appointment. The pediatrician will prescribe competent treatment, which you can carry out at home.

When is hospitalization required?

It is necessary to call an ambulance if:

  • convulsions;
  • noticeable lethargy. If a child (especially an infant - up to 6 months) has stopped responding to his parents;
  • temperature from 39 degrees. It is almost impossible to bring down such a fever on your own; doctors will inject a special lytic mixture;
  • severe diarrhea.

If, after the local pediatrician has prescribed treatment, but the symptoms remain (within a week), you should also go to the hospital.

How not to treat

Rotavirus is an intestinal infection that cannot be treated with antibiotics.. If diarrhea (diarrhea) is observed, then antibiotics are prescribed if:

  • when studying the anamnesis, a diagnosis of “Cholera” was made (suspicion of it),
  • There are blood clots in the stool,
  • diarrhea does not stop for more than 14 days,
  • Worms were found in the stool.

Features of the diet for infants and artificial babies

Inflammation in the intestines inhibits the production of enzymes, such as lactase.. This enzyme is responsible for the breakdown of milk sugar. If treatment is started in a timely manner, the body's production of this substance begins to recover, but this takes about 20 days.

After your child feels better, he or she will have an appetite.. You should not stop breastfeeding during illness, but you should reduce the number of feedings. Do not let your baby hang on your breast 24/7; feed as needed and monitor his reaction.

If your baby is bottle-fed, switch to lactose-free formulas. If you have managed to introduce complementary foods, then completely eliminate dairy products from your diet.

Prevention and vaccination against disease

Vaccination is the only method of preventing rotavirus infection. The vaccine is only effective between 6 and 32 weeks of age. Today there are two vaccine options:

  • monovalent. It's called "Rotarix";
  • pentavalent. It has the name "RotaTek".

In Russia, the second option is used, since it is based on a human strain. Vaccination does not pose any danger and has no adverse reactions. Given orally as drops.

Contraindications to vaccination:

  • allergy to the components of the vaccine,
  • if the child has recently been ill, then you should wait 2-3 weeks with the vaccination,
  • history of intestinal diseases.

What Komarovsky says

The pediatrician claims that the main causative agent of the infection is failure to comply with basic rules of general hygiene. Therefore it is imperative:

  • store food correctly,
  • wash your and your child’s hands before eating, after walking,
  • Do not allow insects to appear in the house.

To prevent the child from being hospitalized, the main task of the parents is to give the baby water to avoid dehydration. It is only for this reason that the child is admitted to the hospital so that the situation does not worsen without timely medical assistance.

The doctor recommends feeding the baby with pharmaceutical saline solutions. But you can prepare them yourself: mix three teaspoons of sugar (without top) and half a teaspoon of salt with a liter of boiled water. Fluid consumption should correspond to the norm of 100 ml per kilogram of the child’s weight.

If the baby refuses the solution, then give him plain water or dried fruit compote. If there is a categorical refusal, the doctor advises giving the child any liquid.


  1. At the first sign of rotavirus in a newborn or infant, seek medical help. Only a doctor can make a correct diagnosis by excluding other diseases with similar symptoms.
  2. The presence of the virus in the body will be confirmed by laboratory tests of stool and blood. The infection can be asymptomatic, so to avoid infection in young children, it is worth getting tested after suspected or actual contact with a sick person.
  3. The most pronounced symptoms will tell you where to start treatment. The main danger is dehydration, and hospitalization in a hospital is usually carried out in order to exclude this manifestation of the disease. Drinking plenty of fluids and rehydrating with saline solutions will restore the water-salt balance in the baby’s body and allow him to be treated at home under the supervision of a local pediatrician.

In contact with

Rotavirus occurs quite often in infants, and almost every child suffers from this disease. The disease manifests itself in the form of vomiting and diarrhea. Often combined with signs of a cold.

In infants, this disease can quickly cause dehydration, so babies need careful monitoring. In this case, the body loses much more fluid than it receives. This can cause serious health problems.

Rotavirus infection spreads quite quickly, being excreted in the feces of a sick child. Outbreaks often occur in winter. The virus is highly contagious and enters the mouth with dirty hands. If you do not thoroughly disinfect all surfaces, it can live on them for several days.

Feature of the disease

Rotavirus appears quite often in infants. This is a very dangerous condition that requires adequate treatment and adherence to a certain diet to normalize intestinal function.

The virus gets its name because the bacteria that causes it look like a circle. This disease is also called intestinal flu. Rotavirus enters the baby's body and multiplies on the mucous membranes of the small intestine. It is lined with villi, which facilitate the absorption and breakdown of carbohydrates. The virus leads to exfoliation of these areas of the mucosa, which leads to a lack of enzymes and disrupts the absorption of milk sugars.

Symptoms of rotavirus in infants manifest themselves in the form of lactase deficiency. The child cannot digest and absorb milk normally due to a lack of enzymes. In addition, there are quite painful symptoms that lead to severe dehydration. This condition requires urgent treatment, immediately after the first signs appear.


Rotavirus in an infant (1 month old or more - it doesn’t matter) develops when the virus enters the body. The pathogen can be detected in stool during culture. Often, infection occurs directly from the mother, since the baby is in close contact with her.

In infants, rotavirus infection cannot be destroyed directly in the stomach or intestines. It easily overcomes low temperatures and does not lose its properties. Therefore, viruses can persist for a long time and do not lose their harmful properties. In this case, upon penetration into the body, they begin to actively act and multiply.

The source of infection is a person who is a carrier of rotavirus infection, or a patient with an acute form of gastroenteritis. Infection often occurs in the following ways:

  • consumption of contaminated water;
  • infected products;
  • dirty hands, household items, toys;
  • through mother's milk.

The virus, having penetrated the digestive organs, affects the small intestine. From the moment the pathogen enters the body until the first signs of illness appear, 1-5 days may pass. The length of the incubation period depends on the level of human immunity and the number of viruses.

Main symptoms

The very first symptom of rotavirus in an infant is vomiting, after which diarrhea usually begins and the temperature rises. The stool is very liquid without any blood, and quite a lot of it is released. The most severe period of diarrhea lasts 4-8 days, but its residual manifestations can persist even after improvement in health, up to several weeks.

Rotavirus diarrhea, especially when combined with vomiting, can quickly cause dehydration. Therefore, it is very important to feed your baby breast milk as often as possible and be sure to give him water. Among the main signs of rotavirus in infants, the following symptoms should be highlighted:

  • dry tongue and lips;
  • lethargy, drowsiness;
  • sunken eyes;
  • deepened fontanelle;
  • rapid breathing and heart rate;
  • decrease in the amount of urine.

If such symptoms appear, you should immediately call a doctor at home. This can be very dangerous, as it provokes the development of dangerous complications.

Symptoms of rotavirus in infants largely depend on the severity of the disease. In mild cases, the child experiences severe weakness and loss of appetite. Then the temperature rises to 37-37.5 degrees and lasts for 1-2 days. After a few hours, vomiting appears, and this does not depend on whether the stomach is empty or full. Loose stools are observed almost immediately 2-3 times a day. After two days, the symptoms weaken, and by about 4-5 days complete recovery occurs.

The average form of the disease is characterized by an increase in temperature to 37.5-38 degrees. Vomiting precedes the appearance of loose stools and can be repeated many times within two days. Painful cramps appear in the abdomen, often in the navel area. There may also be watery stools up to 7-15 times a day. Moreover, diarrhea can last 1-3 days, subject to proper treatment. When the child begins to recover, vomiting initially goes away, and then the temperature returns to normal.

Symptoms of rotavirus in infants, which occur in a severe form, are characterized by the fact that the disease has an acute onset. The peak severity of the condition occurs on days 3-4. As a result of severe and prolonged vomiting and diarrhea, dehydration occurs. The level of acidity in the stomach increases. The baby is constantly tormented by thirst, and dry mucous membranes and skin appear.

Carrying out diagnostics

Laboratory tests of stool, blood and urine are used to detect infection. But basically, treatment begins as soon as symptoms of the disease appear. Tests are required to accurately diagnose, confirm or refute the presence of a bacterial infection. As a result, it will be possible to avoid complications.

There is also a special rapid test for rotavirus that can be done at home. It includes a substance that reacts to the virus. The test is similar to a pregnancy test.

Features of treatment

When the first symptoms of rotavirus appear in an infant, treatment should be started immediately to prevent serious complications. Therapy is carried out strictly under the supervision of a specialist. If a child develops diarrhea with vomiting along with a rise in temperature, you should immediately call an ambulance and begin treatment to prevent severe dehydration. Competent actions will allow the baby to recover much faster.

The ambulance team will examine the child and decide whether he needs hospitalization. If the development of cholera or another infection is suspected, as well as severe dehydration, the child may be admitted to a hospital, where they will take stool for analysis and administer the required fluid intravenously.

If the disease is mild, then treatment of rotavirus in an infant is carried out at home under the supervision of a local pediatrician. First of all, it is important to combat dehydration. It is necessary to feed the baby, gradually increasing the volume of liquid and the intervals between doses. If the child has had profuse and repeated vomiting, then you need to give him salt solutions often and little by little. On the first day, you need to feed your baby with a spoon every 5-10 minutes.

On the third day, infants are given probiotics to populate the intestinal microflora. Since the gastrointestinal tract suffers greatly from infection, it is important to follow a special diet during the course of the disease and carefully introduce the same complementary foods into the diet of children under one year old.

Treatment at home

As Komarovsky says, the symptoms and treatment of rotavirus in infants may vary somewhat, but there is a certain algorithm of action that is common to all cases. In case of diarrhea, you need to leave the diaper with the baby's feces. This way the doctor will be able to make a diagnosis faster, and the likelihood of an error will be reduced.

For rotavirus in an infant, Komarovsky does not recommend taking homeopathic medicines. They do not produce the required result, and as a result, the therapy process can only be delayed. Also, you should not give your baby antiviral drugs. Komarovsky recommends treating rotavirus in infants with plenty of fluids.

Therapy is aimed at reducing body intoxication and restoring fluid balance. Parents must provide the baby with all the required minerals. At home, only mild forms of the disease can be treated.

The first step is to eliminate dehydration. For this purpose, the doctor mainly prescribes the drug “Regidron” to the baby. You can also use products such as “Hydrovit” and “Humana”. The powder dissolves in water and is given to the child in small portions. You can give your baby clean water if he refuses to take medicinal solutions. If the baby’s well-being deteriorates and dehydration occurs, it is necessary to carry out therapy in a hospital setting, by drip intravenous administration of glucose-saline solutions.

To eliminate the symptoms of rotavirus in infants, treatment is also carried out using sorbents that help remove the virus. Among them, “Karbolen” and “Smecta” are very popular. They can only be used for a limited time. Otherwise, there may be constipation.

A bacterial infection can be associated with a rotavirus infection. The drug “Enterofuril” is used as a prophylaxis. Antibiotics should not be used for treatment, as they only weaken the body’s protective functions. They are prescribed only in case of emergency, after an examination.

To restore the intestinal microflora, Linex or Hilak are prescribed. It is necessary to bring down the temperature only if it rises above 38 degrees. Antipyretic rectal suppositories are best suited for this. The drug "Cefexon" is well suited, since it can be used from the age of 1 month. The dosage is selected separately for each baby.

It is recommended to breastfeed your baby as often as possible, since mother's milk perfectly replenishes the loss of moisture in the body. However, if the child is severely weakened, the doctor recommends interrupting breastfeeding for the duration of treatment and giving lactose-free formulas.

It is important to properly care for your baby’s buttocks, as loose stools can cause irritation. Every time you change a diaper, you need to wash your baby with warm water and care for his delicate skin using baby protective products.


It is important not only to know how to treat rotavirus in an infant, but also what he can eat. Inflammation caused by rotavirus infection is characterized by the fact that it almost completely stops the production of enzymes required for the normal breakdown and absorption of consumed food. In children under one year of age who are breastfed or bottle-fed, the amount of lactase decreases and a general enzyme deficiency develops.

It takes quite a lot of time for the villi on the mucous membrane and their production of the required enzymes to fully recover. In order not to provoke indigestion and not cause disturbances in the functioning of the child’s intestines, it is important to follow a gentle diet throughout the entire period of treatment.

During the active stage of the disease, children under one year of age are not fed (if there is no appetite). It is enough just to feed them with saline solutions during the day. The next day, when the baby feels a little better and has an appetite, the process of restoring villi and lactase production will just begin in his body. Breast milk or milk feeding will only lead to the recurrence of diarrhea. Since the child’s gastrointestinal tract cannot break down lactose normally, he needs to be given a lactose-free formula.

At the beginning of the second week, you can try replacing one lactose-free feeding with breast milk or your usual formula. In this case, it is very important to carefully monitor the reaction of the infant’s intestines.

If the child has already started receiving complementary foods, then part of the lactose-free food can be replaced with dairy-free rice porridge and mashed potatoes. Gradually, pureed meat and dairy products are added to the baby’s diet. The very last thing to introduce is fruit puree.

Possible complications

Rotavirus in infants can be accompanied by a bacterial infection caused by Proteus, Staphylococcus, Klebsiella, and Escherichia coli. Then the child's stool becomes very liquid and foamy, gray in color with a foul odor. The stool often contains blood and mucus. The baby's health deteriorates sharply. In this case, treatment in a hospital is required.

Carrying out prevention

Prevention of rotavirus in infants is important. Often, adults are carriers of the infection, which is completely asymptomatic. To eliminate the possibility of a child becoming infected with rotavirus infection, you need to carefully observe personal hygiene, wash your hands with soap, carry out daily wet cleaning and ventilate the room. In addition, it is important to observe sanitary standards when preparing food and iron all of the child’s things. Cleanliness is the key to the normal health of the baby.

If the child is bottle-fed, then before each feeding you need to thoroughly boil the bottle and pacifier. If one of the family members shows signs of illness, then it is necessary to urgently isolate the baby so that he does not come into contact with a person who has an infectious disease.

After recovery, the risk of re-infection is unlikely, since the child has already developed immunity to this disease. However, if this happens, the disease will be milder and will not cause any complications.

It is worth remembering that when the first symptoms of rotavirus appear in an infant, you should immediately contact a doctor who will be able to provide timely qualified assistance and prescribe the required treatment. This will help avoid complications of the disease and prevent the infection from becoming severe.

Vaccination against rotavirus

The only effective prevention of rotavirus is vaccination. There are now 2 vaccines that have passed all the required clinical trials. They contain a weakened virus and have almost no side effects.

The vaccine is taken orally. The vaccine is given to children between 6 and 32 weeks of age.

According to reviews, rotavirus in infants is a very complex and dangerous disease, which is mainly treated in a hospital setting, since various types of complications can arise if therapy is carried out incorrectly. All medications and courses of treatment should be prescribed only by a doctor, since the health and life of the baby largely depends on this.

When, against the background of absolute health, the baby’s body temperature unexpectedly rises, severe diarrhea appears and vomiting begins - even the most cold-blooded parent will panic. Rotavirus infection is truly a serious illness that can significantly undermine your health. The virus infects the mucous tissues of the stomach and small intestine. Gastroenteritis occurs and the child’s condition worsens significantly. Moreover, this happens very quickly, the child becomes worse and worse literally before our eyes.

Breastfed children are more protected from the rotavirus virus by the antibodies they receive from their mother's milk!

Parents are often interested in the question: Do babies get rotavirus? Unfortunately, even the smallest child can contract this disease. The virus spreads through drinking water, food and contact with carriers. The answer to the question whether a baby can become infected with rotavirus is also affirmative. Most often, carriers are adults who can get sick from this infection without literally noticing it. In adults, it can manifest itself in a mild form of diarrhea or short-term malaise, while children suffer from this illness very hard.

At the beginning of the disease, the child is treated for a cold and it is quite natural that such treatment has no effect. And only with the appearance of vomiting or excessive regurgitation do parents begin to understand that these are signs of rotavirus in an infant.

Komarovsky talks about how rotavirus progresses in infants in a video.

A separate feature of this virus is that it can cause lactase deficiency. The causative agent of the disease affects the small intestine, where milk sugar (lactose) is digested. Thus, the baby cannot digest its main food - milk, which, of course, weakens it even more. That is why dairy products should not be given to a child during illness. Formula-fed babies are temporarily transferred to lactose-free formulas and given water. For breastfed babies, lactase preparations are used, which are added to the mother's breast milk to break down milk sugar. In this form, breast milk will be absorbed and the baby will not have to be deprived of such a necessary and healthy product. Over time, the body's ability to break down milk protein will be restored, and the child will return to his usual diet.

At the first suspicion that your baby has a rotavirus infection, you should call your local pediatrician or an ambulance. A child’s condition can deteriorate very quickly, literally within an hour!

The critical level of fluid loss is 8% of the child’s body weight!

In some cases, a strong urge to vomit or profuse diarrhea does not allow the child to replenish fluid loss. In such cases, the question of hospitalization is raised in order to provide intravenous fluid administration. The baby cannot report thirst, so you should carefully monitor his drinking regime and offer him something to drink as often as possible. Monitor the amount and frequency of urination. The color and smell of urine also matters. Before the doctor arrives, you should use all possible means to seal off the baby, give him liquid using a bottle, spoon, syringe, pipette, almost by force. For soldering, you should use drugs such as rehydron or boiled water with the addition of a small amount of salt to restore the salt balance in the body. At the same time, they provide sorbents that bind toxins released by pathogens.

There is no clear answer to the question of how to treat rotavirus in infants. Medical care consists of overcoming the effects of dehydration and preventing vomiting so that the child can be fed and replenish fluid loss. The consoling point is the short duration of this disease. As a rule, after 2-3 days the disease goes away. Further, treatment is continued, using probiotics to restore the infant's intestinal microflora.

How to avoid infecting your baby with rotavirus?

  1. Careful personal hygiene of all adults who have access to the infant.
  2. High quality clean water and food.
  3. Boiling milk and other liquids.

You need to know that the virus is transmitted through contact with a carrier, a sick person, or even someone who has already recovered from this disease. The causative agent of the disease is so stable that it cannot be removed by many modern detergents and cleaners, and a person who has had this disease can be its carrier for a month.

Rotavirus infection is a rather dangerous disease and the younger the child, the more difficult it is. That is why parents of infants should know the symptoms of this disease and have an idea of ​​what actions they should take if they happen to encounter it for the first time.


There is such a situation: on Friday I was discharged from the hospital with a premature baby. Weight approximately 2500, age 1 month 1 week.

On Saturday, the eldest child, a junior schoolboy, fell ill. I called the mothers of my classmates - a quarter of the class is sick with rotavirus. Diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal and throat pain, fever.

Romka (the eldest) vomited once, had no diarrhea, had abdominal pain, and his throat was slightly red. Temperature yesterday 38.5, today 37.5.

Immediately yesterday we isolated the children from each other, we ourselves constantly wash our hands, we communicate with the elder in a mask, we feel normal. Taking your elder away for a period of illness or leaving yourself is not an option.

The youngest is breastfed, we drip influenzae into the nose (on the advice of a doctor), the temperature is still normal, the stool is also normal, there was no vomiting, he feels normal.

What else can you do? Maybe there are some tips?

If there was a healthy baby, I wouldn’t twitch, but here I have seditious thoughts - to go back to nursing for a week...

Every year, experts identify billions of cases of rotavirus infection in infants. At home, it is difficult to distinguish it from ordinary poisoning, so it is better to immediately consult a doctor when the first signs of the disease appear.

Symptoms and treatment are inextricably linked. Therefore, the more accurately you describe the child’s condition to the doctor, the more correct the therapy will be. We will tell you in this article what to do if you suspect rotavirus in your baby.

The digestive system of a person, and especially a child, is one of the most sensitive. Every day, the gastrointestinal tract has to process large volumes of food and liquid. Sometimes the quality of consumed products leaves much to be desired - they are contaminated with viruses, contain heavy metals and microorganisms, and are toxic.

Rotavirus infection is easily transmitted. This is due to the fact that transmission of infection has a nutritional mechanism. Viruses that manage to enter the environment settle in the most unpredictable places (mobile phones, door handles, clothes, shoes, toys). For the infection to begin to spread, it is enough for 1-2 replicas of the virus to enter the oral cavity.

The infection most often occurs in children under one year of age.. Infection of newborns and older children occurs from a carrier, for example, from a mother or brother (sister). If parents were in contact with a person suffering from an intestinal infection, then they could become carriers of the virus, and, having infected the child, they themselves could not get sick.

Virus shedding usually lasts up to 8 days.. But sometimes it can take up to 3 weeks. Viruses can be excreted in feces and during asymptomatic disease. Rotavirus is not excreted through the respiratory tract.

There are also cases of asymptomatic disease in children who are breast-fed or mixed-fed, whose mothers (in their milk) have antibodies to the pathogen. In children who have recovered from the disease, antibodies are then detected in the blood.

The disease manifests itself when the virus invades enterocytes. When a certain concentration of rotavirus in the body is reached, cells begin to die and the infection affects the intestinal environment.

Some viruses are eliminated by the body, but the predominant component continues to poison the body and multiply.

Once in the digestive system, the virus causes damage to the epithelium of the small intestinal mucosa. Desquamation of infected cells leads to their replacement. This leads to functional disorders of the gastrointestinal tract and intestinal hypermotility with the development of diarrhea is observed.

From the moment an infant is infected with rotavirus until symptoms appear, it can take from 15 hours to five days. The disease begins acutely and progresses rapidly. Therefore, it is important to notice them in time and promptly help the child by prescribing a competent course of treatment.

Rotavirus is much more severe in infants than in older people. The manifestation of symptoms depends on the severity of the disease. Let's look at three typical forms.

In this situation, the baby's appetite noticeably decreases, the child looks lethargic, cries and is capricious. In most cases, the temperature level rises, but does not exceed 37.5 degrees.

After a few hours, the baby may begin to vomit, regardless of whether he has eaten. In addition, a mild form of infection is characterized by stool disorders and diarrhea.

In this case, the temperature rises. The baby regurgitates milk or baby purees, and the frequency of loose stools reaches 7 times per day. With proper treatment, signs of diarrhea should disappear after 2-3 days.

It has an acute onset. The child immediately begins to vomit, which is systematic, and diarrhea occurs up to 15 times a day. This condition can be called critical; it threatens life, as it directly leads to dehydration of the body.

Due to a lack of fluid in the body, the child experiences dryness of the epidermal layers of the skin and mucous membranes. If treatment is started on time, the duration of the disease will be no more than 10 days.

Moderate and severe forms of rotavirus infections occur more often in newborns and infants. In some cases, the disease is confused with dysentery and salmonellosis. Therefore, it is important to correctly differentiate the diagnosis from acute intestinal infections, in the clinical picture of which the gastroenteritis syndrome is decisive (for example, gastroenteritis itself, cholera, foodborne toxic infections).

Important! With the development of rotavirus infection, no blood was observed in the child’s stool; the color of the stool is normal, has a watery consistency and is abundant in nature. If mucus appears in the stool, this indicates the growth of a bacterial infection.

This disease can also develop gradually. At the very beginning, the baby’s appetite decreases, lethargy and drowsiness appear.

Parents cannot always immediately pay attention to these primary signs and often perceive them as the child’s whims, which occur due to changes in mood.

At first, the temperature may rise to 37.1-37.2 degrees, but not everyone takes this as a pathology, since for many children this temperature is normal.

Often, when rotavirus develops in infants, it may:

  • runny nose appears,
  • enlarged lymph nodes in the neck,
  • sink a fontanel.

When the stomach growls, the child may cry - this indicates that he is in pain and uncomfortable. Abdominal pain is weak and constant, rarely cramping.

To accurately determine the diagnosis, it is necessary to conduct blood, urine and stool tests in a special laboratory. Pharmacies also sell special rapid tests that help determine rotavirus at home.

So, you should immediately consult a doctor if your child:

  • is capricious and cries constantly. Draws in the legs - this indicates pain in the abdomen;
  • looks lethargic, refuses to take the breast (a bottle with formula), or eat usual or favorite foods;
  • complains of nausea or vomits more than twice in an hour;
  • diarrhea;
  • has a body temperature of 37.2.

If at least two or three signs are present, it is important to suspect the presence of infection in time and start fighting the virus to prevent it from multiplying in the body.

Treatment of rotavirus must be comprehensive.. Loss of water and salts in the stool can lead to mild dehydration. You can determine that dehydration in an infant has reached a critical point by the following signs:

  • dry tongue
  • constant crying for no reason,
  • no urination for more than 3 hours,
  • no sweat is produced
  • convulsions begin, the child loses consciousness.

Replenishing fluid balance. Since the most dangerous thing with this infection is dehydration, the main and primary task will be to replenish the balance of fluid lost in the first days of the disease.

  • Regidron,
  • Hydrovit,
  • Humana.

To prepare the solution, you need to dissolve one sachet in 1 liter of boiled water. It is necessary to give it to the child throughout the day. He should drink about 500 ml per day.

It is also important to give the baby clean water and breastfeed. Mother's milk is half water, so it will well replenish lost fluid in the body. Treatment with rehydration drugs is the only method recognized by the World Health Organization (hereinafter referred to as WHO).

We normalize the balance of intestinal microflora. With rotavirus infections, intestinal disorders occur, in which the microflora is washed out, and an imbalance of beneficial bacteria in this environment occurs. To correct the balance of intestinal microflora, doctors prescribe medications that contain the necessary lactobacilli and probiotics.

Adjusting the temperature. The temperature should be reduced only when it reaches 38 degrees and above. In such situations, antipyretic suppositories help well:

  • "Nurofen". Used from 3 months;
  • "Cefekon". Possible from birth.

The child must be undressed and the diaper removed. It is recommended to wipe with warm water, then cover the baby with a diaper. You should not wrap your child up, as this may increase the temperature. It is forbidden to rub down with vodka or vinegar, as this can cause intoxication of the body.

If parents manage to recognize the symptoms in time, they can prevent the baby from being hospitalized. The main thing is to start giving your child as much fluid as possible.. For a child aged 0 to six months, offer clean, boiled water at room temperature (maybe lukewarm). If your baby has already tried compotes, then cook them from dried fruits, black currants, but without adding sugar.

Don't let the temperature rise. If the thermometer shows 37.5 or higher, then:

  • do wiping (wet a towel in warm water),
  • undress the baby
  • temporarily stop wearing diapers (wear them only at night).

It is easier to prevent a temperature jump than to deal with a high temperature later. Call your local doctor and make an appointment. The pediatrician will prescribe competent treatment, which you can carry out at home.

It is necessary to call an ambulance if:

  • convulsions;
  • noticeable lethargy. If a child (especially an infant - up to 6 months) has stopped responding to his parents;
  • temperature from 39 degrees. It is almost impossible to bring down such a fever on your own; doctors will inject a special lytic mixture;
  • severe diarrhea.

If, after the local pediatrician has prescribed treatment, but the symptoms remain (within a week), you should also go to the hospital.

Rotavirus is an intestinal infection that cannot be treated with antibiotics.. If diarrhea (diarrhea) is observed, then antibiotics are prescribed if:

  • when studying the anamnesis, a diagnosis of “Cholera” was made (suspicion of it),
  • There are blood clots in the stool,
  • diarrhea does not stop for more than 14 days,
  • Worms were found in the stool.

Inflammation in the intestines inhibits the production of enzymes, such as lactase.. This enzyme is responsible for the breakdown of milk sugar. If treatment is started in a timely manner, the body's production of this substance begins to recover, but this takes about 20 days.

After your child feels better, he or she will have an appetite.. You should not stop breastfeeding during illness, but you should reduce the number of feedings. Do not let your baby hang on your breast 24/7; feed as needed and monitor his reaction.

If your baby is bottle-fed, switch to lactose-free formulas. If you have managed to introduce complementary foods, then completely eliminate dairy products from your diet.

Vaccination is the only method of preventing rotavirus infection. The vaccine is only effective between 6 and 32 weeks of age. Today there are two vaccine options:

  • monovalent. It's called "Rotarix";
  • pentavalent. It has the name "RotaTek".

In Russia, the second option is used, since it is based on a human strain. Vaccination does not pose any danger and has no adverse reactions. Given orally as drops.

Contraindications to vaccination:

  • allergy to the components of the vaccine,
  • if the child has recently been ill, then you should wait 2-3 weeks with the vaccination,
  • history of intestinal diseases.

The pediatrician claims that the main causative agent of the infection is failure to comply with basic rules of general hygiene. Therefore it is imperative:

  • store food correctly,
  • wash your and your child’s hands before eating, after walking,
  • Do not allow insects to appear in the house.

To prevent the child from being hospitalized, the main task of the parents is to give the baby water to avoid dehydration. It is only for this reason that the child is admitted to the hospital so that the situation does not worsen without timely medical assistance.

The doctor recommends feeding the baby with pharmaceutical saline solutions. But you can prepare them yourself: mix three teaspoons of sugar (without top) and half a teaspoon of salt with a liter of boiled water. Fluid consumption should correspond to the norm of 100 ml per kilogram of the child’s weight.

If the baby refuses the solution, then give him plain water or dried fruit compote. If there is a categorical refusal, the doctor advises giving the child any liquid.

Rotavirus infection in infants occurs with primary damage to the digestive system. The disease is acute and with medical care provided, doctors give a favorable prognosis. Chronic rotavirus infection is rather an exception to the rule.

According to statistics, intestinal infection in infants is often the reason for contacting pediatricians and infectious disease specialists. As television pediatrician Komarovsky notes, high mortality from rotavirus infection has been detected in children in the first three years of life.

The percentage of rotavirus infections in infants is similar among countries around the world. The spread of this pathogen does not in any way affect the standard of living in the country. The number of severe cases and deaths due to rotavirus and its complications may vary. Young children are more susceptible to infection. The number of registered cases of rotavirus intestinal pathology in infancy is increasing every year.

Rotavirus in infants is transmitted through the fecal-oral route. This means that the pathogen penetrates the baby’s digestive tract. Most intestinal infections have this route of transmission, including hemolyzing Escherichia coli in infants.

A simple and common route of transmission of the pathogen is through contaminated food or water, from where it enters the body. The virus enters the intestines with food or water, as well as through unwashed hands. No less often, the virus penetrates through food that was prepared with technological violations or was stored incorrectly. An infant may become infected through contact with a sick mother. Whether a newborn can become infected with rotavirus from its mother is an interesting question. This depends on her health and the state of the baby’s immunity. If a nursing mother has rotavirus in her body, the risk of infecting the child is high. At the same time, the mother may not have a clinical diagnosis of the disease - she remains a healthy carrier. This is the answer to the question of whether a baby can get sick while breastfeeding.

If the mother herself is sick with rotavirus, continued breastfeeding is allowed, subject to the rules of hygiene and antiseptics, since rotavirus is not transmitted through breast milk to the baby. There is no danger for the child. In addition, he will receive antibodies to the virus with milk, which are contained during lactation in a nursing mother who has recovered from rotavirus.

The incubation period is the time from the first penetration of the virus into the baby’s body until the first signs of illness appear. As a rule, this time is 1-2 days. During this period, the rotavirus manages to penetrate the intestines and multiply there.

  1. Initially, the pathogen enters the baby’s oral cavity, and then from there it easily reaches the lumen of the small intestine.
  2. Having penetrated the intestines, the virus invades the intestinal epithelial cells and begins to multiply intensively there. As a result, intestinal epithelial cells are destroyed and fluid absorption in the intestine is impaired.
  3. As a result of cell destruction, the normal functioning of the intestines is disrupted. Enzyme deficiency develops. Sugars stop being broken down and absorbed in the intestines. They enter the lumen of the colon and disrupt the transport of fluid there.
  4. An increase in the amount of liquid and mineral elements in the intestinal lumen leads to the development of severe diarrhea in the newborn.
  5. In addition, an acute inflammatory process develops in the intestines.

As diarrhea and vomiting worsen, clinical dehydration develops.

Pronounced clinical manifestations in infants concern the digestive organs. In addition, rotavirus invades the epithelial cells of the upper respiratory tract and causes catarrhal respiratory symptoms. Symptoms and treatment of rotavirus infection in an infant depend on the severity of the disease. There are three degrees of severity of the infectious process.

As a rule, in infants, rotavirus infection debuts acutely and is manifested by an increase in temperature to febrile levels and respiratory symptoms. Catarrhal symptoms with rotavirus infection are similar to those with a respiratory viral infection and do not cause severe anxiety in parents. The first signs of an intestinal infection in a baby do not appear immediately. Therefore, rotavirus received a second name - intestinal flu.

Vomiting appears on the first day after the onset of the disease. Reflex eruption is allowed both once and repeatedly. As a rule, vomiting continues throughout the day.

On the second day, infants develop frequent and profuse diarrhea. Less commonly, these symptoms of rotavirus appear on the first day from the onset of the disease.

The child's stool is initially yellowish in color and then becomes gray. The consistency of the stool is initially mushy, but then becomes liquid. There are cases when impurities in the form of foam are found in feces. There may be signs of a bacterial infection in the form of impurities in stool, mucus and blood.

A distinctive feature is the sharp, foul odor of children's feces. The frequency of the urge to defecate is from 10 to 50 times a day. This will depend on the severity of the condition and the number of viral particles in the baby’s body.

Frequent vomiting and diarrhea are caused by increased motor activity and irritation of the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines. Together, this provokes spasm and pain in the abdomen.

Of course, the baby will not tell you what is bothering him. The symptom can be determined by the sharp cry and restlessness of the child. When he cries, he jerks his legs. The baby's belly is swollen, and upon palpation, seething or rumbling can be clearly heard.

Repeated repeated vomiting and diarrhea lead to the child developing severe dehydration. The body of a newborn loses a large amount of fluid in a short time. Critical dehydration without restoration of fluid volume is called exicosis.

If the disease in a child under one year of age occurs at lightning speed, it is extremely dangerous for the life of the infant. Rapid exicosis leads to loss of consciousness and can even lead to death! The risk is high for premature babies with low body weight. It is customary to distinguish three stages of child dehydration.

There are symptoms that characterize intoxication:

  1. An increase in body temperature to febrile levels, which is accompanied by chills.
  2. Lethargy and drowsiness, apathy.
  3. Pallor of the skin with a marbled tint.
  4. Refusal of food and drink.
  5. Convulsive syndrome and loss of consciousness.

In severe cases, when the child’s immune defense is extremely weak, a secondary acute bacterial infection can quickly develop. Escherichia coli in infants, which is assumed to be a normal variant, causes an inflammatory process and further aggravates the course of the disease.

Hemolytic Escherichia coli is dangerous. Often, opportunistic flora - Klebsiella or Proteus, as well as staphylococci - act as a secondary infection. Klebsiella infection is a frequent accompaniment of rotaviruses.

As a rule, diagnosis consists of examination and careful history taking. This is enough for an experienced medical professional. To confirm the presence of inflammation in the child’s body and the possible addition of a secondary bacterial infection, a general blood test and stool are taken for bacteriological examination to determine sensitivity to antibiotics.

A proven and informative option for diagnosing rotavirus infection is the enzyme immunoassay method. This method detects pathogen antigens in biological media. The method also detects the pathogen in the early stages of the development of the pathological process.

Treatment of rotavirus infection is complex. Properly selected treatment is aimed at the pathogenesis of the disease and at eliminating disturbing symptoms. Specific etiotropic treatment of rotavirus in medicine has not been developed.

First of all, measures are taken to prevent dehydration of the child’s body. In addition, the intestinal microflora is normalized and damaged cellular structures of the intestine are restored. For this purpose, the patient is given orally sorbents and preparations from the group of probiotics for intestinal infection.

Symptomatic treatment includes reducing pain and fever, as well as nausea and vomiting. Giving children antipyretic and painkillers orally is not possible in all cases. In case of severe vomiting, it is better to use rectal suppositories or parenteral medications.

If there has been a secondary bacterial infection, antibacterial etiotropic therapy is carried out. The effect of an antibiotic with a wide therapeutic spectrum – Gentamicin – has been proven. It is administered intramuscularly for 5 days.

Often nursing mothers ask on forums and at appointments with infectious disease specialists the question of whether it is possible to breastfeed with intestinal rotavirus infection. Since during an acute process, a deficiency of the lactase enzyme, which is responsible for the breakdown of milk sugar, develops in the intestines, milk, including mother’s milk, is excluded from the child’s diet. During illness, the baby is given special lactose-free formulas.

Treatment of rotavirus in infants begins with dehydration. For this purpose, the baby is soldered with saline solutions, glucose solution or chamomile decoction. Drinking plenty of fluids both helps treat dehydration and provides a detoxifying effect. A one-month-old baby takes drinks in small portions, but often. Too large doses of liquid at one time cause a new attack of vomiting.

The question of what to give to a baby with an acute infectious intestinal disease is decided by the attending physician.

In severe cases, when the disease is severe, breastfeeding has to be stopped and the baby must be switched to lactose-free formulas. This feeding will have to be maintained for 2-3 weeks.

To replenish lost fluid volume, give your child saline solutions. The recommended drug for feeding children with intestinal infections is called rehydron. This medicine contains sodium citrate and sodium chloride. With its help, the acid-base balance and water-salt balance are restored in children who suffer from intestinal infections and suffer from dehydration.

If the diarrhea is mild, they are prescribed to drink saline solutions at the rate of 50 ml per 1 kg of the child’s weight at the time of birth.

Infants with severe diarrhea receive 100 ml of solution per 1 kg of body weight per day.

Newborn babies are given a teaspoon of drink every 10 minutes. Infants who have already learned to drink on their own drink 1-2 sips after each bowel movement.

Although breast milk is an incomparable nutrition for a baby in the first months of life, in the acute period there is a need to stop breastfeeding. The child is fed with adapted formulas that do not contain lactose. If the baby is on combination feeding, complementary foods are chosen that are gentle and do not cause irritation in the intestines. Choose products that do not contain milk during complementary feeding.

To protect the intestinal epithelium from rotavirus and restore normal intestinal microflora, give your child medications containing probiotics.

In infants, the balance of normal intestinal microflora is easily disrupted. This leads to the development of dysbiosis. Dysbacteriosis itself causes abdominal pain and diarrhea or constipation in children. Therefore, it is so important to take timely measures to restore the intestinal microflora.

Probiotics are medications that contain live cultures - lactobacilli and bifidobacteria. There is another group of medications called prebiotics. Prebiotics are substances that affect the development of normal flora in the body.

Infants suffer acute intestinal infections much more severely than other children and adults. In a premature infant, the clinical picture of dehydration occurs already half an hour after the appearance of the first clinical symptoms. Timely medical care will help avoid serious complications, and in some cases, save the life of a newborn child.

As soon as a child has vomiting or diarrhea, emergency help should be called immediately. Until the doctor arrives, take measures to prevent the development of exicosis. To give your baby something to drink, use a baby bottle with a nipple, as well as a teaspoon or a plastic disposable syringe. If you don’t have rehydron on hand, brew a weak solution of chamomile or tea. In cases of severe vomiting, hospitalize the child for fluid resuscitation.

If a child develops repeated, uncontrollable vomiting, it is important to ensure that the baby does not choke on the vomit. It is better to place the child so that the head is turned to the side. It is important to keep him in sight and not leave him alone while he is vomiting.