Treatment of ankle arthrosis at home. Effective remedies for ankle arthrosis: treating the disease at home. Types, stages and symptoms of ankle arthrosis

Destructive and degenerative changes in the cartilage tissue of the joint are the most common disorder of the musculoskeletal system. According to statistics, arthrosis of the ankle joint occurs in 10-15% of the population and affects mainly older people. Lack of timely treatment inevitably leads to the development of complications, significant limitation of joint mobility and disability. Let's consider the main causes, diagnostic methods, types of therapy and prevention of arthrosis.

Reasons for the development of arthrosis

The ankle joint is a complex movable joint of the talus, tibia and fibula bones of the lower extremities. Its main functions are to flex and extend the foot, which is necessary for normal movement. Due to the peculiarities of the anatomy and the constant high load of all joints, the ankle is the most vulnerable and susceptible to various inflammatory pathologies.

In people over 40 years of age, due to natural age-related changes, there is a decrease in collagen production and a decrease in the amount of synovial fluid in the joint, which is necessary to prevent friction during movement. Under the influence of load, the cartilage gradually becomes thinner and loses its elasticity, and a degenerative inflammatory process develops - ankle arthrosis or crusarthrosis. Due to the aseptic nature of joint pathology, changes occur gradually, sometimes over many years, in contrast to infectious and inflammatory diseases - arthritis.

However, primary arthrosis of the ankle joint, caused solely by age-related changes in the body, develops quite rarely. In most cases, joint dysfunction is provoked by the following factors:

  • Injuries of various types (bruises, sprains, fractures). In this case we talk about ;
  • Congenital or acquired deformities of the feet (flat feet, club feet);
  • Excessive load on the lower limbs, including those caused by excess weight;
  • Inflammatory diseases of the ankle joint and surrounding soft tissues;
  • Metabolic disorders, hormonal imbalances and some serious diseases of internal organs;
  • Connective tissue dysplasia (often the cause of arthrosis in children);
  • Hereditary predisposition.

Classification, stages and symptoms of the disease

According to the ICD-10 classification, the code for arthrosis of the ankle joint is M19. Primary and secondary pathology of the joint, in the absence of timely started therapy, sequentially goes through four stages.

The first stage (degree) of arthrosis. Disturbances in the functions of cartilage tissue are minor and do not cause any discomfort. Most often, there are no significant symptoms, but some patients report fatigue and mild pain with prolonged exercise, which goes away after a short rest. Clinical manifestations of grade 1 arthrosis of the ankle joint, which include minor deformation and looseness of the cartilage, moderate narrowing of the joint space, thickening of the bone tissue, can only be detected on an x-ray.

Second stage of arthrosis. As arthrosis progresses, the intensity of symptoms increases. Initial pain appears - unpleasant sensations occur during movement, swelling and discomfort in the affected limbs increase, and gait changes. Visible protrusions of the lateral bones form on the foot, painful on palpation and limiting mobility. A characteristic sign of grade 2 arthrosis is a dry crunch or clicking sound in the ankle area when walking. This is due to a decrease in the concentration of hyaluronic acid in the intra-articular fluid, which indicates significant destruction of the cartilage surface. On an x-ray, you can clearly see the appearance of osteophytes, a strong narrowing of the interarticular space, and particles of crumbled cartilage entering the joint capsule.

The third stage of arthrosis. The pain syndrome is constant and does not subside even at rest. Significant deformation of the affected tissues occurs, the foot is bent relative to the lower leg. Manifestations of arthrosis of the ankle joint are visible to the naked eye in a photo or x-ray:

  • The cartilage layer is practically absent and is replaced by osteophytes, as a result of which the mobility of the foot is completely lost;
  • The joint gap closes, which promotes partial fusion of bone tissue and curvature of the feet;
  • The ligaments and tendons surrounding the ankle joint calcify, causing painful protrusions to form.

Stage 3 disease is practically not amenable to conservative treatment and leads to complete loss of the ability to walk and disability. Restoring mobility is only possible through surgery.


Effective treatment of pathology is possible only at an early stage. Even in the absence of symptoms of ankle arthrosis, all people over 40 years of age should undergo an annual medical examination and x-ray examination of the lower extremities as prescribed by a doctor.

Diagnosis of pathology

When the first symptoms of ankle arthrosis appear, you should immediately contact an orthopedist or orthopedic traumatologist. Making a diagnosis includes two main stages:

  • Analysis of complaints and examination of affected limbs to confirm clinical signs of pathology;
  • Instrumental studies (X-ray, computed tomography, MRI).

Sometimes the symptoms of arthrosis are similar to other diseases and disorders. To exclude arthritis, patients are prescribed a general blood test (if the pathology is infectious, an increase in ESR, immunoglobulins and other indicators of inflammation is noted). Consultation with specialized specialists (surgeon, immunologist, rheumatologist, endocrinologist) may be required.

Treatment of ankle arthrosis

The earlier therapy is started, the higher its effectiveness. It must be remembered that the symptoms and treatment of ankle arthrosis are closely related, medications and procedures are selected in accordance with the stage of the disease.

At the initial stage, exclusively conservative treatment methods are used, which consist of optimizing the load on the diseased joint by wearing orthopedic shoes, orthoses, instep supports and other devices. In the acute period, it is necessary to completely limit the mobility of the affected leg, gentle loads, and, if necessary, bed rest. In the subacute period, patients are shown therapeutic exercises and physiotherapy (mud therapy, thermal, laser and magnetic effects). Drug therapy consists of taking the following drugs:

  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to eliminate pain and swelling in the form of tablets, injections and ointments (Ibuprofen, Diclofenac, Indomethacin);
  • Chondroprotectors for stimulating the synthesis of synovial fluid and the growth of cartilage tissue (Dona, Artra, Alflutop, Structum);
  • Drugs for regulating blood circulation and strengthening the walls of blood vessels (Trental, Troxevasin, Detralex).

Treatment of ankle arthrosis at the second stage should be aimed not only at preventing further deformation of the joint, but also at restoring lost mobility. The use of NSAIDs often becomes ineffective; pain and inflammation are eliminated with the help of steroid drugs. To regenerate damaged tissues, intra-articular injections of hyaluronic acid are used, and a course of chondroprotectors is continued. If necessary, a minimally invasive surgical intervention is performed - removing fragments of cartilage from the joint cavity to relieve the inflammatory process and pain.

At the third stage, it is impossible to cure it conservatively. Analgesics and the introduction of drugs into the joint cavity provide only temporary relief. In most cases, to improve the quality of life and restore the ability to move independently, surgery is necessary:

  • Arthrodesis – removal of damaged areas of cartilage, followed by grinding of bones and restoration of destroyed tissues;
  • Endoprosthetics is the replacement of a joint with an analogue made of artificial material.

Any operation on the ankle joint for arthrosis involves a long rehabilitation period, medication and lifelong observation by a doctor.

On a note!

A prerequisite for recovery or transfer of the disease into remission is daily use. Ignoring doctor's recommendations, bad habits, and poor lifestyle minimize the results of treatment.

In the subacute period, treatment of ankle arthrosis at home includes wearing orthopedic devices, weight loss, and dieting. All patients are prescribed gentle physical activity, massage and exercise therapy. Experts recommend performing the following exercises to restore mobility:

  • In a standing position, alternately lift the heels of the left and right legs off the floor;
  • While standing or sitting on a chair, rotate the foot of each leg with maximum amplitude;
  • Standing on half-bent legs, tilt your knees to the left or right, while simultaneously rolling onto the side surface of your feet;
  • Walk alternately on your toes and heels, inner and outer arches of the foot.

To eliminate swelling, pain and inflammation with ankle arthrosis, folk remedies have proven themselves well:

  • Compresses from raw potatoes, boiled oatmeal, fermented milk products;
  • Ointment for rubbing from a few drops of rose oil and 0.5 g of crushed mummy;
  • Adding powdered eggshells to food;
  • Herbal tea based on lingonberry, raspberry, string and mint leaves;
  • Hot baths with pine needles, sea salt, bran.

If signs of pathology appear, it is strictly forbidden to self-medicate, get carried away with traditional recipes, and take medications uncontrollably. Only a specialist can answer the question of how and how to treat arthrosis of the ankle joint in order to prevent the development of irreversible consequences.


With timely diagnosis, adequately selected treatment and strict adherence to all doctor’s instructions, the prognosis for life is favorable. Pathology can be completely cured only at the initial stage. However, most patients seek medical help already with significant destruction of cartilage tissue. This makes treatment difficult and often leads to serious consequences, which can only be eliminated through surgery.


To prevent arthrosis of the lower leg, the following recommendations must be followed:

  • Treat all diagnosed diseases in a timely manner, visit a doctor regularly;
  • Avoid excessive stress on the lower extremities, prolonged walking in high heels, and wearing uncomfortable shoes;
  • Prevent the development of obesity;
  • Swimming, yoga, Nordic walking;
  • Include foods rich in protein and calcium in your diet (lean meat, fruits, vegetables, herbs, nuts, fermented milk drinks).

Arthrosis of the ankle responds well to treatment only at an early stage. Complex therapy, including medication, physiotherapy and exercise therapy, avoids the development of severe complications and disability.

All causes of ankle pain. Ways to solve the problem, treatment with ointments, tablets, bandages, nutrition. Possibilities of manual and physical therapy. Recipes of folk remedies and descriptions of operations.

Why does the ankle joint hurt?

In terms of its anatomical structure, it is one of the most complex and at the same time most susceptible to injury. Dislocations, fractures, and sprains are dangerous for him due to the intricate pattern of fascia, muscles and tendons. It is also important that it is this part of the leg that bears the greatest load even during normal walking; any poor position of the foot can lead to serious consequences. Plus, add to this the fatigue felt in the lower legs due to prolonged standing on them.

The most important diseases that attack the legs and feet are arthrosis and arthritis. The first is characterized by deformation of cartilage and their tissue, leading over time to the complete destruction of the movable joints of the bones. Equally common is an inflammation called ankle arthritis. It can have different forms of manifestation - gouty, infectious, psoriatic, rheumatoid.

The precursor to both arthrosis and arthritis is most often excess weight, slower metabolism in tissues, disruption of their integrity in the problem area, and low levels of immunity. Increased physical activity also increases the risk of developing diseases.

Those most vulnerable to ankle injury are athletes, older adults, and children whose bones are not strong enough due to injury or lack of important nutrients (such as calcium). Those at risk include ballerinas, runners, football players and people with high levels of urea in the joint capsule.

Methods for treating ankle diseases

For arthritis, it is necessary to focus on anti-inflammatory drugs, and in the case of arthrosis, on drugs that improve blood circulation, nutrition, restoration and mobility of bones, and to strengthen them. Hormones and steroids may be used if necessary. At the first stage, special ointments are useful; later they play a mainly preventive role. Folk remedies, physiotherapy, massage can also participate in the healing process. If none of this helps, surgery may be warranted.

Medicines and devices for the ankle joint

First of all, you need to buy yourself orthopedic shoes with special insoles, they will reduce the load on your feet. If you need to treat a sprained ankle, you can wear compression stockings at home for 2-3 hours a day. For severe pain, analgesics are prescribed in the form of tablets or injections, Ibuprofen, Nimesulide, Indomethacin are drunk or administered intravenously.

The following drugs are used in complex therapy:

  • Chondroprotectors. They are effective for osteoarthritis; they help restore the structure and function of cartilage. The most commonly used products are the first and second generations - purified hyaluronic acid, glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate.
  • Anti-inflammatory. Here are shown injections of Tenoxicam 40 mg at a time for five days in a row. In addition to them or as an alternative, take Lornoxicam tablets. Depending on the complexity of the disease, their daily dose is 8-16 mg, which is drunk 2-3 times a day. Meloxicam can be used for intramuscular injections. After the pain subsides and swelling of the ankle joint is eliminated, the patient is transferred to the tablet form.
  • Corticosteroids. They are injected into the joints only 3 times with an interval of 2-3 weeks. Solutions of Diprospan, Kenalog, and Hydrocortisone are quite good.
  • Vasodilators. Tectonico, Pentoxifylline and Agapurin are very effective. They are used both in the form of a solution for intramuscular and intravenous administration, and in tablets.
  • Muscle relaxants. They are needed to eliminate spasm of smooth muscles. From the group of these drugs, Sirdalud and Mydocalm are most often prescribed. Start with minimal doses and gradually increase them.
  • Vitamin and mineral complexes. The most useful among them are ArtriVit, Sustanorm, Antioxycaps, Calcemin and Collagen Ultra. They are recommended for use by people over 14 years of age for two weeks, 2 times a year with a break of 6 months. This helps strengthen bones and accelerate cartilage regeneration.
  • Products for external use. Gels “Fastum”, “Diclofenac” and “Nise” are suitable for this purpose. Apizatron and Gevkamen provide a warming effect and treatment of pain in the ankle joint. These products are used to lubricate the lower legs and feet 2-3 times a day for an average of two weeks.

Note! To immobilize the lower part of the leg, you need to wear a bandage on the ankle joint, first of all, this applies to those who have suffered injuries.

Physiotherapy for the treatment of ankle joints

It is an essential component of treatment, as it helps reduce inflammation, suppress the activity of infections if they are to blame for the problems, and allows you to properly warm up the desired areas. For such purposes it is primarily intended electrophoresis, with the help of which anti-inflammatory, analgesic and blood circulation-improving drugs quickly and completely enter the body under the influence of heat.

One of the effective methods of physiotherapy is the use ultrasonic radiation. Its essence is to improve blood circulation, micromassage, and normalize metabolic processes in tissues. The session lasts about 10 minutes, the course consists of 5-10 procedures.

In addition to this, the impact magnetic field to reduce inflammatory reactions, accelerate tissue regeneration and increase blood flow. Here you need from 7 to 10 sessions lasting about 15 minutes.

In the absence of effect from magnetic therapy, the use of ultrasound and electrophoresis becomes especially significant radiation exposure. The course consists of 6 procedures, which are carried out every 3-4 days. The effect obtained from them is consolidated by treatment at mud resorts and by drinking medicinal mineral water.

At stages 1-2 of ankle arthrosis, paraffin applications, compresses made from ozokerite and bags filled with sea salt will be useful. They are applied to the lower leg and foot warm for 10-15 minutes, this is done at least once a day. Thus, the cartilage tissue warms up and its regeneration accelerates.

Exercises to treat ankle joint

It is very useful to sometimes walk at home on your heels or transfer your body weight to your toes. From time to time it is necessary, without moving, to rotate the feet first outward and then inward. This improves blood circulation, strengthens muscles and helps eliminate the inflammatory process.

Therapeutic gymnastics should be performed every day, preferably in the morning, immediately after sleep. You should not do this if you are worried about pain in the ankle joint, which intensifies during exercise.

  1. Flexion and extension of toes. This should be done standing, without haste, straining them as much as possible. During this time, no discomfort should be felt. You need to spend no more than a minute on each foot.
  2. Raising and lowering legs. Lie on the floor with your back, straighten your legs and, slowly, gradually point them up one at a time, reaching towards the ceiling. Then hold this position for 30 seconds and repeat 10 times.
  3. Foot adduction and abduction. Stand on your toes with your feet shoulder-width apart and point your heels toward each other, trying not to touch the floor. Then spread them apart again - perform this exercise for the ankle joint a total of 10 times.
  4. Working with objects. Place pencils or pens on the floor and try to grab them with your fingers, holding them between the phalanges. If you can do this, hold the item for at least 30 seconds with each leg.

Ankle massage

It begins with light stroking, after which pressure is applied to the skin with the thumb. To avoid severe pain, this should be done without pressure.

Next, the feet are lightly patted, which improves blood circulation in the tissues. Then, in a circular motion, they pass first along the heels, and then along the shin. After this, the space between the toes is gently rubbed.

To get the best results, self-massage is recommended immediately after applying painkillers and anti-inflammatory ointments.

You should devote 15 minutes to it at least every day until severe symptoms disappear. It is best to do this in the morning, when blood circulation in the feet is impaired.

Manual therapy for the treatment of the ankle joint

This technique involves working on the problem joint, realigning it if necessary, stretching and stretching. Its ultimate goals are to increase blood flow, improve tissue nutrition, eliminate lymph stagnation and stimulate cartilage restoration processes.

Chiropractors use two main techniques: passive, in which the feet and legs are almost completely rested, and power. From the latter it is clear that what is required here is active pressure on the sore spots. Working with fists, fingers, and palms is relevant; the principle used here is in many ways similar to massage.

During the procedure, the doctor, just like when massaging the ankle joint, kneads the calves, feet, legs and even fingers, capturing small areas. All movements are carried out slowly but sharply.

The risk of damage when performed by a professional is practically reduced to zero. For effective treatment, 5 to 10 visits to a specialist are sufficient.

Folk remedies for treating joints

Healers recommend focusing on rubbing, homemade ointments, infusions, decoctions, compresses, tinctures, and baths. Among herbal gifts, the most effective results are provided by cabbage juice, elecampane root, oatmeal or cereal. To relieve pain, use eggshells and kefir, honey, dandelion flowers and pine needles, and fresh propolis.

We list here the following recipes for remedies that will definitely not make you worse:

  • With cabbage juice. Separate the leaves from one head of cabbage, wash, pour boiling water and leave overnight. In the morning, grind them in a meat grinder and squeeze out the liquid. Add melted propolis to it (3 tbsp per 50 ml), heat it and use it to wet a piece of gauze, which should then be applied to the problem area for 30 minutes. This mixture can also be taken orally, 20-30 ml once a day, the main thing is not to do it on an empty stomach.
  • With pine needles. Pour boiling water (1 liter) over it (10 tbsp), leave it covered for a day, and in the morning, strain and pour the liquid into a bath of water. Take it until it begins to cool down; it is enough to do this 1-2 times a week in addition to taking other folk remedies orally.
  • With honey. Mix it with alcohol and glycerin in approximately equal proportions. After this, shake, cover and leave in a warm place overnight. The next day, use the prepared mixture to lubricate your legs and feet. Leave it for 15-20 minutes, after which you should remove traces with water.
  • With dandelion leaves. Wash, dry, cut and boil them. Use this remedy 1 tbsp. l. every day, preferably on an empty stomach.
It is recommended to treat the ankle joint with folk remedies under the supervision of a rheumatologist.

Diet for the treatment of ankle joint

For prevention purposes, it is necessary to eat as many foods as possible that contain protein (collagen). That is why jellied meat and jelly are useful; the latter is prepared on the basis of gelatin made from animal connective tissue.

For infectious arthritis, the emphasis should be on vitamin C, which is found in large quantities in bell peppers, citrus fruits, and herbs.

To restore cartilage tissue, you need magnesium and potassium, which are concentrated in various nuts. Fish helps strengthen bones, especially red varieties like salmon.

Ankle surgery

This is resorted to only when absolutely nothing else helps. The first option is arthroplasty, as a result of which the mobility of the joint increases by removing the destroyed part of the cartilage tissue. Surgery is performed mainly under general anesthesia.

In cases where arthroplasty is ineffective and conservative treatment does not allow achieving remission for 1-2 years, the question arises: endoprosthetics. This means surgery on the ankle joint to replace it, which is worn out, with an artificial prosthesis, which will subsequently take over its functions.

What to do if your ankle joint hurts - watch the video:

As can be seen from everything said here, there are enough ways to treat the ankle joint, so the most effective methods should be selected for each patient, taking into account his complaints and the stage of the disease. Only an individual approach helps to solve the problem and finally at least partially restore the functions of the lower leg.

The older a person gets, the higher the risk of various degenerative and destructive changes, including disorders of the musculoskeletal system.

According to statistics, about 10 percent of people suffer from arthrosis of the ankle joint, especially after the age of forty.

  • tibia, fibula, and also the talus bones;
  • articular ligaments;
  • two ankles (namely lateral and medial).

Arthrosis of the ankle joint is an inflammatory degenerative process that develops in the articular cartilage.

The resulting inflammation destroys tissue, as a result of which the cartilage becomes thinner over time and, accordingly, becomes fragile.

The process itself is accompanied by a gradual proliferation of damaged bone tissue, which inevitably leads to deformation.

Types of disease

Experts highlight:

  • Primary arthrosis of the ankle joint. Degeneration occurs on healthy cartilage. Many factors can provoke the onset of the disease, for example, excessive stress on the joint.
  • Secondary arthrosis. It is characterized by serious degenerative processes occurring directly in the cartilage, where physical changes or disturbances in the alignment of the joint surface have occurred. At the same time, some doctors call secondary arthrosis post-traumatic arthrosis, since the disease is a kind of response to injury, for example, when it develops after a fracture.

It is important to note that people with neither primary nor secondary arthrosis of the ankle joint are not accepted into the army.

Signs and symptoms

In the initial early stages, the disease almost does not manifest itself, and this greatly complicates its diagnosis.

Patients may experience only minor pain after physical activity, which becomes stronger and longer lasting over time.

At rest there is no pain at all.

In addition to pain, after physical activity you may experience:

  • slight crepitus (i.e., crunching);
  • rapid fatigue of the so-called regional muscles;
  • muscle stiffness.

And only after a while the patient develops some limited mobility and deformation of the ankle joint affected by arthrosis is observed.

General clinical picture of the disease:

  • “initial” pain that appeared at the very beginning of the disease after stress on the joint;
  • pain that constantly increases with any load;
  • crunches in joints, creaks and clicks;
  • painful sensations that occur in the morning;
  • pain when walking, fatigue (this symptom is typical for post-traumatic arthrosis);
  • atrophy of muscles that are close to the affected joint;
  • subluxations, which occur frequently due to weakened tendons and muscles;
  • swelling of the joints (if arthrosis occurs due to inflammatory processes), while the affected area is hot to the touch;
  • restriction of movement, as well as stiffness in the joints;
  • curvature of the natural axis of the lower leg (for example, when it takes an X-shape or O-shape).

Main causes

Joint load imbalance

The main cause of arthrosis of the ankle joint is considered to be a discrepancy between the load received by the joint and its ability to naturally resist this load.

For this reason, doctors most often diagnose this disease in obese patients and athletes.

Incorrect alignment of articular surfaces

In addition, the disease can develop due to improper alignment of the articular surfaces.

This condition results in a somewhat uneven load on the entire surface of the cartilage.

Diseases such as arthritis, diabetes, and various injuries can cause changes in the natural properties of cartilage, weakening the joint's ability to withstand physical stress.


Women are at risk of developing arthrosis due to constant walking in high heels.

Excessive exercise

The disease affects people who have suffered excessive stress on the ankle, which may be associated with professional activity/work or playing sports.

Under the influence of these reasons, cartilage:

  • begin to thin out and grow old;
  • gradually lose their former plasticity;
  • crack, and harmful calcium salts are deposited in the cracks over time, which contribute to even greater destruction of cartilage.

Runners, football players and dancers often suffer from arthrosis.

In children

In childhood, the disease can be caused by the following factors:

  • diseases that lead to changes in the properties of cartilage tissue, for example, thyrotoxicosis;
  • tissue dysplasia;
  • suffered injuries - fractures, bruises, dislocations, etc.;
  • joint inflammatory diseases;
  • hereditary predisposition.

Video: causes of arthrosis

Degrees of the disease

Doctors distinguish 4 degrees of ankle arthrosis:

1st degree. During a clinical objective examination, doctors do not detect any pathological changes.

2nd degree. This degree of the disease is directly related to mechanical injuries.

Movement in the joint is clearly limited and is often accompanied by a characteristic crunching sound, while the joint is already slightly enlarged in size and deformed. During this period, atrophy of the soft tissues of the entire lower leg affected by the disease develops.

An x-ray examination reveals a reduction in the joint x-ray gap by at least half.

In the lateral projection, the photographs clearly show the flattening of the block of the so-called talus bone and a significant lengthening of its entire articular surface.

3rd degree. Clinically, this degree of the disease is characterized by a distinct deformation of the affected ankle joint - it is greatly enlarged, atrophy of the lower leg is noticeable and limitation of movements is pronounced.

The diseased joint is usually at rest and only minor movements (swinging) can be made in it.

4th degree. At the 4th stage of arthrosis, a barely noticeable articular x-ray gap is observed, extensive bone marginal growths are visible, and joint deformation may be accompanied by subluxation.

Possible consequences

The frequency of postoperative negative consequences and complications with arthrosis of the ankle joint can reach up to 60 percent, of which 5-20 percent have infectious causes.

In the absence of highly qualified care, the percentage of possible complications increases significantly, and this ultimately leads to the patient’s disability.

Diagnostic methods

Which doctor should I contact?

If you suspect arthrosis of the ankle joint, you should immediately contact an orthopedic traumatologist.

Types of diagnostics

Diagnosis of this disease is usually based on the results of a detailed interview with the patient and data shown by clinical studies.

The main clinical studies include:

  • X-ray. Provides information about the exact location of the axis of the diseased joint, as well as the localization of existing cartilage damage. The specialist takes pictures while putting weight on the affected leg. In addition, radiography allows the doctor to determine the extent of damage to neighboring joints and makes it possible to make an assumption about what initially contributed to the occurrence of pathological changes.
  • Other research methods. An additional method for studying patients with ankle arthrosis is considered to be a special computed tomography (doctors use the SPECT/CT technique), which is necessary to assess the general process of bone remodeling (it certainly occurs when the load is redistributed).

Treatment of ankle arthrosis

The cure for this disease includes methods that prevent the further development of a degenerative process in the cartilage, improve joint function and reduce pain.

If a diagnosis of “arthrosis of the ankle joint” is made, then treatment should be aimed at:

  • anesthesia;
  • prevention of the inflammatory process;
  • expansion of the volume and number of movements in the diseased joint;
  • regeneration of damaged cartilage tissue;
  • improvement of metabolic processes in the joint and in all adjacent areas (foot and lower leg).

Treatment with folk remedies

Traditional medicine has proven itself very well for this disease.

But at the same time, the patient should remember that unconventional methods only complement official medicine, but in no case replace it.

  • Based on mumiyo. Take mumiyo ointment (0.5 grams) and mix it with rose oil. Then gently rub into the ankle area. For oral administration: dilute 0.2 grams of mumiyo in 50 ml of boiling water and take one hour before meals twice a day.
  • Potato based. To relieve painful sensations, grate the potatoes on a fine grater and apply the pulp to the joint for about 20-25 minutes.
  • Based on comfrey. Take a glass of medicinal comfrey leaves and mix the herb with a glass of oil (vegetable). Boil the broth over low heat for ten minutes. Then strain, add a little vitamin E and half a mug of beeswax to the prepared solution. Let the mixture cool. Then you can apply the treatment to the ankle 2 times a day (do not rinse for 30 minutes).
  • Based on eggshells. Since eggshells are considered a good supplemental source of calcium, grind them into powder and simply add a little at a time to your food.

Drug treatment

All tablets that are used for arthrosis of the ankle joint are divided into 2 main groups:

Fast-acting drugs

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) include the following medications: Ibuprofen, Diclofenac, Naproxen, Aceclofenac, Nimesulide, Acetaminophen and other medications.

Such medications quite quickly help get rid of painful sensations in the joints, but their use has a certain disadvantage - all NSAIDs have a negative effect on the gastric mucosa.

Accordingly, with prolonged use of such drugs, a person may develop gastritis or even an ulcer.

Slow-acting drugs

Such medications are called chondroprotectors.

They help damaged joint cartilage restore its properties and help improve the synthesis of cartilage tissue.

The most common representatives of chondroprotectors include chondroitin, hyaluronic acid and glucosamine.

These are the main active elements/substances that are included in different doses in such drugs as Arthrodarin (or Diacerein), Arthra, Teraflex, Aflutop, Structum and others.


They are used directly for local treatment and, as a rule, contain anesthetic substances.

These medicinal ointments include:

  • "Horsepower";
  • "Deep Relief";
  • "Butadion".

Typically, such drugs can achieve a clear therapeutic effect, especially when combined with other medications.


Physiotherapeutic procedures can not only relieve pain, but also significantly dilate blood vessels.

The main type of physiotherapeutic treatment used for arthrosis is magnetic therapy.

Treatment with a magnet is carried out as follows: twice or three times a day, you need to use a magnet in the usual circular movements (most importantly, clockwise) in the area of ​​the diseased joint.

This procedure must be done for 15 minutes.


  • consume more proteins, which contribute to the construction of new tissue, as well as the restoration of cartilage tissue. Dairy products are especially useful for restoring joints.
  • eat jellied meat cooked in bone broth.

It is important that the diet is rich in:

  • vitamin B1, which is found in peas, whole grain bread, baked potatoes, beans;
  • vitamin B2 (bananas, chicken eggs);
  • vitamin B6 (chicken meat, nuts);
  • vitamin B12/folic acid (lentils, cabbage).

It is important!

Since excess weight is considered the main enemy of joints, patients with ankle arthrosis should adhere to the following rules:

  • each portion of food should be small in order to get rid of extra pounds;
  • stop drinking alcohol. Know that all alcoholic drinks burn nutrients and, accordingly, increase our appetite;
  • = always remember this rule: you need to get up from the table with a slight feeling of hunger, since the body becomes full twenty minutes after eating. Therefore, try not to overeat.
  • Don't eat after 18:00.


If the disease is already stage 3 and the joint is destroyed, doctors are usually forced to resort to surgery.

Types of operations:

  • Arthrodesis. The doctor preserves the remnants of the cartilage and “closes” the joint artificially, in other words, it is immobilized.
  • Arthroplasty. The doctor manages to completely save the joint.
  • Endoprosthetics. The doctor replaces the entire joint with a prosthesis. This operation is considered the most progressive and is performed only at stages 3-4 of the disease. As a result, the articular surfaces are replaced with metal, ceramic or plastic prostheses.

As practice shows, the service life of such prostheses can be approximately 20 or even 25 years.

Soon after this operation, movement in the joint is completely restored.


The goal of exercise therapy is to restore lost muscle tone and expand range of motion in the ankle.

In addition, gymnastics improves the body's metabolism and even improves immunity.

At the very beginning of training, the load on the ankle is, of course, minimal.

All exercises are performed by patients first exclusively in a lying position:

  • Lie on your back and stretch your legs. Slowly turn your feet towards you and then away from you. This exercise should be performed in a completely relaxed state and with a slight range of motion.
  • While lying down, rotate your feet alternately - first in one direction, then in the other.
  • Sit on a low chair. Press your feet completely to the floor. Perform an action similar to walking, raising and gently lowering your toes and heels alternately.

It is believed that a set of these exercises, which were developed by a physical therapy specialist, can be done independently at home, preferably several times a day.


When performing a massage, the specialist massages not only the joint affected by arthrosis, but also all adjacent areas (thigh, foot and lower leg), since strengthening the muscles of the lower leg and foot makes it possible to strengthen the ligamentous apparatus of the diseased ankle joint.

As a rule, the massage is carried out in an upward direction.

It starts with the toes, then moves to the foot itself, then to the ankle joint, then to the lower leg and thigh.

Each massage session should take about 15-20 minutes.

Video: self-massage of the ankle joint

Prevention measures

Prevention of a disease such as arthrosis of the ankle joint is elementary, so everyone can protect you from the development of this disease:

  • it is necessary to adhere to proper nutrition;
  • avoid any injury;
  • treat any inflammatory diseases in a timely manner.

Never take extreme measures, take care of your joints regularly and always be healthy!

Arthrosis of the ankle joint is a serious disease that is often diagnosed in older people today. When the first signs appear, it is necessary to begin treatment immediately, since arthrosis can be accompanied by partial or complete loss of mobility of the lower extremities and disability. Traditional medicine, characterized by an effective and gentle effect on the body, will help stop its development.

Briefly about the disease

Arthrosis of the ankle joint is a degenerative disease that affects the cartilage tissue of the joint.

Arthrosis is a degenerative disease of cartilage tissue, which results in irreversible changes in the joint. According to the nature of its course, arthrosis can be deforming, post-traumatic and acute.

The main causes of arthrosis are:

  • strong physical activity on the legs;
  • injuries - dislocations, falls, bruises, fractures;
  • strength sports;
  • obesity;
  • harmful working conditions;
  • salt deposits;
  • wearing the wrong shoes;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • diseases of the endocrine system.

Arthrosis of the ankle joint manifests itself in the form of constant pain when walking and standing in the lower part of the legs, swelling, cracking of the joints, atrophy of the lower leg muscles, stiffness of movement, inflammation, accompanied by a low temperature, are also observed.

Modern medicine distinguishes three degrees of arthrosis: the first and second are treatable, and the patient’s mobility is completely restored. The third degree is accompanied by irreversible deformation of the joint, in which it is only possible to stop the process and relieve the pain.

Treatment with ointments

Ointments made from natural products and herbs help reduce inflammation and relieve pain from arthrosis.

Comfrey leaf ointment can be prepared at home. Mix the crushed leaves of the plant with the same volume of vegetable oil, boil the mixture for 30 minutes and cool. Use several times a day, lubricating the skin around the ankle joint.

Honey-based ointments have a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect and perfectly warm the joint.

Honey ointment is prepared on the basis of iodine, medical alcohol and glycerin. Take all four ingredients in equal proportions, mix and leave for three hours. Apply several times a day, lightly massaging the skin. It is recommended to prepare a new portion of ointment each time.

There is also another recipe for honey ointment: stir 3 g of mumiyo in a small amount of water until soft, and then add 80 g of honey. Immediately apply the ointment to the affected joint. This remedy is suitable for the treatment of any type of arthrosis.

Birch ointment is prepared as follows: place birch buds and butter in layers in a heat-resistant glass bowl. Cover tightly and place in preheated oven for 30 minutes. Next, remove, squeeze out the mass and combine with camphor alcohol. Use to rub the ankle joint. After the procedure, cover your leg with a warm blanket and rest for 2–3 hours.


Compresses on the ankle joint quickly relieve pain, bringing relief to the patient, restore mobility and reduce swelling of the foot.

Raw potatoes are used as the basis for the compress: they must be crushed into a pulp using a grater or blender, and then applied to the sore spot, leaving for 20–30 minutes. Then rinse your foot with warm water.

Burdock leaves, like cabbage leaves, are used for compresses in the treatment of arthrosis

A compress of burdock leaves perfectly relieves pain and warms the sore joint. To do this, the washed leaves must be lubricated with natural honey, and then applied to the joint, securing the compress with a clean bandage and wrapping it in a scarf. Leave it overnight and repeat the procedure until recovery.

A cabbage juice compress reduces inflammation and swelling of the ankle joint. Any woolen “prickly” fabric is generously moistened with fresh juice, applied to the leg and secured with a bandage. Overnight the pain will decrease, and the next morning there will be a noticeable improvement.

A night compress can also be made using regular chalk. It must be crushed into powder and mixed with kefir until a thick mass is obtained. Apply a thick layer of base to the ankle joint and cover with cling film.

The use of infusions and alcohol tinctures

Garlic tincture for the treatment of arthrosis is prepared as follows: mix 1 part of chopped garlic with 10 parts of olive or any other vegetable oil. Leave for three days and take one teaspoon in the morning on an empty stomach.

Gelatin infusion is used for the regeneration of cartilage tissue in ankle arthrosis. In the evening, pour a teaspoon of gelatin into 100 ml of hot water. In the morning, add another 150 ml of water and a spoonful of honey. Mix everything thoroughly and drink at once on an empty stomach.

A tincture of calendula, nettle and birch leaves is great for arthrosis.

A calendula-based infusion is prepared with the addition of equal parts of birch leaves and nettle. Place the herbs in a thermos and pour boiling water over them. Close tightly and leave overnight. Take half a glass four times the next day. It is recommended to prepare a new infusion every day.

An alcohol tincture based on radish is used to rub the joint. Mix 250 ml of radish juice, 0.5 liters of alcohol and a tablespoon of honey, pour into a dark bowl and put in the refrigerator for 2 weeks. Then use twice a day.

Treatment with home remedies

River sand is excellent for treating joint inflammation. It needs to be heated in the oven and cooled slightly. Pour sand into a container, place your foot and sprinkle it with sand so that the ankle joint is covered. Keep the sore joint in warm sand for 40–60 minutes. Repeat the procedure every day. Instead of sand, you can also use sea salt, which also retains heat for a long time.

Crushed eggshells will help stop the process of joint destruction. You need to eat a pinch of ground shells every day; you can add it to your usual food or mix it in a glass of water and drink it.

Juniper baths perfectly relieve pain and tension and restore mobility to the leg. To do this, add juniper decoction or a few drops of essential oil to a warm bath.


A special diet allows you to establish metabolic processes in the body and promote tissue regeneration, stopping the development of arthrosis

Proper nutrition, which includes several principles, also helps to stop the process of destruction of joint tissue during arthrosis:

  • balance;
  • small portions and interval between meals (5–6 times a day every 2–2.5 hours);
  • a large amount of water;
  • easy digestion of food;
  • freshness.

Authorized products

The diet must include jelly without sugar and dyes, jellied meat made from lean meat and jellied fish made from gelatin. It is also worth giving preference to products containing essential vitamins and microelements:

  • calcium – fermented milk products, eggs, liver, nuts and artichokes;
  • B vitamins – bananas, avocados, barley, oats, fish, beef liver;
  • manganese – beans, liver, heart, seaweed, cheese;
  • magnesium – buckwheat, spinach, avocado, sunflower seeds;
  • sulfur and zinc – seafood and broccoli;
  • phosphorus – soybean pods, salads and bran.

Forbidden food

It is necessary to limit or completely eliminate:

  • hot herbs and spices;
  • fried foods;
  • fatty or dried meat and fish;
  • strong black tea and coffee;
  • canned and salted foods.

Some time ago it was believed that nightshades (including tomatoes), as well as sea salt, provoke the development of arthrosis. But the results of recent studies confirm that neither one nor the other affects the appearance or course of the disease.

Immediate treatment when the first symptoms of the disease appear, as well as proper nutrition with the use of recommended foods and dishes, will help stop the development and avoid severe complications of arthrosis of the ankle joint - destruction of cartilage tissue and limited mobility of the leg.