Competition Boris Yeltsin world, what about the results. Competition “Yeltsin – New Russia – World. Topics and directions

Foundation "Presidential Center B.N. Yeltsin" and the Humanitarian and Political Science Center "Strategy" announced a competition for schoolchildren, students, teachers and researchers. The deadline for accepting works is November 1, 2017. Summing up November 23–25, 2017 at the Yeltsin Center (Ekaterinburg).

Topics and directions

Research works:

  • “Boris Yeltsin is the first President of Russia. Experience and lessons – a view from the perspective of the 21st century.”
  • 2017 in the context of the centenary of the events of 1917 and the long-awaited changes in your region, in Russia and our Global world.
  • What kind of past does the future of Russia need: Russian history as a dialogue between truth and truth, worldviews and generations.
  • Centenary of universal suffrage in Russia - elections in the USSR - presidential elections in Russia in 1991 and 2018. If I were elected President of Russia...
  • On the eve of the 25th anniversary of the Constitution of the Russian Federation (1993–2018): features of the constitutional development of the country - goals and values, problems and prospects.
  • Russia in the modern global world: challenges and threats, hopes and aspirations.
  • Free nomination: topic of the author's choice.
  • Research and projects exploring the topic: “Culture of memory - culture of dignity: dialogue between reason and conscience as a choice of strategy for the future.”
  • Practical social innovation projects and programs as a way to form civil society subjects.
  • Humanitarian-legal, political-sophical-meritocratic foundations of the future of New Russia: scientific and practical interdisciplinary solution to pressing problems of the development of Russian society as a constitutional nation.

Super nomination of the competition:

  • Topic: “My Russia: through consensus towards a worthy future” (joint integral works of theorists and practitioners).

Winner's reward ceremony

The Yeltsin Center is a place that is visited with great pleasure by residents of both Yekaterinburg and other cities who come to the Ural capital on holidays and weekends. In November, the Center, as usual, will present a huge number of cultural and entertainment events.


On November 7, at the Educational Center, as part of the “Major League” lecture, a joint project of the Yeltsin Center and the Higher School of Economics Research University, lecture “New models of urban mobility”. An expert in the field of transport and road management, director of the Institute of Transport Policy at the Higher School of Economics, Professor Mikhail Blinkin knows everything and even more about urban transport. If you are concerned about transport problems, paid parking and prospects for the development of the city, this is the place for you. After the lecture there is a traditional free exchange of opinions. Admission is free, upon registration.

Igor Grom

On November 18, the media room will host “Another Conversation” by journalist Valery Vyzhutovich with Russian philosopher, physicist, professor at Saratov State University Vera Afanasyeva on the topic “Our education remains essentially Soviet”. Vera Afanasyeva became known to the country after a sharp open letter about the problems of Russian education. Admission is free, upon registration.

High school students, students, teachers and anyone interested in history should attend a lecture by a Russian historian, author of textbooks and manuals on the history of Russia, member of the Council of the Free Historical Society Leonid Katsva"Alexander Nevsky: hagiographic figure and historical figure". The lecture will take place on November 23, it is part of the author’s course by Leonida Katsva “From Rus' to Russia,” covering the period from the 8th to the 15th centuries. Admission is free, but registration is required.

On November 23, the Educational Center will host master class “Oratory skills. Impression Management" business coach, UrFU teacher (business ethics, philosophy), candidate of philosophical sciences, director of the training center of the UrFU Business School, as well as the head of educational programs at the Higher Engineering School Ivan Zamoshchansky. The trainer will tell students how to work with the audience and make the right impression on them. The master class program consists of two modules: module 1 - “Speaker and audience. Establishing contact with an unfamiliar audience, non-verbal signals.” Module 2 - “Speech influence. Techniques for interacting with the audience." The cost of participation is 400 rubles. Age restrictions 16+.

On November 29, the Educational Center will host lecture-discussion “Necessary theater”artist Ksenia Peretrukhina. This lecture is a special project of the festival-school of contemporary art TERRITORIA in Yekaterinburg. The lecturer will hold a conversation with the audience on topical and important topics, in particular: “Why do we need theater? Why does the theater need to be updated? Theater and ideas. Theater and money. Theatrical form as a carrier of ideology."

Also, art lovers should pay attention to lectures and master classeswith the participation of art historians from the Tretyakov Gallery and the Institute of Russian Realistic Art, which will run at the Yeltsin Center throughout November. Among them there are seminars for children.

Children's programs

The Yeltsin Center has prepared a very rich program for its little visitors. For example, on November 4 at the Yeltsin Museum for children 11-14 years old there will be game "Flagship: Journey through Russia". During the game, children will not only get acquainted with the museum’s collections, but will also play a board game. The cost of a child ticket is 150 rubles, an adult ticket is 200 rubles.

In the project's boundaries "Science City at the Yeltsin Center" November 4, 18 and 25 will be held lessons “How nature draws”. Children, under the supervision of art experts and experienced teachers, will create their own masterpieces using paper, pencil, paints and natural materials.

Also next month, the center will host culinary master classes and English language classes, and on November 26, Mothers' Day will be celebrated in the children's cafe.


On November 18, in the small atrium on the ground floor of the Center, as part of the “Evening of Museums” event, the museum teaser "Yeltsin in Sverdlovsk". The next museum program will be held there in the format one talk "Full version".

The collection of the Yeltsin Museum contains thousands of different exhibits - interesting documents, photographs, artifacts, unknown people made which the museum staff promise to tell visitors about. For example, the museum contains: the Russian flag raised over the Kremlin on December 25, 1991, the “nuclear suitcase”, dolls of Yeltsin, Lebed and Zyuganov from the TV program of the same name, as well as Boris Yeltsin’s official cars – “Chaika” and “ZIL”. Each of these exhibits will have its own mini-excursion in the format one talk.

Similar mini-excursions take place in the museum every week. In particular, on November 18 at 18:00, 19:00, 20:00 and 21:00 there will be a “Full version: dispute about City Day” about whether 1721 or 1723 should be considered the year of the founding of Yekaterinburg. And at 18:30, 19:30, 20:30 and 21:30 - a program on the topic “Full version: City Day as a deadline.” The fact that previously there was a tradition in the city of making labor gifts on City Day - the townspeople tried to finish important cultural objects and infrastructure in time for the memorable date.

On the birthday of the Yeltsin Center on November 25, it will be relaunched bus tour of Yekaterinburg. Visitors will have the opportunity to look at the city in a new way and get acquainted with the unusual history of ordinary city places and buildings. Bus tours lasting 90 minutes are scheduled to take place every Saturday, starting at 15.00. Cost 300 rubles.


Cinema and creative meetings

Connoisseurs of European cinema and foreign languages ​​should not miss XVIII Festival "New British Cinema"(BRITFEST will run from November 3 to 12). Films are shown in the original language with Russian subtitles. Therefore, there is an opportunity not only to get acquainted with the latest European cinema, but also to practice English.

An interesting program dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the October Revolution starts at the Yeltsin Center on November 4. The premiere of a concept film will take place as part of the film club. "1917 - True October" directed by Katrin Rothe about the events of 1917 in Petrograd.

It will take place on the same day screening of the film "Role", after which there will be meeting with the leading actor in the film Leonid Mozgov. The film directed by Konstantin Lopushansky received the Nika Award for best screenplay, and at the XXII film festival “Vivat Cinema of Russia!” in St. Petersburg - the Grand Prix of the festival and a prize for the best script.

In addition, on November 4th there will be screening of the film “The Sixth of July”(1968, USSR “Mosfilm”), and after it will take place meeting with one of the most prominent actresses in Russia, Alla Demidova- performer of the role of Maria Spiridonova.

On November 10, in the cinema-conference hall of the Yeltsin Center, as part of the “Ural Seasons” project, creative evening representatives of the famous dynasty of dancers Andris and Ilze Liepa. After the meeting, guests will be able to join the presentation of the film-ballet “The Return of the Firebird” by Andris Liepa. Free admission.


On November 11 at 19:00 in the cinema-conference hall of the Yeltsin Center they will show teleplay "No Man's Land" based on the comedy play by Harold Pinter. The main roles in the play were played by Ian McKellen, Patrick Stewart, Owen Teale and Damien Moloney. Following the performance there will be an exclusive interview with the cast and director Sean Mathias. The recording of the performance will be shown in English with subtitles. Ticket price is 450 rubles.

On November 28, one of the most interesting theater festivals in the country, TERRITORIA, will open at the Yeltsin Center. For the first time in the history of the festival, he is going with a special program to Yekaterinburg - the program is called "Territory of the Yeltsin Center". The program of the international festival includes not only performances, but also master classes from leading practitioners of contemporary theater and lectures by theater critics. Some performances will take place on November 28, 29 and 30. In particular, the festival will open with the production “Before and After” from the workshop of Dmitry Brusnikin and a quest performance “Away. Europe", the creator of which is a European company "Rimini Protocol".

An important part of the theater program will be video retrospective of legendary performances, shown in different years at the TERRITORIA festival in Moscow. So, on November 30 the performances will be shown "Shakespeare. Labyrinth" and "VSPRS". The full program can be found on the Yeltsin Center website in the festival section.


On the evening of November 14 in the Freedom Hall there will be Contemporary music ensemble concertUral Conservatory InterText, dedicated to the work of composers after the events of 1917. The program will feature works by Nikolai Malakhovsky, Alexander Mosolov, Nikolai Roslavets, Vladimir Deshevov and Arthur Lurie. Entrance with museum ticket.

Igor Grom

On November 24, the Yeltsin Center will host presentation of the album “Oskolki” by the Moscow group “NAADYA”, playing indie pop style. The group, assembled from former members of Nadya Gritskevich’s English-language project Moremoney, burst to the top of the Russian iTunes chart with the song “Pirates” and is successfully storming the Russian charts.

November 17 will take place concert of the famous pianist, soloist of the Novosibirsk Philharmonic Dmitry Karpov as part of the Autumn program of concerts for laureates of the International Piano Competition in Memory of Vera Lothar-Shevchenko. Karpov will perform the famous piano sonatas of Ludwig van Beethoven: “Moonlight”, “Pathetique”, “Appassionata”, as well as sonata No. 31. The cost of a ticket is 200 rubles, discounted - 100 rubles.

The sixth all-Russian competition of innovative works “Yeltsin – New Russia – World” has been announced. Deadline November 1, 2017.

Organizer: Foundation “Presidential Center B.N. Yeltsin" and the Humanitarian and Political Science Center "Strategy".

Schoolchildren, teachers, students, graduate students, scientists and specialists of various professions, and developers of various innovative projects are invited to participate in the competition.

Topics and directions

Research works:

  • “Boris Yeltsin is the first President of Russia. Experience and lessons – a view from the perspective of the 21st century.”
  • 2017 in the context of the centenary of the events of 1917 and the long-awaited changes in your region, in Russia and our Global world.
  • What kind of past does the future of Russia need: Russian history as a dialogue between truth and truth, worldviews and generations.
  • Centenary of universal suffrage in Russia - elections in the USSR - presidential elections in Russia in 1991 and 2018. If I were elected President of Russia...
  • On the eve of the 25th anniversary of the Constitution of the Russian Federation (1993–2018): features of the constitutional development of the country - goals and values, problems and prospects.
  • Russia in the modern global world: challenges and threats, hopes and aspirations.
  • Free nomination: topic of the author's choice.
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  • Research and projects exploring the topic: “Culture of memory - culture of dignity: dialogue between reason and conscience as a choice of strategy for the future.”
  • Practical social innovation projects and programs as a way to form civil society subjects.
  • Humanitarian-legal, political-sophical-meritocratic foundations of the future of New Russia: scientific and practical interdisciplinary solution to pressing problems of the development of Russian society as a constitutional nation.

Super nomination of the competition:

  • Topic: “My Russia: through consensus towards a worthy future” (joint integral works of theorists and practitioners).

Winner's reward ceremony

  • The winners and laureates will be invited to the Yeltsin Center (transfer and accommodation will be compensated by the Organizer), awarded with cash prizes, valuable prizes and memorable signs, and participants with diplomas.
  • Based on the results of the competition, a collection of materials will be published. The best works of the participants will be published in scientific journals.

The deadline for accepting works is November 1, 2017. Summing up November 23–25, 2017 at the Yeltsin Center (Ekaterinburg).

On November 23–25, the Yeltsin Center in Yekaterinburg will host the summing up of the results of the sixth annual all-Russian competition of innovative works “Yeltsin – New Russia – World”, awarding the winners and presenting prizes. The competition was established and conducted by the Presidential Center B.N. Yeltsin and the Strategy Center.

The purpose of the competition is to stimulate creative activity of a humanitarian nature in the educational, research and youth environment, to support social innovations that are implemented projects. The sixth competition is dedicated to understanding the present and future of Russia in the context of the 100th anniversary of the events of Russian history in 1917.

The winners of the competition are determined in three categories: research work, projects and super-nomination.

Subjects of research work

  • “Boris Yeltsin is the first President of Russia. Experience and lessons - a view from the perspective of the 21st century"
  • 2017 in the context of the centenary of the events of 1917 and the long-awaited changes in your region, in Russia and our global world.
  • What kind of past does the future of Russia need: Russian history as a dialogue between truth and truth, worldviews and generations.
  • Centenary of universal suffrage in Russia - elections in the USSR - presidential elections in Russia in 1991 and 2018. If I were elected President of Russia...
  • On the eve of the 25th anniversary of the Constitution of the Russian Federation (1993 – 2018): features of the constitutional development of the country: goals and values, problems and prospects.
  • Russia in the modern global world: challenges and threats, hopes and aspirations.
  • Free nomination: topic of the author's choice.


Research and projects exploring the topic “Culture of memory - culture of dignity: dialogue between reason and conscience as a choice of strategy for the future.”

Practical social innovation projects and programs as a way to form civil society subjects.

Humanitarian-legal, political-sophical-meritocratic foundations of the future of New Russia: scientific and practical interdisciplinary solution to pressing problems of the development of Russian society as a constitutional nation.

Super nomination of the competition

  • Topic: “My Russia: through consensus towards a worthy future” (joint integral works of theorists and practitioners).

Personal and collective works in the form of an article, monograph, essay, research, application or report on the implementation of a social project and charity programs are accepted.

Applications from applicants are collected electronically on the competition website.

The competition is divided into four stages. First: from August 1 to October 1 – collection of applications for the competition. The second (in parallel, the same terms) is the selection of works and checking for plagiarism. Third: from November 1 to 15 – selection of nominees’ works by an expert commission and selection of participants. Fourth: from November 11 to 22 – ticketing and hotel reservations for delegate participants. Final – awarding of laureates and presentation of prizes. The event will take place in Yekaterinburg at the Yeltsin Center on November 23 – 25, 2017.

Awards of the “Yeltsin – New Russia – World” competition are presented in the form of a commemorative award sign, diploma, prize (cash) or prize.

On November 23–25, the Yeltsin Center in Yekaterinburg will host the summing up of the results of the sixth annual all-Russian competition of innovative works “Yeltsin – New Russia – World”, awarding the winners and presenting prizes. The competition was established and conducted by the Presidential Center B.N. Yeltsin and the Strategy Center.

The purpose of the competition is to stimulate creative activity of a humanitarian nature in the educational, research and youth environment, to support social innovations that are implemented projects. The sixth competition is dedicated to understanding the present and future of Russia in the context of the 100th anniversary of the events of Russian history in 1917.

The winners of the competition are determined in three categories: research work, projects and super-nomination.

Subjects of research work

  • « Boris Yeltsin is the first President of Russia. Experience and lessons - a view from the perspective of the 21st century»
  • 2017 in the context of the centenary of the events of 1917 and the long-awaited changes in your region, in Russia and our global world.
  • What kind of past does the future of Russia need: Russian history as a dialogue between truth and truth, worldviews and generations.
  • Centenary of universal suffrage in Russia - elections in the USSR - presidential elections in Russia in 1991 and 2018. If I were elected President of Russia...
  • On the eve of the 25th anniversary of the Constitution of the Russian Federation (1993 – 2018): features of the constitutional development of the country: goals and values, problems and prospects.
  • Russia in the modern global world: challenges and threats, hopes and aspirations.
  • Free nomination: topic of the author's choice.
  • Projects

    Research and projects that explore the topic “ Culture of memory – culture of dignity: dialogue of reason and conscience as a choice of strategy for the future».

    Practical social innovation projects and programs as a way to form civil society subjects.

    Humanitarian-legal, political-sophical-meritocratic foundations of the future of New Russia: scientific and practical interdisciplinary solution to pressing problems of the development of Russian society as a constitutional nation.

    Super nomination of the competition

  • Subject: " My Russia: through consensus towards a worthy future"(joint integral works of theorists and practitioners).
  • Personal and collective works in the form of an article, monograph, essay, research, application or report on the implementation of a social project and charity programs are accepted.

    Applications from applicants are collected electronically on the competition website.

    The competition is divided into four stages. First: from August 1 to October 1 – collection of applications for the competition. The second (in parallel, the same terms) is the selection of works and checking for plagiarism. Third: from November 1 to 15 – selection of nominees’ works by an expert commission and selection of participants. Fourth: from November 11 to 22 – ticketing and hotel reservations for delegate participants. Final – awarding of laureates and presentation of prizes. The event will take place in Yekaterinburg at the Yeltsin Center on November 23 – 25, 2017.