How to install the previous version of VK. How to return the old version of VKontakte on Android

In contact with has existed for about 10 years and during this time has managed to gather millions of users in one place. Thanks to the convenient old VK interface, you can correspond with your friends, send various photos or videos very quickly and, most importantly, for free. Once you install this application, you will not have to download anything in the future. In addition, you have the opportunity to listen to music online, join interesting groups, and even create your own community where you can gather thousands of like-minded people.

Constant new updates from developers did not please some users who were unhappy with unnecessary features. Now there is a way to rollback to old version applications VKontakte and make it the same. Listen to music for free, just like before. No one will take this right away from you again. Go to any previously inaccessible sections, conveniently view the profiles of other users and share your posts.

Take advantage of this unique opportunity to download the old version of VK for Android for free and install it on your phone or even tablet with any firmware. Find out what your friends were doing in Lately, read their latest comments on posts and follow their social life, not forgetting to post new information about yours. Send friend requests, listen to music, look for your old classmates thanks to a convenient search that was not removed in the penultimate version of the VKontakte application. Attach any files to messages, even word and txt.

After transfer 100% of users social network VK for the new design, many were dissatisfied with the changes. The previous option, according to most, was more convenient. There are several ways to return the old VK style. They will only work for computer owners; there are no options for Andriod and iOS software yet.

How to return the old VKontakte design through the VK menu

There were a certain number of users on the social network who became voluntary taxi drivers of all those aspects that the developers wanted to change. They were the first to switch to the new version of the site; they were able to evaluate the changed layout of pages, comments and video sections. The developers left them the opportunity to return to the previous view with one click of a button:

  • in the left menu you had to go to the very bottom;
  • on a gray background, find the gray inscription “Return to the old version...”;
  • click this link.

This was the easiest way to make the old interface in VK. The first wave of changes began for all computer owners in April 2016, but by August everyone began to switch to the “fresh version” forcibly without the opportunity to refuse. The line with the option to switch to the old version has disappeared, and no one else has such a function.

How to make an old VK on a PC by changing the address in the browser

In some cases, for some reason, testers did not display the button that helped them change the interface version. However, observant visitors were able to find a way to make the old VK design. When trying to log into their page at the old address, a person might notice the prefix “new” before the id of the account owner. It turned out that the user was redirected to a different address upon login. To disable this interface and work as usual, you just had to remove the word new from the line and press the enter button.

At the moment, this method does not work, because when you enter your profile, you are no longer redirected to another page, you remain on yours and the word new is not in the address. This happened due to the implementation of this version of the design on a full-fledged basis and the interface was changed immediately for all users of the site. The opportunity to refuse the innovation was not provided.

How to return to the old VK design using plugins

The developers of the social network did not leave their clients a single built-in option on how to return an old Contact. In their opinion, all the changes made help open the resource from the other side and there should be no way to undo them. Third-party programmers do not agree with this and offered their own option on how to return the old VKontakte design - install plugins.

Applications are just starting to appear, so in some cases they may not work correctly. They help disable the new VK, but do not always ensure the functionality of the resource’s functional elements. This option is available to disable VK updates exclusively for computer users and at the moment it only works with Google Chrome.

How to return the old look of VK using Stylish

This was the very first way to return the old VKontakte design. The plugin is available in the official Chrome browser store for downloading for free. Since its release, the creators have been constantly improving the utility, but there are still shortcomings in its work. You can enable and try this solution, and if you don’t like it, simply remove it from the list of applications. Installation process:

  1. Go to the official Chrome App Store.
  2. Find the Stylish plugin through the search.
  3. Install the extension by clicking on the blue “Install” button.
  4. Go to the plugin website using the link from the extension.
  5. Find the inscription “Old VK design”.
  6. Install extensions by clicking the green button.

Old VKontakte interface for Google Chrome

Another popular extension, how to return the old VKontakte design, can be found in the store Chrome browser called "Vkold". If you enter it in the search, the extension page will appear in front of you. Click on the “Install” button and confirm your decision. In automatic mode, the application will install and turn on. For now, you can only remove the new version of the VKontakte interface in the Google browser.

According to user reviews of this plugin, this is the most similar version of the old design at this stage, but many people complain about a large number of defects. The site becomes old only in appearance, but the functionality is still displayed in the new style. Owners of wide-format monitors have encountered problems: when scrolling, the page does not expand, remains narrow, and the font is small. This plugin needs serious improvement, but you can use it if you wish.

Video: how to return to the old VK design

Surely you have heard about the Android operating system, unless you yourself are the owner of a device running this shell. This platform has appealed to a good portion of gadget owners and is the most common OS among mobile devices. Since 2009, when the first version of the “robot” was released, the developers have not stopped improving and modifying their brainchild. New versions and updates are released regularly. But do you always need to update your device and how to return the old version of Android after updating? We will talk about this in this publication.

Why are updates needed?

First of all, for the proper operation of the system. Developers optimize performance, improve the interface, correct lags, because it is almost impossible to release a perfect system right away, and minor faults will only be noticeable during its active use. In most cases, you can find out about the availability of an update using a regular message that appears in the notification line. You can upgrade by going to the update center, downloading and installing the new version.

Why might gadget owners be unhappy with the update?

In most cases, after the update procedure, the device should work faster, and all shortcomings should become a thing of the past. All that users can complain about are some changes in the interface or, for example, the disappearance of shortcuts from the desktop (accordingly, the applications themselves disappear). This happens because installed programs are already outdated and simply do not correspond to the new firmware.

New versions of applications or their analogues can still be found on the Play Market, and trying to return the previous version of the OS due to the loss of old applications is a rather stupid idea. What else can irritate owners in new version firmware - this means the appearance of some programs that cannot be removed. For example, these could be new services from Google. And then all users begin to think about whether it is possible to return the old version of Android. But most of all those who want to return to the old firmware are among those who tried to reflash their device on their own. Here, a huge variety of problems may appear, to the point that your gadget may turn into a “brick,” that is, stop showing signs of life altogether.

So before performing such manipulations, make sure that you have enough knowledge and experience, and best of all, contact a professional. Reflash the device only in extreme cases, when you cannot do without it, because such a procedure completely voids your warranty. But return previous version It's still possible.

How to return to the old version of Android after updating?

First, come to terms with the fact that standard system resources do not provide a system rollback option, such as in the Windows OS. Accordingly, when you return to the old version, all installed programs and personal files will be deleted. Therefore, immediately before the procedure for returning the old version, make backup copies of all important documents, files, phone numbers, and so on. Be prepared to say goodbye to user settings, saved accounts or applications, they will be erased, everything except the built-in ones.

Next, you will have to perform a factory reset yourself. How to do this depends only on your version operating system, but most often this item is found if you go to “Settings” and “Backup and reset”. This parameter can also be found in “Confidentiality”. In any case, finding a factory reset will be easy. Next, you will need to perform a series of actions that are a little more complicated, that is, enter recovery. And how to return the old version of Android using it - read on.

Login to recovery

"Recovery" is a special boot mode on Android, with which you can reset settings or flash the system. If you buy gadgets in trusted certified stores and with an already installed OS, then they should have the stock “recovery” mode. How to enter recovery depends only on your device model. The most common combination is the power button and the volume down key.

For example, if you don’t know how to return the old version of Android to Lenovo, then this combination will work for most of their devices. I would like to note that before entering recovery, you need to turn off the phone. If you are looking for how to return the old version of Android Sony Xperia, then you need to press three buttons: those that we have already named, and the camera button. You can easily find more detailed instructions for various models on the World Wide Web. But what to do after entering boot mode?

How to return the old version of Android after updating through recovery mode?

You can navigate the menu using the " key" highlight", and to select a specific item you need to press "select". There is no need to be afraid of this mode; if you understand it well, it becomes clear that there is nothing complicated. Now look for the line with " wipe data / and select it. A new menu will open in which you will have to confirm the action. Afterwards, wait for the reboot and the OS will return to factory settings.

Charge your smartphone

What is worth noting first of all is that before starting this procedure you need to charge the device well. It doesn’t matter how long it takes to roll back the system and how long the gadget will reboot after that.

If during such manipulations in the “recovery” mode the device does not have enough charge and is unable to complete its task, then, most likely, problems with its further use cannot be avoided.

The same applies to flashing your phone yourself. For some users, certain system functions disappeared or did not work, even the touchpad became inoperable. In some cases, the firmware did not install at all and it was simply impossible to enter the OS. But even then recovery helped again. If you cannot enter this mode or it simply does not exist, there are a number of simple utilities for flashing this mode directly through the operating system. Sometimes you may need a PC for this task.

We told you about how to return the old version of Android after updating. Treat your gadget with care and it will serve you for a long time.

After VK developers made large-scale changes in 2017, and installed VK applications for a phone or tablet stopped playing music from the cache, many users began to wonder how to return the old version of Android. In this article, you will learn how to roll back an application to a previous version of Android, and at the same time make sure that the software stops updating automatically.

How to return the required software version: recovery instructions on Android

Many users are interested in the question of how to roll back VK to older versions. To do this, you do not need to create 2 accounts or change the firmware to the previous version of Android. You can return the old version of the application using the standard settings menu only in the case of pre-installed applications, for example, from the Play Market. But with the VKontakte social network for Android, returning the previous version will not be so easy. The simplest solution on the path to recovery is to delete the current version of the social network, and then download from a third-party resource the version that suits you best. After downloading, we simply install it on the device and restore access (enter the password and email in the program again).

This can lead to viruses appearing on Android. Users who downloaded the old VKontakte application, although they regain the desired software, complain that important data was deleted or their pages were hacked, so download the old version of VK on Android only from those resources that inspire your trust . And the advice “Install an antivirus”, naturally, should be followed before downloading a file with unknown software begins.

You can roll back not only to the previous version, but also to an older version of VK. Both specialized sites where you can download the necessary software and VKontakte public pages, which appeared in the wake of users’ requests to download the old version of VK on Android, will help you with this. They allow you to return the old application to your device for free and enjoy the previous version. All sites, public pages and other resources independently publish instructions describing how to download and install the old version of VKontakte, and such instructions may differ for each resource.

Remember that the new design of a social network from a computer cannot be replaced with the old one. Latest version for PC was introduced forcibly for all users, and unfortunately, there is no answer to the question of how to roll back the system for PC and return to the old design.

How to cancel automatic updates

To stop your smartphone or tablet from automatically downloading updates, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Launch Play Market.
  2. Call the main menu from the left sidebar, and then select “Settings”.
  3. Click on the “Auto-update” sub-item.
  4. In the window that appears, you need to select the “Never” line.
  5. The same steps can be repeated for two or more devices, for example, if you use both a smartphone and a tablet running Android OS.

After you have learned how to return the old version of VK Android and were able to restore the application to the form in which it was before the update, you should make sure that your efforts are not in vain. To do this, you need to disable the “Auto-update applications” function in the settings.

Most recently, a new mobile version was released for fans of the VKontakte social network, which is designed for the operating system on iPhone smartphones

After updating to the new version 3.0, users began to respond negatively to the update, for several reasons.

VK updates 2017 - what's new

In particular, a paid subscription has appeared in the section, which means that users will be able to listen to music without advertising between tracks, as well as use a separate Boom application. The application will allow you to download tracks for offline listening. The song caching function was removed from the VKontakte application for Android (it was removed from the iOS version back in September 2016).

In addition, playlists have appeared in the music section. Users and communities will be able to create their own lists and share them with each other, as well as add other people’s selections to their page.

VKontakte will also be more active in promoting authors who create exclusive content: bloggers, artists, new media. Using the new algorithm, the social network will be able to evaluate the involvement of authors, virality and repeatability of reactions (reposts and likes).

The main update of the applications is the appearance of the “Recommendations” section, which will work based on the “Prometheus” algorithm. He is studying behavioral characteristics user and, based on analysis, selects articles, photographs, videos and live broadcasts. Each recommendation is a “card” that shows the content in preview mode.

The main difference between “Recommendations” and a smart news feed is that the user does not have to be subscribed to the authors and public pages that will be displayed. “Recommendations” will include publications from media outlets, public pages with a large audience, as well as authors with a large number of subscribers.

What users didn’t like about VK

Many have noticed the similarity of the updated VKontakte with mobile application Facebook.

Lord, what have you done to my beloved #VKontakte?

Thanks to “stories,” the updated VKontakte application reminded someone of Instagram.

The very first thing is an incomprehensible interface, which has become very difficult to perceive, as well as new applications that were absolutely not needed in the updated version.

Additionally, users did not rate the recommendations section. According to many, it contains too many “paid” posts and few that were created based on the user’s preferences and might be liked by him.

Also, some people negatively perceived the lack of a side menu, instead of which a camera appears by swiping left.

After some time, many users wanted to return the old version, but alas, this turned out to be not as easy as it seemed at first glance, since App Store There is no such option as downloading the old version of VKontakte on iPhone.

How to return the old version of VK to iPhone

There are several ways to install the old one mobile version In contact with.

The very first thing to do is to roll back the application to the old version, you should use the Chinese program PP Assistant, in other words - iTunes. This program works with iPhone, as well as iPad and iPod.+

To do this, you should download the program and then install it on your phone. After launching the program, you should connect your iPhone to your PC or laptop via USB, this is necessary to allow access to the application on your phone. If pop-up notifications open, you should close them.

The next step is to click on the small icon that appears in the upper corner of the application interface. We enter VK in the search bar, as soon as we find the application, it is worth downloading. After a couple of seconds, go to the downloads section on your smartphone and install the old version.

Also, there is another way to roll back the update and install the old version on smartphones; to do this, go to the purchase section in the App Store.

Before doing this, you should delete the VKontakte 3.0 application, after which you should open the application and open the update. At the top there will be an icon - Shopping, go in, find it in the VK App section, after which you should install it. The old version of the application will be installed on the smartphone. But it is worth recalling that it will be possible to return the old version until a new VK update is released.

In contact with