What does a “combined”, “compensatory” and “general developmental” type kindergarten mean? What is a combined type kindergarten What does a combined type kindergarten mean

Existing kindergartens are divided according to the areas and methods of educating children. This list presents their main types and features of the classes conducted in them.

● Types of kindergartens, their features


Preschool educational institution for children aged 3 to 7 years. Children are engaged in general development: exploring the world around them, learning basic skills in everyday life, communicating with other children, and preparing to enter school.

The main objectives of a preschool institution in Russia are:

  • protecting the lives and promoting the health of children;
  • ensuring the intellectual, personal and physical development of the child;
  • implementation of the necessary correction of deviations in the child’s development;
  • introducing children to universal human values;
  • interaction with the family to ensure the full development of the child

Kindergartens are divided according to their affiliation into:

  • municipal,
  • departmental,
  • private (commercial)
  • domestic (family).

Division of kindergartens by specialization:

  • general developmental type;
  • child development centers;
  • compensatory garden;
  • combined kindergarten;
  • recreational kindergarten
  • kindergarten for supervision and health improvement;
  • kindergarten with an ethnocultural (national) education component;
  • preschool groups of state educational institutions “primary school - kindergarten”;
  • preschool groups of state educational institutions “comprehensive school”;
  • child development center - kindergarten;
  • preschool groups of state educational institutions “education center”.

In kindergartens, children are divided into groups according to their age and developmental characteristics.

General developmental kindergarten

The name itself speaks about the specialization of the kindergarten - the comprehensive development of the child.

Such gardens may have different priority areas, such as:

  • physical,
  • intellectual,
  • artistic and aesthetic development

Compensatory kindergarten

Specialization - correction for certain deviations, both mental and physical development of the child.

Compensatory training involves the organization of rehabilitation classes leading to the elimination of various disorders that do not include mental disabilities.

Groups in such kindergartens are formed from children who experience significant difficulties in mastering regular general education programs according to their age. The main task that a compensatory kindergarten solves is to help children restore and strengthen normal neuropsychic and physical health.

Indications for visiting a compensatory kindergarten:

  • diseases associated with impaired vision;
  • hearing problems;
  • diseases that impair the functions of the musculoskeletal system;
  • problems with psychological balance (nervousness, aggressiveness, increased nervous excitability, irritability);
  • speech defects.

In addition to the listed indications, referral to groups can be given to children who often suffer from acute respiratory viral diseases (ARI) and a weakened immune system.

IN kindergartens compensatory type not only treat, but also educate and train in accordance with a special program. At these kindergartens there are consultation points where parents can get advice and recommendations on what to do in a particular case. To get into a compensatory kindergarten, you need a referral from a pediatrician and certificates from specialists in the kindergarten’s profile.

Combined kindergarten

Such an institution includes compensatory, general development and health groups, and in completely different combinations.

Kindergarten for health improvement and care

The priority of activity is the implementation of preventive, sanitary and hygienic, health procedures, as well as other activities aimed at the above goals.

Preschool educational institution "Child Development Center"

This is a specialized kindergarten in which psychological, including physical development, rehabilitation and correction of pupils is carried out.

It is in such centers that most often there are physical education and health complexes, swimming pools, children's theaters, etc.

Many kindergartens have specialized groups:

-preparation groups for secondary school;
- primary school preparation groups;
- preschool groups from education centers;

Preschool group of the Education Center

Education Center is a type of state educational institution that implements general education programs:

  • preschool
  • initial general
  • basic general
  • secondary (complete) general education
  • professional training programs for students
  • additional education based on continuity, continuity, accessibility and personal orientation of students, taking into account the educational needs of the population.

Surely every parent, when their child reaches three years old, begins to think hard about who will raise the child while mom and dad are busy at work. There are several options in this case - grandparents, nanny, kindergarten. It is the latter option that most parents choose. Yes, that's right. In kindergarten, a child, developing comprehensively, will learn to communicate with peers and live in a team. The main thing is to do it right choose a preschool. The level of his preparation for school, the level of development and education depend on this choice. After all, they are different types of kindergartens, imply different levels of training.

To the delight of many parents in recent years, the number of kindergarten institutions has begun to continually renew, and although their number is far from necessary, many families still have the opportunity to enroll their child in a preschool institution. What types of kindergartens available in our country?

Let's look at the main types of kindergartens:

Departmental kindergarten, according to statistics, the number of such kindergartens in the country exceeds the number of other preschool institutions;

- kindergarten owned by local authorities;

- private kindergarten;

- home kindergarten.

Advantages and disadvantages of various kindergartens

In material terms, the most affordable for parents is, of course, kindergarten owned by local authorities. Advantages - the most affordable kindergarten and the closest one to home.

Disadvantages - overcrowding of groups, perhaps insufficient childcare, poor food.

Departmental kindergarten. Advantages - in comparison with the first option, it is less crowded, the quality of the learning, education and development process is higher. The food is more varied. Disadvantages - payment for stay, in comparison with utilities, is much higher.

Private kindergarten. Advantages - optimal group size, individual approach to working with children, organization of the child’s work with a speech therapist, psychologist, and other specialists, rapid adaptation of the child to new social conditions and his comprehensive development, a wide variety of meals, including gourmet delicacies. The disadvantage is the high fee for the stay (sometimes $1000-$5000).

Home kindergarten- the most rare type of kindergarten. The difference from other types of kindergartens is that they are located in an apartment, rented premises or private cottage. Advantages - minimum number of children in the group (3-10 people), proper attention to each child. Disadvantages are insufficient technical equipment and a fairly high price.

Types of kindergartens according to various specializations

Classified types of kindergartens not only by governing body or affiliation, but also by specialization.

By type of specialization, the types of kindergartens are as follows:

- general developmental kindergarten;

- health;

- kindergartens - development centers;

- combined kindergarten;

- kindergartens with ethnocultural orientation;

- highly specialized kindergartens (compensatory kindergarten).

Kindergartens managed by local governments traditionally belong to general developmental kindergartens. Work in them, according to approved programs, is aimed at the intellectual, physical, moral and aesthetic development of the child.

In the case where the main focus of work is preventive health measures, the kindergarten is called a kindergarten for supervision and health improvement.

In development centers, teachers pay great attention to the intellectual, physical, and psychological development of the child. The centers, as a rule, are equipped with special gaming and general health complexes, have swimming pools and computer classes.

Combined types of kindergartens include the characteristics of a regular kindergarten and a kindergarten - development center. Gardens with a narrow specialization are intended for children with certain physical or mental characteristics (kindergartens for children with disorders of the musculoskeletal system, physical or mental development).

In addition to general educational training, development and upbringing, kindergartens with an ethnocultural orientation pay due attention to the study of the native language, which helps not to forget and know the native language while staying in another country or in another ethnic area.

The classification of preschool institutions according to the level of general education is carried out taking into account the groups that prepare children for subsequent general education institutions:

- preparatory groups for primary school education;

- preparatory groups for studying in secondary schools;

- preparatory groups for studying at the gymnasium;

- preschool groups from educational centers.

The focus of preparatory groups and the level of general education training they provide must be taken into account when choosing a preschool institution and when planning the child’s further education. Having reconsidered types of kindergartens, choose the one that is more comfortable for you. Here, the widespread opinion is true that gifted children grow up in the most ordinary preschool institutions, and sometimes the spiritual atmosphere in which the child feels comfortable and confident is much more important than numerous varied activities in a stressful environment. But given the ever-increasing demands of time, versatile training is often simply necessary for children for further successful development. The choice, of course, is yours.

I would like to give advice to parents: “Remember, you choose a kindergarten not for yourself, but for your child.” Take care not only of the proper level of upbringing and development of the child there, but also of his comfortable stay there. And of course, when sending your child to kindergarten, you shouldn’t hand over to the teachers the entire burden of the educational process, because the child’s personality primarily depends on the efforts of the parents, on the routines and foundations established in each individual family. Only the joint efforts of the educational line of the kindergarten staff and the child’s parents have the full formative moral power for the development of the growing personality.

Every child is in kindergarten anyway. As a rule, this is done so that the mother can go to work. Every parent wants their child to go to the best kindergarten. However, unfortunately, the child can be sent to an institution that is located not far from home. Often the choice is influenced by which kindergarten has a free place. Because of this, it is quite difficult to know about the quality of an institution. What to do if the kindergarten is of a combined type? Many mothers and fathers are completely unfamiliar with this concept, so they worry about where their child will end up. To make it more or less clear what this is, you need to read this article.


Most often, preschool institutions are classified by specialization. For example, there are kindergartens that are aimed at simultaneously developing the intellectual, physical and moral abilities of children. Such kindergartens are general education.

In kindergartens, which are development centers, the same tasks are performed, but this institution differs in that it additionally has computer classes, swimming pools, and game complexes.

There are highly specialized kindergartens that are created for children with certain disabilities. We are talking about disorders of the musculoskeletal system, the development of the physical and psychological state of the child.

What is a combined kindergarten?

In such institutions, as a rule, there are groups in which children with mental and physical disabilities study. If we talk about a combined type kindergarten, the features of which are of interest to many parents, then it should be said that such an institution works with several groups of different directions. As a rule, in such an institution, along with the usual general developmental associations, there are those that are recreational or compensatory. Moreover, the combination of groups can be completely different. Often among such combined institutions there are groups that have received a speech therapy focus, that is, created for those children who have speech disorders. There is also a kindergarten, which has a separate development school.

Educational program

There are documents that are central to the activities of a preschool institution. Accordingly, a combined kindergarten is also subject to them. What it is? They represent a special program that needs to be developed directly by the educators and managers of the institution themselves. In this case, the documentation must fully comply with Federal standards. As a rule, teaching methods, all the necessary items that are needed for the implementation of all educational programs, as well as the actual planning of the events itself are described here.

A combined kindergarten must have all the necessary programs in order to carry out its activities. For example, if there are groups that include children with speech impairments, then the staff must include speech therapists, teachers and other specialists who have a medical education. Children who have mental retardation should be trained in groups with special staff who will carry out medical activities.

What kind of specialists there will be depends on the focus of the group itself.

Staffing with pupils

What does it mean - Combined kindergarten, how are students admitted to it? As a rule, the admission of children to an institution is carried out with the help of special regulatory documents. Children can go to such an institution upon reaching 3 years of age. In principle, some educational institutions are able to accept children of younger ages, it all depends on their material resources. Accordingly, if we are talking about enrollment in a general developmental group, then children are accepted only in accordance with the minimum age, as well as depending on the number of places.

Reviews about the combined type kindergarten (what this means is already discussed above) are as positive as possible. In order to get into a correctional group, you must provide certificates from relevant doctors, for example, a surgeon, speech pathologist, psychologist, and so on. Which specialists need to be bypassed completely depends on which group the parents intend to send the child to, as well as what diseases he has. As a rule, children are sent to a combined kindergarten, which is located next to the house. However, at the moment such institutions are not so common, so children from other areas may also end up in such an institution.

Organization of stay time

An important question is how kids will spend their time in a combined kindergarten. What does it mean? All the time they will spend in kindergarten is fully planned in accordance with special educational programs. They are approved directly by the institution and then sent to the ministry for verification. Which program will be provided depends entirely on the group in question.

In addition to the usual activities for children's institutions, such as sleep, free games and walks, such a kindergarten will also pay attention to various activities with specialists. They can conduct special games that develop fine motor skills, and also carry out physical therapy and speech therapy classes. As a rule, all activities carried out have the most positive effect on the baby’s health.


It is also necessary to consider which employees can work in a combined kindergarten. What does this mean, what kind of specialists should they be? Let's talk about this serious issue. Any parent, realizing that their child will go to such a kindergarten, will immediately begin to think that the staff in such an institution is quite large. In addition to ordinary educators, there are teachers and doctors of narrow specialties. It should be noted that special requirements are imposed on them.

For example, there must be no criminal record for certain offenses, no court decisions that have imposed a ban on conducting teaching activities.

It is also necessary to provide documents that correspond and answer the question of whether teachers and doctors are sick. In this case, this document must be certified by the authorized body. In addition, you must provide a document indicating that the person has received a higher or secondary specialized education. In this case, the diploma must be of state standard.

Additional requirements

Every specialist understands what this means - a combined kindergarten, therefore during hiring, in addition to standard requirements, the administration has the right to present any others. In addition, the person’s personal qualities are taken into account. It should be noted that in order to work in a kindergarten, you must have great patience, be a high-level professional, and also love children. For a preschool institution, such qualities will be most useful, since children feel any mood of a person and need special care.


As a conclusion, it should be said that the article examined what it means - a combined type kindergarten. You should not be afraid to send your child to such an institution. On the contrary, it is highly professional and will allow the child to prepare as much as possible for the school period in his life.

Approaching the age of a child of 3 years, parents are wondering about the further development of their child in kindergarten. Surprisingly, there are not so few types of kindergartens.

In distribution at the place of registration The baby goes to the nearest preschool, which turns out to be a combined kindergarten. What is a combined kindergarten and how does it differ from other preschool institutions?

What distinguishes kindergartens from each other is the specification of the institution i.e. what exactly the garden specializes in.

To organize a combined kindergarten includes several specialized groups, where, together with general development groups, specialized compensatory or health-improving groups function.

The combination of such groups in one garden not regulated. It should be noted that the most common group in a combined kindergarten is speech therapy. Pupils with delays in correct speech pronunciation are enrolled in it.

Pupils of a combined kindergarten receive the full range of activities necessary for their development: physical education, music, fine arts, modeling, speech and counting classes and much more.

Children of specialized groups for a number of reasons, they receive additional classes to eliminate their existing defects. As a result, children further enrich their vocabulary, develop competent communication skills, and become familiar with sounds and letters.

The combined kindergarten has a mixed structure. The proportions of specialized groups and general developmental groups do not have clear criteria.

Kindergarten teachers can easily combine counting for healthy children and children with disabilities. Initially, the reception and registration of both children is exactly the same.

Working hours of a combined kindergarten no different from other gardens and also coincides with the typical work schedule of parents of children from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. The diet, sleep and exercise regime are also carried out in accordance with federal state standards.

Of the total number of existing types of preschool institutions, the combined kindergarten is one of the most common. And this is not surprising, considering the modern demands of the public. It is very convenient to combine several types of specialization in working with children in one preschool educational organization.

Of the total number of children in a certain municipal area, there will be children who need other development assistance than general developmental: speech correction, health improvement, psychocorrection and more.

If a child has appropriate indications, he can be referred to a group of special specifications by the educational authorities based on the results of an examination by doctors.

If the parent is confident that the child should attend a specialized group in a combined kindergarten, or there is a conclusion from an examination by a speech therapist and a psychologist about the presence of deviations in a child, you must contact the commission that sends children to such groups.

Only the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission can give a referral to a specialized group.

Children are strictly recruited into the speech therapy group senior and preparatory age who have unacceptable speech deviations at their age. Such groups are divided into pupils with simple speech delay and mental retardation.

In speech therapy groups for children learn to pronounce sounds which they pronounce incorrectly or with difficulty, and also learn how to correctly form words in sentences. In addition to teachers, speech therapists and educational psychologists work with children.

In ZPR groups, the development process of children is a little more complicated with the involvement of specialists not only speech therapists, but also defectologists.

According to the curriculum schedule classes in mental health and speech therapy groups are held with greater load and intensity than in ordinary general developmental groups. Specialists help students develop their mental potential along with their speech.

In fact, the results show that after graduating from a preschool educational institution, graduates of specialized groups completely ready for school on a par with their peers from general development groups. They are ready for school workloads, know how to express their thoughts and are developed in basic household independent care.

As we already understood, a combined type kindergarten bears this name due to the existence of specialized groups in it. These groups are neither good nor evil, they are a necessity for children with developmental delays who need special attention.

Combined kindergarten; What is this - parents ask when looking for a place suitable for their child. It is included in the classification of the focus of kindergartens. Let's look at this issue: what does a combined kindergarten mean?

Kindergarten is a common type of preschool public institution. For children, it provides everything they need: education and care, supervision, training and health improvement. Kindergartens vary in their general education program.

Preschool institutions have different orientations. This can be an artistic and aesthetic bias, physical or intellectual. Childcare and health care kindergartens focus on health, sanitary, hygienic and preventive measures. Kindergartens as development centers have various complexes, for example, a playground or a physical education and recreation center. The centers also have computer classes, an art studio, a children's theater and a swimming pool. Correctional kindergartens have their own emphasis: correction, mental and physical development.

Combined kindergarten, what does this mean? It includes different groups, such as health, general development, compensatory, as well as their combination.

What is a combined compensatory kindergarten (with priority qualified correction). Such kindergartens accept children with pathologies (mental retardation, tuberculosis, impairment of the musculoskeletal system, hearing, speech or intelligence, as well as children who are often ill).

Such children's institutions employ highly qualified personnel: doctors, speech therapists, psychologists. They also do exercise therapy for children and provide them with special conditions:

Diet food

· Saunas and swimming pools

· Massage rooms

· Small number of children in the group

There are special cases when the group is mixed, where there are children with disabilities, pathologies and ordinary children. This instills correct values, compassion and care in ordinary children. It is also practiced to place a sick child in a healthy group so that the latter can better adapt and even develop while communicating in such an environment.

Combined kindergarten; What does this imply in the organization of the pedagogical process?

· The process of training and education ensures the correction of defects in mental or physical development for the purposes of social adaptation and the future independent life and activities of the child.

· The educational process includes the choice of programs, methods, means and methods of teaching, education and correction in order to prevent the appearance of secondary developmental defects.

· The working style of the teaching staff is aimed at creating a good emotional climate and the necessary conditions for children to qualitatively assimilate program material. Teachers work closely, with a unified approach to education and training.

Education, treatment and training according to an appropriate special program - this is what a combined kindergarten means. It also differs from a regular kindergarten in that parents can visit a consultation center where they will receive a recommendation or advice for each individual case. In order to get into a similar kindergarten, you need a referral from a local pediatrician and certificates collected from medical specialists in the kindergarten’s profile.

The main tasks performed by a combined kindergarten (what it is is described above) include the following areas:

Compensation for developmental defects; maintaining the physical and mental health of preschool children; development of the foundations of a healthy life.

Development of the child’s personality, taking into account individual and age characteristics; identification and development of abilities, capabilities and creative potential.

Compliance with sanitary and hygienic conditions and standards in groups and treatment rooms.

Maintaining special daily routines, teaching and treatment tailored to the needs and interests of each child.

Formation of the foundations of humane relations.

Providing each child with emotional comfort.

Creating a developmental environment conducive to the education and upbringing of preschool children for compensatory opportunities.

System of work on continuity of education, training and social adaptation.

Ensuring interaction with the child’s family.

Combined kindergarten, what is it in terms of the direction of a special preschool institution?

There are several areas of his activity, such as:

·Organizational and pedagogical activities. It includes methodological equipment for educational and correctional development; staffing groups, organizing work to improve the skills of teaching staff, educational work with teachers and parents.

· Restorative medical work is an early comprehensive diagnosis of all body functions, identifying the causes, extent and nature of the defect or pathology. And also, these are therapeutic and health measures that are important for impaired functions.

Overcoming primary and secondary deviations in the physical and mental development of the child.

· Corrective educational work on the comprehensive development of the child, his socialization and preparation for school activities. To effectively organize educational activities, teachers must be well aware of the student’s capabilities: information about his diagnosis, the results of a medical examination and prescribed treatment, psychophysical developmental disorders, abilities, level of training, range of interests, genetic factors. Each lesson has a correctional direction, which follows from their long-term work plan.

When selecting tasks, the child’s diagnosis and condition are taken into account. The use of didactic, visual material and toys for orientation in space should also take into account the specifics of each child.

One of the defining tasks of a combined kindergarten is not only education and physical health, but also the formation of humane relationships between children; instilling interest in the culture of the Russian people and other nationalities; fostering respect for national and universal values.

The process of mastering the skills and knowledge of preschool children necessarily includes play activities, during which the prerequisites for readiness for school are laid. It is important in a combined kindergarten to develop a positive attitude of children towards their peers and to see merit in another child; create a sense of belonging to a team.