Reviews: World War Hulk. World War Hulk

After the events of the planet Hulk, the green monster returned to the ground in order to take revenge on the illuminators and everyone who betrayed him.

Prerequisites To World War Hulk

The illuminati was deceived on the cruel planet Sakar, where he managed to survive and find a peace. He managed to defeat and overthrow the Red King, becoming the ruler and the Savior of the world of aliens. Hulk married Kaire and found a family. For the first time in the life of Hulk was happy.

The people of Sakaar did not worry the past Hulk and the reasons why the Illuminati expelled him. Since the arrival of a green giant on Sakar, they judged him only in his actions. Residents of Sakaara turned the ship who delivered the Hulk on the planet, to the place of pilgrimage and the celebration of the arrival of the Hulk and their subsequent liberation.

When Hulk and Cayra came to look at this shrine, the ship began to issue warning signals. Reagreeing again, Hulk grabbed and threw the ship into the sky. However, the ship exploded without having time to leave the atmosphere, destroying almost all living on the planet, including Kair. Hulk remained alone - the king of the destroyed and lifeless planet, threatening now and him. Combat fraternity Hulk and navigation robot - the only surviving in a catastrophe. Now they prepare weapons and plan to take revenge on who destroyed their paradise.

Start of war

First of all, Hulk arrived on the moon, smoking black thunder and jellyfish. Hulk knew that even the whisper of black thunder could kill him. Attack on black thunder, Hulk turned out to be discarded sound wave. Attacking, the Hulk said that he did not come for a whisper of black thunder, but he wants to hear his cry.

He sprogled his hologram in New York and told the residents that Dr. Strange, Iron Man, Black Thunder and Mr. Fantastic did with him. He gave residents of 24 hours to evacuation and said that after this time he wants to see the culprits of his expulsion, otherwise he will do the same thing with his black thunder. Shortly thereafter, the heroes of New York under the condemnation of citizens began the evacuation of Manhattan. The Iron Man proposed to fully free the heroes if they agree to register and fight on the side of the land against the Hulk.

World War

In the hope of defeating the Hulk, the iron man put on his armor "Hulkbuster". During the battle, the Iron man took all the blame on himself and said that since it turned out that Hulk did not reach the destination, he understood: this day would ever come. While they fought, the Iron man, introduced the Hulkotov Hulkotov in the blood, which weakened it. It seemed that Tony Stark managed to defeat the green monster. However, when Hulk's thoughts returned to his deceased wife, he just became stronger and embonutably, which helped him to defeat the Iron man.

The next goal he made Rida Richards. All members of the fantastic four, including temporary participants, Black Panther and Thunderstorm, came to the rescue. Reed asked for help at the watch - best friend Hulk, but he remembered how during the last meeting he had to fight with Mrak (Void) - his dark half, and refused. In the subsequent battle, FC turned out to be defeated, and Reed tried to create a hologram of the watch in order to calm the Hulk. But it did not help.

Okavod's fantastic four, Hulk decided to do Dr. Strej. Strøndge applied the forces of the Supreme Magician, but also turned out to be defeated. After that, Strøndge merged with the demon zom (ZOM), replacing his crushed hands with bulbs. However, Hulk again won up.

Soon Hulk and his military fraternity decided to build Colosseum. There, with the help of the controlled disks captured from Sakaard, Hulk forced Mr. Fantasy to fight with Tony Stark without his costume. Ultimately, Reed defeated Tony, but before it was forced to kill a friend, Hulk stopped the fight, saying that he came for justice, not a murder. He told them about his intention to compose from the land of New York and leave them with her shame. However, before the implementation of this plan in the arena, an hour appeared. The duel turned out to be violent and long, and at the end two faced and accepted into their human appearance. Miek tried to return the hulka back back, attacking Bruce Banner, but wounded and wounded Rick Jones. It forced Bruce to return to the hall of Hulk. Hulk pushed Mid and only then he said that he knew that the ship would blow up, but said nothing, reminding him that he was a warrior, and not a conformist. Passing into rage due to the betrayal of Miek, he killed him and lost control of himself, his growing rage and the energy released began to threaten the earth. To pacify it, an iron man crawled on the Hulk satellite lasers who stopped the fury of the Hulk.

While Bruce Banner has concluded in the underground prison.

World War Hulk (World War Hulk)
Publisher Marvel Comics.
Format Crossover
Dates of publications July 2007- January 2008
Number of releases 5 basic + 3 additional series
Characters Hulk, Illuminati, clockwise
Scriptures Greg Pak
Artists John Romita-ml.
Author Pak, Greg

World War Hulk (English. World War Hulk) - MARVEL COMICS mini-series comic book, published in 2007. This crossover consists of five major issues, as well as three limited series are adjacent to it: WORLD WAR HULK: Front Line, WORLD WAR HULK: GAMMA CORPS and WORLD WAR HULK: X-MEN. Also these events had an impact or mentioned in other MARVEL series.

Encyclopedic YouTube.

Publication history

Prologue of the whole crossover began in a single issue WORLD WAR HULK PROLOGUE: World Breaker, Author - Peter David, the artist - Sean Phillips, Alvaro Rio and whether to see. In parallel, events developed in the rooms Incredible Hulk. Vol. 3 # 106-110 and WORLD WAR HULK: Frontline # 1-6, as a demonstration of the reaction of various characters for the return of the Hulk. Later, the Events of the crossover developed in regular series - Avengers: The Initiative, Ghost Rider, Heroes for hire., Irredeemable Ant-Man, THE PUNISHER WAR JOURNAL and Iron Man., as well as in the ministerial, where Hulk and People-X are united in a new team - Gamma Corps.


After the Illuminations (Black Thunder, Tony Stark, Charles Xavier, Dr. Strenj, Nemom and Reed Richards) expelled the Hulk from the ground, the spacecraft on which he flew, explodes, killing his pregnant wife. By accusing the Illuminati in her death, Hulk returns to Earth to take revenge, together with the new allies, the Dosor Group: Hero, Corg, Ello Caeau, Mick, Podkinush, Douga-E-5912 and Meng.

Located on the moon, Hulk severely straightens with the king of nonhumands in black thunder (who later turned out to be an impostor). Then Hulk went to Manhattan, New York, where he demanded a meeting with the Illuminati and the evacuation of the city.

Come on house of PeopleHulk learns that Professor Xavier did not participate in the exile of Hulk from the planet, but he would agree with this decision. Hulk crushed several people and began to fight Jaggernut. However, during the battle, he becomes known events of the day M, and he retreats, believing that Xavier and so enough suffered.

Hulk returns to Manhattan and enters the battle with the superhero team by the Gamma Corps and the Ghost Rider. Hulk wins the iron man, passing the starting tower. Following, Hulk and his watch, each other crush new avengers, mighty avengers, samson dock and fantastic fourth. Hulk puts on "Support Discs" on defeated and imprisoned them for superhero, which blocks their abilities. After a short battle with the participation of Hercules, Amadeus Cho, Nemora and Angel, Hulk spreads with General Taddeus "Study" Ross and the American army. After, Hulk faces Dr. Strainager, who mystically merges with his old mighty enemy, zom. Hulk wins the obsessed with the Zome of Strainj, as a result of which he managed to expel the demonic essence.

The prisoner Tony Stark (Iron Man) can be connected to Sch.I.., Having proposed an emergency plan: Immerse Manhattan in a negative area, thereby destroying the Hulk and all living on the island, bringing heroes to sacrifice.

Meanwhile, Hulk and his watch are becoming Madison Square Garden in the gladiator's arena. He prevents an attempt to attempt on him Scorpio and comes into confrontation with the initiative.

After speech to your viewers, Hulk arranges for Dr. Strandja, Iron Man, Black Thunder and Mr. Fantasy, in which they must fight with each other, even if someone dies, on the public. Hulk announced that his goal was "justice, not killing," therefore no one should die. He plans to destroy New York and make the Avengers regret the deed.

However, Hulk's plans were violated by the sudden arrival of the watch, which immediately attacked him. The clock spent all his energy, trying to stop the Hulk, and returned the human appearance, Robert Reynolds. The victim of Reynolds affected the Hulk, who became Bruce banner. Pertured by mercy and transformation of the Hulk, a member of the dose Mick attacked a banner. Rick Jones pushes the banner to the side, as a result of which he gets brutal injuries. Banner again becomes Hulk. Being a halcom, he attacks the watch. Mick confesses that an explosion, because of which this war began, was not the hands of the hands of the Illuminati. He was set up supporters of the Red King. Mick knew about it, but did not stop them, hoping that the incident would encounter Hulk return to the path of destruction. In the attack of wild rage, Hulk involuntarily began to emit energy that began to threaten the entire planet. At the request of Hulk, Stark activated ammunition from the satellite, which opened fire on him, leaving him unconscious in the body of Bruce Banner.

Later, Sch.I.T. Encloses a banner in a military prison, at the level of three miles under Earth, together with the subsoil grouping.

Nemor was delivered from the anger of Hulk, as Hulk learned that Nemor was the only of the Illuminati who voted against the expulsion of Hulk from the Earth, and predicted the possible return of the Hulk in search of revenge.

The smartest characters and villains can be amazingly stupid, it is widely known. Most of The Marvel Universe knows one simple rule: if you do not want extra trouble, then not angry Hulk. But few of this rule should be. Precisely because of this in comics Marvel. Two very well-known and popular plugs - Planet Hulk and World War Hulk. It all started with the fact that the Hulk decided to get rid of. Asked him, began to knock down one dangerous satellite, piled into the shuttle, and the shuttle was sent away to the universe. They thought up to such an illuminati, the team of the strongest "heroes" - Dr. Strange, Tony Stark, Reed Richards. They thought that the shuttle would land on some uninhabited planet, from where the Hulk could not get out. But something went not at all according to plan ...

The shuttle landed on the quite dwelled planet of Sakar, passing through the "wormworm", which weakened the Hulk. Green giant grabbed the guards, pulled the disk with a sharp disc on it, and made a gladiator. Having become acquainted and betrayed with a few gladiators, Hulk fought with the Red King, the ruler of Sakaara, and won it, becoming a new ruler of the planet. Gladiators became his approximated, and Hulk took his wife himself. He ruled, maybe not too wise, but fairly three days. And then the shuttle exploded, killing several millions of residents of Sakaara, including the Hulk wife. Hulk was truly angry.

Collecting his friends-gladiators, "County War" (Warbound) , Hulk gathered to revenge the Illuminati - he was sure that it was because of them bombed his shuttle. According to the logic of the Hulk, these rosulous brothers Shakala first came out of him, and then he learned that he was well living in exile, they decided to correct the situation. Casual wage plunged into a stone spacecraft and went to Earth. The company consisted of Hulk himself, Korg Stone Salon, Halka's Martial Priest (Brother Hulka's wife), Heller's warriors, robot and two epically large cockroaches.

In Sakaare, Hulk was risen above his everyday possibilities, and it was no longer flew through a wormwort, so it was not weakened. And each ally Hulk was considered at the power of Hulk during the period "before the link". Therefore, earthly "heroes" the chances were ghostly. First of all, arriving on the moon, Hulk defeated the Black Thunder, the leader of nonhumands and, in principle, the strongest unlikely, capable of destroying the planet. Thundered to regret his participation in the team of Illuminati.

The next stop on the hulk path was the mansion of Professor X. Professor was not present at the meeting of Illuminati, during which the fate of Hulk was solved. However, he had enough of the mind at a personal meeting with Khalki say that if he was present, he would have voted for his expulsion. Hulk began to loud and twist, erasing even the strongest people-ix in powder. Without any effort he defeated Colossus, Jaggernaut. However, somewhat calmed down, when one of the students, mercury (Mercury, not Quicksilver) showed him the graves of mutants who died as a result of decimation, after the day M, and convinced Hulk that mutants were already pronounced.

Hulk orders the US authorities to evacuate all civilians from Manhattan, for he will take revenge, and "who will not hide, I'm not guilty." Do not listen to the arguments of the mind, Hulk arrives at Manhattan, where it carefully knocks out a foolishness of all available avengers and a fantastic fourth, at the same time. Tony Stark goes to battle in new version Suite "Halkbaster", and this suit perfectly copes with the role of useless heap of scrap metal. Along the way, the stork tower is sent to the dump of history. Dr. Strgeju, one more illuminator, Hulk thoroughly breaks his hands, reducing his magic potential repeatedly.

I knocked out a fool from the US Army, Hulk turns part of Madison Square to a big one, rudely cholerated arena. Strøndge, offended by Hulk for the broken hands, turns to the power of the dissolution of the zom, becomes epically powerful (instead of the hands - two rams) and begins to demolish the halkom at home, while paying attention to possible sacrifices among the unpleasant civilian. But the Khalk Civil Saves, after which she again gives Strøndju on the head, is already stronger. Hulk puts on the Avengers the most obstheging wheels, painfully sharpening for disobedience, and causes the members of Illuminati to fight first with a big creature with awkles (brought with them), and then with each other.

Having loved how Reed Richards breaks asphalt with an iron man, Hulk decides to spare illuminati, but promises to destroy New York to be ashamed. "I'll go rage, and you will blame." However, it decides to stop watching (Sentry) , the mighty hero with the force of "millions of exploding suns." In the heat of battle and clock, and the halak is so exhausting that they take their human forms, and Bruce Banner cuts the clock from one strike. And then there is a terrible truth ...

Main, one of the epitically large cockroaches mentioned at the beginning, begins to terrorize New York, outraging that Hulk is too sad with these people ... And he confesses that all this time knew that the Illuminati had nothing to do with the explosion of the shuttle and death of millions of inhabitants Sakaara. That the shuttle was undermined by the Allies of the Red King, and Maine said nothing, halku, for Hulk should be a harsh warrior. Banner turns back to the Hulk, whips off the ugly cockroach and gets into such an extent that the island of Manhattan is starting to break off under his steps.

Well, on, those of the heroes, who have not been broken all the bones, began to save Manhattan. Tony Stark on the knee built the device, sucking gamma radiation, and "whipped" Hulk. Iroim from the Allies Hulk, who has a stone magic, used the power of Corg and Ben Grimma, two stone soda to "heal" manhattan. World War Hulka is over. And on the scorched Sakaare appeared new character, with suspiciously green leather. Skar, son Hulk, survived the explosion of the shuttle. But this is a completely different story ...

The green giant wins black thunder and calls on the rest of the Illuminati to fight him in Manhattan. Stark puts on antique armor and trying to overcome silver, but his efforts are in vain

Black Thunder was the only hero before winning the Hulk. Therefore, the giant has neutralized it first.

More angry

He married, making her Queen Sakaard. However, soon the ship, in which the hero arrived at this planet, exploded and destroyed millions of people, including the Hulk spouse. Deciding that the illuminates were to blame for everything, he collected the "combat fraternity" and went to Earth. On the road, Hulk did a stop on the Moon to defeat. Then his ship appeared in the sky over Manhattan, and the giant warned New York people that they should urgently evacuate if they do not want to suffer. In the anti-talka armor attacked the giant, but he defeated him and all the rest. Then the green stronghold attacked "" and captured. Meanwhile, the general topped the army attack on the monster, but continued to try to calm the Hulk. However, the swordless giant broke his hand wizard so that he could no longer use his magic power. In desperation, the sorcerer merged with the demon with a single creature, acquiring a huge power. But when he almost became the cause of the death of random passers-by, the hero "held horses". By immediately taking advantage of universal confusion, Hulk defeated him. Then the Giant gathered in Madison Square Garden of all the Illuminati and those who suffered from their actions. Next began the worst thing: Hulk released a monster on the heroes from Sakaard, and then put on the conspirators of the gladiators disks and made them fight with each other.

However B. last Mig. He spared the earthlings, recognizing that he arrived not to kill, but to punish the perpetrators. Hulk decided to exploring the illuminates and leave Manhattan. At that moment, the hero appeared on the battlefield, and they were fought with a giant until each accepted the human appearance.

At that moment, the participant of the "Martial Brotherhood" of the Miek attacked his friend Hulk in his eyes, and the explosive Bruce Banner again became a green monster. Miek admitted that the explosion on Sakaare attracted traitors, but he decided not to warn the Hulk to unleash the war from the earth. Feeling that he is unable to control himself, the giant asked the Iron man to stop him. He shot the giant of a volley from several satellites, Hulk became Bryce again, and he entered into an underground prison.

Hulk against all

Arriving from Sakaara to the ground, the giant was ready to fight with anyone who stands between him and the illuminators. Black Thunder, Mr. Fantastic, Iron Man and Dr. Strøndge had many friends, but the "combat fraternity" overcome them. Discs of slave-gladiators were trapped on the heroes and dragged them in Madison Square Garden. There, the illuminates were forced to fight each other on the fun. And yet, despite the frenzy rage, he did not cause fatal harm to anyone. Nobody died.

Download New Comic Full name What if? Worldwar Hulk All three logs (translated into Russian What if World War Hulk) (ONESHOT)

Surely out of our world with you there are others that beat parallel Worlds. In these worlds, any creature is probably filled vital energy Some moments of your life get up to a kind of choice. And it needs to be done for he is able to touch on their fate, and so it may even affect the future of the whole world or maybe even the whole universe. In these worlds sometimes happens that, most likely could not happen in our world with you.

There are such questions - and if the War Hulka would have killed the heroes? Or to happen if Self Taught in World War Hulk?

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Presented, all five parts of the popular comic book, download it for free! Translation Russian!

Download Comic WORLD WAR HULK (World Hulk War)


Also also advise you to download the original comic about Hulk.