Presentation of a literature lesson on the satirical comedy "The Minor" by D. Fonvizin. Presentation on the topic ““The Minor” by D.I. Fonvizin” The satirical orientation of the comedy The Minor presentation

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Denis Ivanovich Fonvizin “Minor”

Type, genre, creative method Second half of the 18th century. - the heyday of theatrical classicism in Russia. It is the comedy genre that is becoming the most important and widespread in stage and dramatic art. The best comedies of this time are part of social and literary life, are associated with satire and often have a political orientation. “minor” was created within the framework of the rules of classicism: the division of characters into positive and negative, schematism in their depiction, the rule of three unities in composition, “speaking names.” However, realistic features are also visible in the comedy: the authenticity of the images, the depiction of noble life and social relations.

Theme The comedy “The Minor” is based on two problems that worried the writer. This is the problem of the moral decay of the nobility and the problem of education. Comedy is a complex, well-thought-out system in which every line, every character, every word is subordinated to revealing the author's intention. Having started the play as an everyday comedy of manners, Fonvizin does not stop there, but boldly goes further, to the root cause of “evil morals,” the fruits of which are known and strictly condemned by the author. The reason for the vicious education of the nobility in feudal and autocratic Russia is the established state system, which gives rise to arbitrariness and lawlessness.

Idea Defending her cruelty, crimes and tyranny, Prostakova says: “Am I not powerful in my people too?” The noble but naive Pravdin objects to her: “No, madam, no one is free to tyrannize.” And then she unexpectedly refers to the law: “I’m not free!” A nobleman is not free to flog a servant when he wants; But why have we been given a decree on the freedom of the nobility? The amazed Starodum and together with him the author exclaim only “Master of interpreting decrees!”

Subsequently, historian V.O. Klyuchevsky rightly said: “It’s all about the last words of Mrs. Prostakova; they contain the whole meaning of the drama and the whole drama is in them... She wanted to say that the law justifies her lawlessness.” In her person, a certain part of the nobles refuses to fulfill the laws of their country, their duty and responsibilities. There is no need to talk about any kind of noble honor, personal dignity, faith and loyalty, mutual respect, serving state interests.

“I’m not free! A nobleman is not free to flog his servants when he wants; But why have we been given a decree on the freedom of the nobility?

So, the idea of ​​​​the comedy: condemnation of ignorant and cruel landowners, who consider themselves full masters of life, do not comply with state and moral laws, affirmation of the ideals of humanity and enlightenment.

The nature of the conflict The comedy conflict lies in the collision of two opposing views on the role of the nobility in the public life of the country. Mrs. Prostakova states that the decree “on the freedom of the nobility” (which freed the nobleman from compulsory service to the state established by Peter I) made him “free” primarily in relation to a serf, freeing him from all human and moral responsibilities to society that were burdensome for him. Fonvizin puts a different view on the role and responsibilities of a nobleman into the mouth of Starodum, the person closest to the author. All the heroes of the comedy are drawn into the conflict, the action seems to be taken out of the landowner's house and acquires a socio-political character: the arbitrariness of the landowners, the lack of rights of the peasants.

I.A. Dmitrievsky (actor) One of the main characters of Fonvizin’s play is Starodum. In his worldview, he is a bearer of the ideas of the Russian noble Enlightenment. Starodum served in the army, fought bravely, was wounded, but was not rewarded. Having retired, Starodum tries to serve at court. Disappointed, he leaves for Siberia, but remains true to his ideals. He is the ideological inspirer of the fight against Prostakova.

The Prostakovs and their son Mitrofanushka

Negative characters Fonvizin presents the negative characters with amazing realism: Mrs. Prostakova, her husband and son Mitrofan, Prostakova’s evil and greedy brother Taras Skotinin. All of them are enemies of enlightenment and law, they bow only to power and wealth, they fear only material force and are always cunning, using all means to achieve their benefits, guided only by their practical mind and their own interest. They simply do not have morals, ideas, ideals, or any moral principles, not to mention knowledge and respect for laws.

The central figure of this group, one of the significant characters in the play, is Mrs. Prostakova. She immediately becomes the main spring driving the stage action, for in this provincial noblewoman there is some powerful vital force that is lacking not only in the goodies, but also in her lazy, selfish son and pig-like brother.

From morning to evening, this woman fights, puts pressure on everyone, oppresses, orders, cunning, lies, swears, robs, beats, even the rich and influential Starodum, government official Pravdin and officer Milon with a military team cannot calm her down. At the heart of this living, strong, completely popular character is monstrous tyranny, arrogance, and greed for the material benefits of life.

Minor characters Other characters also act on stage: Prostakova’s downtrodden and intimidated husband, and her brother Taras Skotinin, who loves his pigs more than anything in the world, and the noble “minor” - his mother’s favorite, the Prostakovs’ son Mitrofan, who does not want to learn anything, spoiled and corrupted by his mother’s education.

Plot and composition The plot of Fonvizin’s comedy was based on the conflict of the era, the socio-political life of the 70s and early 80s of the 18th century. This is a struggle with the serf woman Prostakova, depriving her of the right to own the entire estate. At the same time, other storylines are traced in the comedy: the struggle for Sofya Prostakova, Skotinin and Milon, the story of the union of Sophia and Milon who love each other. Although they do not form the main plot.

“The Minor” is a comedy in five acts. Events unfold on the Prostakov estate. A significant part of the dramatic action in “The Minor” is devoted to solving the problem of education. The culminating point in the development of this theme, undoubtedly, is the scene of Mitrofan’s examination in the 4th act of the comedy. This satirical picture, deadly in terms of the power of accusatory sarcasm contained in it, serves as a verdict on the system of education of the Prostakovs and Skotinins.

Artistic originality A fascinating, rapidly developing plot, sharp remarks, bold comic situations, individualized colloquial speech of the characters, a vicious satire on the Russian nobility, ridicule of the fruits of the French enlightenment - all this was new and attractive. Fonvizin showed this dark kingdom as a stronghold of heavy tyranny, everyday everyday stupidity, immorality and lack of culture. Certain words and phrases of the comedy became catchphrases. Thus, already during the playwright’s lifetime, the name Mitrofan became a household name and meant a lazy person and an ignorant person.

The public
What attracted people to the comedy “The Minor” was, first of all, the positive characters. The serious scenes in which Starodum and Pravdin performed were received with great enthusiasm.
One of the main characters in Fonvizin's play is Starodum. In his worldview, he is a bearer of the ideas of the Russian noble Enlightenment. Starodum served in the army, fought bravely, was wounded, but was not rewarded. It was received by his former friend, the count, who refused to go to the active army. Having retired, Starodum tries to serve at court. Disappointed, he leaves for Siberia, but remains true to his ideals. He is the ideological inspirer of the fight against
Artistic originality

, a rapidly developing plot, sharp remarks, bold comic situations, individualized colloquial speech of the characters, evil satire on the Russian nobility, ridicule of the fruits of the French enlightenment - all this was new and attractive. Young Fonvizin attacked noble society and its vices, the fruits
, on the ulcer of ignorance and serfdom that has struck human minds and souls. He showed this dark kingdom as a stronghold of severe tyranny, everyday everyday cruelty, immorality and lack of culture. Theater as a means of social public satire required characters and language that were understandable to the audience, pressing current problems, and recognizable conflicts. All this is in Fonvizin’s famous comedy “The Minor,” which is still staged today.
The comedy lies in the collision of two opposing views on the role of the nobility in the public life of the country. Mistress
states that the decree “on the freedom of the nobility” (which freed the nobleman from compulsory service to the state established by Peter I) made him “free” primarily in relation to serfs, freeing
him from
all burdensome human and moral responsibilities to society. Fonvizin puts a different view on the role and responsibilities of a nobleman in the mouth of Starodum, the person closest to the author. In terms of political and moral ideals, Starodum is a man of the Peter the Great era, which is contrasted in the comedy with the era of Catherine.
the conflict involves all the heroes of the comedy, the action seems to be taken out of the landowner's house, family and acquires a socio-political character: the arbitrariness of the landowners, supported by the authorities, and the lack of rights of the peasants.
The plot and composition of the comedy
The plot of Fonvizin's comedy was based on the conflict of the era, the socio-political life of the 70s - early 80s of the 18th century. This is a fight against the serfdom
, depriving her of the right to own her estate. At the same time, other storylines can be traced in the comedy: the struggle for Sophia
, Skotinina and Milon, the story of the union of Sophia and Milon who love each other. Although they do not form the main plot.
Meaning of the work
The comedy “Nedorosl” reflected the acute problems of Russian life. The audience, seeing it in the theater, at first laughed heartily, but then they were horrified, experienced deep sadness and called Fonvizin’s cheerful play a modern Russian tragedy.
, Fonvizin’s student and heir, aptly called “The Minor” a truly social comedy: “Fonvizin’s comedy strikes at the brutal brutality of man, which stems from a long, insensitive,

stagnation in the remote corners and backwaters of Russia... There is nothing caricatured about it: everything was taken alive from nature and tested by the knowledge of the soul.” Realism and satire help the author of the comedy talk about the fate of education in Russia. Fonvizin, through the mouth of Starodum, called education “the key to the well-being of the state.” And all the comic and tragic circumstances he described and the very characters of the negative characters can safely be called the fruits of ignorance and evil.
Fonvizin's comedies contain grotesque, satirical comedy, a farcical beginning, and a lot of serious things, things that make the viewer think. With all this, “Nedorosl” had a strong impact on the development of Russian national drama, as well as the entire “most magnificent and, perhaps, most socially fruitful line of Russian literature - the accusatory-realistic line” (M. Gorky).
IDEA Comedy

main idea
comedy: condemnation of ignorant and cruel landowners who consider themselves to be full masters of life, do not comply with state and moral laws, affirmation of the ideals of humanity and enlightenment.
Comedy TOPIC
The comedy “Minor” is based on two problems that especially worried the writer. This is the problem of the moral decay of the nobility and the problem of education
“The Minor” (1782) became a landmark event in the development of Russian comedy. It represents a complex, well-thought-out system in which every line, every character, every word is subordinated to the identification of the author's intention. Having started the play as an everyday comedy of manners, Fonvizin does not stop there, but boldly goes further, to the root cause of “evil morals,” the fruits of which are known and strictly condemned by the author. The reason for the vicious education of the nobility in feudal and autocratic Russia is the established state system, which gives rise to arbitrariness and lawlessness. Thus, the problem of education turns out to be inextricably linked with the entire life and political structure of the state in which people live and act from top to bottom.
created the language of Russian drama, correctly understanding it as the art of words and a mirror of society and man. He did not at all consider this language ideal and final, or his heroes as positive characters. As a member of the Russian Academy, the writer was seriously engaged in studying and improving his contemporary language. Fonvizin masterfully builds the linguistic characteristics of his heroes: these include rude, offensive words in uncouth speeches
; Soldier's words typical for military life
; Church Slavonic words and quotes from the spiritual books of seminarian Kuteikin; Vralman's broken Russian speech and the speech of the noble heroes of the play - Starodum, Sophia and Pravdin. Certain words and phrases from Fonvizin's comedy became popular. Thus, already during the playwright’s lifetime, the name Mitrofan became a household name and meant a lazy person and an ignorant person. Phraseologisms have become widely known: “Trishkin caftan”, “I don’t want to study, but I want to get married”, etc.
the figure of this group, one of the significant characters in Fonvizin’s play is Mrs.
. She immediately becomes the main spring driving the stage action, for in this provincial noblewoman there is some powerful vital force that is lacking not only in the positive characters, but also in her lazy, selfish son and pig-like brother. “This face in a comedy is unusually well conceived psychologically and superbly sustained dramatically,” he said about
expert on the era, historian V.O. Klyuchevsky.
"Nedorosl" - the first Russian realistic comedy
By making both negative and positive characters life-like, Fonvizin managed to create a new type of realistic comedy. Gogol wrote that the plot of “The Minor” helped the playwright to deeply and insightfully reveal the most important aspects of the social existence of Russia, “the wounds and illnesses of our society, severe internal abuses, which by the merciless power of irony are exposed in stunning evidence” (N.V. Gogol, complete collection . op. vol. VIII).
Fonvizin presents the negative characters with amazing realism: Mrs.
, her husband and son Mitrofan, an evil and greedy brother
. All of them are enemies of enlightenment and law, they bow only to power and wealth, they fear only material force and are always cunning, using all means to achieve their benefits, guided only by their practical mind and their own interest. They simply do not have morals, ideas, ideals, or any moral principles, not to mention knowledge and respect for laws.
other characters also act on the scene: the downtrodden and intimidated husband
, and her brother Taras Skotinin, who loves his pigs more than anything in the world, and the noble “minor” - his mother’s favorite, son who does not want to learn anything
Mitrofan, spoiled and corrupted by his mother's upbringing. Next to them are displayed: yard
- tailor
, serf nanny, former nurse of Mitrofan
, his teacher is the village sexton Kuteikin, a retired soldier
, the cunning rogue German coachman Vralman.


, Mitrofan, Skotinin, Kuteikin, Vralman became household names

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Purpose of the study: to get acquainted with the life and work of D. I. Fonvizin and his comedy “Minor” Objectives: 1. Study the biography of D. I. Fonvizin; 2. Get acquainted with the history of the comedy “Minor”; 3. Describe the characters of this comedy; 4. Find out the meaning and modern sound of comedy. Practical significance of the work: the materials of this study can be used in literature lessons when studying the comedy of D.I. Fonvizin "Undergrown" in 9th grade.

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Fonvizin Denis Ivanovich (1744 - 1792), playwright, prose writer. Born on April 14 in Moscow into a wealthy noble family. Received an excellent home education. In 1755 - 60 he studied at the gymnasium at Moscow University, then for a year at the university's Faculty of Philosophy. In 1769, Fonvizin became the secretary of the head of the College of Foreign Affairs - N. Panin, the teacher of the heir to the throne. They were brought together by their opposition to the government of Catherine II and the conviction that Russia needed “fundamental laws.” In 1777 - 78 he traveled abroad, to France and Germany, which he later wrote about in “Notes of the First Traveler,” which played a crucial role in the development of Russian prose. In the atmosphere of reaction that set in after the suppression of the Pugachev rebellion, Fonvizin created his most significant work - the comedy "The Minor" (1781). It directly indicates the root of all Russia's ills - serfdom and public ignorance, which, according to Fonvizin, can be overcome by reforms in the spirit of the Enlightenment. In March 1782, after Panin was removed from business, he resigned, deciding to devote himself entirely to literary creativity. In 1783 he published a number of satirical works: “The Experience of a Russian Estatesman”, “Petition to the Russian Minevra from Russian Writers”, “The Narrative of an Imaginary Deaf and Mute”. In 1784 - 85, Fonvizin visited Germany and Italy, anonymously published in French “The Life of Count Nikita Ivanovich Panin”, painting the image of an ideal enlightened nobleman. In the last years of his life, the writer was seriously ill, but did not give up his literary pursuits: he began the autobiographical story “A Sincere Confession in My Deeds and Thoughts” (it was not completed, but even in its unfinished form it is a wonderful example of Russian prose). On December 1, 1972, Fonvizin died in St. Petersburg. Buried in the Alexander Nevsky Lavra.1 Fonvizin Denis Ivanovich (1744-1792)

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Fonvizin's comedy is a play about a teenager, about his monstrous upbringing, which turns a teenager into a cruel and lazy creature. Before Fonvizin’s comedy, the word “minor” did not carry negative semantics. Teenagers under the age of fifteen were called minors, i.e., the age determined by Peter I for entering the service. In 1736, the period of stay in the “undergrowth” was extended to twenty years. The decree on the freedom of the nobility abolished compulsory military service and gave nobles the right to serve or not to serve, but confirmed the compulsory training introduced under Peter I. Prostakova follows the law, although she does not approve of it. She also knows that many, including those from her family, are circumventing the law. Mitrofanushka has been studying for four years now, but Prostakova wants to keep him with her for ten years.

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History of the comedy

Fonvizin worked on the comedy for about three years. The premiere took place in 1782. The production of "The Minor" was associated with many difficulties. Having been refused in St. Petersburg, the playwright went to Moscow in May 1782 with the actor I. A. Dmitrevsky. But here, too, failure awaits him: the “Moscow Russian theater censor,” frightened by the boldness of many of the lines, does not allow the comedy to go on stage. A few months later, Fonvizin still managed to “break through” the production of the comedy: on September 24, 1782, the premiere took place in St. Petersburg. The extraordinary success of the play “The Minor” when it was first staged at the Free Russian Theater on Tsaritsyn Meadow was testified by the unknown author of the “Dramatic Dictionary”: “The theater was incomparably filled, and the audience applauded the play by throwing purses.” And on May 14, 1783, the play was played for the first time in Moscow, on the stage of the Medox Theater. The success of "Nedorosl" in Moscow was enormous. It was staged by university students. Many amateur productions appeared.

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Characters Simpletons. Mrs. Prostakova is his wife, the main negative character of the play. She loves her son very much and strives to marry him to Sophia. She is a noblewoman, which is why she believes that everything is allowed to her. Mitrofan is their son, an undergrowth. Quite indifferent to everyone around him and also a slack boy, outwardly he loves his mother very much, but only pretends because of her authority. In the finale, he is sent to the army, and he shows what he really thinks about his mother (“Get rid of yourself, mother, how you imposed yourself...”). Eremeevna, mother (that is, nurse) Mitrofanova. Pravdin. Starodum is Sophia's uncle and guardian. It was because of his condition that Prostakova tried to marry Mitrofan to Sophia. Sophia is Starodum's niece. Milon is Sophia's lover, it was he who prevented her kidnapping. Mr. Skotinin is the brother of Mrs. Prostakova. Kuteikin is a seminarian. Tsyfirkin is a retired sergeant. Vralman is a teacher. Trishka is a self-taught tailor. Servant of Prostakov.

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Mrs. Prostokova PROSTOKOV

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    Minor characters

    Sophia Starodum

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    Pravdin Milon

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    Kuteikin Tsifirkin

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    Eremeevna Vralman

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    The meaning of comedy

    Fonvizin's comedy was read and studied by all subsequent generations - from Pushkin, Gogol, Lermontov to our time. The meaning of the play is enduring: However, Catherine II understood the freedom-loving significance of the work, which dared to offend state and social foundations. “After the publication of a number of satirical works in 1783, Fonvizin’s attempts to publish anything in print were suppressed by the empress herself. In the last decade of her reign, Catherine II openly followed the path of cruel reaction, of which Fonvizin also became a victim. Despite his serious illness, he was eager to get back to work. In 1788, he decided to publish the magazine “Starodum”, received permission and began to prepare material, but by order of Catherine the magazine was banned. Shortly before his death, Fonvizin asked Catherine for permission to publish a translation of Tacitus, but permission was not given.”

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    There is a legend that after the premiere of “The Minor” in St. Petersburg, Prince Potemkin approached Fonvizin and said: “Die, Denis, you can’t write better.” However, according to historians, Potemkin could not say this, since he was not in St. Petersburg at that moment. According to another version, these words belong to Derzhavin, and not to Prince Potemkin. While studying at the Nizhyn gymnasium, Nikolai Gogol played the role of Prostakova in student performances.

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    Modern sound of comedy

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    1. Fonvizin, D.I. Minor. / D.I. Fonvizin – [Electronic resource]. – 5/index.html 2. Belinsky, V.G. Full composition of writings. T. 5. / V.G. Belinsky - M.: Education, 1954. - 647 p. 3. Vsevolodsky-Gerngross, V.N. Fonvizin-playwright. / V.N. Vsevolodsky-Gerngross – M.: Prosveshchnie, 1960. – 141 p. 4. Glukhov, V.I. The formation of realism in Russian literature of the 18th – early 19th centuries. / IN AND. Glukhov – Volgograd: Nauka, 1976. – 167 p. 5. Gukovsky, G.A. Essays on Russian literature of the 18th century. / G.A. Gukovsky – L.: Book, 1938. – 318 p. 6. Gukovsky, G.A. Russian literature of the 18th century. / G.A. Gukovsky – [Electronic resource]. – 7. Klyuchevsky, V.O. Literary portraits. / V.O. Klyuchevsky - M.: Education, 1991. - 256 p. 8. Lebedeva, O.B. History of Russian literature of the 18th century. / ABOUT. Lebedeva – [Electronic resource]. – 9. Lebedeva, O.B. Russian high comedy of the 18th century: Genesis and poetics of the genre. / ABOUT. Lebedeva – Tomsk: Nauka, 1996. – 327 p. – ISBN 978–5–98916–018–1 10. Makogonenko, G.P. From Fonvizin to Pushkin. / G.P. Makogonenko – [Electronic resource]. – 11. Orlov, P.A. History of Russian literature of the 18th century. / P.A. Orlov – [Electronic resource]. – 12. Pigarev, K.V. Creativity of Fonvizin. / K.V. Pigarev – [Electronic resource]. – 13. Sakharov, V.I.D.I. Fonvizin. Satire is a brave ruler. / IN AND. Sakharov – [Electronic resource]. –

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    Denis Ivanovich Fonvizin was born on April 3 (14), 1745 in Moscow, into a poor noble family that honestly served Russia for several centuries. His surname was of German origin and was written separately in the 18th century: Von Wisin. But it was not without reason that Pushkin said about him: “He is a Per-Russian Russian.”

    From 1755 he studied at the noble gymnasium at Moscow University, and then at the Faculty of Philosophy of the same university. During his student years he was engaged in translations. In 1962, he became a translator at the College of Foreign Affairs and moved to St. Petersburg. Subsequently he was a diplomat, collaborated with the nobles of Catherine II, with the heir’s tutor, Count N.I. Panin. Serving at court, closely observing the actions of the government, Fonvizin, together with Panin, hatched plans to limit the power of monarchs and create new laws, and therefore was not in honor of Catherine II.

    Portrait of D.I. Fonvizin Unknown artist based on the original by J. Karafa. Second half of the 19th century. Canvas, oil.

    Fonvizin D. Brigadier: A Comedy in Five Acts In 1769, Fonvizin created the first original Russian satirical comedy “The Brigadier,” in which he ridiculed not only the inertia and ignorance of the provincial Russian nobility, but also its thoughtless imitation of everything French.

    DI. Fonvizin reads "The Brigadier" in the salon of Tsarevich Pavel Petrovich. From an engraving by P. Borel

    Fonvizin was a lively, secular man; educated, brave, he stood above many of the prejudices of his time, he believed that it was not shameful for a nobleman to engage in trade. He was friends with the actor Ivan Dmitrievsky, although actors were, according to the concepts of that time, something like servants. Communicating with nobles in the court world, he married the daughter of a merchant, despite the obvious disapproval of his relatives.

    Portrait of D. I. Fonvizin Lithograph from the album “Portrait Gallery of Russian Figures” (Vol. 2. St. Petersburg, 1869). Fonvizin loved his homeland and his people with all his soul. The motto of his life were the words: You must devote your life to the Fatherland, If you want to be an honest person forever.

    “The Minor” Fonvizin was 37 years old when he wrote this funny play. She did not immediately find her way to the stage. But when it was staged, in September 1782, according to eyewitnesses, it was a complete success, “the audience applauded the play by throwing wallets onto the stage.” The famous Prince Potemkin is said to have said then: “Die, Denis! You couldn’t write better.”

    DI. Fonvizin is the largest Russian playwright of the 18th century, the creator of Russian social comedy, examples of which after “The Minor” are “Woe from Wit” by Griboyedov and “The Inspector General” by Gogol. The formation of Russian artistic prose is also associated with the name of Fonvizin. The influence of Fonvizin’s personality on his contemporaries, figures of advanced culture of the 19th century, was great. A.S. praised him highly. Pushkin in the novel “Eugene Onegin”, when, speaking about the theater, he said: There in the old days, the brave ruler of Satire, Fonvizin shone, the friend of freedom...

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    The problem of educating a true citizen in the comedy of D.I. Fonvizin "Undergrowth". Gnezdilova O.N. Merkulova T.N. teacher of Russian language and literature,

    Where and when did the play “The Minor” premiere?

    How might the comedy “Undergrown” be of interest to a modern reader? - Why is it still included in the repertoire of Russian theaters?

    Are these sayings outdated? Sayings and aphorisms of Starodum. Riches are no help to a foolish son. Have a heart, have a soul, and you will be a man at all times. In the great world there are small souls. The ranks begin - sincerity ceases. An ignoramus without a soul is a beast. The golden fool is still a fool. Cash is not cash worth. - What can you say about these statements?

    Lexical work. L.: citizen, ignoramus. Citizen is a person belonging to the permanent population of a given state, enjoying its protection and endowed with a set of rights and obligations.

    What does it mean to be a true citizen? - To love the Motherland, work for its good, be honest, fair, smart, subordinate your interests to public interests.

    Minor - 1. In Russia in the 18th century: a young nobleman who had not reached the age of majority and had not yet entered the public service. 2. A stupid young man is a dropout. In what meaning does Fonvizin use this word? An undergrowth is a quitter, a slacker.

    Should we assume that Mitrofan was brought up as a true citizen? 1 group. Features of comedy as a dramatic work. 2nd group. What did Prostakova care about (D.1, yavl.4, d.2, yavl.6) while raising her son? 3rd group. Mitrofan in class. (D.3, appearance 7) - What did Mitrofan study in class? 4th group. What is the result of education? (D.5, yavl. last) 5 group. Should we consider that the comedy “The Minor” was written according to the rules of classicism?

    What did Prostakova care about when raising Mitrofanushka?

    Mitrofan in class. NADOR_2

    Antipodes of Mitrofan. (slide 11)

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