Science show for children for the holiday. Entertaining experiences and experiments at home. Scientific laboratory "Academy of Miracles"

Entertainment script “Journey into the world of experiences and experiments”

Goals and objectives: attract the attention of children and adults to such activities as experimentation; introduce children to some properties of air and water, teach them how to conduct simple experiments using improvised means and objects; teach to reason, analyze, draw conclusions and explain “miracles” with scientific point vision; Let children feel the joy of discovery, develop curiosity, an inquisitive mind, and cognitive interest.

Equipment and materials: tables covered with oilcloth, containers and vessels of various shapes and sizes, jars with cold water, teapot with hot water, a bottle with a narrow neck, a hot stand, salt, sugar, a jar of jam, soda, citric acid, 2 jars with a watercolor solution of yellow and blue colors, 2 raw eggs, balloon, measuring spoons, pipettes, tweezers, wooden sticks, cocktail straws, geyser model (a bottle covered with plasticine in the shape of a mountain with a vent).

Progress of entertainment:

Hello children! My name is Associate Professor Pochemuchkina (DP). Today I invite you to my scientific laboratory. Do you know what a laboratory is? (Children answer)

What smart guys you are, yes, a laboratory is a special place where experiments are carried out. Oh, do you like to experiment? (Children answer)

Today we will do this exciting activity together with you. Just to get started, let’s remember the safety rules:


Get up from your seat

Touch equipment, devices and reagents

Putting something in your nose, mouth, ears, etc.

Tell me, children, why do scientists conduct experiments and experiments? (Children answer)

Of course, scientists want to unravel the mysteries of nature. And for you I have the first riddle: what is there a lot in this room, but we don’t see it? (Children answer)

Now we will conduct such an experiment that everyone will be able to see the answer.

I need two assistants.

(He selects two children from the audience and invites them to blow through straws into a jar of water. While the children are blowing, the child asks questions to the audience.)

What do we see? (Children: Air bubbles, air)

Where does this air come from? (Children: Children inhale it and exhale through a straw)

Where do the air bubbles go? (Children: They float up from under the water, and the air returns to the hall)

Why don't the bubbles stay in the water? (Children: Because air is lighter than water)

Yes, air is lighter than water. This has been confirmed by many experiments. We will conduct one of them today.

What color is the air? (Children: None, the air is clear)

Can you hear the air? (Children: you can hear the wind, a blizzard, musical wind instruments. DP invites one child to inflate a balloon, and then releases air from the balloon through the gap so that a sound is made. Children laugh).

What do we hear? (Children: Air)

I suggest you get acquainted with one more property of air. To do this, let's conduct an experiment - heat the air and then cool it.

The teacher invites the child to put the ball on the neck of the bottle; puts the bottle in a container with hot water, the ball is filled with warm air and takes the shape of a mushroom; lets children make sure the water is hot; places the bottle in a container with cold water; lets children make sure the water is cold; the air in the bottle and the ball cools, and the ball is drawn into the neck of the bottle; children try to pull the ball out of the neck of the bottle, but they fail; children help explain what happens to the air during the experiment).

Having heated up, the air expanded, there was more of it, and it inflated the balloon. When the air cooled, it contracted, there was so little of it that the ball was drawn into the bottle. So, when air is heated, it expands, and when cooled, it contracts.

(Children repeat this property of air, accompanying the words with movements: for words - expands - stand up, arms to the sides, for words narrows - sit down, lower your head, pull up your knees and hug them with your hands).

Another question about the properties of air - what does the air smell like? (Children answer. The teacher encourages them to name different smells and aromas, asks what the air smells like in the village, in the city, in the forest, in the kitchen, etc., what it smells like in this room.)

DP: Why do we need water? Where she lives? She is alive? (Listens to the children’s answers.)

Does water have a color? (No, it is colorless.) Could it become colored? What needs to be done for this? (Add paint. DP does what the children say.) Does water have a smell? (They sniff the water, make sure that it doesn’t smell of anything.) What can be done to make the smell appear (Brew tea, coffee, dissolve jam.) What does the water taste like? (Tasteless.) What if you throw salt, sugar, pepper, and a slice of lemon into it? Let's play a little. We will all be droplets. Let's stand in a circle and hold hands tightly. Let's imagine that it has become very cold. What have we turned into (Into ice.) Yes, we have become solid. Now let's run away different sides and imagine that spring has come. What have we become? (Into droplets.) And then the droplets gathered together again and became streams that quickly, quickly ran into rivers, seas, and oceans. So what can water do? (Flow)

You guys probably conducted experiments in your group on the buoyancy of objects. Let's play the sink-swim game. I will show the object, and you show it, if it’s drowning, sit on the chairs and say “glug-glug-glug”; if it floats, stand up, row with your hands and say “splash-splash-splash.”

(The game “Sinking and Swimming” is played; real objects, pictures or images on a multimedia screen can be used for demonstration).

I know another very interesting buoyancy experiment, many of you are regular participants. Raise your hands how many of you like to swim? (Children raise their hands). Tell me where are you swimming? (Children: in the pool, on the river, in the sea, in the lake, on the pond). Where is it easiest to swim? (Children: at sea). And why? (Children: the water in the sea is salty, it holds better). Absolutely true, my friends, and we will confirm this with you with the next experiment. (In one jar - plain water, and in the other - salt is added. In fresh water, the egg sinks, and in salted water, it floats. By adding either salty or fresh water to the jar, the DP makes the egg either float or sink to the bottom of the jar , and ensures that the egg hangs in the middle. Children actively help in conducting the experiment).

At the end of our meeting, I suggest you create a volcano! No, a volcano is not allowed, safety precautions do not allow it... Then - a water volcano, i.e. a geyser! My assistants have already constructed a crater (they take out a model of a geyser, all that remains is to activate it!

The teacher invites those interested, the children pour soda into the crater and citric acid, DP pours water into the crater and the audience gasps in surprise - the geyser spews out an effervescent fountain).

Now let's sum up the results of today's meeting. What did you, my friends, like today, what surprised you, what did you learn today, what new things did you learn? (Children answer)

Our journey into the world of experiences and experiments does not end here. I wish you to continue it together with your teachers and parents! Observe the world around you, ask questions and wonder, experiment and discover the laws of nature and the universe! See you again, friends!(Music from the program “Obvious-Incredible” sounds. DP says goodbye to the guests)

Science is not always a boring and serious matter that is dealt with exclusively by adults. Children's party in scientific style can be a fun and exciting event if you organize it creatively. We will try to inspire you!

An unusual child’s birthday surrounded by flasks and test tubes will be a pleasant and useful holiday. Guests will learn a lot of new things, practice in the laboratory and test their knowledge. Amazing discoveries and pleasant surprises will lift the spirits of all children.

At a scientific festival for children, there must be a presenter - one of the adults playing the role of a “mad” scientist. This funny professor with funny habits and tousled hair will help the children conduct experiments in chemistry and physics. Children will definitely not get bored with him!

Invitations to a scientific festival

Little clever people will be pleasantly surprised when they receive not only a verbal invitation, but also a beautiful card indicating the date, place and time of the holiday. Decorate the invitation card with chemical formulas, print out frames from famous cartoons, the main characters of which are young scientists. The text may begin in an official tone, by addressing the little guest by name and patronymic. Be sure to write that the child will have an exciting program and tasty treats.

Scientific style room decor

The room for holding a holiday in a scientific style should resemble a laboratory in its entire appearance. Portraits of famous scientists hanging on the walls, table chemical elements, thick hardcover books. Place cones and bottles with colorful juices everywhere. If you have a chalkboard at home, write the words “Happy Birthday!” in chalk. surrounded by chemical formulas.

Outfits for little scientists

Clothes should, at first glance, reveal that children are inquisitive scientists. It’s great if you manage to get white coats and round glasses with simple lenses for the children. Have fun dressing up as soon as guests step on the threshold of the “office”. In addition, give each child a name badge that says “Scientist.”

Table setting in scientific style

Use a variety of jars, flasks and bottles to serve common foods and drinks. For example, marmalade candies or lollipops in glass “chemical” containers will look interesting. Even at the table, the guys will not leave the feeling that they are literally on the threshold of a scientific discovery.

The jelly will look interesting different colors in cups, as well as other products with safe food colorings. Blue lemonade or blue cookies - in the world of science this may not be the case!

Eating a bright cake decorated with numbers and symbols of chemical elements is, of course, one of the most pleasant events of a children's scientific holiday. Cold fireworks with beautiful flowing sparks will add a magical atmosphere.

Fun at a children's party in a scientific style

If you doubt your abilities and scientific knowledge, you can invite animators to conduct the entertainment part of the holiday. But we propose to make do on our own - and organize a chemistry show that will arouse admiration and open up a lot of new things for the children. If desired, parents can go with the birthday boy and guests on an excursion to a museum or planetarium.

Quiz. Come up with interesting questions to test children's knowledge. Be sure to take into account the age of the guests. There should be a prize for every correct answer. Alternate between complex and simple questions with funny and humorous ones.

Drawings on milk. You can pour regular milk into a large flat container, add dish soap and add food coloring. When the ingredients are mixed, a chemical reaction occurs and beautiful abstract patterns appear.

Bubble. Invite the guests of the children's science party to prepare liquid for soap bubbles with their own hands. To do this, mix a glass of liquid soap with six glasses of plain water in a jar. Take the wire and bend it so that a ring is formed at one end. Now all that remains is to dip the ring into the mixture and begin the soap performance.

Tornado in a bottle. Show your kids an incredible experiment with water. Plastic bottle fill 3/4 full with water, add a couple drops of dishwashing liquid and glitter to help you see the tornado better. Screw the lid well and turn the container over, holding it by the neck. Spin the bottle quickly and stop. Children will see a water whirlwind - a small tornado. Water moves around the center due to centrifugal force.

It is quite possible to organize a child’s birthday in a scientific style on your own. This day will be remembered by the birthday boy and his guests with bright, fun experiments and positive impressions. Children's festive event in this format it will be useful and inspire kids!

Dear friends, the “Light Birthday” promotion at the LabyrinthUm museum is valid only until the end of summer. You can celebrate your child’s name day in the company of 5 children and 5 adults at a special price - 5,500 rubles! The birthday party is held over two hours. For an hour and a half, children will participate in an exciting show program, conduct experiments in physics and chemistry and have fun from the heart. And half an hour is reserved for the sweetest part of the program - tea drinking. In addition, after the program you can stay...

Friends, at the LabyrinthUm museum on Petrogradskaya you can celebrate your child’s unforgettable birthday! For the youngest science lovers, we offer you the “Miracles from a Hat” program. Little Fok and Mister Pook know how to make a birthday truly magical! They have prepared incredible surprises and tricks: flying festive table, snow buns, a miracle bag and many other things that are stored in a real magician’s hat. Hurry up to see this wonderful show! The program is suitable for children...

On November 21 and 22, Masterslavl accepts congratulations and welcomes guests. Guests of the holiday will enjoy: scientific shows of the Museum entertaining sciences"Experimentanium", space master classes of the Interactorium "MARS-TEFO", creating a cartoon about dream professions with "Multnauka", games and puzzles of the Darwin Museum, construction of the Shukhov Tower with the project "Moscow through the eyes of an engineer", Chinese tea party with the "Okay" school, the kindest and most cheerful photographs from “Portrait of a Citizen” and much, much more! WITH...

Today is your holiday You are our little hero You are seven years old Let the whole world know about this You are making progress at school And you are not afraid of obstacles You stubbornly go towards your goal And tell everyone about it directly You have many victories to your name Even though you are still young You grow up smart, healthy, learn Never give up and hold on tight! © Happy Birthday Congratulations 7 years old girl, boy Birthday - exactly seven Let's tell everyone about this holiday You've become another year older And now you know that...

It includes experiments with dry ice: crazy soda, shot of a cork, soap foam with gas inside, super smoke, indicator changes. Various physical and chemical experiments: turning water into super-gel, artificial snow, optical illusion, super-long air pipe. This program can also be supplemented with the preparation of cotton candy and the preparation of polymer worms. Each child prepares worms and takes them home with them as a gift!

Program cost: from 9,000 rubles

  • One hour program

It includes experiments with dry ice: bubbling without boiling, crazy soda, shooting a cork, soap foam with gas inside, super smoke, indicator changes. Various physical and chemical experiments: turning water into super-gel, artificial snow, optical illusion, super-long air pipe, how to carry water in a sieve, a ball inside a bottle, musical hoses, a thunder pipe, rainbow glasses, hand boilers, a ball inside bottles and other experiments. This program can also be supplemented with the preparation of cotton candy and the preparation of polymer worms.

  • Show "In the Dark"

Includes the following experiments: creating lightning in a room, neon glow, plasma ball, drawing with ultraviolet light, preparing glow worms (children take home with them!), creating glowing liquids, a glowing whirlpool in a bottle.

  • Show "Concert Performance"

Suitable for very large audiences. Two presenters. Big props, gigantic experiments. Ideal for large events - city days, forums, opening events.

Program cost: from 30,000 rubles

  • Show “For the Little Ones”

Suitable for children from 4 to 6 years old. The safest experiences for yourself younger age. Experiments with dry ice, tumbler birds, rainbow glasses, musical hoses. This program can also be supplemented with the preparation of cotton candy.

Program cost: from 10,000 rubles

  • Show "School Science"

Great for use in the classroom. Interesting and visual experiments, all the guys take part in them. They learn a lot of new things about physics and chemistry. Ideal as a holiday program for September 1st.

Program cost: from 12,500 rubles

  • Show "Summer Show"

An ideal program for fresh air. Includes a giant soda fountain, huge soap suds, colorful pasta for the elephant (giant foam), potato cannon, genie from the bottle.

Program cost: from 10,000 rubles

Do you have any questions?

May 31, 2017

A science-themed party is a great idea for a child’s birthday, where the birthday boy and his guests will be able to make new discoveries and conduct interesting experiments. This is not only a positive experience, but also useful knowledge that children will happily learn.

It is mistakenly believed that this kind of holiday can only interest teenagers, but this is not so. Children from 4 years old will love this party, because this is the age of active exploration of the world.

Science shows are not just memorizing formulas and stating facts. This is an exciting process, which is somewhat similar to a game where everyone is an active participant.

Therefore, feel free to choose a science party that will cause genuine delight in children, introduce chemistry and physics in an interesting way, and good situation may have a beneficial effect on the child’s cognitive activity.

To organize a holiday, many turn to professionals for help. But their work costs money, and often quite a lot. But it’s not even about money: experiments carried out by parents, and not by strangers, will have a completely different effect. And you yourself will get a lot of pleasure from the preparation process and the triumph of science itself.

1. Preparing for a science party

First you need to send out letters of invitation to the holiday to all guests. To do this, you can send either a paper version or use by email. The second method will be less energy-consuming and in the spirit of the times, because now almost all children have their own electronic boxes.

It is important that the text of the letter is as formal as possible. You should address the guest by name and patronymic. You can use the addresses “Doctor of Sciences”, “Researcher”, “Candidate of Sciences”, “Professor”.

Make special badges in advance with photographs of the children, last names and initials. With their help, it will be possible to make the meeting of guests look like at a serious scientific conference. In your invitations, ask to take a white coat with you, because in a science laboratory you can’t do without a coat. If there is tension with this element of your wardrobe, white men's shirts are quite suitable.

2. Decorating a party in a scientific style

The walls of the room can be decorated with posters of your own making, on which various mathematical, physical and chemical formulas. Use portraits of famous scientists indicating their inventions. Various graphs, drawings and diagrams will look great.

It is worth taking care to create two zones: for feasting and for experiments. These two zones cannot be too close to each other for safety reasons - you never know what could get into the food during the demonstration of experiments.

The table can be decorated in a scientific style. For example, serve compote not in a jug, but in a large flask. And instead of glasses, use beakers or even test tubes. Some will say that drinking from them will not be very convenient. The problem is solved by using cocktail straws. Snacks can be made into small, colorful tablets.

Give your dishes themed names, such as “Essence of Power”, “Truth Serum”, “ Big Bang», « Chemical reaction" and others. Print the name on paper and attach it to a skewer like a flag. Insert skewers with names into dishes.

3. Science experiments for the party

The decor and food are good, but the highlight of the program will be the different experiences. They should be:

  • interesting;
  • not requiring complex ingredients;
  • not requiring lengthy preparation;
  • limited in time (children will not wait long);
  • safe (and this is the main condition).

It is important to remember that experience must not only be shown, but also explained clearly. Otherwise it will just look like a trick. And do not forget that a science party will only be successful when the children actively participate in all the proposed experiments.

Experiment No. 1 “Purple milk”

You will need:

  • transparent glass;
  • water;
  • potato starch;
  • spoon;

Precautionary measures:

  1. The adult must ensure that the child does not drink or eat anything from the demonstration components during the experiment.
  2. To avoid staining your clothes and hands, it is better to use gloves and an apron.

Progress of the experiment:

Water is poured into a glass. Next, add 1 spoon potato starch and mixes well. After this the water will become white, similar to milk. The next step is adding iodine to the liquid. You can also use a spoon for this, or you can simply pour it into a glass from a bottle.

If everything is done correctly, the liquid in the glass will instantly turn purple.

Experiment No. 2 “Rainbow in a glass”

For the experience you will need:

  • cup;
  • water;
  • colored markers or felt-tip pens;
  • paper towel;
  • scissors.

Precautionary measures:

  1. Make sure that children do not get hurt by scissors. And best of all, volunteer to be their assistant and do all the manipulations with the scissors yourself.

Progress of the experiment:

Fill the glass 1/4 full with water. Let's set it aside. Next, take a paper towel and cut out a strip 3 cm wide and 10-15 cm long. We won't need scissors anymore. Now we take markers (it’s better if they match the colors of the rainbow) and begin to apply dots on one side of the strip horizontally. The points should be placed close to each other and extend to the other side of the strip. In order to make a rainbow, the colors must go in the order known to everyone. As a matter of fact, this is where all the preparatory work is completed. All that remains is to immerse the strip in water with the side on which the dots were applied. After this simple manipulation, the rainbow on the paper will begin to rapidly rise upward.

This experience will help children visually see the process of water absorption by a solid body.

Experiment No. 3 “Flying porridge”

For the experience you will need:

Progress of the experiment:

Spread a thin layer of oatmeal onto a plate. Inflate the balloon and tie it. Now rub the ball on your hair. We do it well and diligently. And then we bring it to the plate and, together with the children, watch how the cereal begins to fly off the plate and stick to the ball. This is a very simple, safe and at the same time effective experiment.

Experiment No. 4 “Orange divers”

You will need:

  • 3 oranges;
  • water;
  • transparent wide vase about 50 cm high.

Precautions: in general, the experiment is absolutely safe for children, but since during the experiment they will have to deal with water, it is better to put oilcloth aprons on them.

Progress of the experiment:

Fill a transparent vase 2/3 full with water. Next, one of the children is asked to put 1 orange in a container of water to check whether it will drown or not. The orange, as you understand, will float on the surface. Next, the young experimenter is asked to remove all the peel from the same orange and put it back into the vase (suddenly the citrus does not want to swim dressed). When the peel is removed and the fruit goes into the water, you can see how it will sink to the bottom. So, we continue to experiment further. Take another orange and remove only 2/3 of its peel. The child lowers it into the water, and everyone present can watch how it hangs exactly in the middle between the bottom and the surface of the water. And to complete the composition, place the third orange untouched in the vase. It will become the bright point of the experiment.

Experiment No. 5 “Invisibility stick”

You will need:

  • 3 tall glasses;
  • 3 glass rods;
  • water;
  • vegetable oil (preferably unrefined).

Precautionary measures: all you need are aprons and gloves.

Progress of the experiment:

At the beginning, it is poured into one of the glasses plain water. A glass rod is placed in the same container, and everyone present can see it. Next, vegetable oil is poured into the second glass and the stick is also lowered. Everything seems to be the same as during the first stage of the experiment, except for one thing: in the oil the stick becomes invisible. The children will be delighted. And to consolidate the result, you need to fill the third glass halfway with water, and then pour the same amount of oil on top. Due to the different densities of liquids in a glass, the boundary between them will be clearly visible. And when the last stick is lowered into this container, only its middle part will remain invisible.

Experiment No. 6 “Rainbow Volcano”


  • 7 plastic glasses of 0.5 l;
  • food colors of all colors of the rainbow;
  • any dishwashing detergent;
  • baking soda;
  • vinegar;
  • tablespoon;
  • measuring cups;
  • stir stick.

Precautionary measures:

  1. It is necessary to cover the table on which the demonstration of the experiment will take place with oilcloth.
  2. Make sure that children do not taste anything under any circumstances, much less eat or drink: all components are conditionally edible, but in the concentration used they will be dangerous.

Progress of the experiment:

7 children can demonstrate the experience at the same time. At the beginning, all plastic glasses are placed on the table in one line. Next, a small amount of food coloring is poured into each of them. different color in the order they go in the rainbow. For the next step, add 4-5 tablespoons to each glass detergent for dishes. You don’t have to bother and pour it on the eye. Now pour 1 tablespoon of soda into each container. And now it's time for thorough stirring. The resulting mass must be mixed quickly and intensively. When this part of the work is completed, move on to final stage: simultaneously pour 50 ml of vinegar into all glasses. A reaction occurs instantly and bright and light colored foam pours out of the cups. If the kids really like the spectacle, you can gradually add vinegar to the container and thereby prolong this colorful eruption.

Experience No. 7 “Unusual cocktail”


  • dishwashing liquid;
  • water;
  • vegetable oil;
  • alcohol;
  • tumbler.

Precautionary measures:

  1. This cocktail should not be drunk.
  2. To avoid unwanted reactions to strong odors, it is better to do the experiment in a gauze bandage.

Progress of the experiment:

First, the glass is filled with honey to 1/6 of its volume. Dishwashing detergent is added in the same amount. After this, regular water is carefully added. Next turn vegetable oil. This should be done slowly and in a thin stream so as not to damage the remaining layers. Finally, we pour alcohol, after which the result is demonstrated to those present and a comment is given on how the different densities of the substances help them not to mix.

There can be much more experiences. Here are only the safest ones and those that are suitable for any age. More complex experiments can also be selected. The main thing is that absolutely all children take part in them.