Cat's house drawings. House for a cat from a cardboard box. Master class: instructions on how to make it yourself, drawings with dimensions, photos. Requirements for a cat house

Representatives of the cat family tend to return to their favorite places and need personal space where no one will disturb them. It’s easy to create such a corner for your cat with your own hands using available materials. This article discusses what and how can be made from plywood.


A furniture stapler, electric jigsaw and drill can greatly simplify the task and speed up its completion. But their absence is not critical and will not affect the quality of the result.

What you can't do without:

  • hammer;
  • ruler or tape measure;
  • marker or pencil;
  • screwdriver;
  • hacksaw or jigsaw.


Most suitable look wood boards for the task - FC plywood. Its lack of moisture resistance is compensated by its environmental friendliness and affordable price. The width is not of fundamental importance; it is more convenient to work in the range of 8–10 mm. For the floor or base, it is advisable to choose a thicker sheet.

You will also need:

  • Fabric not subject to electrification. Hard carpet and soft trimmings will also come in handy.
  • Pillow filling, such as old clothes. You should not use stuffing balls or other synthetic bulk products. This is dangerous for the animal's health.
  • Non-toxic glue without a pungent odor. Water-based PVA is suitable.
  • Sisal, jute, or hemp twine with a diameter of 4–8 mm for a scratching post.


It is believed that a square box with sides of 40 cm is sufficient area for a cat's house. It is better to focus on the actual size of the pet. In his future home, he should have room to sit comfortably on his side and stand up to his full height, but bigger is not always better.

Other important aspects:

  • structural stability;
  • hygiene and ease of care;
  • position in the apartment;
  • prevention of scratches, splinters;
  • absence of toxic substances and pungent odors.

The provided scratching post will make the future project more practical.


Below are several options for cat houses with detailed instructions. You can implement any of these models with your own hands, or take them as the basis for your own project.

Triangular prism scratching post


  • plywood 8–10 mm sheet 58×120 cm;
  • a piece of carpet 40×80 cm;
  • pillow 38×38, or fabric for sewing it;
  • pillow filling.


  1. We mark the plywood and cut it according to the marks. You should get 3 parts: a 40×40 square and two 58×40 rectangles.
  2. At a distance of 12–12.5 cm from the edge, you need to make a rectangular cut of 4.5 × 21 cm (Fig. 2).
  3. The parts are connected cutout to cutout.
  4. The bottom is secured with nails or self-tapping screws.
  5. Carpet is glued to the outside of the resulting wigwam. If desired, the structure can be completely draped with fabric.
  6. A soft pillow is placed on the floor.

Such a house suitable for sociable cats, unwilling to hide in secluded corners. Compact and suitable for a small apartment. Does not require large amounts of material. To avoid scratching the floor covering, You can glue pieces of felt onto the legs of the structure.

House-booth with scratching post and observation deck


  • 2 skeins of twine;
  • wooden post 70–90 cm high, cross-section 8–12 cm;
  • the column can be replaced with a pipe of the appropriate size;
  • plywood:
    • 44.6*300 cm 2 pcs. for side walls;
    • 64*54 cm 1 pc. for the base;
    • 60*50 cm 2 pcs. for the back wall and entrance;
    • 14*50 cm 1 pc. for the top of the roof;
    • 33.5*50 cm 2 pcs. for the sides of the roof;
    • 44.6*40 cm 1 pc. for support;
    • 40*40 cm for the platform.


  1. At the top of the front and rear walls bevels are provided. The place where you will need to attach the roof plane = 14 cm and is located in the center. The intersection point of the bevel and the edge of the part is 30 cm from the bottom. Before sawing off the corners, it is better to draw the cutting lines with chalk. Based on the finished part, we make a second identical one.
  2. In one of them you will need a passage 15–20 cm in size. A round hole can be made using a block and two screws.
  3. To do this, self-tapping screws are screwed into the rail at a distance equal to the diameter of the future opening.
  4. For a cat, having a back entrance is not important. For the cat at this stage, it is advisable to make another opening in one of the walls of the structure.
  5. The finished parts, excluding the roof, are knocked together and attached to the base. For fastening, you can use wooden slats and metal mounting profiles.
  6. It is appropriate to cover the resulting frame with fabric. If an adhesive was used, it needs time to harden.
  7. To make a scratching post, the tip of the twine is glued to the bottom of the post. You should wrap the base tightly, gradually coating it with glue. At one edge of the pipe, 25 cm of surface should remain untreated; they will not be visible.
  8. In a part 14*50 cm, a hole is cut in the center to the diameter of the claw post. The workpiece is fixed 25 cm from the edge.
  9. The scratching post is fixed in the center of the insert 44.6*40 cm.
  10. The board for the observation deck is covered with carpet, or covered with the same twine and installed on the top of the scratching post.
  11. The side parts of the roof are connected to the resulting structure.
  12. The roof is fixed to the frame.
  13. The bottom is covered with soft material and insulated with unnecessary clothing or a pillow.

You can simplify the task and make the roof for the house flat, and the scratching post will be attached directly to it, without a base hidden inside.

Unlike cats, cats prefer viewing platforms not directly above the home, but a little further away. This can be achieved by increasing the size of the base. In such cases, the scratching post is attached directly to the foundation plywood; its height may have to be reconsidered.

Round house with scratching post and observation deck


  • 2 pieces of plywood;
  • 7 wooden slats;
  • nails;
  • furniture fabric;
  • raw materials for scratching posts (see previous section).

Instructions for vertical cylinder

In this option, round plywood parts will be used as the floor and ceiling of the future home.

  1. 2 identical round blanks are cut out.
  2. They are connected into a kind of wheel, fastened together with wooden slats.
  3. For interior and exterior upholstery you will need a cover. At this stage, it is better to draw a pattern that includes one or more entrance openings.
  4. If desired, you can seal the entrance openings by sewing wooden or plastic hoops of a suitable size into them.
  5. The frame is sheathed.
  6. The design can be supplemented with a scratching post and platforms, from the examples above.

rice. 7

Instructions for horizontal cylinder

If the house (Fig. 7) is not subsequently attached to the supports at a height, one of the sides of the circle must be flat. You can draw this right away by moving the center closer to one side of the sheet. Unlike the vertical option, the entrance passage will need to be cut out in plywood. For example, according to the markings from the photo (Fig. 6).

House is a hollow

The ancestors of domestic cats in their natural habitat often chose spacious hollows in trees for their homes.

The imitation of this shelter may please your pet.

It is carried out according to the principles described in the instructions for the vertical cylinder.

Residential complex

Based on the methods above, more complex structures can be assembled. This structure helps to realize energy in an apartment.

Sun loungers, hammocks and pipes will fit harmoniously into the scheme. For a better understanding of the execution technology, a video with detailed description process.

If the question is how to make a home for several animals, it is worth considering the social foundations of the cat family. Most often, one of the residents takes the position of a leader, and the second a subordinate. It is useless to fight this, so you will have to reckon with it.

The one who is older in the hierarchy occupies a higher position.

Features of the building for several cats:

  • The levels of a multi-tiered structure should be approximately equal in functionality. Each floor will need a separate house and observation deck.
  • Housing on the same level can cause conflict among animals
  • It is advisable to equip the tier below with a covered sunbed with good review, they can replace the observation deck. It is convenient to use a piece of wide pipe for these purposes.
  • Between the two tiers a common spacious area is useful.

Wall houses

Plywood structures can be attached to the wall using special anchors. This system allows you to make the living and playing space for your pet more compact and harmoniously integrates into any interior.

Every cat owner wants to provide maximum comfort for their pet by making a separate home for it. You need to learn in advance how to sew a cat house with your own hands, the patterns of which can be created according to different sources, in different styles.

A cat needs housing, as these little animals love to find a secluded corner where they can be alone with themselves. Cats prefer closed spaces, and that is why they often crawl under a blanket or blanket, into closets, or into suitcases. A cat house is necessary. These pets love to have their own space where they will rest, sleep and spend time. In a word, a house prepared for a pet is actually its home.

Stores sell ready-made houses, but it’s more pleasant to make a home for your beloved pet with your own hands. A house made with your own hands has many advantages:

  1. You can choose the material yourself, giving preference to quality;
  2. Housing can be prepared tastefully, making it attractive with different things;
  3. The pattern of the house can be made with your own hands according to your plans and desires; as a result, the cat house will turn out to be the size that was planned;
  4. You can choose the color and design so that the cat house is in harmony with the interior of the room.

You need to make a pattern for the house after determining its shape. You can sew a cat's house from different materials, in the most interesting forms. Typically, a house pattern is made taking into account that standard housing will look like a dog house. The structure must have a roof, convenient entrance and soft bedding. It’s good when the cat’s house is designed taking into account the overall interior of the room.

A cat house can be of different shapes, depending on the design specifics of the product:

  • Hammocks;
  • sunbeds;
  • Houses - booths;
  • Cardboard structures.
  • Mini-beds and sofas;
  • Built-in houses;
  • Complexes with game elements.

In order to sew a cat's house, certain materials are used. The material must meet special requirements, the pattern of the house must be correct and clear. The main types of cat houses are as follows:

Designs that correspond to the thermal conditions of the apartment. The patterns needed to sew a cat's house are prepared from natural fabrics or felt.
Open or closed type, depending on the character and physical activity of the pet.
A cat house with various additional inserts (shelves, space for a bowl, partition).
The cat house should not have exposed corners or metal fasteners to avoid damage to the pet’s coat. Because of such injuries, the cat may dislike the home and refuse to live in it.

How to sew a cat house from foam rubber

First you need to determine what materials will be needed for this purpose. For a do-it-yourself foam house you will need:

You should have at hand:

  • Furniture stapler;
  • Threads and needles.

The pattern of the house is made from a cardboard box 45x45 centimeters, from another cardboard four isosceles triangles with a base of 45 centimeters are obtained. If desired, if you don't have cardboard on hand, you can use newsprint. The pattern of the house includes details of the outer and inner cover with seam allowances. On one of the triangles you need to cut a round hole measuring 20 cm in diameter closer to the base. If the cardboard is large, the pattern of the house can be made using bends on this cardboard.

You need to get identical parts from foam rubber (8 parts). If you managed to create the patterns correctly, sewing a cat’s house will be easy. To provide warmth, you need to sew the housing using warm materials. Soft fabric is used to make the bedding softer. The housing should have a separate bedding, which will help you wash it if necessary, so that the cat’s house is always clean and comfortable.

A post is attached to the base, which is covered with a layer of glue and wrapped with a rope made of natural material. The inside of the cat house should be made of thick fabric, and the outside should preferably be made of material in joyful colors, but closer to the style of the interior of the room where the house will stand.

Foam rubber parts are placed on cardboard ones, fixed with a stapler, you can sew them with strong threads or use glue.

Then the outer cover is sewn together from a reliable material, leaving the lower area unsewn. Afterwards, we turn the cover inside out with the seams, put it on the tent and sew it up from the bottom.

A cat house must have a window. When making a pattern to sew a house for a cat, you need to take this into account. The window is also treated with seams.

The roof needs to be removable, preferably flat, cats love to lie on the roof. To get a flat roof, you need to make a pattern using 4 isosceles trapezoids and one rectangle, instead of four triangles.

You can build an observation deck near the window. The function of observation platforms is performed by wooden squares. The sticks are sawn into equal parts. The platform is glued to them, one should be higher than the other.

It is convenient to make the lower part with a zipper, the housing requires maintenance, the cover needs to be changed or washed periodically.

You can sew a cat's house by sewing the parts separately. The housing is completely completed after flashing all the finished parts. You can get creative and decorate the cat house with ribbons at the corners.

You can create an interesting version of a cat house
also made of textile material. Patterns that help to sew a cat's house from textile material can be made of thick paper.

The house can also be made from carpet. The patterns used to sew the cat's house are applied to the material and, when cutting, a house of the required size and shape is obtained.

It's no secret to any owner that cats need to sharpen their claws. Taking this into account, you need to glue a piece of carpet or a specially prepared sharpener to the outer wall of the house. You can make a sharpener yourself. You just need to wrap a piece of thick cardboard with rope. This will not only please your pet, but will also help protect the furniture from the animal’s claws.

You can place your pet in the house after 3 days, taking into account that the glue must dry. Otherwise, it may harm the cat’s health, and she may refuse to live.

Before the housewarming, you need to place a warm blanket or soft pillow in the house so that the lover of warmth and comfort will feel comfortable.

You need to position the house in such a direction that the cat can see who is entering the room.

Sewing a cat's house with your own hands is a useful and interesting activity! At first glance, it may seem that creating patterns and sewing a cat’s house is difficult, but this is not so. You just need to follow the step-by-step instructions and everything will work out. An interesting and creative design will not only please your pet, but also decorate the room.

Domestic cats need an individual corner where no one will disturb their sleep. The decision to equip a comfortable place to relax with your own hands is very practical. In this case, all the nuances of the situation are taken into account and characteristics animal. The proposed master classes with step-by-step instructions accompanied by photos will help you decide on the optimal model of a cat house.

Conditions for properly equipping a pet house

The initial stage of any creative process is planning. When designing a house for a cat, you should take into account a lot of nuances, which we will discuss in detail.

Shape, size and color

Among the variety of designs, the most common are beds and houses with a scratching post; the optimal solution is to combine both options. When arranging a closed model, preference is given to rectangular shapes, although round houses also appear in the photo from time to time. The choice of design dimensions is influenced by two factors: the size of the cat and the availability of free space in the room. If you are the owner of two or more animals, you cannot do without a play complex. Cats are hunters by nature, so they will appreciate a house with two exits, which is very convenient to keep an eye on a potential enemy.

A wide range of finishing materials allows you to choose a fabric that will harmonize with the overall interior and at the same time have sufficient strength so as not to tear when the cat uses the house.


The material for the house is selected depending on the planned model. Let's take a look at the most common solutions:

  • The frame of a play complex or a single closed structure is usually made of chipboard. A detailed master class for this option will be offered below. Plywood, MDF or natural boards are also suitable for these purposes.
  • If you have certain skills, you can weave original models of cozy houses with your own hands from wicker or newspaper tubes.
  • Mastering a needle and thread will be enough to build a cozy bed for your cat or a soft house made of foam rubber.
  • Closed and open houses for cats made from boxes are extremely simple to make.
  • To decorate the scratching posts with your own hands, use jute or sisal rope. Avoid fixing the material with nails or staples; cats may be injured by such devices.
  • The basis of a cat scratching post is usually PVC pipes; sometimes metal products or wooden beams are used.
  • Sintepon, foam rubber, and artificial straw are suitable as fillers for pillows and sailors.
  • The interior lining is made of soft fabrics: plush, fleece, and faux fur will come in handy for a cat.
  • The exterior decoration of the house is selected taking into account the cat’s habit of tearing its claws. Therefore, in a capital structure, the material must be strong enough. The carpet fully satisfies the requirements provided there are no electrostatic properties.

Advice ! When studying any master class, please note that making a structure for a cat with your own hands is carried out using natural materials.

An important point is the choice of glue; it should not emit a pungent aroma that will scare away the cat. Give preference to products containing organic solvent.

The photos below clearly demonstrate the wide the lineup houses that you can decorate with your own hands:


The key condition for the correct placement of a cat house is the stability of the structure. Therefore, for gaming complexes it is advisable to take care of a fiberboard base. Another nuance is the level of installation of the house. Cats prefer to watch what is happening from above, so when designing it is better to plan its location at a height of 1.0-1.2 m from the shelf. It is also preferable to equip beds, hammocks and just stands at different levels.

Arrangement of a compact design with a scratching post

The compact design of a house with a scratching post, a stand and a toy on a rope will harmoniously fit into the interior of a small room. Additional elements allow you to organize not only passive rest for your cat, but also active pastime. A photo of the finished structure will help you understand more specifically what will be discussed in the future master class.

Preparatory stage

Before you start creating a comfortable mini complex with a cat house with your own hands, you should make sure you have the following materials:

  • For the base of the house - fiberboard board measuring 40x120 cm.
  • On the roof - chipboard 44x60 cm, walls - fiberboard 44x55 cm.
  • The spacers for the walls of the house are made of 7 slats 38 cm long with a section of 3x4 cm.
  • The basis of the scratching post is a PVC pipe Ø 110 mm, 60 cm long, the winding is made of jute rope.
  • The inclined scratching post is made of 40x18 cm board.
  • 2 wooden beams will help ensure the stability of the scratching post near the house.
  • The base of the bed is made of fiberboard, chipboard and foam rubber measuring 44x30 cm.
  • Upholstery fabric for decorating a house, a bed and an inclined scratching post.

Building a structure for a cat with your own hands is impossible without the following tools:

  • Jigsaw (preferably electric) and saw.
  • Screwdriver with drill.
  • Scissors and sandpaper for sanding house parts.
  • Hot glue gun and furniture stapler.
  • Pencil, marker, chalk and tape measure.

Manufacturing process

A detailed master class will help you competently organize the workflow of creating a mini complex for a cat with a house, a scratching post and a bed with your own hands. So:

  • Rectangular elements are initially cut from chipboard and fiberboard according to the dimensions indicated in the previous section. It is not necessary to strictly adhere to the proposed dimensions; you can independently determine the optimal outline of the cat’s house.
  • On both parts, a circle with a radius of approximately 27 cm is outlined. It is better to do this with a compass; if you don’t have one, use a marker attached to a rope.

Note! The center of the circle is shifted down to ensure the stability of the cylindrical house structure.

  • The back wall will remain solid; on the front wall they draw an entrance hole with a diameter of 22 cm and small windows Ø 5.5 cm, as shown in the following photo:

  • The next stage is cutting out the holes yourself. For this you will need a jigsaw and a drill.
  • Next, both parts of the future cat house are combined to make marks where the slats will be fixed. It is recommended to install about seven spacers. It is practical to make marks by drilling through them on two walls, as shown in the photo:

  • In the holes, a drill is used to prepare recesses for the self-tapping screws that will secure the slats.
  • The slats for the cat house require preliminary processing: after planing, the edges are smoothed and roughness is removed. Thickened bottom slats will provide the cat house with greater stability.
  • The front and back parts of the cat structure are connected with slats using self-tapping screws, look at the photo to see what should happen in the end:

  • The next stage is cutting out the material for decorative finishing of the structure.

Advice ! It is better to choose fabric for the house with cut pile, otherwise the cat will cling to it with its claws. Faux fur, plush or pile are also suitable for these purposes.

  • The most practical way to attach decorative trim to a house blank is to use a heat gun filled with glue without a strong odor. On the front side you will need to carefully cut out the holes for the entrance and windows and process the edges.

  • The place on the chipboard base where the house will be fixed is decorated with foam rubber. Its dimensions correspond to the dimensions of the cat rest structure. A circle is drawn nearby where the frame of the cat scratching post will be installed.
  • The entire base is decorated with decorative material. This is convenient to do using a furniture stapler. Having wrapped the fabric, the bottom of the base is covered with a sheet of fiberboard.
  • Now you can proceed to processing the roof of the house. First, the upper part is glued, then the slats located at the bottom inside the structure are closed. After which the cat house can be attached to the base, having first selected the correct size of screws. The following photos clearly show the interior design of the house and the cat’s satisfaction with the process according to the proposed master class.

There is very little left. To stabilize the plastic pipe, wooden blocks are placed inside on both sides. Depending on the materials used, they are secured with screws or glue. Semicircular elements are cut out of chipboard and fiberboard for a cat bed. First, a piece of fiberboard is strung onto the pipe (later it will cover the edges of the decorative trim).

Then a chipboard part is attached to the beam. Having given the design of the cat house a horizontal position, the location for fixing the scratching post is determined, as shown in the following photo:

After which the pipe is connected to the base of the cat house. Final touches:

  • attach a cord for a hanging toy under the part of the chipboard bed;
  • cover the cat bed with fabric, first adding foam rubber;
  • connect with glue to the lower part made of fiberboard;
  • decorate the pipe with jute or sisal rope with periodic fixation with glue;
  • An interesting bubo made of soft fabric is attached to the edge of the suspended cord.

This is what a cat house with a stand looks like now, all that remains is to design an inclined scratching post with your own hands.

On one side, a diagonal cut is made on the board for stable fixation on the base of the cat structure. The edges of the board can be covered with cloth, and the middle can be wrapped with rope. After that, the upper edge of the scratching post is attached to the slats of the cat house, and the lower edge to the base. This completes the master class with step-by-step instructions for decorating a mini complex with a house. You can supplement it with your own elements or change the dimensions, the main thing is to ensure the strength and stability of all components.

Design of the gaming complex

Making a multi-level play complex will require a lot of time and effort, but everyone will experience positive emotions from the result obtained - both the cat owner and the animal for which it is intended. The step-by-step instructions offered in the master class and numerous photos will help you navigate in the right direction and create a practical corner for your cat without unnecessary difficulties. The materials for such products are standard; door hinges may seem like an innovation.


Let's move on to the process:

At the first stage, a box of arbitrary sizes (without one side wall) is assembled from sheets of chipboard; in our case, a spacious house for a cat is 80 cm long, 55 cm wide, and 30 cm high. The outline of the entrance can be any, if desired, give design individual characteristics, you can cut out the likeness of a cat's head. The assembled frame of the house is attached to the base, as shown in the photo:

Hinges are attached to the free side part and the door is fixed. The pipes are secured to the house with corners and screws.

By alternating pipes with chipboard panels, you can create a play complex of any design for your cat with your own hands. different quantities levels.

Note! For convenient movement of the cat, holes are formed in the panels.

The photo shows that above the house there is a bench between two pipes, then there is a solid ceiling.

The next level is again a bed, but of a different shape. It will be interesting for the cat to move between the houses using the stairs, which can be installed on the side or directly inside the complex. Furniture corners are also used for its fastening.

It is better to design the upper house with a gable roof; it is installed symmetrically on four pipes.

Advice ! By securing one part of the roof on hinges, you will greatly facilitate the process of cleaning the house.

A transitional shelf between the house and the closet, which additionally secures the multi-level complex for the cat, will help to give greater stability to the structure.


After the assembly process, decorative finishing begins. First, all pipes are wrapped with rope made from natural materials, and they are secured at the top with glue. Beds, ceilings and houses are covered with carpet. On individual elements you will need to make holes for pipes. It is recommended to fix corners and hard-to-reach areas with a furniture stapler.

DIY decoration can be done in one color or a combination of finishes. The processing of ends and joints requires a particularly careful approach. It is convenient to cover the hole area with furniture slats, which are easily deformed and provide a smooth surface that cannot injure the cat. At this point the master class can be considered complete. Despite the voluminous work, the step-by-step instructions will become reliable assistants in the noble impulse to create a play complex for your cat with your own hands.


The proposed master classes will not be complete without men's hands. If they do not want to participate in the process, it is better to stop at making models of houses with your own hands, which require exclusively female skills. For the most basic transformation of a cardboard box into a cat’s favorite resting place, you will need scissors and tape. You can sew a simple bed with your own hands from foam rubber and soft fabric in a couple of hours. Therefore, when choosing a design for a cat, consider your capabilities and availability of free time.

These are the nests. It’s quite easy to make, 2 circles of fur, a foam rubber circle, pulled together a string threaded around the edge, and you got a nest! Kitties love to sit in them.

Cut out 2 circles (thick fabric and fur) 80 cm in diameter, and a circle of foam rubber 40 cm in diameter! Sew 2 large circles on the wrong side, turn them right side out, insert foam rubber, and sew on the right side around the foam rubber. From the edge great circle, retreating 1 cm, stitched, inserted a lace there, and pulled it off. Well, there’s decoration: pompons, etc. already to taste!


Cap tip. Source materials: 2-centimeter foam rubber, better elastic fabric such as stretch velvet, fleece (in my case), but flannel and even cotton or linen will do just fine. For naked people I take fleece, it’s warm. How I made the pattern. Take an orange, cut it into 6 slices, remove the peel, cut it in half crosswise, and here in front of you is a mini pattern of one part. The size of my cap is 50 cm in diameter excluding the visor and 30 cm in height. Let's remember the math - the circumference of a circle is 2Р=2 x 3.14 x 25cm=157cm. This is the circumference. Divide by 6 = 26cm. Here are the finished dimensions of one triangular cap wedge - base 26 cm, height 35. Cut 6 parts from foam rubber. Cut the parts from the fabric with an allowance of 2.5 cm. In one, cut out the entrance arch. Next, take the foam rubber, place the fabric on both sides, face outward, and baste both fabrics together, leaving the foam rubber between them. The elasticity of the house depends on how tightly you wrap the foam rubber. Sew the pieces together along the sides of the triangles.

Further. You have a dome without a bottom. Cut the bottom, diameter 50cm, from foam rubber and also cover it with fabric, the seams facing out. Turn the dome inside out, sew the bottom, the seams don’t need to be processed, cut off the excess, turn the house inside out. Sew a 1cm foam rubber canopy separately to the house. I do everything by hand. Thick foam rubber will not allow you to make an even stitch on a machine. Although... That's it. Mathematics will be useful to you if you need a smaller house or bigger size. Another tip. To prevent the foam from bunching up when washing, baste the inner fabric to the foam without grabbing the outer fabric randomly, like the back of a sofa, or in separate lines. Verified. Good luck, everything will work out if you do it with love for your cat.

Tapestry fabric, 2 m
Plain dense rep to match the tapestry, 1.1 m
Foam rubber 3.5 cm thick, 1 sheet measuring 1 x 2 m
Clothesline, 2 m
Long needle, breadboard knife (or scissors)

1. Transfer the patterns onto graph paper. Prick the corresponding roof piece onto the foam rubber and cut it out with a breadboard knife. Make the second part mirror symmetrical. Also cover the foam bottom with a diameter of 55 cm.

2. Hand sew the darts over the edge. Also make the back seam, aligning the sides with the number 1.

3. Place the bottom into the foam “roof” and connect the parts at the front, sewing the sides with the number 2.

4. Cut out two pieces each of the exterior and interior decoration of the house from tapestry and plain fabric (see diagram). Make them mirror symmetrical. Cover the bottom round bottom with a diameter of 66 cm from tapestry fabric. The bottom for internal processing with a diameter of 55 cm is made of plain finishing fabric. Open out all the details with an allowance of 1.2 cm. Sew darts on the details of the external and internal processing of the house (they are marked with crosses). Sew the back seams 1 cm from the edge.

5. Connect the numbered sides of 4 pieces of a single-color facing (top seam). Sew this part along the sides with the numbers 5 with the blank for the interior decoration of the house. Sweep the blanks for the interior and exterior trim along the sides with the numbers 6, aligning the same icons (see diagram). Make sure that the pieces meet along the long sides of the front of the house, and sew the sections with numbers 2 together with a seam 1 cm from the edge. Also connect the sides with number 3. Sew the basted seam (with a seam 1 cm from the edge).

6. Sew decorative piping to finish the bottom of the house. To do this, cut out a 3 cm wide bias tape from a plain fabric. Place the cord in the fold of the tape and stitch as close as possible to the resulting roll. Use a special zipper foot for this, moving the needle to the far left position. Sew the piping to the bottom edge of the outer trim of the house (along the edges with numbers 7). To the bottom edge of the interior trim (along the sections with numbers), sew a bottom made of plain fabric (55 cm in diameter), having previously basted it. Make the seams 1 cm from the edge.

7. Place the cover on the foam frame and straighten the facing piece made of finishing plain fabric. The stitch seam should run along the outer corner of the foam roof. Align all fabric parts with foam parts, eliminating distortions. Secure the interior trim with tack stitches, piercing the needle all the way through the foam, out and back.

8. Place a round tapestry piece (66 cm in diameter) onto the foam bottom. Fold the seam allowance inward and pin the edge to the piping. Connect the pieces by hand using an over-the-edge stitch using threads to match the tapestry.


The end of the dart forms a bulge. Iron it in steam mode.

Do not sew the inner bottom to the foam base, but simply tuck the fabric between the bottom and roof pieces (in a circle). Then you can take it out when necessary and shake off any accumulated fur and debris.

If you do not find foam rubber 3.5 cm thick, adjust the pattern. If the material is thicker, add the difference to the allowance on the number 5 side (or reduce the allowance if it is thinner). In this case, the radius of the bottom parts made of foam rubber and finishing fabric will change accordingly. Be sure to first sweep out the parts and try on the cover.

Cat house.

Healthy sleep without drafts, in a soft, cozy bedroom... Isn’t this what all living beings on earth dream of? What about the cat? She is also a “person”!

Like everyone else living in the house, the cat should have a place where it can retire and sleep peacefully. Our Vika chose a suitcase for this purpose, lying on the very top shelf of her wardrobe. And everything would be fine, but firstly: she climbs in there using our clothes, and secondly: she is not visible there and, in order to make sure that the cat is at home, she has to be disturbed. Besides, the suitcase is not the best place rest of the young lady.

The thought of a sleeping place has been in the air for a long time. I even made an attempt to kill two birds with one stone by building a cat house - a kind of entertainment center with a bedroom. But Vika appreciated the building only as an entertainment center, and the house as a large and comfortable scratching post. Perhaps if I had placed the house under the ceiling and not on the floor, it would have become the cat’s favorite bedroom...

To start work, I bought a sheet of foam rubber 2cm thick, faux fur and padding polyester. Foam rubber is the frame of our structure, and let’s start with it. It’s worth stopping here and warning - all this clean water improvisation - the dimensions were taken from the ceiling, there were no preliminary drawings and everything was drawn on foam rubber using whatever was available. I made the base of the bedroom almost oval in shape, namely: I drew two circles with a radius of 20 cm with a space of 10 cm between the centers. The side must correspond to the length of the “oval”, namely: the length of a circle with a radius of 20 cm plus 20 cm (two distances between the circles). The formula for the length of a circle is =2pR. In our case, 2x3.1415x20+20=145.66cm. I got 150cm (it happened that way). I made the side 20cm high with a 10cm deep cutout for the entrance, and I made the same cutout in the roof. To create the roof, I made almost the same “oval” as for the base, but with circles with a radius of 30cm. The perimeter of this “oval” is 2x3.1415x30+20=208.49. Plus/minus the error I got ~60cm difference between the roof and the base. This difference will make our roof convex. 60/4=15cm - I cut 4 wedges from the roof, the base length of which was 15cm. All that remains is to cover the frame with fabric.

I'm not much of a tailor. Therefore, I transferred this part of the work to my mother. We don't have a sewing machine at home, so everything is done by hand. The interior lining of the bedroom consists of faux fur, and the exterior is made of an almost new, but hopelessly damaged, satin bedspread.

The pattern for the pillow was made according to the external size of the bottom. Thick synthetic padding polyester folded into four was used as filler (thin padding polyester, I think, should be folded 8 times). To prevent the padding polyester from falling off inside, it was secured with several stitches around the perimeter of the pillow. A couple of days passed from the moment of sewing the house to sewing the pillow, during which time the cat managed to get used to it and the beginning of fussing around the pillow aroused the cat’s wild interest. To fill the pillow with padding polyester, I had to fight with a wild animal for the pillowcase. And when the pillow was ready and put in the basket for fitting, the cat immediately jumped inside, tucked her paws and narrowed her eyes, saying with all her appearance: “I’ve been sleeping here for half a day, and you’re walking around and disturbing me.”

The roof should be attached to the side with tape, but this is not ready yet, since the cat liked to sleep without a roof, and the inverted roof became an alternative basket.

Vika happily sleeps in her new bedroom and dozes in the upside-down roof. For two days I didn’t remember at all about the suitcase I slept on before, but now I sometimes climb into it, out of old memory. I'll try to wean it off.

I'll share my idea. The bed is made very simply and quickly. If I was able to build it with my crooked hands, then anyone can do it.
The bed requires 1.5 cm thick foam rubber and covering fabric. I took fleece.
Cut 2 circles from foam rubber, the diameter is equal to the size of the couch. Put them together. Cut 2 circles from the fabric: the first is the diameter of the bed + 0.5 cm for the seam, the second is the diameter of the bed + thickness (3 cm) + 0.5 cm for the seam. Place the foam bottom on the larger circle and cover with the smaller one, sewing the edges.

07/30/2017 1,862 Views

A cardboard house can have any shape and fit organically into any interior

A person is as cultured as he can understand a cat.

Bernard Show

And it’s hard to disagree with this, isn’t it? Along with understanding your pet is also awareness and understanding of its needs. A cat’s house is a place where your pet can fully relax or just spend time, active or not. By the way, making it yourself is not at all difficult, you just need to decide on the materials.

Want to know more? Then let's get started!

  • Making a scratching post house
  • Selection of materials
  • Sleeping place made of fabric
  • Cardboard options
  • Aviary made of chipboard or MDF
  • A cat wigwam is an easy way to decorate a room and give your cat its own corner

    Before you start looking for free boxes and fabric, you need to decide on a few important points:

      • How to determine the height of the house? Keep in mind: the more the better;
      • Viewing area.
    • Fact! Cats love to watch what's going on around them, so it's great if the house is located opposite front door, and the viewing area will be maximum;

      • The house must have a scratching post - this will prevent damage to the furniture.
      • Cute crafts using wool felting technique

        Round cat bed with wooden legs

        Stylish terry beds in the shape of a burger

        Making a scratching post house

        There are these types of houses for cats that you can easily make with your own hands:

      • Hammocks– soft loungers, the models of which vary depending on the method of fastening. They can be hung in different places, but in any case they are attached on four sides. Some hammocks have a rigid base, which allows them to be attached between the slats of a chair or table.
      • Beds- a simple option for creating housing for your beloved pet. They can be made in the form of boxes, baskets, rectangles, etc. The simplest bed consists of a small stand and a mattress.
      • Booth– a house made in this form can be upholstered soft tissues. A scratching post must be installed in it.
      • Cardboard house– this option is original, but its functionality is reduced to a minimum. It quickly becomes unusable, but can be made in the form of a palace, an ordinary house or a hut.

      • Built-in houses– here you will need a free bedside table. This option is functional, since the owner can place personal belongings upstairs, and the cat will live inside. WITH inside the house can be upholstered with soft material and supplemented with a special bed.
      • Wooden bridges under the ceiling

        Cozy toothy cave for your pet

        House in the shape of a crystal. Inside there is a soft pet bed

        Wooden suspended structures on several floors are suitable for houses where several cats live

        Bathroom cabinet designed to resemble a cat's abode

        Curious, but true!Miniature furniture designed specifically for animals is becoming increasingly popular. As a rule, this is a small sofa or chair in which the cat will feel comfortable. Make themwith your own handsIt’s not easy, but in stores they are presented in a wide range.

        Selection of materials

        All materials that can be used to make houses with your own hands are divided into several categories:

      • To make the frame, you can use plywood or chipboard. The main condition for the material used is the absence of a pungent odor - this will scare away the pet. To make a base for a bed, you can use straw or regular plastic.
      • For upholstery, you can use soft plush or carpet. These materials can be used to sew bedding or pillows for cats. It is recommended to use padding polyester or foam rubber as a filler. Artificial fillers are available for sale - they are found in the form of granules that retain heat.
      • Connecting fasteners can be made of metal pipes. They will not only increase the period of operation of the house, but will also make it much more sustainable. Glue, but odorless, or nails can be used as fastenings. A stapler is often used. For softer designs, you can use weaving from newspaper tubes.

      • Advice!When choosing materials, do not limit yourself to those listed above. Velor, suede, even synthetic fabrics would be great options! The main condition is that the materials should not be electrified.

        The simplest and most affordable option for a house is cardboard. Decorating such a product will not be difficult - just buy gift wrapping paper, which can be found in any souvenir shop

        Plywood ideas - simple and tasteful

        For the manufacture of simple house for a cat made of fabric and plywood, we advise you to use the following materials:

      • Plywood figures;
      • Angular profile;
      • Screws;
      • Carpet (the house must be soft).
      • "Catosphere" made of plywood

        Scheme-drawing of a whole complex for a cat with a house, shelves, pipes

        Making a home for a pet from plywood and carpet is not difficult.

        And now step by step:

      • It is necessary to fasten different parts of the future cat house with your own hands using an angular profile by drilling holes.
      • Cover the structure with carpet on each side using glue (to make the house soft on the inside, you can use foam rubber).
      • If the walls are installed in a continuous row, then it is necessary to make a hole so that the cat can go inside.
      • We draw out the entire structure on plywood and cut out the details. The edges need to be filed

        We cover the parts with carpet and install fasteners

        We screw the legs of our house

        The base should be a little longer to be able to create a step. You can put a pillow or foam inside the house for the animal’s comfort.

        We attach the top shelf to the beam

        We put a roof on the house and wrap the beam with rope

        Sleeping place made of fabric

        To make a fabric cat bed with your own hands, you will need the following materials:

      • Various fabrics (it is recommended to choose those on which the puffs will not be visible, for example, cotton);
      • Threads for sewing fabrics;
      • Small rubber bands.

      • Fabric lounger made of foam rubber, faux fur and fabric. The photo shows the template, mounting method and fabric decoration option

        Advice! A super simple solution would be to choose a fabric lounger.

        Here's what you'll need:

      • Use sewing scissors to cut out the required piece of fabric. Its length and width are calculated taking into account the parameters of the cat and its weight, as well as taking into account the place in which the bed will be located.c
      • If you want the house to be soft, you need to use foam rubber. To do this, you will need two pieces of fabric equal to each other - the sides between which the foam rubber will be located. To make a lounger, they will need to be tightly sewn together.
      • From each corner you can sew small rubber bands, with which the lounger will be tied to the legs of a table or chair (photos and videos of how to do this and sew it can be viewed on the Internet).
      • Option 1. Fabric lounger in the shape of a wigwam

        Option 2. A fabric lounger can be created using an old knitted sweater, padding poly, scissors, needle and thread

        Sew the neckline and sleeves using thread. Use an embroidery needle and knitting threads for greater strength of the product

        We form the sides of the sun lounger. To do this, fill the sleeves and upper part of the sweater with padding polyester. In the upper part of the sweater between the sleeves, you need to sew the lower part of the border as shown in the photo

        Now we sew the bottom of the sweater to the sides. First the sleeves, then the lower part. Don't forget to fill the base with padding polyester as well.

        Fabric cat bed is ready

        Cardboard options: let's do it together

        To make a cardboard cat house with your own hands, you will need to prepare the following materials:

        • Boxes;
        • Fabrics.
        • Design solution – BoxKitty. Modular apartment for a cat made of cardboard

          Toothed fish will highlight your creativity

          Even cats will like decorative holes

          DIY cat corner made of cardboard

        • Choose a box that suits all parameters: the pet should fit freely in it and feel comfortable.
        • Place it inside the fabric to make it soft for the cat.
        • If necessary, such a house can be decorated with colored paper, painted with paints or cut out windows.
        • Step 1: prepare the details. Cut out the top and bottom of the first box, but leave the frame. The leftovers and the second box will be used for the roof of the cardboard house.

          We also paint the interior walls of the house. You can choose any color you like

          Step 3: making windows in the house. To do this, we apply saucers and trace with a pencil the places where the opening will be located

          Once the openings are drawn, you can start cutting. The main part of the house is ready

          Step 4: Let's start creating the roof. To do this, connect the parts using tape

          We attach the roof to the base of the house using tape. You should get a house like this

          Glue our multi-colored tiles onto the roof of the house

          We make a decorative chimney for the house from leftover cardboard

          Step 6: let the cat into your house. If necessary, you can lay a piece of fabric on the floor of the house for the coziness and comfort of your pet.

          Advice! If you decide to make a cardboard house, then the sheets must be firmly fastened together. To do this, you can use glue or a stapler. Housing for a cat made of cardboard can be decorated if desired, and then placed anywhere in the room.

          House made of polystyrene foam

          Making an abode for a cat from this material is quite simple. For this you will not need anything other than fabrics and a large piece of material. It is necessary to cut out the inner part from foam plastic using special scissors. It is recommended to line the inside with a cloth or blanket so that the cat and kittens feel comfortable.

          Aviary made of chipboard or MDF

          Making a complex for cats with your own hands requires special skills in carpentry. If you own them, then you need to prepare:

          • Metal pipes;
          • Fabrics;
          • Chipboard or MDF;
          • Nails.
          • Summer house for a furry pet

            Cat hole in your kitchen

            Neat hammock tent

            We are making a residential complex for a pet:

          • It is necessary to cut out a circle-shaped base from chipboard or MDF, corresponding to the parameters of the cat, so that it can lie on it.
          • Attach a metal pipe to the bottom center. It must be installed on a base made of lumber.
          • To the base on which the metal pipe is located, you need to nail several planks on each side - the walls, then build a roof (do not forget about the hole for the metal pipe!).
          • So that the cat can climb to the top (round base), you can attach a small staircase with wide steps to the wall of the house, with metal pipes serving as supports.

          • The back wall is solid. Therefore, we just need to draw a truncated circle. In the lower corner we draw a circle, which will become the entrance to the house, and on the side we draw several small circles. The template shows a diagram with dimensions for a typical house. Did you guess that the holes resemble a cat's paw?

            Cut out the holes and the shape of the house using a jigsaw

            We place the cut out parts on top of each other and mark the fastening points of the slats. To do this, simply drill holes on both parts with a thin drill.

            We prepare the slats. It is necessary to cut off all sharp corners and edges

            The slats will help hold the house parts together

            The next step is gluing the fabric to the wooden base. Choose glue without a strong odor so as not to scare off the animal.

            It is necessary to carefully work out the edges of the hole. To do this, use another strip of fabric

            Glue the fabric to the base of the house

            The roof of the house also needs to be covered with fabric.

            The bottom slats that hold the base of the house together must also be covered with fabric.

            The next stage is attaching the house to the base using self-tapping screws and covering the slats with fabric

            We fasten the roof of the house using a furniture stapler

            Nail scissors will help straighten the fabric under the staples.

            We continue to cover the house with fabric. Particular attention must be paid to those parts that are visible from the outside.

            View of the finished house. You can use two types of fabric when working to make your home even more beautiful.

            The next stage is creating a scratching post. For this we take plastic pipe(height 60 cm, diameter 11 cm) and two bars to strengthen it

            We insert the bars into the tube

            Cut out two semicircular bases. The first is for the bed, the second is to cover the glued part

            Cut a hole in one of the semicircles and insert a tube into it

            The next stage is screwing the bed to a block inserted into the tube

            We glue the lower part of the pipe with fabric. This part will not be used as a scratching post.

            The next stage is gluing the foam rubber to the bed

            Cover the bed with fabric. The pipe must be wrapped with rope, the upper part of which is best glued

            Ready-made mini-complex for cats

            So, anyone can experiment with cat apartments, the main thing is that your pet feels comfortable and comfortable. If you have your own ideas or already completed cat house projects, share them with us and all our readers in the comments!