When is it better to inject Actovegin in the morning or in the evening. Actovegin in ampoules. When to take Actovegin injections in the morning or in the evening. Actovegin intravenously and intramuscularly: which is better? Actovegin for athletes Why Actovegin injections are prescribed intramuscularly

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Actovegin represents antihypoxic drug, which activates the delivery and assimilation of oxygen and glucose by cells of various organs and tissues. Due to the pronounced antihypoxic effect, Actovegin is also a universal accelerator of metabolism in all organs and tissues. The drug is used topically (outwardly) for the treatment of various wounds (burns, abrasions, cuts, ulcers, bedsores, etc.), as it accelerates the healing process of any tissue damage. In addition, Actovegin reduces the severity of disorders caused by insufficient blood supply to tissues and organs, and translates vascular diseases caused by a sharp narrowing of their lumen into milder forms, and also improves memory and thinking. Accordingly, systemically (in tablets and injections) Actovegin is used to eliminate the consequences of a stroke, traumatic brain injury, as well as to treat circulatory disorders in the brain and other organs and tissues.

Varieties, names, composition and forms of release

Actovegin is currently available in the following dosage forms (which are also sometimes called varieties):
  • Gel for external use;
  • Ointment for external use;
  • Cream for external use;
  • Solution for infusions ("droppers") on dextrose in 250 ml bottles;
  • Solution for infusion in 0.9% sodium chloride (in saline) in 250 ml bottles;
  • Solution for injection in ampoules of 2 ml, 5 ml and 10 ml;
  • Tablets for oral administration.
Gel, cream, ointment and Actovegin tablets do not have any other everyday simplified name. But forms for injection in everyday life are often called simplified names. So, the solution for injection is often called "ampoules Actovegin", "actovegin injections", as well as "Actovegin 5", "Actovegin 10". In the names "Actovegin 5" and "Actovegin 10" the numbers mean the number of milliliters in an ampoule with a solution ready for administration.

All dosage forms of Actovegin as an active (active) component contain deproteinized hemoderivat derived from blood collected from healthy calves fed exclusively on milk. Deproteinized hemoderivat is a product obtained from the blood of calves by cleaning it from large protein molecules (deproteinization). As a result of deproteinization, a special set of biologically active blood molecules of calves, small in mass, is obtained, which are able to activate the metabolism in any organ and tissue. Moreover, such a combination of active substances does not contain large protein molecules that can cause allergic reactions.

Deproteinized hemoderivat from the blood of calves is standardized according to the content of certain classes of biologically active substances. This means that chemists ensure that each hemoderivate fraction contains the same amount of biologically active substances, despite the fact that they are obtained from the blood of different animals. Accordingly, all hemoderivate fractions contain the same amount of active ingredients and have the same intensity of therapeutic action.

The active component of Actovegin (deproteinized derivative) is often called in official instructions "Actovegin concentrate".

Various dosage forms of Actovegin contain different amounts of the active ingredient (deproteinized hemoderivat):

  • Gel Actovegin - contains 20 ml of gemoderivate (0.8 g in dried form) in 100 ml of gel, which corresponds to 20% concentration of the active ingredient.
  • Ointment and cream Actovegin - contain 5 ml of gemoderivate (0.2 g in dried form) in 100 ml of ointment or cream, which corresponds to 5% concentration of the active ingredient.
  • Solution for infusion in dextrose - contains 25 ml of hemoderivat (1 g in dried form) per 250 ml of a ready-to-use solution, which corresponds to an active ingredient concentration of 4 mg / ml or 10%.
  • Solution for infusion in 0.9% sodium chloride - contains 25 ml (1 g dried) or 50 ml (2 g dried) hemoderivat per 250 ml ready-to-use solution, which corresponds to an active ingredient concentration of 4 mg / ml ( 10%) or 8 mg/ml (20%).
  • Solution for injection - contains 40 mg of dry hemoderivat per 1 ml (40 mg / ml). The solution is available in ampoules of 2 ml, 5 ml and 10 ml. Accordingly, ampoules with 2 ml of solution contain 80 mg of the active ingredient, with 5 ml of solution - 200 mg and with 10 ml of solution - 400 mg.
  • Tablets for oral administration - contain 200 mg of dry hemoderivate.
All dosage forms of Actovegin (ointment, cream, gel, solutions for infusions, solutions for injections and tablets) are ready to use and do not require any preparation before use. This means that the ointment, gel or cream can be applied immediately after opening the package, the tablets can be taken without preparation. Solutions for infusion are administered intravenously ("dropper") without prior dilution and preparation, simply by placing a bottle in the system. And injection solutions are also administered intramuscularly, intravenously or intra-arterially without preliminary dilution, simply by choosing an ampoule with the required amount of milliliters.

Hemoderivative, which is part of all dosage forms of Actovegin, contains sodium chloride in the form of sodium and chlorine ions, which appeared in it, since the blood of calves contains this salt, and it is not removed during deproteinization. That is, sodium chloride is not added specifically to hemoderivative obtained from the blood of calves. Manufacturers indicate that the solution for injection contains approximately 26.8 mg of sodium chloride per 1 ml. The content of sodium chloride in other dosage forms of Actovegin is not indicated, since it is not calculated.

Solution for injection in ampoules as an auxiliary component contains only sterile distilled water. Solution for infusion on dextrose as auxiliary components contains distilled water, dextrose and sodium chloride. Solution for infusion on 0.9% sodium chloride contains only sodium chloride and water as auxiliary components.

Actovegin tablets as auxiliary components contain the following substances:

  • Mountain wax glycolate;
  • Titanium dioxide;
  • Diethyl phthalate;
  • Dried gum arabic;
  • Microcrystalline cellulose;
  • Povidone K90 and K30;
  • Sucrose;
  • magnesium stearate;
  • Talc;
  • Dye quinoline yellow varnish aluminum (E104);
  • Hypromellose phthalate.
The composition of the auxiliary components of the gel, ointment and cream Actovegin is shown in the table below:
Auxiliary components of Actovegin gel Auxiliary components of Actovegin ointment Auxiliary components of Actovegin cream
carmellose sodiumwhite paraffinBenzalkonium chloride
calcium lactateMethyl parahydroxybenzoateGlyceryl monostearate
Methyl parahydroxybenzoatePropyl parahydroxybenzoateMacrogol 400
propylene glycolcholesterolMacrogol 4000
Propyl parahydroxybenzoatecetyl alcoholcetyl alcohol
Purified waterPurified waterPurified water

Cream, ointment and gel Actovegin are available in aluminum tubes of 20 g, 30 g, 50 g and 100 g. The cream and ointment are a homogeneous white mass. Gel Actovegin is a transparent yellowish or colorless homogeneous mass.

Solutions for infusion Actovegin based on dextrose or 0.9% sodium chloride are clear, colorless or slightly yellow liquids that do not contain impurities. The solutions are produced in 250 ml transparent glass bottles, which are closed with a cork and an aluminum cap with control of the first opening.

Actovegin injection solutions are available in 2 ml, 5 ml or 10 ml ampoules. Sealed ampoules are placed in a carton box of 5, 10, 15 or 25 pieces. The solutions themselves in ampoules are a transparent liquid of slightly yellow or colorless color with a small amount of floating particles.

Actovegin tablets are colored greenish-yellow, shiny, round biconvex. Tablets are packed in dark glass bottles of 50 pieces.

The volume of Actovegin ampoules in ml

Actovegin solution in ampoules is intended for intravenous, intra-arterial and intramuscular injections. The solution in ampoules is ready for use, so to make an injection, you just need to open the ampoule and draw the medicine into the syringe.

Currently, the solution is available in ampoules of 2 ml, 5 ml and 10 ml. Moreover, ampoules of different volumes contain a solution with the same concentration of the active substance - 40 mg / ml, but the total content of the active ingredient in ampoules of different volumes is different. Thus, 2 ml ampoules contain 80 mg of the active substance, 5 ml ampoules contain 200 mg, and 10 ml ampoules contain 400 mg, respectively.

Therapeutic action

Actovegin is a universal stimulant of metabolism, which leads to a significant improvement in tissue nutrition and the utilization of glucose from the blood for the needs of the cells of all organs. In addition, Actovegin increases the resistance of cells of all organs and tissues to hypoxia, as a result of which, even under conditions of oxygen starvation, damage to cellular structures is minimally expressed. The general, total effect of Actovegin is to increase the production of energy molecules (ATP) necessary for the flow of all vital processes in the cells of any organ.

The general effect of Actovegin, which consists in improving energy metabolism and increasing resistance to hypoxia, at the level of various organs and tissues is manifested by the following therapeutic effects:

  • Accelerates the healing of any tissue damage(wounds, incisions, cuts, abrasions, burns, ulcers, etc.) and the restoration of their normal structure. That is, under the action of Actovegin, any wounds heal easier and faster, and the scar is formed small and inconspicuous.
  • The process of tissue respiration is activated, which leads to a more complete and rational use of oxygen delivered with blood to the cells of all organs and tissues. Due to a more complete use of oxygen, the negative consequences of insufficient blood supply to tissues are reduced.
  • Stimulates the use of glucose by cells in a state of oxygen starvation or metabolic depletion. And this means that on the one hand, the concentration of glucose in the blood decreases, and on the other hand, tissue hypoxia decreases due to the active use of glucose for tissue respiration.
  • Improves the synthesis of collagen fibers.
  • Stimulates the process of cell division with their subsequent migration to areas where it is necessary to restore the integrity of the tissue.
  • Stimulates the growth of blood vessels, which leads to improved blood supply to tissues.
The effect of Actovegin on enhancing glucose utilization is very important for the brain, since its structures need this substance more than all other organs and tissues of the human body. After all, the brain uses mostly glucose for energy production. Actovegin also contains inositol phosphate oligosaccharides, the effect of which is similar to that of insulin. And this means that under the action of Actovegin, the transportation of glucose to the tissues of the brain and other organs improves, and then this substance is quickly captured by cells and utilized for energy production. Thus, Actovegin improves energy metabolism in the structures of the brain and provides its needs for glucose, thereby normalizing the work of all parts of the central nervous system and reducing the severity of cerebral insufficiency syndrome (dementia).

In addition, improving energy metabolism and increased glucose utilization leads to a decrease in the severity of symptoms of circulatory disorders in any other tissues and organs.

Indications for use (Why is Actovegin prescribed?)

Various dosage forms of Actovegin are indicated for use in various diseases, therefore, in order to avoid confusion, we will consider them separately.

Ointment, cream and gel Actovegin - indications for use. All three dosage forms of Actovegin intended for external use (cream, gel and ointment) are indicated for use in the same following conditions:

  • Acceleration of wound healing and inflammatory processes on the skin and mucous membranes (abrasions, cuts, scratches, burns, cracks);
  • Improving tissue repair after burns of any origin (hot water, steam, solar, etc.);
  • Treatment of weeping skin ulcers of any origin (including varicose ulcers);
  • Prevention and treatment of reactions to the effects of radiation exposure (including radiation therapy of tumors) from the skin and mucous membranes;
  • Prevention and treatment of bedsores (only for Actovegin ointment and cream);
  • For pre-treatment of wound surfaces before skin grafting in the treatment of extensive and severe burns (only for Actovegin gel).

Solutions for infusions and solution for injections (shots) Actovegin - indications for use. Solutions for infusion ("droppers") and solutions for injection are indicated for use in the same following cases:
  • Treatment of metabolic and vascular disorders of the brain (for example, ischemic stroke, the consequences of a traumatic brain injury, impaired blood flow in brain structures, as well as dementia and impaired memory, attention, ability to analyze due to vascular diseases of the central nervous system, etc.);
  • Treatment of peripheral vascular disorders, as well as their consequences and complications (for example, trophic ulcers, angiopathy, endarteritis, etc.);
  • Treatment of diabetic polyneuropathy;
  • Healing of wounds of the skin and mucous membranes of any nature and origin (for example, abrasions, cuts, incisions, burns, bedsores, ulcers, etc.);
  • Prevention and treatment of lesions of the skin and mucous membranes when exposed to radiation, including radiation therapy of malignant tumors;
  • Treatment of thermal and chemical burns (only for injection solutions);
Actovegin tablets - indications for use. Tablets are indicated for use in the treatment of the following conditions or diseases:
  • As part of the complex therapy of metabolic and vascular diseases of the brain (for example, cerebrovascular insufficiency, traumatic brain injury, as well as dementia due to vascular and metabolic disorders);
  • Treatment of peripheral vascular disorders and their complications (trophic ulcers, angiopathy);
  • Diabetic polyneuropathy;
  • Hypoxia of organs and tissues of any origin (this indication is approved only in the Republic of Kazakhstan).

Instructions for use

Ointment, cream and gel Actovegin - instructions for use

Various dosage forms of Actovegin for external use (gel, cream and ointment) are used for the same conditions, but at different stages of these diseases. This is due to various auxiliary components that give different properties to the gel, ointment and cream. Therefore, gel, cream and ointment provide scarring of wounds at various stages of healing with different types of wound surfaces.

The choice of gel, cream or ointment Actovegin and the features of their use for various types of wounds

Actovegin gel does not contain fat, as a result of which it is easily washed off and promotes the formation of granulations (the initial stage of healing) with simultaneous drying of the wet discharge (exudate) from the wound surface. Therefore, it is advisable to use the gel for the treatment of weeping wounds with profuse discharge or at the first stage of therapy for any wet wound surfaces until they are covered with granulations and become dry.

Actovegin cream contains macrogols, which form a light film on the surface of the wound that binds the discharge from the wound. This dosage form is optimally used for the treatment of wet wounds with moderate discharge or for the treatment of dry wound surfaces with thin growing skin.

Ointment Actovegin contains paraffin in its composition, due to which the agent forms a protective film on the surface of the wound. Therefore, the ointment is best used for long-term treatment of dry wounds without detachable or already dried wound surfaces.

In general, Actovegin gel, cream and ointment are recommended to be used in combination as part of a three-stage therapy. At the first stage, when the surface of the wound is weeping and there is a copious discharge, the gel should be used. Then, when the wound dries up and the first granulations (crusts) form on it, you should switch to Actovegin cream and use it until the wound surface is covered with thin skin. Further, until the complete restoration of the integrity of the skin, Actovegin ointment should be used. In principle, after the wound stops getting wet and becomes dry, you can use either Actovegin cream or ointment until complete healing, without changing them sequentially.

  • If the wound is weeping with copious discharge, then the gel should be used until the wound surface dries. When the wound dries up, it is necessary to switch to the use of a cream or ointment.
  • If the wound is moderately wet, the discharge is poor or moderate, then a cream should be used, and after the wound surface has completely dried, switch to the use of an ointment.
  • If the wound is dry, without discharge, then an ointment should be applied.
Rules for the treatment of wounds with gel, cream and ointment Actovegin

There are differences in the use of gel, cream and ointment for the treatment of various wounds and ulcers on the skin. Therefore, in the text below, under the term "wound" we will mean any damage to the skin, with the exception of ulcers. And, accordingly, we will separately describe the use of the gel, cream and ointment for the treatment of wounds and ulcers.

The gel is used to treat weeping wounds with profuse discharge. Actovegin gel is applied exclusively to a previously cleaned wound (except for the treatment of ulcers), from which all dead tissues, pus, exudate, etc. have been removed. It is necessary to clean the wound before applying the Actovegin gel because the drug does not contain antimicrobial components and is not able to suppress the onset of the infectious process. Therefore, in order to avoid infection of the wound, it should be washed with an antiseptic solution (for example, hydrogen peroxide, chlorhexidine, etc.) before treatment with Actovegin healing gel.

On wounds with liquid discharge (except for ulcers), the gel is applied in a thin layer 2-3 times a day. In this case, the wound may not be covered with a bandage if there is no risk of infection and additional injury during the day. If the wound can be contaminated, then it is better to cover it with a regular gauze bandage after applying Actovegin gel, and change it 2-3 times a day. The gel is applied until the wound becomes dry and granulations appear on its surface (an uneven surface at the bottom of the wound, indicating the beginning of the healing process). Moreover, if part of the wound is covered with granulations, then they begin to treat it with Actovegin cream, and the weeping areas continue to be lubricated with gel. Since granulations are most often formed from the edges of the wound, after their formation, the perimeter of the wound surface is smeared with cream, and the center with gel. Accordingly, as the granulation area increases, the area treated with the cream increases, and the area treated with the gel decreases. When the whole wound becomes dry, it is lubricated only with cream. Thus, both the gel and the cream can be applied to the surface of the same wound, but to different areas.

However, if ulcers are being treated, then their surface can not be washed with an antiseptic solution, but immediately apply Actovegin gel in a thick layer, and cover it with a gauze bandage soaked in Actovegin ointment from above. Such a bandage is changed once a day, but if the ulcer is too wet and the discharge is plentiful, then the treatment is carried out more often: 2-4 times a day. In the case of strongly weeping ulcers, the bandage is changed as the bandage gets wet. In this case, each time a thick layer of Actovegin gel is applied to the ulcer, and the defect is closed with a gauze bandage soaked in Actovegin cream. When the surface of the ulcer stops getting wet, they begin to treat it with Actovegin ointment 1 to 2 times a day, until the defect is completely healed.

Actovegin cream is used to treat wounds with a small amount of discharge or dry wound surfaces. The cream is applied in a thin layer on the surface of the wounds 2-3 times a day. A bandage is applied to the wound if there is a risk of lubricating Actovegin cream. The cream is usually used until the wound is covered with a layer of thick granulation (thin skin), after which they switch to the use of Actovegin ointment, which is used to treat the defect until it is completely healed. The cream should be applied at least twice a day.

Actovegin ointment is applied only to dry wounds or to wounds covered with thick granulation (thin skin), a thin layer 2-3 times a day. Before using the ointment, the wound must be washed with water and treated with an antiseptic solution, such as hydrogen peroxide or chlorhexidine. A regular gauze bandage can be applied over the ointment if there is a risk of lubricating the preparation from the skin. Actovegin ointment is used until the wound is completely healed or until a strong scar is formed. The product should be used at least twice a day.

In general, it is obvious that Actovegin gel, cream and ointment are used in stages to treat wounds at various stages of healing. At the first stage, when the wound is wet, with discharge, a gel is applied. Then, at the second stage, when the first granulations appear, a cream is used. And then, at the third stage, after the formation of a thin skin, the wound is lubricated with ointment until the integrity of the skin is completely restored. However, if for some reason it is not possible to treat wounds sequentially with gel, cream and ointment, then only one Actovegin agent can be used, starting to use it at the appropriate stage from which it is recommended. For example, Actovegin gel can be used at any stage of wound healing. Actovegin cream begins to be applied from the moment the wound dries up, it can be used until the defect is completely healed. Actovegin ointment is used from the moment the wound is completely dry and until the skin is restored.

To prevent bedsores and skin damage from radiation, you can use either a cream or ointment Actovegin. In this case, the choice between cream and ointment is made solely on the basis of individual preferences or considerations of the convenience of using any one form.

To prevent bedsores, a cream or ointment is applied to areas of the skin in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich there is a high risk of forming the latter.

To prevent damage to the skin by radiation, Actovegin cream or ointment is applied to the entire surface of the skin after radiotherapy, and daily, once a day, in the intervals between regular sessions of radiation therapy.

If it is necessary to carry out therapy for severe trophic ulcers on the skin and soft tissues, then Actovegin gel, cream and ointment are recommended to be combined with an injection of the solution.

If, when applying Actovegin gel, cream or ointment, pain and discharge appear in the area of ​​​​a wound defect or ulcer, the skin turns red next to it, body temperature rises, then this is a sign of infection of the wound. In such a situation, you should immediately stop using Actovegin and consult a doctor.

If, against the background of the use of Actovegin, a wound or ulcer does not heal within 2 to 3 weeks, then you should also consult a doctor.

Gel, cream or ointment Actovegin for the full healing of defects should be used for at least 12 days in a row.

Actovegin tablets - instructions for use (adults, children)

Tablets are intended for use in the same conditions and diseases as injectable solutions. However, the severity of the therapeutic effect with parenteral administration of Actovegin (injections and "droppers") is stronger than when taking the drug in tablet form. That is why many doctors recommend always starting treatment with parenteral administration of Actovegin, followed by switching to taking tablets as a fixing therapy. That is, at the first stage of therapy, in order to quickly achieve the most pronounced therapeutic effect, it is recommended to administer Actovegin parenterally (by injections or "droppers"), and then additionally drink the drug in tablets to consolidate the effect achieved by injections for a long period of time.

However, tablets can also be taken without prior parenteral administration of Actovegin, if for some reason injections are not possible or the condition is not severe, for the normalization of which the effect of the tablet form of the drug is quite sufficient.

Tablets should be taken 15 to 30 minutes before meals, swallowing them whole, not biting, chewing, breaking or crushing in other ways, but drinking a small amount of non-carbonated clean water (half a glass is enough). As an exception, when using Actovegin tablets for children, it is allowed to divide them into halves and quarters, which are then dissolved in a small amount of water and given to babies in a diluted form.

For various conditions and diseases, adults are recommended to take tablets 1-2 pieces 3 times a day for 4-6 weeks. Actovegin tablets are given to children 1/4 - 1/2 2 - 3 times a day for 4 - 6 weeks. The indicated adult and children's dosages are averaged, indicative, and the specific dose and frequency of taking the tablets in each case should be determined by the doctor individually, based on the severity of the symptoms and the severity of the pathology. The minimum course of therapy should be at least 4 weeks, since the necessary therapeutic effect is not achieved with shorter periods of use.

In diabetic polyneuropathy, Actovegin is always first administered intravenously at 2000 mg per day daily for three weeks. And only after that they switch to taking the drug in tablets of 2-3 pieces 3 times a day, for 4-5 months. In this case, taking Actovegin tablets is a maintenance phase of therapy, which allows you to consolidate the positive therapeutic effect achieved by intravenous injections.

If, while taking Actovegin tablets, a person develops allergic reactions, then the drug is urgently canceled, and treatment is carried out with antihistamines or glucocorticoids.

The tablets contain dye quinoline yellow aluminum lacquer (E104), which is considered potentially harmful, and therefore Actovegin tablets are prohibited for use in children under 18 years of age in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Such a norm, which prohibits taking Actovegin tablets by children under 18 years old, is currently only available in Kazakhstan among the countries of the former USSR. In Russia, Ukraine and Belarus, the drug is approved for use in children.

Actovegin injections - instructions for use

Dosages and general rules for the use of Actovegin solutions

Actovegin in ampoules of 2 ml, 5 ml and 10 ml is intended for parenteral administration - that is, for intravenous, intra-arterial or intramuscular injections. In addition, the solution from the ampoules can be added to ready-made infusion formulations ("droppers"). Solutions in ampoules are ready for use. This means that they do not need to be pre-diluted, added or otherwise prepared for use. To use the solutions, you just need to open the ampoule and draw its contents into the syringe of the required volume, and then inject.

The concentration of the active ingredient in 2 ml, 5 ml and 10 ml ampoules is the same (40 mg/ml), and the difference between them is only in the total amount of the active ingredient. It is obvious that the total dose of the active ingredient is minimal in 2 ml ampoules (80 mg), the average is in 5 ml ampoules (200 mg) and the maximum is in 10 ml ampoules (400 mg). This is done for the convenience of using the drug, when for the production of an injection you just need to choose an ampoule with such a volume of solution that contains the required dosage (amount of active substance) prescribed by the doctor. In addition to the total content of the active substance, there is no difference between the ampoules with a solution of 2 ml, 5 ml and 10 ml.

Ampoules with a solution should be stored in a dark, dark place at an air temperature of 18 - 25 o C. This means that the ampoules should be stored in the cardboard box in which they were sold, or in any other available. After opening the ampoule, the solution should be used immediately, its storage is not allowed. Do not use a solution that has been stored in an opened ampoule for some time, as microbes from the environment can get into it, which will violate the sterility of the drug and can cause negative consequences after injection.

The solution in ampoules has a yellowish tint, the intensity of which may be different in different batches of the drug, since it depends on the characteristics of the feedstock. However, the difference in the color intensity of the solution does not affect the effectiveness of the drug.

Do not use a solution containing particles or cloudy. This solution should be discarded.

Since Actovegin can cause allergic reactions, it is recommended to make a test injection before starting therapy by injecting 2 ml of the solution intramuscularly. Further, if a person does not show signs of an allergic reaction for several hours, therapy can be safely carried out. The solution is administered in the required dosage intramuscularly, intraarterially or intravenously.

Ampoules with solutions are equipped with a break point for easy opening. The breaking point is bright red applied to the tip of the ampoule. Ampoules should be opened as follows:

  • Take the ampoule in your hands so that the breaking point is directed upwards (as shown in Figure 1);
  • Tap the glass with your finger and gently shake the ampoule so that the solution drains from the tip to the bottom;
  • With the fingers of the second hand, break off the tip of the ampoule in the area of ​​the point by moving away from you (as shown in Figure 2).

Picture 1– Correct picking up of the ampoule with the breaking point upwards.

Figure 2- Correct breaking off of the tip of the ampoule for its opening.

Dosages and method of administration of Actovegin solutions are determined by the doctor. However, you need to know that in order to achieve the fastest possible effect, it is optimal to administer Actovegin solutions intravenously or intraarterially. A somewhat slower therapeutic effect is achieved with intramuscular injection. With intramuscular injections, more than 5 ml of Actovegin solution cannot be administered at a time, and with intravenous or intra-arterial injections, the drug can be administered in much larger quantities. This should be taken into account when choosing the route of administration of the drug.

Depending on the severity of the course of the disease and the severity of clinical symptoms, 10-20 ml of the solution is usually prescribed on the first day intravenously or intra-arterially. Further, from the second day until the end of therapy, 5-10 ml of the solution is administered intravenously or 5 ml intramuscularly.

If it is decided to administer Actovegin by infusion (in the form of a "dropper"), then 10 - 20 ml of the solution from the ampoules (for example, 1 - 2 ampoules of 10 ml each) is poured into 200 - 300 ml of the infusion solution (physiological saline or glucose solution 5%) . The resulting solution is then injected at a rate of 2 ml/min.

Depending on the type of disease in which Actovegin is used, the following dosages are currently recommended for injection of the solution:

  • Metabolic and vascular disorders of the brain (traumatic brain injury, cerebrovascular insufficiency) - 5-25 ml of the solution is administered daily for two weeks. After completing the course of injections of Actovegin, they switch to taking the drug in tablets in order to maintain and consolidate the achieved therapeutic effect. In addition, instead of switching to a maintenance pill, you can continue injecting Actovegin by injecting 5-10 ml of the solution intravenously 3-4 times a week for two weeks.
  • Ischemic stroke - Actovegin is administered by infusion ("dropper"), adding 20 - 50 ml of solution from ampoules to 200 - 300 ml of saline or 5% dextrose solution. In this dosage, the drug is infused daily for a week. Then, in 200 - 300 ml of infusion solution (saline or dextrose 5%), add 10 - 20 ml of Actovegin solution from ampoules and inject at this dosage daily in the form of "droppers" for another two weeks. After completing the course of "droppers" with Actovegin, they switch to taking the drug in tablet form.
  • Angiopathy (peripheral vascular disorders and their complications, for example, trophic ulcers) - Actovegin is administered by infusion ("dropper"), adding 20-30 ml of the solution from the ampoules to 200 ml of saline or 5% dextrose solution. In this dosage, intravenous infusion, the drug is administered daily for four weeks.
  • Diabetic polyneuropathy - Actovegin is administered intravenously, 50 ml of a solution from ampoules, daily for three weeks. After completing the course of injections, they switch to taking Actovegin in the form of tablets for 4 to 5 months to maintain the achieved therapeutic effect.
  • Healing of wounds, ulcers, burns and other wound damage to the skin - a solution is injected from 10 ml ampoules intravenously or 5 ml intramuscularly either daily or 3-4 times a week, depending on the rate of healing of the defect. In addition to injections, Actovegin can be used in the form of an ointment, cream or gel to accelerate wound healing.
  • Prevention and treatment of radiation damage (during radiation therapy of tumors) of the skin and mucous membranes - Actovegin is injected with 5 ml of a solution from ampoules intravenously daily, in between radiation therapy sessions.
  • Radiation cystitis - inject 10 ml of a solution from ampoules transurethral (through the urethra) daily. Actovegin in this case is used in combination with antibiotics.
Rules for the introduction of Actovegin intramuscularly

Intramuscularly, no more than 5 ml of solutions from ampoules can be administered at a time, since in a larger amount the drug can have a strong irritating effect on tissues, which is manifested by severe pain. Therefore, for intramuscular administration, only ampoules of 2 ml or 5 ml of Actovegin solution should be used.

To produce an intramuscular injection, you first need to select a part of the body where the muscles come close to the skin. These areas are the lateral upper thigh, the lateral upper third of the shoulder, the abdomen (in non-obese people), and the buttocks. Next, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe body into which the injection will be made is wiped with an antiseptic (alcohol, Belasept, etc.). After that, the ampoule is opened, the solution is drawn from it into the syringe and turned upside down with the needle. Gently tap the surface of the syringe with your finger in the direction from the piston to the needle to peel off air bubbles from the walls. Then, to remove air, press the plunger of the syringe until a drop or trickle of solution appears at the tip of the needle. After that, the syringe needle is inserted perpendicular to the skin surface deep into the tissues. Then, pressing the piston, slowly release the solution into the tissue and remove the needle. The injection site is re-treated with an antiseptic.

Each time, a new place is chosen for the injection, which should be 1 cm away from the marks from previous injections on all sides. You should not prick twice in the same place, focusing on the mark left after the injection on the skin.

Since Actovegin injections are painful, it is recommended to sit quietly for 5-10 minutes after the injection and wait until the pain subsides.

Actovegin solution for infusion - instructions for use

Solutions for infusion Actovegin are available in two varieties - in saline or dextrose solution. There is no fundamental difference between them, so you can use any version of the finished solution. Such solutions of Actovegin are available in 250 ml bottles in the form of a ready-to-use infusion ("dropper"). Solutions for infusion are administered intravenously by drip ("dropper") or intra-arterial jet (from a syringe, as intramuscularly). Drip injection into a vein should be carried out at a rate of 2 ml / min.

Since Actovegin can cause allergic reactions, it is recommended to make a test injection before the "dropper", for which 2 ml of the solution is injected intramuscularly. If after a few hours an allergic reaction has not developed, then you can safely start administering the drug intravenously or intraarterially in the required amount.

If, against the background of the use of Actovegin, a person develops allergic reactions, then the use of the drug should be stopped and the necessary therapy with antihistamines should be started (Suprastin, Diphenhydramine, Telfast, Erius, Cetirizine, Cetrin, etc.). If the allergic reaction is very severe, then not only antihistamines should be used, but also glucocorticoid hormones (Prednisolone, Betamethasone, Dexamethasone, etc.).

Solutions for infusion are colored yellowish, the shade of which may be different for preparations of different batches. However, such a difference in color intensity does not affect the effectiveness of the drug, since it is due to the characteristics of the raw materials used to manufacture Actovegin. Turbid solutions or solutions containing floating particles visible to the eye should not be used.

The total duration of therapy is usually 10-20 infusions ("droppers") per course, but if necessary, the duration of treatment can be increased by the doctor. Dosages of Actovegin for intravenous infusion administration under various conditions are as follows:

  • Circulatory and metabolic disorders in the brain (traumatic brain injury, lack of blood supply to the brain, etc.) - 250-500 ml (1-2 bottles) are administered once a day, daily for 2-4 weeks. Further, if necessary, in order to consolidate the obtained therapeutic effect, they switch to taking Actovegin tablets, or continue to inject the solution intravenously, 250 ml (1 bottle) 2-3 times a week for another 2 weeks.
  • Acute disorders of cerebral circulation (stroke, etc.) - 250 - 500 ml (1 - 2 bottles) are administered once a day, daily, or 3 - 4 times a week for 2 - 3 weeks. Further, if necessary, they switch to taking Actovegin tablets in order to consolidate the obtained therapeutic effect.
  • Angiopathy (impaired peripheral circulation and its complications, for example, trophic ulcers) - 250 ml (1 vial) is administered once a day, daily, or 3-4 times a week for 3 weeks. Simultaneously with "droppers", Actovegin can be applied externally in the form of an ointment, cream or gel.
  • Diabetic polyneuropathy - 250 - 500 ml (1 - 2 bottles) are administered once a day, daily, or 3 - 4 times a week for 3 weeks. Next, be sure to switch to taking Actovegin tablets in order to consolidate the resulting therapeutic effect.
  • Trophic and other ulcers, as well as long-term non-healing wounds of any origin - 250 ml (1 bottle) are administered once a day, daily, or 3-4 times a week, until the wound defect is completely healed. Simultaneously with infusion administration, Actovegin can be used topically in the form of a gel, cream or ointment to accelerate wound healing.
  • Prevention and treatment of radiation damage (during radiation therapy of tumors) of the skin and mucous membranes - 250 ml (1 vial) is administered one day before the start, and then daily during the entire course of radiation therapy, and additionally for another two weeks after last irradiation session.

special instructions

With repeated intravenous, intramuscular or intra-arterial administration of Actovegin, the level of blood electrolytes (calcium, potassium, sodium, chlorine) and the percentage of water in the body (hematocrit) should be monitored.

Since Actovegin can cause allergic reactions, it is recommended to make a test injection before parenteral administration (intravenously, intramuscularly or intraarterially). To do this, 2 ml of solution for infusion or solution for injection of Actovegin is injected intramuscularly and wait 2 hours. If no signs of allergy appear within two hours, then Actovegin can be administered parenterally in the required quantities.

When using Actovegin tablets, gel, cream and ointment, it is not necessary to carry out a trial injection, since these dosage forms can be quickly canceled in case of an allergic reaction.

Before using Actovegin solutions, you should always carefully examine them. If the solution is cloudy or contains floating particles, then it should not be used. Only clear solutions with a yellowish color of any intensity can be used. If solutions from different batches differ greatly in the intensity of the yellowish color, but are not cloudy and do not contain particles, then they can be used without fear, since the color of the preparation may vary, as it is due to the characteristics of the raw material (bovine blood). Various variations in the color of the solution do not affect its effectiveness.

Solutions of Actovegin, both in ampoules and in vials, should be used immediately after opening the packages. Do not store open solutions. It is also unacceptable to use solutions that have been stored for some time in an opened package.

For intravenous infusion administration ("droppers"), both infusion solutions in 250 ml vials and solutions in 2 ml, 5 ml and 10 ml ampoules can be used. Only solutions for infusion are ready for use and can be administered without preparation, and solutions from ampoules for installing a "dropper" must first be poured into the infusion solution in the required amount (200 - 300 ml of saline, or 200 - 300 ml of dextrose solution, or 200 - 300 ml glucose solution 5%).

Intramuscularly, a maximum of 5 ml of injection solution can be administered at a time. Intravenous and intra-arterial injections can be administered in large quantities (up to 100 ml at a time).


In the Russian official instructions for use, there are no indications of the possibility of overdose with any dosage forms of Actovegin. However, in the instructions approved by the Ministry of Health of Kazakhstan, there are indications that when using tablets and solutions of Actovegin, an overdose may occur, which is manifested by pain in the stomach or increased side effects. In such cases, it is recommended to cancel the use of the drug, perform a gastric lavage and carry out symptomatic therapy aimed at maintaining the normal functioning of vital organs and systems.

An overdose of Actovegin gel, cream or ointment is not possible.

Influence on the ability to control mechanisms

Not a single dosage form of Actovegin (ointment, cream, gel, tablets, solutions for injections and solutions for infusions) affects the ability to control mechanisms, therefore, against the background of the use of the drug in any form, a person can engage in any type of activity, including those requiring high speed of reactions and concentration of attention.

Interaction with other drugs

Forms of Actovegin for external use (gel, cream and ointment) do not interact with other drugs. Therefore, they can be used in combination with any other means for oral administration (tablets, capsules) and for topical use (creams, ointments, etc.). Only if Actovegin is used in combination with other external agents (ointments, creams, lotions, etc.), a half-hour interval should be maintained between the applications of the two preparations, and not smeared immediately after each other.

Solutions and tablets of Actovegin also do not interact with other drugs, so they can be used as part of complex therapy with any other means. However, it must be remembered that Actovegin solutions cannot be mixed in one syringe or in one "dropper" with other drugs.

With caution, Actovegin solutions should be combined with potassium preparations, potassium-sparing diuretics (Spironolactone, Veroshpiron, etc.) and ACE inhibitors (Captopril, Lisinopril, Enalapril, etc.).

How to make an intramuscular injection (in the buttock) - video

Before use, you should consult with a specialist.

In this article, you can read the instructions for using the drug Actovegin.

Reviews of site visitors - consumers of this medicine, as well as opinions of doctors of specialists on the use of Actovegin in their practice are presented. A big request to actively add your reviews about the drug: did the medicine help or not help get rid of the disease, what complications and side effects were observed, perhaps not declared by the manufacturer in the annotation. Analogues of Actovegin in the presence of existing structural analogues. Use for the treatment of metabolic and vascular disorders of the brain, tissue trophism, burns and bedsores, diabetic polyneuropathy in adults, children (including newborns), as well as during pregnancy and lactation.

Actovegin, an antihypoxant, is a hemoderivat, which is obtained by dialysis and ultrafiltration (compounds with a molecular weight of less than 5000 daltons penetrate).

It has a positive effect on the transport and utilization of glucose, stimulates oxygen consumption (which leads to stabilization of the plasma membranes of cells during ischemia and a decrease in the formation of lactates), thus providing an antihypoxic effect.

Actovegin increases the concentrations of ATP, ADP, phosphocreatine, as well as amino acids (glutamate, aspartate) and GABA.

The effect of Actovegin on oxygen uptake and utilization, as well as insulin-like activity with stimulation of glucose transport and oxidation, are significant in the treatment of diabetic polyneuropathy.

In patients with diabetes mellitus and diabetic polyneuropathy, Actovegin significantly reduces the symptoms of polyneuropathy (stabbing pain, burning sensation, paresthesia, numbness of the lower extremities). Objectively, sensitivity disorders are reduced, the mental well-being of patients improves.

The effect of Actovegin begins to appear no later than 30 minutes (10-30 minutes) after parenteral administration and reaches a maximum, on average, after 3 hours (2-6 hours).

Deproteinized hemoderivat from calf blood (Actovegin concentrate or granulate) + excipients.

Using pharmacokinetic methods, it is impossible to study the pharmacokinetic characteristics (absorption, distribution, excretion) of the active components of Actovegin, since it consists only of physiological components that are usually present in the body.

  • metabolic and vascular disorders of the brain (including ischemic stroke, traumatic brain injury);
  • peripheral (arterial and venous) vascular disorders and their consequences (arterial angiopathy, trophic ulcers);
  • diabetic polyneuropathy;
  • wound healing (ulcers of various etiologies, trophic disorders /bedsores/, burns, impaired wound healing processes);
  • prevention and treatment of radiation damage to the skin and mucous membranes during radiation therapy.

Film-coated tablets 200 mg.

Solution for injections (injections) 40 mg/ml in ampoules of 5 ml and 10 ml.

Ointment for external use 5% (not supplied to Russia).

Cream for external use 5% (not supplied to Russia).

Gel for external use 20% (not supplied to Russia).

Instructions for use and dosage

Assign inside 1-2 tablets 3 times a day before meals. The tablet is not chewed, washed down with a small amount of water. The duration of treatment is 4-6 weeks.

The solution for injection is administered intra-arterially, intravenously (including as an infusion or dropper) and intramuscularly. The infusion rate is about 2 ml / min. In connection with the potential for the development of anaphylactic reactions, it is recommended to test for the presence of hypersensitivity to the drug before infusion.

The duration of the course of treatment is determined individually, depending on the symptoms and severity of the disease.

Metabolic and vascular disorders of the brain: from 5 to 25 ml mg per day) intravenously daily for two weeks, followed by the transition to a tablet form.

Ischemic stroke: ml mg) in ml of 0.9% sodium chloride solution or 5% dextrose solution, intravenously drip daily for 1 week, then ml mg) intravenously drip - 2 weeks, followed by the transition to a tablet form.

Peripheral (arterial and venous) vascular disorders and their consequences: ml mg) of the drug in 200 ml of 0.9% sodium chloride solution or 5% dextrose solution, intra-arterially or intravenously daily; the duration of treatment is 4 weeks.

Diabetic polyneuropathy: 50 ml (2000 mg) per day intravenously for 3 weeks, followed by the transition to the tablet form of the tablet 3 times a day for at least 4-5 months.

Wound healing: 10 ml (400 mg) intravenously or 5 ml intramuscularly daily or once a week, depending on the healing process (in addition to local treatment with Actovegin in topical dosage forms).

Prevention and treatment of radiation damage to the skin and mucous membranes during radiation therapy: the average dose is 5 ml (200 mg) intravenously daily during breaks in radiation exposure.

Radiation cystitis: 10 ml (400 mg) daily transurethral in combination with antibiotic therapy.

  • skin rash;
  • skin hyperemia;
  • hyperthermia;
  • hives;
  • swelling;
  • medicinal fever;
  • anaphylactic shock.
  • decompensated heart failure;
  • pulmonary edema;
  • oliguria, anuria;
  • fluid retention in the body;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • hypersensitivity to similar drugs.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

The use of the drug during pregnancy did not have a negative effect on the mother or fetus, however, if necessary, the use of the drug during pregnancy should take into account the potential risk to the fetus. So the use of Actovegin in these cases requires caution.

In connection with the potential for the development of anaphylactic reactions, it is recommended to conduct a test (trial injection of 2 ml / m) before infusion.

In the case of an intramuscular route of administration, the drug should be administered slowly in an amount of not more than 5 ml.

Solutions of Actovegin have a slightly yellowish tint. The color intensity may vary from one batch to another depending on the characteristics of the starting materials used, but this does not affect the effectiveness and tolerability of the drug.

Do not use an opaque solution or a solution containing particles.

With repeated injections, the water-electrolyte balance of the blood plasma should be monitored.

After opening the ampoule or vial, the solution cannot be stored.

Drug interaction of the drug Actovegin has not been established.

However, in order to avoid possible pharmaceutical incompatibility, it is not recommended to add other drugs to Actovegin infusion solution.

Analogues of the drug Actovegin

The drug Actovegin has no structural analogues for the active substance.

Analogues by pharmacological group (antihypoxants and antioxidants):

News edited by: admin017, 13:24

Is it possible to inject Actovegin intramuscularly

Is it possible to administer Actovegin intramuscularly and how to do it correctly is a common question of people who have been prescribed this remedy as a course of injections for the treatment of a particular pathology. It is especially important to know the answer when it comes to treating pregnant women or children.

Is it possible to administer Actovegin intramuscularly and why are these injections prescribed at all? Actovegin is one of those drugs that are available in various pharmaceutical forms. It can be dragees, capsules, ointment, gel and injection ampoules. As a rule, the latter are prescribed when the disease has passed into a severe stage and other forms of the drug are no longer effective. Or the patient's condition is very serious and needs immediate help.

It is believed that this medicine is safe, since the raw material for it is a natural bioproduct.

The main components of the drug:

  • extract from the blood of calves;
  • purified water;
  • sodium chloride.

Injections of the drug can be given even to children and pregnant women. But, like any medication, Actovegin can cause unwanted side effects, in rare cases it causes severe allergies.

The effect of the drug on the body of a child or expectant mother has not yet been fully studied. Therefore, it is understandable that patients are interested in whether Actovegin can really be administered intramuscularly and how to do it correctly.

When are injections needed?

Actovegin in solution for injection intramuscularly is an ampoules with a clear or slightly yellowish liquid. The ampoule can be 2.5 or 10 ml. The main property of the drug is to accelerate metabolic processes in cells, due to which oxygen and glucose are better absorbed. It is prescribed for the treatment and prevention of oxygen starvation, for wound healing after injury or surgery. It is also used in neuralgia.

The main indications for the introduction of Actovegin intramuscularly are:

  • oxygen starvation of tissues and organs, including in pregnant women and children;
  • serious metabolic disorders;
  • cerebrovascular insufficiency;
  • diabetes mellitus and its complications;
  • extensive burns;
  • bedsores;
  • poorly healing wounds;
  • radiation damage to the skin or mucous membranes;
  • ulcers of any origin.

How to administer the drug correctly

You can do intramuscular injections with this drug, intravenous and intra-arterial infusions. Infusions can only be carried out by a doctor in a medical institution. Many patients do injections on their own at home.

Important: before starting therapy, the doctor must conduct trial testing. For this, 2 ml of the drug is injected for one minute. This length allows you to observe the reaction of the patient's body to the drug and, in the event of adverse events, immediately stop the administration of the drug. That is why you should not start giving injections on your own at home - the first injection is always done by a medical worker.

Basic rules for Actovegin injections:

  • a single daily dose should not exceed 5 ml;
  • the maximum duration of the course of treatment is 20 procedures and no more.

The algorithm for administering the drug intramuscularly is as follows:

  1. First, wash your hands thoroughly with warm water and soap.
  2. Remove the ampoule from the refrigerator and warm it in your hands.
  3. Bring the ampoule to a vertical position and tap the bottom with your finger so that the liquid sinks to the bottom.
  4. Prepare a disposable syringe, break off the upper tip of the ampoule and carefully draw the medicine into the syringe.
  5. Turn the syringe upside down and slowly press the plunger until a drop of the drug hangs on the needle.
  6. Prepare the patient's buttock. Divide it conditionally into four parts. Injections are made in the upper quarter closer to the outside.
  7. Wipe the skin with alcohol, stretch it with two fingers and insert the needle three-quarters at a right angle.
  8. Slowly inject the drug - the rate of administration should not exceed 2 ml per minute.
  9. Quickly withdraw the needle after insertion is complete and rub the injection site with a cotton swab.

Contraindications and application features

With great care, this drug is prescribed to pregnant women and children under the age of three years. The decision on the advisability of using Actovegin is always made by the doctor, based on the severity of the disease and the patient's well-being.

  • acute heart failure;
  • difficulty removing fluid from the body;
  • serious pathologies of the kidneys;
  • pulmonary edema;
  • drug intolerance.

If intramuscular injections are allowed at home, the patient must follow certain rules so as not to harm his health. Actovegin in any form, and especially intramuscularly or intravenously, is incompatible with alcoholic beverages. The action of these two substances is completely opposite, therefore the most unpredictable reaction can occur.

Ampoules should be stored strictly in the refrigerator on the door or bottom shelf. If flakes appear in the solution or a precipitate forms, it can no longer be used. It is also important to monitor the patient's electrolyte metabolism - edema is one of the most common side effects in the treatment of this drug.

The drug is rarely prescribed to children in the form of injections due to the high risk of an allergic reaction and pain. It is used in obstetrics to prevent fetal hypoxia, but the course of treatment is carried out only in a hospital under constant medical supervision.

Actovegin is generally well tolerated by patients of any age. But this does not mean that you can use it uncontrollably for injections at home. If you want to get a good effect and not harm the body even more, it is better to entrust the injection to a specialist in a medical institution - it will be wiser and safer.

Actovegin, at one time, pretty much helped me with the diagnosis of VVD. Hands were shaking because of the VSD. Actovegin, for 10 days of use, was able to slightly ease the problem. True, no one wondered whether it was possible, and how to enter it. And even the nurse did not make any attempts to test the reaction, just injected. Thankfully I was lucky and everything is fine. Good article, it was interesting to read.

When my husband had an ischemic stroke, the doctor prescribed him a course of Actovegin injections. At one time, this drug helped a lot. It was interesting to get to know this already well-known drug thanks to the article.

Actovegin - instructions for use (injections, tablets, ointment, gel, cream). Why is Actovegin prescribed?

Varieties, names, composition and forms of release

Actovegin is currently available in the following dosage forms (which are also sometimes called varieties):

  • Gel for external use;
  • Ointment for external use;
  • Cream for external use;
  • Solution for infusions ("droppers") on dextrose in 250 ml bottles;
  • Solution for infusion in 0.9% sodium chloride (in saline) in 250 ml bottles;
  • Solution for injection in ampoules of 2 ml, 5 ml and 10 ml;
  • Tablets for oral administration.

Gel, cream, ointment and Actovegin tablets do not have any other everyday simplified name. But forms for injection in everyday life are often called simplified names. So, the injection solution is often called "Actovegin ampoules", "Actovegin injections", as well as "Actovegin 5", "Actovegin 10". In the names "Actovegin 5" and "Actovegin 10" the numbers mean the number of milliliters in an ampoule with a solution ready for administration.

  • Gel Actovegin - contains 20 ml of gemoderivate (0.8 g in dried form) in 100 ml of gel, which corresponds to 20% concentration of the active ingredient.
  • Ointment and cream Actovegin - contain 5 ml of gemoderivate (0.2 g in dried form) in 100 ml of ointment or cream, which corresponds to 5% concentration of the active ingredient.
  • Solution for infusion in dextrose - contains 25 ml of hemoderivat (1 g in dried form) per 250 ml of a ready-to-use solution, which corresponds to an active ingredient concentration of 4 mg / ml or 10%.
  • Solution for infusion in 0.9% sodium chloride - contains 25 ml (1 g dried) or 50 ml (2 g dried) hemoderivat per 250 ml ready-to-use solution, which corresponds to an active ingredient concentration of 4 mg / ml ( 10%) or 8 mg/ml (20%).
  • Solution for injection - contains 40 mg of dry hemoderivat per 1 ml (40 mg / ml). The solution is available in ampoules of 2 ml, 5 ml and 10 ml. Accordingly, ampoules with 2 ml of solution contain 80 mg of the active ingredient, with 5 ml of solution - 200 mg and with 10 ml of solution - 400 mg.
  • Tablets for oral administration - contain 200 mg of dry hemoderivate.

All dosage forms of Actovegin (ointment, cream, gel, solutions for infusions, solutions for injections and tablets) are ready to use and do not require any preparation before use. This means that the ointment, gel or cream can be applied immediately after opening the package, the tablets can be taken without preparation. Solutions for infusion are administered intravenously (“dropper”) without prior dilution and preparation, simply by placing a bottle in the system. And injection solutions are also administered intramuscularly, intravenously or intra-arterially without preliminary dilution, simply by choosing an ampoule with the required amount of milliliters.

  • Mountain wax glycolate;
  • Titanium dioxide;
  • Diethyl phthalate;
  • Dried gum arabic;
  • Macrogol 6000;
  • Microcrystalline cellulose;
  • Povidone K90 and K30;
  • Sucrose;
  • magnesium stearate;
  • Talc;
  • Dye quinoline yellow varnish aluminum (E104);
  • Hypromellose phthalate.

The composition of the auxiliary components of the gel, ointment and cream Actovegin is shown in the table below:

Cream, ointment and gel Actovegin are available in aluminum tubes of 20 g, 30 g, 50 g and 100 g. The cream and ointment are a homogeneous white mass. Gel Actovegin is a transparent yellowish or colorless homogeneous mass.

The volume of Actovegin ampoules in ml

Actovegin solution in ampoules is intended for intravenous, intra-arterial and intramuscular injections. The solution in ampoules is ready for use, so to make an injection, you just need to open the ampoule and draw the medicine into the syringe.

Therapeutic action

Actovegin is a universal stimulant of metabolism, which leads to a significant improvement in tissue nutrition and the utilization of glucose from the blood for the needs of the cells of all organs. In addition, Actovegin increases the resistance of cells of all organs and tissues to hypoxia, as a result of which, even under conditions of oxygen starvation, damage to cellular structures is minimally expressed. The general, total effect of Actovegin is to increase the production of energy molecules (ATP) necessary for the flow of all vital processes in the cells of any organ.

  • The healing of any tissue damage (wounds, incisions, cuts, abrasions, burns, ulcers, etc.) and the restoration of their normal structure are accelerated. That is, under the action of Actovegin, any wounds heal easier and faster, and the scar is formed small and inconspicuous.
  • The process of tissue respiration is activated, which leads to a more complete and rational use of oxygen delivered with blood to the cells of all organs and tissues. Due to a more complete use of oxygen, the negative consequences of insufficient blood supply to tissues are reduced.
  • The process of using glucose by cells that are in a state of oxygen starvation or metabolic depletion is stimulated. And this means that on the one hand, the concentration of glucose in the blood decreases, and on the other hand, tissue hypoxia decreases due to the active use of glucose for tissue respiration.
  • Improves the synthesis of collagen fibers.
  • The process of cell division is stimulated with their subsequent migration to areas where it is necessary to restore the integrity of the tissue.
  • The growth of blood vessels is stimulated, which leads to an improvement in the blood supply to tissues.

The effect of Actovegin on enhancing glucose utilization is very important for the brain, since its structures need this substance more than all other organs and tissues of the human body. After all, the brain uses mostly glucose for energy production. Actovegin also contains inositol phosphate-oligosaccharides, the effect of which is similar to that of insulin. And this means that under the action of Actovegin, the transportation of glucose to the tissues of the brain and other organs improves, and then this substance is quickly captured by cells and utilized for energy production. Thus, Actovegin improves energy metabolism in the structures of the brain and provides its needs for glucose, thereby normalizing the work of all parts of the central nervous system and reducing the severity of cerebral insufficiency syndrome (dementia).

Indications for use (Why is Actovegin prescribed?)

Various dosage forms of Actovegin are indicated for use in various diseases, therefore, in order to avoid confusion, we will consider them separately.

  • Acceleration of wound healing and inflammatory processes on the skin and mucous membranes (abrasions, cuts, scratches, burns, cracks);
  • Improving tissue repair after burns of any origin (hot water, steam, solar, etc.);
  • Treatment of weeping skin ulcers of any origin (including varicose ulcers);
  • Prevention and treatment of reactions to the effects of radiation exposure (including radiation therapy of tumors) from the skin and mucous membranes;
  • Prevention and treatment of bedsores (only for Actovegin ointment and cream);
  • For pre-treatment of wound surfaces before skin grafting in the treatment of extensive and severe burns (only for Actovegin gel).

Solutions for infusions and solution for injections (shots) Actovegin - indications for use. Solutions for infusions ("droppers") and solutions for injections are indicated for use in the same following cases:

  • Treatment of metabolic and vascular disorders of the brain (for example, ischemic stroke, the consequences of a traumatic brain injury, impaired blood flow in brain structures, as well as dementia and impaired memory, attention, ability to analyze due to vascular diseases of the central nervous system, etc.);
  • Treatment of peripheral vascular disorders, as well as their consequences and complications (for example, trophic ulcers, angiopathy, endarteritis, etc.);
  • Treatment of diabetic polyneuropathy;
  • Healing of wounds of the skin and mucous membranes of any nature and origin (for example, abrasions, cuts, incisions, burns, bedsores, ulcers, etc.);
  • Prevention and treatment of lesions of the skin and mucous membranes when exposed to radiation, including radiation therapy of malignant tumors;
  • Treatment of thermal and chemical burns (only for injection solutions);

Actovegin tablets - indications for use. Tablets are indicated for use in the treatment of the following conditions or diseases:

  • As part of the complex therapy of metabolic and vascular diseases of the brain (for example, cerebrovascular insufficiency, traumatic brain injury, as well as dementia due to vascular and metabolic disorders);
  • Treatment of peripheral vascular disorders and their complications (trophic ulcers, angiopathy);
  • Diabetic polyneuropathy;
  • Hypoxia of organs and tissues of any origin (this indication is approved only in the Republic of Kazakhstan).

Instructions for use

Ointment, cream and gel Actovegin - instructions for use

Various dosage forms of Actovegin for external use (gel, cream and ointment) are used for the same conditions, but at different stages of these diseases. This is due to various auxiliary components that give different properties to the gel, ointment and cream. Therefore, gel, cream and ointment provide scarring of wounds at various stages of healing with different types of wound surfaces.

  • If the wound is weeping with copious discharge, then the gel should be used until the wound surface dries. When the wound dries up, it is necessary to switch to the use of a cream or ointment.
  • If the wound is moderately wet, the discharge is poor or moderate, then a cream should be used, and after the wound surface has completely dried, switch to the use of an ointment.
  • If the wound is dry, without discharge, then an ointment should be applied.

Rules for the treatment of wounds with gel, cream and ointment Actovegin

Actovegin tablets - instructions for use (adults, children)

Tablets are intended for use in the same conditions and diseases as injectable solutions. However, the severity of the therapeutic effect with parenteral administration of Actovegin (injections and "droppers") is stronger than when taking the drug in tablet form. That is why many doctors recommend always starting treatment with parenteral administration of Actovegin, followed by switching to taking tablets as a fixing therapy. That is, at the first stage of therapy, in order to quickly achieve the most pronounced therapeutic effect, it is recommended to administer Actovegin parenterally (by injections or "droppers"), and then additionally drink the drug in tablets to consolidate the effect achieved by injections for a long period of time.

Actovegin injections - instructions for use

Dosages and general rules for the use of Actovegin solutions

  • Take the ampoule in your hands so that the breaking point is directed upwards (as shown in Figure 1);
  • Tap the glass with your finger and gently shake the ampoule so that the solution drains from the tip to the bottom;
  • With the fingers of the second hand, break off the tip of the ampoule in the area of ​​the point by moving away from you (as shown in Figure 2).

Figure 2 - The correct break off of the tip of the ampoule to open it.

  • Metabolic and vascular disorders of the brain (traumatic brain injury, cerebrovascular insufficiency) - 5-25 ml of the solution is administered daily for two weeks. After completing the course of injections of Actovegin, they switch to taking the drug in tablets in order to maintain and consolidate the achieved therapeutic effect. In addition, instead of switching to a maintenance pill, you can continue injecting Actovegin by injecting 5-10 ml of the solution intravenously 3-4 times a week for two weeks.
  • Ischemic stroke - Actovegin is administered by infusion ("dropper"), adding 20 - 50 ml of solution from ampoules to 200 - 300 ml of saline or 5% dextrose solution. In this dosage, the drug is infused daily for a week. Then, in 200-300 ml of infusion solution (saline solution or 5% dextrose), add 10-20 ml of Actovegin solution from ampoules and inject at this dosage daily in the form of "droppers" for another two weeks. After completing the course of "droppers" with Actovegin, they switch to taking the drug in tablet form.
  • Angiopathy (peripheral vascular disorders and their complications, for example, trophic ulcers) - Actovegin is administered by infusion ("dropper"), adding 20-30 ml of the solution from the ampoules to 200 ml of saline or 5% dextrose solution. In this dosage, intravenous infusion, the drug is administered daily for four weeks.
  • Diabetic polyneuropathy - Actovegin is administered intravenously, 50 ml of a solution from ampoules, daily for three weeks. After completing the course of injections, they switch to taking Actovegin in the form of tablets for 4 to 5 months to maintain the achieved therapeutic effect.
  • Healing of wounds, ulcers, burns and other wound damage to the skin - a solution is injected from 10 ml ampoules intravenously or 5 ml intramuscularly either daily or 3-4 times a week, depending on the rate of healing of the defect. In addition to injections, Actovegin can be used in the form of an ointment, cream or gel to accelerate wound healing.
  • Prevention and treatment of radiation damage (during radiation therapy of tumors) of the skin and mucous membranes - Actovegin is injected with 5 ml of a solution from ampoules intravenously daily, in between radiation therapy sessions.
  • Radiation cystitis - inject 10 ml of a solution from ampoules transurethral (through the urethra) daily. Actovegin in this case is used in combination with antibiotics.

Rules for the introduction of Actovegin intramuscularly

Actovegin solution for infusion - instructions for use

Solutions for infusion Actovegin are available in two varieties - in saline or dextrose solution. There is no fundamental difference between them, so you can use any version of the finished solution. Such solutions of Actovegin are available in 250 ml bottles in the form of a ready-to-use infusion (“dropper”). Solutions for infusion are administered intravenously by drip (“dropper”) or intra-arterially by jet (from a syringe, as intramuscularly). Drip injection into a vein should be carried out at a rate of 2 ml / min.

  • Circulatory and metabolic disorders in the brain (traumatic brain injury, lack of blood supply to the brain, etc.) - 250-500 ml (1-2 bottles) are administered once a day, daily for 2-4 weeks. Further, if necessary, in order to consolidate the obtained therapeutic effect, they switch to taking Actovegin tablets, or continue to inject the solution intravenously, 250 ml (1 bottle) 2-3 times a week for another 2 weeks.
  • Acute disorders of cerebral circulation (stroke, etc.) - 250 - 500 ml (1 - 2 bottles) are administered once a day, daily, or 3 - 4 times a week for 2 - 3 weeks. Further, if necessary, they switch to taking Actovegin tablets in order to consolidate the obtained therapeutic effect.
  • Angiopathy (impaired peripheral circulation and its complications, for example, trophic ulcers) - 250 ml (1 vial) is administered once a day, daily, or 3-4 times a week for 3 weeks. Simultaneously with the "droppers" you can apply Actovegin externally in the form of an ointment, cream or gel.
  • Diabetic polyneuropathy - 250 - 500 ml (1 - 2 bottles) are administered once a day, daily, or 3 - 4 times a week for 3 weeks. Next, be sure to switch to taking Actovegin tablets in order to consolidate the resulting therapeutic effect.
  • Trophic and other ulcers, as well as long-term non-healing wounds of any origin - 250 ml (1 bottle) are administered once a day, daily, or 3-4 times a week, until the wound defect is completely healed. Simultaneously with infusion administration, Actovegin can be used topically in the form of a gel, cream or ointment to accelerate wound healing.
  • Prevention and treatment of radiation damage (during radiation therapy of tumors) of the skin and mucous membranes - 250 ml (1 vial) is administered one day before the start, and then daily during the entire course of radiation therapy, and additionally for another two weeks after last irradiation session.

special instructions

With repeated intravenous, intramuscular or intra-arterial administration of Actovegin, the level of blood electrolytes (calcium, potassium, sodium, chlorine) and the percentage of water in the body (hematocrit) should be monitored.


In the Russian official instructions for use, there are no indications of the possibility of overdose with any dosage forms of Actovegin. However, in the instructions approved by the Ministry of Health of Kazakhstan, there are indications that when using tablets and solutions of Actovegin, an overdose may occur, which is manifested by pain in the stomach or increased side effects. In such cases, it is recommended to cancel the use of the drug, perform a gastric lavage and carry out symptomatic therapy aimed at maintaining the normal functioning of vital organs and systems.

Influence on the ability to control mechanisms

Not a single dosage form of Actovegin (ointment, cream, gel, tablets, solutions for injections and solutions for infusions) affects the ability to control mechanisms, therefore, against the background of the use of the drug in any form, a person can engage in any type of activity, including those requiring high speed of reactions and concentration of attention.

Interaction with other drugs

Forms of Actovegin for external use (gel, cream and ointment) do not interact with other drugs. Therefore, they can be used in combination with any other means for oral administration (tablets, capsules) and for topical use (creams, ointments, etc.). Only if Actovegin is used in combination with other external agents (ointments, creams, lotions, etc.), a half-hour interval should be maintained between the applications of the two preparations, and not smeared immediately after each other.

How to make an intramuscular injection (in the buttock) - video

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Actovegin - Indications for the use of injections

Actovegin is a fairly well-known and by no means new drug that promotes the activation of metabolism at the cellular level and increases blood circulation in the human body. This drug is derived from an extract from calf's blood, it is well tolerated, so it is safe to use even for children. Actovegin is available in the form of tablets, gels, ointments, creams, but its most effective effect is as an injection solution, which is administered to a sick person intramuscularly, intravenously or intraarterially.

In medical practice, especially in cardiology, neuropathology and ophthalmology, doctors often prescribe Actovegin. Indications for the use of injections of this drug are based on its pharmacological properties. This medication increases the transfer, as well as the accumulation of oxygen and glucose in the cells of the body, thereby enhancing intracellular metabolism. As a result, the energy resources of cells are significantly increased. Such stimulation of functional metabolism is extremely important with increased energy consumption during tissue repair or hypoxia - oxygen starvation. The secondary effect of the use of this therapeutic agent is to increase the blood supply to the tissues of the body.

Actovegin injections are prescribed for cerebral insufficiency, ischemic stroke, traumatic brain injury and other metabolic failures in the brain. The drug is indicated for peripheral arterial and venous vascular disorders, resulting in damage to the vessels of the retina and a disease such as obliterating endarteritis. Also, this drug is used to treat thrombophlebitis, with varicose veins, for the healing of bedsores. This medication is often used for skin transplantation, thermal and chemical burns, radiation damage to the skin, mucous and nervous tissues.

For the treatment of a disease such as cerebral vascular hypertension, doctors very often use Actovegin. Indications for the use of injections of this drug are based on its property to significantly expand blood vessels. After injections of the drug, the blood pressure in the vessels decreases, the headache and nosebleeds of varying severity disappear. Usually the drug is administered intramuscularly, but in a severe advanced form, intravenous injections may be required. The vasodilating property of the drug is also used in the treatment of hypertension and increased intraocular pressure. In the latter case, a sharp increase in pressure sometimes causes heaviness and pain in the eyes - by the end of the day, a person ceases to clearly see the surrounding objects, everything blurs. Usually, after the appointment of Actovegin injections by an ophthalmologist, the pressure quickly returns to normal.

Of course, the dosage of injections of this drug is determined only by the attending physician. In most cases, with intramuscular and intravenous administration, the initial dose of the drug is 10-20 milliliters. After two weeks, the dosage is reduced to 5-10 milliliters of solution per day and treatment is continued for another 14 days. And in case of ischemic stroke, the drug is administered using a dropper and 20-50 milliliters of Actovegin is used per 200-300 milliliters of the stock solution. The duration of treatment is 7 days.

As a rule, side effects after injections of this medication are quite rare and, first of all, are associated with hypersensitivity to some of the components that make up its composition. This is especially true for people prone to allergic reactions. There may be a feeling of a rush of blood, fever, the occurrence of flushing of the skin, urticaria. In such cases, you need to stop injecting Actovegin and start taking antihistamines. Injections of this drug are contraindicated for people suffering from diabetes mellitus, pulmonary edema. Caution should be exercised when injecting this medicinal product during pregnancy and lactation.

Given that Actovegin is aimed at treating cardiological and neuropathological diseases, it is unacceptable to use this drug on your own. Do not self-medicate, be healthy!

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I tried injections, very painful, my leg was cramping. I switched to pills. The general state of health is getting better, I do not argue, but my venous insufficiency has remained in place. I began to take another drug - Phlebodia 600, it seems to be getting better, but I'm afraid to jinx it.

Actovegin was prescribed to me for venous insufficiency along with the mentioned phlebodia, after a week the swelling almost disappeared and it became easier. Phlebodia did not like the fact that you need to drink it for two months, albeit once a day. Actovegin took only two weeks, much easier.

very painful injections of actovegin. What should I do if after the third injection pain appeared. but there is no redness. what should I do to make the injections dissolve better?

I could not tolerate the injections, I switched to pills. A very expensive treatment, especially since it has to be combined with phlebodia, which is also not cheap. Today you have to pay dearly for health.

Why combine with phlebodia? Do they replace each other, or am I missing something?

Actovegin without phlebodia does not help, at least from CVI, and phlebodia without actovegin does not help from cerebrovascular accidents. Each drug works differently.

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The information on our website is informative and educational in nature. However, this information is by no means a self-medication guide. Be sure to consult your doctor.

"Actovegin" is a drug for injection, which belongs to the pharmacological class of peptides. When patients learn that the main active ingredient of the drug is an extract from the blood of calves, they are at least surprised. However, there is nothing strange in this composition - peptides have long established themselves as a class of effective and safe drugs for nervous, mental and cognitive disorders. How to inject "Actovegin" intramuscularly, what are the indications and contraindications for this, as well as what possible side effects are described in the article.

Composition and form of release

The drug is available in the form of ampoules for injections of 2, 5 and 10 ml. There are also other forms of release: gel, ointment, tablets, solution for infusion. Is it possible to prick "Actovegin" intramuscularly? Yes, this method is recognized as the most effective in terms of achieving a therapeutic effect. This fact does not negate the effectiveness of other forms of drug release, but when injected, the drug enters directly into the bloodstream, bypassing the organs of the gastrointestinal tract. The solution of the drug in ampoules is a clear or pale yellow liquid, without a pronounced odor.

The solution is intended not only for intramuscular injection - it is also possible to carry out intravenous injections. How to inject Actovegin intramuscularly: dilute or not? Instructions for use for the drug informs that there is no such need: inside the ampoules, the solution is already completely ready for administration. It is enough just to open the ampoule, take the solution into the syringe and make an injection.

Regardless of the volume of the ampoule (2, 5 or 10 ml), the concentration of the active substance is always the same - 40 mg per ml. Thus, 2 ml ampoules contain 80 mg of the active substance, 5 ml ampoules contain 200 mg, and 10 ml ampoules contain 400 mg, respectively.

The composition of the solution for injection also contains (in addition to the main active ingredient - deproteinized hemoderivate) sodium chloride and water. Patient reviews indicate that injection into the muscle is usually almost painless if the injection is made correctly.

Therapeutic and pharmacological action of the drug

Regardless of the form of release, the drug has the same active ingredient - deproteinized hemoderivat obtained from blood taken from healthy calves that received milk nutrition. This substance is obtained by special purification from large protein molecules - this process is called deproteinization. After it, a set of medium-sized active calf blood molecules is formed, which, in turn, have the ability to "start" the metabolism in almost any organ or tissue of the human body. The process of deproteinization allows you to create a ratio of molecules of such a size, due to which it became possible to avoid negative allergic reactions to the drug. Pharmaceutical chemists managed to ensure that each milliliter of the solution contained an equal amount of deproteinized hemoderivate, which was synthesized from the blood serum of dairy calves. All fractions have an equal mass of the active component and are capable of exerting a therapeutic effect with the same and stable intensity in a wide variety of diseases and conditions.

In some instructions (depending on the form of release and packaging time), the active ingredient of the drug is called "actovegin concentrate" - for brevity and in order not to scare the uninitiated in the subtleties of pharmacology and chemistry of the patient. The drug has a number of contraindications, in rare cases, some side effects may develop (mainly in the neurological part).

However, "Actovegin" (how to inject intramuscularly, described below) has received the widest distribution in the treatment of neurological diseases. They are successfully treated not only by adults, but also by children and adolescents. The drug is also used both as an independent agent and as part of complex therapy in ophthalmology, cardiology, psychiatry, and dermatology.

Indications for the use of the drug

Instructions for use informs that the drug has the following indications for use in dermatology:

  • increasing the rate of regeneration of the skin and the surface of the mucous membranes due to various kinds of injuries (abrasions, cuts, burns, surgery, etc.);
  • acceleration of tissue regeneration after burns and wounds;
  • acceleration of healing of weeping wounds;
  • mitigation of the reaction to radiation exposure of a radiation nature;
  • prevention of bedsores.

In neurology, the drug is most often used as an intramuscular injection for the following diseases and pathologies:

  • disorders of the brain due to vascular or metabolic abnormalities (craniocerebral trauma, strokes, blood flow disorders of a different origin);
  • impaired memory and attention due to vascular diseases of the central nervous system;
  • as part of complex therapy for vascular disorders of a peripheral nature, their complications and as a prevention of their consequences (angiopathy, various kinds of trophic ulcers, endarteritis, etc.);
  • polyneuropathy due to chronic alcoholism;
  • delayed psycho-speech development;
  • withdrawal and post-abstinence syndrome in chronic alcoholism and drug addiction;
  • restoration of blood circulation of the brain due to craniocerebral injuries;
  • recovery period after chronic stress, overwork, hypoxia, radiation, hypothermia, burns.

The overall effect after a course of injection of "Actovegin" can be described by the following points:

  1. Regeneration is accelerated after any kind of injury, damage to blood vessels, skin, tissues of internal organs.
  2. The process of tissue respiration is activated, the rational use of oxygen by cells is ensured, which is delivered with blood to every part of the human body. Thanks to this, it is possible to mitigate the effects of circulatory disorders and hypoxia.
  3. The process of using glucose by body cells that are in a state of hypoxia (oxygen starvation), as well as tissues that, for one reason or another, experience metabolic exhaustion, is normalized.
  4. The synthesis of protein, in particular collagen, fibers is normalized. Thanks to this, the process of cell division and the restoration of all body tissues is accelerated. The process of cell division of blood vessels is also stimulated, which inevitably leads to the normalization of blood supply to all organs and the brain.

Contraindications to the use of the drug

Instructions for use warns that, regardless of the form of release, the drug has the following contraindications for use:

  • oliguria;
  • decompensated heart failure (in particular, if the drug is used in the form of droppers);
  • fluid retention of various etiologies;
  • pulmonary edema;
  • anuria.

Is it possible to inject "Actovegin" intramuscularly in the presence of chronic renal failure? The exact answer depends on the stage of the disease and the appropriateness of using the drug. It is necessary to consult with the attending nephrologist. if the patient has chronic pyelonephritis in the acute stage - also before the course of Actovegin, a consultation with a doctor is necessary. Self-administration can in some cases aggravate the patient's condition.

Can Actovegin be injected intramuscularly after consultation with a hepatologist if the patient has been diagnosed with cirrhosis? According to experts, sometimes the drug is able to improve the clinical picture, but only if the tests are not too critical (a doctor's consultation is needed to conclude that the course of injections is appropriate).

Possible side effects

How many days to inject "Actovegin" intramuscularly to prevent overdose and the development of side effects? Only the doctor who prescribed the drug can answer this question. Many people try to prescribe the drug and dosage for themselves, as a result they suffer from severe side effects. Therefore, the package contains information that the drug is dispensed strictly according to the prescription.

Instructions for use warns that the following side effects may develop against the background of injection (it is also possible to develop when using a gel, infusion or tablets):

  • allergic reactions: swelling, urticaria, dermatitis, pruritus, increased sweating, hot flashes, hyperhidrosis, fever;
  • on the part of the digestive tract: nausea after administration, pain or pulling sensations in the epigastric region, indigestion, there may be problems with bile production;
  • on the part of the cardiac system: pain in the heart, shortness of breath, hypotension, tachycardia, hypertension;
  • from the side of the central nervous system: headache, weakness, drowsiness, nausea, dizziness, tremor of the limbs, loss of consciousness, in some patients, on the contrary, hyperactivity and problems with concentration during the course of injections are observed (especially if the dosage was chosen incorrectly);
  • on the part of the skeletal and muscular system: pain of unclear etiology in the lumbar region, pulling pains in the joints, in the bone tissue.

Is it possible to inject Actovegin injections intramuscularly on my own?

This question worries many patients after they have been prescribed the drug. Let's try to answer the most common questions:

  1. How to inject "Actovegin" intramuscularly - diluted or not - before taking the medicine into the syringe? No, you should not dilute the solution from the ampoule. It is already ready for use, you just need to select it with a needle into a syringe and make an injection.
  2. Is it possible to inject 5 ml of "Actovegin" intramuscularly at a time? It happens that such a relatively large volume of the ampoule frightens patients. But you shouldn't worry. It is possible to make such an injection, only you should choose a large muscle for an injection. Optimally - a large buttock. The injection should be placed in the upper outer region of the buttock, as if it were divided by two intersecting perpendicular lines.
  3. How often can Actovegin be injected intramuscularly? This question can be answered by the attending physician based on the clinical picture of each individual patient. As a rule, injections are prescribed daily for 10 or 20 days. The exact duration of the course depends on the diagnosis, the state of health and the individual characteristics of the patient.
  4. "Actovegin" to yourself, on your own? It is quite possible to do this if you have the necessary skills. Many people are successfully able to administer the injection as skillfully and safely as nurses with years of experience in performing similar procedures do. It is necessary to wipe the injection site with alcohol (where exactly to inject - shown in the figure below), then insert the needle with a sharp movement and, pressing on the piston, inject the drug. In this case, there should be no pain (with the exception of slight discomfort when inserting a needle from a syringe).

Features of using the drug: time of day, alcohol intake, nutrition

At what time to prick "Actovegin" intramuscularly - in the morning, at lunchtime or in the evening? It is optimal to perform the procedure in the first half of the day, as some patients develop side effects such as hyperactivity and agitation. Other people, on the contrary, suffer from drowsiness. If a person feels weakness and a desire to sleep after an injection, then it is permissible to inject in the second half of the day. Thus, the answer to the question of what time of day to inject Actovegin intramuscularly depends on the individual state of the body and the reaction to the drug.

Against the background of the course of treatment, the intake of alcoholic beverages should be completely excluded, since their action can negate the therapeutic and pharmacological effect of the use of the drug. "Actovegin" promotes better nutrition of brain cells, while ethyl alcohol is very active in destroying neurons and has a very strong toxic effect on the entire body as a whole. it is not for nothing that "Actovegin" is often prescribed during the withdrawal period during the period of remission in chronic alcoholism.

Against the background of the course of treatment, you should adhere to proper nutrition, which would not create obstacles in the process of restoring the body. An optimal balance in the diet of proteins, fats and carbohydrates should be observed. This is especially important for those who take Actovegin to restore the functions of the nervous system and to recover from various kinds of tissue and dermatological pathologies.

Actovegin injections for children and adolescents

How to prick "Actovegin" intramuscularly for children? The drug is often prescribed by neurologists with delayed psychoverbal development. The child should be prescribed a dosage only by a doctor. In addition, it is almost always very difficult for a child to give an injection - therefore, independent use of the drug by parents is not welcome. It is optimal to visit the treatment room with the child every day so that the injections are given by a person with the necessary skills.

How much to inject "Actovegin" intramuscularly to a child with a delay in psychoverbal development? Usually the total duration of the course is 10 days. However, in some cases it may vary. Sometimes a neurologist, at his discretion, can reduce the daily dosage (for example, only 2 ml), but at the same time extend the total course time - 20 days instead of 10, prescribe nootropics or anticonvulsants in parallel with injections. You should always consult with your doctor about the features of treatment, and in no case should you make an independent decision about the need for therapy for a child or adolescent.

How often to prick "Actovegin" intramuscularly to a child? You should consult on this issue with your doctor. Usually prescribed one injection every 24 hours.

"Actovegin" can be administered intramuscularly or intravenously.

Patients with ischemic stroke or arterial angiopathy are administered as a dropper, 20-50 ml of the drug, previously diluted in the infusion solution recommended by the doctor. According to the doctor's prescription, the drug can be administered both every other day, and only two or three times a week.

How to inject "Actovegin" intramuscularly in patients with dermatological diseases? As a rule, it is prescribed for 5 ml intramuscularly once a day for 10-20 days daily or two to three times a week for a month.

Intramuscularly, you can enter the drug quickly. If there is a need for intravenous administration, then you should be patient and achieve the slowest possible administration, it is not in vain that a drug significantly diluted with any medical solution is used in droppers. This is necessary so that too much concentration of the drug does not immediately enter the bloodstream.

How many days to prick "Actovegin" intramuscularly?

Depending on the clinical picture, the drug can be prescribed on a daily basis (as a rule, this method is practiced in neurological and psychiatric pathologies), or several times a week (usually this method is more effective in dermatological and cardiac diseases).

It is forbidden to independently decide how many days to carry out therapy. The information provided in the instructions is for informational purposes and is not a call for self-treatment. Only after receiving an accurate diagnosis and determining concomitant diseases, the attending physician can draw up the most effective course of treatment, the complex of which includes Actovegin injections.

Drug interaction of the drug when injected

How to inject "Actovegin" intramuscularly so that it does not cause harm? Consideration should be given to its interaction with other drugs (if any).

When taken simultaneously with sedatives, drowsiness, weakness, and an inhibitory effect on the nervous system may increase.

When taken simultaneously with antidepressants, no accurate data on the consequences were revealed, but it is recommended to carefully monitor the dosage of "Actovegin" and increase it gradually.

Since the interaction of peptides with most pharmacological drugs has not yet been fully studied, the instructions do not contain accurate data on the possible consequences. Therefore, the drug is released strictly on prescription in Latin, while the dosage and duration of administration, as well as a comprehensive course of drugs, should be discussed with a specialist.

In this article, you can read the instructions for using the drug Actovegin. Reviews of site visitors - consumers of this medicine, as well as opinions of doctors of specialists on the use of Actovegin in their practice are presented. A big request to actively add your reviews about the drug: did the medicine help or not help get rid of the disease, what complications and side effects were observed, perhaps not declared by the manufacturer in the annotation. Analogues of Actovegin in the presence of existing structural analogues. Use for the treatment of metabolic and vascular disorders of the brain, tissue trophism, burns and bedsores, diabetic polyneuropathy in adults, children (including newborns), as well as during pregnancy and lactation.

Actovegin- antihypoxant, is a gemoderivate, which is obtained by dialysis and ultrafiltration (compounds with a molecular weight of less than 5000 daltons penetrate).

It has a positive effect on the transport and utilization of glucose, stimulates oxygen consumption (which leads to stabilization of the plasma membranes of cells during ischemia and a decrease in the formation of lactates), thus providing an antihypoxic effect.

Actovegin increases the concentrations of ATP, ADP, phosphocreatine, as well as amino acids (glutamate, aspartate) and GABA.

The effect of Actovegin on oxygen uptake and utilization, as well as insulin-like activity with stimulation of glucose transport and oxidation, are significant in the treatment of diabetic polyneuropathy.

In patients with diabetes mellitus and diabetic polyneuropathy, Actovegin significantly reduces the symptoms of polyneuropathy (stabbing pain, burning sensation, paresthesia, numbness of the lower extremities). Objectively, sensitivity disorders are reduced, the mental well-being of patients improves.

The effect of Actovegin begins to appear no later than 30 minutes (10-30 minutes) after parenteral administration and reaches a maximum, on average, after 3 hours (2-6 hours).


Deproteinized hemoderivat from calf blood (Actovegin concentrate or granulate) + excipients.


Using pharmacokinetic methods, it is impossible to study the pharmacokinetic characteristics (absorption, distribution, excretion) of the active components of Actovegin, since it consists only of physiological components that are usually present in the body.

To date, no decrease in the pharmacological efficacy of hemoderivatives has been found in patients with altered pharmacokinetics (including with hepatic or renal insufficiency, metabolic changes associated with advanced age, due to the peculiarities of metabolism in newborns).


  • metabolic and vascular disorders of the brain (including ischemic stroke, traumatic brain injury);
  • peripheral (arterial and venous) vascular disorders and their consequences (arterial angiopathy, trophic ulcers);
  • diabetic polyneuropathy;
  • wound healing (ulcers of various etiologies, trophic disorders /bedsores/, burns, impaired wound healing processes);
  • prevention and treatment of radiation damage to the skin and mucous membranes during radiation therapy.

Release form

Film-coated tablets 200 mg.

Solution for injections (injections) 40 mg/ml in ampoules of 5 ml and 10 ml.

Ointment for external use 5% (not supplied to Russia).

Cream for external use 5% (not supplied to Russia).

Gel for external use 20% (not supplied to Russia).

Instructions for use and dosage


Assign inside 1-2 tablets 3 times a day before meals. The tablet is not chewed, washed down with a small amount of water. The duration of treatment is 4-6 weeks.


The solution for injection is administered intra-arterially, intravenously (including as an infusion or dropper) and intramuscularly. The infusion rate is about 2 ml / min. In connection with the potential for the development of anaphylactic reactions, it is recommended to test for the presence of hypersensitivity to the drug before infusion.

The duration of the course of treatment is determined individually, depending on the symptoms and severity of the disease.

Metabolic and vascular disorders of the brain: from 5 to 25 ml (200 - 1000 mg per day) intravenously daily for two weeks, followed by the transition to a tablet form.

Ischemic stroke: 20-50 ml (800-2000 mg) in 200-300 ml of 0.9% sodium chloride solution or 5% dextrose solution intravenously daily for 1 week, then 10-20 ml (400-800 mg ) intravenously drip - 2 weeks, followed by the transition to a tablet form.

Peripheral (arterial and venous) vascular disorders and their consequences: 20-30 ml (800-1000 mg) of the drug in 200 ml of 0.9% sodium chloride solution or 5% dextrose solution intra-arterially or intravenously daily; the duration of treatment is 4 weeks.

Diabetic polyneuropathy: 50 ml (2000 mg) per day intravenously for 3 weeks, followed by the transition to a tablet form - 2-3 tablets 3 times a day for at least 4-5 months.

Wound healing: 10 ml (400 mg) intravenously or 5 ml intramuscularly daily or 3-4 times a week, depending on the healing process (in addition to local treatment with Actovegin in dosage forms for external use).

Prevention and treatment of radiation damage to the skin and mucous membranes during radiation therapy: the average dose is 5 ml (200 mg) intravenously daily during breaks in radiation exposure.

Radiation cystitis: 10 ml (400 mg) daily transurethral in combination with antibiotic therapy.

Side effect

  • skin rash;
  • skin hyperemia;
  • hyperthermia;
  • hives;
  • swelling;
  • medicinal fever;
  • anaphylactic shock.


  • decompensated heart failure;
  • pulmonary edema;
  • oliguria, anuria;
  • fluid retention in the body;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • hypersensitivity to similar drugs.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

The use of the drug during pregnancy did not have a negative effect on the mother or fetus, however, if necessary, the use of the drug during pregnancy should take into account the potential risk to the fetus. So the use of Actovegin in these cases requires caution.

special instructions

In connection with the potential for the development of anaphylactic reactions, it is recommended to conduct a test (trial injection of 2 ml / m) before infusion.

In the case of an intramuscular route of administration, the drug should be administered slowly in an amount of not more than 5 ml.

Solutions of Actovegin have a slightly yellowish tint. The color intensity may vary from one batch to another depending on the characteristics of the starting materials used, but this does not affect the effectiveness and tolerability of the drug.

Do not use an opaque solution or a solution containing particles.

With repeated injections, the water-electrolyte balance of the blood plasma should be monitored.

After opening the ampoule or vial, the solution cannot be stored.

drug interaction

Drug interaction of the drug Actovegin has not been established.

However, in order to avoid possible pharmaceutical incompatibility, it is not recommended to add other drugs to Actovegin infusion solution.

Analogues of the drug Actovegin

The drug Actovegin has no structural analogues for the active substance.

Analogues by pharmacological group (antihypoxants and antioxidants):

  • Actovegin granulate;
  • Actovegin concentrate;
  • Antisten;
  • Astrox;
  • Vixipin;
  • Vitanam;
  • Hypoxen;
  • Glation;
  • Deprenorm;
  • Dihydroquercetin;
  • Dimephosphone;
  • Cardioxipin;
  • Carditrim;
  • Carnitine;
  • Carnifit;
  • Kudevita;
  • Kudesan;
  • Kudesan for children;
  • Kudesan Forte;
  • Levocarnitine;
  • Limontar;
  • Meksidant;
  • Mexidol;
  • Mexidol solution for injections 5%;
  • Mexicor;
  • Mexipridol;
  • Mexiprim;
  • Mexifin;
  • Methylethylpyridinol;
  • Metostabil;
  • Sodium oxybutyrate;
  • Neurox;
  • Neurolipon;
  • Octolipen;
  • Olifen;
  • Predizin;
  • Preductal;
  • Rexod;
  • Rimecore;
  • Solcoseryl;
  • Thiogamma;
  • Thiotriazoline;
  • Trekrezan;
  • Triducard;
  • Trimectal;
  • Trimetazidine;
  • Phenosanoic acid;
  • Cerecard;
  • Cytochrome C;
  • Eltacin;
  • Emoxybel;
  • Emoxipin;
  • Enerlit;
  • Yantavit.

In the absence of analogues of the drug for the active substance, you can follow the links below to the diseases that the corresponding drug helps with and see the available analogues for the therapeutic effect.

For each method of application there is a separate dosage form.

Characteristics of the drug

For the production of Actovegin, the blood of dairy calves is used, from which deproteinized hemoderivat is obtained by dialysis and ultrafiltration. It contains amino acids, macronutrients, microelements, fatty acids, oligopeptides and other important physiological components.

Having received a doctor's prescription for therapy with an ampoule form of the drug, many are wondering whether it is possible to inject Actovegin intramuscularly or whether an intravenous infusion is needed. The answer can be obtained both from a doctor or pharmacist, and by reading the leaflet to the medicine - the drug is used for intramuscular use.

Actovegin is produced in several dosage forms: injection solution, ointment, tablets, cream, infusion solution and gel. This allows each patient to choose the ideal remedy.

In particular, injections of Actovegin intramuscularly are carried out using an injection solution. It is a clear liquid that has a yellowish color or is completely colorless. The drug is sold in ampoules with a volume of 2, 5 and 10 ml. The active component in the solution is included in the amount of 40 mg per ml. Thus, 2 ml contains 80 mg of gemoderivate, 5 ml - 200 mg, and 10 ml - 400 mg. The excipients are water for injection and sodium chloride.

Medication indications

The drug has a complex mechanism of action, providing a variety of its pharmacological effects, therefore it is used in the treatment of many diseases in various fields of medicine. Its purpose is justified, if necessary, to improve the nutrition of body tissues, increase their resistance to hypoxia, which ensures the minimum amount of damage to body cell structures in conditions of oxygen deficiency.

Actovegin according to the instructions for intramuscular injection is used for:

  • abnormal dilation of cerebral vessels;
  • damage to the retina;
  • dyscirculatory encephalopathy;
  • ischemia and oxygen starvation of organs;
  • vascular atherosclerosis;
  • ischemic strokes;
  • vascular angiopathy;
  • extensive burns of a chemical and thermal nature;
  • cerebral insufficiency;
  • wounds and bedsores;
  • diabetic polyneuropathies;
  • frostbite;
  • craniocerebral injuries;
  • radiation and radiation damage to the skin and mucous membranes.

How to apply

Depending on the severity of the course of the disease, intramuscular or infusion medication is prescribed. The decision on this, as well as on the dosage of the drug, is made by the doctor.

Instructions on how to administer injections intramuscularly:

  • Before carrying out the manipulation, you should thoroughly wash your hands with soap and treat with an antiseptic;
  • The ampoule should be slightly warmed in the hand before administration;
  • Holding the ampoule vertically and having lightly tapped on it so that the entire solution is in the lower part, break off its tip along the line with a red dot;
  • The medicine is drawn with a sterile syringe, then turned upside down and a drop of solution is released to make sure that all the air is out;
  • Visually divide the buttock into 4 parts and insert the needle into the upper outer square, after treating the skin with a cotton swab with alcohol;
  • Enter the drug slowly;
  • After the injection, the injection site is clamped with cotton wool or a napkin moistened with alcohol.

In injections, according to the instructions for use, Actovegin is used at 2-5 milliliters per day. The introduction can be carried out from 1 to 3 times a day.

The attending physician, based on the presence of indications, the severity of the course of the disease and the effectiveness of the treatment, can change the recommended doses in one direction or another. If it is necessary to administer the drug in doses exceeding 5 ml, it is recommended to use Actovegin intravenously.

The following doses of the drug are usually prescribed:

  • In case of circulatory insufficiency of the brain, 5 ml of the drug is used for 14 days. Next, a tablet form is prescribed to support the effect;
  • To speed up the process of tissue regeneration in wounds, frostbite and other damage to the epidermis, daily injections of 5 ml of Actovegin solution are indicated. Additionally, local forms of the drug are used - ointment, cream or gel.

Intramuscular administration is used for mild to moderate disease, while in more complex cases, infusion into a vein is required.

Precautionary measures

To ensure maximum efficiency and safety in the treatment with Actovegin in injections, it is necessary to follow the rules for its use.

Prior to the start of full-fledged therapy, the presence of individual intolerance should be determined. For this, 2 ml of the drug is injected intramuscularly for 1-2 minutes. Long-term administration allows you to observe the body's response to the drug and, with the development of anaphylaxis, you can stop the injection in time and start resuscitation of the patient.

From the above, the following admission rule follows - injections should be given in a medical institution, where, if necessary, emergency care can be obtained. If home treatment is nevertheless assumed, then at least the first dose should be administered in a hospital under the supervision of medical staff.

Intramuscularly, Actovegin is allowed to be administered at a dose not exceeding 5 ml, since the solution is hypertonic and can provoke a sharp jump in blood pressure.

It is important to create the most sterile conditions when administering the drug. An open ampoule should be used immediately, as there are no preservatives in the medicine that would provide longer storage. Therefore, the drug should be purchased in ampoules of the volume that needs to be injected at a time. After all, storage of an opened ampoule is prohibited.

Actovegin should be stored in the refrigerator, therefore, before use, the ampoule should be slightly warmed in the hands to ensure a more comfortable administration.

A solution with a visible precipitate or cloudy should not be used. The contents of the ampoule should have a yellowish color and transparency.

It is allowed to include Actovegin in complex treatment regimens for diseases, since no negative interaction reactions with other drugs have been established. It should be borne in mind that mixing it with other drugs in the same vial or syringe is strictly prohibited. The exception is solutions of sodium chloride and glucose, which are recommended for the preparation of infusion solutions. It is also forbidden to drink alcohol during treatment with the drug.

Side effects

Actovegin is well tolerated. The most frequent negative effect during its treatment are allergic reactions, including angioedema. Much less common are:

  • redness or pallor of the skin;
  • dizziness;
  • chest pain;
  • indigestion;
  • quickening and difficulty breathing;
  • general weakness;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • pain in muscles and joints;
  • increased heart rate;
  • fever;
  • paresthesia;
  • bouts of suffocation.

If any adverse reactions of the body to the use of the drug appear, Actovegin therapy should be discontinued and symptomatic treatment should be prescribed.

When using Actovegin injections intramuscularly, it must be borne in mind that this is a rather unpleasant and painful procedure. Therefore, its intravenous drip administration is preferable along with a solution of glucose or sodium chloride.


Actovegin has a high safety profile, which allows it to be used in a wide range of patients. However, there are exceptions. Injections of Actovegin intramuscularly are prohibited when:

  • hypersensitivity to the components of the remedy;
  • heart failure;
  • violations of the outflow of urine;
  • pulmonary edema;
  • kidney diseases.

The use of the drug in special groups of patients

According to the instructions, the drug should not be prescribed in pediatrics due to the lack of a sufficient number of relevant studies. But in practice, many doctors use Actovegin to treat infants and children.

Intramuscular injections of the drug are practically not used in this category of patients due to the painfulness of the procedure. An exception are infants with the consequences of intrauterine hypoxia. But such injections are administered only in a hospital under constant medical supervision.

Pregnant women Actovegin is prescribed with caution, after assessing the possible consequences for the fetus. If it is necessary to administer the drug to such patients, preference is given to intravenous administration at the beginning of treatment with a further transition, when the condition improves, to intramuscular administration or taking tablets.

Indications for the appointment are: the threat of abortion, feto-placental insufficiency, placental abruption, Rhesus conflict, slowing down weight gain by the fetus or its low physical activity.

The use of the drug during lactation is also allowed, but only if its therapeutic effect on the mother's body exceeds the potential risk to the baby.

In geriatrics, the drug is used quite often. At the same time, judging by the reviews, it is in the elderly and senile age that the positive effect of Actovegin manifests itself best.

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Actovegin injections intramuscularly. Instructions, indications for use in adults and children

Faced with the problem of tissue repair in the human body, I want to quickly and effectively solve the problem. In this case, you should pay attention to the drug Actovegin - a modern drug with a wide spectrum of action, which has already been evaluated by many patients.

Actovegin injections intramuscularly for adults, children: instructions must be studied before use!

Why are Actovegin injections prescribed intramuscularly

The drug Actovegin improves and increases the supply of glucose and oxygen to the cells of the human body, which gives stimulation and activation of regenerative processes in tissues.

By increasing blood circulation, the remedy increases the rate of healing of wounds of various origins:

  1. from burns;
  2. frostbite;
  3. skin lesions from radiation exposure;
  4. trophic ulcers;
  5. bedsores in bedridden elderly and debilitated patients.

Due to the improvement of oxidative reactions in the human body, injections of Actovegin intramuscularly for adults and children (instructions below) are also used as a drug for normalizing blood circulation, i.e. with diseases such as ischemic stroke and Alzheimer's disease.

It is also used to treat the following effects:

  • with TBI;
  • with dementia;
  • with memory disorders;
  • with a decrease in attention;
  • with a decrease in the ability of analysis.

The drug increases the utilization, consumption and saturation of cells with oxygen (“cell air”), which in turn leads to the activation of energy metabolism.

Given this, a variety of angiopathy of diabetic origin and cerebrovascular pathologies respond well to treatment, such as:

Actovegin injections intramuscularly for adults, children: instructions (indications) for use. A course of treatment

Actovegin according to the instructions for intramuscular injections is produced in the form of ampoules with a solution that has a soft yellowish color. The brightness of the color of the solution may be more or less pronounced. It depends on the materials used to manufacture the drug. But the color of the solution does not affect the quality of the drug, its tolerability and effectiveness.

Note! Applying Actovegin injections intramuscularly to adults, children, the instruction must be studied. The use of a solution that is opaque, cloudy or contains sedimentary particles is prohibited. The remaining unused medicine should not be stored and used for subsequent injections.

When using the drug for injection, the ampoule is opened in a vertical position. By knocking on the ampoule, its tip breaks off and a solution of the required amount is taken out with a syringe.

Next, a body area with a minimum fat layer is selected. In this case, the upper lateral parts of the shoulder and thigh are optimal for people of large build, buttocks and stomach for people of average build. The needle of the syringe is inserted deep into the muscle and the solution is poured in very slowly, since the injections are very painful.

The upper lateral part of the shoulder is the most accessible area for intramuscular injection

Release form - 2ml, 5ml, 10ml ampoules.

According to the instructions in Actovegin injections, the main substance is dry deproteinized hemoderivat - 40 mg per 1 ml. This means that a 2 ml solution for injection will contain 80 mg of dry matter; in 5 ml - 200 mg; in 10 ml - 400 mg.

In Actovegin injections, according to the instructions, sterile distilled water is used as an auxiliary component.

Drug injections can have a hypertensive and allergic effect on the body. Therefore, a trial test injection is made and the subsequent condition of the patient is observed for several hours.

Intramuscular injections for therapeutic effects are considered less effective than intravenous injections. Therefore, they are prescribed for the healing of wounds of moderate severity and for the correction of exacerbations of chronic diseases, but not more than 5 mg per day with a duration of treatment of 10 days or more.

Actovegin injections intravenously for adults

For intravenous administration, standard release forms are used:

  1. ampoules of Actovegin injections with a volume of 2 ml, a volume of 5 ml and a volume of 10 ml;
  2. flacon-shaped bottles with a volume of 250 ml made of transparent glass, closed with a metal cap, under which there is a rubber stopper.

Intravenous or intra-arterial injections are more effective than intramuscular injections

Actovegin for infusions, contained in the vial, is completely ready for use by the drip method and can be of two types:

  1. A solution prepared in a dextrose solution containing the active substance hemoderivate 4 mg / ml or 10%. Auxiliary components - sodium chloride, dextrose and distilled water;
  2. A solution prepared in physiological saline, where hemoderivate - in 10% - 4 mg / ml, in 20% - 8 mg / ml. Auxiliary components - water and sodium chloride.

Both solutions are clear, with a slight yellow color.

According to the instructions, Actovegin injections are used with a difference in the method of infusion - with a syringe intra-arterially or using a dropper intravenously. The use of Actovegin intravenously or intraarterially is more effective than intramuscularly.

For intra-arterial injection, solutions from ampoules are used, which are already ready for use.

In ampoules, the drug is used for disorders of blood circulation and metabolic processes of the brain - 10 ml once daily for 2 weeks. Further, the dose is reduced to 5 ml and the frequency of injections is reduced, but the duration of treatment is increased to 4 weeks.

For the infusion method, ready-made 250 ml vials or ampoules with a volume of 2 ml, a volume of 5 ml and a volume of 10 ml are used, which must be diluted in such infusion solutions:

  • glucose solution 5% -ml
  • dextrose solution - ml
  • saline solution - ml

next 14 days

Important to remember! The rate of infusion administration of Actovegin should not exceed 2 ml/min. In addition, when using Actovegin by any of the above methods, hematocrit (water level in the human body) and blood electrolytes (calcium, sodium, potassium, chlorine) must be monitored.

Actovegin: instructions for the use of injections intramuscularly for children

Data on the use of the drug Actovegin for the treatment of children with instructions for use are not reported. But according to vital signs, determined by an experienced neurologist, this medicine is prescribed from the first weeks of life.

Note! It is injections that are the most optimal form for use, because. dosage calculation is very accurate and they work more efficiently. The dose of the administered drug is determined based on the age and weight of the child.

An allergy test is required.

Zones for intramuscular injections

When administered intramuscularly, a 0.5% solution of novocaine is used at the rate of 1.5 ml to 2 ml of Actovegin. This is done to reduce the pain of the injection.

Indications for the appointment are the pathology of cerebral circulation, a decrease in mental and physical development.

Actovegin for babies

Indications for the appointment of Actovegin injections are the following conditions:

  • prenatal hypoxia;
  • TBI during childbirth;
  • TBI not related to childbirth.

Additional areas for intramuscular injections

As a result, with such injuries, changes occur:

  1. in the development of movement skills (attempts to walk on toes, shaking legs, twitching the neck);
  2. disorders of neuropsychic development (increased excitability, delayed speech formation).

The injection dose for a child under 1 year old is taken at the rate of 0.4 ml - 0.5 ml per 1 kg of the child's weight intramuscularly or intravenously daily.

Be careful! Contraindications for the appointment are: allergies, edema, kidney disease, heart disease, deviations in blood sugar.

Actovegin injections during pregnancy

The range of prescription of Actovegin injections to women during pregnancy is quite wide. This includes the following pathologies, disorders and diseases:

  1. violation of placental blood supply;
  2. underdevelopment of the placenta;
  3. miscarriage, one or more;
  4. diabetes, type I or II;
  5. arterial hypertension;
  6. Rh factor conflict of the blood of the fetus and mother;
  7. insufficient oxygen supply to the placenta and embryo.

Actovegin injections during pregnancy help to cope with many problems

For the treatment and correction of chronic diseases, Actovegin in injections is prescribed intravenously once every 24 or 48 hours, lasting from 4 weeks to 6 weeks.

Actovegin injections - reviews of doctors

Actovegin is used in many medical fields. The range of its influences is very wide. Medical workers of many specializations - neurologists, traumatologists, surgeons, pediatricians, gynecologists and even cosmetologists speak very positively about Actovegin in injections.

It is quite effective. Noticeable improvements occur within three hours after the procedure. It can be used as a single drug, or in combination with other drugs and supplements.

The use of Actovegin in injections gives confirmed results in Alzheimer's disease. An important fact, because these patients recover difficult and long.

In practice, individual intolerance is rare.

Interesting fact! Actovegin in injections is currently used:

  • in facial cosmetology, where there is surgery - rhinoplasty, a radical change in the shape of the eyes, lips, face skin tightening;
  • in breast plastic surgery;
  • in liposuction.

Possible side effects (side effects) from Actovegin injections

When treating with Actovegin in injections, the following adverse reactions in the body may occur:

  1. Immune system and skin - hypersensitivity, allergic manifestations in the form of a change in the temperature regime of the body in the direction of increasing or decreasing, angioedema, skin flushing, skin rashes, itching, urticaria, excessive sweating, swelling of the skin and / or mucous membranes, hot flashes, changes in injection site, and anaphylactic shock may develop.
  2. Digestive system: manifestations of dyspepsia - heaviness in the stomach, nausea and vomiting, diarrhea;
  3. Cardiovascular system: pain in the cardiac region, tachycardia, shortness of breath, acrocyanosis, pallor of the skin, arterial hypotension or hypertension.
  4. Respiratory system: a feeling of lack of air and, in connection with this, rapid breathing, heaviness in the chest, pain in the throat and, in connection with this, difficulties in the process of swallowing and breathing.
  5. Nervous system: dizziness and headache, a state of excitement, tremor or general weakness, up to loss of consciousness.
  6. Musculoskeletal system: joint, muscle, lumbar pain.

If such manifestations occur, the use of Actovegin for treatment should be completed and symptomatic therapy should be used.

The price of Actovegin injections: how much does a course of treatment cost, where to buy the drug

Prices are for Moscow 2017

Qty per pack

  • Packing box;
  • Actovegin injections - instructions for use;
  • Ampoules with the drug.

The drug Actovegin in injections can be purchased at many pharmacies in large and medium-sized cities in Russia.

Cheap analogues of Actovegin

The main and main, similar in composition, auxiliary means and therapeutic effect, the analogue of Actovegin injections is Solcoseryl. But its price is not much less - rub.

Solcoseryl - the main analogue of Actovegin

Cerebrolysin is based on active substances of animal origin. (800 rubles)

Cortexin - has a milder therapeutic effect. (800 rubles)

Curantyl 25 - has many contraindications. (rub.)

Mexidol - in addition to appointments similar to Actovegin, it is used to relieve post-alcohol consequences. (rub.)

Divaza is based on brain protein antibodies. (rub.)

In medical practice, other analogues are also used, but they are of chemical origin and usually their effect is narrowly focused.

The drug Actovegin, with its relative high cost, is often the best in the line of drugs for the treatment of such serious diseases as burns, frostbite and diseases characteristic of old age. This drug has a real therapeutic effect and can be widely used in medical practice.

This video clip tells about the drug Actovegin:

This video clip tells how to inject Actovegin intramuscularly for adults, children, instructions:

This video clip presents analogues of the drug Actovegin:

Why Actovegin injections are prescribed: instructions for use, reviews of the drug in ampoules

Actovegin is an extract taken from calf blood protein, which has a nootropic and stimulating effect on the body. This drug is available in different forms of release (gel, injections, tablets) and is used to treat various kinds of diseases, including neuralgic disorders. Most often, in the treatment of neurological diseases, Actovegin solution for therapeutic injections is used.

Actovegin - a drug obtained on the basis of an extract from calf's blood, has a physiological basis, which makes it safe even for children. This drug, which does not have a serious side effect on the body, is prescribed to all patients who are suitable for the list of its pharmacological properties. The drug is usually well tolerated.

The composition of the drug includes:

  • the active substance is an extract from the blood of calves;
  • excipients that promote the absorption of various vitamins and microelements, this segment includes: water, sodium chloride.

Pharmacological profile

The components of the Actovegin solution are physiological, therefore, it is not possible to study their pharmacokinetics after ingestion into the body. The drug exerts its effect by enhancing energy metabolism. It accelerates the utilization of oxygen and thus increases resistance to oxygen starvation in the tissues of the human body.

As mentioned earlier, using pharmacokinetic methods, it is impossible to study the pharmacokinetic characteristics (absorption, distribution, excretion) of the active components of Actovegin, since it consists only of physiological components that are usually present in the body.

To date, there is no reason to assume a decrease in the pharmacological effect of the drug in patients with impaired physiological functions of absorption and excretion of decay products.

With the help of evidence-based medicine, it is known that Actovegin in the form of injections quickly penetrates into the circulatory system and the active substance is distributed throughout the body, which justifies its rather rapid effect.

evidence-based medicine

There were many articles on the global web on the topic that there is no direct evidence of the action of Actovegin injections and therefore it is useless to use it. All the evidence about this is based on the same physiological components that haunt many doctors.

But, there is such a section of medicine as evidence-based medicine, which in practice for a certain period of time proves the effectiveness of a particular drug.

This happened with Actovegin, which has been on the pharmaceutical market for more than 30 years and reviews about it are extremely positive both from patients and from leading experts, which means that there is no reason to consider this nootropic drug ineffective.

Indications and contraindications for use

Indications for the use of Actovegin in the form of injections:

  • neuralgic disorders (including ischemic stroke, hypoxia, traumatic brain injury);
  • diabetes;
  • violation of blood supply and metabolism;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • violation of vascular tone.

The medication is also prescribed for the fastest healing of wounds and burns of varying degrees.

Actovegin in ampoules has no contraindications to its use, but injections are not recommended if the patient has an allergic reaction to one of the components of this medication.

Instructions for use

Actovegin injections are used intravenously or intramuscularly (depending on the degree and type of the disease). When administered intravenously, the drug is prescribed in a drip or jet form, and before its administration, the drug is dissolved in a sodium chloride solution for faster dissolution when it enters the body. In this case, the daily dosage should not exceed 20 milligrams.

As for intramuscular injection, in this case, first of all, it is necessary to select the required dosage. At first, it is from 5 to 10 milligrams per knock and, if necessary, it increases by 5 milligrams every week. The injection is administered intravenously without additional treatment with sodium chloride.

Such nootropic drugs are often used during complex therapy, including for the treatment of neuralgic diseases.

Overdose and side effects

As practice shows, the drug is well accepted by patients and does not cause side effects. But, nevertheless, in rare cases, anaphylactic and allergic reactions associated with individual intolerance to the drug may occur. In addition, the following side effects sometimes appear when taking Actovegin:

  • slight reddening of the skin or rash on the body;
  • general malaise;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • headache and loss of consciousness;
  • disruption of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • joint pain;
  • shortness of breath, sometimes choking, caused by stiffness of the airways;
  • increased sweating;
  • stagnation of water in the body;
  • due to the stiffness of the airways, the patient may even have problems swallowing water, food and saliva;
  • excessive excitement and activity.

Special instructions for use

The manufacturer did not provide information about additional instructions related to taking the drug. But, most patients note that with diabetes, the patient should take the drug under the supervision of a doctor, as it retains water in the body, which, in turn, harms the body in diabetes.

Drug and alcohol compatibility

Actovegin, like many other nootropic drugs, is incompatible with alcohol, as this puts an unnecessary burden on the liver and kidneys.

In violation of the function of the kidneys and liver

As mentioned above, this drug puts a heavy strain on these two vital organs. Therefore, in the treatment of a neuralgic or other disease, it is worth looking for drugs of a similar effect, which do not so much burden the activity of the kidneys and liver.

During pregnancy and lactation

For pregnant women and during lactation, Actovegin should not be taken, as this may affect the hormonal background of a woman.

Reception by children

Injections are contraindicated for children under 5 years of age, as this nootropic agent has a stimulating effect.

Practical application experience

Doctor's review and reviews of patients who were prescribed Actovegin in ampoules.

Doctor's review

The main action of Actovegin is to increase the transport of oxygen in the circulating blood. Thanks to the natural components that make up this drug, its parenteral administration improves metabolic processes in the cells of human body tissues due to the active consumption, accumulation, movement and release of oxygen and glucose.

The drug improves the blood supply to tissue cells, accelerates the recovery of damaged tissues, and helps the body absorb vital substances and elements.

You can administer Actovegin to a patient:

  1. Intramuscularly - 5 ml per day, course of treatment - 20 injections.
  2. Intravenously: in jet injections - 10 ml per day; or a dropper is placed - the drug is diluted in 200 ml of saline or 5% glucose solution. The rate of administration in this case should be no more than 2 ml per minute.

The dosage of Actovegin for infusion injections depends on the form of the pathological process, with:

  • ischemic stroke every week, up to 50 ml / day is administered, then for two weeks - up to 20 ml / day;
  • vascular disorders of the brain - two weeks pml / day;
  • difficult to heal damage to the integrity of the skin - poml every other day.

Patient opinion

The workload makes itself felt, especially when you open your own small business and are constantly in a state of stress, which naturally affects your health.

After several nervous weeks, I began to notice a general malaise, excessive nervousness and a burning sensation in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe ribs. I didn’t really get hung up on this, because I thought that it just lasted, but every day it got worse and I went to the doctor.

He diagnosed me with stress-related intercostal neuralgia. As a treatment, he prescribed me the nootropic drug Actovegin in the form of injections, and after a week I felt much better.

Since childhood, my main problem has been a weak immune system, which quite often affected my health and I was a sickly child. At the age of 19, I was mowed down by such an ailment as herpetic neuralgia - a disease that affects the area around the eyes.

I immediately went to the doctor, and he prescribed me an intramuscular intake of Actovegin, and after 2 weeks the disease began to stumble, and a month later I completely got rid of it. By the way, the drug also improves immunity.

Elements of the Actovegin medical solution can cause an allergic reaction in a person. Many patients recommend that when allergy symptoms appear, the treatment with the drug should be phased out so as not to aggravate the condition.

As a rule, after the allergic irritation has passed, the attending physician selects a new solution where there are no various allergens.

Pros and cons according to practical experience

Of the pronounced advantages of the drug, the following should be distinguished:

  • high efficiency;
  • few side effects;
  • in the treatment of neuralgic disorders, the medical solution has an active sedative and tonic effect;
  • wide range of applications.

Cons: there are contraindications, including an allergic reaction.

Purchase and storage

The price of Actovegin solution in ampoules is 1500 rubles. The solution is stored for no more than 3 months in a cool place protected from the sun. The drug is dispensed in a pharmacy by prescription.

This section was created to take care of those who need a qualified specialist, without disturbing the usual rhythm of their own lives.

Trade name of the drug:

Actovegin ®

Group name

Deproteinized calf blood hemoderivat

Dosage form:



For 2 ml ampoules:

1 ampoule contains:
current substance: Actovegin® concentrate (in terms of dry deproteinized hemoderivative blood of calves) 1) - 80.0 mg;
auxiliary substance: water for injection - up to 2 ml.

For 5 ml ampoules:

1 ampoule contains:
current substance: Actovegin® concentrate (in terms of dry deproteinized hemoderivative blood of calves) 1) - 200.0 mg;
auxiliary substance: water for injection - up to 5 ml.

For 10 ml ampoules:

1 ampoule contains:
current substance: Actovegin® concentrate (in terms of dry deproteinized hemoderivative blood of calves) 1) - 400.0 mg;
auxiliary substance: water for injection - up to 10 ml.

1) Actovegin® concentrate contains sodium chloride in the form of sodium and chloride ions, which are components of the blood of calves. Sodium chloride is not added or removed during the production of the concentrate. The content of sodium chloride is about 53.6 mg (for 2 ml ampoules), about 134.0 mg (for 5 ml ampoules) and about 268.0 mg (for 10 ml ampoules).


clear yellowish solution

Pharmacotherapeutic group:

tissue regeneration stimulator

ATX code:

pharmachologic effect


Antihypoxant. Actovegin® is a hemoderivate, which is obtained by dialysis and ultrafiltration (compounds with a molecular weight of less than 5000 daltons pass).

It has a positive effect on the transport and utilization of glucose, stimulates oxygen consumption (which leads to stabilization of the plasma membranes of cells during ischemia and a decrease in lactate formation), thus having an antihypoxic effect, which begins to manifest itself no later than 30 minutes after parenteral administration and reaches a maximum on average after 3 hours (2-6 hours). Actovegin® increases the concentration of adenosine triphosphate, adenosine diphosphate, phosphocreatine, as well as amino acids - glutamate, aspartate and gamma-aminobutyric acid.

The effect of Actovegin® on oxygen uptake and utilization, as well as insulin-like activity with stimulation of glucose transport and oxidation, are significant in the treatment of diabetic polyneuropathy (DPN). In patients with diabetes mellitus and diabetic polyneuropathy, Actovegin® significantly reduces the symptoms of polyneuropathy (stabbing pain, burning sensation, parasthesia, numbness in the lower extremities). Sensitivity disorders are objectively reduced, and the mental well-being of patients improves.


Using pharmacokinetic methods, it is impossible to study the pharmacokinetic parameters of Actovegin®, since it consists only of physiological components that are usually present in the body.

To date, no decrease in the pharmacological effect of hemoderivatives has been found in patients with altered pharmacokinetics (for example, hepatic or renal insufficiency, metabolic changes associated with advanced age, as well as metabolic features in newborns)


  • Metabolic and vascular disorders of the brain (including ischemic stroke, traumatic brain injury).
  • Peripheral (arterial and venous) vascular disorders and their consequences (arterial angiopathy, trophic ulcers); diabetic polyneuropathy
  • Wound healing (ulcers of various etiologies, burns, trophic disorders (bedsores), impaired wound healing processes).
  • Prevention and treatment of radiation damage to the skin and mucous membranes during radiation therapy


Hypersensitivity to Actovegin® or similar drugs, decompensated heart failure, pulmonary edema, oliguria, anuria, fluid retention in the body.

WITH caution: hyperchloremia, hypernatremia

Use during pregnancy and lactation:

the use of the drug in pregnant women did not cause negative effects on the mother or fetus. However, when used in pregnant women, the potential risk to the fetus must be considered.

Dosage and administration

Intra-arterially, intravenously (including in the form of infusion) and intramuscularly. In connection with the potential for the development of anaphylactic reactions, it is recommended to test for the presence of hypersensitivity to the drug before infusion.

Instructions for using ampoules with a break point:

Position the tip of the ampoule point up! Gently tapping with your finger and shaking the ampoule, allow the solution to flow down from the tip of the ampoule.

Position the tip of the ampoule point up! Gently tapping with your finger and shaking the ampoule, allow the solution to flow down from the tip of the ampoule.

Depending on the severity of the clinical picture, the initial dose is 10-20 ml / day intravenously or intra-arterially; then 5 ml intravenously or 5 ml intramuscularly.
When administered as an infusion, 10-20 ml of ACTOVEGIN © is added to 200-300 ml of the stock solution (0.9% sodium chloride solution or 5% dextrose solution). Injection rate: about 2 ml/min.
Metabolic and vascular disorders of the brain: at the beginning of treatment, 10 ml intravenously daily for two weeks, then 5-10 ml intravenously 3-4 times a week for at least 2 weeks.
Ischemic stroke: 20-50 ml in 200-300 ml of the stock solution intravenously drip daily for 1 week, then 10-20 ml intravenously drip - 2 weeks.
Peripheral (arterial and venous) vascular disorders and their consequences: 20-30 ml of the drug in 200 ml of the stock solution intra-arterially or intravenously daily; the duration of treatment is about 4 weeks.
Wound healing: 10 ml intravenously or 5 ml intramuscularly daily or 3-4 times a week, depending on the healing process (in addition to local treatment with ACTOVEGIN © in topical dosage forms).
Prevention and treatment of radiation damage to the skin and mucous membranes during radiation therapy: the average dose is 5 ml intravenously daily during breaks in radiation exposure.
Radiation cystitis: daily 10 ml transurethral in combination with antibiotic therapy.

Side effect

Allergic reactions (skin rash, skin flushing, hyperthermia) up to anaphylactic shock.

Interaction with other drugs

Currently unknown.

special instructions
In the case of an intramuscular route of administration, slowly inject no more than 5 ml. Due to the possibility of an anaphylactic reaction, a trial injection (2 ml intramuscularly) is recommended.
The solution for injection has a slightly yellowish tint. The color intensity may vary from one batch to another depending on the characteristics of the starting materials used, but this does not adversely affect the activity of the drug or its tolerability.
Do not use a solution that is opaque or contains particles.
After opening the ampoule, the solution can not be stored.

Release form

Solution for injections 40 mg/ml.
2, 5, 10 ml of the drug in colorless glass ampoules (type I, Eur. Pharm.) with a break point. 5 ampoules in a plastic blister pack. 1 or 5 blister packs with instructions for use are placed in a cardboard box. Transparent protective stickers of a round shape with holographic inscriptions and control of the first opening are pasted on the pack.

Best before date

5 years. Do not use after the expiration date.

Storage conditions

At a temperature not exceeding 25 ° C in a place protected from light. Keep out of the reach of children!

Terms of dispensing from pharmacies

By prescription.

"Nycomed Austria GmbH", Austria
Art. Peter Strasse 25, A-4020 Linz, Austria
"Nycomed Austria GmbH", Austria
St. Peter Strasse 25, A-4020 Linz, Austria

Consumer claims should be sent to:
Takeda Pharmaceuticals Limited Liability Company (Takeda Pharmaceuticals LLC)

The drug Actovegin is an extract of calf blood, which is free from protein. It is often used for prevention or treatment, where ischemic and hypoxic damage occurs in organs and tissues, as well as the complications caused by these damages.

Actovegin injections instruction

The instructions for the drug Actovegin provide information about its inherent properties of stimulating metabolism in tissue cells by increasing the speed of movement, accumulation, and also due to the utilization and consumption of glucose and oxygen. As a result, it becomes possible to increase the energy potential of the cell, which is vital in those conditions when it is not enough.

Urinary tract disorders. Blurred reactions, including Stevens-Johnson syndrome and toxic epidermal necrolysis, hair loss, sensitivity to sunlight, red or purple skin, itching. The frequency is unknown. General feeling of being unwell.

Medicines such as Naklofen may be associated with a slight increase in the risk of heart attack or stroke. Side effects report. Tell your doctor or pharmacist if you notice any side effects not listed in this sheet. By reporting side effects, you can help us learn more about the safety of this medicine.

In addition, the drug helps to improve blood supply, accelerate regeneration processes, as well as heal and restore tissues, stimulate the processes of absorption by the body of the substances it needs.

The consequence of the use of Actovegin in treatment is a decrease in symptoms associated with a lack of energy supply to cells, as well as an improvement in the patient's mental health.

Keep this medicine out of the reach of children. The medicine is suitable for use until the last day of the indicated month. Ask your pharmacist to dispose of unwanted medicines. Package contents and other information. The active substance is diclofenac sodium. 1 ml injection contains 25 mg diclofenac sodium. 3 ml solution for injection contains 75 mg diclofenac sodium.

Other ingredients are benzyl alcohol, propylene glycol, sodium metabisulphite, sodium hydroxide, intestinal water. The box contains 5 ampoules. The following information is for healthcare professionals only. It is not recommended to use the Naklofen solution for injection in a syringe with other drugs.

Actovegin injections intramuscularly

Usually, intramuscular administration of the drug is prescribed for the prophylactic purposes of radiation injury. To do this, daily injections of Actovegin intramuscularly at 5 milligrams are used between sessions of radiation therapy.

Also, with a sluggish ulcer or burns, 5 or 10 milliliters of Actovegin may be prescribed several times daily. The frequency of intramuscular injections depends on how severe the lesion is.

The solution for injection is clear, yellow, almost without particles. The solution for infusion is clear, colorless to pale yellow. Positive effects on glucose transport and utilization stimulated by oxygen consumption, such as antihypoxic actions.

Pharmacokinetic analysis does not allow studying the pharmacokinetic profile of the active substance Actovegin ®, since it consists only of physiological components that are usually present in the body. The pharmacological efficacy of hemoderivate has been reduced to date in patients with pharmacokinetic modifications.

Actovegin injections intravenously

When a patient has a violation in the blood supply to the brain and metabolism, the drug is prescribed for intravenous administration of 10 milliliters every day for two weeks, followed by a transition to 5-10 milliliters once every few days for a month.

Patients diagnosed with ischemic stroke are treated by intravenous drip infusion. A specially prepared solution is administered every day for a week in a certain dosage according to the recipe for preparing the solution. Then the dose of the injected solution can be halved and intravenous infusions continue for another two weeks.

Solution for infusion, instructions for use

Materials. Prevention and treatment of radiation injuries, skin and mucous membranes with radiotherapy. Radiation purifier transuretin is used daily in 10 ml with antibiotics. Allergic reactions: skin rash, dermatitis, hyperthermia, anaphylactic shock.

In what cases is it indicated for use

Care should be taken not to treat hyperchloremia, hypernatremia. Use during pregnancy does not adversely affect the mother or fetus. In connection with the possibility of developing anaphylactic reactions, it is recommended to conduct a test before infusion.

When diabetic polyneuropathy occurs, Actovegin in the form of injections is administered intravenously for 21 days, 50 milliliters of the drug.

Daily intravenous administration of a solution similar to that made for the treatment of ischemic stroke is used when peripheral vascular disorders are detected. Infusions are carried out for 30 days.

In each of the cases, after the course of treatment with injections, Actovegin is prescribed in tablets to consolidate the therapeutic effect.

Actovegin solution for injections

The main active ingredient of the drug is deproteinized hemoderivative of calf blood. This substance can be attributed to the group of antihypoxants, those drugs that are capable of preventing or attenuating the negative effect of oxygen deficiency in tissues on the state of the body.

As auxiliary substances, the required amount of distilled water and sodium chloride is introduced into the injection solution.

Actovegin injections indications for use

The drug Actovegin in the form of injections is prescribed as the main therapy, as well as in complex treatment for the following diseases and conditions:

  • With peripheral vascular disorders (arterial and venous) with the occurrence of consequences (with arterial angiopathy, with leg ulcers);
  • When transplanting the skin;
  • With thermal and chemical burns;
  • With radiation damage (skin, mucous membranes, nervous tissue);
  • With metabolic and vascular disorders of the brain (with cerebral insufficiency syndrome, with ischemic strokes, as well as traumatic brain injuries);
  • When healing wounds, ulcers of various etiologies, trophic disorders, bedsores, secondary healing processes.

Actovegin injections application

The method of using the drug Actovegin in the form of injections is effective in conditions that are called vascular disorders of the brain:

  • With dyscirculatory encephalopathy with impaired blood supply to the brain;
  • With spasms of the brain;
  • With aneurysm of cerebral vessels;
  • In a state of atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels;
  • With traumatic brain injury of any nature.

Actovegin injections can be prescribed to the patient for both intravenous and intramuscular administration. Since different diseases provide for different ways of administering the drug, as well as their frequency and dosing regimen.

The initial dose of the drug should be administered intravenously in 10-20 milliliters, depending on the severity of the course of the disease. Subsequent appointments of Actovegin injections are reduced to intravenous or intramuscular administration once a day with a dose of 5 milliliters.

The effect of Actovegin is well manifested in such ailments as:

  • Cerebral insufficiency;
  • Ischemic stroke;
  • arterial angiopathy;
  • Thermal and chemical burns;
  • Transplantation of skin areas;
  • Radiation damage to the skin, as well as nerve tissues and mucous membranes;
  • Ulcers of various etiologies and bedsores;
  • Damage to the retina;
  • With hypoxia and ischemia of tissues and organs, as well as their consequences;
  • Diabetic polyneuropathy.

The therapeutic effect of Actovegin injections is half an hour after the administration of the drug and reaches its maximum point in about three hours.

Actovegin injections during pregnancy

The drug is quite popular in gynecology and can be prescribed to a pregnant woman with a diagnosis of fetoplacental insufficiency.

In addition, it has been established in practice that the drug Actovegin used during pregnancy can have a positive effect on the development of the fetus.

Actovegin in the form of injections during pregnancy is prescribed if fetoplacental insufficiency manifests itself in a significant form. To prevent this condition, they are limited to taking Actovegin tablets.

The drug is indicated for use in newborns in the following cases:

In chronic fetal hypoxia, when there are functional and / or organic changes in the brain;

In acute hypoxia;

In case of birth trauma of the brain;

To ensure the greatest effectiveness of the drug for infants, treatment with Actovegin is carried out in the form of injections.

Actovegin injections price

The cost of the drug for one package, which contains 5 pieces of ampoules, is more than five hundred rubles. As a rule, 10 injections are prescribed. Based on this, we can conclude that Actovegin for injections is quite expensive.

What is Actovegin prescribed for, why is it needed and what does it treat? Often, after consultation with the attending physician and examination, patients find this particular drug in the list of prescribed drugs. The answer to the question largely depends on the form of release. This medicine is used intravenously, orally in the form of tablets, or externally in the form of an ointment, gel, cream. More details about what Actovegin helps with, how it can affect the body and its functions, methods of using this medication and possible side effects, below.

Description, composition and forms of release of the medicinal product

What is this well-known drug, which is used to treat a variety of pathologies? Actovegina active ingredient is an extract from the blood of calves, which is deprived of protein by special treatment. In scientific language, this substance is called deproteinized calf blood plasma hemoderivat. The main action of Actovegin is aimed at accelerating tissue regeneration.

This drug affects the body in a very special way, stimulating metabolic processes at the cellular level. As a result, more glucose and oxygen enter the tissues, they recover and renew faster.

In addition, Actovegin is able to protect against oxygen starvation and accelerate the healing of postoperative wounds. Since this drug affects the circulatory system, it is used to treat various pathologies from the side of neurology and the cardiovascular system.

In some cases, it is indicated for pregnant women. Why is Actovegin prescribed to women bearing a child? More often this is done for preventive purposes, if the doctor notes the threat of developing placental insufficiency. But this drug can also be used as a therapeutic agent for severe circulatory disorders in a pregnant patient.

There are five pharmaceutical forms of this drug:
  • tablets;
  • solution in ampoules for injection or infusion;
  • cream, gel and ointment for external use.

Tablets are taken before meals, without chewing - just drink them with mineral water without gas. The solution can be administered by injection intramuscularly or intravenously through a dropper. If Actovegin is administered by infusion, then it is preliminarily diluted in glucose or saline. External agents are used in the form of compresses, lotions, or simply to lubricate the affected areas of the skin. Separately, it is worth mentioning the use of Actovegin gel - it is intended for the treatment of various ophthalmic diseases.

When is a drug needed?

Since Actovegin affects the rate of blood circulation and metabolic processes in cells, it is used to treat diseases of various organs. Given that the active ingredient of the drug is a natural substance, it can be prescribed to elderly patients, pregnant women and even newborns. The effect of this drug on the body of the expectant mother and her fetus has not yet been fully studied, but the obvious benefit, as practice shows, outweighs the likely risk.

Intravenously, orally or externally, the drug is prescribed in such cases:
  1. Ischemic stroke and its complications leading to serious disorders of blood microcirculation in the brain.
  2. Pathological changes in metabolic processes in brain tissues.
  3. Injuries of the skull and brain, including birth injuries of the newborn.
  4. Peripheral neuropathy on the background of diabetes mellitus.
  5. Any disorders of peripheral circulation (varicose veins, angiopathy, endarteritis).
  6. Poorly healing wounds and damage to the skin of any origin.
  7. Trophic ulcers and bedsores.
  8. Burns of any degree, including radiation.
  9. Inflammatory processes of the cornea of ​​the eye, conjunctivitis.

That's why therapy with such a universal drug as Actovegin is needed.

Depending on the diagnosis or suspected diagnosis, the doctor may prescribe it orally or intravenously. If the patient's condition is severe, the drug will be administered intravenously. For long-term therapy, Actovegin tablets are used. For the rapid healing of wounds and scars, the treatment of corneal ulcers, gels or ointments for external use are used.

Prevention and treatment of oxygen starvation of tissues in pathologies of the cardiovascular system, in the fetus with placental insufficiency, the future of the mother, the healing of bedsores, trophic ulcers, postoperative wounds and scars - that's what Actovegin is for.

Is the drug necessary for pregnant women

If a woman who is expecting a child has some problems with her health, blood pressure, hemoglobin levels, Actovegin is often one of the first drugs on the prescription list. Why and why? Violations of metabolic processes in the body of a pregnant woman invariably lead to a change in the composition of the blood. The developing fetus does not receive in sufficient quantities all the substances that it needs for normal growth and the formation of vital organs.

If a woman develops placental insufficiency during pregnancy, the child begins to suffer from hypoxia. Oxygen deficiency leads to a variety of and very serious consequences. First of all, brain cells and the nervous system begin to suffer. A child can be born already with serious pathologies, which cannot always be cured.

The basis for the appointment of Actovegin, in addition to placental insufficiency, may be:
  • placental abruption or placenta previa;
  • oxygen starvation of the fetus;
  • preeclampsia in late pregnancy;
  • delay in the development of the child;
  • varicose veins of the lower extremities;
  • severe toxicosis and edema;
  • elevated blood glucose levels.

And also this drug is recommended to everyone who has already suffered involuntary miscarriages or missed pregnancy. If a woman has already experienced difficulties with bearing a fetus, then Actovegin tablets can be prescribed to her for preventive purposes.

How to apply the drug externally

This drug in the form of a gel or ointment deserves special attention. Ointments are available with different concentrations of the active substance. For severe skin lesions, severe burns, deep ulcers, Actovegin 20% concentration is used, the ointment is applied in a thick layer to the affected area of ​​the skin and covered with a bandage. As the patient's condition improves, they switch to a product with a lower concentration - 5%. If the wounds are healing, do not apply the ointment too thickly.

And also the ointment can be applied for prophylactic purposes when irradiating certain parts of the body.

If an eye gel is used, then it is applied to the mucous membrane 1-2 times a day.

This tool will be effective in such ophthalmic pathologies:
  • conjunctivitis;
  • keratitis;
  • corneal burns, including chemical ones.

Many praise it as a good prophylactic for constant wearing of contact lenses - Actovegin prevents the development of dry eye syndrome and various inflammations.

Usually Actovegin is well tolerated by patients and does not cause undesirable effects. But, like any drug, it should not be taken on its own, especially when it comes to treating pregnant, lactating and children.

What is important to know

Although Actovegin is a natural drug, not everyone can take it. It has its own contraindications, and in some cases (usually in overdose or in combination with other drugs) causes allergic reactions and other unwanted side effects.

It is forbidden to use Actovegin for such pathologies:
  • pulmonary edema;
  • oliguria, urinary retention or its complete absence;
  • heart failure in the stage of decompensation.

With a tendency to allergies, this drug should be used with great care. When using Actovegin tablets or solution, side effects such as sweating, reddening of the skin, rash and itching, fever, feeling of a rush of blood to the face and upper body may occur. If eye gel was used, then lacrimation, redness of the mucosa, swelling of the eyelids may be noted.

In such cases, you should immediately stop taking or administering the drug, rinse your eyes with clean water and consult a doctor. He will prescribe an antiallergic agent and select an analogue for further treatment.

It is strongly not recommended to take or cancel the drug on your own, change its dosage and supplement it with other medicines.

Actovegin injections contribute to the activation of metabolism by increasing the transport and accumulation of oxygen and glucose, increasing intracellular utilization. This entails an acceleration of the metabolism of adenosine triphosphoric acid, an increase in cellular energy resources.

With the restriction of the normal functions of energy metabolism and high energy consumption, actovegin helps to stimulate the energy processes of functional metabolism and the absorption of substances by the human body. In addition, actovegin enhances blood circulation.

In this article, we will consider when doctors prescribe Actovegin, including instructions for use, analogues and prices for this drug in pharmacies. If you have already used Actovegin in injections, leave feedback in the comments.

Composition and form of release

  • water for injections;
  • sodium chloride;
  • anhydrous glucose.

The drug can have several forms of release: tablets (capsules), ointment, cream, gel, injection solution. The last form (solution) has the most pronounced therapeutic effect, since Actovegin injections can be injected directly into a vein or artery. Rarely used intramuscularly.

Indications for use

Cerebral vascular disorders, metabolic deterioration:

  1. Injury;
  2. Ischemic stroke.

Venous, arterial peripheral failures in the work of the vascular system, incl. pathological consequences:

  1. Trophic ulcerative lesions;
  2. Angiopathy.

Epidermal damage:

  1. Ulcers of various origins.
  2. burns;
  3. bedsores;
  4. Poor wound healing.

Therapy of lesions of the skin and mucous membranes obtained during the implementation of radiation exposure.

pharmachologic effect

ACTOVEGIN is a hemoderivate, which is obtained by dialysis and ultrafiltration (compounds with a molecular weight of less than 5000 daltons pass).

It has a positive effect on the transport and utilization of glucose, stimulates oxygen consumption (which leads to stabilization of the plasma membranes of cells during ischemia and a decrease in the formation of lactates), thus having an antihypoxic effect, which begins to manifest itself no later than 30 minutes after parenteral administration and reaches a maximum on average after 3 hours (2-6 hours). ACTOVEGIN increases the concentration of adenosine triphosphate, adenosine diphosphate, phosphocreatine, as well as amino acids - glutamate, aspartate and gamma-aminobutyric acid.

Instructions for use

For an intravenous route of administration, Actovegin can be administered drip or jet. Before injection into a vein, the drug must be dissolved in a sodium chloride solution of 0.9% physiological or in a glucose solution of 5%. The permitted final dose of Actovegin is up to 2000 mg of dry matter per 250 ml of solution.

For intravenous administration, Actovegin should be used at a dosage of 5 to 20 ml per day. The dose when administered intramuscularly cannot exceed 5 ml in 24 hours. In this case, the introduction is carried out slowly.

After assessing the patient's condition, the required dose is selected. The recommended dosage at the beginning of therapy is 5-10 ml intravenously or intravenously. In the following days, intravenously, 5 ml or intramuscularly daily or several times over a 7-day period.

  • Metabolic and vascular disorders of the brain: at the beginning of treatment, 10 ml intravenously daily for two weeks, then 5-10 ml intravenously 3-4 times a week for at least 2 weeks.
  • In ischemic stroke, actovegin is prescribed 20-50 ml, adding to 200-300 ml of the stock solution intravenously drip daily for a week, then 10-20 ml intravenously drip for two weeks.
  • Peripheral (arterial and venous) vascular disorders and their consequences: 20-30 ml of the drug in 200 ml of the stock solution intra-arterially or intravenously daily; the duration of treatment is about 4 weeks.
  • Wound healing: 10 ml intravenously or 5 ml intramuscularly daily or 3-4 times a week, depending on the healing process (in addition to local treatment with Actovegin in topical dosage forms).
  • For the prevention and treatment of radiation damage to the skin and mucous membranes, the average dose of the drug is 5 ml intravenously daily.

Additional instructions for the use of Actovegin:

  1. With the introduction of Actovegin in / m, do not exceed the dose of 5 ml of the solution, because. it is hypertonic (concentrated).
  2. It is always necessary to carry out a test reaction of Actovegin (2 ml of solution) due to possible anaphylactic reactions.
  3. Actovegin solution is compatible with sodium chloride solutions and 5% glucose solution. It is not recommended to mix with other solutions.

Intramuscular injections are carried out slowly.


The doctor cannot prescribe medication in the following cases:

  1. Pulmonary edema.
  2. High sensitivity to the drug.
  3. Heart failure (against the background of the absence of decompensation).
  4. Anuria is the inability to fill the bladder with urine.
  5. Oliguria - slowing down the formation of urine.
  6. Pathological fluid retention.

Side effects

Sometimes there are allergic reactions in the form of urticaria, reddening of the skin, fever - up to anaphylactic shock.

Extremely rare side effects may include:

  • jumps in blood pressure;
  • tachycardia and pain in the heart;
  • headache and weakness;
  • chest pain and shortness of breath;
  • muscle and joint pain;
  • nervous overexcitation (especially characteristic of children, therefore Actovegin is prescribed to small patients only in the morning).

The most common side effect of intramuscular injections of Actovegin is the formation of painful bumps and seals at the injection site.


Analogues of Actovegin are known, which today have a good pharmacological reputation. One of these is Solcoseryl. It has a protective effect on malnourished and hypoxic tissues, helps in their regeneration and accelerates wound healing processes.

  • Cerebrolysin, a neotropical drug that improves aerobic metabolism in brain cells and normalizes protein synthesis, can be prescribed by a doctor in the absence of Actovegin.

Among drugs with similar pharmacological properties, it is worth noting Cortexin injection solution, which is used in the treatment of chronic circulatory pathologies in brain tissues, encephalopathy and epilepsy.


The average price for Actovegin injection 40 mg/ml ampoules 5 ml 5 pcs, in pharmacies (Moscow) is 638 rubles.

Terms and conditions of storage

The drug should be stored in a place protected from light at a temperature of 18 ° to 25 ° C. Shelf life - 3 years.

Some drug manufacturers produce substances in a variety of forms. These are powders, capsules, ointments or gels, suppositories and solutions in injection ampoules. The latter type differs in that it is used for more serious health problems. Actovegin in ampoules is also prescribed for diseases at the stage when the tablets are less effective. How then is the drug taken? The following instructions will help you understand the rules for using Actovegin.

Instructions for use of Actovegin ampoules

Actovegin is listed as an antihypoxant medication in the RLS reference book of medicines. Its function is to improve the supply of oxygen to tissues by increasing their metabolism. The solution itself is a clear or slightly yellowish liquid. The dosage in ampoules is 2.5 or 10 ml if they are intended for injection. To make infusions - droppers - you need 250 ml bottles.


According to the annotation, the main solution in the solution is deproteinized hemoderivative of calf blood, with 40 mg of dry matter per 1 ml. This term is the international non-proprietary name of the drug - INN. Actovegin also contains auxiliary components:

  • water for injections;
  • sodium chloride;
  • anhydrous glucose.

Why are Actovegin injections prescribed?

The drug is able to help transport and utilize glucose. Indications for the use of actovegin include a wide range of diseases:

  • violation of metabolic processes and problems with the vessels of the brain;
  • radiation damage to the skin and mucous membranes;
  • ulcers of various origins;
  • burns;
  • bedsores;
  • long non-healing wounds;
  • diabetes mellitus and diabetic polyneuropathy;
  • hypoxia of tissues and organs.

How to inject

The method of application of Actovegin in ampoules can be intramuscular, intravenous or intra-arterial. The first method has a limit of 5 ml, because an overdose contributes to an increase in pressure. In addition, it is recommended to conduct trial injections of Actovegin in order to exclude the possibility of an allergic reaction. The standard dose is 10-20 ml intravenously or intra-arterially. The specific amount depends on the severity of the disease. After the first injection, they switch to 5 ml per day intramuscularly or intravenously several times a week.


If the active substance is administered intramuscularly, i.e. in the form of injections, the dosage is 5 ml per day. The maximum number of procedures is limited to 20. Here is what you need to do to administer the drug to yourself or the patient:

  1. wash your hands with soap;
  2. warm the ampoule with your hands;
  3. put it vertically with the point up;
  4. tap on the ampoule to drain the liquid to the bottom;
  5. break off the tip of the ampoule;
  6. draw a solution from the ampoule with a syringe;
  7. release a drop of liquid, holding the syringe with the needle up;
  8. visually divide the buttock into 4 parts;
  9. wipe the upper outer square with alcohol;
  10. stretch the skin;
  11. insert the needle 3/4 at a right angle into the muscle;
  12. enter Actovegin at a rate of 2 ml / min.;
  13. quickly remove the syringe;
  14. press the injection site with a swab.


The introduction of the drug intravenously is carried out using injections or droppers. For infusions, the dosage of 10-50 ml is diluted in 200-300 ml of isotonic sodium chloride solution. The latter is often replaced with a 5% glucose solution. The main thing is to observe the rate of administration, equal to 2 ml / min. The dosage of Actovegin in this case depends on the disease:

  • ischemic stroke - 20-50 ml during the week, and then 10-20 ml for another 2 weeks;
  • vascular disorders of the brain - 5-20 ml daily for about 2 weeks;
  • difficult healing wounds - 10 ml up to 4 times a week.

To make an injection of Actovegin intravenously, you must:

  • prepare a syringe with medicine;
  • pull the hand over the biceps with a tourniquet;
  • work with a fist to swell the veins;
  • lubricate the injection area with alcohol;
  • stick a needle into a vein;
  • remove the constriction;
  • administer medicine;
  • take out the syringe and cover the injection site with cotton;
  • bend your arm for 5 minutes.

Side effects

Among the side effects of Actovegin, the following are noted:

  • allergies in the form of swelling, rashes or itching;
  • temperature increase;
  • flushes of heat;
  • rapid pulse;
  • arrhythmia;
  • chest pain;
  • dyspnea.


Actovegin also has limitations. The drug is prohibited under the following conditions:

  • children under 3 years old;
  • with kidney disease;
  • with pulmonary edema;
  • if heart failure is detected;
  • in case of individual intolerance to injections;
  • with problems with the withdrawal of fluid from the body;
  • with anuria.

Drug analogues

Completely identical is the drug "Solcoseryl". According to the description, this substitute is made using the same technology and also contains deproteinized calf blood hemoderivat. A feature is that Solcoseryl does not include a preservative that increases the shelf life of actovegin, but at the same time negatively affects the liver. Its price is from 800 rubles. Here are a few more analogues of actovegin in ampoules:

  1. "Cerebrolysin". New generation drug. It is indicated for mental retardation in children, spinal cord and brain injuries, ischemic stroke. Price from 600 rubles.
  2. "Cortexin". A nootropic drug that improves brain function, positively affecting attention, learning and memory. Price from 800 rubles.

Features of the use of the solution for injection

The first thing to think about when treating with this medicine is alcohol. Actovegin and alcohol are completely opposite in their effect on the body. The drug improves cell respiration, and the harmful drink worsens it. For these reasons, you can not take alcohol together with Actovegin. When administered intravenously, it is recommended to monitor the water-salt balance in order to exclude edema. If flakes float in the ampoule, then it should not be used for injections.

In children

Ampoules as a form of release for children are used a little less often than tablets. All because of the frequent manifestation of side effects and painful injections. If the doctor has prescribed a course of treatment with Actovegin, then the children must undergo a trial administration to exclude allergies. The daily dosage is calculated as 0.4-0.5 ml per 1 kg of body weight intramuscularly.

During pregnancy

Actovegin is also useful for pregnant women - it has a positive effect on the blood supply to the placenta, reduces the risk of blood clots, which leads to a more stable supply of the fetus with essential substances and oxygen. Intravenous or intra-arterial dosage in this case is from 10 to 20 ml. After such a course, switching to intramuscular injections, reducing the amount of Actovegin to 5 ml. The therapy is at least 10 sessions of administration.