How to delete an updated VK. How to return the old version of VK

Who would have thought that the widely publicized update to the official client social network Will VKontakte cause such a reaction from users? They are not just unhappy - they are outraged. Literally all the changes were criticized: the left panel, which was transformed into a tabbar, and the camera for stories, and even the likes, which from the usual blue suddenly became red. Even the most reserved ones note a number of shortcomings that would be nice to correct in order to return the interface to its former convenience.

  1. Disable auto-update of the VKontakte application in Google Play;
  2. Delete new version of VK;
  3. Restore the old VKontakte client.

Disabling VK auto-update on Google Play:

OptionsGoogle Play");

  1. Run Play Store, go to " Options" by clicking on the corresponding icon (Alternatively, the icon with three horizontal stripes next to the inscription " Google Play");
  2. Select " Settings" and uncheck the box " Automatic application updates" (in some versions of the application you need to check the box " Never").

After these steps, the VKontakte application installed from Google Play will no longer be able to update automatically, and you will be able to use the usual old version VKontakte for Android, without worrying that the client interface can change at any time due to the next program update.

Removing a new version of VKontakte:

  • Go to " Settings", further in " Applications", then select the new application that disappointed you " In contact with” and remove it from your Android device.

Restoring the old VK client for Android:

Download and install previous version official client of the VK social network for Android (you can find it by following the link).

All. You have returned to your smartphone or tablet the familiar version of the VK application with an interface convenient for you, and it will not go anywhere again without your consent. There is no need to be afraid of automatic updates of the VKontakte social network client - you have blocked this opportunity.

A new version The VKontakte application allowed us to once again verify that not all changes intended to improve and increase the usability of the application lead to these improvements. The tastes, habits and needs of users are purely individual. Fortunately, you can almost always find a way to return to the old proven version of the program and continue communicating on a social network (in in this case) under normal conditions.

Information from 10/04/2017: As a result of changes in the VKontakte policy, audio recordings are no longer available in older versions of the client. The official response from VKontakte technical support on this matter: Hello! Music in older versions of the application is disabled at the request of copyright holders. Update to latest version, please: VKontakte support team

Today, September 27, 2017, I was surprised to discover that on my iPhone, and on other phones with Android OS, it became possible to update . The update of Mobile VK has to be taken for granted, a sharp transition to a new type.

Quick navigation:

A new type of VK mobile application.

At first glance, it’s very interesting, something new! But after a few seconds, when I couldn’t find the “Messages” tab in the menu, I was confused and remembered all these crappy services from mail ru. Of course, VK is no longer Pavel Durov. A wave of indignation swept through my head with slogans like: “Bring back Durov!”...

What's new and good?

But there really is good, no matter what anyone says. After all, everything new is always perceived with hostility.

New menu (More convenient with a larger screen)

All the most important functions moved to the bottom panel, the remaining menu items are now in the lower right corner. With this interface it has really become more convenient and you can get to messages, for example, in 1 click.

Now, owners of smartphones with a large screen will find it much more convenient to use the application. Previously, the menu button was at the top and in order to use it you needed a second hand or incredible tricks with one.

Now this very menu is at the bottom and can be easily clicked with your thumb.

Answers "Bell"

Now all the most important things, friends, likes and reposts, are all collected in one point. There are also notification settings; now you can fine-tune notifications to suit yourself. Leave only what is truly important to you.

Improved search

The new version uses a single input field for search, here you can find a person, group, recordings, videos and music. Search has become more interactive, with an algorithm at the forefront that displays information based on user preferences.

To disable Safe Search, you still need to switch in the browser (See).

Less significant changes in the new VC.

As soon as I put the first one, I noticed that it turned red, it immediately reminded me of Instagram. Previously, when pressed, it acquired a darker, blue color. What I immediately liked were the very carefully executed elements under the news, likes, messages, and views. Now they look more harmonious and stylish.

By the way, VKontakte music now has a listening limit, how to get around this innovation (See).

How do you like the innovations?

Now it’s too early to give a definite answer, it takes time and this time may force us to get used to the new design and functionality. Welcome pictures telling about new features are made in a disgusting style, where the simple design is used to it. Now just add a beige background and it will be ala Odnoklassniki...

Surely in the near future there will be a lot of debate, whether it’s better or worse, but we’ll have to grab a new update, the 2017 redesign.

As for the changes, at first glance you can notice that the messages function has been moved from the main menu to a separate icon in the lower tray, WhatsApp recalled. Of course, if we take all the changes, then VK has become more like Facebook and a little like Instagram.

A new version (new design, appearance, layout) of VKontakte appeared in April 2016. The old one existed for a very long time and is outdated. At first, during the trial period, each user could turn on the new version for himself, and if he didn’t like something, then return to the old one.

How did you turn on the new version of VK?

At first it was like this: the person who wanted to open it himself opened the news on the VK blog and at the very end of the page clicked "Join testing."

You could also enable the new version using the link “Use the new version of the site as default” in the left column of the site, at the bottom (if you open VK on a computer and not on a phone).

How did you enable the old version?

You could return the old one back there, at the very bottom of the narrow left column of the site, a pale gray link. It was called “Return to the old version of the site.” Then not everyone had it, and even later it disappeared completely. Read on:

Why did the new version turn on by itself and how to get back?

Since June 9, 2016, some VK users (approximately 10 percent) received the new version forcibly, that is, it turned on itself, and they could no longer return to the old one. You could also be one of these users. There was nothing you could do about it, you could only get used to it, because a person gets used to everything. The best option- take changes calmly. Some time will pass, and the old version will already seem inconvenient to you. And in any case, the developers of the VK site would not be able to support the old version for a long time.

This was the beginning of a mass transfer of all VK users to the new version. Here is the official news about it. Those who did not fall into the mentioned 10% could still switch to the new version and back to the old one for some time, but from August 17, VKontakte completely switched to a new version, it turned on itself for everyone without the possibility of returning to the old one.

Since then, due to numerous requests from users, some changes have been made (changed the font, left the ability to use dialogs similar to those in the old version, etc.). But in general, there will never be a return to the old version. Most likely it no longer exists.

How to return the old version of dialogues?

Go to “Messages” and find the gear icon at the bottom - . Click on it and select "Go to the classic interface." After this you will have dialogues like in the old version. To go back to the new version, click on the gear in the same way and select "Go to the new interface."

New version on the phone too?

By new version we mean full version site that people use on computers and tablets. This does not apply to the VK application for phones, which is developed and updated separately (see How to download VK to your phone). Is there some more mobile version the VK website, which also exists separately, but it gradually borrowed many elements from the new “full” version.

How to return the old version of the VK mobile application on your phone?

You can install the old version mobile application manually, this is described here:

The old version may not have music playing. No one guarantees that older versions of the application will work at all. The VK administration can disable them. In the future, you can disable automatic updates and the application will not update.

A better option is to get used to the new version of the application. When something new comes out, there are always people who don't like it. This was the case with the new version of the VKontakte website - many promised to leave VK forever, but they are still sitting there just fine. It's all a matter of habit.

Who doesn't like the new version of VKontakte?

Not everyone likes the new version of VKontakte. Many people demand to return the previous version, which they consider more convenient. Some argue that the new design is too similar to Facebook and even Odnoklassniki. Users even created an online petition demanding that the old version be preserved and given the “right to choose” (this did not affect anything). Online petitions are often created for various reasons and thanks to them, information is disseminated very widely. But in reality, the petition has never helped anyone. When the noise subsides, everyone forgets about her.

VKontakte laughed at its users who promised to leave if they did not return the old version. A month after their promise, they still continued to use VK ().

It is known that some people always greet any major update with hostility, since changing old habits is too painful for them. But over time they calm down.

Our instructions will help you quickly navigate the new version of VKontakte: Where in the new version of VKontakte are the settings, my answers, music, birthdays, logout, statistics...?

Please write below in the comments what you think about the new version of VKontakte! Your opinion is important.

Why is it important? When you express your opinion, it will become easier, you will release your negativity. True, 92% of people will not read this, but will immediately look for where to write - they don’t care. Congratulations if you're reading this! If you really want to contact VKontakte employees and ask them to return the old version, try contacting their support service - but we don’t think this will affect anything.

What happened to VKontakte music? Why is it paid now?

There have long been rumors that a paid music subscription will appear in the VK application. At the end of April 2017, VK decided to transfer music listeners to the Boom application, which has a paid subscription. The application belongs to the partner Group, which includes VKontakte itself. The music section in VK has changed - playlists and advertising have appeared. In the VK application for Android, music caching has disappeared (you can no longer save music and listen to it without the Internet). Why did all this happen? The fact is that if everyone listens to music for free, musicians will have nothing to eat and they will have to leave for another job. Therefore, this could not continue indefinitely. You can express your outrage right here in the comments. Be sure to share this page with your friends!

This is how VKontakte representatives answer questions about free music in the application.

Today, the developers released a new version 3.0 of the VKontakte application for iPhone. User reaction to the new design and user interface was mixed. Many immediately wanted to return the old version of VK to the iPhone and, in confusion, began to look for a way to do this. In this article we will tell you in detail how to roll back VK 3.0 version on iPhone to the old one. We urge everyone who wants to cancel the VKontakte update to do the following.

How to remove the restriction when listening to music on VK

How to return the old version of VK to iPhone

Unfortunately, in App Store There is no way to download the old version of VKontakte on iPhone. this moment There are two ways: one is temporary, the second is for advanced users.

Download the old version of VK and install

This method VK application rollback is working, tested on iPhone 5 and 6S. In order to download the old version of the application, we will need the Chinese program PP Assistant (aka Chinese iTunes). Works with iPhone, iPad and iPod.


How to roll back a VK update on an iPhone and install the old version?

At the moment, a “life hack” is working - you can install the old version 2.15.3 from the Purchases section in the App Store. First uninstall the VK 3.0 application, then open app Store, go to the Updates section, at the top there will be a Purchases section - in it, find the VK App application from the list, install it. At the time of writing, this method helps to return the old version of VKontakte to the iPhone. Most likely, with the release of the next VK update, this method will stop working.

How to roll back VK 3.0 version on iPhone

If the first method does not suit you, use advanced user skills. This method works - we checked it. And it won't take much of your time.

    1. First, you need to download and then install the Charles program. Next Run it and click on the Grant Priveleges tab if you are using OS X, then enter the administrator password.
    2. Download the application, the old version of which you want to install, using iTunes on your computer, and then go to the Structure tab in the Charles application. You will see the "buy" server.
    3. Right-click on “buy” and select Enable SSL Proxying.
    4. Now stop downloading in iTunes.
    5. Find the application again by opening the description page. We start the download, then cancel it again.
    6. Next, open the “buy” server pop-up menu and select buyProduct.
    7. Click on Response, right-click on buyProduct and select Export. Select the Desktop as the export location, select the XML format and click Save.
    8. Open the XML file using a text editor and find this text: softwareVersionExternalIdentifiers Below this text you will see something like this:
      These are the versions of the application from older to newer. Now you need to copy the version number you want to download, then close the text editor.
    9. Now we return to Charles and right-click on buyProduct, select Edit.
    10. Select Text and find the following line: appExtVrsId
      Below it you will notice a number in the tag, replace it with the number you copied and click Execute.
    11. Scroll down to Response, then you will notice bundleShortVersionString. Below it you will see the version of the application you selected.
    12. Right-click on buyProduct in the list under the “buy” server and select Breakpoints.
    13. Find the application again in iTunes so that the program refreshes the page, and now click on the download button again.
    14. Return to Charles and you will see a pop-up window. Click Edit Request, then XML Text and below the line appExtVrsId paste the number copied in the eighth paragraph. Click Execute again.
    15. Now you will need to carefully press Execute.
    16. Check iTunes. The download should start and complete.
    17. Open the My Apps tab in iTunes and you should see the app you downloaded. By right clicking on it you can request Additional information and make sure you downloaded the old version.
    18. Connect your mobile device to iTunes and install the application on your device.
    19. Close and remove Charles. Ready!
  1. Disable auto-update of the VKontakte application on Google Play;
  2. Delete new version of VK;
  3. Restore the old VKontakte client.

Disabling VK auto-update on Google Play:

  1. Launch the Play Store, go to “Options” by clicking on the corresponding icon (Alternatively, the icon with three horizontal stripes next to the inscription “Google Play”);
  2. Select "Settings" and uncheck "Auto-update apps" (in some versions of the application you need to check the box "Never").

After these steps, the VK application installed from Google Play will no longer be able to update automatically, and you will be able to use the familiar old version of VK for Android without worrying that the client interface may change at any time due to next program update.

Uninstalling a new version of VK:

  • Go to "Settings", then to "Applications", then select the new VKontakte application that disappointed you and delete it from your Android device.

Restoring the old VK client for Android:

Download and install the previous version of the official client of the VK social network for Android (you can find it by going to).

All. You have returned to your smartphone or tablet the familiar version of the VK application with an interface convenient for you, and it will not go anywhere again without your consent. There is no need to be afraid of automatic updates of the VKontakte social network client - you have blocked this opportunity.

The new version of the VKontakte application allowed us to once again verify that not all changes intended to improve and increase the usability of the application lead to these improvements. The tastes, habits and needs of users are purely individual. Fortunately, you can almost always find a way to return to the old, proven version of the program and continue communicating on a social network (in this case) under familiar conditions.

Information from 10/04/2017 : As a result of a change in VKontakte's audio recording policy in older versions of the client no longer available. Official response from VKontakte technical support on this matter.