Studying Korean language in Russian. Ways to study language. How best to learn korean

Why teach Korean language, because it is not so common as Chinese or Japanese? In fact, it is very important for those who want to go to learn, or work in South Korea.

This article is intended for persons over 18 years

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How to learn Korean from scratch?

Independently learn Korean as minimum difficult. And the point here is not even in the phonetic component (although it is as very important) - it's hard to understand and decompose on the shelves a very large abundance of hieroglyphs. Officially, letters in the Korean language are only 24, but there are still letters (about 40) and more than 3,000 hieroglyphs from Chinese. As a result, there is a mass of combinations that the European person is at least alien.

To study at home you will need:

  • textbook (phrasebook) in the Korean language. Now there are many publications that have audio loads of all the proposed words;
  • table with alphabet, numbers, colors. Buy ready for you is unlikely to succeed, so you have to do yourself;
  • audio recordings with basic words.

For beginners it is very important to start learning the language with Azov - from the alphabet. Just learned phrases or words without these knowledge are dead, and therefore practically useless. If you ever taught foreign language, then you know that you need to start with the simplest. When learning at home after studying all (or at least basic) hieroglyphs, you can start colors and scores. It is also appropriate to memorize the main phrases:

  • my name is;
  • i came from;
  • i ... years.

This is enough for the minimum tourist vocabulary stock in order not to get lost in South Korea. But if you want more - to work legally, or study in the territory of this country, it will have to be pretty sweat. The same can be said about tour to North Korea - the rules of the language in these ideologically diametric countries are absolutely the same.

How can I quickly learn Korean language?

Let's start with the fact that in 15 minutes or in 15 days you will not succeed - at best you can align the most popular phrases. However, it applies to any language in the world - it takes time to study.

For how much it is possible to do this, it is very difficult to say. It all depends on your individual abilities, as well as how much time you will spend daily. But in any case, the study of even the alphabet and several of the most "necessary" words will take at least a month. Plus - phonetics and grammar, because learning to read and write is also important. Therefore, if you want to significantly speed up learning, you just need special courses.

The advantages of this work:

  • you will teach you a person who is at least knowing how to teach and where to start. Very well, if the course will lead a native speaker (the one for whom Korean native);
  • group classes help better concentrate attention;
  • development of colloquial speech;
  • the ability to extract lessons from other people's mistakes, as well as find your own.

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Is it difficult to teach Korean language?

The main difficulties in the study of the Korean language causes an abundance of hieroglyphs. Their combination is far from any European language, which means a priori is difficult. Should I focus on this? Of course, no (provided that these knowledge you really need).

However, I repeat, you need to start with Azov. Do not hurry to take a new vocabulary until you fully learn and do not understand the previous material. Remember - without knowledge of the basic rules of reading and grammar, even a bought a hundred phrases will not make you an expert language and will not help you master spoken speech. You just will know 100 phrases on Korean. Therefore, it is very important that your learning was the most complete and comprehensive as possible. This is exactly the main thing about whether it is possible to master the Korean language.

What language is better and easier to teach - Korean, Chinese or Japanese?

Many are interested in just a burning question - what is better, Chinese or Korean? Let's start with the fact that all three major oriental languages \u200b\u200bare good in their own way. But it is easier to learn - it is a completely rhetorical question. It all depends on what you want to get in the end. If you plan to work, or learn in these countries, then the logical to choose the language of that land where you are going. If you just want to touch orientate - the question is completely different. These languages, like everyone else in their groups, have a lot in common, but also to definite differences. Traditionally it is believed that the simplest oriental language is Japanese. But this is a purely subjective opinion - for someone and Chinese looks rustic. Korean is a more unique language, because in it, in addition to hieroglyphic letters, there are sounds and letters that you also need to be able to connect.

e "\u003e learning Korean

The process of learning Korean language is quite long and troublesome. Therefore, if you just want to learn another language for self-development - take better European. Of course, Korean knows - this is a fairly exotic chip, but it is disproportioned by the appiled efforts.

So, starting the Korean language learning from scratch, you should remember:

  • classes should be consistent and start with Azov;
  • each lesson should consist of three blocks - the study of hieroglyphs, listening to audio and video and writing;
  • repetition and repeat once again - otherwise, after a week, carefully learned hieroglyphs will simply disappear from your memory;
  • classes should be constant, without long pauses and breaks.

I repeat, to independently learn the Korean language will be quite difficult, so it is better to sign up for specialized courses for beginners. In this case, no one will force you to go there constantly - take the desired foundation For housework. The same applies to language courses for children - there are also asses there, in the calculation that all other knowledge will already give a teacher or tutor.

What can help when learning Korean language?

Many believe that to explore any language a fairly simple textbook. Yes, indeed, with him you can learn all the rules of reading, grammar and other subtleties of learning, but much better if you add various additional materials to it.

It can be bilingual books - this is when one story is told immediately in several languages. Also worth paying attention to applications for learning a language in a game form. They usually complement the textbooks and the program represented in it. These can be various games aimed at developing visual memory and, as a result, to memorize more hieroglyphs and words, colors, items, numbers.

Various audio programs aimed at developing auditory memory and catching sounding for rumors are very helpful.

It will not be superfluous and watching various films with subtitles. So you will automatically celebrate the most popular words, as well as how they sound right. But remember - to get the full volume of knowledge you will not work.

If you need a sufficiently deep study of the subject, then distance learning - that's what you need. Such a study format is given by many universities that specialize in oriental. Typically, institutions give enough deep knowledge, which is enough for income into foreign educational institution. But it is worth noting that such lessons are not suiced, and therefore, only those who are firmly aimed at leaving the border can use them.

If you already have a conversational and reading base of the Korean language, the question is, where to start is not so acute - it is enough to develop and multiply the knowledge gained earlier. Is such a path? Of course, yes, because the subject is complicated at any stage of study.

Learn Korean language or not - a personal choice of each, but if you target the result, it is not easy to buy a tutorial. Need daily and constantly work!

Korean I began to study a year before my first trip to South Korea. And then many often ask this terribly embarrassing question: "Daria, and how long have you been learning Korean language?" People, why are you so cruel?!

For the first time I took up the study of the Korean language in the fall of 2010. Yes, yes, I study the Korean language for 7 years and still not say on it. Everything! He admitted! And as a stone from the soul. I, as a person who sincerely believes that if desired, any language at the average level can be learned in 6-12 months, painfully writing about seven years. But in fact, we were with the Korean language and good times. I somehow even passed Topik at level 2!

Difficulties in learning Korean

Korean is very strange! I can be called a polyglot and other (European languages), I have never experienced with Korean language. What I had difficulties in learning Korean language:

  1. Pronunciation. I still have not all sounds and not always I remember 100 and one rule of reading Korean words.
  2. Korean words are not remembered. I can not easily reproduce them (except for donated phrases), I can not easily write them (even learned phrases).
  3. Sometimes it seems to me that in the grammar of the Korean language more exceptions than the rules.
  4. I even more or less well perceive written texts, I can even write (if I remember how the word is written), but the Korean conversational language often for me just a set of pleasant ear sounds.
  5. I should stop doing the Korean language at least for a week - everything! I can re-start learning the alphabet. It's horrible! I started to learn the Korean alphabet already 10 times. And still did not learn.

But all this does not stop me in my desire to learn someday Korean to some decent-conversational level. For this reason, from time to time I launch the Korean marathon with a group of enthusiasts (more about what this is what it is). The next will just start tomorrow, so if you also want to learn Korean, then boldly join to our group VKontakte.

Korean Language Exploring Applications

  1. 세종 한국 (or Sejong Korean Vocabulary - Basic) The application was developed by the King Seddzhon Institute, which is engaged in the promotion of the Korean language worldwide. It is intended for the entry level and helps to gain vocabulary. What I especially like is a high-quality voice of words, phrases and suggestions.
  2. Poppopping Korean app helps to put the right Korean pronunciation. Suitable even for quite beginners, because the entire educational process is built in pictures. In the continuation there are also poppopping korean-conversation, in which the simplest dialogues on household topics are voiced.
  3. Unofficial application of the very, in my opinion, an interesting project dedicated to the study of the Korean language - Talk to Me in Korean everything is in English, but you can collect a huge amount spoken phrases in Korean from the Koreans themselves for the most different levels of language proficiency. What else I like is cultural references and funny videos.
  4. Learn the Korean 6000 words from Fun Easy Learn the first of all applications translated into Russian. There are probably 6,000 words, but they are divided into normal semantic blocks and you can calmly not teach what you think is not necessary. Words are accompanied by pictures (as I love), the pronunciation is voiced by living people, to memorize various complexity of the game. One of the most pleasant applications that I used.

In South and North Korea, as well as on the territory of the Chinese district of Yanban, having autonomy, the official language is Korean. Also, this language is alive within various other countries: from Kyrgyzstan to Canada and Japan. After all, the huge Korean diaspora living in their territories, which preserved its traditions.

In order to go to someone else's country, you need to get acquainted with all the details that will be needed during your stay. The study of Korean from scratch will be useful to those who plan to move to a permanent place of residence in the relevant country (or simply to visit her as a tourist), to get acquainted with culture and life, and it will be useful for polyglots that are trying to learn a new foreign language . To speak on this amazing adverb, it is necessary to comply with simple rules and learn about the steps.

First step

To begin with, as in the study of other languages, it is necessary to learn the alphabet. It is necessary elementary to read and write. The study of the Korean language from scratch can independently cause some difficulties in the first stage, but it is worth only to overcome them, as the language itself will attract the student.

It is worth talking about the alphabet a little. For people who use in their speech, he will seem slightly strange. However, among the Troika Asian languages \u200b\u200b- Japanese, Chinese and described - it is the easiest. Korean invented in 1443. And since then he has 24 letters, of which 10 vowels. In the early stages of these knowledge, it will be enough to master the base language.

Korean has difongs, and hanch. The first two numbers are 16 pieces. Accordingly, the full alphabet consists of 40 different letters. What is Hanech? A few more centuries ago, when the formation of the Korean language went, a lot began to come to him chinese wordswho did not find analogues to the described structure to this day. Therefore, the average Korean knows about 3 thousand and if in the Japanese language the words of foreign pronunciation switched to everyday conversations, the Korean holds a distance - they are used only in official letters, texts on religious topics, dictionaries and classical works. It is worth noting that on the territory of Hanech is not used.

What is so easy alphabet? Knowledge of basic information, of course, will help with such a time-consuming process as the study of Korean language from scratch alone. Unlike Japanese and Chinese, in which hieroglyphs are used, there are words in it from letters. And the individual characters that make up the alphabet means only one (sometimes two, if it comes to a pair of ringing-deaf) letters.

Step two

Having mastered the alphabet, it should be proceeded with the study of numerical. Here the main thing is to immediately understand the difference when the Korean system is used, and when Chinese. The first, as a rule, is necessary for an account from 1 to 99 and when specifying the age of any matter. For example, one - "Khan", two - "Tul", three - "Seth". The second is used by the population with account after 100, in the names of streets, houses, dates, money and telephone numbers. For example, one - "Il", two - "and", three - "himself". At the same time, letters are used in their writing, and it can also seem difficult, but further even more difficult, but without having eating it, it will be very difficult to develop further. After all, such a task, how to learn Korean from scratch, do not compare with attempts to master some native Russian Slavic system.

Step three

Step three implies the study of small phrases and several dozen basic words. You should only start and immediately will noticeably, as Korean combinations themselves begin to climb.

It is necessary to have a small notebook with you, where you can record how to pronounce certain words. An excellent method to learn Korean from scratch will attach stickers with phrases for prominent places. So the brain is better in the new information.

The most important process in the third step is to learn not only the Korean-Russian translation, but also the Russian-Korean. So you can learn to speak in language, and not just understand it.

Step four

Studying Korean from scratch alone, should not forget about basic words, such as "hello" or "while". They are needed even the most uneducated polyglotes and always take place when talking with the carrier. Among standard words, the following can be distinguished: yes ("NE"), no ("Ani"), thanks ("Camamnide"), hello ("Annen").

Step five

In Korean culture there is a clear division into the official and unofficial form of the language. What to use in communicating with a specific person should be found out of the following factors: the age of the interlocutor, his profession and achievements, social status. The formality for dialogue has three steps:

  • Official. Used to conversate with the elders, the head and unfamiliar people.
  • Unofficial. More suitable if the opponent is a close friend, relative or younger in age.
  • Respectful. In everyday speech, it is not used, but often you can hear on television in scientific and news transmissions, as well as in the army.

For those who learn Korean from scratch, this separation is important to understand. Those who do not adhere to formalities are considered impolite, and thus the person spoils relations with others.

Step six

Now you should learn grammar. It represents the complexity only in one - in a huge amount various shapes The same verb. And all of them need to know.

Among the most common rules for grammar can be noted as follows:

  1. The verb in the proposal is placed at the most recent place.
  2. The subject is used only if it is impossible to understand from the context or from the previous proposal, which or comments are.

Step seven

An important step is the practice. The more the person speaks and writes, the better his skills become.

Do not be afraid to start learning Korean from scratch. It is morally hard, although technically simple. The main thing is desire and perseverance. Good luck!

Then this video course is for you, learn Korean tongue together.

This is the demo version of the alphabet course.. Total is a year for 6 lessons, here 3 lessons are published on the site. The remaining 3 lessons are available only for my subscribers. I recommend to subscribe to the course immediately, and then every day you will come to the mail 1 lesson. The alphabet course is completely free And you can unsubscribe at any time.

Attention! Very important! After subscription, look at your mail, wait subscription confirmation letters (It comes no longer than after 10 minutes). If you do not confirm the subscription, there will be no lessons!

If after 10 minutes. no letter, check the spam folder, Click "not spam" and confirm the subscription.

I have two ways to get for you full version The lessons of the alphabet, and then the continuation of the course:

  • by subscription to the post office - subscribe
  • subscribe VKontakte - Choose a subscription of the Korean language lessons. Alphabet

Video course"Speak, read and write in Korean."

Korean from scratch. Alphabet.

Lesson 1. Part 1.

This is the first lesson, part 1 from the series

You will get acquainted with the Korean alphabet, learn to read and write the 4 first vowels (ㅏ, ㅑ, ㅓ, ㅕ).

To study the most efficient:

  1. During the lesson, be sure to pronounce all the letters aloud, repeating them for me and Korean teacher.
  2. To remember, you need to listen carefully, repeat loudly aloud and prescribe the letter. And so several times.

Forward! You will succeed!

Homework after watching video:

  1. push each vowel 1 line,
  2. make a photo of your work and lay it out below in the comments for checking.

Watch the first video and start mastering Korean from scratch right now!

Full version of video course Korean language for beginners "Speak, read, write in Korean", as well Workers notebooks from additional tasks, only available to my subscribers.

Get the full version of the lessons and the continuation of the course

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Asia is becoming increasingly popular among students, and more and more people seek to receive higher education in one of the Asian countries. South Korea ranks 1st in the world in terms of development digital technology. Korean students undergo internships at such enterprises as Samsung and LG. Universities South Korea lead in world rankings in technology, computer science and natural Sciences. The main language of teaching at universities is Korean, so if you want to go there to learn, you should start learning right now. In order for you easier, we made a selection of useful resources to explore this language.

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