How to plant garlic in large areas. How to build a business growing garlic

An alternative to making a profit is agriculture. Growing garlic as a business has become a profitable niche for gardeners and summer residents. This crop is in demand in summer and winter. The advantages of garlic are usefulness, piquancy and ease of care. The release of crops for sale is accompanied by many nuances; the main thing is to develop a clear action plan.

We select a plot of land

Renting land will simplify and minimize costs. First stage involves costs, so saving on land for planting is the optimal solution. You can contact agricultural clubs and private gardeners. Criteria for selecting land for growing garlic in Ukraine:

  • Warm and bright place.
  • Smooth surface.
  • Presence of loamy or sandy soil.
  • High fertility rate (this can be easily determined by the previous harvest in this place).
  • It is advisable not to plant garlic after potatoes or pumpkins.

Important: garlic is frost-resistant, but it is not recommended to plant it in low-lying parts. Precipitation subsides and forms a water flow - this will negatively affect the growth of the crop.

The conditions for planting are ready, we begin the main growing process.

Selection of planting material and technology

If you are not an experienced gardener, you should consult with professionals. The yield of the product depends on the quality and type of planting components. There are varieties:

  • Garlic bulbs are distinguished by their one-time harvest. After the first sowing, air “heads” are formed, which are used for the next planting. The crop is subsequently collected for sale.
  • Sevok (one-toothed bulbs) - the harvest from this material is obtained the next year.
  • Receipt winter garlic occurs due to the previous options. Culture grows in one form.

You can diversify the seed material and plant all types in separate beds.

Varieties of varieties

The plan for success is based on making the right choice culture. In Ukraine, popular types of garlic are “Lyubasha”, “Pas”, and “Petrovsky”.

"Lyubasha" has frost resistance, moisture resistance, and no loss of quality. Dimensions – height (1.2 m), average weight of the bulb (90 g). The culture includes a blue tint with purple accents. Planting methods:

  • Using teeth.
  • Aerial seeds.
  • Whole air bulb.

This variety gives a significant yield; the payback for the entrepreneur comes after the first crops are harvested.

"Pass" grown in winter form. It has frost resistance and good seasoning. The average yield is 15 tons. Average weight – 70 gr. Repels pests - fusarium and nematodes.

"Petrovsky" includes greater yield and quality. Garlic weight is at least 75 grams, dense pulp and pungent taste. The variety is dark white in color and is resistant to pests.

We take proper care

The culture requires attention to the selection of fertilizers and fertilizing. The calculation is made based on indicators - the fertility of the land and the future harvest. Proportions:

  • One hectare requires 40 tons of humus or compost.
  • Mineral fertilizers - 6 tons per hectare.

Plowing the plot in the autumn involves 50% organic additives and 40% minerals. In the spring, ammonium nitrate (10%) is added - this ensures high growth culture. Garlic should be watered according to soil moisture levels:

  • The emergence of seedlings at a moisture content of 75% requires water of 35 m²/ha.
  • Formation of bulbous heads, where moisture is 70% - water consumption is 70 m²/ha.
  • Watering in autumn (humidity 69%), water consumption is 65 m²/ha.

The irrigation work plan follows a clear pattern, this will prevent damage to the future harvest

Important: remember a few points: garlic is grown in one place once every three years; Harvesting occurs once a year; use different places for planting crops (winter or spring).

Search for clients

The sales problem must be solved before starting a business. This factor will ensure income generation in the early stages of development. Main types:

  • Sales of products to the public (retail).
  • Resellers from food markets.
  • Cooperation with large networks shops.
  • Meat processing plants.
  • Concluding agreements with pharmaceutical companies.
  • Supply of culture to small organizations (cafes, restaurants, public canteens).

Important: income increases due to different channels sales, so expanding the customer base is an important stage in business.

Registration of activities and recruitment of personnel

The account and tax management plan includes business registration. In this case, an individual entrepreneur is suitable, you can indicate the item - farming. Simplified taxation and minimal documentation are advantages. Growing garlic as a business includes organizational aspects:

  • Purchase of equipment.
  • Renting premises for warehouses (if you plan to work with large volumes of products).
  • Hiring staff.

The last point is important, since you won’t be able to grow and sell it yourself. It is enough to hire several workers who will harvest the crop and sell it on the market. Garlic can be sold in pavilions, retail outlets, or collaborate with suppliers directly.

Financing plan

Accounting for all expenses and profits will ensure efficiency in promoting your business. The activity requires investment, so approximate costs should be calculated:

  • Registration of individual entrepreneur – 15,000 thousand UAH.
  • Rent land plot– 30,000 thousand UAH.
  • Seed material – 70,000 thousand UAH.
  • Fertilizers, mineral additives – 1,500 thousand UAH.
  • Purchase of equipment - about 60,000 thousand UAH.

Income from the sale of garlic depends on production volumes. Seasonality, customer flow, and competition are taken into account. The profitability of growing winter crops is 70%, sales of the product to retail customers reaches 150% upward.

What is the yield of garlic from 1 hectare and 1 hundred square meters?

Before planting any garden crop, owners try to calculate future yields. Garlic is no exception. How many kg you get from 1 hectare depends on many factors.

Garlic yield standards

Gradually it occupies a niche as one of the profitable crops. It is actively grown in large quantities for sale. First of all, the yield of this crop depends on the variety. The most productive selection samples:

  1. Saved. A winter variety with a yield of up to 200 kg per 1 hectare (that’s 20 t/ha). The head weighs up to 100 g. The variety has very high resistance to garlic diseases.
  2. . Productivity - 35 t/ha. The weight of one onion is 80-120 g.
  3. Purple Kharkov. Productivity - 11 t/ha. The heads are small - up to 60 g one. But the variety is immune to many diseases.
  4. Ukrainian white and purple. The indicator is about 15-20 t/ha. One onion weighs 60-140 g.
  5. Benefit. Productivity - 35-45 t/ha. At the same time, the heads turn out to be large - 170-240 g. Garlic is resistant to some diseases and frosts.

Garlic yield depends on the variety

Of course, even the most productive variety will not produce the desired yield if other factors do not contribute to it:

  1. Chemical composition of the soil. Most of all, garlic loves loams with neutral or low level acidity.
  2. Soil fertility, high content mineral and organic matter.
  3. Neighboring plants. Tomato, cucumber, carrot, onion, pea and legumes will negatively affect the growth of garlic, taking away nutrients from the ground.
  4. Predecessor plants. You should not plant garlic after the garlic itself, as well as onions and potatoes. Prepare the soil well:
  • cucumbers;
  • eggplant;
  • zucchini;
  • pumpkin;
  • tomatoes;
  • legumes;
  • (except oats).

Ways to increase garlic yield

One of key conditions a plentiful and healthy harvest of garlic - the right agricultural technology. It is necessary to prepare the soil for the crop 1.5-2 months before planting, starting with the removal of all weeds. This can be done manually or using herbicides. Also loosen the soil regularly. In autumn, the soil should be fertilized with organic matter. 2-3 weeks before planting garlic, add minerals to it for deep digging, based on 1 hectare:

Planting material must be of high quality

  • 100 kg nitrogen;
  • 120-200 kg of potassium sulfate;
  • and 100-120 kg of phosphorus.

Advice. The crop is susceptible to foliar feeding, especially during dry periods.

Planting material must be healthy and strong. Otherwise, you risk infecting the entire plantation with viruses or fungal infections. Continue to monitor weeds and loosen the soil after sowing. All work must be carried out carefully so as not to touch the shallow root.

Advice. Trim flower stems once they appear. According to gardeners, this technique will increase the yield by about 30%.

Watering is very important for garlic. The beds need to be irrigated regularly, especially in hot weather. At the turn of spring and summer, the plant requires water the most. But don’t overdo it: just water the area as the soil dries. Do this in the morning. Using simple recommendations, you will get stable and high yields of garlic.

How to get a big harvest of garlic: video

Nowadays, the problem of unemployment is especially acute. The question of how to earn money for at least the basic necessities worries many people today. Most often, when faced with such a situation, people are inclined to organize. However, this is not so easy to do in practice. First, you need to draw up a business plan and carefully consider your business strategy.

The first step in the planning stage of a private business is choice. Here, the aspiring entrepreneur must decide where he can more rationally apply his skills and available opportunities. Thus, those who have at least a small piece of land can consider growing garlic as a business. Even those who are new to agricultural affairs can cope with this work. Such a business is highly accessible, since its launch requires minimal investment, which in the future can turn into high income for further development affairs.

There is always a demand for high-quality crops, but in order to grow them, you need to know the rules of planting and growing. A detailed business plan will identify possible risks and determine the advantages and profitability of the business.

Growing garlic as a sustainable business

Many may think that growing garlic is not profitable business, since not everyone eats this product. And they don’t buy it by the kilogram. However, it is not. Garlic is a valuable food crop that is consumed both raw and for canning vegetables, salads and snacks. Of course, the demand for this product on the market is seasonal, but the demand for it remains throughout the year. Speaking about the profitability of this business, it is worth noting that growing garlic does not require large investments in organizing the right agricultural technology, which makes it accessible to novice businessmen.

Garlic is a fairly unpretentious crop; knowing the peculiarities of its storage and cultivation, you can get amazing results. The benefits of this business can also be considered in the fact that garlic has a long shelf life while creating optimal conditions that allow solving the problem of sales for more than long term than in the case of perishable products. You don't need any serious equipment to get started. The initial investment is minimal, since at first all the work can be done manually, and after receiving the first profit, you can buy mechanized tools to make work easier.

Main advantages

People specializing in the agricultural industry argue that crops such as garlic have the highest profitability. This is because:

  1. The bulk of this product on the market is represented by low-quality crops grown from poor seed material. At the same time, not all “private owners” follow special agricultural technologies in their work.
  2. Often the market is saturated with garlic imported from China. There are even more questions about this product. One of the main problems is the low content of essential oils.

Domestic garlic of high quality is always in price and is in great demand. Therefore, growing garlic can be safely considered as a highly profitable activity. The money earned can be used both in the development of this industry and in the opening of a completely different direction. In that case, you might be interested.

Business profitability: approximate figures

It is profitable to open when the property already has at least a small plot of land. At first, it is worth planting no more than 1 hectare of land with garlic, since a larger plot will be difficult to cultivate manually. If you don’t have your own plot of land, you can rent land; this will not require large expenses. From a plot of 1 hectare (in case proper care and the absence of weather disasters) you can harvest 6-10 tons of crop.

You will also need seed material (seeds or garlic bulbs). This will cost 30-200 rubles/kg. The significant difference in price is due to the value of winter varieties, which are characterized by high yields. At the same time, these varieties are much more finicky in terms of planting and growing. Spring garlic is less demanding, but it is not of the best quality.

Approximately 3,000 – 5,000 rubles will be spent on purchasing fertilizers. Perhaps, when starting a business, you will need an experienced person to help plant garlic and take on some of the work of caring for it. You will also need containers for storing the product and, of course, a special room for storing boxes of garlic. To avoid unexpected costs in the future, you need to write down all possible expenses in the business plan and calculate the maximum amount of initial investment, which will be about 40,000 rubles.

Since resellers buy garlic for 35-50 rubles/kg, the minimum revenue, depending on the yield, will be 210,000 - 500,000 rubles.

Advice: when the business begins to generate stable income, and growing garlic becomes commonplace, you can try to sow a larger area of ​​land, and also rent some equipment for labor automation.

High yield growing technology

  • This business guarantees a good financial result if winter garlic is grown on sandy loam soil.
  • The soil is prepared in advance - two weeks before planting. The seed material is selected especially carefully; only healthy heads are used, which are divided into cloves before planting.
  • The size of the grooves depends on the type of soil and the size of the cloves. If you plant garlic too close to the surface of the ground, it is possible that this crop will freeze in winter.
  • The planting time depends on the climatic characteristics of the region: in the south and west it is the end of October, in the north and east it is mid-December, in the central part it is the end of December. Optimal temperature regime– 10-12°С.
  • Standard care is weeding and weed removal.

Advice: To protect garlic crops from annual broad-leaved weeds, use the highly effective herbicide Totril.

  • The most important time is when “arrows” appear; they can only be removed manually. In the area for seed production, these shoots are not touched.
  • When the upper leaves begin to dry out and turn yellow, you can harvest. The main thing is not to overdo it. In the middle zone, this period usually occurs in the third decade of July.

Garlic storage

After digging, the garlic harvest is left directly on the ground in direct sunlight for a couple of days. During this time, the stems and leaves will dry out, releasing nutrients to the cloves. Besides, sunlight– excellent prevention against ticks and various diseases.

If the weather is capricious, then the garlic is immediately removed from the field and spread in a room with good ventilation. After 1.5 weeks, the leaves are cut off, leaving a 3-centimeter stem and a 3-mm root. In this form, the bulbs are stored at a temperature of +3...-1°C. Over 6 months, the loss will be approximately 4% - this is a normal result.

Sales channels

Garlic is always in demand. It is used by pharmacists and cooks, housewives and chefs of expensive restaurants. But at the same time, the highest profits can be obtained in spring and winter. Although, wholesale companies purchase products in late summer - early autumn. During this period, the price of garlic is slightly lower, but the high yield is sold in batches.

The greatest revenue can be made if you go not to the reseller, but directly to the final buyer. Then a kilogram of the product can be sold for 100-150 rubles, but for this you need to organize a place in the market. If selling by yourself is not suitable for you, then you can easily find small resellers like vegetable stores who are willing to pay 50-60 rubles/kg, which is also quite good. When looking for good deals, you will have to go around several shops and talk to their owners, which often becomes a big obstacle to business development, since few people have experience in business negotiations.

The easiest option is to contact wholesalers, large resellers. IN in this case a preliminary conclusion of a supply agreement will be required, which will ensure trouble-free sales of products in the future. The advantage of this method is that such companies take on all the risks associated with the further sale of goods. You can try to find other channels for selling the harvested crops, for example, offering cooperation to public catering establishments or local factories engaged in canning vegetables.

Growing garlic can be called a very successful business idea for novice businessmen in agriculture. This type of activity has good prospects for development. In addition, the cultivation of this product can be combined with other crops. Thus, a garlic business can be a good solution for both primary and additional business activities.