Are the following judgments about a totalitarian regime true? One of the mandatory characteristics of any political party is... Are the judgments about the forms of local self-government correct?

1) there is state sovereignty

2) the source of power is the people

3) comprehensive control over the life of society is carried out

4) there is a free press

3. Are the following judgments true about totalitarian regime?

A. Under totalitarianism, state control does not extend to the economic sphere.

B. Under totalitarianism, the state prohibits the activities of any parties.

1) only A is correct

2) only B is correct

3) both judgments are correct

4) both judgments are incorrect

4. Are the following judgments about a democratic regime true?

A. A democratic regime is characterized by a developed structure of civil society.

B. A democratic regime is characterized by a multi-party system.

1) only A is correct

2) only B is correct

3) both judgments are correct

4) both judgments are incorrect

5. Establish a correspondence between the characteristics of political regimes and their types: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.




1) mass terror A) Democratic

2) presence of opposition parties B) Totalitarian

3) lack of control by top management

4) recognition of the people as the source of power

5) a single ideology obligatory for all

7. Match the forms of democracy with the examples: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.


B) referendum 2) representative

B) elections of parliamentary deputies

Enter the answer you received into the table, and then transfer the resulting sequence of letters to the answer form (without spaces or other symbols).


8. The above list indicates the similarities between a democratic and totalitarian political regime and the differences between a democratic political regime and a totalitarian one. Select and write down the ordinal numbers of the similarities in the first column of the table, and the ordinal numbers of the differences in the second column.

Are the following statements about a totalitarian regime true?

A. Under totalitarianism, state control does not extend to the economic sphere.
B. Under totalitarianism, the state prohibits the activities of any parties.

1) only A is correct
2) only B is correct
3) both judgments are correct
4) both judgments are incorrect


A totalitarian regime is a political regime that claims complete control over the individual from the state. The following signs of a totalitarian regime are distinguished:
1) the presence of a single mass party, virtually fused with the state apparatus, headed by a charismatic leader-dictator; deification of the leader, his lifelong irremovability;
2) the presence of an official, dominant totalitarian ideology in society (communism, national socialism, fascism). This ideology is characterized by a belief in the imminent advent of a “bright future.” Community development is presented as a teleological, i.e., process directed towards a specific goal. Ideology is not subject to criticism, and deviation from it is strictly punished by the state;
3) the government’s monopoly on information, its complete control over the media;
4) state monopoly on means of armed struggle;
5) the presence of a powerful apparatus of control and coercion, mass terror against the so-called “enemies of the people”;
6) subordination of the economy to the state, command-administrative management system.

Are the following statements about political power correct?
A. Any power is political in nature
B. Political power extends to the entire society
4. What is meant by the form of government of the state?
1. Organization of the highest authorities 2. Political regime 3. distribution of power throughout the country 4. Political system
5. The Constitution defines Russia as a federal state. It means that
1. A multi-party system has emerged 2. Parliament is formed on the basis of general elections
3. Individual regions have their own legislative bodies 4. The people are the source of power
6. Are the following judgments about political parties true?
A.Political parties bring together people with similar views on social problems
B. The democratic regime is characterized by a multi-party system
1. Only A is correct 2. Only B is correct 3. Both judgments are correct 4. Both judgments are incorrect
7. The political rights of citizens include
1. Right to property 2. Right to personal integrity 3. Right to elect government bodies 4. Right to freely choose place of residence
8. A State Duma deputy can, in addition to his main activities
1. Head the legislative assembly of the region 2. Work in the government 3. Teach at a university
4.Be the head of the regional administration
9. In the UK, the right of property owners to vote in several locations of their property was abolished. It was a movement towards suffrage
1. Universal 2. Equal 3. Direct 4. Alternative
10. Are the following judgments about political parties true?
A. A multi-party system has developed in Russia
B. Parties in our country actively participate in the election campaign
1. Only A is correct 2. Only B is correct 3. Both judgments are correct 4. Both judgments are incorrect
11. What is the highest government body of state power in Russia?
1. Government of the Russian Federation 2. Security Council 3. Federal Assembly 4. Public Chamber
12. According to the French Constitution of 1791, when forming the legislative body, electors were first elected, who, in turn, elected representatives of the Legislative Assembly. This is an example of an election
1. Alternative 2. Indirect 3. Formal 4. Unequal
13. Are the following judgments about political parties true?
A. A multi-party system weakens a democratic state
B. The two-party system does not exclude the presence of other parties
1. Only A is correct 2. Only B is correct 3. Both judgments are correct 4. Both judgments are incorrect
14. What is the distinctive feature of the rule of law?
1. extensive system of legislation 2. Implementation of the principle of separation of powers
3. Functioning of law enforcement agencies 4. Presence of sovereignty
15. In our country, signs and promulgates laws
1. Head of the Government of the Russian Federation 2. President of the Russian Federation 3. Chairman of the Federation Council 4. Prosecutor General
16. In many countries, members of parliament are prohibited from working in government agencies. This shows
1. The supremacy of parliament 2. Republican form of government 3. Unitary government system 4. Separation of powers
17. Are the following judgments about politics true?
A. Any power relations are political in nature
B. Political power extends to the whole society
1. Only A is correct 2. Only B is correct 3. Both judgments are correct 4. Both judgments are incorrect
18. Distinctive feature federal state is
1. Election of the highest bodies of state power 2. Supremacy of the executive power
3. Presence of local government bodies 4. Presence of their own laws in territorial bodies
19. In Italy, all adult citizens have the right to elect deputies to the House of Representatives. This is an example of suffrage
1. Passive 2. Formal 3. Universal 4. Equal
20. Are the following judgments about political power true?
A. One of the functions of political power is the management of social processes
B. Political power is one of the types of power relations
1. Only A is correct 2. Only B is correct 3. Both judgments are correct 4. Both judgments are incorrect
21. The Chamber of the Federal Assembly in Russia is
1. Security Council 2. Public Chamber 3. Federation Council 4. Supreme Court
22. In Italy, the president of the country is elected by parliament. Responsibility for the acts issued by him lies with the ministers who prepared them. These facts characterize the political system of Italy as a republic
1. Presidential 2. Federal 3. Parliamentary 4. Sovereign
23. Are the following judgments about a totalitarian regime true?
A. Under totalitarianism, state control does not extend to the economic sphere
B. Under totalitarianism, the state prohibits the activities of any parties
1. Only A is correct 2. Only B is correct 3. Both judgments are correct 4. Both judgments are incorrect
24. What is the hallmark of a democratic regime?
1. Federal structure 2. The right to collect taxes 3. Guarantees of the rights and freedoms of citizens 4. The presence of public authority

Tests on the topic “Political sphere” for grade 9

Part A.

A1. In many countries, members of parliament are prohibited from working in government offices. This shows:

1) supremacy of parliament

2) republican form of government

3) unitary government system

4) separation of powers

A2. Are the following statements about politics true?

A. Any power relationship is political in nature.

B. Politics as a sphere public life developed in an industrial society.

1) only A is correct

2) only B is correct

3) both judgments are correct

4) both judgments are incorrect

A3. The distinctive feature of a federal state is:

1) election of supreme bodies of state power

2) the supremacy of the executive branch

3) presence of local government bodies

4) presence in territorial entities of their own authorities

A4. In Italy, the president of the country is elected by parliament. Responsibility for the acts it issues lies with the ministers who proposed them. These facts characterize the political system of Italy as a republic

1) presidential

2) federal

3) parliamentary

4) sovereign

A5.Are the following judgments about a totalitarian regime true?

A. Under totalitarianism, state control does not extend to the economic sphere.

B. Under totalitarianism, the state prohibits the activities of any parties.

1) only A is correct

2) only B is correct

3) both judgments are correct

4) both judgments are incorrect

A6.What is the hallmark of a rule of law state?

1) the presence of a legislative system

2) equality and equality of citizens before the law

3) functioning of law enforcement agencies

4) presence of sovereignty

A7.Are the following judgments about forms of government correct?

A. All modern democratic states are republics.

B. The transfer of power of the head of state by inheritance is inherent in monarchies.

1) only A is correct

2) only B is correct

3) both judgments are correct

4) both judgments are incorrect

A8. The hallmark of any state is:

1) multi-party system

2) separation of powers

3) sovereignty

4) parliamentarism

A9. What is the hallmark of a democratic regime?

1) federal structure

2) the right to levy taxes

3) guarantees of the rights and freedoms of citizens

4) presence of public authority

A10. The Chamber of the Federal Assembly in Russia is

1) Security Council

2) Public Chamber

3) Federation Council

4) Supreme Court

A11. What is the highest representative body of state power in Russia?

1) Government

2) Security Council

3) Federal Assembly

4) Public Chamber

A12. What are the powers of the Government of the Russian Federation?

1) development and adoption of laws

2) management of federal property

3) resolving issues of Russian citizenship

4) declaration of a state of emergency

A13. Are the judgments about political parties correct?

A. A two-party system has developed in Russia.

B. Parties in our country actively participate in the election campaign.

1) only A is correct

2) only B is correct

3) both judgments are correct

4) both judgments are incorrect

A14. What is a form of direct democracy?

1) elections

2) multi-party system

3) referendum

4) parliamentarism

A15. The distinctive feature of a political party is

1) bringing together people with common interests

2) creation of a branched organization

3) the right of legislative initiative

4) the desire to participate in the exercise of political power.

Part B.

IN 1. The list below shows the similarities between elections and referendums and the differences between elections and referendums. Select and write down the serial numbers of the similarity traits in the first column of the table, and the serial numbers of the differences in the second column.

    Is(are) an expression of democracy

    As a rule, it is carried out regularly

    Serves as a form of democracy

    Involves nomination of candidates

AT 2. Establish a correspondence between the types of political regimes and their characteristics: for each element given in the first column, select an element from the second column.


A) guarantees of individual rights and freedoms 1) democratic

B) the power of a single mass party 2) totalitarian

B) official mandatory ideology

D) political pluralism

Write down the selected numbers in the table.


AT 3. Read the given text, each position of which is numbered

(1) The legal system that has developed in the country of M. does not reflect the desire of society for a rule of law state. (2) All political power in the country is concentrated in the hands of the president. (3) The government and parliament are subordinate to him.

Determine which position(s) of the text:

A) reflect the facts

B) express opinions

Under the position number, write down the letter indicating its nature.


A. Called unitary single state, which does not include other state entities.

B. The Federation is a complex union state that arose as a result of the unification of states with relative political independence.

1) only A is correct

2) only B is correct

3) both judgments are correct

4) both judgments are incorrect

Political regime. Democracy

A democratic regime is characterized

1) administrative-command management methods

2) comprehensive control over the life of society

3) dominance of the executive branch

4) guarantees of minority rights

Under a totalitarian regime, as opposed to a democratic one

1) there is state sovereignty

2) the source of power is the people

3) comprehensive control over the life of society is carried out

4) there is a free press

Are the following statements about a totalitarian regime true?

A. Under totalitarianism, state control does not extend to the economic sphere.

B. Under totalitarianism, the state prohibits the activities of any parties.

1) only A is correct

2) only B is correct

3) both judgments are correct

4) both judgments are incorrect

Are the following statements about a democratic regime correct?

A. A democratic regime is characterized by a developed structure of civil society.

B. A democratic regime is characterized by a multi-party system.

1) only A is correct

2) only B is correct

3) both judgments are correct

4) both judgments are incorrect

Establish a correspondence between the characteristics of political regimes and their types: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.




1) mass terror A) Democratic

2) presence of opposition parties B) Totalitarian

3) lack of control by top management

4) recognition of the people as the source of power

5) a single ideology obligatory for all

Match the forms of democracy with the examples: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.


B) referendum 2) representative

B) elections of parliamentary deputies

Enter the answer you received into the table, and then transfer the resulting sequence of letters to the answer form (without spaces or other symbols).

Local government

Are the judgments about the forms of local self-government correct?

A. The form of local government is the election of the city mayor.

B. The form of local self-government is the election of deputies to the Legislative Assembly of the region.

1) only A is true;

2) only B is true;

3) both judgments are correct;

4) both judgments are incorrect

Are the judgments about the nature of local self-government correct?

A. Local governments are not included in the system of state authorities.

B. Local government is a state within a state.

1) only A is true;

2) only B is true;

3) both judgments are correct;

4) both judgments are incorrect.

3. What issues fall within the competence of local governments:

1) international relations and international treaties of the Russian Federation;

2) defense and security;

3) approval of changes in borders between subjects of the Federation;

4) socio-economic development of the territory.

4. The competence of local government bodies does not include:

1) protection of public order;

2) social support of the population;

3) determination of the status and protection of the state border;

4) management of municipal property.

Citizen participation in political life

1.A citizen participates in politics when:

1) expresses his opinion in a referendum

2) receives higher education

3) pays state taxes

4) reads newspapers

Are the following judgments about citizen participation in political life correct?

A. Action by a citizen to influence public policy or the choice of political leaders is called political participation.

B. Refusal of citizens to participate in elections can paralyze state power.

1) only A is correct

2) only B is correct

3) both judgments are correct

4) both judgments are incorrect

Elections, referendum

Are the following statements about elections true?

A. In a democracy, elections help resolve political conflicts.

B. In a democracy, elections contribute to the political socialization of citizens.

1) only A is correct

2) only B is correct

3) both judgments are correct

4) both judgments are incorrect

Are the following statements about the referendum correct?

B. The initiative for a referendum can only come from the head of state.

1) only A is correct

2) only B is correct

3) both judgments are correct

4) both judgments are incorrect

Indicate the correct sequence of voter actions during elections to government bodies

1) obtaining information about election results

2) filling out the ballot

3) obtaining an absentee ballot if necessary

4) familiarization with candidates’ programs

53421 or 45321 or 54321

Find the principles inherent in democratic elections in the list below and write down the numbers under which they are listed on the answer line.

1) multi-degree

2) universality

4) equality

5) competitiveness


The list below shows the similarities between elections and referendums and the differences between elections and referendums. Select and write down the ordinal numbers of the similarities in the first column of the table, and the ordinal numbers of the differences in the second column.

1) is (are) an expression of democracy

2) is (are) carried out, as a rule, regularly

3) serves as a form of democracy

4) involves the nomination of candidates

Political parties and movements, their role in public life

Political Party

1) participates in the struggle for power

2) elects members of parliament

3) determines market prices

4) collects taxes from the population

A political party, as opposed to a state,

1) develops political course

2) has a charter

3) expresses the interests of socially vulnerable segments of the population

4) has the right to make laws

The functions of political parties in a democratic society include

1) political leadership of the work of parliament

2) control over personal life citizens

3) creation of armed groups

4) work in parliamentary factions

The existence of a variety of public organizations in a democratic society ensures

1) protection of members of the organization who have been arrested

2) multiple sources of tax revenue

3) the ability to express various points vision

4) familiarizing citizens with new laws