On the creation of “Little Books. Conversation in the junior group “Books are the best friends” Conditions for the project

Before we look at the principles by which a book corner should be organized in kindergarten, we note that it is precisely at preschool age that children begin to acquire their first experience of reading.

Every preschooler has high potential for development. This also applies to his reading skills.

Thanks to a good children's library, these skills can be revealed and implemented.

Children begin to feel the need to use the library when the existing books at home have already been read, but the desire to read new books still remains.

Literature allows a person to develop a love for words. Therefore, it is necessary to introduce reading books into a child’s experience when he develops speech.

Those images that children emphasized in books they will carry in their memory all their lives.

It is during the preschool period that future readers need to be educated. Preschoolers perceive what they read as reality. Therefore, they are very scared when they read the corresponding stories.

Children also perceive what they read very emotionally.

When a child listens to a fairy tale being read, he clearly shows his emotions. He can cry, laugh, be indignant and sympathize with the heroes. This is good - this is how the child becomes an empathetic person.

On the other hand, very strong emotions often interfere with a sober assessment of what you read. Therefore, you need to monitor not only the emotional perception of literary works, but also the rationality of thinking when reading. Children are also very eager to imitate others.

Therefore, they prefer those books that their peers and teachers like. This is not always correct; it is better to teach the child to develop independence in matters of choosing literature.

The characteristics of preschoolers described above are negative personality traits in the future reader that need to be worked on. And positive characteristics must be developed. Let's look at four groups of common stereotypes.

Stereotypes of the future reader

Attitude to the reading process itself

The first group consists of attitudinal stereotypes towards the reading process itself. Children may perceive reading as an unpleasant chore, or they may enjoy it, or perceive reading as entertainment. All of these stereotypes are considered negative.

It is necessary to help children develop positive stereotypes: children need to treat reading as a serious activity that requires mental work.

Children should understand that reading is very useful and enriches their spirituality, making it possible to better satisfy the need for knowledge.

Reader preferences

The second group of stereotypes is reading preferences. For example, a preschooler may love fairy tales, but not understand poetry. There are also children who are ready to read all books indiscriminately, including adults.

There are readers who choose only those books that their peers liked. Positive stereotypes of this group - the reader chooses only those books that he considers useful.

Perception of the book

The third group of stereotypes is the perception of the book. Often preschoolers begin to compare themselves with the hero of the book and perceive the plot of the book as reality. This is bad because it prevents an objective analysis of the plot.

In the future, at school, children are required to describe the author’s intention and methods for revealing it, and such children will not be able to do this. Also, such a stereotype deprives a child of the opportunity to critically evaluate the plot of a book.

If it becomes noticeable that the child perceives the plots of books in this way, then this requires correction. It is important that the reader perceives himself as an interlocutor with the author of the book.

The reader can also play the role of a critic who thoughtfully approaches the reading process and tries to enrich the disclosure of the author’s intention with his own findings.

It is necessary to teach preschoolers so that they do not transform themselves into heroes of books, but try on what they read and compare themselves with the heroes.

Evaluative stereotypes of books

And the last group of stereotypes are evaluative stereotypes of books. Often children cannot appreciate what they have read at all. Other children cannot evaluate the book critically. Therefore, we need to help children think critically and be creative individuals.

It is necessary to determine the range of children's reading. It depends on the age of the reader, what his preferences are, what he knows about the adult world, what books are available in the family library and in the public library.

Book selection

According to L.N. Tolstoy, you need to choose books based on their artistry and children’s interest in them.

Usually, the first round of books for children includes publications with folk art, especially fairy tales. But it is important not only to introduce children to Russian fairy tales, but also to other peoples close to Russia, and even to world-famous works.

The second circle of books for children usually consists of Russian classic works that were written specifically for preschoolers, or those that were transferred over time from books for adults to books for children.

For example, these could be works of famous Russian classics, such as Pushkin A.S. , Chekhov A., Tyutchev F., L. Tolstoy and others.

According to many authors. It's important to include classic works in the books you read with your children. This allows children to experience new thoughts and feelings, experience new moods, and try out new ideas.

Over time, children will begin to develop affection for certain authors. And this can only be achieved through regular reading.

The third circle of books for preschoolers are other famous works written specifically for children.

Numerous works by S. Marshak, K. Chukovsky, A. Barto and other remarkable authors are known in this direction.

When raising a grateful reader in a child, you need to help him improve his reading comprehension. It is important that he be able to comprehend the works of literature he listens to and enrich his sensory experience.

Reading characteristics in children

Typically, preschoolers have the following characteristic features:

  • children are very interested in the content of a literary work, they like to make various connections;
  • children learn to perceive the work being read, its form and content;
  • children are interested in paying attention to expressive language means;
  • they perceive the heroes of books as characters that are very close and understandable to them;
  • they show sincere sympathy for the characters in the books and truly care about them;
  • they can perceive the hidden motives of the characters in the book;
  • At this age, children already experience quite deep feelings when reading a book, they can express them in different ways. Some children laugh loudly, others just smile. Someone begins to look at their comrades. Others, on the contrary, slow down their external activity and sit motionless, listening to the reading;
  • Children can already quite consciously carry out a basic analysis of a book they have read.

In order to raise a future literate reader from a child, you need to select literary works correctly.

To do this, you can use pedagogical principles that have been developed by many domestic teachers.

The main principle of choosing books

One of the main principles is the recommendation to select books that meet the objectives of education. Moreover, here we are talking about nurturing the child’s intellectual abilities, his aesthetic perception, and his moral culture.

Only if this condition is met will reading a book with a child have a certain pedagogical value.

The book should show the preschooler the ideals of justice and goodness through concrete images.

A child should know how courage is demonstrated. He learns to treat other people and himself correctly. He learns to correctly evaluate his own actions. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of children in preschool age.

S.Ya. Marshak wrote that age characteristics are taken into account not by simplifying the plot of the book and coddling with the baby.

It is necessary to take into account the mental characteristics of a preschooler, his degree of concrete thinking, his level of impressionability, his vulnerability.

The book should give the child great pleasure and benefit his development.

A book should be entertaining not because of the topic or because of something new for the child.

Entertaining is the work that allows you to discover something new in the already familiar, and something familiar in something new. It is important that the composition of the book is lightweight and has only one plot line.

All artistic images of a book should reveal one main idea. It is important that the actions of all characters convey this idea. But you don’t have to choose only small books.

It must be taken into account that the child’s capabilities are gradually growing, and gradually he can perceive more and more voluminous works.

According to the works of A.S. Makarenko. It is important that fiction books should grow as if they were growing, that is, slightly ahead of the mental capabilities of a preschooler.

When choosing books to read, you can focus on the following types of works: folklore works (various songs, proverbs, fairy tales, sayings).

It is important that the child can get acquainted with books representing different genres of literary art. It should be not only prose, but also poetry, not only fairy tales, but also stories, not only serious works, but also funny and humorous ones.

Also, the topics of the books should be varied: these could be children’s themes, fairy tales about animals, descriptions of events from adult life, descriptions of the beauty of nature, various environmental difficulties and much more.

It is very important that the child is familiar with a wide variety of literary trends.

Book corner or book in a baby's life

The corner of a book plays a significant role in developing interest and love for fiction in preschoolers.

A book in a child’s life performs cognitive, educational, and developmental functions and teaches him the first lessons of mental, moral, and aesthetic education.

All age groups of a preschool institution should have a book corner - a specially designated and decorated place where a child can choose a book independently or with an adult.

A meeting with a familiar work and favorite characters deepens the child’s penetration into the author’s intention, helps him clarify the images that arose while listening, and once again empathize with the heroes of events and adventures.

A child comes to the corner of a book to communicate with a work of art; a complex of educational problems is solved through the means of fiction.

Requirements for the design of a book corner

  • its location, if possible, away from places where children play, since noisy games can distract a child from concentrated communication with a book;
  • ensuring proper lighting: natural (near the window) and artificial for the evening;
  • expediency and convenience, disposing the child to leisurely, concentrated communication with a book;
  • aesthetics and functionality of purpose;
  • taking into account the age and individual capabilities of the child.

It is important that every child can have the opportunity to choose books of interest, and that viewing a book encourages him to communicate with peers and adults.

Selection of literary works

One of the important issues when designing a book corner is taking into account the principles of selecting literary works for preschoolers:

  • availability;
  • artistry;
  • diversity;
  • gradual complication;
  • taking into account the national and cultural characteristics of works;
  • taking into account the reading preferences of preschoolers;
  • plot entertaining;
  • simplicity and clarity of composition;
  • the proximity of the content to the child’s experience.

Teachers select literary works based on various reasons:

  • genre (riddle, nursery rhyme, chant, teaser, proverb, saying, fable, story, poem, author's tale in verse, fable, etc.);
  • formal features (free verse, figured verse, poems with pronounced rhyme);
  • themes (about children, animals, phenomena of the surrounding reality, landscape lyrics, etc.);
  • mood and character (humorous, entertaining, narrative, etc.).

This will allow children to develop a breadth of reading interests, selectivity, and individual literary preferences.

The principle of organizing a book corner

The main principle by which the book corner is organized is to satisfy the diverse literary interests of children. From this principle the conclusion follows that it is impossible to determine the exact time spent in the corner of each individual book.

There are books that children are ready to leaf through and look at for a long time, constantly discovering new interesting things in them.

Books of this kind can and should remain in a corner for a long time, giving children the joy of daily communication.

For others, interest is lost quite quickly, and, observing a persistent indifferent attitude, the teacher can remove the book from the shelf without waiting for the scheduled date. On average, the length of time a book stays in a book corner is 2 – 2.5 weeks.

Book corner - content content in different groups

Junior groups

In younger groups, the teacher forms in children the first experience of independent communication with a book: he introduces them to the corner of the book, its structure and purpose, and teaches them to look at books and pictures only there.

Informs the rules that must be followed when entering a corner of a book (take books with clean hands, leaf through carefully, do not tear, crush, do not use for games; after looking, always put the book back, etc.).

As a rule, a few books are displayed in the book corner (4 - 5), but the teacher should have additional copies of the same books in stock, since young children are very prone to imitation, and if one of them begins to look at the book , then others have a desire to get exactly the same.

By repeatedly returning to a book he likes, individually and deeply communicating with it, the child not only becomes more deeply aware of its content, but also experiences the great creative joy that an encounter with art brings.

As a rule, publications already familiar to children with bright, large illustrations are placed in the corner of the book.

In addition to books, there may be individual pictures pasted on thick paper and small albums for viewing on topics close to children of this age (“Toys”, “Pets”, thematic exhibitions: “Tales of Korney Chukovsky”, “Autumn Poetry”, etc. .).

Looking at albums with object pictures is interesting and important for children learning about the object world at this age.

To fully comprehend the work, younger preschoolers need to clearly see every detail, every plot twist.

Book corner decoration

Therefore, when designing a book corner for children of this age, special preference is given to picture books, such as “Kolobok”, “Teremok” with illustrations by Yu.A. Vasnetsova; “Children in a Cage” by S.Ya. Marshak with drawings by E.I. Charushina; stories from Leo Tolstoy's "ABC" with drawings by A.F. Pakhomova.

The illustrations of these books follow the text step by step, revealing to the child in detail the artistic world of the work, helping to enter this world, to be a participant in all the events and adventures that happen to the characters.

An illustrated book is also the first art museum where a child directly enters and where he first gets acquainted with the work of wonderful artists - I.Ya. Bilibina, Yu.A. Vasnetsova, V.V. Lebedeva, V.M. Konashevich, E.I. Charushin and others.

The teacher teaches children to carefully look at the pictures in the book, recognize the characters and their actions, encourages them to remember and retell individual episodes.

Later, he will draw the children’s attention not only to the heroes and their actions, but also to the expressive details of the illustrations (the hero’s costume, unique furnishings, some details of the landscape, etc.).

Middle groups

In the middle group, the basic skills of independently and carefully looking at books are consolidated and become a habit.

The teacher draws the children's attention to the fact that books wrinkle and tear easily, shows how to care for them, and organizes the repair of books.

Senior groups

For an older preschooler, a book becomes an important part of spiritual life; he develops literary preferences and expressed individual interests.

Some children prefer works about animals to all other books, others love fairy tales, some are interested in the primer and alphabet, and many boys spend a long time looking at books about adventures.

Taking into account the special, constant, predominant interest of all preschoolers in fairy tales, it is necessary to place 2 - 3 fairy-tale works in a corner of the book.

The influence of literature on a child

Children's literature plays a huge role in the formation of the civic personality traits of a child.

Therefore, in the corner of the book there should always be poems and stories that provide children with an introduction to the history of our homeland and its life today.

A preschool child is attracted by nature, its beauty, the hidden mystery of living things, and in the corner of the book you should always place 2 - 3 books about the life of nature, about animals, plants.

Looking at illustrations of natural history books, a child naturally enters into the natural world and better understands its secrets and patterns.

In the book corner for a certain period there should be publications of works or illustrations, the content of which coincides with the themes of classes and games.

Examining them gives the child the opportunity to deepen his initial ideas and examine them more carefully.

Children get special pleasure from looking at funny pictures in humorous books. Meeting with them satisfies a child’s need to have fun, laugh, and creates a joyful, calm atmosphere and emotional comfort in the group.

Funny books by S.Ya. Marshak, S.V. Mikhalkova, A.L. Barto, M.M. Zoshchenko, N.N. Nosova, V.Yu. Dragunsky, E.N. Uspensky and many other writers with illustrations by our best artists should definitely be in the corner of the book.

Communication with them not only brings joy to children, but is also useful for them, as it develops the ability necessary for a person - the ability to feel and understand humor, the ability to see the funny in life and literature.

In addition, you can sometimes place interesting, well-illustrated books that children bring from home in the book corner; “thick” books that the teacher reads to the group for a long period of time.

In addition to books, the book corner may contain a variety of albums for viewing and children's magazines.

There may also be albums created by artists on certain topics; little books compiled by children together with a teacher or with their parents from individual postcards and drawings about their family, nature at different times of the year, the work of adults and on other topics.

Teachers of older groups arrange thematic exhibitions of books in the book corner.

The purpose of such exhibitions is to deepen the literary interests of children, to make one or another literary or socially important topic especially significant and relevant for preschoolers.

This could be an exhibition of fairy tales by A.S. Pushkin (with illustrations by various artists), books by L.N. Tolstoy, thematic exhibitions dedicated to calendar holidays, and others.

Organization of the exhibition

When organizing an exhibition, the following rules are observed:

  • the theme of the exhibition must be relevant and interesting for children;
  • a special, careful selection of books is necessary in terms of artistic design and external condition;
  • the exhibition should be short-lived - no more than three to four days, since then the attention and interest of preschoolers will inevitably decline.

At older preschool age, children are quite independent in choosing books and knowing how to handle them, so pedagogical guidance becomes more indirect and correct.

The teacher helps create a calm, comfortable, cozy environment in the group for independent, focused communication of children with literary works, which is so important to teach preschoolers.

At the same time, it is necessary to involve children in viewing and discussing books together.

Chatting in a book corner

Communication between the teacher and the child in the corner of the book is emotionally comfortable and trusting.

By encouraging children to look at a book together and talk about it, the teacher thereby develops the ability to perceive it in the unity of verbal and visual arts.

The opening of a preschool education institution’s own library will also contribute to introducing children to the richness of the literary heritage of the people and highly accessible literary works.

The kindergarten library is a separate room equipped with library shelves and catalog boxes. The same corner of the book, but in larger sizes.

The library collection is represented by children's fiction (on the central shelves, in the access area for preschoolers) and methodological literature on all educational areas of the preschool education curriculum, as well as other information resources on various electronic media.

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Working with books plays an important role in the development of children's cognitive abilities. Children love listening to the teacher's stories, reading their favorite works, and looking at illustrations. In order for children to develop the skill of working with books, each age group must have a book center - a place for children to study literary works together with the teacher and for independent activities of children.

The role and significance, the main tasks of the functioning of the book corner

According to the Federal State Educational Standard (FSES), the subject-spatial environment must be rich in content and include teaching aids, materials, equipment, tools, gaming, sports and recreational equipment. Regular classes in the corners of the group contribute to the formation and development of children’s skills in all types of educational activities: cognitive, artistic and aesthetic, gaming, motor, speech, labor.

The subject-spatial environment in preschool educational institutions contributes to the development of children’s skills and abilities

One of the mandatory areas for organizing a group room is a book corner.

In our world of rapidly developing technologies, the film industry and mass media, a child should not be confused and lose the opportunity to find a faithful and wise life partner - a book. It opens up a world of eternal values ​​and teaches kindness in a way that is fun for children. By looking at book covers and illustrations, the child improves his visual perception skills. Children extract new information from stories and fairy tales - this is how cognitive and research abilities develop. Images of literary heroes and fragments of the listened plot appear in role-playing games and drawings by students - familiarization with the world of literature helps to reveal creative potential and activate the imagination. Based on favorite book stories, dramatization games are played and dialogues are learned by role - attention is paid to the child’s speech activity.

Communication with a book enriches children’s imagination and their play activities with new stories.

The purpose of organizing a book corner in kindergarten is to create favorable conditions for pupils to get acquainted with the world of fiction. It is recommended to involve parents in drawing up the material base of the corner, as well as holding consultations on encouraging children’s reading interests and the importance of discussing books read in the family circle.

Acquaintance with books in preschool age promotes the active development of imaginative thinking, perception of spoken words, and speech skills

Objectives of the book corner

The objectives of the library corner, common to the entire learning process in a preschool educational institution, are:

1. Educational objectives

  • creating positive motivation for learning to read;
  • acquaintance with works of oral folk art and original works;
  • acquaintance with the classics of children's literature;
  • learning to search for knowledge in literary texts.

2. Developmental tasks

  • formation and development of the skill of perceiving images from fiction and folklore;
  • development of an emotional response to the content of books;
  • developing the ability to correlate a graphic image with a listened text;
  • formation of thinking abilities: comparison, analysis, highlighting the main thing, formulating conclusions;
  • development of memory and fantasy;
  • stimulation of speech activity, replenishment of vocabulary.

3. Educational tasks

  • instilling a love of literature;
  • nurturing a caring attitude towards books by studying the rules for using the book corner and carrying out work assignments;
  • moral education through familiarity with stories about eternal human values: goodness, family, friendship, fidelity, etc.

In the book corner, children get acquainted with the world of literature

The teacher selects books and draws up a lesson plan in the book corner, taking into account the age characteristics of the children. Let us outline the main tasks of filling and operating the literary center for each kindergarten group.

1. First and second junior groups (1.5–3 and 3–4 years)

  • acquaintance with the book, its structure and contents: cover, spine, pages, title, text, illustrations;
  • examining book illustrations in order to recognize book characters and episodes;
  • studying books about animals;
  • development of fine motor skills when studying unusual books for the little ones: folding books, fabric books, books with windows, squeakers, laces, slots, finger toys, etc.;
  • developing book handling skills.

Younger preschoolers are interested in fairy tales and poems about animals, they like to study toy books, baby books, etc.

2. Middle group (4–5 years old)

  • learning how to repair a book;
  • developing the ability to examine illustrations in detail and name the means of expression used by the artist;
  • developing the ability to retell the plot through didactic games.

In the book corner for pupils aged 4–5 years there are sets of didactic games based on the works of

3. Senior and preparatory groups (5–6 and 6–7 years old)

  • development of cognitive interests through the study of books about the surrounding world, animals and plants, space, dinosaurs, etc.;
  • the formation of civic personality traits through the inclusion in the library corner of books about the significance of the homeland in a person’s life, about important events in the history of the country;
  • familiarization with various types of printed materials: newspapers, magazines, brochures;
  • viewing illustrated encyclopedias: children learn to understand not plot pictures, but graphic images of processes, systems, models;
  • studying thematic exhibitions in the book corner dedicated to the work of a writer, holiday or memorable event.

The book corner for older preschoolers contains art books, encyclopedias, magazines, educational and board games

Decorating a book corner in a kindergarten with your own hands

The main thing in the formation of a developmental zone of literary orientation is the choice of books in accordance with the age of the students.

For younger groups, a selection of Russian folk tales, collections of small CNT genres (riddles, nursery rhymes, chants, sayings), poems by A. Barto, S. Marshak, E. Blaginina and other children's writers is being created. Preference is given to publications with thick pages and hard covers. If possible, a selection of books for children containing game elements (eyes, buttons, etc.) is made. Younger preschoolers want to learn as soon as possible what one of their classmates is already doing; for such situations, there are several copies of books in the book corner.

In the corner of the middle group there are books with regular sheet paper. Children get acquainted with stories about animals and birds (V. Bianki), humorous works of small forms (N. Nosov). Interest in folk tales does not fade away and familiarization with fairy tales by authors (K. Ushinsky, A. Tolstoy, M. Gorky) begins. For primary and secondary preschoolers, in the book corner there are thematic albums with pictures-objects and plot images of the immediate environment: “Furniture”, “Dishes”, “Flowers”, “Professions”, “Transport”, “Russian Army”, etc.

Older preschoolers get acquainted with epics (“Ilya-Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber”, “Dobrynya Nikitich”), literary fairy tales of foreign and Russian writers (including A. Pushkin). The library corner for children aged 5–7 years old contains books on a variety of topics to satisfy the interests of pupils: about nature, about children, humorous, encyclopedic in nature, about war, about travel.

The book corner in the group room is a quiet area with shelves/racks for books and a table with chairs for children. The corner should be cozy and attractive for young readers. It is welcome to decorate the corner with pictures depicting literary characters known to children: heroes of fairy tales, Dunno, Scientist Cat. The teacher can come up with the owner of the corner - a toy character who looks after the books and is always happy to see the children (Carlson, Cippolino, Vasilisa the Wise).

For the library corner, educational wall newspapers and colorful posters are made; the teacher involves parents and students in their creation (the presence of a “child’s hand” in the design is always pleasant for the children, allowing them to make a feasible contribution to the organization of the group). A wonderful decoration - drawings and plasticine/clay crafts on the theme of literary subjects.

The teacher, together with parents and students, can create a bright and original book corner

Requirements for corner design

  1. Rational organization. The book corner is located in a bright place in the group (it is desirable to have windows on the left and right). The possibility of artificial lighting is provided (electric sconces or table lamp). The book corner is located away from the play, physical education and music centers - it is quiet here, there is the possibility of privacy with a book.
  2. Pedagogical expediency. In the book corner, every child can show independence and personal interest.
  3. Aesthetics. The corner is decorated in a slightly different style from the main room of the group. Decorations can include objects of folk arts and crafts based on fairy tales, reproductions of paintings based on literary subjects.
  4. Age appropriate. The selection of books, topics and forms of work within the literary corner is carried out by the teacher, taking into account the age characteristics of the students.
  5. Convenience. Books, play sets, albums with pictures and illustrations are stored in the book corner with open access to all students.
  6. Safety. It is not recommended to use bookcases with glass doors in the corner; use wall shelves with caution. Children are discussed the rules for handling electrical appliances (if there is a table or wall lamp in the corner, a player is installed for listening to audio recordings of poems and fairy tales), scissors and glue when repairing books.

The teacher must organize safe conditions in the corner (electrical sockets and appliances are out of the pupils’ access)

What to name a book corner

Students can participate in coming up with the name of the book corner. If the corner is made in any original theme or form, then the name should correspond to the design style. The naming hint is provided by the characters - the owners of the corner.

Examples of names:

  • classic: “Library”, “Reader’s Corner”, “Fairy Tale Corner”, “Book Corner”;

    The name of the corner can be classic and encourage students to take reading seriously

  • original: “Book Rainbow”, “House of Books”, “Book Town”, “Fairy Tale, Come!”, “Bookland”, “Book House”, “Literary Universe”, “Magic of Books”, “Fairytale Journey”, “There” on unknown paths”, “From pure source”, “Book kaleidoscope”;

    The original name of the corner evokes positive emotions and additional interest in children

  • using literary motifs and characters: “Lukomorye”, “Library of Vasilisa the Wise”, “Scientist Cat’s Corner”, “Visiting the Wise Owl”, “The Moomins Invite”, “Meeting with Dunno”;

    The corner, whose owner is a favorite book character, has pupils

  • funny: “To read - not to re-read”, “Entertainers and dreamers”, “Friends of my soul”, “The book and I - that’s harmony!”, “Book mania”, “Portal to a fairy tale”, “Literary Everest”;

    Jointly coming up with a funny name for a corner evokes positive emotions and develops imagination; children will want to look into this corner again and again

Names can also be given to the shelves/sections in the book corner. For example, “Smart shelves”, “Encyclopedic section”, “A fairy tale lives here”, “Book Hospital”.

A great idea is to give names to the shelves, so it will be easier for the children to navigate the library corner

Book corner design tools

The presence of a stand allows you to place visual materials on the topic of the lesson in the book corner: portraits of writers, illustrations for literary texts. Examples of literary leisure topics, information for parents (lists of books for home reading), photographs of students, and drawings are replaced here.


The corner stand contains information for children and their parents. The stand displays drawings by students dedicated to the book theme. The stand displays materials for getting acquainted with the writer’s work. The stand displays materials in accordance with the topics of calendar planning classes.

The teacher, together with the students, prepares posters in the art workshop to decorate the book corner. For the work, funny slogans are invented, motives and characters are chosen for the image.


An image of a book character serves as an excellent decoration for a corner. A slogan is chosen to decorate a book corner. A poster can be drawn for a temporary exhibition in a book corner, for example, for Mother’s Day.

The shelves and cells in the book corner are decorated with signs and inscriptions.

Inscriptions and signs

Phrases about the meaning of reading attract the attention of children in the book corner. Inscriptions help to navigate the book corner. Discussion of quotes about reading serves as the topic of educational conversations in the book corner. At the stand of the exhibition dedicated to the holiday, funny inscriptions can be placed to create a good mood for the children

Pictures and emblems that the kids love to look at help give the corner an attractive look.

Pictures and emblems

The “Visiting a Fairy Tale” corner is decorated with pictures of animal characters. The book corner is decorated with images of literary heroes. The emblem of the book corner should be original; it’s great if it is designed in the same style with the emblems of all activity zones in the group

Sketches for the design of a book corner

Design option for a book corner: shelves with books and game sets, work area with artificial lighting sources, stand A corner for placing material resources involves additional arrangement of a place for reading (tables, chairs). The corner is safe, accessible, all that remains is to make it attractive by decorating it with pictures and toys

Examples of design of book corners

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the options for creating book corners for different age groups.

Book corner in the preparatory group

Corner “Childhood’s Book Rainbow”

Book corners for every age group

Book corners for children of different age groups

Work in the book corner of the kindergarten

The functioning of the book corner is aimed at introducing children to reading fiction. Preschoolers cannot read, but they love to listen and discuss. The book center hosts classes that combine various types of children's activities: studying visual material, conversation, didactic games, watching a presentation or video, listening to an audio fairy tale. The duration of the lesson depends on the age of the students: in the younger groups - 15 minutes, in the middle - 20, in the older - 25, in the preparatory - 30.

The lesson consists of listening to the text, discussing, looking at illustrations, games, etc.

About once a month it is recommended to hold themed leisure activities in the book corner. These are events dedicated to a topic or writer (“Poems about animals”, “Pushkin’s Fairy Tales”, “Winter Motifs”, “Poems about Mom”). Often, leisure time in a book corner synthesizes several educational areas (integrated events): literary and musical evenings, theatrical fairy tales, book-themed quests (“Let’s Help Pinocchio,” “Treasure Island”). Leisure combines an educational element with entertainment; in the junior and middle groups it lasts 25–30 minutes, in the senior and preparatory groups - 45–50.

Leisure time in the book corner can be devoted to poems about autumn by Russian poets, for example

Pupils aged 5–7 years are involved in project activities in the book corner. Children choose books on the topic and mark their favorite illustrations and episodes. The emotional response to works of fiction is embodied in the form of the final creative work - a poster, a panel made of plasticine or salt dough, drawings, homemade books.

The final stage of the project dedicated to the perception of the Brothers Grimm fairy tale is a performance

Main activities in the book corner

  • Listening to literary works;
  • cognitive and heuristic conversations;
  • studying visual material: exhibitions, illustrations, portraits, covers;
  • gaming activities: didactic games, dramatization games;
  • work activity: all possible assistance in cleaning the book corner (wiping dust from bookshelves and printed publications), repairing books and magazines;
  • independent study of printed publications.

Much attention is paid to independent activity, the teacher creates motivation to study books and develop interest.

Card index of tasks, exercises and games in the book corner

  • Come up with a story based on the picture;
  • compose a retelling using a mnemonic table;
  • compiling tongue twisters, proverbs, riddles based on the listened text.
Game exercises
  • Recreate the plot of a fairy tale/story using toys;
  • “Guess the fairy tale in three words”;
  • coming up with rhyming words;
  • search on the pages of the book for all images of animals/plants/people/magical objects;
  • convey the mood of the character using intonation;
  • show the emotions of the characters using facial expressions.
Movement exercises
  • “The Bunny Jumped” (after listening to the fairy tale “The Fox and the Hare”);
  • “Building a tower”;
  • “I invite you to go for a walk in Lukomorye...”;
  • motor-speech training “Kolobok”;
  • finger gymnastics “We planted a turnip”;
  • Logorhythmic exercises with musical accompaniment.
Didactic games
  • Pictograms: place chips depicting heroes around the emblem with the plot of the fairy tale to which they relate, etc.;
  • for attentiveness: “Find the extra character”, “Who is missing”;
  • literary lotto, dominoes;
  • “Give the heroes their magic items”;
  • “Find a pair”, “Whose shadow is this?”
Dramatization Games
  • Theatrical finger games for younger preschoolers;
  • staging an episode of a work using puppet theater;
  • Games that imitate images of literary characters;
  • playing in a shadow theater with a set of paper figures based on fairy tale plots;
  • children assign the roles of the characters in the fairy tale, put on masks or hats representing them, the teacher reads the text, and the children show the actions of the characters;
  • role-playing dialogues;
  • staging of small genres of CNT (proverbs, sayings);
  • improvisation.

Analysis of the design and operation of the book corner

The teacher analyzes the design and functioning of the book corner in order to identify points that require adjustment or improvement. The analysis is carried out according to the following criteria:

  1. Correct location of the corner: relative to other areas of children's activity, windows, doors.
  2. Convenience of furniture: cabinets and shelves for storing books, tables and desks, chairs and armchairs.
  3. Filling the corner: the correspondence of printed publications to the age of the pupils, a variety of books by topic and genre, the division of books by content, the presence of game material, albums for viewing.
  4. The aesthetics of the design: what decorates the corner, what exhibitions were held and whether they were interesting to children.
  5. Attendance by pupils: how often children study in the corner, in which shelves and objects the greatest interest was shown.
  6. Forms of work of the corner: what educational forms were carried out, in what activities the pupils were active, which caused increased emotional impact.

Book corner as a topic for teacher self-education

Self-education of the teacher is carried out in two directions - theoretical and practical.

The theoretical part of self-education on the topic “Book Corner” begins with the study of methodological literature on the development of reading interest in preschoolers, familiarization with literary works that are traditionally included in the children's reading program and are new items in children's literature. The teacher compiles a list of books that are desirable for inclusion in the library corner of the kindergarten, works on drawing up a lesson plan and a list of thematic exhibitions during the school year.

An indispensable requirement for a teacher’s self-education is familiarization with the experience of colleagues: visiting and inspecting book corners in other groups and kindergartens. To help the teacher, there will be pedagogical Internet portals, where examples of designing book corners in accordance with the age characteristics of children are published, the introduction of ICT in the work of book centers, the use of innovative methods and pedagogical finds are described.

The teacher prepares a passport for the book corner, which indicates its location, equipment, content, and decoration elements. The passport specifies the goals of organizing a literary center in a group, tasks and forms of functioning, and describes exercises and games.

Practical activity consists of the joint activity of the teacher and children in the book corner and stimulating independent activities of pupils. Open classes and master classes are held for preschool teachers (including junior specialists) and parents. Ideas for decorating a book corner embodied in practice are recorded by the teacher in the form of articles for online and printed publications on preschool education; the inclusion of photographs and videos is encouraged.

The teacher shares his methodological experience of working in the book corner at pedagogical councils, conferences, open seminars and webinars. The corner may be nominated to participate in a teaching excellence competition.

As part of self-education, an analysis of the work done is carried out, gaps in the theoretical basis, effective practical methods are indicated, ways of adjusting the functioning of the book corner, and the introduction of new forms of activity are identified.

A long-term plan for introducing children to literature in a book corner

It is recommended to draw up a long-term work plan in the book corner in the form of drawing up a weekly schedule of various forms of employment. For each planning item, a goal is determined that corresponds to the age and individual characteristics and interests of the students. The plan reveals the content of the literature, taking into account the frequency of updating for a specific age group of children, and indicates approximate directions for joint and independent activities of children.

Weekly planning template:

  • Reading works of fiction: authors and titles of the work, purpose of familiarization;
  • lesson: topic, goal;
  • exhibition: theme, purpose;
  • individual work: content (memorization of poems, didactic games, exercises), purpose;
  • collective work: content (art activities, theatrical games, project activities);
  • leisure activities (held once a month): theme and content (holiday, creative evening, entertaining marathon, etc.), purpose.

The long-term plan may contain a separate item on working with parents as part of the functioning of the book corner: conducting consultations, joint leisure activities and projects.

The design of the corner as a mandatory element of the subject-spatial environment of the group is carried out within the framework of the educational order - the education of a comprehensively developed personality. Introducing to the world of literature and improving the ability to perceive images of literary texts lay the foundation for the growth of the child’s cultural growth. The little reader learns to treat the book as a source of knowledge and sensory experience of humanity, to see goodness and beauty in simple things and people's actions.

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution of the city of Novosibirsk "Kindergarten No. 373 of the combined type "Skvorushka" PROJECT "BOOK WEEK" Teachers of group No. 16 "Strawberry" Trudolyubova Oksana Viktorovna highest qualification category Akimova Larisa Anatolyevna first qualification category "Children's book with your own hands" Project: long-term Type of project: educational, creative. Duration: 6 months Project participants: middle school children, parents, teachers. Educational areas: “Reading fiction”, “Communication”, “Cognition”, “Artistic creativity”. TOPIC: BOOK WEEK Goal: To create conditions for the development of a child’s free creative personality, using the co-creativity of children and adults. Fostering love and respect for books. Objectives:  To introduce children to different types of books, the structure of a book, the activities of the writer and artist when creating a book.  To interest children in making homemade books.  To develop children’s understanding of how to make homemade books.  Support the desire of children and parents to be original and creative.  To develop children’s ability to compose stories, fairy tales, and poems.  Develop visual skills in the process of book design.  Introduce children to the stages of project activities. Relevance of the project: Communication, since the richness of a child’s speech largely depends on reading. Problems with children's reading are due to the same reasons as communication problems. However, not only that. Our society, which we once called the most reading in the world, has also changed. If parents read less (for various reasons), children also read less. The most important thing is that many children do not develop an interest in reading, and parents have to “force” them to read, which, of course, does not contribute to the child’s interest in books. Fiction played a big role in the development of preschool children. The impact of literature on the mental and aesthetic development of a child is well known. Fiction opens and explains to children the life of society and nature, the world of human feelings and relationships. It develops the child’s thinking and imagination, enriches his emotions, and provides excellent examples of his native language. CHOOSING A TOPIC What we know What we want to know How we can find out 1. Books are thick and thin. 2. The books have a lot of bright pictures. 3. Books are written by writers. 4. Adults read books to us. 5. They are different. 6. The book consists of pages. 7. Books need to be protected. 8. Books are sold in special stores. 9. There are a lot of books in the library. 1.Who makes the books? 2.Who draws in them? 3. Who writes different fairy tales, poems, stories? 4.If the book is torn, what should I do? 5.Why are the books all different? 1. Mom reads me a lot of books. 2. Mom and I go to a store where there are a lot of books. 3. We play library in kindergarten. 4. In kindergarten, we repair books with the teacher. 5. In kindergarten we make sketch books. 6. We made books with our mothers and fathers with our own hands. 7. Grandma reads me fairy tales before bed. Collection of information Conversations: “First books”, “Why we love books”, “Who is involved in the creation of a book”, “What is a literary genre” Consideration and discussion of different types of books. Excursion to the children's library Examination of the works of illustrators (V. Suteev, Yu. Vasnetsov, E. Rachev) Role-playing games “Library” “Bookstore”. Exhibition “My Favorite Book” Watch the video “Birth of a Book” Consultations for parents “Making a homemade book” “Book from various materials” Project web Consultations for parents Homemade books “My Favorite Fairy Tale” (various production techniques) Creation of a developmental environment “Center” development of literature and creativity" Creation of the album "What don't books like?" Games at the literary center Knizhkina week Book repairs A.L. Day Barto Sketching in children's books Making a baby book after watching a fairy tale in the theater Presentation of homemade books to parents "Theater with Parents" Product of project activity: Homemade books Parents' activities in the implementation of the project: Helping teachers in selecting interesting information. Conversations with children Reading popular science and fiction literature. Looking at illustrations. Creating homemade books together with children. Activities of the teacher in the implementation of the project: Conducting conversations, selecting literature, organizing excursions. Creating presentations, showing how to make homemade books. Development of homework for children and parents. Development of consultations for parents Enrichment of the subject-development environment for the project idea: Replenishing the book corner with a variety of literature and albums Purchasing materials for making and decorating homemade books. Expected result Children will get acquainted with different types of books, the structure of a book, learn about methods of making homemade books, and learn how to create homemade books of their favorite fairy tales from a variety of materials. They will master the ability to tell their favorite fairy tale. They will learn to think creatively and use various materials in the design of books together with their parents. The attitude of parents to this problem must change. Activities of parents in the implementation of the project Helping educators select interesting information. Conversations with children. Reading fiction. Looking at illustrations for your favorite fairy tale. Creating a children's book based on your favorite fairy tale together with children. Project implementation methods Visual: observation, experiment. Verbal: reading fiction and popular science literature, word games, conversations, analysis of problem situations, theme evenings, quizzes. Practical: games, exercises, dramatizations, experiments, production of didactic and visual material. Activities of educators in the implementation of the project Conducting conversations, selecting literature. Creating a presentation, showing how to make a baby book. Homework for children and parents. Development of consultations for parents on the topic “Making a baby book with your own hands.” Enriching the subject-development environment for the project idea: Replenishing the book corner with a variety of literature. Purchasing materials for making and decorating homemade books. For the successful implementation of the project it is necessary: ​​- to establish partnerships with the family of each student; - join efforts for the development and education of children; - create an atmosphere of mutual understanding, community of interests, emotional mutual support; - activate and enrich the educational skills of parents; - maintain their confidence in their own teaching capabilities. Equipment and materials: 1. Laptop 2. Camera 3. Video camera 4. Material for making baby books: Cardboard, quilling paper, scissors, glue, lacing, plasticine, magazine clippings Project implementation plan: Stage 1 - preparatory Planning of activities for project implementation Stage 2 - practical Development of creative thinking (composing fairy tales) Development of visual skills. Stage 3 - final Consulting parents “A book from various materials” Independent production of a book by children (help from a teacher) Preparation for the presentation of the project Presentation Issuance of certificates and thanks. Project implementation report. References: Classes on speech development in kindergarten. Program and notes. Book for kindergarten teachers / O.S. Ushakova, A.G. Arushanova, A.I. Maksakova and others. , Ed. O.S. Ushakova - M.: Publishing house Perfection, 2001. - 308 p. Creative storytelling: teaching children 5 - 7 years old / author - comp. L.M. Hornbeam. – Ed. 2 – e. – Volgograd: Teacher, 2012. – 136 p. Fiction in the development of creative abilities of older preschoolers. – M.: Scriptorium Publishing House 2003, 2006, - 232 s Developmental environment Homemade books “My favorite fairy tale” (photo and video material). Theater with parents. Dima Dolganov's family Fairy tale "KOLBOK" Family of Alisa Gogoleva Fairy tale "Little Red Riding Hood" Family of Mikhail Zatsepin Fairy tale "Mother for a baby mammoth" Family of Polina Baikalova Fairy tale "Bubble, Straw and Bast Shot" Family of Diana Kazakova Fairy tale "Little Red Riding Hood" Family Lika Wrestler Fairy tale "Turnip" Family of Dima Kalyadzin Fairy tale "Teremok" Family of Lera Pershukova Fairy tale "Little Red Riding Hood" Family of Maria Trudolyubova Fairy tale "Teremok" Family of Vlad Sapyanik Fairy tale "Uncle Styopa" Family of Katya Laletina Fairy tale "Sack of Apples" Family of Valeria Khvashchevskaya Fairy tale "Under the Mushroom" » Family of Milana Anisimova Fairy tale "Terem-Teremok" Family of Slava Gorbatenko Fairy tale "Crocodile Gena" Family of Timofey Miterev Fairy tale "Zayushkina's hut" Family of Roma Kruzhkov Fairy tale "Fly Tsokotukha" Family of Vika Kuznetsova Fairy tale "Thumbelina" Family of Milana Slabko Fairy tale "The Frog Princess" Family of Taya Samsonyuk Fairy tale " Three Bears" Family of Alyssia Gorbacheva Fairy tale "Masha and the Three Bears" Theater with parents "REPKA" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pRTUaMFiZlg&list=UUJnnQ8CB8Xy3dtITjFLM-g Theater with parents "KOLOBOK" http://www. youtube.com/watch?v=irEv6sXGX2c&list=UUJ-nnQ8CB8Xy3dtITjFLM-g Theater with parents “TEREMOK” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=irEv6sXGX2c&list=UUJ-nnQ8CB8Xy3dtITjFLM-g Making a baby book after watching performances Sketches in books -babies Day of Agnia Barto Repair of books Creation of the album “What books don’t like” LET’S BE FRIENDS WITH BOOKS In the library for children There are books in a row on the shelves. Take it, read it and know a lot, but don’t harm the book. She will open up a big world, And if you make a book sick, then the pages will be silent forever. T. Blazhnova Center for the Development of Literary Creativity Games in the literary center Consultation for parents Suggestions for possible dissemination of the project: The project can be used in any senior group of kindergarten, in circle work, for children in short-term groups of children, in extended groups of elementary schools. During the work on the project, we came to the conclusion that such activities, games, and productive activities unite children with common impressions, experiences, emotions, and contribute to the formation of collective relationships. We really hope that the work we do will help children fall in love with books and instill in children a desire to read and make books themselves and write stories. What is “good” about a homemade book? 1. A homemade book is a product of a child’s creative efforts, designed to instill respect for one’s own and other people’s creativity. 2. A homemade book is a great opportunity for children and adults to communicate and create something smart, beautiful and useful together. 3. In the process of making a book, the child’s speech, creative thinking and fine motor skills develop.

Children's Book Week in Kindergarten

Author: Svetlana Grigorievna Filimonova, teacher of the State Budgetary Educational Institution Secondary School No. 319, Moscow preschool department.
Description of material: I offer material on conducting children's book week in the 2nd junior group. This material will be useful to both kindergarten teachers and caring parents who love their children.

Children love to listen to fairy tales read to them, look at illustrations, and at an older age read books themselves. The youngest children seem to read a book from the pictures, tracing the plot from one illustration to another. As a child gets older, illustrations also help him better understand and imagine what is written in the book, complementing the auditory perception of a literary work with vivid visual images.
April 2 is International Children's Book Day. This date was dedicated to children's book week in our kindergarten, which was held from March 30 to April 4, 2014. Children's book week in our garden means every day a new meeting, a new fairy-tale hero, a new fairy tale.
When planning such a week, we set ourselves the following tasks:
- in children: developing interest in books and children's reading; instilling a value attitude towards books; expanding children's horizons, enriching and activating vocabulary; development of creative abilities; developing cooperation skills with peers and adults in the process of joint activities.
- for teachers: increasing the efficiency of introducing children to books, activating creative potential; development of teaching materials (card index of games, material on the works of children's writers and children's book illustrators, notes of classes, leisure and other events); introduction into teaching practice of various forms and methods of working with literary works.
-for parents: transmission of teaching experience to parents; involving parents in creating conditions for developing children’s interest in books at home and in kindergarten; joint activities of children and parents.
I work in the 2nd junior group. Previously, the following work was carried out with children and parents:
- conversation with children about a children's book during a lesson on familiarization with fiction;
-reading children's fairy tales, stories, poems in a group and at home;
- drawing heroes of your favorite fairy tales;
- selection of illustrative material for introducing children to writers and illustrators, selection of their portraits;
- making little books at home based on your favorite fairy tales;
-book repair;
- replenishment of the group library;
- information for parents: “How to teach a child to love books”, “Recommendations for cultivating love and interest in books.”
The week begins with a holiday. All groups gather in the music hall, where the grand opening of Children's Book Week takes place.
As part of the week, each group creates a book mini-museum. In our group, the book corner was divided into several zones: A.L. Barto (topic of the week); my favorite fairy tales (by theater week); books to read in your free time. The children and I made a collective application “My Favorite Toys” (based on the book “Toys” by A.L. Barto) and a little book based on the same book. Also on display at a separate stand were baby books made at home with parents, visual material on children's writers and illustrators, methodological literature for classes, and didactic games. Also, together with the teachers of the younger groups, we showed the children a puppet theater based on the fairy tale “Kolobok”, and in my free time I showed tabletop, finger, and plane theaters.
Work in the book corner was carried out systematically: reading fiction, looking at postcards, illustrations of favorite books and fairy tales.
All classes were conducted on the topic of the week. And at the end of the week there was a review-competition of book corners and the opening of the kindergarten library.
As a result of the work, the children became acquainted with the works of children's writers; learned how to repair books; thematic works were created based on the books read; children watched a puppet show and made baby books together with their parents; parents got acquainted with information on nurturing a love of reading.
Everyone enjoyed meeting a wonderful person.


On the creation of “Little Books”

For children of primary preschool age



MBOU DS No. 479

Grigorieva Elena Vasilievna

Chelyabinsk 2016

Stages of the “Little Books” project

I. Preparatory stage

The goal is to define tasks, determine the content of the literary corner of the group.

At the beginning of the work, the team (children, teachers, parents) of the junior group of MBDOU DS No. 479 determined the topic of the project, selected the material, and chose a location for placement.


¾ increasing the level of professional competence;

¾ determination of the volume of material that will be addressed to children.


Activities of the teacher:

¾ Creation of the booklet “Baby Book”

¾ Introduction to the problem, setting goals and objectives.

¾ Collection and analysis of information on this issue.

¾ Study of specialized literature.

¾ Study of the individual characteristics and needs of children.

¾ Conducting consultations for teachers and parents.

Children's activities:

¾ They recognize and take the problem personally.

¾ Accept the project objectives.

Parents' activities:

¾ Reading works of fiction.

¾ Exhibition of favorite books.

¾ Repairing books at home.

The corner of a book plays a significant role in developing interest and love for fiction in preschoolers. A specially allocated and decorated place in the group where the child can independently choose a book according to his taste and calmly examine it. Here the child sees the book not in the hands of the teacher, but is left alone with it. He carefully and intently examines the illustrations, the child becomes familiar with the fine arts, learns to see and understand graphic methods of conveying literary content. Only in the corner of the book does the teacher have the opportunity to instill in children the skills of a culture of communication and communication with books. A loving, caring attitude towards a book is one of the important qualities of a reading culture, without which a real reader is unthinkable and which is most successfully formed during the time devoted to reading.

II. Practical stage (or project implementation stage)

The goal is to get acquainted with literary works; the ability of children to freely combine elements of the plot of a literary work in an unusual and unexpected situation.

¾ Promote the child’s cognitive activity, development of creativity, research and experimentation.

¾ Development of fine and gross motor skills, sensory perception.

¾ Promote social and emotional development, ideas about the world around us.

¾ Promote artistic and aesthetic development.


¾ grouping of material,

¾ drawing up a plan,

¾ design of baby books.


Activities of the teacher:

1. Long-term planning of joint and independent activities.

2. Conducting educational, artistic and aesthetic classes, reading fiction, conducting role-playing and didactic games, using poetry and nursery rhymes in special moments.

Children's activities:

¾ Perform the necessary tasks and actions.

Parents' activities:

¾ Making baby books with your child.

Long-term planning of joint and independent activities with children and parents during the project

Tasks Activities Material
Maintain a strong interest in familiar fairy tales and poems; teach to empathize with the characters of the work. Foster a love of reading and develop the skills of careful handling of books. Conversation with children about a children's book during a lesson on familiarization with fiction Abstract (application)
Cultivate interest in fiction, develop the ability to holistically perceive works of different genres, ensure the assimilation of the content of works and emotional responsiveness to it Reading children's fairy tales, stories, poems in a group and at home Reading list of literary works according to the program (appendix)
Develop a positive attitude towards poetry. Create a desire to expressively recite familiar poems by heart ECD with children of primary preschool age “Acquaintance with the poems of Agnia Barto from the series “Toys” Abstract (application)
Developing children’s ability to build an elementary composition. Arouse children’s interest in drawing based on the fairy tale “Kolobok” GCD for artistic and aesthetic development “Drawing heroes of your favorite fairy tales” Abstract (application)
Activating children's knowledge about fairy tales Screening of the presentation “Riddles based on your favorite Russian folk tales” Presentation for children
Receiving a positive emotional response from communicating with a book; increasing children's self-esteem, pride in their work, developing children's speech in the process of making a book Making little books at home based on your favorite fairy tales Brochure for parents to help (appendix)
Raise interest in fiction; understanding the importance of books in a person’s life Replenishment of the group’s literary corner, exhibition “Kids’ Favorite Book” Exhibition photographic material
Involving parents in developing children's interest in books and reading fiction. Information for teachers “Recommendations for cultivating love and interest in books.” Consultation for parents: “Child and book” Methodological material (appendix) Consultation (appendix)
To consolidate and develop a sustainable interest in books, to cultivate a love for the literary word. Entertainment with children and parents “Baby Book” Abstract (application)

Methodological support

1. Organization of a subject-developmental environment (literary corner) related to the artistic and aesthetic development of children during the implementation of the project.

2. Creation of little books on various topics.

3. Consultation material for parents.

4. Generalization and distribution of accumulated material on the websites and blog of the MBDOU.

III. Generalization stage

The goal is to summarize, determine prospects.

During the implementation of the joint project “Baby Books” certain results were achieved:

1. Development of interest in fiction; understanding the importance of books in a person’s life; receiving a positive emotional response from interacting with a book; increasing children's self-esteem, pride in their work, and developing children's speech in the process of making a book.

2. An exhibition of “Baby Books” was created on the theme “Favorite Book of Kids”

3. Replenishment of the literary corner of the group.

4. Consultations for teachers and parents have been developed.

5. Entertainment with children and parents “Baby Book”

Conditions for the project:

¾ interest of children and parents through the creation of “Baby Books”;

¾ material support for the project (colored paper, cardboard, glue, magazine clippings, etc.);

¾ methodological developments;

¾ interaction with parents (legal representatives) of children in the group.

Distribution of the project: the project can be used in any age group of kindergarten (according to the tasks for speech development of preschool education), in group work, for children in short-term groups of children.

During the work on the project, we came to the conclusion that such activities, games, and productive activities unite children with common impressions, experiences, emotions, and contribute to the formation of collective relationships. We really hope that the work we do will help children fall in love with books and instill in children a desire to read and make books themselves and write stories.

What is “good” about a homemade book?

1. A homemade book is a product of a child’s creative efforts, designed to instill respect for one’s own and other people’s creativity.

2. A homemade book is a great opportunity for children and adults to communicate and create something smart, beautiful and useful together.

3. In the process of making a book, the child’s speech, creative thinking and fine motor skills develop.

As part of the project in our group, the book corner was divided into several zones: A.L. Barto; my favorite fairy tales; books to read in your free time. The children and I made a collective application “My Favorite Toys” (based on the book “Toys” by A.L. Barto) and a little book based on the same book. Also presented at a separate stand were baby books made at home with parents, visual material on children's writers and illustrators, methodological literature for classes, and didactic games.

Work in the book corner was carried out systematically: reading fiction, looking at postcards, illustrations of favorite books and fairy tales.
All classes were conducted on the topic of the week. As a result of the work, the children became acquainted with the works of children's writers; learned how to repair books; “Little books” were created based on the books they read; children watched a puppet show and made baby books together with their parents; parents got acquainted with information on nurturing a love of reading. Everyone enjoyed meeting a wonderful person.



2. Verbenets A. M. Methodological set of the “Childhood” program. Educational field "Artistic creativity". M.: Creative Center SPHERE, 2012.

3. Dergunskaya V. A. Integrative cognitive activity of younger preschoolers. M.: Center for Pedagogical Education, 2013.

4. Komarova T. S. Artistic creativity. System of work in the second junior group of kindergarten. M.: MOSAIC-SYNTHESIS, 2012.

5. Lykova I. A. Visual activities in kindergarten. Junior group. M.: Creative Center SPHERE, 2009.

6. Guess what our name is: Games and exercises to develop mental abilities in pre-school children. age: Book. for kindergarten teachers kindergarten and parents / L.N. Wenger, O.M. Dyachenko, R.I. Bardina, L.I. Tsekhanskaya; Comp. L.A. Wenger, O.M. Dyachenko. – 2nd ed. – M.: Education, 1994. – 96 p.

7. Ushakova O.S. Familiarization of preschoolers with literature and speech development: Methodological manual. – M.: TC Sfera, 2013. – 288 p.


Summary of the conversation

For younger children

Program content:

1. Maintain a strong interest in familiar fairy tales and poems; teach to empathize with the characters of the work.

2. Learn to solve riddles. Continue to expand and activate children's vocabulary.

3. Arouse interest in theatrical and play activities.

4. Cultivate a love of reading, develop the skills of careful handling of books.

Preliminary work:

Telling tales. Showing illustrations for fairy tales, looking at them in books. Learning poems by A. Barto. Preparation of material for showing a dramatized fairy tale (making hats). Photographing children while reading books, playing in the theater corner, etc.

The teacher throws a scarf over his shoulders and “turns” into a Grandmother-storyteller:

Let's sit side by side and play nicely

Let's prepare the ears and eyes

Let's begin our fairy tale...

Oh, who came to us? (Kolobok appears in the teacher’s hands).


Guys, what is Kolobok’s mood like?

He is sad.

Why? Let's ask him.

I rolled along the path, rolled and got lost.

What to do? Guys, where does Kolobok live?

In a fairy tale.

Where do fairy tales live?

In books.

Maybe we can help Kolobok find his fairy tale?

Let's help!

Then we’ll go to the kingdom of books, a fairy-tale state, and let’s take the Sun to help us.


The sun rose in the morning (we stretch)

And off I went for a walk (walking in place)

And on our street

He liked everything (head tilts left and right)

The sun ran

Golden path (running in a circle)

And the Sun got there

Directly to our window (we put our hands in the “window”)

Together we'll go

With the Sun on a long journey (walking in a circle)

The sun will caress you

Everyone around at once (we pat each other on the head)

Guys, look where we are?

In the book state.

Ku-ka-re-ku! (the teacher puts on a comb cap and “turns” into a Cockerel). Hello guys, why did you come to our fairy-tale kingdom, the state of books?

Find Kolobok's fairy tale, he got lost.

It’s a good thing, but I can’t just let you in, you have to complete my tasks, can you handle it? (children's answers)

Do you know fairy tales yourself? (children name familiar fairy tales)

Can you guess the fairy tales from the pictures?

Game “Guess the fairy tale from the picture”

And now, my children, guess the riddles!

On the edge of the forest

A painted house is visible

He is not Belkin, he is not Mishkin

This house is the Bunny's house.

A new house has been built

Animals settled in it

Carved shutters

The windows are painted!

Mixed with sour cream,

It's cold at the window,

Round side, ruddy side

Rolled (gingerbread man)

Near the forest, on the edge

Three of them live in a hut

There are three chairs and three mugs,

Three beds, three pillows.

Guess without a hint

Who are the heroes of this fairy tale?

Treats small children

Heals birds and animals

He looks through his glasses

Good Doctor (Aibolit)

Do you know that in the book kingdom, not only fairy tales live, but also poetry. Look how beautiful my bag is. Toys from poems by A. Barto live in it

Game "Wonderful bag"

Children take out a toy and read a poem about it (bear, ball, horse, boat, etc.)

Well done! You can be let into our fairy-tale kingdom, the state of books, come in!


We'll go down the path

Let's go straight into a fairy tale

Jump-jump over the hole

Over the hummock hop-hop

Boom, we fell, where did we end up?

Guys, look

There is a house in a clearing

But the path to the house is closed...

We are opening the gates

We invite you all to visit!

The table stands on a thick leg,

Nearby there is a chair by the window,

Two barrels under the table...

This is how we see the house.

Guys, who lives in the house?

Grandfather and grandmother!

Kolobok: “This is my home! Here's my fairy tale! Guys, thank you! »

Guys, look what kind of mood Kolobok has become?


The teacher looks at the book:

Oh, I understand why Kolobok got lost. The book he lived in was torn. What to do?

Repair, glue! (glue the book)

Well, now everything is in order, Kolobok won’t get lost, we’re great! But if you and I are in a book state, maybe we’ll show you a fairy tale?

Dramatization of the fairy tale "Kolobok"

Guys, do you really want the Fox to eat Kolobok?

So let's run it:

Let's stamp our feet

Let's clap our hands

Hee hee hee, ha ha ha

What a beauty!

Well, it’s time for you and me to return to kindergarten.

One, two, three, fairy tale, take us back to kindergarten!

Let's remember where we were, what we did? (conversation)

Then the teacher displays photographs of the children (“children reading”, “showing fairy tales”, etc.)

Let's look at these photos... What are you doing in them?

Do you have any favorite books?

Do you take care of books?

At the end of the conversation, the teacher gives the children their photographs.


Progress of the lesson.

Educator: - Hello, guys! Today I want to remember with you the poems that Agnia Barto wrote for her children.

The teacher shows a portrait of A. Barto.

Educator: - But first I want to play with you.

Game “What toy?”

A game to develop imagination.

Educator: - I will show pictures, and you must come up with what toys this or that picture looks like. (application)

Educator: - And now I’ll tell you a poem about a toy that the children played with very carelessly.

Dropped the teddy bear on the floor

They tore off the bear's paw.

I still won’t leave him -

Because he's good.

Educator: - Look, the bear is offended and crying. Let's say kind words to him. What bear?

The children's answers are kind, cheerful, handsome, furry, soft, etc.

Educator: - Our bear is cheerful, let him listen to poetry with us.

Educator: - Now listen to the poem about the bull.

The bull is walking, swaying,

Sighs as he walks:

Oh, the board ends

Now I'm going to fall!

Educator: - Let's try to walk along the board and try not to fall.

The teacher suggests walking along the bench 1-2 times. We must try not to fall and pronounce the words of the poem while completing the task. In the words “Now I’m going to fall!” the child must jump off the bench. The teacher always helps unsure children.

Educator: - Well done guys, you are all so clever. The bull also wanted to stay with us and listen to poetry. He promised not to make any noise. The next poem will be about a girl who was playing with a ball and dropped it into the river. Who knows, help me.

Our Tanya cries loudly:

She dropped a ball into the river.

Hush, Tanya, don’t cry:

The ball will not drown in the river.

The teacher suggests conducting an experiment “Drowning - not drowning.”

Educator: - Why do you think the ball didn’t sink?

Children's answers.

The teacher summarizes the answers and concludes: - The ball has air inside, which prevents it from drowning. Let's see which objects are not sinking yet.

Educator: - On my table there is a large container of water and a net to get things out. Plates containing objects (wood, foam, glass ball, stones, paper, metal, plastic) necessary for our experiment.

The teacher conducts an experiment and notes the results together with the children. And he concludes that: heavy objects sink, light objects do not.

Educator: - Here is another poem about a toy that the owner forgot on the street.

The owner abandoned the bunny -

A bunny was left in the rain.

I couldn't get off the bench,

I was completely wet.

Educator: - Tell me guys, when it’s raining outside, what do we wear or take with us outside?

Children: - Rubber boots, raincoat, umbrella, ....

Educator: - Well done, guys. And there is one more poem I really like. Listen.

Time to sleep! The bull fell asleep

He lay down on his side in the box.

The sleepy bear went to bed,

Only the elephant doesn’t want to sleep:

The elephant nods its head

He bows to the elephant.

Educator: - Look how many toys came to visit us. They are probably very tired and want to sleep. Let's build them beds from cubes and bricks. I'll show you how to do this now.

The teacher shows how to build a bed. Divides the children into groups and they build toy beds based on the model.

When the cribs are built, the teacher asks the children about whom they liked the poem about the most. Several children retell the poems they read. Putting toys to bed. The activity smoothly turns into a game.


Summary of educational activities for children of the junior group on drawing on the topic:

“Drawing characters from your favorite fairy tale”


Equipment: colored cardboard, glue stick, stencil, simple pencil, satin ribbon, scissors, A4 sheet of paper, poems, nursery rhymes according to the topic, we have cultural and hygienic skills, themed stickers, cut-out pictures, photographs.


Take sheets of A4 colored paper, fold them in half, draw a partial circle, trace them with a simple pencil, and cut them out.

For a book (depending on its contents), any amount of paper of any color is taken. We outline and cut them all out at once.

- use a hole punch to make a hole for the satin ribbon

On the first page, cut out a free-form thematic picture and glue it - sign the title of the book. The result is a cover.

On the following pages we paste pictures on the topic, sign or paste text on the topic.

- “The book – baby: “Rhyme Rhymes” is ready!




Topic: “Book – Baby”

Target: To consolidate and develop a sustainable interest in books, to cultivate a love for the literary word.


¾ Develop a desire to participate in joint collective activities, stimulate children’s speech creativity.

¾ To unite children and their parents by common experiences and emotional mood.

¾ Draw the attention of parents to the need for systematic reading to children.


A chest with masks of the heroes of the fairy tale “Turnip”, with finger puppets - heroes of the Russian folk tale “Kolobok”.

Gifts for children - coloring pages.

Progress of entertainment


Guys, parents, today Little Book came to visit us.

Guys, look how beautiful she is, and how many fairy tales there are in her!

Little Book, you probably want to play with us?

Quiz “Guess the fairy tale”

Goal: Maintain interest in familiar works.

Well done guys, you know a lot of fairy tales!

Look, Little Book didn’t come to us empty-handed.

(the teacher shows the chest).

Let's see what's in it? (masks of the heroes of the fairy tale “Turnip”)

Guys, what fairy tale can we play with you? "Turnip"

Children's dramatization of the fairy tale "Turnip"

Goal: To develop artistic abilities based on the application of acquired knowledge, speech skills and abilities.

What a great fellow you are! Sit on the chairs.

The little book has prepared riddles for you.

Quiz “Listen and Guess”

Goal: To develop auditory and visual memory, to form imagination - the ability to mentally imagine an event and the characters of literary works.

Guys, there’s something else in the chest (finger puppets)

Do you know which fairy tale these dolls are from? "Kolobok"

Children, relax, prepare your ears, open your eyes wider, our parents will now show us the fairy tale “Kolobok”.

Puppet theater "Kolobok" (parents show)

(While the guys are watching the play, Little Book is hiding)

Guys, where is our guest? Where is Little Book?


Answer me, where are you?

Come on guys, let's look for her. It seems to me that something bad happened to her! (Children walk around the group and look for the Baby Book)

Children's dramatization of an excerpt from the poem "Baby Book."

Goal: to instill skills in the culture of communication and handling of books.

Guys, sit down, Vova wants to tell us something.

Sorry guys

I tore the book...

The pages are torn

There is no crust.

Excuse me,

She's gone.

We will cure the book!

Bring the sick person to us,

Bad boy!

The teacher and children glue the book together.

Book-Baby: Thank you guys, you saved me!

Katya takes Vova by the hand and speaks, turning to parents and children

It’s a shame, Vova, to tear up books,

Books must be respected!

Books teach us good things

See beauty in everyone.

Book jack of all trades

And it will always save you from boredom!

Educator: Guys, how smart you are! Look, Little Book brought you coloring books as a gift. (The teacher takes out coloring books from the chest and gives them to the children.)

Book Baby thanks the children. He says goodbye to them and leaves.

Our fun has come to an end. Thank you, parents, for coming to us.




on the creation of “Little Books”