Is it possible to hang a mirror opposite a mirror? Is it possible to sleep in front of a mirror? Signs. Is it possible to hang mirrors opposite another mirror? How about Feng Shui? The interpretation will take about the mirror. Is it possible to install a mirror opposite the mirror?

People approach the issues of organizing the interior of their home from different angles. Some people love Feng Shui, others use the services of designers, and others are interested in the opinions of psychics. To the question of whether it is possible to hang a mirror opposite a mirror, diametrically opposite answers are given. Science does not see anything bad in this, which cannot be said about mystics. It turns out that the mirror corridor poses certain threats to those who regularly “look” into it. Do you know about this? Let's figure it out.

Is it possible to hang mirrors opposite each other?

Perhaps we should start by revealing the mystical properties of reflective surfaces. This doesn't just apply to mirrors. For example, it also affects living organisms. But its power, unlike the mirror one, is positive. Calm water directs and strengthens the energy flows of the Universe. And they, as you know, have a life-giving effect on the entire planet. Being near a lake or even a clean puddle, a person feeds his aura. Another thing is artificial reflective surfaces. They create a dead world. Or, as the mystics say, a gateway to other dimensions. Think for yourself from this point of view whether it is possible to hang a mirror opposite the mirror. Each of them is an open portal to a world whose properties and laws differ from ours. Not necessarily for the worse. And it is impossible to evaluate them according to the rules of human logic. This is something different, not from here. Therefore, it is risky and dangerous. Although designers welcome this decision. They say that mutual reflection visually enlarges the space. But are the externalities worth your health? What does the state of the body have to do with it? Let's figure it out.

Unconventional look

There are many theories and ancient legends about the structure of the world. Almost all of them boil down to the fact that the Earth is unique. It has something that is not found anywhere else. Namely, extraordinary energy that allows one to realize creative potential (not only of humans). Based on this, we will find out whether it is possible to hang a mirror opposite a mirror. By creating such a structure, a person receives a guaranteed portal. He may not feel it, may not suspect the existence of something unusual. But reality is objective. Through this portal - a gift for other beings - residents of parallel worlds will begin to steal energy. By the way, we have a lot of it. People simply don't understand their own incredible wealth. Maybe wisdom comes to those who lose it through misfortune and illness. And they always appear when the energy weakens. But there are enough hunters for our good around. They will use the portal to siphon power from an unwary lover of innovative design solutions.

How long have people known about the phenomenon of the mirror corridor?

Agree, the reasonable introduction of folk traditions into our lives is completely justified. This position is not only wise, but also completely rational. When figuring out whether it is possible to hang a mirror opposite a mirror, it is advisable to analyze what the ancestors thought about this matter. They, it should be said frankly, never acted like that. Of course, one can argue in terms of the fact that mirrors in ancient times were very expensive things. Not every family could afford to buy one, and there is nothing to talk about more. But that's not entirely the point. Folk traditions have an answer to the question of why mirrors cannot be placed opposite each other. He's into fortune telling. Remember how a curious girl was advised to look into fate? She should have created that same mirror corridor. Through him, supposedly, she will see the image of the darling. It follows that the ancestors were aware of the presence of portals. Therefore, it was not recommended to keep more than one mirror in a room.


It is generally accepted that not everyone knows that surfaces that reflect each other steal the fate of anyone who gets into them. If you often find yourself in such conditions, you will find yourself in a bad spot. It may turn out to be endless. Or rather, it will end along with life. Although such a result will be desirable for the victim. He will be brought to this state by constant losses, failures, and illnesses. They also say that you can’t hang people. They give different signs. These include scandals that reign in the home of careless experimenters, and the danger of theft, robbery, and deception. A mirror reflecting the front door attracts trouble. It works as a magnet for everything that an ordinary person is so afraid of. Only malicious or uninvited guests will knock on the house. And the owners will wander anywhere so as not to set foot on the threshold of their own nest. And it will gradually decline and begin to collapse both on the energetic and physical levels. Don't believe omens? Check it out for yourself.

According to feng shui

You and I are modern people, so we won’t rely only on “old wives’ tales.” Let's take an interest in what they say in the East about our problem, especially since the teachings of Feng Shui have not ignored this issue. Experts treat mirrors very carefully, certainly respecting their magical and energetic properties. They have a negative attitude towards any solutions that include mirror corridors. This design deprives residents and visitors of the house of strength. It literally drains their energy. And they say that this happens in a matter of hours. Some people feel this effect. Try to sit in a room with such a design yourself. How long will it take for your well-being and mood to be in a deep negative state? The science of Feng Shui also answers the question of whether it is possible to hang a mirror opposite the door. The verdict is again negative. This is categorically unacceptable. So space is deprived of a positive charge. No matter how much you work to replenish his energy, it will instantly evaporate through the gates you created with your own hands.

Who arranges mirrors like that?

Let's look at the problem from a different angle. Surely everyone has come across such a design while visiting, seen in museums, and so on. Who actually creates it? This is useful to know in order to protect yourself from an unexpected attack. The fact is that people who have fallen under the influence of base entities require constant nourishment. They intuitively choose design solutions that help solve subtle energy problems. Just as we all reach out for the most beautiful and delicious apple, if we don’t consider, of course, the fruits before it. People don’t even think about whether it’s possible to hang a mirror opposite the front door or any other door. They just do it that way. And they feel very comfortable. They feel good because there is no light energy in the house. It scares them and causes discomfort.

The opinion of sorcerers

There are people who understand more than others what mirrors are, how they work, and how they affect a living organism. Their opinion should be taken into account. Magicians also do not recommend creating unnecessary mirror structures. They claim that through reflective surfaces a person’s soul is drawn into other worlds. This is done by low-energy entities. The victim herself finds herself enslaved by them. The consequence may be the same troubles and misfortunes. But often it all starts with alcoholism. The magicians move on. They even recommend looking in a regular single mirror with caution. Never try to admire your own reflection if you are depressed, hysterical, or simply upset. Such an act changes fate for the worse. An enemy will definitely appear, cause damage, curse or put the evil eye on you. Do you need it?

How to hang a mirror correctly

The answer to our question seems to contain too much negativity. Wherever you point, everything will lead to trouble. On the other hand, knowing about the danger is almost a victory. Is not it? But what to do with mirrors? Keep it in the wardrobe so as not to bump into them again? Not at all. Mirrors decorate our lives, they are useful and irreplaceable. Avoid their presence in the bedroom. But in the kitchen or in the living room this accessory is appropriate, especially in the hallway. Hang the mirror so that it does not reflect windows and doors, that is, from the side. And look at it in good health. It is very useful for the family when a person entering the house encounters his reflection. Everything bad comes out of it automatically. It is literally drawn into the mirror. But the accessory should be located on the side of the door. And he should also be given special magical care. Negative energy is washed off with brine (a strong salt solution). You need to apply it to the glass, leave it for a while, and then wash it off. This is done once every one to two months. It all depends on the number of visitors and the mood of the household.


Issues related to the energy of space do not always find practical application. And people don’t often think about them seriously. However, if you enter a black period, it is recommended to pay attention to the location of mirrors in the apartment. Maybe it's all about them? When doing repairs or updating premises, you should also not neglect such a unanimous opinion of specialists in various fields. And if you don’t want to listen to them at all, then conduct your own experiment. But keep an eye on its results so as not to part with our beautiful world before the allotted time. Errors were invented for this reason, so that we could correct them with pleasure and relief! Good luck.

Mirrors nowadays are an integral part of the interior. They are used not only for their practical purpose, but also as an independent art object. They decorate cabinet doors and make up a variety of panels. However, mirrors must be treated with caution, because since ancient times they have been considered a link between this world and the other world.

Primitive magic warned to peer into one’s reflection, since a ghostly double can destroy a person by dragging him into the “looking glass.” The ancient Egyptians, Romans and Greeks considered the mirror a magical object.

How should mirrors be positioned?

From the point of view of Feng Shui masters, mirrors are desirable home decoration items. They help positive energy circulate throughout the apartment. It's best for mirrors to reflect something beautiful, then it doubles. If possible, it is advisable to hang a large mirror that would reflect the person completely, it is impossible...

The mirror is the most amazing element of the interior: its possibilities are great. Such a reflective surface can “lower” the floor, slightly “raise” the ceiling and even “move apart” the walls. Therefore, the mirror often serves as the main accent of the interior. It can be installed in different rooms, including the hallway. Sometimes a mirror is even hung opposite the front door.

Of course, a controversy may arise over whether it is possible to hang a mirror opposite the front door. Feng Shui supporters believe that this should not be done. But if we consider this situation as a design move, then there seems to be nothing wrong with it.

Feng Shui

In general, Feng Shui literally means “wind-water” in Chinese. This practice originated several thousand years ago, precisely during the period when most Eastern philosophical movements appeared.

Initially, the main idea of ​​Feng Shui was the harmony of the principles of Yin and Yang (hot-cold, darkness-...

Some people try to find answers to their questions with the help of various magicians, sorcerers, and sorcerers. There are also some prejudices: it turns out that you should sleep with your head facing north, on the contrary, you can’t sleep opposite the front door, etc. Many philosophical teachings, especially Eastern ones, specifically regulate the rules for placing mirrors in the house.

Beliefs of the peoples of the world associated with mirrors

A mirror is one of the most mysterious and enigmatic objects in people's everyday life. Since ancient times, mirrors have been credited with various magical properties and qualities. With their help, fortune-telling rituals were carried out in Rus'. But, of course, the greatest magical meaning was attached to the cultures of the East and especially to the culture of ancient China. In particular, the ancient Chinese believed that the mirror symbolized the night luminary - the full moon. The mirror is one of the indispensable attributes of the Sage.

In Japan, in the list of the emperor's treasures, passed down by inheritance, along with the samurai sword,...

A glass surface that completely reflects the light falling on it, or, more simply, a mirror, has long become an integral part of our everyday life. It is used everywhere to decorate the interior of premises, regardless of their functional purpose.

In addition to its main purpose, a mirror is often used for decorative finishing of walls, ceilings, furnishings, and so on. The bedroom cannot do without it.

Here this glass object can be found in various forms: a small mirror on a bedside table, mirrored cabinet panels, a dressing table, and so on.

However, many believe that such interior solutions negatively affect the physical and mental health of the occupant of the room. And although no instructions prohibit doing this, most specialists and home-grown designers who develop room design sketches with their own hands refuse to use reflective glass surfaces.


Many people are concerned about the question of why a mirror cannot be placed opposite the bed. In fact, everything is very simple. A person sleeping in such a room may become restless and irritable.

Many scientists still argue about the existence of the looking glass. People enjoy reading literature about mirrors and try to observe all the customs associated with them.

It turns out that you can’t sleep in a room with mirrors. Or rather, it is impossible for sleeping people to be reflected in the mirror. This can be very dangerous. This is exactly what most psychics think.

If there is a mirror in the bedroom, then it should be closed. For example, it is allowed to place a dressing table or a cabinet with a mirror on the inside of the door. When people sleep, their soul is able to travel around the room. Many modern esotericists think so. If there is a mirror in the room, then there is a high probability that the person will find himself through the looking glass. This...

In one very rich house, the housewife hung a mirror opposite the mirror. Both are large in size. She loved to admire herself in the endless corridors of the reflector.

The woman herself, beautiful, did not know that this should not be done.

One day, when she once again clung to the mirrors, one of them broke with a roar, and the fragments flew straight into her face.

This was the last vision of the woman, and her beauty turned into a nightmare.

By hanging a mirror opposite a mirror, no matter in which room, you create an astral plane into which, like a trap, a wandering spirit falls, dreaming of getting out back.

He rushes about in the endless Universe of the subtle world, invisible to the human eye.

Wanting to gain flesh from the “kingdom of mirrors,” he penetrates the one who is between them.

The legend I told about was discovered on the Internet.

Is there any other reason to avoid the effect...

On one of my trips at a sale, I bought a used tabletop mirror - very nice. It’s not antique, at home there was a place for it only in the quarry area, and it only reflects part of the TV, and the back panel of the computer when I put it in front of it when I’m working. quarry Amoya goes without great achievements, but there is nothing bad either. Everything is fine.
Tell me how advisable it is to put a mirror in the quarry area and to have a dressing table in the house in general.
I read a lot of literature on this issue. I often clean the mirror with a church candle. Its right and left wings look at each other, thereby forming a mirror corridor - but meanwhile they do not reflect anything else - there is nothing else there in the corner.
Maybe we can move it somewhere else - there’s no room in the kitchen.
I don’t know how to insert a photo of this mirror here
Thank you
Leila ***************
and here's what I read in the mirrors

Don't hang a lot of mirrors in your house. The world of the Looking Glass can be very dangerous....

How should mirrors be placed in the apartment? Mirrors are quite often used in small apartments to correct layout deficiencies, visually expand the space and increase sunlight. But according to the traditions of Feng Shui, mirrors are designed to take care not only and not so much of the visible part of the layout, but of the correct flow of chi energy, the “white” vital energy in the apartment.

Mirrors and hallway

Feng Shui pays special attention to the hallway, since it is this way that we (and the chi energy) enter the house. In no case should you place a mirror directly opposite the entrance, as in this case the energy will immediately leave the house. It is better to hang the mirror on the side so that it reflects the living spaces, or at an angle to redirect the chi energy into the rooms. In our apartments, the bathroom is often located next to the hallway, so energy immediately “leaks” through it. A mirror hung on the door will help correct this situation...

amaze with their incomprehensible duality of the world. On the one hand, this is
a material object, and on the other hand, an intangible reflection, a phantom.
Mirrors are:
- an instrument that puts a person into an altered state of consciousness,
- an optical device that helps to see images of the subtle world,
- a device that allows images that arise in the mind of one person to become accessible to other people.
From the history of mirrors
In Chinese tradition, the mirror was considered to drive out evil, because the evil that
looks in the mirror and sees his ugliness, and is overcome with horror. On social
on the plane it symbolizes loyalty, and on the spiritual level it is an attribute
A sage who reveals his mind in the manner of a mirror.
In Japan
the mirror (yata-no-kagami) plays a primary role: it is one
from the imperial treasures along with the throne, sword and Three Pearls,
symbols of three...


Regardless of the size of the apartment and the number of rooms, any multi-apartment dwelling is provided with a corridor or hallway. This could be a small corner between the bathroom and the wall of the neighboring apartment, a long and narrow room with rooms on both sides of it, or a fairly decent room with dimensions of 3x3 meters or more. In such rooms, it is usually not planned to install a large number of pieces of furniture, except for a wardrobe, a bedside table for shoes, a chest of drawers and, of course, a mirror. The owners can arrange this small amount of furniture according to their own discretion and ergonomics. Knowledgeable people familiar with Feng Shui techniques and other folk signs ask the obligatory question: “Is it possible to hang a mirror opposite the front door?” Experts and folk omens give a negative answer to this question and here’s why. When installing the front door and mirrors opposite each other, it is impossible to stop the flow of positive energy. With this arrangement they will leave...

Reflective surfaces can reflect and attract, visually reducing or enlarging space. We can say that they have the ability to redistribute energy flows, both favorable and unfavorable.

Therefore, mirrors can bring both benefit and harm. This means that special attention should be paid to their placement in the house.

Where is the wrong place for a mirror?

  • Opposite the front door. It is absolutely forbidden to hang a large mirror here. In this case, all the favorable Qi energy will be reflected and go back. And our goal is to attract positive energy into the house, and not repel it.
  • In the bedroom, if sleeping people are reflected. Arranging mirrors in this way can cause infidelity in a relationship. The so-called mirrored ceilings are especially unfavorable. If the bed and the people sleeping on it are not reflected, then this is quite acceptable.
  • There is also nothing good about mirrors facing each other. It is believed that such placement has an adverse effect on mental clarity, leading to rash actions and instilling fears and other dark emotions in the residents of the house.

The best places for a mirror according to Feng Shui

  • For example, if the hallway in the house is cramped and you need to add more space, then this is the place for beautiful mirrors. After all, it symbolically expands the space! Turn it accordingly - and the hallway will acquire the missing volume. But don’t forget that the front door should not be reflected!
  • If the entrance door, bedroom or living room is located opposite the bathroom, then the so-called “toilet Sha” appears. In other words, everything good - money, health and relationships - are under attack. Here the mirror will be able to partially correct the situation - place or hang it in such a way that the toilet along with the cistern is completely reflected in it.
  • In long corridors, where Qi energy accelerates and turns into harmful Sha, installing mirrors will help slow down the sharp flow.
  • In Feng Shui recommendations, a mirror is sometimes used to symbolically complement the missing sector in irregularly shaped apartments. This allows you to partially smooth out the unfavorability of the missing zone in the house, but only partially.

In any case, whether the mirror is in a good or bad place, it should not be broken or cracked. There is a sign that this promises misfortune. From the point of view of Feng Shui, there is also nothing good in such defective mirrors - it is better to throw them away immediately.

Mirror tiles have a similar effect, since the reflective surface is divided into many fragments. Objects reflected in this way are symbolically split into parts, which is not very good.

The presence of a mirror in the hallway no longer surprises anyone. Moreover, it is simply necessary there - to fix your hair, put yourself in order, inspect your clothes... All this can be done while looking at the mirror surface. But the question arises about where it is better to hang this necessary item so that it performs its functions well and does not interfere or accumulate negative energy according to some signs. Let's try to figure it out.

If we reason from a logical point of view, then it is allowed to hang a mirror anywhere in the hallway wherever the homeowner wishes. However, there are some safety aspects to consider.

A mirror that is hung opposite the front door and not far from the entrance may be exposed to some dangers:

  • When leaving a house or apartment, turning towards the door, you can easily hit the mirror with a bag or umbrella;
  • When bringing in any large objects, there is a risk of accidentally breaking the mirror surface with a careless movement;
  • In the dark or in a hurry, you can confuse a mirror with an entrance or interior door and thereby get injured or damage the object itself.

Therefore, when placing a mirror in the hallway, you need to try to choose a place so that the object is maximally protected from possible damage. In this regard, it is not recommended to hang it opposite the door.

However, if the opposite wall is located at a considerable distance from the door, nothing prevents you from doing this. But there is another aspect here. Many people believe that a mirror surface opposite a room or front door is a bad omen.

It is believed that if a mirror hangs on the opposite side from the entrance to the home, then it:

  • May attract evil spirits;
  • It will not allow positive energy into the house, which, when reflected, seems to be pushed out of the apartment;
  • Will attract unexpected and unwanted guests.

In short, the general message of the unwanted placement of a mirror on the opposite wall from the door is to absorb the positive energy of the inhabitants of the house. People will get tired faster, mope, and begin to lose their zest for life. Sometimes it even happens that they don’t want to return home. Then they say that the mirror gets rid of its owners. Therefore, according to some signs, it is impossible to install a mirror opposite the entrance and exit of the house.

Can a mirror hang opposite the front door according to Feng Shui?

Answering a fairly common question about whether it is possible to place a mirror on the opposite wall from the front door, Feng Shui says unequivocally: no! Why this answer?

The fact is that according to Feng Shui, all the positive energy simply cannot seep into the house. It seems to be reflected from the glass and leaves the home without having time to charge the room and the people living in it. Therefore, based on this science, it is best to mount mirrors in the hallway on the side wall.

By the way, Feng Shui allows you to place a mirror opposite the metal entrance door. The fact is that iron or metal blocks energy, but passes it through window openings. When such a door is opened, the energy flow is reflected and does not allow negative and positive energy to intertwine.

So, to summarize, we can say that placing a mirror on the opposite wall from the door is not recommended because:

  • The positive energy coming into the house will be “mirrored” in the opposite direction;
  • An uncleaned staircase reflected in a mirror or other disorder that reigns outside the door transfers its “dirty” energy into the room;
  • A person begins to feel apathy, fatigue, and loses his vitality.

In order for the mirror to properly distribute energy flows, it is recommended to hang it at an angle of 90 degrees relative to the entrance. In this case, it is necessary that the person can be reflected in it in full growth, and opposite the object itself you can place a painting, a plant or a beautiful panel.

When hanging a mirror in a hallway or hallway, you need to choose a place where there is no possibility of damaging the glass in any way. Moreover, the mirror needs to be looked after. By regularly wiping its surface from dust and polishing it with special products, you can neutralize the negative effects of negative energy. She just won't stay in your house.

But what to do if it is not possible to change the position of the mirror? In this case, Feng Shui allows you to place some object or plant between it and the door.

A mirror placed opposite the front door: Russian signs

In addition to the science of Feng Shui, there are also simply Russian folk signs and superstitions that people believe in.

Here are some of them:

  • Luck, entering a house and seeing itself in the mirror, may decide that it is not needed and go elsewhere;
  • Positive energy, reflected from the glass surface, can end up in the “looking glass” and never get out;
  • Due to a lack of positive energy, people will often begin to get sick and waste away;
  • A mirror can “accumulate” the negativity of people coming into the house and transfer it to others;
  • People living in the house may feel reluctant to return to it;
  • A person may be afraid of his reflection in the dark and on this basis get some kind of phobia;
  • The house will be full of unexpected visitors.

But what is most interesting is that some signs, on the contrary, indicate that a mirror installed opposite the entrance can bring good luck and wealth to home owners.

There is also such a point of view: a mirror installed on the opposite side of the entrance does not let in the negativity and bad thoughts of other people, thereby protecting the inhabitants of the house in which it hangs.

By the way, the mirror that hangs in the bathroom should not reflect a bathing person, otherwise, according to legend, he will get sick. It is also undesirable to have mirror surfaces in the bedroom, for example, on the wall of a closet, from where the bed is visible. It is believed that in this case the person will be haunted by failures, and if a married couple sleeps there, then quarrels and squabbles.

Installed mirror on the front door: signs

You can install a mirror directly on the front door, which, by the way, even Feng Shui allows. But at the same time, you need to choose such an arrangement so that other mirror objects cannot be reflected in it.

If you comply with this condition, the signs promise only good things:

  • The health of everyone living in the house will improve;
  • Financial security will appear;
  • Scandals and quarrels will disappear;
  • Peace and comfort will reign in the house;
  • All household members will be in a great mood.

A mirror hanging on the front door may well improve the overall atmosphere of the house, but at the same time you need to attach this item very securely so as not to accidentally break it and get yourself into trouble. If the door leaf cannot boast of its unreliability, it is better not to hang anything on it.

If you decide to place the mirror directly on the door to the house, it is best to buy a door leaf with an already built-in mirror surface. In this case, it will be firmly fixed and its location will not allow others to accidentally damage it.

Installing a mirror can be done with your own hands. For this purpose, it is best to choose acrylic organic glass. It does not break and is very easy to fix: just remove the protective film and stick the mirror on the surface of the door leaf.

To install the mirror correctly, you need to perform a number of these steps:

  • Take measurements of the future glass, taking into account the size and location relative to the door;
  • Buy all the necessary fasteners - for example, liquid nails;
  • Before hanging the glass, the surface of the door should be cleaned of dirt and degreased;
  • Next, glue is applied to the back of the mirror and the corresponding part of the door;
  • All elements are glued together, and after drying, the remains of liquid nails or other material are removed.

Is it possible to hang a mirror opposite the front door (video)

Of course, the owner of the room will have to decide where the mirror will hang. Some believe in all the signs and superstitions, while others do not, and when arranging furniture they are guided solely by their desires and practical considerations. In any case, it won't hurt to take into account some tips and tricks for the correct arrangement of things. This will help maintain a peaceful and warm atmosphere in the house.