How to make a wish for the Old New Year? How to make wishes for the old New Year so that they come true

On Christmastide night people most believe in miracles andexpect magic. There are 5 reliable ways to make a wishon so that it will certainly come true

The time to make a wish for the Old New Year was chosen for a reason, because it is on these days that the winter solstice occurs. Our Slavic ancestors considered Christmas time to be the border period between the old and new years. In addition, according to beliefs, the souls of dead ancestors come to Christmas time and evil spirits try to penetrate into the living world.

Since those times, there have been many ways to make a wish for the Old New Year. And the customs of making a wish for the Old New Year at the junction of time and the transition to a new time have already become a tradition for many.

How to make a wish for the Old New Year: method 1

For this method of making a wish for the Old New Year, you must think through and formulate your dream in advance. At the stroke of midnight, as the chimes strike, open the window to the street and confidently voice your desires. This is how you send a message to the Universe, and the magical energy of the festive night will help in execution.

How to make a wish for the Old New Year: method 2

A wish can be written on paper, lighting a candle with a certain color to make it come true: red for love, green for health and well-being, blue for relaxation, pink for romance. The wax from such a candle should be dripped onto a note and tied with a thread of the same color. You need to carry such an envelope with you all year until your dream comes true.

Also, if you take into account the color of the ink, you can enhance the realization of your cherished goal. Yellow ink - conflicts and problems are eliminated; green - increase money and attract love; blue and purple - luck; orange removes negativity and problems with real estate; Reds are used for the most important desires.

How to make a wish for the Old New Year: method 3

How to make a wish for the Old New Year: method 4

Choose the most beautiful New Year's card in the store that will symbolize your dream. Perhaps your cherished desires will already be drawn on it. Write your wishes in it only to yourself and send it by mail. Once you receive it, keep the card as a talisman all year round.

How to make a wish for the Old New Year: method 5

The most magical time for making wishes is midnight, when the chimes strike. It is at this moment that you can attract a dream. Stand on some elevated place (for example, a chair), make a wish and imagine that it has already come true. Just at the moment when the clock strikes twelve, jump from your chair as if in new life, where all desires come true.

As Politeka reported,

People all over the world believe in miracles, that wishes and dreams will come true, that something magical will happen. Entire nations will come up with myths, legends, and predictions to try to make another day of the year unusual. Such holidays include the Old New Year. The night from the thirteenth to the fourteenth of January is considered by the Slavs to be one of the most magical nights of the year, fulfilling wishes. best evening for fortune telling. So, if during New Year’s Eve for some reason you didn’t have time to burn the piece of paper with your written wish and drink it with champagne, then this is your time. There are several signs about what time and when to make a wish for the Old New Year so that it comes true in the coming year.

In order to correctly perform the procedure of making secret wishes for the Old New Year, you need to prepare.

The main thing when wishing for the fulfillment of a plan is not the method, but the desire itself. After all, a million thoughts are spinning in everyone’s head. Today we want this, tomorrow we want something else. Of course, each of us has a dream. But when the moment of making a wish comes, many begin to fuss, remember, try to formulate correctly, and as a result, I don’t have time. Therefore, decide in advance and formulate your desire, so as not to think of something unnecessary and not so desirable.

During the process, think that everything will definitely come true, the main thing is to believe, because thoughts, as you know, materialize.

How to make a wish come true

Ways and times of making a dream come true:

  1. Take a candle made of wax, a box of matches, a plate or saucer with collected water. At midnight you take right hand light a candle and think about your wish. Then you light the candle with matches, and while doing this, say your dream several times. We hold the candle at an angle so that the wax drips into a plate of water.
  2. To make your wish come true, place wax from water on the top of your home Christmas tree overnight. In the morning you take it off and hide it wax figure. The tree will need to be thrown out by taking it out the door, but not out the window.
  3. For the next method you will need a wax candle and an empty white plate or saucer. Paper and pen. At twelve at night, light a candle and, under the light from its flame, write a dream on a piece of paper. Light the sheet on a candle and place the burning paper on a plate. Crush the ashes and go outside. Scatter the ashes, while it is necessary to say words of gratitude to fate for all the good things in life
  4. If you have several desires and cannot choose the most cherished one on your own, then this method is for you. Write all your dreams on pieces of paper, then roll each of them into a tube, which must be tied with white thread. Before going to bed on the night from the thirteenth to the fourteenth of January, place all the paper tubes under your pillow. When you wake up, take out one package - this will be a wish that should come true.

As you can see, the main time for making a wish is midnight, the time when one day turns into another. Anything can be done existing methods, but this will not be a one hundred percent guarantee that the dream will come true. You can't rely on that alone. Move in the direction of fulfilling your dream, try, then fate will give you a chance to make it come true.

The realization of a dream depends directly on the person; if you just dream, but do nothing for it, then the dream will remain just a utopia, a fantasy.

Greetings, dear friends! Are you a little sad because the holidays are behind you? Then it’s time to remember that the Old New Year is also waiting for you. And this moment is no less important than other holidays. Why?

Yes, because this day is as good for making wishes as the New Year. Don't miss it!

I bring to your attention several simple Simoron rituals to attract what you want.

Simoron for the Old New Year

Getting rid of problems

Let's start by getting rid of old problems. Why do we need them in the new year? The ritual is performed on the night of January 13-14.

On small pieces of paper, write down all the problems you want to forget about. Formulate specific problems. You shouldn’t write “lack of money.” It would be better to say: “lack of a stable job with a high salary” or “insufficient amount of money for a vacation”, “a quarrel with my husband on January 5th”. Like that.

Place all the leaves on a saucer, burn them and thank the Universe for its help and support.

Rituals for desire

At midnight, fill your glass with your favorite drink. It could be wine, lemonade, water, compote, tea, in general, whatever you like best. Blow on the drink and make a wish, then drink the contents to the bottom and go to bed.

January 14th is Vasilyev's day. If you have a cat at home, even if his name is not Vasily. Then let him become one at least for one day. Make a wish and tell your cat about it (you can whisper in his ear). On this day, pay special attention to your Vaska: pet him, feed him something tasty. In general, the cat should be satisfied.

No cat? No problem. Take something tasty and feed the stray cat. Make a wish and give the treat to the cat, if he eats it with pleasure, then the wish will come true. If you suddenly come across a well-fed cat, although this is unlikely to happen, then don’t be upset and just look for another one :)

On Vasilyev's Day it was customary to bake dumplings. And you will do this, only your dumplings will not be simple, but magical. Place in each dumpling small item, symbolizing desire. For example, a coin is a symbol of increasing income, a heart is a meeting with a lover, and so on.

Treat your friends or family members to dumplings; whatever happens to them will come true within a year.

To receive something, you must first give. This is the law of the Universe, which has been working properly for many millennia. So, on January 14, take a piece of bread or cookies and crumble them. Go outside and feed the birds saying:

I give and receive! I am making my dream come true!

Before doing this, do not forget to think about your desires!

Raising money

First you need to know your lucky number. To do this, add up all the numbers of your date of birth. For example, your date of birth is October 15, 1984: 1+5+1+0+1+9+8+4=29=2+9=11=1+1=2

Now take a candle, you better Green colour. Melt it and make a small wax cake. Write your name on one side and the resulting number on the other. Cover it with coins and keep it with you for 24 hours. It will be yours money talisman. After a day, put it where you keep money or valuables: in or a box.

This ritual is designed specifically for the Old New Year. On this day you can also perform other rituals to attract.

And in conclusion, I remind you that we ourselves effective rituals are those that you came up with yourself. So don’t be afraid and put your imagination to work!

If for some reason you forgot to make a wish on New Year's Day, you can do it on January 14th. Old New Year - an equally magical time to make your dreams come true.

It is believed that winter is a truly magical time. It is during this season that we have the opportunity to make a wish that will certainly come true in the near future. Even though the New Year is over, you still have the opportunity to find what you want. The Old New Year is just around the corner, which means you will once again have the opportunity to believe in miracles and make your dreams come true. Experts from the site will tell you how to get what you want on January 14th.

Making a wish for the Old New Year: stage one

First, think carefully about your desire. Of course, each of us dreams of getting everything at once, but still you must turn to the Universe with a request for the fulfillment of your most cherished dream. You can write down your desire on paper or simply constantly imagine what you want to get.

On the night of January 13-14, stay alone with yourself and mentally visualize your desire. Cast aside all doubts that your dream cannot come true: first of all, you must believe that you can get what you want. It is best to write down your desire, but it is important that it is formulated correctly. It is strictly forbidden to use the particle “not”, since such denial will only slow down the process of fulfilling your dreams.

While you are thinking about your desire, try to be in a good mood and keep only positive thoughts. Your dream must be kind and not harm other people, otherwise it will never come true.

Making a wish for the Old New Year: stage two

At midnight from January 13 to 14, when you have already decided on your choice of wish and are ready to make it, write it again on a piece of paper, being sure to end your notes with the words:

“My wish will come true!”

After this, you must get rid of the sheet where the wish is written above. You can burn it or bury it away from your home, the most important thing is to tell anyone about the ritual you performed. It is advisable that after this you forget about your dream for a while, sending it into the Universe with the faith that it will come true. Rest assured that the result will definitely be positive.

What to do after you make a wish

For a few days you should forget about your desire, but after some time, think about it again, mentally imagining every detail. If you dream of traveling, visualize in your mind even what you want to take to the desired city or country. Imagine yourself walking around the places you want to visit. Try adding colors and little details to your wish.

When we make a wish, we mentally believe in advance that it will come true. Sometimes the result does not correspond to our ideas, and this happens for seven simple reasons. By avoiding them, you will definitely get everything you want.

May all your dreams come true!

On the night from Friday, January 13 to Saturday, January 14, Tyumen will celebrate the Old New Year - perhaps the most unusual holiday in January. Many of us, one way or another, celebrate this holiday along with the traditional New Year.

This day is especially loved by those who for some reason were unable to celebrate the New Year on time - for example, due to being on duty or being on the road.

Let us recall that the Old New Year owes its origin to the difference between the Julian and Gregorian calendars. It comes 13 days after the usual New Year - on the night of January 13-14.

By January 13, astrologers and psychologists advise covering festive table and remember those wishes that you might have forgotten to make in the chaos of the holiday on the evening of December 31st. On the night of the Old New Year, you can safely carry out all those rituals and practices that you might not have time for on December 31st. New Year's fortune telling will also be true.

Feel free to make your wishes!

The most famous New Year's ritual for making a wish come true is, of course, champagne with ashes. It is believed that if you write your wish on a piece of paper when the clock strikes, and then burn it before the last chime of the Chimes, stir the ashes in a glass of champagne and drink it, your dream will certainly come true.

This ritual has another variation. You need to take any round fruit and do the same thing while the clock strikes midnight. All this time you need to think about your desire and imagine it coming true.

The fiery rooster - a symbol of the New Year - will willingly repay with its generosity

To attract well-being and prosperity into your home, place a bowl of grains, seeds, cereals or other treats on the festive table for the patron of the year. Fire Rooster appreciates generosity and will answer you in kind. It is also better to keep candles on the table. Ideally, they will also be red, orange, yellow or golden. The symbolism of Fire is very useful this year. But be sure to follow safety precautions. Do not leave candles burning unattended if there are small children or an overly curious cat at home.

Another good New Year's tradition is to write a wish on a candle with a needle and then let it burn out overnight. Considering that 2017 will pass under the sign of the element of Fire, such a ritual will certainly bring good luck and happiness. In addition, fire cleanses the energy and drives away troubles. So, a little caution, a little New Year's magic - and a wonderful year full of accomplishments, discoveries and impressions will await you.

Generous evening

Among the people, the night from January 13 to 14 was also called the Generous Evening (Shchedrets) or Vasilyev's Evening. This holiday was preserved among the Slavs from their distant ancestors; it existed even before Christianity. It means the richest day of the year. On this very day before people they set rich tables, brought out everything they could, prepared for a long time, read prayers, spells and requests to the bright Gods for the next year to be fertile and prosperous.

My betrothed...mummer

And the girls considered this time the most important and magical, special for fortune-telling about the betrothed and love. The night from January 13 to 14 was called the night from Melanka to Basil, because on January 13 they celebrated the day of St. Melanka, and January 14 was the day of memory of Basil the Great. Later, after 1918, this day began to be called the Old New Year, but the tradition is to celebrate it and tell fortunes about the betrothed, about fate, about family life, stayed.

Fortune telling on Vasiliev Evening was considered significant, since at this time it was the middle of Christmastide, which means that this time was one of the key moments in the year when all fortune telling showed the very real truth.

Christmas time - a time of festivities and fun

If you have a desire to use the magic of the Old New Year, we offer several types of the most popular fortune telling.

Wax fortune telling

One of the main fortune telling during Christmas time. Need a wax candle. In a separate metal bowl you need to melt 1-2 wax candles over the fire. Pour into another plate cold water or place snow to melt. Liquid from molten wax candle carefully pour into water. In this case, the wax will begin to take on some shapes or figures. When the wax hardens, you need to pull what happened out of the water and take a good look at it. Whatever comes to mind in the form of these figures is what the future will bring to you. Many interpretations of wax figurines come from folk symbols: a ring - an early engagement, a bed - health problems, a cross - a blow, a person - good friend, heart - new love etc.

Under-the-radar fortune-telling

Place a bowl (plate) of water on the table and cover with a thick cloth. Everyone who takes part in fortune telling must take off any jewelry and put it in this cup. After which they begin to sing songs, and while singing, one object is randomly taken out of the cup. Fortune telling comes down to the fact that the song sounding at this moment is about who owns this object and shows its future.

Fortune telling on a towel

This fortune telling was simple and popular. The girls took snow-white new towels and hung them outside before going to bed. At the same time, the words of the conspiracy were uttered: “My betrothed, you are my mummer, come quickly, dry yourself with a towel.” Then you had to go to bed, and in the morning go out before everyone else and touch your towel. If it was wet or damp, it means future husband came and this year the girl is getting married. And if the towel remains dry and untouched, it means you can live unmarried for another year.

Fortune telling by burnt paper

My Ural grandmother always burns paper during Christmas time and tells fortunes using it. For fortune telling, wait until night. Usually they start no earlier than midnight. Light a candle, find a wall on which the shadow will be clearly visible in the light of the candle. Take paper, preferably newspaper, in your hands and crumple it well, while making a wish. The paper is then placed on a metal baking sheet and set on fire. When the paper ball burns, the baking sheet is carefully brought to the wall so that a shadow appears and they guess by its outline.


Veronica EXTREME

Christmas time has arrived...what a joy!