How to return a mailbox. Recovering email in Yandex

If your personal email login information is lost, it can be restored. How this can be done and what is required for this will be discussed in this material.

If you have problems accessing your email, you will need to perform data recovery. It is worth noting that the algorithm for each individual service is almost identical. The differences will depend on what data was forgotten. For example, if you only forgot your password, then, as a rule, you only need to provide a phone number so that the system will send a message with a confirmation code that the user is the owner of the account. But if all the data was lost, in this case the recovery procedure will be somewhat more complicated. In general, you will need to answer security questions or through feedback.

Important! None of the popular email services can recover your old password. Mailers only offer to reset the old key and replace it with a new one.

Recovery methods

Let's look at the most common email recovery options.

We use a phone number

By phone number. This method is characterized by the fact that to reset the key you will need to enter the phone number that was specified when registering your account. A verification code will be sent to it to verify that the person is the account owner. For example, on Gmail You can specify a main number and an additional one, in case one of them is not accessible.

Backup copy

Via backup mail. When using this method, a backup e-mail is used, where a link to reset the key is sent.

Security Question

Using a security question. The method involves answering the security question that was asked during registration. Typically this is the mother's maiden name, date of birth, first name pet etc.

Recovery Questionnaire

Using fill recovery questionnaires. Some services offer users to recover data using a questionnaire. This option will be acceptable if you have forgotten your username and password. It requires you to indicate the following information: the approximate time of account registration, the last password with which you successfully logged in, etc.
The system will automatically check the entered information; if some of the information matches, it will offer to restore access. It is important to know that the profile can be checked either automatically or sent to technical support - it all depends on the specific service.

Technical support

Contact technical support. This option, like the previous one, will be acceptable if you have forgotten your login and password. In this case, you will need to fill out a feedback form with a request to return access to your account. In this case, you need to provide some information: an approximate password (if you remember), phone number, etc. mail recovery - domestic search system, which offers users the mail service “ Mail”. The service offers only two recovery options, let's look at each of them.

  • go to the main page of the search engine;
  • select “Forgot your password”;
  • then on the new page enter the username of the email account;
  • provided that you do not remember the password, next to the captcha input field select “ I don't remember the answer»;
  • We fill out a special form where you need to indicate data, an approximate password, an approximate registration date, etc. The questionnaire is sent to technical support for verification. If some information matches, it is proposed to perform a recovery.

Yandex Mail

Another domestic search engine that allows you to create email. Compared to the previous one, there are more options for returning access; let’s look at each of them in more detail.

Using a verified phone number:

Using a backup email address:

  • If in the previous option it was not possible to return access, click “ Another recovery method»;
  • enter the additional e-mail address and click “Get code”;
  • A message with the necessary information is sent to the backup mailbox.

Security Question:

  • if the previous option also could not help, select “ Another way»;
  • then a new window will open where the user prompted to enter an answer to the security question specified during registration;
  • after entering, if everything was specified correctly, a form for changing the password will appear.

Contact us technical service:


One of the most popular mailers. It is also the key to access various Google services. It should be noted that when restoring access to this mail, there are some difficulties. This is expressed in the fact that Google requires enough a large number of information and it is advisable to indicate it as accurately as possible.

Gaining access using the standard form:


Another domestic service that invites users to register Mailbox. Next, consider the recovery option:

Contact support:

Recovery if a mailbox is deleted

To restore a deleted mailbox you will need contact support users. To do this, you need to fill out the feedback form and indicate the details of the remote account: username, password, registration date, etc. It is important to know that you can restore your account in this way only if no more than a month has passed since the deletion.

It is worth noting that before contacting support, you can simply try logging into your account. Some services allow you to cancel account deletion within two weeks in this way.

How to remember your email address

Let's look at how to remember your email address:

  1. « Cookies" If your email was recently registered, you can use the Cookies checker. Cookies store entered data on websites. IN Google Chrome You can open these files as follows: click “Settings”, “Show additional settings” and “Personal data”. In Opera you can view cookies as follows: “Settings”, “Privacy” and “All cookies”. In the Mozilla browser: “Settings”, “Privacy” and “History”;
  2. Websites, where the user specified mail. Most often, it is indicated when registering on any resources: online stores, social media etc. You can also find out the address by contacting the support of this resource;
  3. Ask friends. Some users can communicate and send files via email. You can ask your friends for their e-mail address;
  4. Using an email program;
  5. If you used e-mail in email programs such as Outlook or Mozilla Thunderbird, then the address can be found in the application settings.

Many people actively use modern technologies exchange of information using the vast capabilities of the Internet. To do this, you need to create a mailbox by registering on one of the special services. Email allows you to instantly send information anywhere in the world and receive a response.

When setting up a mailbox, you should first take care of its security. For this purpose, there is protection of personal correspondence from outside users using a password. Basically, when registering, a combination of numbers and letters is used, which must be remembered. But what should you do if you forgot your password for or other email services? There are many methods for restoring access. The specific method you choose depends on the profile information that the user can remember.

Restoring access by phone number

Often, users experience account hacking or simply forget their email password. And as a solution to the problem, they create a new mailbox. Which, of course, leads to loss of access to your own information at the previous mailing address.

As you know, when creating a profile, the user needs to confirm his phone number used to manage his account. If the user has forgotten the email password, but has access to a phone number that was previously confirmed, it is recommended to use recovery via SMS message.

To do this, you need to select a number and enter the last 4 digits in a special field. After which a message with a code to restore access to the profile should be sent to the specified number.

Secret Question

Often, when creating an account, you will be required to specify a specific question and provide an answer to it. To restore access, you must enter the required information in the appropriate field. Thanks to this, the system identifies the user. After this, you will need to enter the code from the provided image and follow the instructions. If the user does not remember the answer to the secret question, then he should click on the “I don’t remember the answer” button under the form.

Standard recovery method

If a user has forgotten his email password, then to recover it using the standard method, he needs to know his login. The process occurs in the following sequence:

  • The main page of, when trying to enter your mailbox or register, contains a “Forgot your password?” button.
  • Enter your email address, then click the “Continue” button. However, you should remember that if you do not use your mailbox for 5 years, access to it is lost forever.
  • If the entered address exists, the user is taken to a recovery page where they are required to enter some information about the data during registration.
  • After filling in the required fields, you will need to enter a captcha.
  • Then a page will open with empty fields that also need to be filled out. Then you should submit the form.

So, the user’s application will be sent for verification and will be reviewed in the near future.

Help Desk Help

There is nothing difficult about contacting support for help if you have forgotten your email password. If you were unable to use the standard method, then you need to directly contact the specialists and explain in detail the essence of the problem. The account may have been hacked or the user long time I didn't go to my profile. When sending an email explaining the reasons, you should indicate the subject: “Password recovery.”

The letter will require you to indicate the most important information that is available only to the real account owner. To quickly return access to mail, it is recommended to provide as much reliable information as possible. In this case, the likelihood of password recovery will increase several times.

So, password recovery is a completely solvable problem if you strictly follow the instructions or use the help of the support service. You can restore access to your account if the user has forgotten his email password, but remembers the information he provided during registration. To minimize the possibility of account loss, it is recommended to always indicate the number mobile phone.

The need to return a previously deleted mailbox on Yandex may arise at any time. However, this is practically impossible.

Despite the impossibility of returning all data from a previously erased mailbox, it is possible to return an old login or restore a hacked mailbox.

Method 1: Recovering your email address

After deleting a mailbox, there is a short period of time during which the old login will be occupied. This usually lasts two months. Afterwards, you can use it again by simply opening the Yandex mail page and creating a new account. To do this, you need to open Yandex.Mail and click "Registration".

Method 2: Recovering hacked mail

If your account is hacked and subsequently blocked due to sending spam or committing illegal actions, you should write to technical support. In this case, it is necessary to indicate in detail the known data about the mail and indicate the additional address to which the response will be sent. When submitting a request to technical support, you should indicate your name, email, nature of the problem and describe it in detail.

Method 3: Restoring a mailbox deleted by the service

According to the user agreement, mail can be deleted if it has not been used for more than two years. In this case, the account will first be blocked for a month (after 24 months of user inactivity) and a notification will be sent to the phone or a spare e-mail. The owner can contact the support service within a month with a request to return the account. You should submit a request to technical support in the same way as in the previous case. If no action was taken, the mail will be deleted, and the login can be used again.

It is impossible to restore mail and all existing messages after deletion. However, there are exceptions, and such situations are resolved through technical support. The user should remember that even if the mail is deleted, the Yandex account still remains, and there is always the opportunity to simply create a new mailbox.


When restoring, your mail system will require you to provide one of the following data:

Indicate your additional mailbox (was specified during registration);

Enter your mobile phone number (specified during registration);

Specify forwarding.

If the circumstances are positive, you will be sent a code (SMS to the specified phone number) or a letter will be sent to your email box confirming the change (recovery) of the password. If after some time this does not happen, it means that the data you provided now and at the time of registration did not match.

The end of this situation can be a letter to the technical support service of your mail service. You must submit an application to restore access to your mailbox. Within 24 hours you will receive a response, regardless of its content (positive or negative).

Video on the topic

Having lost password from any service on the Internet, you can restore it using a special form located on one of the pages of the site. Typically, password recovery takes from a few seconds to a couple of minutes.

You will need

  • Computer, cell phone, Internet access.


Increasingly, resources are appearing where the user needs to indicate his cell phone number. Such data is necessary, first of all, so that the user can restore his password in case of its loss. Let's talk about password By sms.

If you are only on any service, you must enter your phone number in the “Phone number” field, even if this field is optional. You may need it in the future when restoring your account. If you are already registered on the resource, and your profile indicates your , to restore forgotten password you need to follow these steps.

Open the main page of the site, then follow the text link “Password recovery”, or “Remember password" On the next page you need to enter your username. Attention! Here you will see an empty form “Send password By sms" If you do not check the box next to it, the access code will be sent to the email address to which your account is assigned.

Check the box next to "Send" password By sms", after which, click the "Continue" button, or "Send a new password" Within one minute, a text message will be sent to your cell phone containing a new account access code.

It has long become the main way of communication for many. It's both convenient and fast. Electronic ov a person may have several. One is for work, the other is for personal correspondence, the third is for an electronic wallet. But there are times when you cannot remember the login and password for your mailbox. Of course, it's much easier to create a new email. But it is to this address that a very important letter should arrive for you! Don't despair, the matter can be fixed.


The mailing address consists of several - your name (login), then the @ icon. Next comes the name of the server you are attached to. First, find out your login. You can do this through your friends to whom you sent messages. We think that you will find at least one such person and he will tell you your name. Now, having your login at hand, it will not be difficult to find out your password. For these purposes at all mail servers There is a password recovery function. For example, you are registered with Mail.Ru. Go to the main page and enter your login. The postal service offers to answer your secret question. If you don't remember the answer to it, you can contact the service. Here the system will prompt you to enter information about yourself. Enter as much information as possible - this will allow you to receive your password as quickly as possible. A new password will be sent to the address you provided within three business days.
There are services that request a number. Having indicated the number without spaces and dashes, we wait for the moment when an SMS with a code arrives on your mobile phone. Enter the received code from SMS and the new password. That's all.

Restoring a damaged user profile is quite a complex, but quite doable, operation even for an experienced one. An indispensable condition for obtaining the desired result is logging into the system under account computer administrator.


Click the "Start" button to open the main system menu and go to the "Control Panel" item to initiate the procedure for restoring a damaged user profile.

Select "User Accounts" and expand the "Create a new account" link.

Enter the desired name in the dialog box that opens and select the “Administrator” type.

Click the Create Account button to confirm the command and exit the User Accounts tool.

Return to the main Start menu and go to Shut Down.

Click the Log Out button in the Shut Down dialog box that opens and log in again using the account you created to create a user profile.

Log out again and sign in with your previous account.

Click the “Start” button to open the main menu and call the context menu of the “My Computer” item by right-clicking.

Select "Properties" and go to the "Advanced" tab in the "System Properties" dialog box that opens.

Click the "Options" button in the "User Profiles" group and specify the user profile to be corrected in the list of the dialog box that opens.

Click the Copy to Folder button and use the Browse button in the new dialog box to select the newly created user's subfolder in the Documents and Settings folder.

Click OK to perform the copy operation and confirm your choice by clicking “yes” in the prompt window that opens.

Quit any open windows and log out.

Log in again using the created user account with the restored user profile.

Video on the topic

Helpful advice

Use the System Restore tool to return the selected user's profile to an intact state.


  • How to recover a damaged user profile in Windows XP

Today, more and more people are using more people. This is due to the ease of handling this resource and the advantages it has over regular mail.


Open your mailbox by entering the query “ ” into the search bar of your browser and selecting the resource you need. To do this, you need to know which service it is served by. The most popular of them today are:,,,, To determine this, pay attention to the name in your e-mail after the @ symbol (“dog”).

On the mailbox login page, find the field to enter your email address. If you have registered and have a login and password, click the “Login” button. On the top line write the name of your mailbox, for example, [email protected]. Enter your password in the bottom line. If you have provided correct information, a page will open in front of you containing information about new letters, etc.

If you need to write an email, after authorization, select the “Write letter” command. A form will appear in front of you, in which the top lines will be “To” and “Subject”. Enter the recipient's email address in the first line. There is no need to write a personal e-mail anywhere when sending a letter, because it will already be displayed to the recipient.

When typing an email address, carefully monitor the keyboard layout: it must be switched to English. When entering your login and password, check that the Caps Lock key is not pressed, otherwise problems may arise (the case of the characters entered is important here). IN email address You cannot put spaces or use Cyrillic characters.

Mailbox, to do this you need to click the “Unblock” or “Restore” button. The mailbox will be restored, but all the information stored on it, including, will not be available. This option is suitable for those whose mailboxes have been blocked by the administration due to non-use for a certain time (3 months on the service or 6 months on another service).

If the mailbox was deleted by you or others who had a password for it, make a request to the administration or user support. Most likely, you will be prompted to enter the name and password of the old mailbox to restore it. You can return the box in this way only if less than a month has passed since removal. As a rule, it occurs in case of unauthorized hacking of the mailbox, but if the mailbox was deleted by the owner intentionally, then full recovery do not guarantee.

If the account was deleted when deleting a mailbox, the mailbox cannot be restored. In this case, you can create a new account with a mailbox under the same name. If three months have passed since the mailbox was deleted (during this period the account name is considered busy), register a new account with the same login. If you find that this name is already taken, although more than three months have passed, then you can only create a mailbox with a new login. If the login of your old mailbox is very important to you, contact its owner and ask for his account.

If you need to restore an Outlook mailbox (removed using the Get-RemovedMailbox cmdlet), you can do so using the same Windows PowerShell command. You can restore a mailbox in this way only if it was deleted less than 30 days ago.

None of the electronic mail services can give one hundred percent guarantees for the recovery of a deleted mailbox, especially if the period is long enough. Be careful and take care of the security of your mail. Think before you delete your box. If you rarely use mail, make sure that it is not unused for the period of time specified in the user agreement.


To restore a mailbox when contacting the administration, you need to know all the information about the mailbox: login, password, secret question and answer.

Recover deleted email box, as a rule, occurs either after a system failure or actions of third parties, and occasionally due to the fact that the user accidentally erased credentials.


If you use one of the Internet email services, for example,, gmail or another, try contacting technical support. Subject to certain conditions, technical support can be provided in the recovery box A. Thus, restores access to box within thirty days after its removal. Is it true, box will be restored empty, and the information contained in box before removal, they are not subject to “restoration”.

Gmail also recommends contacting Help or Technical Support if necessary. box. However, practical technical assistance is provided in the event of unauthorized hacking and deletion of email box and, without promising complete restoration of mail box a, intentionally deleted by the user.

If we are talking about mail recovery box and Outlook, you can try to restore it using the Get-RemovedMailbox cmdlet.
A cmdlet is a Windows PowerShell command designed to work with objects. Get-RemovedMailbox allows you to view and recover mailboxes box and Outlook. However, to “reanimate” the postal box and in this way there are the following restrictions: box must be deleted no more than 30 days ago, and it must be deleted using the same Get-RemovedMailbox.

Video on the topic

Faced with the need to recover deleted mail box Any user can do it, regardless of their level of experience. The most popular systems providing mail services are systems such as Yandex, Google and


If you are your own. It is worth remembering that when postal box, at the same time an account is registered in the corresponding system. To delete a mailbox, log into your account and find the “create mailbox” item. However, it is necessary to take into account that restoring the contents of the email box will be impossible.

If you delete not only your mailbox, but your entire account, you will have to register in the system again. A deleted account name is typically considered taken for three months. For this reason, you will not be able to register under your old one during this period. If, after this time, your previous one is not occupied by any third-party user, you have the opportunity to re-register the mailbox under your name.

Also, the mailbox can be deleted due to its non-use during the period (its length ranges from 3 to 6 months) specified in the user agreement. To restore your mailbox in this case, contact technical support of the system that provides you with the service.

Often the reason for deleting an email box can serve as viral messages from your email address. Typically, this happens if attackers have gained access to your account. In this case, the system either deletes your mailbox. To solve this problem, contact technical support, who will assist in restoring your email. box.


It is important to remember all the information that you provided when registering your mailbox, including the security question and answer. This information, within the framework of some mail services, may be necessary to restore your mailbox.


  • make a mailbox on mail

When working with email programs, it is very important to remember passwords, since your email box is not only the information about correspondence it contains, but also the key to many of your accounts on various sites.

You will need

  • - Outlook Password Recovery program.


If you forgot password on Outlook, use information decryption tools from third-party programs. This is due to the security policy of the mail manager; storing login data in unencrypted form can simply lead to the loss of data or mailbox if someone needs it. Outlook also has a password-remembering feature; if you disable it, you will have to enter the data manually. In this case it will not be possible unless this function has been used previously.

Download Outlook Password Recovery to your computer. Install it after checking for viruses. Be careful when installing third-party software for working with mail and passwords - always download them from the official websites of developers, as some of them can be used by attackers to steal accounts and mailboxes. The best way to check such programs is to use Norton Internet Security, since it has a built-in plugin for checking the reliability of the installed software, based on its usage statistics.