Games and competitions with jokes for corporate events. Having fun on New Year's Eve with colleagues. New Year in the work team (corporate party). Materials for writing a script, with games, competitions and riddles YouTube script for a New Year's corporate party is cool

It is necessary to announce to all team members that there will be competitions for the best salad, the coolest mask, the best toast.
The team is also divided into groups, each of which comes up with a congratulation skit, which will be shown in front of all guests (dressing up in costumes is encouraged)

Another year has ended, it was special for everyone, with difficulties, joys, and unforgettable events. It’s safe to say that everyone hopes for the new year, they expect great successes, pleasant events and impressions from it, that our family and friends will be healthy. This is the main wealth.
It is also necessary to spend the year of the Fire Monkey with dignity, thank it for all the good things, waiting for the next universal cycle. The corporate will be divided into two main departments, the first of which will be official, serious, with a speech by the administration, the directorate. There will be a summary of the results of the past year, what successes the professional team has achieved, and who was rewarded. All the best members of the team were recognized, awards and incentives were given.
The second part of the event will be entertaining.
The fun part will consist of a festive program.
Conducting competitions, quizzes, dances. In no case forgetting about carnival costumes, rewarding the winners for the best costume, the best New Year's dish, the best toast, etc.

The beginning of the entertainment part of the holiday

Oh, you, guests, gentlemen
It's not in vain that you came here
Let's have fun
Say goodbye to the monkey

The holiday begins
The rules are announced:

It is forbidden to be bored
And stand on the sidelines
Need to have fun
Sing, dance, don't be lazy
Participate in competitions
The holiday can begin.

The holiday continues with collective scenes of congratulations.
Everyone comes out in order, the first group performs, the second gets ready, the rest watch, the second performs, the third gets ready, puts on costumes, etc.

Comic horoscope for 2017.
Dear guests, humanity is always interested in what awaits it in the future. We also reverently await the year two thousand and seventeen, the year of the Fire Rooster. And everyone dreams of looking into tomorrow at least out of the corner of their eye.
We present this possibility, but we warn you not to take these comic predictions seriously.
And also in every joke there is some truth.

Horoscope for 2017 for all zodiac signs

2017 will be a period of fun and adventure for Aries. This is a favorable period to start a new business. Don't forget to travel with your loved ones in 2017. Health problems are not expected, especially if you exercise regularly. Your personal life will be successful, but on the condition that you do not make promises that you cannot keep.

The prognosis for Taurus is good. A harmonious and peaceful year is expected for representatives of this sign. This year you will be inclined to harmonize your inner world. Don't let your insecurities undermine your well-being. Single Taurus have every chance of finding their soulmate, and married couples have a chance to have a child. It is worth paying special attention to a healthy diet if you do not want to get health problems.

For those born under the sign of Gemini, 2017 will be a year of major changes. Don't let your hyperactivity ruin your happiness. Throughout the year, take decisive action in your career and carefully plan your financial expenses. Your spiritual level this year will be significantly higher than in previous years, which will help you better understand yourself and your goals. 2017 could be a successful year for finding love and getting married.

2017 will repeatedly present Cancers with difficult choices. Be prepared to make changes in many areas of your life. Don't waste money on things you don't need. Your partner may need your support in overcoming life crises. Health will require Cancers to work hard on themselves.

a lion
For Leo, who is under the protection of the Sun, 2017 will be incredible. Good luck will accompany you and happiness will smile on you. Fortune will not keep you waiting in your career and personal life. A very favorable period. Enjoy life and move forward! You don't even suspect that this year is your lottery ticket that comes out once for many years!

In 2017, Virgo will need to take the path of diplomacy. Some old conclusions can create problems if you don't make the right decisions. This is the right time to let go of relationships that have been burdensome to you. And don't let stress get the better of you!

For Libra, 2017 will be a period of discovery and innovation. Let your/ada.

Restless Sagittarius in 2017 will be full of enthusiasm and willpower to move forward. Your social life will be surprisingly active. In terms of career and business, the year will be difficult but profitable. Allergic reactions may occur. On the personal front, an upswing is expected.

2017 for Capricorn will be marked by peace and harmony. And although you are particularly practical, many Capricorns in 2017 will discover new facets of themselves. Love and romance will be an important part of your life. A very favorable year for marriage.

The stars predict the opening of many opportunities for Aquarius in 2017. Be it love or career, you will prosper and receive a hundred times more than you give. There will be a lot of work, but expect decent rewards! A good time to conceive and give birth to a child.

In 2017, Pisces will look at life in a positive and calm way. Their cool demeanor will be the main secret of success in their personal and professional lives. Beware of illusions when achieving your goals. Carry out your tasks with utmost sincerity, weighing every action.

Funny New Year's riddles for corporate parties "Secret horoscope"

Everyone present participates in this competition; you must correctly guess the riddle; for each correct answer, players receive a sweet prize.

He walks important around the yard.
A comb for everyone to see.
We recognize him easily.
He's handsome...

Legs are as tenacious as hands
She, of course, is not bored:
Everything is enough indiscriminately,
Eats bananas all the time
Her native house is a liana,
What kind of animal is it?

This beast flies in a fairy tale,
Since childhood he has not known affection,
There are three heads on the shoulders,
Two wings, but one tail!
(The Dragon)

He is fluffy and big-eyed,
He is long-eared and toothy.
Eats grass, carrots,
Showing your skill -
The wooden floor in the cage was chewed off.
And he’s not a bunny, but... (rabbit)

Not a cow, but with horns:
“Who am I?” - find out for yourself.
I also chew grass
I also give milk
I wake up early in the morning,
I'm going to the meadow
I graze there until the evening,
Well, what is my name?

I'll doze off and sing
My song for you.
But when I'm hunting -
I'm not lazy at work.

I am a faithful friend.
I have many merits.
Tied to a chain in the yard.
In winter I sleep in a kennel.
I'm hunting wolves with a friend.
I'm grazing cows in a pasture.
I'm running across the centuries-old tundra
in harness, in the snowy winter.
I am the best servant in the world.
Who am I? You guessed - (Dog)

No arms, no legs -
Crawls on its belly
She has no hearing
Doesn't chew - swallows
Looks - doesn't blink
How do you like my riddle?
Did you guess it? Who- (Snake)

Who's grunting in the barn?
I find out now!
Oink - oink - oink, yes oink - oink - oink,
Hush, Little Baby, Do not Say a Word...
This is how she sings for the children.
I'll take a look, of course! Where are you?
Yes, that's it?! - I know -
This is mommy -...! (Pig)

At dawn in a wide field,
Likes to walk freely
Graceful and beautiful
With a lush silver mane,
What kind of animal is there, that’s a mystery,
Surely... (Horse)

What an adorable minke whale!
Beautiful, cute little mustache.
Here's a cute little animal -
Big soft toy.
But pussy is not for child's play,
After all, it’s not a kitten -

He is the leader of the herd,
Walks among the cows
If he suddenly sees an enemy,
It'll gore you right away!

The fun continues with dancing, feasting and fun competitions for the New Year.
Happy New Year!

Funny, amusing competitions will allow you to have a good rest and have fun at the New Year's party. For the presenters, who are tasked with organizing the entertainment part, we offer an original selection of games, competitions and quizzes for the scenario of a festive corporate party!

To make the New Year's holiday more successful, we have made for you a selection of the most interesting competitions and fun.


To begin with, we propose to include cool competitions at the table in the program of the New Year's corporate party at work.

What will Santa Claus give?

Attributes: small pieces of paper, pens (or pencils).

Before sitting down to the festive table, guests receive a small piece of paper and write down what gift they would like to wish for themselves in the new year. This could be, for example, a new apartment, a car, a dog, a trip, money, a lover...

The leaves are rolled up into a tube and placed in a beautiful box, a hat... At some point in the evening, the host asks everyone to pull out a random piece of paper and find out what good Santa Claus has prepared for him for the next year. Everyone has different desires, so it will be fun! And your wish will come true if you save the piece of paper until the next holiday, and then tell about what came true.

You can attach the leaves with threads to a rope/fishing line and then, as you did in childhood, blindfolded and using scissors, cut off your wish. Another variation is to tie notes to balloons and hand them out to those present.

I want, I want, I want!... Branded want

Another game about wishes. But this time without attributes.

5-7 volunteers are called. They take turns naming their wish for next year. You need to speak quickly, without holding up the line! Stopping for more than 5 seconds means the player is eliminated. We play until we win - until the last player! (Small prize possible).

Let's raise a glass! New Year's toasts

When guests get bored in the midst of a feast, invite them not just to fill their glasses, but to make a toast or congratulations to everyone present.

There are two conditions - each speech must be one sentence long and begin with the letters of the alphabet in order!

For example:

  • A - I am absolutely sure that the new year will be the best!
  • B - Be healthy and happy!
  • Q – In general, I’m glad to be with you today!
  • G - Pride bursts at the sight of those gathered at this table!..

The most fun moment is when the letters e, e, yu, y, s come into play.

Game option: each next toast begins with the last letter of the previous congratulation. For example: “I’m very glad if you support me with applause! “And all the best to you...” To complicate things, you can prohibit starting a toast with prepositions, conjunctions and interjections.

“I’ll sing about Frost!” Compose a ditty

During the evening, those who wish must write and then present to the audience a ditty, which contains New Year’s words or themes pre-set by the presenter. It could be “New Year, Father Frost, Snow Maiden.”

You can compose awkward songs - with the last line unrhymed, but maintaining the given rhythm of the ditty. Example:

Hello, red Santa Claus
you brought us gifts!
The most important thing is ten days
Let's just relax.

Snow news

Attributes: Cards with word-nouns. There are 5 completely unrelated nouns written on the cards. It is advisable to include at least 1 winter word there.

The participant draws out a card, reads out loud the given words and within 30 seconds (although if those present at the party are already, well, very tired, then 1 minute is possible) comes up with a news story from one sentence. And all the words from the card should fit in it.

Nouns can be turned into other parts of speech (adjectives, verbs, adverbs...) and changed as you like, and the news must certainly be interesting and funny.

You can start the news with the words “Sensation!”

For example:

  • 1 card – “road, chair, roof, bicycle, snowman.” Sentence - “Outside the city, a huge snowman with a broken roof was discovered on a road bike with a chair instead of a seat!”
  • Card 2 – “fence, sound, ice floe, shop, Christmas tree.” Sentence - “Near the store, under the fence, someone left a Christmas tree with sounding pieces of ice.”

Try this: it will be even more interesting if you prepare a lot of cards, where one different word will be written, and the players themselves will draw out the 5 words they get.

Fun guaranteed!

I like/don't like my neighbor

The game does not require any improvised means! But requires a sufficient degree of emancipation or relaxed relationships in the team.

The presenter invites everyone present to name which part of the body (can be clothing) they like about the person sitting on the left, and which they don’t like. For example: “My neighbor on the right, I like his left ear and don’t like his bulging pocket.”

After everyone has named and remembered what was said, the presenter asks to kiss (or stroke) what they like and bite (or spank) what they don’t like.

Not everyone can play, but only 6-8 brave ones are called into the circle.

Our friend is orange!

This game can be played at a New Year's party in the office only if all colleagues know each other well. Or at least everyone has a friend or girlfriend in the team.

The presenter thinks of a person from those present at the table. And the participants, with the help of leading questions, try to guess who it is.

But questions are not simple - they are associations! Whoever guesses first wins.

The questions are something like this:

  • — What fruit/vegetable does it look like? - For an orange.
  • — What food is it associated with? - With pies.
  • - With what animal? - With a mole.
  • — With what music? - With choral singing.
  • - With what flower?
  • - With what plant?
  • - By car?
  • - Color?
  • — Part of the world?

Yin-yang cones

Attributes: 2 cones - one painted white, the other black. If you have nothing to dye with, you can wrap them with colored woolen threads of the desired color.

The course of the fun: a host is selected from among the guests, who will have these two cones. They are signals of his answers, because he is not allowed to speak at all. He thinks of a word, and the others, with the help of leading questions, try to guess what he has in mind.

The whole secret is that he can only silently show: YES - this is a white lump, NO - black. If neither this nor that, he can lift both at once.

The first one to guess correctly wins.

Instead of pine cones, you can take multi-colored Christmas balls. But you need to be careful with glass ones, especially if the presenter has already drunk a couple of glasses of champagne.

Associations on paper. Broken telephone associations

Attributes of the players: paper and pen.

The first person writes any noun word on his piece of paper and speaks it quietly into his neighbor’s ear. He comes up with his own association for this word, writes it down and whispers it to the next person.

This is how associations are transmitted along the chain... The last one speaks out loud the word given to him. It is compared with the original source and it is fun to find out at which link in the chain of associations the failure occurred: everyone reads out their nouns.

funny neighbor

Any number of guests can play.

We stand in a circle, and the driver begins: he performs an action with his neighbor that will make him laugh. He can take him by the ear, pat him on the shoulders, tap him on the nose, flick his arm, touch his knee... That's it, those standing in a circle must repeat the same movement with your neighbor/neighbor.

The one who laughs is eliminated.

Then the driver makes the next movement, everyone repeats. If no one laughed, new movement. And so on until the last “Nesmeyana”.

New Year's rhyme machine

The driver reads out little-known New Year/winter quatrains. But he only says the first 2 lines out loud.

The rest are invited to take part in a competition for the best rhymer.

Guests come up with and rhyme the last two lines. Then the funniest and most original poet is selected, and then the original poem is read out amid general laughter and joy.

Drawing competition “I see, I see New Year!”

Those who wish are given A-4 sheets of free-form lines and felt-tip pens. Everyone has the same image (copier can help you).

The task is to complete a picture on a New Year's theme.

Of course, everyone knows who in the team is best versed in painting. So he or she will evaluate the results. Whoever is more interesting is the winner! There can be many winners - it’s a holiday!


Nimble bump

Attributes: pine or fir cones.

Progress of the game: guests can either sit at the table or stand in a circle (if they have been sitting too long by this time). The task is to pass the pine cone to each other. The condition is that you can transmit it only by holding it on the back of your two palms. Try it, it's quite difficult... But also fun!

You can also divide into equal teams, and whichever one hands over its cone faster wins.

My Frost is the most beautiful!

You will need various items such as: garlands, funny hats, scarves, beads, ribbons. socks, mittens, women's bags... Two or three ladies who want to be in the role of Snow Maidens for a few minutes each choose a man to turn him into Father Frost.

From items prepared in advance on the table, the Snow Maidens create a cheerful image of their hero. In principle, you can end here by choosing the most successful and funniest model...

The Snow Maiden can take snowflakes for herself, which will help with the “design” of Santa Claus and with advertising.

Snow paths

This is a very successful game to determine pairs for subsequent New Year competitions.

Attributes: colored ribbons in winter shades (blue, light blue, silver...). Length 4-5 meters. It is necessary to cut the ribbons in half in advance and sew them together, mixing up the halves.

3-4 pairs of players are called. The presenter holds a basket/box, to which lie multi-colored ribbons, the ends of which hang down.

Presenter: “On New Year’s Day, the paths were covered with snow... The blizzard mixed up the paths in Santa Claus’s house. We need to untangle them! In pairs, each grab the end of the tape that you like and pull the track towards you. The couple that draws their ribbon before the others will receive a prize!”

Players choose a pair and the color of the ribbon, expecting that there will be a single ribbon at the ends of the same color. But the fun is that the ribbons are sewn in different ways, and completely unexpected pairs are formed.

Happy people train

Everyone loves round dances: both small and large (and those who are embarrassed to admit it)!

Give your guests a round dance-train. It is clear that vacationers at a party may find it difficult to motivate themselves to participate in an active competition, so come up with something for them branded slogans.

— Now those who are attached to the train are
a) desires great wealth for himself,
b) wants to be loved,
c) who wants a lot of health,
d) who dreams of traveling to the sea, etc.

The host drives the train around the hall, it fills and fills with guests. And when it is clear that no one else can be pulled out from behind the tables, train dances are arranged (the host can show them) to daring music.

New Year's fixed deposit

Attributes: candy wrapper money.

Two pairs are selected, each with a man and a woman. It is advisable for the men to be dressed approximately the same (if one has a jacket, then the other should also wear a jacket).

— Dear women, the New Year is approaching, and you need to have time to make a fixed-term deposit in the bank. Here's some money for you (each of the women is given a pack of candy wrappers). These are initial payments. You will put them in the bank on a super fixed deposit. Your men are your banks. Only one condition - each “bill” is in a separate cell! Pockets, sleeves, collars, lapels and other secluded places can become cells. Contributions can be made while the music is playing. Just remember where you put your money. Let's start!

The task is given 1-2 minutes.

- Attention! Intermediate check: whoever managed to make a full investment (not a single candy wrapper left in their hands) receives an additional point. All the money is in business!

- And now, dear depositors, you must quickly withdraw cash - after all, we know that it was a super quick deposit. Each of you will be filming blindfolded, but you will always remember what you put and where. Music! Let's start!

The trick is that the men are swapped, and the women, blindfolded, “search” someone else’s partner without knowing it. Everyone has fun!

We are actors no matter what!

Those who wish to participate are given cards with tasks. None of them knows in advance what they will have to face.

The presenter announces that the participants need to take a walk in front of everyone, depicting what is written on the cards. Here is a sample list:

  • tightrope walker over the abyss,
  • duck in the yard,
  • teenager with a stalled bike,
  • shy girl,
  • shy Japanese woman in a kimono in the rain,
  • baby starting to walk,
  • heron in the swamp,
  • Joseph Kobzon at a performance
  • policeman at the market,
  • hare along the path,
  • model on the catwalk,
  • arab sheikh,
  • cat on the roof, etc.

The tasks can be supplemented and expanded with any ideas.

Funny joke “Bear in a den or slow-witted spectators”

Attention: only played once!

The presenter invites someone who wants to perform a pantomime, takes him to a separate room and gives him a “secret” task - portray without words bear (hare or kangaroo).

Meanwhile, the presenter's assistant negotiates with the others NOT to understand his body movements.

The volunteer returns and begins to show the selected animal with movements and gestures. The guests pretend that they do not understand and call anything but the person they are shown.

- Does he waddle around? Yes, this is the platypus (lame fox, tired boar)!
- Licking his paw? The cat is probably washing itself.

It happens that the person portraying is surprised by the guests’ lack of understanding and begins to get angry: “Are you so stupid? It's so simple! And if he shows hellish patience, shows it again and again - he has nerves of iron! But this also amuses the employees gathered at the party. There is no need to delay. When the player begins to run out of imagination and patience, you can guess the correct animal.

3. Music competitions

Can you imagine the New Year without music, songs and dances? That's right, no! For additional entertainment and fun, many music competition games have been invented for the New Year's corporate party.

Scene “Clip-song”

This is the most creative musical fun for a New Year's corporate evening.

Prepare musical accompaniment in advance: songs about Santa Claus, a Christmas tree, the Snow Maiden... and simple attributes that will help the players dress up (beads, hats, felt boots, scarves...)

The task is to make a corporate video for the song “The Little Christmas Tree Is Cold in Winter.” We need an operator who will shoot a video clip on camera.

Participants, to the accompaniment of songs, begin to depict all the actions that are sung about: “the little gray bunny was jumping under the Christmas tree” - the hero is jumping, “they hung the beads” - the team hangs the beads on an improvised living “Christmas tree”.

You can divide into two teams (employees and female employees) and each will shoot their own video. It is advisable to display the results on a large screen and compare them. The winners will be awarded with branded souvenirs or applause.

Competition "Lazy Dancing"

The players sit in a circle on chairs and begin to dance to the cheerful New Year's music and song. But these are strange dances - no one gets up from their seats!

At the command of the leader, they dance with different parts of the body:

  • First we dance with our elbows!
  • Then shoulders
  • legs,
  • fingers,
  • lips,
  • eyes, etc.

The rest choose the coolest dance.

Upside down song

This is a comic game that you can play at any time during the holiday. The presenter recites lines from a New Year/winter song, but with the words in reverse. Everyone's task is who is faster guess the original and sing it. The person who guesses correctly is given a chip (candy wrapper, candy, cone...) so that later it will be easier to count the winner in the entire competition.

The lines might look something like this:

— The birch tree died in the steppe. - The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree.
- The old month is slow, nothing will happen for a long time. - The New Year is rushing towards us, everything will happen soon.
— White, white steam rose on the ground. — Blue-blue frost lay on the wires.
- One gray donkey, one gray donkey. - Three white horses, three white horses.
— A brave white wolf was sitting on a baobab tree. - The cowardly gray bunny was jumping under the Christmas tree.
- Keep quiet, Santa Claus, where are you going? - Tell me, Snow Maiden, where have you been?
- Read me a book about 1 hour. - I’ll sing you a song about five minutes.
— The huge palm tree is hot in the summer. – The little Christmas tree is cold in winter.
— The weights were removed and left the chain. - They hung the beads and began to dance in a circle.
“I was running away from you, Snow Maiden, and wiped away a few sweet smiles.” - I was running after you, Santa Claus. I shed a lot of bitter tears.
- Oh, it’s hot, it’s hot, warm you up! Warm you and your camel. - Oh, frost-frost, don’t freeze me! Don't freeze me, my horse.
- Your worst acquisition is me. - My best gift is you.

Song competition “Musical hat of Santa Claus”

Attributes: put words from New Year's songs in the hat.

The players pass it around in a circle to the accompaniment of music. When the music stops, the person who received the hat at that moment takes out a card with the word and must remember/sing the piece of the song where it appears.

You can play in teams. Then the hat is passed from representative to representative of each team. You can limit the time it takes to complete a task and reward the team for every guess they make.

If you’re not sure that your guests are so quick-thinking, write not just one word, but a short phrase. Then it will be easier to remember the song!

Dance by candlelight

A dynamic, but at the same time very calm and gentle dance competition.

Play slow music and encourage couples to light sparklers and dance. The couple whose fire burns longer wins and will receive a prize.

If you want to add spice to your dance, choose tango!

An old song in a new way

Print the lyrics of famous (not even New Year's) songs and prepare musical accompaniment without words (karaoke music).

This could be Karabas Barabas, the Snow Maiden, an evil policeman, a kind Baba Yaga, and even your boss.

Quietly loud

A well-known song is chosen, which all guests begin to sing in chorus.

On the command “Quiet!” sing a song to themselves. At the command “Loud!” out loud again.

And since everyone sang at their own pace, the loud choir begins with different words. And this is repeated several times, amusing everyone.

4. Team

Team games for the New Year's corporate party will once again strengthen team spirit and solidarity, serving as unscheduled team building.

Competition - relay race "Felt boots of Santa Claus"

Attributes: 2 pairs of extra-large felt boots (or one).

This game is played around the tree or around chairs in teams.

Those playing, at the driver’s signal or the sound of music, put on large felt boots and race around the tree (chairs). If you only have one pair of such winter shoes, then let the teams compete against the clock.

With felt boots you can also come up with many different relay races: divide into teams and run, passing them on to each other as a team; carry with outstretched arms so as not to drop; put on felt boots and run backwards (it’s difficult to do this in big ones), etc. Imagine!

Don't drop the lump

Attributes: “snow” balls made from crumpled paper; large spoons (wooden possible).

Progress of the relay competition: two teams of equal numbers gather. At the command of the driver (or the sound of music), the first participants must quickly run around the room back and forth, carrying a lump in a spoon and trying not to drop it. Don’t choose too long routes - just make a circle around the tree.

The difficulty is that the paper is light and tends to fall off to the floor all the time.

They play until the last person running in the team. Whoever is first wins!

The office wishes you a Happy New Year

Attributes: 2-3 sheets of whatman paper (depending on how many teams are playing), newspapers, magazines, glue and scissors.

In 10-15 minutes, teams must cut out words from the paper they are offered, paste them onto a piece of paper and compose an original New Year’s greeting to those present.

It should be a small, funny text. You can supplement the poster with clippings of pictures from the suggested magazines.

The most creative congratulation wins.

Beads for Christmas tree

Offer the teams paper clips in large quantities (it is advisable to choose multi-colored plastic ones). Task: in the allotted time (5 minutes, no more), long chains are assembled to the accompaniment of pleasant music.

Whoever ends up with beads longer than their opponents, that team wins.

Gather a team or “Friendly Mosaic”

The competition requires little preparation. You need to photograph the teams, print the photo on a printer and cut it into small pieces. The teams' task is to put together a photo of their team in the minimum amount of time.

Those who complete their puzzle faster win.

Preferably so that the photos are large.

The snowman turns...

Two teams. Each has 4 participants and 8 balls (blue and white are possible). Each one has the large letters S_N_E_G_O_V_I_K written on it. The snowman “melts” and turns... into other words.

The driver asks simple riddles, and the players build guessed words from balls with letters.

  • Grows on the face. - Nose.
  • Banned from work. - Dream.
  • Candles are made from it. - Wax.
  • Prepared for the winter. - Hay.
  • Orange is preferred to tangerine. - Juice.
  • Difficult to get up in the morning. - Eyelids.
  • Where did the office romance happen? - Movie.
  • Snow woman's colleague. - Snowman.

The fastest players get points, and those with the most points win.

5. Bonus – competitions for an all-female team!

These games are suitable for a New Year's corporate party for doctors, teachers, or for a kindergarten.

Rope for the brave

This is a competition exclusively for adults. The guests are divided into two equal teams.

At the driver’s signal and to the accompaniment of lively music, the players take off parts of their clothes in order to knit a long, very long rope from them.

When “Stop!” sounds, the visibly undressed participants begin to measure the length of their clothing chains.

The longest one wins!

Let's dress up for the New Year! or “Dark Outfit”

Two participants stand near their chest/box/basket, which contain different items of clothing. They are first blindfolded, and then they must put on everything from the chest as quickly as possible.

Speed ​​and accuracy are valued. Although everyone has more fun because things get mixed up between the players.

Reverse Snow Queen

Inventory: ice cubes from the freezer.

Several contenders are selected for the crown of the Snow Queen. They pick up an ice cube and, on command, must melt it as quickly as possible, turning it into water.

You can give one at a time, or several ice cubes, putting them in bowls.

The first one to complete the task wins. She is awarded the title of "The Hottest Snow Queen".

Will Cinderella go to the New Year's ball?

In front of the two participants, mixed beans, peppers, rose hips, and peas are placed in a heap on plates (you can use any ingredients). The number of grains is small so that the game does not flow for too long (can be checked experimentally before the holiday).

After the players are blindfolded, they begin to sort the fruits into piles by touch. Whoever manages it first will go to the ball!

Option 1

Small preparations before the start of the celebration:
- you need to purchase several inexpensive souvenirs (as many as there will be guests + 4…5 pieces extra, just in case);
- you need to prepare lottery tickets, they can be printed on a computer, on the lottery ticket you can depict a New Year’s drawing, for example, a snowflake and the inscription Lottery ticket No. 0001. There should be as many numbers as there will be guests + a dozen more;
- you need to make a piggy bank, for this you can take an ordinary metal coffee can with a plastic lid, make a slot in it for coins, glue a copy of a ruble bill or dollar bill and the inscription “Piggy Bank” on tape;
- warn everyone to have spare change; if the team is rich in money, then decide on the amount of contributions yourself;
- before entering the hall where the New Year celebration will take place, the host places a “piggy bank”, and each person entering puts a few coins or bills into the jar and receives a lottery ticket, it is necessary to explain to everyone that this piggy bank with money will go to one of the guests at the end evening (it is better if the presenter writes down the number of the lottery ticket for himself on a piece of paper, who got it, this will later be useful to him during the evening);
- the competitions given in the script can be replaced with others that you like better.

Dear Colleagues! Let's open the champagne, pour it into glasses and listen to me for a while.

There are many wonderful holidays,
Each one comes in its own turn.
But the kindest holiday in the world,
The best holiday is New Year!
He comes along the snowy road,
Round dance of snowflakes.
The New Year fills the heart with mysterious and austere beauty!
Twelve strikes and my glass is raised.
And at this moment, mysteriously ringing
My love is the spark of all my deeds.
My first toast is to your flying voice,
For the magic of your calling eyes,
For all the moments I spent with you,
For the joy of meetings that awaits us -
For a thirst that knows no quenching!

(we have a drink and a snack)

Celebrating the New Year is an amazing time, always exciting, always joyful, and these simple words “Happy New Year!” With new happiness!" we say them with special feeling, because they can only be said once a year. And this “once a year” has finally come. And this opportunity to speak out and congratulate all of us is given to our “beloved leader” Pal Palych.

(a fiery, exciting speech is made, after which everyone takes a long snack)

Dear friends, colleagues, today we have an unusual evening, today is the evening of receiving congratulations, surprises and winnings. You have all received a lottery ticket, the drawing of lottery tickets will begin immediately from the very beginning of the evening. But I have a few more lottery tickets that I offer to buy for everyone, the money from the sale of the ticket goes into the general “Piggy Bank”. In addition, I want to announce to everyone that whoever does not want to participate in any competitions, or will suggest to other participants in the competition the correct answers, or during the evening will behave too indecently, he will be immediately punished with a fine in the amount (which install it yourself), which will immediately go into the common treasury.

The presenter begins to sell lottery tickets, which may not be enough; in my experience, there are a lot of people who want them, especially if the price is reasonable. Immediately after the end of sales, the host continues to lead the evening:

Let the glasses clink, let the wine sparkle,
Let the night starfall knock on your window.
On this moonlit night you can’t live without smiles,
Pain and sorrow - away! Happy new year friends!

And now we will arrange a shower of smiles in this hall. Now we will start the “Merry New Year's Lottery”. The following ticket numbers are declared winners (here and below you need to know what ticket number someone has):
- let’s say ticket numbers 0001, 0010, 0020, 0030 - these are all participants in the next competition;
- ticket No. 0002 - wins the right to be called a judge of all today's competitions and competitions (he is awarded a prize - a carnival mask so that he will not be recognized when he judges);
- ticket No. 0011 - wins the right to make a New Year's toast after this competition, in the meantime he is given the opportunity to prepare for such a great honor for him - to wish everyone a Happy New Year! (he is awarded a prize, for example a pocket calendar for the next year);
- bits No. 0003, 0021, 0031 (depending on the number of tables) - are appointed by the main stewards of the tables at which they sit, their responsibility is to ensure that their neighbors always have full glasses and plates, to all of them and torches in their hands (all they are awarded prizes - sparklers);
- ticket No. 0004 is announced by the main disc jockey of the evening, his duty is to announce musical breaks and dances, and if there is a need, for example, to monitor the music center;
- ticket No. 0025 is announced by the chief banker, he is given our piggy bank for temporary storage, and he is obliged to monitor the replenishment of the piggy bank.

Anyone who is dissatisfied or does not agree with the announced winning ticket numbers is allowed only once, and only now to exchange their tickets with other participants; in the future, exchanges of tickets will be punished to the fullest extent of the law of the table, evening. The remaining winnings will be announced later, please save your tickets until the end of the evening.

The first three participants in the competition are already known, they will now try to win the prize.
So, COMPETITION “The Enchanted Glass”
The presenter invites all participants in the competition to pour full glasses, and says: “I will now enchant these glasses. I can hold one or even two glasses in my hands at the same time, as many as I want, but any of you will not be able to cope with this task and will throw them or put them on the table before I count to three! Moreover, the condition is that you must stand in one place, hold a glass and not move.”
Next, the presenter “speaks the glasses” and gives them to the competition participants. Then the countdown begins: “One, two... And I’ll say three tomorrow.” Naturally, no one will hold it until tomorrow
The presenter continues:
Well, since you couldn’t hold it, then I hope you can have a drink? Whoever had ticket number 0011, I hope you are prepared to make the toast that you deserve with the right to win.

(a toast is made and everyone drinks)

Attention: Armenian Radio says: “The program for the deaf has ended!”

Without promising complete success, I hope that the New Year
It will save us all from sorrows and unforeseen worries.
I still hope for Drugov, and I believe in it fervently,
What awaits us all now is something that has never happened before.

And the continuation of the “Merry New Year’s Lottery” awaits us. Whoever has ticket No. 0004 has won a prize. Come out here and try to take the prize, if of course you manage to take it. (The game is as follows: A prize, for example, a chocolate Santa Claus, an apple, a candy, is placed on the edge of the table and covered with a paper cap, but it is possible without a cap, and the participant is given his back to the prize, he is blindfolded. Then he takes a few steps (for example 5) turns around an axis and goes for the prize and tries to take it. You can complicate the competition procedure and replace the prize with a glass of vodka, which he must take, and someone must hold the glass on the table so that the contestant does not drop it. Game continues until someone participating in the next lottery ticket numbers wins a prize.
The winner is given the floor.

Dear friends, the evening continues. I ask for a little attention! Let's continue the lottery drawing. Now we will find out the happiest participants in the next competition. We won tickets Nos. 0006, 0007, 0012, 0013, 0022, 0023. I propose to play a small game called “AND I AM THE SMARTEST”
The presenter attaches a piece of paper the size of a matchbox to each person’s forehead or hair using an ordinary paper clip. The name of an animal, insect, bird, or fish is written on a piece of paper. Everyone can see what is written by others, but not by themselves. Players take turns asking each other questions and must guess who he is based on the answer. The answers can only be “YES” or “NO”. Having heard “YES”, you can ask another question, and having heard “NO” the word goes to another participant in the competition. The one who guessed correctly leaves the game and watches the others. At the end of the game, the winner is announced - the one who guessed first. He is awarded a more significant prize, the rest are given consolation prizes.
The loser is punished by congratulating everyone and making a toast.

Dear colleagues, if the alcohol suddenly runs out, we will stop respecting each other - it was a joke. I know my limits: I fell, that’s enough, and the degree of intoxication depends on the frequency of raising the glass and does not depend on the amplitude - this is also a joke. Well, that’s enough jokes for now, let’s move on to serious matters, to the QUESTION “OH LUCKY”
The essence of the game:
A question is asked and several answers to it, and only one is correct. Everyone begins to answer, the judge judges, Whoever named the correct answer, the chief banker gives a candy wrapper or candy, whoever collects the most candy wrappers or candy is the winner.
The answer to the questions "BALAAM'S DONKEY", or they with *:
1. What is the name of the dish made from whipped yolks with sugar?
V. Gogol – Mogol*
W. Herzen - Perzen
B. Pushkin – Mushkin
R. Bryullov – Murlov

2. Who was jumping under the Christmas tree in the forest?
W. Wolf - clicking teeth
A. Gray Bunny*
J. Santa Claus
L. Sober forester

3. Andrey Cherkizov hosted the program on NTV:
D. Snake Day
R. Year of the Alligators
L. Hour of the Bull*
M. The Age of Maggot

4.What clothes did Schelenberg wear to the service?
b. Dress uniform
X. Field overalls
A. Civilian suit*
Y. Home bathrobe

5. How does Lermontov Borodino begin?
A. Tell me uncle*
SH. Shut up, auntie
G. Over to you, Comrade Mauser
Yu. Shut up, all of you.

6. What did the Englishman Francis Drake, who made the second trip around the world in history, do “part-time”?
M. Piracy*
C. Scientific experiments in the field of zoology
A. helping the aborigines
I. Testing of new guns

7. What is “ZGO” and the expression “not visible not OGI”?
V. Star in the sky
Z. Lonely tree
O. Ring on a horse arch*
N. Light in the distance

8. Winston Chertill usually drank cognac on the day:
O. 75 grams
S. 150 grams
L. Half a liter
B. One liter*

9. The famous “Tsar’s Mound” is located in Crimea near the city:
A. Kerch*
I. Feodosia
Y. Bakhchisarai
E. Balaklava

10. What was Cheburashka made of, according to his own admission?
N. From a bottle
O. Made of wood*
U. From fur
T. Made of plastic

11. For ... (how many) rooms is there only one toilet? (According to V. Vysotsky)
F. 28
Ya 29
E. 39
S. 48*

12. The first nuclear bomb was called:
R. Fatty
A. Dorothy
L. Malysh*
W. Ann

13. Observation of village girls helped create a vaccine against smallpox:
P. Vegetable growers
K. Needlewomen
I. Milkmaids*
L. Pig farms

14. The modern local name of this river is “El Bahor”. What about the generally accepted one?
A. Amazon
I. Indus
K. Congo
Ts. Neil

15. Which of the stage stars replaced the “burning” surname with this cold pseudonym?
A. Alexander Ostuzhev * (there used to be a Fire, and when they shouted “Fire on stage,” panic began among the audience)
N. Vera Kholodnaya
T. Tatiana Snezhnaya
M. Mikhail Zimin

(you can add your own questions, for example: 1. In which office does the head of the company sit? 2. What was the last name of such and such an employee before she got married? etc.)

After summing up, the winner is announced, he is given a small souvenir and given the floor. The presenter announces: “We will now check with what words our respected (may_ erudite) can please us. Pour him (her) a drink and everyone else too.


Hear, the music started again:
This is the beginning of Dance Friends!
Fun and joy sparkles everywhere
Let each of you spin in a waltz!

The floor is given to our “Disc Jockey”.
(The music director wishes everyone a Happy New Year and invites them to a break.)


During the break, additional competitions are held.


Dear guests, I ask everyone to come to the table. Our treasurer will keep track of who did not sit down at the table, and also monitor the replenishment of our “Piggy Bank:.
Dancing is a strain on your legs, now let’s give your head and arms some work. It is necessary to replenish the expenses incurred by each of you during the break. While everyone is pouring glasses, we will continue drawing our lottery. So we won lottery tickets No. 0007, 0009, 0016. 0017, 0024, 0026, 0027, 0028. I’ll ask everyone to leave the table and come to me. Of the six participants, 4 are selected, two men and two women, the remaining are declared understudies, and help the referee judge the game. The game is called “WHERE TO INVEST MONEY AND WHERE TO GET MONEY.”
The essence of the game:
The presenter prepares the props in advance, i.e. money is printed on paper of two colors, for example white and blue, on a copier, for example 10 ruble bills, in the amount of 20 pieces of each color (the bills can be replaced with candy wrappers). The selected 4 players are paired. Women are given banknotes, each of a different color. They count them, both of them should have the same number. Their task is to open jars, not glass ones of course, and as many as possible. Men will serve as banks, i.e. their clothing - pockets, lapels, collars, linen, etc. You can only put one bill in each bank (let's say a pocket). Women must place as many bills as possible into their partner within 1 minute, with one bill in that space. The presenter begins the countdown: three, two, one, started, and the judge marks the time on the clock. After a minute, the game stops and it is counted how many bills each woman has left in her hands. Game continues. The women change places. Within 1 minute they must find the hidden bills, i.e. search the other partner. Based on the results of the competition, the winner is announced and awarded a prize; the rest of the participants are also awarded prizes, but of lesser value.

The word for congratulations goes to the best Banker.

Everyone drinks and eats

I wish that Santa Claus brings you a bag of joy,
Another bag - with laughter, and let the third one - with success!
You put your sadness, your melancholy in his bag
Let him collect everything and take it away as quickly as possible!

While Santa Claus takes away your melancholy and sadness, we will continue the lottery draw. Won another ticket No. 0033. Now our winner will take part in the next competition and try to win the prize. The competition is called “THREE FWAZES”

The essence of the game:
The presenter announces: “If you can repeat after me three phrases, any, word for word, you will receive a prize! Ready? Let's start."
- the first phrase - “What a wonderful evening today.” The player must repeat word for word.
- second phrase = “You are simply beautiful”, while the presenter does not behave confidently, and after the player says this phrase, the presenter joyfully throws up his hands and says: “So you lost!” This was the third phrase that the player had to repeat. Players most often make mistakes and ask what they did wrong and lose. The player is awarded a prize if he wins, or a consolation prize if he loses.

The word for the ceremonial speech is presented to the lucky one (or the unfortunate loser),

At the end of my program, I want to offer one more competition, everyone should take part in this competition. The competition is called “PIGGY BANK”, or “GREED”

The essence of the game:
Take a common piggy bank filled during the evening. Anyone who believes that he is generous in soul, loves to fantasize and wants to get rid of all debts (meaning monetary and other promises) before the New Year should throw a coin of 1 kopeck or more into the piggy bank, no matter how much you feel sorry for.
A banker with a piggy bank goes around everyone and collects tribute. The presenter announces that this piggy bank will now be drawn, and it will go to the one who guesses how much money is in it. The winner will be declared by the one who says the closest number to the amount in the piggy bank.
Each participant names approximately the amount that may end up in the piggy bank. The judge writes down the named amounts on a piece of paper. The banker counts the contents of the piggy bank. The judge and presenter announce the winner after meeting and viewing the numbers named by the participants.

The presenter offers the winner the floor for congratulations, and relieves himself of the duties of toastmaster. Then the evening continues according to an unplanned scenario with breaks for dancing until you drop.

Description: At the beginning of the event, the guests are congratulated by the gypsy, then by the golden roar. After this, Frost and Snegurka come out and hold competitions and games, a comic New Year's quiz.

Target: team unity and uplifting mood.

Room decoration: New Year tree, posters.

Required material:

  • Net, blue sheet to depict the sea, mud, boots.
  • Fan and fluff.
  • Newspapers.
  • Glasses of water and straws for cocktails.


  • Leading
  • Presenter
  • Gypsy
  • Gold fish
  • Freezing
  • Snow Maiden

Preparation: a song medley on the theme “My Desire” for gypsy predictions; performance of an oriental beauty.

Progress of the event


There is a blizzard and blizzard outside,

And even the winds howl outside the window,

We have gathered here to meet

New Year at the most luxurious table!


Hello gentlemen and ladies! We have gathered today in this hall to celebrate the old year with honor and meet the new one with dignity.

A gypsy woman enters and approaches the leader.


Hello, iris, gild your pen - I’ll tell you the whole truth, what happened and what will happen.


Hello, gypsy girl. It’s better not for me, but tell people’s fortunes. After all, everyone dreams of someone telling them what to do.


He approaches some participants and makes passes with his hands. At this time, short excerpts from songs are included that characterize a desire. For example, “But I don’t want, I don’t want for calculation, but I want for love, for love...”, “But I want, but I want to climb on roofs again...”


The gypsy girl is probably tired. I overheard so many wishes. Here's a gold piece for this (gives a chocolate bar in the form of a coin).


Thank you very much, I wish you health, happiness and love (leaves).


He's in a hurry, the old year is leaving.

The bells are ringing on the troika at the threshold -

Then the new year rushes forward,

Carrying with you both happiness and health.


For congratulations, the floor is given to our boss.

The boss speaks with a little congratulations, everyone drinks and eats.


Soon, very soon, the clock will strike midnight. And we, like Cinderella, will rush on the wings of fate into the new year.


And again there was bustle, running and pushing for a whole year before his exodus.


Well, what are you talking about sad and inevitable? Let's talk about joyful things. You know, the Golden Fish will come to congratulate our guests today.


And will he fulfill all wishes?


Certainly. Are you ready to throw the net?

They throw the net into the improvised sea three times (you can hang a blue sheet on the chairs and hide the Fish behind them). The first time they pull out the net with mud, the second - with a shoe. The third time they catch the Goldfish.

Gold fish:

Let me go to sea, where my subordinates will die without me.


Don't worry, we'll let you go. We only want you to fulfill our wishes. After all, today is a night of miracles. Everything you wish should come true.

Gold fish:

Okay, I will fulfill your wishes, but to do this I need to know what you want. Close your eyes and imagine what you would like to receive for the new year.

The guests close their eyes. While they are thinking, an oriental girl appears and performs a belly dance. After performing, he bows and leaves.

Gold fish:

Apparently, this was the strongest desire for someone. Other wishes will also come true, just not now.


So let's raise our glasses to the quick fulfillment of our desires.

They drink and have a snack. The goldfish swims back after saying goodbye.


I have a feeling that someone is missing. But who? I can't understand.


Have you forgotten already? We forgot to invite Father Frost and granddaughter Snegurka!


Exactly! They are probably already waiting at the door. Let's call them (they call them three times).

Frost and Snow Maiden enter to the sounds of creaking snow.


Hello children!

Snow Maiden:

No longer children, Frost! Can't you see?


Exactly, not children. Sorry, I got a little tired and got confused. Hello everyone from the far north!


Hello to you, too!


We have come this New Year's evening to wish you joy, goodness and light. They brought you a whole bag of gifts.

Snow Maiden:

But we got caught in a strong snowstorm, and the bag with souvenirs was lost somewhere in the snowdrifts.


You need to find it urgently so that someone else doesn’t find and take away your gifts.

Snow Maiden:

Let's call the snowflakes for help, let them look for where the bag fell.


Snowflakes are so capricious. I don’t think they would just fly off to look for lost items.

Snow Maiden:

And we will describe them in beautiful words, that is, we will select epithets. What kind of snowflakes can there be?


Well, now I think the snowflakes are happy and will quickly find gifts even in the deepest snowdrift.


(takes out the bag) So our gifts were found. Now you can safely announce a competitive and entertaining quiz! Every third question is a winning one.

Conducts a comic quiz. The gift is awarded only for the correct answer to the third, sixth, ninth questions.

Snow Maiden:

Some were lucky, some not so much. But those who received the gift are very happy!


Let's raise a glass to those who were able to show their ingenuity and imagination in the past year, as well as to the inexhaustible energy that flows out of you in the coming year (drink, have a snack).


Frost, do you remember how we told you poems when you were a child?


Of course I remember. You were so small, stupid, curious. They constantly pulled my beard to check whether it was real or not.


Grandpa, is the beard real?


It used to be real, until all the hairs were pulled out. They thought that the wish would come true if a hair was pulled out. But I’m not Hottabych! What desires? For me she was a warming element. Now my nose and cheeks are constantly freezing.


Sorry, Frost. What should we do to make amends for our guilt?


And you will dance, show your brave prowess.


They made me happy, and now I can warm up.


Let's raise our glasses to never freeze even in the most severe frosts!

Snow Maiden:

Grandpa, can I also hold a competition?


Of course, granddaughter. Show off and make the people happy.


Well, well, we've been sitting too long, it's time to know the honor.

Well, now it's time to say goodbye

We'll be back again in just a year

We want things to start coming true

Your wishes are now.

Snow Maiden:

We wish you many smiles,

A big pile of dough

To make fewer mistakes,

Health, happiness and warmth.


It's time to say goodbye again,

These minutes cannot be saved,

We tell you



See you soon, new, frequent meetings!” (leave)


Our holiday doesn't end here! We continue to have fun.

Competitions and games

"Dance of Snowflakes"

Several volunteers are called, each is given a fan and a piece of fluff. The participants’ task is to make the fluffies dance to the music using a fan. The main thing is that the dancing fluffs spin in the air without touching the floor.


Those who want to take part go on stage and dance the apple on a spread newspaper. The main task is not to go beyond the sheet.

"A glass for three"

Participants are divided into groups of three. Each group is given a glass of water and two straws for each participant. The participants’ task is to drink all the water through a double straw. The team that empties their glass faster wins.

"Morozov Competition"

Men take part. They are blindfolded and given a Christmas tree toy. The task is to go towards the Christmas tree and hang a toy on it. The winner is the one who found the Christmas tree and placed a toy on it.

"Snow Maiden Competition"

Women are participating. Their task is to build a sandwich from what is on the table and feed it to any man. The winner is the one whose product is eaten the fastest.

Competition "Snowman"

Teams of two people participate. Each team is given three inflated balloons, a marker, and tape. The task is to glue a snowman. The main condition is that you need to put one hand behind your back.

Comic New Year's quiz

  1. On what night does the longest borola grow? (to polar)
  2. When does a person have as many eyes as there are days in a year? (January 2)
  3. A legal reason to hug your neighbor's wife on New Year's Eve? (dance)
  4. The most famous New Year's sculpture made from natural material (snowman)
  5. In which month do women talk less? (in February)
  6. The main competitor for women at the New Year's ball (Christmas tree)
  7. New Year's lighter (fireworks)
  8. New Year's ball for those who like to hide (masquerade)
  9. How can you turn Baba Yaga into Vasilisa the Beautiful? (cosmetics)

Original script for New Year's corporate evening.

Element - fire. Color - red.

Scenario for New Year's corporate party: introductory remarks by the host

OPENING REMARKS BY THE HOST: This year is worth devoting to yourself, spending time, money and attention only on yourself and not chasing anyone.

For example, when entering a new home, the Slavs usually let a live rooster into the room, not a cat.

It is advisable to do this.

This is one of the most ancient creatures, the only bird in the horoscope that combines the 5 most significant positive qualities: Military courage. Loyalty. Bravery. Generosity. Nobility.

Let today's competitions take place under these signs - Military courage. Loyalty. Bravery. Generosity. Nobility.
Let our men demonstrate military courage. Bravery. Generosity, and women - Loyalty and Nobility.
And not just today. And not only this Year.
This year you should pay attention to yourself, spend time, money and only on yourself and not chase after anyone.

New Year's corporate party scenario: division into two teams and choosing team names

Divide into two teams - KOKe(rooster in Japanese) and QiQi(rooster in Chinese). Along the long table. The first team is the one on the left, the second team is the one on the right.

  1. The rooster is ready for a fight in any case of intrusion into its territory or sphere of influence. Armwrestling
  2. When the Rooster is upset, those around him can expect a blow with his “beak”! A battle on wooden rapiers between women. A battle on wooden rapiers in a female-male pair. The vanquished hug and kiss
  3. The rooster is always the head of a large family! Or always strives to have one. Find out which of those present has the largest family. Give a prize - a ROOSTER.
  4. The rooster has many children (chicks). Find out who has a photo of a chicken (child) in their wallet. Give a prize.
  5. The Rooster is a good family man - caring, serious, responsible. Remember an incident at work when one of your co-workers took care of another. Prepare two prizes and give for the best story to the one who cares most often.
  6. Only he (or she, if the Rooster is she) knows what needs to be done for the family to live in abundance. A piece of paper is passed around in a circle. Where advice is written down - what needs to be done for the family to live in abundance - the last one wins. The entire list is announced loudly.
  7. The rooster carefully monitors order in the chicken coop. By this time, a lot has already been drunk and eaten. Select two people from each team. They receive an unspoken task to observe who has the neatest “eater” at the table. Explain in detail. Give a prize.
  8. It's sad, but the Rooster can have more than one favorite hen! The rooster loves to be the only one for several hens at once, and this may clearly not please the fairer sex.
  9. Pre-prepared participants perform Masha Rasputina’s song “ Divorce«.

  1. The Rooster is conservative. We all know that “conservative” comes from the word “canned.” Let the men open the cans. Who can open canned food faster and more beautifully?
  2. The rooster works all day to get food. Reward those who set the festive tables. Give prizes by name - cockerels.
  3. Roosters are successful top-level organizers: directors, businessmen, career military personnel, as well as general teachers. A competition for general teachers - first ask those present who does not understand what word, and then invite others present to explain their meaning. The winner is the most intelligent explainer.
  4. The Rooster believes that gifts should be useful (this should not be stated at the beginning). Teams must tell who gave what to the children for New Year - the most practical gift wins.

Scenes for the New Year

  • You can and should purchase any equipment, especially if it is a new development.— Make a list of necessary office equipment for management in the new year. The winner is the one whose list is better justified and whose request the management promises to fulfill.
  • Monogamy in family life. — List all the advantages of a monogamous life, a life without betrayal. The most faithful woman wins. Because she speaks more than others and knows exactly these advantages.
  • The ability to control oneself. A moment of complete silence is announced. Everyone literally pulls themselves together. The team whose members are the first to break the silence loses.
  • Look for reasons for self-realization. List who worked on what other jobs - read the list not personally, but from the team, one by one. The team with the longest list wins.
  • Completely isolate yourself from flattery. — Choose one member from the team and say pleasant, flattering words to him. The most unperturbed one wins.
  • Be in noisy companies as often as possible. It is necessary to create as much noise as possible. The loudest team wins. The noise is created by the call signs KOKe and Tsitsi.
  • The ability to listen to your inner voice. Show three hieroglyphs and ask: “Which one means ROOSTER?” The correct answer is the same hieroglyph.

Games, riddles for the New Year

(always extravagant and extraordinary)

  • Fold the “Rooster” puzzle in a certain time – 12 minutes. The winner is the team that completes the “Rooster” puzzle the fastest or most of it in 12 minutes.
  • Draw a rooster with a few strokes, looking at the watercolor. The most accurate and similar drawing wins.
  • Fire Rooster in verse. Guess the last rhyme.

I am stronger than everyone in the world,
I'm braver than anyone in the world,
I'm not afraid of anyone
I will not submit to anyone.

A red animal sits in the oven,
He eats wood out of anger,
A whole hour, or maybe two,
Don't touch him with your hand,
Bites the whole (palm).

He's ready for lunch.
You see: how many languages!
Quickly eats wood in the stove,
Heating the bricks.
Don't touch him with your hand:
Can bite (fire)

Red Cat
The tree is gnawing
The tree is gnawing
Lives happily.

And he will drink water,
He will hiss and die.
Don't touch him with your hand -
This red cat (fire)

You can't sniff and pick
This flower is scarlet.
Sometimes he is big, big,
It can be very small.

And he doesn't drink water at all,
And if he drinks, he will (die)

Video: Cool New Year's competitions