May Teresa. Biography. Theresa May's style: how the British Prime Minister dresses

Many serious publications draw parallels between Theresa May's tough political style, integrity, ability to defend her position in disputes - and extravagant shoes. The headlines are full of definitions: “bold style”, “tough politician in heels”. But the quintessence of these arguments is the front page of the tabloid The Sun with the headline “Heel, boys!”

I liked the definition of “fashion for intellectual style” better strong women". By the way, here there is an interesting discussion about this under the heading “Style or sexism?” “Sometimes clothing is a way to demonstrate political messages,” says one of the experts in the text (but we have known about this for a long time;).

This is what they write about her political views:
- Theresa May was a moderate opponent of Brexit
- advocated reducing the number of migrants in the country
- advocated the legalization of gay marriage (in the early 2000s she was against the adoption of children by gay couples, but later changed her point of view)
- advocated for women's rights
- voted in the House of Commons for the British invasion of Iraq
- and was against the ban on smoking in public places

“But her main political trait was inflexibility,” writes the BBC. “For 17 years now, she has been one of the few women in the leadership of the Conservative Party, and she has always been known for her direct and impartial statements regarding her fellow party members. In 2002, speaking to delegates to the party congress, she told them: “You know what people say about us - they call us the ‘evil party.’” And there: “her - often harsh - statements were popular with voters, despite that the ministry's achievements were not always impressive."

Theresa May herself commented on her style in :

“As a woman, I understand perfectly well that you can be a serious specialist in modest clothes and worn-out shoes. However, I always say: be yourself and don’t feel obligated to fit into someone else’s stereotypes. If your personality finds outward expression in clothes and shoes, don’t be shy about it.”

DW refers to the results of a survey by the ICM Research Institute, which show that Theresa May is quite popular among the population. As follows from the results of the study, "she by a large margin perceived as the most competent candidate. Both among men and women, representatives of all religions of the country and among supporters and members of all parties." "Vzglyad" cites opinion poll data from SkyNews, according to which Theresa May in early July (that is, exactly before she became prime minister) 62% of Britons supported.

How do you like the British Prime Minister? What associations does her image evoke? What would you think of this woman without knowing anything about her? And how would you translate this message in the context of political image?

Posts about the personal style of other political leaders and first ladies:

Angela Merkel's style (but it will be great if someone puts together a full post;)

Theresa May is the new “Iron Lady” of Great Britain, who made history as the second woman to take the post of Prime Minister of the country after. She is known for her cool and tough politics, which allowed her to build a successful political career and gain the support of the British people during a time of national change in the country associated with Britain's exit from the EU.

Theresa Mary May (nee Braiser) was born on October 1, 1956 in Eastbourne, Sussex, in the family of the priest Hubert Braiser. She received her primary education in two schools at once - a state school and a parish school, from which she graduated with honors. After graduating from school, the future politician entered Oxford at the Faculty of Geography, from which she graduated in 1977 with a bachelor's degree.

Theresa May's career began with the Bank of England, where she worked as a financial consultant. Almost 10 years later, the career of the future politician took off - she went to work at the clearing company APACS, where she rose from a simple analyst to a senior international advisor.


Theresa May's political biography began in the early 80s. Over the course of several years, the future Prime Minister of Great Britain managed to create the initial image of a politician and become a member of the local government of the borough of Merton. There she headed the education commission.

Since 1992, Theresa May began to make her way into the British Parliament - she unsuccessfully took part in elections several times, but was elected to the House of Commons only in 1997. Since then, she has held various minor positions in the Conservative government, and in 2002 became the first female chairman of the Conservative Party.

Dealing with the technical support for the functioning of the Conservatives, the future Prime Minister of Britain was simultaneously the shadow minister of transport and food, and also headed the ministries of sports, media, culture, pensions and labor. In 2005, May was elected shadow leader of the House of Commons, where she remained until 2010.

With the coming to power of former British Prime Minister Theresa May, she was appointed head of the country's Ministry of Internal Affairs and received the portfolio of Minister for Equality and Women. In these high positions, she proved herself to be a tough and cold-blooded politician, advocating the invasion of Iraq and granting equal rights to same-sex couples.

In addition, Theresa May was one of the few political opponents of the adoption of laws on further integration of Great Britain into the EU, to combat climate change, and also opposed the ban on smoking in public places.

Prime Minister of Great Britain

Theresa May reached political Olympus after the referendum in Britain on the country's exit from the EU. She opposed Brexit and supported Cameron, who opposed national changes in the country. Nevertheless, after Cameron's resignation, she nominated herself for the post of head of the Conservative Party and, accordingly, for the post of Prime Minister of Britain.

At the first stage of the election for the new leader of the Conservative Party, May became the favorite in the race and received 165 votes from parliamentarians. As a result, on July 11, 2016, she was elected head of the Conservative Party and became the only candidate for prime minister.

On July 13, 2016, British Queen Theresa May became Prime Minister of the country. In the post entrusted to her, the politician promised to continue the policies of David Cameron in the country and preserve the unity of the British people by restoring social justice in the country.

During my own election campaign, which took place before the famous referendum on Brexit (Great Britain’s exit from the European Union), and after the referendum the victory went to Eurosceptics, Theresa May submitted to the people’s will and the procedure for leaving the EU.

On March 29, 2017, the head of the European Council, Donald Tusk, received official letter, in which the UK notified the European Union that it was no longer part of it. In addition, the British demanded the return, according to various estimates, of $9 billion to $10 billion of British assets stored in the European Investment Bank.

Personal life

Theresa May's personal life is no less successful than her political career. Back in 1980, she met the love of her life, who became Philip John May. The new British Prime Minister has been married to her husband for more than 35 years, although the couple has no children.

It is known that Theresa May has certain health problems - she was diagnosed with diabetes Type I, which provides regular support of the body with insulin.

The British media has called Theresa May the most glamorous politician in the House of Commons due to her love of designer clothes and shoes. The fashionable looks of this petite woman (the Prime Minister's height is 172 cm) have repeatedly been subject to noisy criticism, since society considers it unacceptable for a politician to appear at business events in inappropriate outfits with a deep neckline.

Theresa May now

In April 2017, Theresa May announced that early parliamentary elections would be held in the UK in June of that year. The Prime Minister justified this decision by the fact that the UK’s upcoming exit from the European Union is a complex procedure that will require the country to have a strong and coherent government that has a common opinion on Brexit.

In a special speech on this occasion, the British Prime Minister reminded residents that the country faces a struggle not just for names and nominal agreements, but for control over its own borders, currency, laws and economic choices.

As a result of the re-election, Theresa May was re-elected to parliament, in addition, the Conservative Party was in the lead in the fight for an absolute majority of seats in parliament, but in the end no party received an impressive advantage, and the Conservatives gained only just over 50%.

Because of this, a situation has developed that is called a “hung” parliament. Theresa May had to ask permission to form a new cabinet, which turned out to be a difficult process for creating a coalition of parties. Because of this, in 2017, rumors appeared about the imminent resignation of the prime minister, but this information was not confirmed.

After confirming its exit from the European Union, the UK began to improve relations both with former fellow members of the Union and with external countries. The prime minister became the first foreign leader to make an official visit to the United States since taking office as president.

In February 2018, Theresa May visited China and met with. The Prime Minister told the press that a “golden era” had begun in relations between China and Great Britain.

Also in February 2018, May met with the Chancellor of Germany. The main topic During the negotiations, the Europeans and British were interested in the exit of Great Britain from the EU countries. But in addition, the leaders also discussed security issues, as well as trade deals.

Awards and achievements

  • 2002 - Became the first female chairman of the Conservative Party
  • 2010 – received the position of Minister of the Interior and Minister for Women and Equality
  • 2017 - ranked second in the list of the most influential women in the world according to Forbes magazine
  • 2017 - became the most popular British prime minister in 40 years

IN present time“Iron Lady II” Theresa May has been compared to German Chancellor Angela Merkel. Its influence on political and economic processes in Great Britain is undeniable. Having taken her place as the first figure of the executive power of Foggy Albion, T. May came under the close attention of the world community. Who is Theresa May? You can learn her biography, place in the UK government structure and her political views from this article.

Theresa May biography

Teresa was born on October 1, 1956. in Eastbourne, located in the south of Great Britain. The family of the current Prime Minister belonged to the “below middle” class. Her mother, Zadie Bracer, was a housewife, and her father, Huber Bracer, served as a vicar in the local Anglican Church.

May received her first education at a school operating at a local Catholic monastery. After completing her primary secondary education, Theresa moved to a comprehensive school in Wheatley.

At that time she willingly took part in public life- played roles in plays at the local church parish, and on weekends worked in a bakery to earn her first personal money.

College studies

Immediately after graduating from secondary school, Teresa went to get knowledge in the city of Oxford, where she entered the University of St. Hughes. There she met her future husband, Philip, who was then president of the Oxford Union.

If for many Teresa’s current high status is unexpected, then May herself has been working towards this all her life. Teresa's university friends recall that even then she had the idea of ​​going into politics. However, Theresa May cannot be called a careerist or a bore. During her youth, she led an active life in secular society.

Start of a career path

Immediately after graduating from university, May began working at the Bank of England, where she took a position as a financial consultant. A little later, she headed an entire department dealing with interaction with European banks.

In 1980, Teresa married Philip. However, this time is more associated with tragic events. In 1981, T. May’s father dies in a car accident, and a couple of months later his mother dies, which became a difficult psychological test for the future Prime Minister.

Theresa May photo taken at Theresa's wedding on September 6, 1980

Despite her rapid career growth at the Central Bank of England, Teresa believed that her true calling was politics. Therefore, in 1986, she decided to become a deputy on the south London district council, where she was elected to the position. After working there for 6 years, Teresa gained enormous experience and felt the strength to continue her ascent to the political Olympus of Great Britain.

Already in 1992, May decided to run for the British Parliament. However, her first attempt failed. But being persistent enough, Teresa submitted her candidacy for the new elections, which took place 6 years later, and finally achieved her primary goal - she was elected to the House of Commons of the British Parliament.

From this moment on, Theresa May finally received a ticket to big politics in Great Britain, starting new stage in his dizzying career.

Beginnings in big politics

In 1999, Teresa took a position in the opposition body called the “shadow cabinet of ministers”, in other words, she took a position in the opposition government, receiving the chair of the “shadow” minister in the field of education. A few years later, Teresa became the leader of the Conservative Party, taking the place of its chairman.

Teresa's next appointment came in 2003, when she was appointed to the post of Minister of Transport ("shadow cabinet"). At the same time, she became a consultant to Her Highness from the opposition. A year later, May headed the “shadow ministry” in the field of media, sports and culture.

In 2005, David Cameron, who served as chairman of the Conservative Party, appointed May as “shadow” leader in the House of Commons.

May with her husband Philip

Coming out of the “shadow”

Real changes in Teresa’s career growth began to occur only in 2010, when she was re-elected to Parliament and at the same time appointed by David Cameron to the post of real British Home Secretary (that is, this time not a “shadow” government, but the one actually ruling the country ).

Teresa held the post of head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for 6 years, which is a record period not only for Great Britain. During her entire tenure, May was never involved in a political scandal.

At the same time, T. May's former colleagues speak of her as an exceptionally honest, insightful and sober-minded politician. Never playing “to the public,” Teresa always keeps her word and follows her previously announced plan. In a life free from politics, she is an ardent feminist, defending women's rights in conservative and often unaccommodating secular Britain.


After supporters of a “united” Europe miserably failed the referendum, failing to keep Great Britain in the EU, David Cameron (former Prime Minister of Great Britain) resigned. He fought against Brexit, and his views on the future of Great Britain were shown to be in direct conflict with the views of the majority of the country.

And most importantly, despite all the forecasts that the position of Prime Minister of the U.K. should be taken by Boris Johnson, the first post in the executive branch was taken by T. May.

British Prime Minister Theresa May

She received the post of leader of the Cabinet of Ministers with the approval of the Queen of Great Britain on July 13, 2016 .

At the same time, T. May received the honor of becoming the second woman in the history of Foggy Albion who has achieved such dizzying heights in the country’s government. The first was the incomparable “Iron Lady” Margaret Thatcher

T. May and her “communist” program

Having spent most of his career in opposition and being an opponent of the main political course previous government, Teresa was more suitable for the position of Prime Minister than anyone else. After all, Brexit brought the opportunity to implement in the country everything that Teresa sought during her opposition activities.

Not much time has passed since Teresa took office. How it will show itself and what it will bring for Great Britain – we will see over time. Now we can only draw conclusions about what awaits Great Britain in the future, based on the political program voiced by T. May.

The new Prime Minister is going to build a new society in the country, the principles of which are justice and solidarity, or, as Teresa herself put it, she will create a “collective society.”

According to Teresa, the first thing that needs to be done for Great Britain is to overcome the division of the country, including reducing the difference between rich and poor.

Most often, ordinary citizens from the “working class” suffer from injustice in Britain. And there are an overwhelming majority of such people in the country. And all these people have to face and put up with the instability of the economy, the labor market and very low quality public services. According to Teresa, Britain has long been demanding global social reforms.

Theresa May at a reception with Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain

Do you agree that we have already heard these words somewhere?! T. May talks about state system which resembles communism. And this is happening in a country that has been a symbol of capitalism for hundreds of years!

For such revolutionary views, T. May causes “shivers” among the capitalist class who rule in this state. In a state that still maintains a monarchy, which naturally contradicts the ideas of building communism.

Today, many say that Teresa thus challenged the queen. After all, the current Prime Minister, with her communist views, has forgotten that she is going to destroy the foundations and principles thanks to which this state was created, including the principle of monarchy.

59-year-old Theresa May will officially become the new Prime Minister of Great Britain on July 13. She is the second woman in the country's history, after Margaret Thatcher, to occupy this position. high post. May graduated from Oxford and worked in banking and government in her youth. In politics - since the mid-90s. In 2010, she became Home Secretary and Minister for Women's Rights and Equality. the site tells you what you need to know about the new heroine of modern politics.

Theresa May

Women's victory

Regardless of whether Theresa May won this election, women would still have won. The second candidate for the country's top job was 53-year-old Andrea Leadsom, deputy minister of the economy. But Theresa May immediately became the leader of the race, and on July 11, her opponent ended the campaign, turning May into the only contender for the post. May supported David Cameron's policies and was against Brexit. Now she is the leader of the Conservative Party and on July 13 Cameron will transfer his powers to her.

new and former prime minister: Theresa May and David Cameron

Theresa May is often compared to Angela Merkel. One of the similarities in the lives of these women is very unusual - they were both born into families of theologians. And while Merkel's father studied theology and was for some time a Lutheran pastor, May's father was a Protestant minister and served as vicar at Wheatley Church near Oxford. Theresa May herself is also an obedient parishioner and attends church every Sunday. At the same time, she supports gender equality and is a supporter of same-sex marriage.

Theresa May got married in 1980. Their marriage to Philip John May will mark 36 years this September. The Prime Minister's husband is an investment banker and is now an employee of the American trust company Capital Group Companies. This couple has no children. Theresa May does not hide that the reason for her childlessness is her health and very much regrets that she was never able to know the joy of motherhood.

Theresa May with her husband Philip John May


In addition to the fact that Theresa May cannot have children, four years ago she learned about another problem. In 2012, she was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. Therefore, she constantly needs to take insulin and be under medical supervision.

Theresa May

Theresa May's relationship with fashion is not the easiest. Although in Britain it is believed that she loves to dress beautifully and fashionably, the politician has several rather major mistakes that the whole world remembers. Mae is especially partial to bright and even eccentric shoes. So, at a party conference she once appeared in leopard-print pumps, which caused heated discussions among colleagues and in the press. And later she appeared at a reception with Queen Elizabeth II in a strange look, including high patent leather boots.

Elizabeth II and Theresa May in those same boots

Elizabeth II and Theresa May

Theresa May's favorite pumps

But still, at serious party congresses, Theresa May prefers strict black or gray suits, and for cocktail and informal events she chooses jackets with geometric prints, and sometimes bright red dresses. The editors of the site propose to consider the most striking images of the woman who will be responsible for British politics in the next few years.

0 July 11, 2016, 10:38 pm

On July 13, the current British Prime Minister David Cameron resigns after the referendum on the United Kingdom leaving the European Union. Let us remind you that the majority of citizens voted in favor of excluding Foggy Albion from the European Union. David Cameron took the opposite position, so he decided to give way to another politician. And today he announced the name of his successor, who became the current British Home Secretary Theresa May. What do we know about her?

The second woman in the history of the country

59-year-old Theresa May will become the second woman in British history to serve as prime minister. Before her, only Margaret Thatcher occupied this chair. In addition, Cameron's successor in 2002 became the first female chairman of the Conservative Party in the country. There is often a comparison in the media between Teresa and another prominent representative of European politics - German Chancellor Angela Merkel. Both women are credited with taking a merciless stance towards migrant workers.

A clergyman's daughter and an Oxford student

Like Angela Merkel's father, Theresa May's parent was versed in matters of theology. The future Prime Minister of Great Britain was born into the family of a Protestant minister in the seaside town of Eastbourne on the south coast of England. She received her education at Oxford University, where she studied geography. Alma mater also gave Teresa a meeting with her future husband. At a modest student disco she met Philip John May. This year their marriage turns 36 years old. The couple has no children.

Philip and Theresa May

Obedient parishioner and supporter of same-sex marriage

Theresa May considers herself a liberal conservative. She supports gender equality and is a supporter of same-sex marriage, although she voted against expanding gay rights in 2002.

Leopard print shoes and patent leather boots for meeting the Queen

The future British Prime Minister is known for her bold footwear choices for official functions. Thus, colleagues in the Conservative Party remembered her leopard-print pumps, which Theresa May wore to one of the annual party conferences. And once she had to curtsey to Queen Elizabeth II and meet the President of Mexico in patent leather boots. She responds to ironic comments from journalists with a smile:

I don't regret my choice of shoes. Good boots should also cope with the role of an icebreaker.

Queen Elizabeth II and Theresa May

Life in the shadows

Theresa May held various minor positions in the shadow Conservative government for many years: she was the shadow minister for transport, food, environment, culture, work and pensions.

Smokers' rights
