Moon growing in Taurus for indoors. Distinctive features of people whose Moon is in Taurus. Moon in the birth horoscope for a man and a woman: Moon in Taurus

>Moon in Taurus

Let us turn our attention to the character of the individual when a person with the Moon in the sign of Taurus is characterized by constancy, which is achieved through guarantees and feelings.

Moon in Taurus according to the horoscope

People with the Moon in Taurus are prone to pragmatism, conservatism and realism. They show patience, hard work, and a sense of beauty and refinement. These are stubborn, self-centered people who are overly cruel in their statements.

They are very sensitive to discomfort and worship comfort. It is difficult for them to adapt to new situations, unplanned changes in life, all this can provoke depression and sudden changes in mood. If a personality develops harmoniously, then balance, calm, and a sense of justice prevail in it.

These are accumulative people who want not only to receive, but also to increase. They are able to experience deep attachments to natural energies and have a persistent, self-possessed character. In addition, they show constancy in their sympathies and affections. It is vital for such people to contemplate beauty, accompanied by wonderful musical accompaniment.

Representatives with the Moon in Taurus have a very developed sense of harmony. One of their main life tasks is to confirm their self-esteem and consolidate reliable forms of existence and development. Initially, they strive to develop the material foundations for a comfortable, comfortable existence.

Moon in Taurus – characteristics of a person

People with the Moon in Taurus have a character that is easy to control. As for their opinions and views, they are constant and stable. Most often these are attractive in appearance, smart, strong and material individuals. They rarely lose their temper, as they have good self-control, but if you anger them, you can expect a relentless and concentrated fight. Their sense of responsibility is well developed. These are economical people, distinguished by some slowness.

Representatives of this group are always persistent, fair and very sensual. If the business promises to be profitable, then they will devote all their strength and capabilities to its implementation. It is very important for them to find the correct and correct use of things, opportunities and abilities.

Positive and negative manifestations of the Moon in Taurus

Thoroughness and reliability are used by these people in their personal sphere, career, and creativity. TO love relationships and they treat the marriage union extremely responsibly. They behave courteously and friendly with their significant other. They suffer due to lack of self-confidence, so they assert themselves through perseverance and effort. When changes occur, they experience a strong internal struggle.

Such people move on to a new project only after completing the old one. Their character is dominated by gentleness, balance, naturalness in behavior and appearance. They achieve emotional balance through have a nice rest and eating delicious food.

Communication with a person with the Moon in Taurus

Such a person is capable of being liked by others. He deserves sympathy due to his soft emotionality. He is easily delighted by the simple joys of life. In friendly relationships, he is not able to maintain loyalty and constancy. He is sensible, practical, intelligent person. His psychological stability directly depends on his level of financial well-being.

Pursuing and seeing financial benefits in the future, such a person will become a faithful, reliable partner. They move towards their goal confidently, calmly and without fuss. He is most comfortable in a familiar, familiar environment; he does not tolerate pressure, haste and fuss. This person prefers a conservative clothing style. He always shows complacency and warmth towards his loved ones. He has well-developed observation, attentiveness, receptivity and prudence.

Representatives of the category with the Moon in Taurus are often in a thoughtful and serious state. They are able to think consistently and intelligently, and have an independent, unbiased point of view. They are always careful and restrained in their actions. They devote a lot of effort to enriching their spiritual and material world. They are always stable in their beliefs, worldviews, and views.

If the Moon is in Taurus, then the person will experience attachment to the hearth and family life. With a well-developed artistic taste, a sense of form and a penchant for singing, it is easy for them to find themselves in the profession of a musician or singer. At the stage of solving domestic, work, and creative issues, these people maintain a sober mind and prudence.

The moon influences all areas of our lives. In a surprising way, its impact even affects our health and mood. It depends on what phase the Moon is in and under the influence of which Zodiac Sign.

In March, the constellation Taurus accompanies the rise of the Moon for two days. March 12 and 13, 2016 will be held under the auspices of this Zodiac Sign. Remember that Taurus is focused on material values ​​and tangible actions, but increased energy leaves its mark on this combination. To understand what to expect from lunar Taurus, it is necessary to compare the influence of the Moon on March 12 and 13, and the character traits that it will strengthen in all of us thanks to this constellation.

Waxing Crescent

During the Waxing Moon, people are full of energy and are on an emotional high, thanks to which things are resolved easily. Everyone can achieve success in everything, and the energy is steadily increasing.

During such a period it is always favorable to make plans for the future. Energy also manifests itself physically. For example, playing sports will be beneficial, even beyond measure. This even manifests itself in dating, which more often ends in success than failure. Therefore, it is easier to set up on the Waxing Moon personal life and acquire new business partners.

Taurus influence

- This is a sign of constancy and financial stability. Taurus and the Waxing Moon combine beautifully, making March 12th and March 13th favorable this month. When the Moon is in Taurus, not only financial but also household affairs are considered very promising. Cleaning the apartment and putting things in order will be an excellent choice for housewives.

Taurus is also good in love. Try to organize romantic dates on such days, as they will only have positive consequences. The main emphasis should be placed on mutual understanding and closeness of souls. It is worth noting that these days are good for love confessions and conception.

Negative influence Taurus is an increase in laziness and slowness, but this can be easily dealt with, so this effect cannot be considered dangerous. Just try to find motivation for yourself so that mid-March does not turn into a struggle with procrastination and routine for you.

Astrologers advise being lazy as little as possible in order to have more rest in the future, when the days are no longer so favorable. Do what you love without forgetting about your work and home responsibilities. Tell people only the truth - it will bring you closer even to enemies and haters.

The waxing Moon in Taurus means the beautiful days of March 2016, which represent... shining example the positive influence of the Moon and stars, as well as their best combination. Act under the auspices of the lunar Taurus and do not forget to press the buttons and

12.03.2016 01:00

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Moon in Taurus increases the tendency towards thoroughness, prudence and leisurely behavior. In behavior, one can observe frugality, the instinct of accumulation, attentive attitude to one’s own resources (property, finances, etc.), as well as stubbornness, conservatism, and distrust of everything new and untested.

Recommended: strengthen your social and financial situation, make investments. Favorable for physical work with soil and plants (including in a summer cottage). It's good to get out into nature. You can use this time to buy beautiful or durable, reliable things for long-term use, for example, furniture, real estate.

Not recommended: surgical intervention in the area of ​​the throat, nose, ear, neck, larynx, trachea, frontal sinuses, thyroid gland. It is also better to postpone matters that require quick reaction and intelligence. In damp, cold weather, take care of your neck and ears - do not leave them unattended.


When Moon in Taurus, our perception becomes somewhat slower, and our emotions become stable and balanced. We are at peace with everyone around us, we feel harmony with nature. Wonderful days for love dates! It’s just better to spend them not in noisy places, but in a comfortable, relaxing environment.

Days Moons in Taurus- time for homebodies and gourmets. It’s so nice to sit by the fireplace, have a delicious dinner and forget about all your worries and worries. Isn't this bliss? Better days for all sensual pleasures! But there is also danger (and for some joy, depending on how you look at it): the days of growing Moons in Taurus- the best time to conceive a child, of course, if the lunar rhythms do not contradict yours.

Taurus- a sign of reliability, stability, material accumulation. The thinking of many people Moon in Taurus becomes more clear, thorough, but at the same time down-to-earth and slow.

The negative influence of the Moon during this period is reflected in increased laziness and inertia. You should not do anything that requires a quick reaction. A bad period for working with fire, metals, and dangerous tools.

Impact on those born

If in your natal chart Moon in Taurus- then your feelings depend on the physical senses and you trust them. However, from time to time you forget that you have a sixth sense.

You need to remember that your artistic nature has given you an innate intuition that should be used one hundred percent.

Women in the card Moon in Taurus gives an exaggeration of traditional feminine values. For a man, the ideal woman would be faithful and sensual, with a strong attachment to the family hearth.

Lunar horoscope of health and beauty

During this period, the throat and entire body become vulnerable. endocrine system. Should be avoided surgical operations in area lower jaw, neck and throat, trachea and thyroid gland. If you carry out morphoscopic correction of the body, then in general you should ensure that the part of the body that is being corrected does not correspond to the sign in which the Moon is located. So, if Moon in Taurus, moles cannot be removed from the neck. At this time, operations and procedures related to the genital organs are indicated.

When Moon is in Corpuscle, the throat is very congested, in addition, a person becomes more sensitive to food. Therefore, you need to follow a diet, but fasting is not recommended. If you begin to inhale and gargle these days, your throat will become significantly stronger.

Lunar calendar for working in the garden, at the dacha

Taurus(element of Earth, ruled by Venus) - a wet, fertile sign. Whatever you plant or sow at this time will develop well, be of excellent quality and be stored for a long time.

When Moon follows the sign Taurus, the seeds sit on the ground for a long time, but then they give very friendly shoots, the plants tolerate temperature changes well and have increased winter hardiness, produce many shoots, bloom for a long time and beautifully, are distinguished by a strong root system and good yield.

You can safely plant and sow any crops: potatoes, carrots, onions, garlic, legumes, radishes, winter radishes, cabbage, beets, parsley, dill, celery, pear, serviceberry, sea buckthorn, plum, apple tree, rose hips and honeysuckle. This time is most favorable for sowing and planting root crops, bulbs and legumes.

Planting and replanting all plants, as well as grafting and pruning trees and shrubs to enhance shoot growth will be successful. Seedlings and seedlings quickly take root and grow well. Fruits, berries and vegetables picked at this time, as well as mushrooms, are very good for all kinds of preparations for the winter.

Wonderful days for haymaking and tillage. But it’s better to refrain from weeding, especially when waxing moon. Moon in Taurus patronizes bulbous flowers - gladioli, tulips, daffodils. Bouquets cut these days will delight you for a long time.

The Moon in Taurus is one of the most harmonious astrological combinations. Moon representing water principle, feels comfortable in an earth sign, and thanks to this, her qualities manifest themselves freely and fully.

general characteristics

The Moon, being in the sign of Taurus, acquires a craving for constancy, regularity, coziness, stability and comfort in life. She becomes very practical and economical; it is important for her to get a concrete result from her activities. People with such a Moon are ready to work tirelessly in order to feel confidence and solid support under their feet. To feel comfortable and full of life, they need to have housing, a strong family and good material income.

Lunar Taurus restore their strength well at the dacha. Interaction with nature and the elements of the earth gives them strength and energy, gives them confidence and sets them up for a calm, measured rhythm of life, ensuring the systematic and gradual achievement of earthly goals.

People who have in their natal chart The Moon in the sign of Taurus is distinguished by the following characteristics of character and behavior:

  • Gentle and caring character;
  • Peacefulness, calmness and tolerance towards others;
  • Striving for harmony and love of creativity;
  • Practical, hard working, excellent business acumen;
  • Love and affection for home, family, parents and children;
  • Ability to create a comfortable and safe environment;
  • The desire for prosperity and stability in life.

Since the Moon in Taurus is very thrifty, its owner’s body tends not only to process food, but also to accumulate nutrients. Therefore, people with the Moon in Taurus often suffer from excess weight. Controlling your weight, following a diet and maintaining a sufficient level of physical activity will help improve the health and well-being of such people.

They should also pay close attention to the throat and neck, as these areas are the anatomical projections of the Taurus sign. Taurus Moons are advised to keep their throats warm and not overwork their vocal cords.