Anti-tick drops for cats otoferonol. Otoferonol gold ear drops for mites and inflammation. Contraindications for use

Otoferonol Premium contains permethrin (0.2%), dexamethasone phosphate disodium salt (0.05%), dimexide (dimethyl sulfoxide), glycerin, cosmetic fragrance according to TU 16-18-121-90 and isopropyl alcohol.


Otoferonol Premium has a contact-intestinal acaricidal effect and is active against sarcoptic mites - the causative agents of otodectosis in dogs and cats. The auxiliary components included in the drug have an antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect, activate regeneration processes in tissues.

Indications for use

Otoferonol Premium - medicine, intended for the treatment of otodectosis in dogs and cats.

Dosage and method of administration

Otoferonol Premium is used to treat dogs and cats with otodectosis (ear scabies). Before treatment, carefully clean the ears from surface crusts and scabs with a swab moistened with the drug, and then drop 3-5 drops of the drug into each ear with a pipette (for cats, small dogs - 3 drops, medium dogs - 4 drops and large dogs- 5 drops each). In order to more completely treat the entire surface of the ear and ear canal, the auricle is folded in half lengthwise and its base is lightly massaged. Treatment is carried out twice with a 5-7 day interval. If necessary, treatment is repeated. The drug must be administered into both ears, even in cases of otodectosis affecting only one ear.

Side effects


Not installed

Release form

Otoferonol Premium is produced in the form of a solution, packaged in 10 cm 3 or 15 cm 3 in polymer or 5 cm 3 in glass bottles, sealed with dropper caps or rubber stoppers, rolled aluminum caps

Essentially, they are all somewhat similar. Identical instructions for use, scope, etc. But Otoferonol Gold is slightly different from them. And the important difference is the price.


Main active ingredients The drug contains deltamethrin, cycloferon and propolis extract, which takes up the lion's share. The excipients in Otoferonol Gold are isopropyl alcohol, polyethylene oxide 400 and distilled water.

Propolis also has an anesthetic effect. In combination with cycloferon, they reduce inflammation, relieve pain, and stimulate the restoration of damaged epidermal cells.

The remaining components also contribute to a faster and gentler recovery of a dog with otitis media.


This drug was developed not only for treatment, but also for prevention ear diseases. If there is a suspicion (small wounds, pet behavior) that otodectosis will appear in the future, then preventive treatment can be performed. Also, pet owners often use it to simply clean their ears.

Before the procedure begins, the ear canals are well cleaned. Remove dirt and earwax. Then each ear is treated by instilling 3-5 drops of solution into it.

The number of drops directly depends on the size of the pet. Yes, for:

  1. Small dogs and cats are allowed no more than 3 drops.
  2. Representatives of the middle class – 4 drops.
  3. Large pets – 5 drops.

The course of treatment is approximately a week. It is allowed to retreat for plus or minus 2-3 days.

After instillation of the solution, to obtain best result the ears need to be massaged.

If 10 days are not enough for complete cure sick pet, then the course is extended, but after a week's break.

It is worth noting that if only one ear is affected, Otoferonol Gold must also be instilled into the healthy ear cavity. Basically, almost like any other ear drops from otitis.

The container for storing the solution, after it has been used up or the expiration date has expired, is unsuitable for storing any materials or other medications in it. The bottle and paper container need to be disposed of. In some special measures does not require disposal.

It is advisable to wear rubber gloves when handling the bottle and the affected area of ​​your pet’s ear. After the procedure is completed, they are disposed of. Hands are washed in warm water with soap (preferably laundry soap).


As with all ear drops described above (Oricin, Aurcan and Surolan), a contraindication to treatment is damage to the eardrum. Also, it should not be used on pregnant or lactating individuals.

It is also undesirable to treat puppies and kittens under two months of age with this drug.


Store the medicine in a tightly closed bottle, placed in the manufacturer's cardboard container. The place should be isolated from children and direct sun rays. Storage temperature 5-25 C. If all storage rules are followed, the product's shelf life is two years.

> Otoferonol (ear drops)

The information posted on this page is for informational purposes only and cannot be used for self-medication!
Before using medications, consultation with a specialist is MANDATORY!

Short description: Otoferonol is an anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial drug intended for the treatment of otodectosis in cats and dogs. It is active against sarcoptic mites – the causative agents of “ear scabies” in animals. It also has antifungal and antibacterial effects, enhances tissue regeneration processes, and relieves itching. It has a detrimental effect on ticks when they swallow the components of the drug or through direct contact. It is practically not absorbed by the skin, acting only locally.

For whom: used in the treatment of ear scabies in cats and dogs.

Leave form: Otoferonol in the form of a solution of 10 or 15 ml is packaged in bottles made of polymer material, equipped with built-in dropper dispensers. 5 ml solution is poured into glass bottles, which are sealed with rubber stoppers with protective metal caps. The bottle, equipped with instructions for use, is placed in cardboard box.

Dosage and method of application: It is recommended to first clean your pet’s ears from dirt, crusts and scabs using a cotton swab moistened with Otoferonol solution. After this, the drug is instilled into each ear (even if only one auditory canal is affected by otodectosis). Instillation is carried out using a dropper already built into the bottle, or a pipette purchased separately. For small dogs and cats of any breed, 3 drops are enough, for medium dogs, 4 drops should be placed in each ear, for large dogs, 5 drops. For the best distribution of the drug, immediately after instillation, it is recommended to fold the animal’s ear and gently massage it at the base. For a lasting anti-tick effect, it is recommended to treat the animal’s ears with the medicine twice. The second treatment is carried out after 5-7 days. If the desired effect does not occur and the animal continues to be bothered by ear itching, the treatment can be repeated. It is recommended to further consult with your veterinarian.

Restrictions: the drug is not indicated for use in case of individual intolerance in an animal. In case of hypersensitivity, it can cause short-term irritation of the skin in the ear canal area and increased itching. These reactions stop on their own within a few minutes. The drug is low-hazard and in recommended doses does not cause a toxic or sensitizing effect. The drug is toxic to bees and fish.

How often should a cat's ears be cleaned? All owners answer this question differently. For some, cleaning once a week is enough, but for others, cleaning 3 times a week is not enough. Pets constantly develop dirty plaque inside the ear. This is an ear mite or otodectosis. A dangerous microbial disease that can lead to partial or complete deafness.

Today in veterinary medicine there are many drugs designed to combat ear mites. The most commonly used are considered Otoferonol Gold and Otoferonol Premium, ear drops.


Otoferonol Gold and Otoferonol Premium- anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial drugs made in the form of drops. They provide negative impact on sarcoptic mites, actively blocking the spread of harmful organisms. Has antifungal medicinal properties, relieves the infected animal from itching and irritation. It practically does not enter the bloodstream, is not absorbed by the skin, and has a local effect.

In veterinary medicine it is used to treat otodectosis and excrete ear mites from the body of dogs and cats.

Composition of Otoferonol Gold

The composition of the medicine includes the following active substances:, How:

  1. Deltamethrin.
  2. Cycloferon.
  3. Propolis (extract).

Besides active substances, contained in Otoferonol Gold includes auxiliary components:

  1. Isopropyl alcohol.
  2. Polyethylene oxide 400.

The active substances included in the ear drops make it possible to relieve the animal from discomfort. Upon absorption of the medicine or direct contact, the tick dies. Auxiliary components are responsible for the speedy healing of scratches and the removal of waste from ear mites.

Composition of Otoferonol Premium

The composition of this drug includes active substances:

  1. Permethrin.
  2. Dexamethasone phosphate disodium salt.
  3. Dimexide.

Excipients included in the medication:

  1. Glycerol.
  2. Cosmetic fragrance.
  3. Isopropyl alcohol.

The active substances of the drug have acaricidal properties, having a detrimental effect on the causative agents of otodectosis. Excipients quickly regenerate affected areas of the skin.

It is important to know that the drug is non-toxic for external use. It does not cause irritation or burns. But if the medication gets inside the body, nausea and vomiting may occur, since some active ingredients have a detrimental effect on internal organs and can be hazardous to the health of pets.

Release form

Otoferonol Gold They are produced in small plastic transparent bottles, the top of which is crowned with a special tip. Available in the form of ear drops. This is made for ease of use so that you do not have to purchase auxiliary tools, for example, a pipette. Packed in a cardboard box. Shelf life is no more than 24 months. Instructions for use are included.

Otoferonol Premium packaged in glass bottles with a volume of 5 cubic cm, 10 cubic cm and 15 cubic cm. Available in the form of ear drops. The bottle is equipped with a special dropper tip, or hermetically sealed with a rubber stopper. The shelf life of this medication is 2 years. Instructions for use are included.

As mentioned earlier, the main reason for the appointment is considered to be presence of ear mites in the animal's ears. This dangerous disease, transmitted to a healthy animal from a sick one. It is not difficult to recognize the disease. When a tick gets into the ear of a dog or cat, the animal begins to feel itching. It's all about the reaction of the infected animal to the bites and waste of ear mites. The animal begins to scratch sore ear, often tilting your head.

During the initial inspection, specialists notice a dirty coating in auricle, if necessary, confirmatory tests are done and Otoferonol Gold or Otoferonol Premium are prescribed in the form of ear drops.

Otoferonol Gold: instructions for use

For both drugs, Otoferonol Gold and Otoferonol Premium, there are a number of mandatory rules that every owner of a dog or cat must follow. Step-by-step instruction for the use of Otoferonol Gold and Otoferonol Premium:

  • Before using the drug, it is necessary to prepare the animal for the procedure. The pet is calmed, then the affected area is cleaned. It is necessary to remove wax and dirty plaque from the ears, massage the bases of the ears for better absorption of the drug.
  • The bottle must be shaken several times. Take the animal in your arms, pull back the ear a little and drip 3-5 drops. Both ears need to be treated at once.
  • The drug must be at room temperature. If the product is cold, warm it up a little in a water bath.
  • It should be remembered that if the medicine gets into the ear affected by mites, the animal may experience a burning sensation. Therefore, the animal will need to be held in your arms for some time to avoid the drug leaking out of the ears.

If the owner does not have experience in cleaning ears, it is necessary to seek help from a specialist, since an inexperienced owner can damage the animal’s eardrum.

Contraindications and side effects

Like all antimicrobial drugs, these medications have contraindications. Do not prescribe drugs to animals:

With a correct diagnosis and correct dosage side effects not detected.


Medicine for the treatment and prevention of otodectosis

The drug is equally effective for both dogs and cats. It has passed all the necessary clinical trials, so you can rest assured of its effectiveness and safety. With Otoferonol Gold drops, your inquisitive four-legged friend will no longer be afraid of toothy spring mites and other unpleasant ear infections.

Advantages of the drug "Otoferonol Gold"

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